I don’t generally just reprint press releases, but this one seems significant enough.
Hugh Spitzer is one of WA’s most respected attorneys, and a professor of constitutional and government law at the University of Washington. He’s not one to make rash statements, and he’s not easily persuaded to speak out… God knows I’ve tried. So when Spitzer says there’s a big problem with I-933, you damn well better believe that he damn well believes that there’s a problem.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006I-933 Would Affect Personal Property Too
New Report Finds Claims Possible on Everything From Pets to PlumbersSeattle, WA
Reading the 3rd part of the Post INtelligencer series on environmetnal degredation of the Puget Sound and efforts to save it, it dawned on my that I-933 could cripple efforts to save the Sound. We just dont have enough money to pay people not to over use Sound-damaging harmful chemicals.
It seems that simple.
As we continue to state:
If you want our personal property, it is real simple to understand, unless you got your head where the sun don’t shine.
It’s real real real simple…
Looks like 933 would pretty much include everything, including the kitchen sink, if it was supposed to be for farmers, they should have written it that way.
Even the Yakima Herald editorialized against it today – http://www.yakima-herald.com/p.....8933909466 They called it the “Lawyer relief act of 2006”
Reminds me of the CAO, it took almost everything!
Of course it did NOT lower anyone’s property taxes one cent, after taking 65% of their property!
Oh and I do have a farm!
Oh and I AM voting Yes on I933
You have a farm, you still have a farm.
You do not have property to make subdivisions out of your farm.
Zoom in son, it’s the world’s smallest violin.
Watch your land value decline as I-933 turns the state into another New Jersey–wanton uncontrolled growth, polluted waters, eyesores everywhere you turn, stench in the air . . . You selfish, shortsighted bastards wouldn’t recognize true self-interest if it was fucking you in the ass.
Poor GS. Wants to sell out, and he can’t. Wants to see his precious inheirited farmland turned into more republican starter mansions. Wah wah wah. How about you pay me back my tax dollars that went for farm subsidies and the huge break on property tax that farmers get (they typically pay only 1% of what the rest of us pay), GS, and I’ll consider you’re girly little cries of unfairness.
Please note that the Yakima Herald Republic (in a very good editorial) also called for a re-visiting of the Growth Management Act, and was actually somewhat hard on some of the enforcement of it. Had the Dem. controlled legislature been more attentive, this initiative would not have gained the traction it has (seems funny after Oregon passed I37, how much more of a hint do you need?). Throw in the Mr. Sims King County CAO debacle, and henceforth you have I933. I think it is somewhat severe, but important to alot of people, especially rural landowners (contrary to anti I933 spin, most farmers support it). I don’t see it passing, however, giving the next state session a chance to re-write the GMA for a more equitable set of laws. This will give the D’s an opportunity to correct some overly harsh aspects of the current set of regulations, and gain credit in the rural areas of our state. If they pass on the chance, I’m sure Gov. Rossi will attend to it in 2009.
Have a nice day, Farmer Fred.
2 GS
You have your land. We communally decide what land uses we will allow. Period.
Hey Daddy Love-
No one “communally decided” to take 65% of his land out of ANY use, even cutting briars. Adolph Sims did it on his own.
Starter Republican mansions? Sounds like a pretty serious case of sour grapes.
10 Observer
What part of “elected representative” don’t you understand?
Motorized watercraft on green lake! Yeah! Seriously, I live near Green Lake and 933 will allow skidoo’s on the lake unless taxpayers can afford to pay for the so-called damage watercraft owners incur by not being able to use their property anywhere they want to.
That does’t make it communal. I just think you like that word because it is so close to your real leanings.
You are clearly a certifiable idiot.
You are a certifiable blister, incapable of independent thought. To the great potluck of life, you fail to bring even a jello dish.
Loud Leftist-
I bring the hot dish. That is a casserole for those of you with no experience in Mid-West American Heartland potlucking. That’s the part of the country that votes American not french. I have yet to see anything more than a “me too” as far as any independent thought goes, dumbass. That last was just to make all you HA losers feel at home with some profanity.
I have 45% of my farm, and I have a vote, which I intend to cast for I933!
Observer needs a hug?
Truth is that hardly anyone in this state is backing 933. They have no in state cash, few endorsers.
Because people who live in this state don’t want to see it jacked up by some selfish neighbor who fills in a wetland that would flood the rest of the neighborhood.
even if you have a wetland, you can still build your property to the fullest zoned capacity, but maybe in a different corner of the lot. Hardly a “taking”.
In actuality the planning that makes that lot desirable (and the infrastructure and the neighborhood) is what is creating the value. Infact without that wetland, the flooding and ugly subdivision will lower property values for the neighborhood.
It isn’t a liberal position to oppose a poorly written initiative. former Gov’s Evans and Spellman opposed it as well.
And I know a thing or two about tator-tot hotdish, eating Ketchup as a vegetable and using cream-of-anything soup as a binder for said hotdish.
Observer @ 16
So, you believe the Midwest maintains “American values,” but the rest of the country does not? Out here in the West, what kind of values do we hold? How about New England? Why don’t you just acknowledge that this country is a big, diverse nation, full of people who hold conflicting values, but all of those values being American values? That would be hard concept for a slow mind like yours to grasp, but you should try. Labeling some parts of the nation as being more “American” than others gets nobody anywhere and reflects a twisted notion of history.
ST. LOUIS – Election officials say hundreds of potentially bogus registration cards, including ones for dead and underage people, were submitted by a branch of a national group that has been criticized in the past for similar offenses. At least 1,500 potentially fraudulent registration cards were turned in by the St. Louis branch of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN……[“Mother Fuck…Hows can that bees? We bees votin Democrat in East St. Louis!”]
Funny.. I was living in Oregon when the initiative this one is modelled after was voted on. Oddly enough.. The same predictions were being made about it as are being made about this. Since that initiative passed.. none of the doom gloom used as scare tactics have occurred. Go figure.
Thanks for interesting reads. Without Ass-doc and his friends, this blog provides some great information. Am still trying to decide on 933, esp. after listening to a rural meeting at Camp River Ranch a couple of weeks ago . . . I was surprised at the taxes some of these people are paying just because they’ve lived on acreage for many,many years. So . . . a lefty here who is still thinking about it.
Take your pick, They all apply to this issue!
Top Web Results for “Thief”
5 results for: Thief
–noun, plural thieves. a person who steals, esp. secretly or without open force; one guilty of theft or larceny.
—Synonyms burglar, pickpocket, highwayman. Thief, robber refer to one who steals. A thief takes the goods or property of another by stealth without the latter’s knowledge: like a thief in the night. A robber trespasses upon the house, property, or person of another, and makes away with things of value, even at the cost of violence:
One who steals, especially by stealth.
One who commits theft
n : a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it [syn: stealer]
“Because people who live in this state don’t want to see it jacked up by some selfish neighbor who fills in a wetland that would flood the rest of the neighborhood.
even if you have a wetland, you can still build your property to the fullest zoned capacity, but maybe in a different corner of the lot. Hardly a “taking”. “”
Commentby Observer needs a hug— 10/11/06@ 5:04 pm
You people need to get a clue. I-933 has nothing to do with WETLANDS, or SENSITIVE AREAS, or SHORELINES, or Flipping PUGET SOUND.
Those areas are ALREADY PROTECTED by current GOVT regulations, and are not part of this Initiative. In KING COUNTY, very little property will be affective by I-933, you know why????
Because I-933 reg’s can only be rolled back to 1996, and KING COUNTY already had it’s GMA in place in 1996.
This will affect rural counties who didn’t get their shit together until 1998-1999. So think hard and long before you check the no box, cause most likely it will not be your NEIGHBOR doing any development on his property.
BUT it will roll back the CAO that simss and company shoved down your guy’s throat…..Which you deserve to gain the right to your property. But even then, you won’t see a pig farm next door.
@22: Well, if the 933’ers are right (my land is worthless, ha, ha, ha), then their tax assessments should go down substantially! You might also want to look into the concept of economic “rents” (not good, per most economists). Clearly, someone who purchased rural property, or inherited it, has seen major increases in property tax. Haven’t we all? But it is important to keep in mind that, in the absence of improvements, they have not “built wealth”, and their cries to sell out are special pleading to reap windfall profit–just like the folks in the city who have seen unsustainable real estate value increases.
The next time to meet with these people point out to them that, yes, these tax rates are an abomination, but a progressive income tax would alleviate this problem. They could keep their property, and not be forced to sell out to make the taxes (important: this same problem occurs in urban areas with elderly folks on fixed incomes–fair is fair).
Hey, Country girl: If a government land use regulation RAISES the value of your property, will you return the windfall to the state?
There were many hearings in eastern King County on the CAO, and nobody “shoved” anything down “anybody’s’ throat.
And if “very little property” will be affected by I-933’s passage, why the hue and cry?
You got some ‘splainin’ to do, gal.
Proud @ #25
When the Progressive Income Tax becomes a reality, these people would gladly sit on their property, but until then, what can they do but FARM.
It is also not all FARMERS, some are owners of small 20-30acre parcels that are on the edges of development areas (created by the GMA). Is it fair that the property next door is worth $15,000 per acre and his is worth $500/acre? I don’t think so, just because the GMA has force fed “we need Ag Land”, when they have to subsidize half the dairy farmers anyhow.
What is wrong with the picture? People work a lifetime and get nothing in return. Farming is a 24/7 job. No weekends, holidays, or vacations. The cows still need milked every 10 hours, regardless of how tired the farmer my be.
@23: You left out “thief=republicans”. They tried to loot the Social Security Trust Fund, but were rebuffed. Rest assured, they will try again.
Ass at #26
How can Goverment Regulations RAISE the value of my Property. AS ZONED, it is worthless.
Is your property near a GMA Ag Land, worried that the Neighbors property might be valued higher than yours, if I-933 passed. Is your land a piece of shit, and the neighbors has a nice View?
Why do you care ASS, you are only thinking about restricting Others for YOUR benefit.
Do you know that milk comes from COWS and not from the Carton in the store???? I bet you don’t get up every 10 hours to milk your fridge, 24/7 365 days a year.
Keep your vote……….I don’t frigging want it.
BTW, if the goverment was to restrict Hot Air, would you be Speechless????
“Eyes don’t need no mofo ID. I vote Democrat at every poll in Detroit, Broward County, and Gary! I gets smokes. I gets KFC with ma food stamps. I gets King Cobra. I gets Black Velvet, and I gots a mother fucking 42 SONY after Katrina!! You white modda fuckas trying to steal the ‘lection and stop ma Democrat guvment check!!! White devil mofos!!!”
Country gal @ 28: Is it fair? Why conservatives are constantly reminding us liberals that life is not fair, and that the poor deserve to be poor. You ever been to the Central District and priced homes with views or frontage on Lk. Wa. and homes just a few blocks away? But the CAO is an artificial distinction, you say? Consider this–if the buccolic lifestyle is so valuable, an undeveloped piece of property will be worth mega-bucks in the future ’cause of its rarity (cf. Sun Valley, Idaho).
Bottom line: If the majority desires to restrain the insanely counterproductive urban sprawl experienced elsewhere, we have the right to do so. There is no “right” that is being abrogated here (much as I sympathize). So help us institute a sane tax policy in this state, please.
On another note, most folks in rural King Co. do not rely on farming for their income. They commute. They commute of taxpayer subsidized roads that enable them to live their rural lifestyle.
So when do we urbanites get OUR money back?
Your comments are appreciated. Even here on Horse’s Ass!
Do you know that milk comes from COWS…?
Why, yes, I do. What’s your point? Oh, yes, rhetorical bombshell. Boooooooorrrrrrrrrriinng.
Tell me again how many billions 933 would “cost”. I’d like to know the exact amount of money gummint is stealing from property owners.
Vagina lips @ 34: You’re the idiots claiming CAO “takings”. Produce the figures.
BTW, if the goverment was to restrict Hot Air, would you be Speechless????
And this has exactly what to do with the point at hand? Oh, another example of CAO haters arguing the “facts”.
Some facts. Some hot air.
On another note, most folks in rural King Co. do not rely on farming for their income. They commute. They commute of taxpayer subsidized roads that enable them to live their rural lifestyle.
So when do we urbanites get OUR money back?
Commentby proud to be an Ass— 10/11/06@ 9:22 pm
tks your last, and I promise to be civial, but why should the ENTIRE state be subject to the wants of ONE county. As I said, KC is not effected by the GMA roll back.
I can’t help that people in KC live in rural areas and use roads that are paid by taxpayers, and get a rural lifestyle out of it. But hey I pay road taxes every day. So really only the downtown dweller, who works next door, and doesn’t own a car has the right to bitch.
If you want your money back, let the rural counties have higher values that are real. If it produces lower tax rates in those counties, that leaves more money to spend elsewhere, adding to our economy.
As far as the Progressive Income Tax, until it actually Happens, I don’t see where your comments are revelant to I-933. As is I-933 is revelant until it passes.
I truly believe that this will be a wake up call to our politico’s in Oly. It should be. We don’t need the goverment in our hip pocket all the time.
Ass, I see your true color now……………Pooooooooooofffff
Keep your vote……….I don’t frigging want it.
Uh. OK. You convinced me. What are you running for?
tks your last,
You are welcom.
and I promise to be civial,
fine by me.
Please explain how this is the case. The CAO is a set of County regulations in the most urbanized county in the State, but they do not apply statewide, so I’m missing your point.
Ass, I see your true color now……………Pooooooooooofffff
I prefer “posh”, but you started it (:
Sounds like a bunch of you guys and gals need a hug. Maybe some hotdish too.
But hey I pay road taxes every day.
But there are way fewer of them, and their taxes do not in any stretch of the imagination pay for all the costs. Without subsidized infrastructure, your rural land would be worthless. The marvelous lifestyles in Enumclaw on those shy 5-acres are subsidized by the taxes paid to the state by the overwhelming urban majority. And what do we get for our generousity, our sharing attitude? Screems that we have not given you more?
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
We don’t need the goverment in our hip pocket all the time.
LOL! You might want to rephrase that.
Move here, then you wouldn’t feel raped everyday. Or would you prefer we ALL move there and squeeze in a bit tighter….
I truly believe that this will be a wake up call to our politico’s in Oly.
…and I truly believe you are wrong on this. The real thrust for rolling back the CAO comes from developers who seek to continue their subsidized extension of urban sprawl from which they eek out a profit, but a profit nonetheless. This is simply unsustainable.
But like most, when the ox gets gored, somebody else has to pay.
Why don’t you read your voter’s pamphlet, it gives the pros and cons on the issue, and it certainly will allow to pick it apart, sentence for sentence, and not talk back. Since your only realistic rebuttal has been the Progessive Income Tax, which isn’t even on the ballot, maybe you should go visit a neighbor, next door. I have to drive 10 miles to mine, and we are pretty giving people. We do TAKE CARE OF Each other.
BTW, Milk still comes from cows.
Move here, then you wouldn’t feel raped everyday. Or would you prefer we ALL move there and squeeze in a bit tighter….
Commentby Country Girl— 10/11/06@ 9:51 pm
Thanks for the invite, gal. High population densities are par for the course in many areas of the developed world (cf Western Euope). So if you prefer, move on in!
Good night. Gotta’ go.
BTW, Milk still comes from cows.
Ho, ha! And tax revenue still comes overwhelmingly from urban areas.
Go Cows! As a Cougar fan, I know how it feels, believe me.
Why do I CARE, the CAO is in King County? Build it, Build it, you will have my land to come and dream about. It will be worthless to me, but hey, you get to take a sunday drive and Wish you lived here. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
It is not my fault that your County has become so chucked full of PEOPLE that you can’t breath. Keep building, that is where people want to live. Those wanna bees pay taxes too, why not take from them…………..
Build it up, why should I care……
See any resemblence? Just because KC couldn’t take care of itself, doesnt mean the rest of the state has to suffer from it.
Just ask a landowner, what his land means to him. Don’t ask a tenant, or a condo owner, because they truly don’t understand the meaning of owning DIRT.
Hugh Spitzer is a liberal Democrat hack, just another part of the aparatchik schlepping his talking points for the liberal politburo.
The independent reader can investigate his partisan ties for example by reading about his being a “major donor” to the liberal so called “Institute for a Democratic Future (IDF)”. According to Democrat Congressman Jim McDermott “The Institute for a Democratic Future is the critical element in the success of the Democratic Party and our causes.”
As noted in the Seattle Times today “Wood has said that personal property was included in I-933 to guard against attempts to circumvent the initiative”.
The problem is that, as Spitzer points out, that completely expands the initiative into a whole new area of law that affects many other regulations not specificly related to real property.
Now it would not just be developer interests that win big with I-933 but all other types of interests that oppose governemnt regulation of any kind.
Maybe that why out of state multi-millionaire developer Howard Rich’s Americans for Limited Government spent over $200,000 to buy signatures with the Farm Bureau to put I-933 on this November’s ballot.
One has to wonder what other hidden legal ideas of those that hate government of any kind have tucked away in I-933. I-933 is a conservative lawyer’s dream.
It’s just so outrageous how far politicians and their cronies have gone in their efforts to disenfranchise homeowners when they see a more lucrative use for their property.
Take a look at the animation on this website. It says it all…
Join me in voting yes on I-933