A SurveyUSA poll commissioned by KING-TV has some interesting numbers about several of the state-wide initiatives on the November ballot:
Yes | No | Undecided | ||
I-912 | 52% | 41% | 7% | |
I-901 | 67% | 32% | 1% | |
I-900 | 45% | 48% | 6% |
I-912 would repeal the state transportation improvement package, I-901 would ban smoking in public buildings and vehicles, and I-900 is Tim Eyman’s superfluous performance audits initiative. Of course, everybody expects I-901 to pass by a large margin, but I was pleasantly surprised by the relative weakness of both I-912 and I-900.
That I-912 is only polling at 52% just 7 weeks out from the election proves that this incredibly short-sighted initiative is beatable, and should encourage opponents to spend whatever is necessary to defeat it. Anybody who still thinks I-912 is a sure thing, is kidding themselves. Voters may not like higher taxes, but the more they understand what they’ll lose by passing the initiative, the less attractive it looks.
As for the over-reaching I-900, it looks like Eyman’s comeback initiative may fall short after all… a particularly amusing prospect considering it’s drawn no organized opposition. I think it is quite possible that the reference to the sales tax in the ballot title might actually confuse voters into thinking this is a tax increase… thus hoisting Timmy on his own anti-tax petard. I’d say the closeness of this poll would portend an election night drama… that is, if anybody actually cared about I-900 besides me and Timmy.
In any case, I’m liking these numbers.
The Initative 900 number is surprising indeed, but not the Initiative 912 number.
I might add that anyone who does a quick Google search will see there is indeed opposition: see http://www.permanentdefense.org for the organized opposition to I-900. If there’s a website, there’s some kind of organized opposition.
I guess we should just sign over all our wealth to our state government. They know how best to spend it and take care of us.
“Voters may not like higher taxes, but the more they understand what they’ll lose by passing the initiative, the less attractive it looks.”
And what, precicsly, would we be “losing”?
Give us a plan, and we can vote on THAT.
Don’t make up a blue-sky wish list and pass a gas tax that won’t fully fund the completion of ANYTHING on said wish list.
Libertarian @ 3
Would you like to build your own roads, then? Would you care to personally take responsibility for replacing the Viaduct? What are you talking about?
This poll also shows only 25% believe the gas tax revenues will be spent responsibly.
Where are our elected government officials?
Mark @ 5:
See My 2 cents @ 6.
Wonder why the King 5 story has a picture of gas prices from last year and not a recent one. I find that interesting.
People believe that against all evidence to the contrary. I hate hate HATE being a broken record on this, but the people that will be spending that money have been doing a great job over the last few years, have all their auditing and budgets posted online, and in my personal experience have been quite responsive (I called to ask about the 509 expansion, which goes right by my house)
People think it will be misspent because
a) They, with good reason, think that the Gov’t is wasteful.
b) Some people are (mis)using their soapbox to tell everyone how much this money will be wasted, in order to pass I-912 for political (not fiscal) reasons.
Don’t spend MY money for YOUR roads.
If more voters knew how large a slice of the pie King County was getting, and how badly screwed most counties will be by the gasoline tax increase, I-912 would be leading by an even bigger margin:
Page 8 of the PDF shows that King County is getting back $1.81 for every $1.00 in taxes paid by King County. At the same time, 33 out of 39 counties are getting back less than $1.00 for every $1.00 paid. 20 counties are getting back less than 50 cents for every dollar paid – and most of those really badly screwed counties rank among the state’s poorest.
This document will make it easy for the folks in the rest of the state to understand how badly they are getting screwed by the gasoline tax increase and why they should vote for I-912.
I will believe that this State is serious about aidits when it audits the Washington State Bar Association. That cesspool of political influence has never been audited. I doubt that any State official has the courage to do it, and I doubt that any State Judge would allow it.
Come on Goldstein, surely you can do better than giving your lemmings only HALF the damned story on 912.
The REAL story on how much support 912 is the picture painted by the REST of the questions.
2. Do you believe the State of Washington will spend the money from the gas tax responsibly?
Yes 25%
No 70%
Not sure 5%
3. 3. How does the recent rise in gas prices affect your opinion of a nine-and-a-half cent gas-tax increase? Does it make you more likely to support the tax? Or less likely?
More likely 14%
Less likely 77%
No difference 9%
4. Do you feel the projects funded by the gas tax are fairly distributed between the Puget Sound area and the rest of the state?
Yes 23%
No 68%
Not sure 9%
5. Do you believe the state right now is spending enough money on transportation?
Yes 41%
No 52%
Not sure 9%
6. Has the failure of some public infrastructure in Hurricane Katrina made you more likely or less likely to support a gas tax for transportation projects here?
More likely 27%
Less likely 48%
No difference 25%
And then of course, there were some OTHER numbers released today (Not 912 related, but none the less, just as I predicted..)
Hey Donna, Rujax, Fireone, DJ and fellow lunatics..What happened to your prediction of the American public laying straight upon Bush huh? seems that yet once again, as always, you were WRONG!
As debate continues to rage over government response to Hurricane Katrina, the public clearly thinks New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin – not President Bush – is the one to blame, according to a new online poll by America Online.
With more than 589,000 responses in today’s unscientific survey, 65 percent of participants rate Nagin’s handling of the Katrina disaster as “poor.”
All this talk about how much KC is getting and how the rest of the counties are getting screwed; how distrustful the public is regarding how the money will be spent is PURE SPIN. Any poll you reference (ASS) is a result of that spin. And all of you pro I-912 folks (and the poll) are missing two major points.
1. KC has always given more than they have taken for transportation costs. That is mostly true for us here in Benton County. I-912 may likely fail in our districts.
2. I-912 solves nothing. Absolutely nothing and may very well have consequences beyond solving nothing.
It is nothing more than anti-tax grandstanding. Anyone who supports this initiative is not thinking ahead.
What will be the message you send to Olympia by voting for I-912? Think about that for awhile.
The BS I-901 would ban smoking in indoor places, with the exception of establishments on Indian land. It would not ban smoking in vehicles as you stated; just buildings.
I looked at that graph, and theres an interesting little bit in there, but you have to dig some. (well, sorta)
“for every dollar projected to be contributed by Pacific county residents, $2.56 is projected to be returned to Pacific County through investments by the state, county, and cities within Pacific county.” (emphasis mine)
So, if I’m reading it right that means, that for each $1.00 sent to the state, the state, city, and county spends $2.56 on transportation projects.
Shouldn’t we care more about how much is sent to the state, vs how much is recieved from the state? For the purpose of I-912, the distribution of state funds is the important thing, not total money spent.
windie @ 9:
What irks most of us that live in Pierce County is the Narrows Bridge: they’re buiding the bridge, and we get a toll to pay for it. Yet it seems KC gets a pass on paying tolls.
Jimmynap @ 15
‘What will be the message you send to Olympia by voting for I-912? Think about that for awhile.’
I hope the message is multi-faceted. At the very least I would hope the elected reps would stop calling everything under the sun an “emergency” in order to make it harder for the people to respond via referendum. Second, there still no good accountability in the system that normal folks can understand. We see the State paying enormous salaries and benefits for relatively low-skilled jobs and wonder if having less money in the till would eventually help that. And yes, most would say that KC gets way too much money and has too much sway over the crumbs dropped on the east side. The ferries are actually a major culprit in that, yet seeing the grand plans for AWV and things like the monorail rub it in deeper. In short, I think most people want the State to both spend less money AND get more for their money.
Any poll you reference (ASS) is a result of that spin. -Comment by Jimmynap— 9/22/05 @ 9:21 am
Nice try, bud… it’s the SAME damned poll Goldy is using.
This is PURE speculation, but…
I suspect that the people in Washington are far more willing to accept Toll bridges than they are Toll roads. We have a tradition of one, but not the other.
But, if I may ask, is this a ‘get back at King County’ thing for you, then?
What will be the message you send to Olympia by voting for I-912? Think about that for awhile. -Comment by Jimmynap— 9/22/05 @ 9:21 am
We ARE thinking of it and that’s the point…
We ARE thinking what liars the illegitimate queen and her toady jesters are.
We ARE thinking what money wasters the illegitimate queen and her toady jesters are.
We ARE thinking that we are tired of the illegitimate queen and her toady jesters slapping us in the face by ignoring us, insulting us, NOT listening to us.
We ARE thinking that we are tired of the illegitimate queen and her toady jesters slapping us in the face with phony “emergency” spending.
We ARE thinking that we are simply tired of the illegitimate queen and her toady jesters.
21 translated:
We ARE doing exactly what John Carlson told us to.
We ARE tired of thinking for our selves, when the Republican party can do it for us.
We ARE willing to hurt the business community to score political points.
We ARE sore losers who can’t get over an election we lost 9 months ago.
We ARE very good at parroting terms the conservative pundits give us.
Richard Pope @ 11,
“If more voters knew how large a slice of the pie King County was getting, and how badly screwed most counties will be by the gasoline tax increase, I-912 would be leading by an even bigger margin:
Page 8 of the PDF shows that King County is getting back $1.81 for every $1.00 in taxes paid by King County.”
Ahhhh….no, Richard. You are being disingenuous to simply look at the distribution of the tax increase. I mean, if you look at the graph on page 3 (the existing tax without the nickel package) KC was getting screwed prior to the nickel package (only $0.84 returned for every dollar given). And this kind of think has probably gone on for a long time. So, KC has been shouldering the burden for the rest of the state.
The first graph is the honest way to portray the information–it shows the distribution of total transportation funding by county, and in that King only gets $1.12 back for every dollar given. That is fair considering KC net export of dollars in the past.
windie @ 20:
Nah, I really never thought much about King County other than there seems to be a lot of people who live there and are known to voice their opinions. I don’t think KC is the center of the known universe, but then I don’t really know where the center of the universe is, nor do I care very much.
The single thing I know about blogs like this and Stefan Sharkansky’s is that the liberals and conservative of this state would like to do each other great bodily harm, if they could. The hatred on both sides is over-the-top. These blogs let liberals and conservative fling insults at each other, and nobody gets hurt. The Liberarians have things in common with both liberals and conservatives, so I guess we’re diliked by both sides. Kind of ironic when you think about it.
Goldy, you’re a wierd dude to like taxes…
ASS @ 19
You missed my point. It doesn’t matter what poll. It is the I-912 spin that puts those numbers where they are. Still like you, they miss the point. You can ask all the questions you want about how the money is spent, who is giving the most and talk about how unfair it all seems and you will get the reactionary response you expect. But if you look at the facts, all the rhetoric doesn’t add up to anything. I-912 does nothing to solve any complaints. It in fact would prolong and expand the problems Washington’s transportation infrastructure faces.
Re: “Weird to like taxes”
It’s NOT weird to like government-provided services; specifically roads.
It’s NOT weird to like road improvements for safety.
It’s NOT weird to like an improved flow of goods that increases economic activity and prosperity.
It’s NOT weird to realize that these things cost money, or to support the raising and spending of money on such improvements, particularly though user fees.
If the anti-tax, anti-government view that the trolls on this blog so frequently express had prevailed throughout history, humankind would still be living in caves and eating bugs. We cannot have economic growth without improving our transportation infrastructure, and only government has the means to improve our transportation infrastructure. The pro-912 crowd should move to a state that has not yet made it to the 21st century, Oklahoma perhaps. Voting to undermine our state’s transportation infrastructure because of incurable antipathy toward our governor is remarkably immature.
It’s not weird to ask State Government to carefully examine priorities on ALL levels BEFORE launching a major tax increase.
It’s not weird to ask for a clear accounting of ALL past GasTax dollars.
It’s not weird to demand a clear and concise project SCOPE and cost estimates BEFORE launching into 2 major, major commitments.
I believe it is GREGOIRE’S responsibility to stand before the citizens of Washington and explain all of this….not hide behind the WSDOT. If she cannot understand what is going on here to explain in great detail and answer questions, how can she expect all of us to just sit back and allow her to tax us more???????
GREGOIRE has been nothing more than a shallow cheerleader thus far. Let’s see her stand up front and center and present the facts….and answer the questions. How about a non holds barred Town Hall meeting??
LEFTIST PINHEADS love this kind of community communal discussion fest. Get your gal out there front and center….not just Photo Ops and sound bites.
Better do it quickly though.
In the next thread, I asked Goldy to investigate those engineering reports he refers to as to conflicts of interest.
Hopefully all you LEFTIST PINHEADS will be a little more CYNICAL and a little less BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Libertarian @ 18
I’d suggest you re-read the multitude of interviews and articles covering the use of tolls on the SR520 and SR99 projects. I will also point you to the DOT website for the gas tax.
Please note under SR520 the cost is $1.7 to $2.9 billion. The gas tax will be paying for $500 million with the rest of the money coming from TOLLS and regional sources. You will also note under SR99 the cost of the project is $3.7 to $4.4 billion with $2 billion coming from the gas tax, $400 million coming from federal sources, and the remainder coming from local and regional funds.
Basically, tolls are already planned for both projects, but unlike the Tacoma Narrows improvement, they can not be the sole source of income because the bonds would never get paid off. There are too many alternatives to taking the 520 bridge (I90 bridge, drive around the lake, etc) and SR99 (I-5, surface streets, etc).
Cyn,I suggest we start a ‘Where’s the illegitimate queen’ thread.
Between her WORLD ILLEGITIMATE VICTORY TOUR travels, the only time she pops her bleached roots up is to propose something ridiculous, like her EMERGENCY WE NEED IT RIGHT NOW tsunami warning system.
Where’s Waldo?
Where’s the queen?
Boblehead @ 30:
So, if I understatnd your point, the reason a toll will not work for the KC projects (like the 520 bridge) is that the local divers have alternatives to avoid the toll booths. They can avoid paying tolls by taking alternative routes. To me, that sounds like a good thing, so maybe the state should start charging a toll immediately to help reduce congestion or at least shift it to other locations in KC.
The poor folk in Gig Harbor and Kitsap County,however, have no realistic choice in that it’s very impractical for them to avoid the Narrows when commuting, therefore, they’re stuck with tolls.
So, if the driver has a choice of routes, no toll applies. If the driver has no realistic options, the toll applies. Does that pretty much sum it up?
I know you’re not talking to me, but~
You’re basicly right, but I’m not sure theres a solution to that particular problem.
Except, its not a good thing at all. People shifting onto the surface streets and I-5 only locks down the city more…
I think the proposed 520 toll will work just fine, its a long ways to drive around, and I-90’s hardly an option. AWV is gonna be pretty hard to toll.
She is trying to prop up her popularity by doing nothing….except being against Domestic Violence, Cancer, Child Abuse and capitalizing on FEAR-MONGERING by jumping on every single we are all gonna die issue that comes along.
Gregoire stepping forward into the spotlight on this GasTax issue EVERY SINGLE DAY would involve political risk and require actual LEADERSHIP. Instead, she stands in dark corners occassionally cheerleading…but certainly not leading. And she goes off on these worldwide PR campaigns leaving the heavy lifting to dimwits like Goldy.
Libertarian @ 32
I’d also suggest you brush up on your Washington State Constitution. Tolls are prohibited on roads UNLESS they are paying for new construction and may only be used on the new construction once it has been complete. Perhaps you’ve noticed that there are no tolls on the existing Narrows bridge and that once the new bridge is completed, the tolls will only be in one direction. The reason for this is because of the state constitution. So, no.. Tolls can not be put up now on 520 and 99. Unless the state constitution is changed, it’s only after their construction is complete that tolls can be used.
I’m also a little confused by your supposition that applying tolls will decrease congestion. You’re right that 520’s and AWV’s congestion will be reduced, problem is, all the alternatives are already heavily congested and will be reduced to a crawl because of that. The fact that small number of people will be willing to pay the tolls to avoid the congested alternatives is the only reason that tolls can be used at all.
On the other hand, the small percentage of people paying the toll is why tolls can’t be used to pay for the construction entirely. The Seattle Monorail Project is a perfect example of what happens when your funding source is not big enough to pay off your bonds in a reasonable amount of time.
Plus side, I’m actually looking forward to 912 passing ’cause if it does pass next year there’ll be an Initiative/new law that will go with the California model of paying for transportation. All taxes raised in a county are spent in the county. Last I checked, LA County and San Francisco County have excellent transportation and highway systems. Too bad the rest of the state’s transportation and highway systems suck.;)
Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Just don’t go bitching to the state legislature when your roads and bridges start to fall apart.
Cyn and Ass – Remarkable. You are still on about the election which was almost a year ago?! It. Is. Over.
Get a grip.
Bobblehead @ 35:
How convenient that the Narrows Bridge project is “new,” and the AWV and 520 bridge aren’t. Gee, now I feel better.
Cyn and Ass – Remarkable. You are still on about the election which was almost a year ago?! It. Is. Over.
Get a grip. -Comment by fire_one— 9/22/05 @ 1:37 pm
It’s not about the election, fringie dumbass, it’s about her leadership and massive lack thereof; its about her “fact finding” jaunts she and her kids take with MY money (and your money); and it’s about the fact that since she ascended her illegitimate throne she has done absolutely nothing but hide.
Where’s Waldo?
Where’s the queen?
Can you find chrissy??
Oh God, moron trolls have picked up a new catchphrase.
Gonna be a hard few weeks
Aasshole at 14…
Oooooh America Online has a (freeped) poll.
The jig is up asshat. These crooks are goin’down…and in words of the Immortal Al Davis “they’re going down HARD!”
chimpy’s at 32% and falling. Who REALLY gives a shit about Ray Nagin. That is SOOO over. What about Iraq, asshat…how’s THAT going? How’s ol’ Jack Abramoff doing. Looks like we got a BRAND NEW SCANDAL brewin’ now too. And the bushies are fucking up the Hurricaine Rita thing.
The Cheney/bush reign is sooo over. Lame Duck shit REALLY stinks.
Am-merica fucking ON-LINE. Man…you are really grasping at straws. Gettin to ya’ huh???
Dear Rujax, who pee’d in your granola today?
One of the things Bush always revels in, and capitalizes on is when nutburgers “misunderestimate” him. Keep on keepin’ on nutburgers. “Let his enemies relax in the dubious assumption that they have him on the ropes. That belief has betrayed them many times in the past.”
Keep on keepin’ on nutburgers.
Can you say “US Senator implicated in insider stock trading scandal”? How ‘Bout “White House implicated in General Services Administration Procurement Scandal” …one more boys and girls “Unappointed UN Ambassador Indicted for Outing C.I.A. Operative”. Can you say ALL that??? I knew you could!
It used to be that the GOP in this state constantly bitched and moaned that we weren’t building enough roads. Now they are bitching and moaning and want the state to stop building new roads.
What’s the common thread? Bitching and moaning without any constructive solutions. Your GOP at work.
ProudAss @ 42
“Dear Rujax, who pee’d in your granola today?”
That’s a good one!
Unfortunately, many of us on the left feel like the Bush administration has been taking a dump on us for 4.75 years.
I know some of you righties are like mushrooms—you like to be kept in the dark, in a bed of shit—but that doesn’t work for everybody.
Libertarian @ 38
I want you to read this very slowly so that you can understand it.
The floating bridge that is currently being used as SR520 and the existing Alaskan Way Viaduct can not be tolled because they have already been paid for. The Washington State constitution prevents tolls from being charged on roadways that have been bought and paid for. It is only after the existing structures have been torn down and new structures have been built that tolls can be charged.
Tolls can not be charged to pay for future construction and can only be charged to pay for a project that has already been completed, but is not paid for yet.
October 30, 2004
Polling had Christine Gregoire ahead of Dino Rossi by as high as 8 and as low as 6 points. Except for Strategic Vision (Go Dave Johnson), the rightwing crazy, republican hack pollster, who had it to close to call.
Does that mean everyother poll was conducted crappy or was cooked to favor the democrats? No it does not. The simple fact is polling is no longer as accurate as it once was.
Polls call numbers out of the phone book. cell phones are not listed in the phone book. A great number of people 35 and under, no longer have home phones (I don’t, haven’t for over 5 years) They only have cells. So it is difficult to get an accurate sample. They either have to discount some how answer to even out the demographics or try to target as best they can. Factor in the Do Not Call Registery and the polling base is even smaller.
The population is much more fickle. With 24 hour news, online media and everything else, opinions are made and changed at a greater rate than ever. Don’t get me wrong, more info is good, but a poll is a snapshot in time, not a motion picture. The speed of information makes that snapshot less relevant than it once was. In this case, that might actually work against Goldy, these numbers may actually be better than you think.
The time a day the calls are made, whether a person or a computer conducts the poll (could confuse seniors and others not as proficient with technology), how questions are phrased, what order they are asked in, etc…
All these factors along with others make polling much more speculative these days. I would be careful before I hung my hat on any numbers 6 weeks out. Trends may be more accurate, but still can have a high variability rate.
That is why they say numbers don’t lie, but liars use numbers.
This is the same poll that gave Gov. Gregoire and Sen. Cantwell about an equal bump as these numbers.
Because all democrat numbers and issues took a jump roughly the same amount in the same direction, one of three things has happened with these numbers.
(1)The whole state has moved (say 5 points) more democrat, (2) the poll is leaning democrat (say 5 ponts) or (3) a combination of (1)&(2) as occured. Goldy is probably right on the direction the numbers are trending (as of last weekend when the poll was conducted), but the numbers are still way off from where I would be happy (if I was a democrat) 6 weeks out from a General Election.
Lib @ 46;
The exception to what you are saying is if the money collected is designated for maintainance on that specific road way.
To count replacing AVW as a maintainance project is a stretch. It would be legally sticky to do, so I think you are right and it can’t be done.
I am sorry; Bobblehead @ 46, not libertarian
And the exception is statutory, not consititional. I don’t know that it has been challenged or would even hold up.
Don’t spend MY money for YOUR roads.
Comment by typicalrightwingdipshit— 9/22/05 @ 8:59 am
Exactly– The government isn’t spending the money we give them now on roads why the hell would they spend money if we give them more?
The weekly “Stupidest Fucker on the Blog Award” goes to RoofAAAss.
Congrats, idiot.
The weekly “Stupidest Fucker on the Blog Award” goes to RoofAAAss. -Congrats, idiot. -Comment by rujax206— 9/22/05 @ 7:38 pm
Did that make you feel all better about yourself, sweetcheeks?
Are you just bursting with pride over your eloquent command of the English language?
The weekly “Stupidest Fucker on the Blog Award” goes to RoofAAAss. -Congrats, idiot. -Comment by rujax206— 9/22/05 @ 7:38 pm
Now we all know that you are truly proud to be an ASS!
Congratulations, sweetcheeks.
I-901 passing by such a huge margin shows just what a liberal state this is.
It limit’s personal choice and freedom.
It tells property owners how to use their property.
I know a lot of other unpopular habits that I’d like too see on an initiative that I’d love to stop in public.
Right wing haters are teaching young children to hate liberals!!
A new full-color illustrated children’s book called “Help! Mom! There’s Liberals Under My Bed” purportedly “is a fun way for parents to teach young children the valuable lessons of conservatism.”
“Written in simple text, readers can follow along with Tommy and Lou as they open a lemonade stand to earn money for a swing set. But when liberals start demanding that Tommy and Lou pay half their money in taxes, take down their picture of Jesus, and serve broccoli with every glass of lemonade, the young brothers experience the downside to living in Liberaland.”
According to the publisher, “This illustrated book … is perfect for parents who seek to share their traditional values with their children.”
Sure … if they want to raise their kids to join Hitler Youth! If you’re a fucking Nazi who actually wants to buy this kiddie version of “Mein Kampf,” you can get it here:
What’s next, concentration camps and executions of liberals?
Hey Goldy, I think you should organize a boycott of Amazon.com! They’re selling Nazi books to children!
Hey here’s a joke:
Dubya’s goal is to land a man on the moon by 2018, and land a man on Condi Rice by 202.
And the little conservatives make enough to buy the swingset and have some illiterate foreigners build it for cheap. They pocket the difference but the work is so sub-standard that it falls down and kills one of the boys– giving the other little conservative an opportunity to rob the corpse and blame it on the workmen– who are tried and executed.
Roger calls people nazis while talking about limiting access to books. All at the sametime. Now that is impressive.
Maybe next time you can drive a hummer in a green earth parade or well bellbottoms to a screw abstinence rally (NOTE: For those that do not get that one; bellbottoms happen to be the one garmet that guarentees abstinence) Don’t believe me guys, buy some bellbottoms, see what happnes
Where the heck have you libs been??? That book has been out since May ’04!
Roger Rabbit @ 56
‘What’s next, concentration camps and executions of liberals? ‘
Funny. One can sure tell when the mark is hit and liberal policies are exposed for what they are.
roger swings from nazi slurs to book banning to anti gay jokes
really liberal (not)
Bobblehead @ 46:
See 49 & 50.
Oh My Sweet Little PissAss-
Take another valium…wash it down with MORE vodka and call me in the morning.
David Goldstein, the author of the most widely read progressive blog in Washington state, cited our primary election results in his post today.
He writes:
But when we look back a decade from now, I’m guessing that the day Progressive Majority set up s