– This week saw the release of the Washington State Liquor Control Board’s draft regulations for the new marijuana markets legalized under I-502. Here’s a sample of what product labels could look like early in 2014.
– The most controversial aspect of the rules might be that hash and hash oils cannot be sold in the retail stores. Ben Livingston provides more context on why this is a mistake and goes against the intent of I-502.
– The Seattle Times calls for clarifying the medical marijuana rules in this state so that they make sense alongside I-502’s regulated market. Medical marijuana providers have already been fearing this outcome and I’m convinced it’s going to happen.
– I-502 got over 55% of the vote in this state, but at least one gentleman is still not won over.
On that last link, it sounds like the guy should be in Western State, not the Thurston County jail.
As for I-502, it seemed to be the only thing that unified the state last year. As we are learning, ironing out the details is tough.
I-502’s passage was monumental. It’s distressing to see people flaunting our tenuous victory over decades of stupidity in re marijuana laws as kids smoke dope under the Space Needle (or elsewhere) in front of the police.
Folks, let’s not lose this war to being arrogantly stupid. Act responsibly when using marijuana.
Also, too: I miss effn unsound.
I miss having the time to write there… thanks!