The signature gathering for I-1068, the Marijuana Reform Act, has begun. If you’re on Facebook, Sensible Washington has a page here.
UDPATE: Here are some upcoming kickoff meetings:
Tacoma Meeting: February 16th – 6pm-8pm – Anna Lemon Wheelock Library (3722 North 26th Street)
Seattle Meeting: February 17th – 6:30pm – 7:45pm – Ballard Library (5614 22nd Ave. N.W.)
Top liberal priorities:
* abort as many babies as possible
* open porn shops in residential areas
* legalize drugs
is it any wonder the American soccer-families hate your guts?
We are American soccer families, moron.
I used to live near The Evergreen State College; I saw plenty of hash pipes, soccer balls and deadlocks happily co-existing.
Perhaps you meant NASCAR fans?
About the abortion thing. Us lefties are the ones that support sex Ed, family planning & access to healthcare, all of which REDUCE the aborion rate.
Perhaps you meant NASCAR fans?
I think he means paranoid nutballs.
Hey Michael,
Puddy supports sex ed and family planning discussions including abstinence to REDUCE abortions.
@5 There will ways be statistical outliers.
There will ways be statistical outliers.
I believe you meant to say “There, Will weighs statistical outliers.” This is because Will is a chubby chaser.
Always. There will always…
I really suck at iPhone typing.
@1 Top conservative priorities:
1. Start unnecessary wars
2. Torture innocent people
3. Murder foreigners in their own homes
4. Wiretap domestic political opponents
5. Make workers pay all the taxes
6. Bust unions and slash wages
7. Deny medical care to millions
8. Line cronies’ pockets with taxpayer money
9. Loot the entire U.S. economy
Is it any wonder real Americans are disgusted with you pretenders?
@5 You asswipes spent a billion dollars of our money telling teenagers to abstain from sex and what did we get? A higher teen pregnancy rate.
Maybe some of your ideas are well-intentioned, puddy, but that’s not good enough in the real world. After all, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
What matters in this world is what works and what doesn’t work.
@9…so half of America arent “real Americans”?
sounding very 1930’s german there Herr Goebbels Rabbit…
@10….kill babies = good
kill terrorists = bad
What difference does it make if it passes. The conservatives will tell us to shut and the people don’t matter, just the Federal government and their rules. Until it’s an issue they like, then the Federal government is evil and intrusive and the will of the people is all that matters.
If it gets on the ballot, I’ll vote for it. But I’m not going to be one of the signatures that might get it to the ballot.
I find the I&R system so broken and so abused that I refuse to participate in it. No matter how worthwhile any particular initiative may be.
Access to family planning and sex Ed info lowers the abortion rate. Access to healthcare, family planning & sex Ed info lowers the aboriton rate. The folks on your side of the political fence are against these things. It’s the policies of the Right that keep America’s abortion rate high.
Obama is doing a better job of bringing the fight to the terrorist abroad and getting convictions against the ones that are in US custody than Bush & Co.
It was members of The Left that spoke out against invading the wrong country.
I’m going to sign the initiative when I get a chance. I hope it makes it to the ballot because I want to vote for it, too.
I’ve suggested that Tim Eyman use his experience and work on this initiative over at Sound Politics, but they keep deleting my comments as “off topic.” The odd part is that they don’t delete the comments of the others who criticize my deleted comments. That’s kind of nutty. If you don’t like what I say, then why not delete everbody’s comments who might comment on what I said. Don’t just delete my words and leave everyone else’s words about what I said. It doesn’t make any sense!
Back to 1068
I doubt I’ll sign on to this or vote for it, if it gets on the ballot. Federal law trumps state law and honesty I like it that way.
This seems like tilting at windmills when there are thing that will pass and get implmented, like getting cities to adopt harm reduction policies when dealing with drugs
If we wait for federal law to catch up on the issue of marijuana legalization, we’ll all be dead before it happens. We have to push from the state and local level, showing that it can work, and that society won’t fall apart. California will have a legalization initiative on the ballot this year, and Nevada is working on one for 2012. I expect if either CA or WA passes, Oregon won’t be far behind.
For all the talk about marijuana as a drug, this is also, as Rick Steves has said, a civil rights issue. Millions of us like to get high, are not at all apologetic about it, and that’s our right, just like it is our right to do whatever we want in our homes, as long as we don’t harm anybody else. And we shouldn’t have to worry about the government interfering, or puritans who want to force their own morality on us. The fact that some people have problems with marijuana is no different than alcohol, tobacco, gambling, overeating, etc, etc etc.
I urge you to read Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence, by Mitch Earleywine for an objective look at the facts regarding cannabis. And the facts show, quite clearly, that the reality of the cannabis plant bears scant resemblance to the dangerous drug unrelenting propaganda has created.
This initiative only deals with the criminal penalties, for which federal law does not trump state law. What federal law can trump are attempts to regulate it, which the initiative intentional doesn’t do. What this does is set up a situation where if they federal government tries to act against it, everything they could do would clearly be a negative outcome for the state.
thanks for the update. Looks like I’ll be signing on and voting fir it after all.
Hey, Thanks for the link!
Thanks for getting out the word!
@11 “…so half of America arent “real Americans””
I believe it was your side that made this claim first.
@11 But since you asked me, I’ll simply observe that every Republican president since Nixon has violated the Constitution and shown a disdain for the individual constitutional rights of American citizens, so yeah, I’d say Republicans aren’t real Americans because they obviously don’t respect America’s governing laws, the rights of American citizens, or what America stands for.
@12 You guys seemed to have killed more babies (read: Haditha) than terrorists (read: bin Laden).
@16 You expect a wingnut blog to make sense?
More spin and propaganda from Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit…just like a broken record dated 1935.
Now “you guys” includes the Army and Marine Corps…
and thanks for clarifying @23 that you feel that half of the country arent “real Americans”…can the justification for concentration camps be far behind in the Rabbits reasoning?
the body count would be staggering if people like you were in charge.
Let the petition see the light of day. If peeps wanna sign the Marijuana Reform Act petition, make sure they give the signature gatherers and signers the same scrutiny they call for with Tim Eyman’s petition signature gatherers. Will Darryl run a Monte Carlo analysis on the number of “good” signatures later this year? See
Thank goodness for that!
The Vietnam War did a number on “the retired state lawyer who dreams and brags of animal sex on blogs”.
Wait for it… “we ylb arschloch” will arrive soon with some monomaniacal pathological commentary.
I guess stoner Lee and Co. won’t have to purchase toilet paper for awhile, just use all your worthless little petitions after this silly idea crashes and burns….cough! hack! whoa! Dude! I wonder if Taco Bell Corp. is contributing to this “cause”?
BTW, Federal law DOES trump State law on this issue. Simple concept.
Well stated. Thank you.
what in heck do you mean federal law doesn’t trump state criminal law?
all federal law trumps all state law.
And I doth believe there are federal laws making possession and sale etc. of m.j. a crime.
Now, what IS true is that federal law can’t require state officers to enforce federal law so if we decriminalize pot ….that is, if we remove state law crimes relating to pot….then there will be lots of pot prosecutions under state law that go away. But I doth believe a US atty could still come after you though they likely wouldn’t. Still, there is no need to put out inaccurate information. The statement “This initiative only deals with the criminal penalties, for which federal law does not trump state law” is clearly wrong and you may wish to explain a bit better what you are getting at…..
I’m so sick of hearing these right-winged narrow minded, ignorant, “Real Americans”, who’s wars have killed more innocent people, babies and children in other countries over the last 8 years, than legal abortion has ever killed here in the US, spewing their opinions on Marijuana Reform.
We know you’re real Americans, Just not a smart ones!
Boy, I wish I had known that all this was going on. My Grandfather went through all this stuff in Amsterdam during the mid to late seventies. He and friends got the first coffee shop opened. He would be proud that America has made it this far, but he would also realize that if we don’t get out there and fight for this right, by voting and politicking there is no future for our hopes. If you would like to read more about my grandfather visit
If you would like to ensure that a decorated solider, who not only fought to remove Hitler, but fought also for your right to smoke in a coffee shop has his dream of full legalization fulfilled, go out and get signatures and vote.
I LOVE that the 4th word in your post was ‘abort’, and much of the following conversation has been about abortion -Well done! I’m betting there’s a huge mass of pro-lifers out there that sneak out to the garage for a secret dubbie. It’s important to push the same old wedge issues, so that everyone knows this whole issue boils down to “Liberals want to force you to kill your babies” -Are we all on the same page now?