Democratic Gov. Elliot Spitzer of New York, who once prosecuted a high-end prostitution ring as Attorney General, has apparently been uncovered as a customer of one as well. “Sources” expect his resignation is imminent.
Of course, we do not yet know the details of the investigation, or whether Spitzer is legally guilty of anything more than the misdemeanor of hiring a prostitute (if that), so I’m not prepared to comment on whether he should or should not resign. I am, however, deeply disappointed in Spitzer, who I had viewed as a rising Democratic star.
That said, I would like to take a moment to comment on the difference between the way Democrats and Republicans (the “family values” party) react to sex scandals. Spitzer has immediately come forward with a personal and public apology, but that hasn’t halted a wave of demands for his resignation from progressive bloggers, legacy media types and fellow Democrats. Meanwhile, Republicans Larry Craig (soliciting sex in a men’s room) and David Vitter (diaper-wearing john) both still serve in the US Senate, while former Rep. Mark Foley’s Republican colleagues covered up his sexual predation for years, leaving House pages at risk. Republicans Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain all infamously engaged in adulterous affairs without apparent harm to their political careers… while Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob.
If Democrats want to demand higher personal standards from our own politicians than Republicans obviously demand of their’s, well, that’s up to us. No doubt Spitzer has admitted to a supreme act of hypocrisy. But if Republicans and the “objective” and “impartial” media want to join in and demand Spitzer’s resignation, they better demand the resignation of Sen. Vitter as well, lest they be branded equally hypocritical.
I have a feeling the right will remain silent on this issue. There’s been so many Republican scandals of the last decade or so that their best bet is to no stir the pot.
Actually Bill Clinton committed a criminal act: perjury. For this, he ended up surrendering his license to practice law.
According to an old professor of mine, perjury is the most ethically heinous crime an attorney can commit since it is both an offense against the criminal law and an offense against the attorney’s position as an officer of the court.
Having an affair or getting oral sex isn’t a criminal act, but lying about it under oath is.
I’m all for those who commit criminal acts to resign from office. And I’m all for those who’ve been impeached and convicted of the underlying offense to be barred from holding office.
Take that, Alcee Hastings, D-FL.
Both David Vitter and Larry Craig should have resigned. And so should have Rep. William Jefferson, D-LA, he of the cold, hard (literally!) cash.
How about going after those who are ethically stuck in the tar baby of earmarks? The sleaze of pork of profligate, wasteful federal spending does more harm to the ethical sense of Washington than anything.
Who among you – Goldy??? – are in favor of abolishing earmarks? The bacon brough home through them is rancid and harmful to our fiscal and political health.
Want honest government? Get rid of them.
The Piper
Two words
Gavin Newsom
“That said, I would like to take a moment to comment on the difference between the way Democrats and Republicans (the “family values” party) react to sex scandals. Spitzer has immediately come forward with a personal and public apology, but that hasn’t halted a wave of demands for his resignation from progressive bloggers, legacy media types and fellow Democrats.”
Democrats not so much………
gbs and goldy the reason he came foward is the fbi has him on tape you idots.oh its always different when its a democrat lookie lookie elliot got some knookie.great family man.this is the same guy who went after repulicans bye bye elliot.
Well at least this one apologized…but who knows what would really come out had the FBI not been involved and had he not been at risk of being exposed.
Bill Clinton was charged for perjury, NOT for having an affair. Who the hell cares who’s screwing who (since we are all getting screwed by the government) in the government? No one did during Bill days UNTIL he lied under oath.
@ 2 “perjury is the most ethically heinous crime an attorney can commit since it is both an offense against the criminal law and an offense against the attorney’s position as an officer of the court.”
Then, Pooper, perhaps you can explain the commutation of Lewis “Scooter” Libby’s prison sentence?
Which is more heinous, lying about a blow job, or lying about the outing of a CIA undercover operative dealing with the proliferation of WMD in the Middle East?
Where is your outrage by Bush’s traitorous conduct in the Libby affair?
..but democrats didn’t think that Bill Clinton should resign. They even told us over and over that character didn’t matter. ???
Spitzer got caught by a federal wiretap which makes we wonder:
1. Why are federal authorities investigating a local prostitution ring? Isn’t this usually a local police matter?
2. Why are federal authorities wiretapping a Democratic governor? Are they targeting prominent Democratic politicians?
3. Did they have a warrant for this wiretap?
4. Did the federal authorities who caught Spitzer with this wiretap also catch any prominent Republicans patronizing this high-end prostitution ring?
5. If one or more Republicans were caught is there a cover-up going on? If this high-end prostitution ring is patronized by politicians, doesn’t it make sense that politicians of both parties were patronize it?
I’m not defending Spitzer. All I’m saying is there’s some unanswered questions about how this investigation was conducted. I’m concerned that Republicans, who still control the federal law enforcement apparatus, are out there trolling for Democrats while ignoring Republicans misbehavior, which is exactly how the hyperpartisan Bush regime operates.
@1 Not a chance. The crows will be on their phone wire cawing their fool heads off just like in the Windex commercial.
@2 And you’re all right with the idea of a partisan hit man on a witch hunt spending $70 million of taxpayer money to destroy an opposing politician by asking him questions under oath about his sex life?
Fuck you, piper.
Piper speaks truth about lies. The preposterous claim that Democrats bravely face up to their failings fails utterly because some of us have long memories of Clinton’s prolonged stonewall and modified limited hangout.
Republicans typically shuffle off the scene at the first sign of being caught while finding such a lot of good ways to be bad. Craig’s the exception. That’s why you Philaburbians use him as a convenient prop for your debating points. He seems to you to prove a point that none of us normal people can see.
As for Philaburbians, didn’t Frank Ratso Rizzo deal with you whiners and bedwetters years ago?
And the Hillary camp just got finished calling Barak Obama…..Ken Starr..
You got to love the Democrats.
Maybe the FBI was involved because the prostitution ring crossed numerous state lines and involved money laundering across multiple jurisdictions…..?
@2 In a normal world, yes. But this isn’t a normal world anymore. The GOP plays under a different set of rules. The Clinton witch hunt was a GOP ploy to distract attention from issues, because the GOP loses on issues every time. They’re elitist bastards who want to run the country for their own private benefit at the expense of everyone else. Their agenda can’t withstand scrutiny and they would never win any election if they had to run on issues. Their whole shtick is setting up straw men to divert attention away from their nefarious schemes. So they spend vast quantities of our hard-earned tax money trying to dig up dirt on opponents and critics — while they’re out getting blowjobs themselves.
Let me know when you’re ready to get serious about enforcing this country’s laws because there’s a major backlog of unprosecuted Republicans piling up. Until then, I repeat: Fuck you, piper.
@4 “the fbi has him on tape”
Can I see the court order authorizing the wiretap? I’d like to see it, please.
I’ll bet the FBI has a whole tape library of squealing rabbits! There’s an awful lot of fucking going on wherever you have open space and green grass, and there’ll be a lot more when the weather warms up a little!! Easter is just around the corner and we have to make enough cute fluffy little bunnies to fill all the kiddies’ Easter baskets!!!
Piper Scott,
“Actually Bill Clinton committed a criminal act: perjury.”
No he didn’t. As I’ve pointed out to you before on this very issue, your facts are simply wrong.
So are you lying, suffering from Alzheimer’s, or what?
He was not convicted of perjury or any other criminal charge. He was, however convicted of a civil charge of contempt of court.
“For this, he ended up surrendering his license to practice law.”
Incorrect. Clinton did not lose or surrender his Arkansas law license. It was suspended for five years.
But it wasn’t suspended directly out of the contempt charge. Rather, it was suspended as part of a bargain he made with independent counsel Robert Ray to terminate the Special Council Investigation.
Now you know. So knock off the bullshit half-truth WingDing talking point.
@5 When was the last time a Republican caught molesting little boys or having gay sex in a public bathroom admitted it, much less apologized? Yes, Hannah Wingnut, there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans: Democrats know right from wrong, while Republicans always go “who, me?”
@6 “Then, Pooper, perhaps you can explain the commutation of Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby’s prison sentence?”
Of course, that had to be expected from an administration that has committed treason and crimes against humanity; and Scooter will, no doubt, have a full pardon in hand by the end of the second week of next January.
Spin Goldy Spin.
@7 Get back to us when you’re ready to get serious about people resigning for breaking the law, because we’ve got a large backlog of Republican lawbreakers still in office that we want to talk with you about, starting with Bush and Cheney.
@11 “Republicans typically shuffle off the scene at the first sign of being caught”
RR I disagree all of us dems apologize when caught, thats why in this guys case, props to ADMITTING AND APOLOGIZING for his wrongdoings. But I as a dem, expect the same from all dems, stop this non sense GAME that we all have been complaining about (lies, deceit, scandal, attacking others to up their roles in policics).
Just because little Republican Johnny stole from the teacher doesn’t make it right for little Democrat Jimmy to do the same. It’s time to be held to higher standards.
@19 What’s there to spin? Spitzer got caught patronizing a high-end prostitution ring,* and lefty bloggers are calling for his head. We all know what the GOPers’ sorry record is: When THEY get caught with their hand in the cookie jar or some kid’s pants they lie, deny, cover up, protect each other, etc.
* Never mind how; our Republican troll friends would never dream of even asking, let alone making an issue of, whether this wiretap was illegal or someone in the administration is misusing federal law enforcement authority to go after Democratic politicians, and in all other respects running the government like an East German police state.
@23 “us dems”
Us??? You remind me of an old Lone Ranger joke.
Still pretending to be a Democrat, Hannah? Even after we exposed you as a wingnut poseur in a recent thread? Give it a rest, babe. You’re not fooling anyone. Except maybe yourself.
Who’s this ‘we’ you’re talking about, white man?
#23 is soooo typical of the bullshit that wingnuts like Hannah post here.
Step 1: Pretend to be a Democrat.
Step 2: Criticize the Democrats.
Step 3: Divert attention from Republicans doing the same thing (or, more likely, worse).
It’s the old wingnut “Democrats do it too” game. No, Democrats don’t behave like Republicans, Hannah. You guys (let’s drop the phony “us” right now; you’re not fooling anyone) are unique.
Sorry I’n not as LEFT as you but my record shows I am a dem, since I cannot recall the last time, if ever, I ever voted for a republican….So since YOU claim I’m a wingnut I guess YOU are telling me I should NOT vote for Obama?? Can you explain that?
@26 Hey, Jay ol’ buddy, tell you what. You can have the masked white guy and another casino if you let the rabbit hop.
@28 We’ve plowed this ground before, Hannah. You have no cred on this blog. We know what you are. And the game you’re playing in this thread has “wingnut” written all over it. It’s straight out of the playbook. Like I said, you’re fooling no one.
I am very disappointed in Spitzer. I thought we could have had the ultimate crimefighting ticket: Fitz and Spitz. Lordy, I hope Mr. Fitzpatrick has been able to keep lil’ Fitz where he belongs!
Barney BoyToy Frank stonewalled and won.
Gerry Studds stonewalled and won.
Mel Reynolds stonewalled and called it a draw.
Mistress McGreeeeeevey stonewalled himself into the Democrat poster child du jour.
Ken Starr’s $70 mil bought indictments and convictions.
Scooty Libber was indicted and convicted. Clinton, as Darryl helpfully notes, walked away to lie agaig another day.
Yeah, you GOPers can complain AFTER you drum that cock-sucking hypocrite Craig out of Congress, mmm?
Hey, Rabbit, old buddy, we Casino Americans roast rabbits over slow fires.
RR Why? Cuz I don’t join in your slanderous mentality? Therefore I am in no way a democrat? Is it because I ask serious questions about our current state politics? Or should I hide under a rock and HOPE our state government will not screw us in the long run, ferry system, light rail, roads and transit etc?
@8: Those are some very interesting questions, RR. Hopefully more will be revealed, as it were, in the coming days.
Man, I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in Spitzer.
I mean it, John Patrick better not let me down!
Ooooooo … ol’ Tlaz the potty mouth has no appreciation of the Constitutionally protected right to tap dance in a latrine. Alert the ACLU pronto.
Or should I hide under a rock and HOPE our state government will not screw us in the long run, ferry system, light rail, roads and transit etc?
And this is a serious question about our current state politics? Do tell!
36: Back off, man. Stephanie Miller’s already claimed Fitz for her stable.
@37: Ya gots somethin’ to say to me, post under your usual moniker and not the sock puppet of the moment, okay? At least I always post under the same nym.
If you truly consider yourself a Democrat, we really don’t need people like you on our team. Repetitive badmouthing one’s own teammates generally leads to getting kicked off the team, no matter what might be the sport. So, shoo, girl, shoo.
Hannah is a (shudder) Democrat Impersonator? The horror!
40: Back off, man. I’m a scientist.
@34 That’s unfortunate, but fortunately I can reproduce fast enough to keep it from putting a serious dent in the supply of rabbits.
We rabbits multiply like rabbits, if you know what I mean.
@35 Because you’re a fake and a poseur who consistently spews the wingnut line.
@35 You’re also a liar, as was noted in a previous thread. You claimed you had never posted here before, but Darryl caught you posting under 2 other screen names by matching your IP address. Then you came up with a cock-and-bull story about how 2 co-workers whose political views — and writing style — happen to exactly coincide with yours were using your work computer to post on HorsesAss during work hours.
Give it up, Hannah. You’ve been exposed as a wingnut fake, liar, and poseur. The evidence against you is beyond a reasonable doubt; it’s irrefutable. You’re not what you pretend to be, and we’re not going to silently sit here and let you play your little charade. You’ve been outed as a wingnut troll and anyone reading your thinly-disguised comments can easily see that’s exactly what you are.
@43: Seriously, are you some kind of stalker or something? Or just a humorless fuck?
My first response was dissapointment. Cant’ these guys ever get it through their thick heads that anybody willing to sell their body for a few bucks (even a few thousand bucks) isn’t going to pass up an opportunity to make more money, or to get a free pass out of jail, by pointing the finger at their clients?
But then I started wondering, along the lines of Roger Rabbit’s analysis. Just why is this information being leaked to the NYTimes now? The F.B.I.’s favorite answer to any questions about an ongoing criminal investigation is “No comment – we never comment about an active criminal investigation”. Since this guy’s not been charged with anything, where do the details of this F.B.I. wiretap come from? Somebody in the F.B.I. or the justice department leaked this, for political advantage. As Roger pointed out, who else is on those tapes, and why haven’t they been leaked, also?
And why is the F.B.I., who claims that they don’t have enough resources to combat both terrorism and other crime, devoting a lot of resources (wiretaps, etc.) to a call-girl ring?
Yep, if this guy is guilty, he should resign. But the whole thing smells of Karl Rove, and they should investigate it. If Karl Rove or members of the justice department of F.B.I. improperly leaked wiretaps from an active investigation for political advantage to one party or another, they should be prosecuted, also.
@41 Of course she bad mouths Democrats. That’s why she’s here. That’s her assignment from Wingnut Central.
@ 41 – point out where I bad mouth others? All I ever point out is how all of us should not play the same games of point and accuse as the reps do. Hilary is getting to be really good at this game and I don’t want more of the same games come November. I just pray Obama takes the higher road when he takes office in ’09. I question the decisions made by some of our party, who deosn’t? A few threads ago, everyone on here was bashing Frank Chopp and Ron Sims.
@49 – AMEN! Who leaked what and why? Like we will ever be told the answer to that!
@49 Good point. Under the chimp regime, bank robberies and identity thefts have soared, because Bush assigned 1,100 FBI agents to terrorism duties after 9/11 and didn’t replace them, leaving the domestic crime beat without police. Yet the FBI has resources to wiretap a D.C. prostitution ring to net a prominent Democratic politician who just happened to be the country’s most effective
prosecutor of corporate criminals? Something’s rotten in Denmark.
@ 47-once again you think conspiracy. Have Darryl check on me (I had the IT guy set an IP up dedicated to me and me only at work) Believe whatever you wish, I don’t have to prove myself to you. There are plenty others here that consider my questions, even though they may sometimes be against a particular democrat, reasonable. Us younger voters ask a lot of questions when the media likes to distort things.
@51 Start with your very first comment in this thread @5 and work forward from there. You’re fooling no one with your thinly-veiled slamming of Democrats, Hannah. You’re a liar, a fake, and a wingnut poseur. I have no more time for you in this thread — I have other things to do this afternoon — but if you keep coming back in future threads, I’ll continue to expose you. Count on it.
@54 “I don’t have to prove myself to you.”
And we don’t have to believe you. And guess what, we don’t.
Hannah, if you just admitted you posted as “Wondering” and “Reel in a Newbie”, you might be taken more seriously. But your laughable denials, and even more ludicrous explanations, defy logic.
It is odd how these “other posters from your office” never returned now that you feel you have some legitimacy here.
Own up to the truth, Sybil.
BO-IF that was me, I would admit it but it wasn’t. I had the IT guy dedicate an IP for me to use when I log in…too technical? If you think I’m a troll so be it. I will keep asking questions and getting responses, and I can laugh my way to the bank at all the conspiracy theories. It actually already explains alot.
This is a classic case of yet another power-mad individual. Spitzer was setting his sights very high, yet he fell victim to the flaw that cathces the ambitious: the lust for power and the feeling of superiority that comes from satifying that lust. Mike Nifong exemplified the same characteristics with the Duke lacrosse scandal, and now he’s just another failed attorney.
Spitzer trashed many decent people in his campaign to attack Wall Street and the investment industry. When the news was released on CNBC today, the traders on Wall Street cheered. Paybacks are a bitch!. Now, his career is in ruins, which is exactly where it should be. Spitzer’s quest for power is over.
If he did something illegal, I hope he’s punished. Maybe he can be cell mates with one of the current crop of Republican crooks serving time.
Hopefully Spitzer’s wife will divorce him and take everything.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Do you work at being disagreeable or does it just come naturally to you?
While technically you are correct, the distinctions are without a practical difference.
Per the CNN report at the time, U.S. District Court Judge Susan Weber Wright held:
“‘Simply put, the president’s deposition testimony regarding whether he had ever been alone with Ms. (Monica) Lewinsky was intentionally false and his statements regarding whether he had ever engaged in sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky likewise were intentionally false,’ the judge wrote of Clinton’s January 17, 1998 deposition.”
In other words, he lied (intentionally false statements on two salient points). Since depositions are taken under oath, he lied under oath.
From Black’s Law Dictionary:
“Perjury. In criminal law. The willful assertion as to a matter of fact, opinion, belief, or knowledge, made by a witness in a judicial proceeding as part of his evidence, either upon oath or in any form allowed by law to be substituted for an oath, whether such evidence is given in open court, or in an affidavit or otherwise, such assertion being material to the issue or point of inquiry and known to such witness to be false.”
Tell me…what Bill Clinton did…does it qualify?
And while his license was suspended for five years, he agreed to that upon which his membership in the bar of SCOTUS was automatically suspended whereupon he resigned.
To have your law license suspended for five years is to lose your right and ability to practice law for five years, which is, among attorneys, a very serious matter.
Whether it was suspended to appease the special counsel or to stay one jump ahead of Judge Wright’s referral to the Arkansas Supreme Court’s judicial discipline is irrelevent. What is relevent is that the license was suspended.
Now…you tell me what should be done with Eliot Spitzer.
The Piper
Hannah – Pelletizer@17 BULLSHITTIUM Alert
“When was the last time a Republican caught molesting little boys”
Who are you referring to Pelletizer?
FBI said Mark Foley broke no laws.
“Federal officials turned the case over to Florida after concluding that Foley did not engage in any actual sexual contact until the former pages had turned 18, and had therefore not violated federal law. Washington, D.C. law defines the age of consent as 16.”
End of Pelletizer BULLSHITTIUM Alert.
Puddy always finds the FACTS!
Pelletizer’s words come back to haunt him:
Roger Rabbit says:
@20 Gerry Stubbs? Ancient history – 1983. Barney Frank? Old history – 1990. Melvin Reynolds? Stale news – 1994. It seems you wingnuts have to go back 13 to 24 years to find a Democratic sex scandal, but you can find plenty of Republican sex scandals in yesterday’s newspaper.
That, and Chappaquiddick, is all you’ve got??
No Pelletizer – My PuddyBrain somehow remembers what the 16%ers write on this site.
Here is the comment from Puddy:
THE Puddybud The Prognosticator… says: JBD: Look, the party of debauchery is the donkey party. While they can talk about Mark Foley we know all about Gerry Stubbs doing it. While they can talk about Larry Craig, we know all about Barney Frank’s apartment. While they talk about ???? we know all about Melvin Reynolds and the little girls.
We need to be the clean party. They can stay the debauchery party.
BTW correctnotright: Didn’t use the Internet.
This is what I remember from last year and all the trumpeting and crowing from the 16%er crowd and one of your more illustrious members:
RightEqualsStupid says: Friday ABC expects to out several additional Publican perverts in the current DC sex scandal. Ah the right wing version of moral majority – in other words, the moral majority are neither! 04/30/2007 at 11:38 am
Puddy remembers!
Puddy….ewww gross! I was obviously way to young to know those stories. Seems like politicians on both sides seem to think they are above the law! Until they are caught that is!
Golly does anyone remember Pelletizer asking these questions during the DC Sex scandal last year…?
Roger Rabbit says:
1. Why are federal authorities investigating a local prostitution ring? Isn’t this usually a local police matter?
2. Why are federal authorities wiretapping a Democratic governor? Are they targeting prominent Democratic politicians?
3. Did they have a warrant for this wiretap?
4. Did the federal authorities who caught Spitzer with this wiretap also catch any prominent Republicans patronizing this high-end prostitution ring?
5. If one or more Republicans were caught is there a cover-up going on? If this high-end prostitution ring is patronized by politicians, doesn’t it make sense that politicians of both parties were patronize it?
I searched HorsesASSHoles high and low for his comments last year and lo and behold, nuthing from the mind of Pelletizer…
Hannah: Well the issue is what I said before. Let the donkey party be the debauchery party. We need to clean up our party.
BTW Eliot liked them petite 5’5″ 105 lbs.
Pelletizer I’d answer your FY to Piper but with your health, I’d rather have you as a target for a long time. So you keep posting and Puddy will keep remembering…
Puddy-one thing I have learned about RR is he NEVER questions anything the dems may or may have not done. But instead sees a conpiracy theory in everything. I am proud that Spitzer at least aknowledges hiw wrong doing and apologizes. I’d like to see more of that in our politics.
Hannah, you are not a 16%er so to Pelletizer you have no cred. If you need help with what Pelletizer writes for the 16%er crowd, let Puddy know…
Nor do I EVER want to think like this so called “16%er” If thats how our current dems really think…..I would rather run in the other direction. BUT thankfully I don’t see this mentality in most of our elected officials, some but not most.
The more I read of this blog the more I question myself.
Piper Scott,
“While technically you are correct, the distinctions are without a practical difference.”
Ummm…not unless the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” has been suspended by the Bush administration.
You allege that he has perjured himself. Yet, he was acquitted by the Senate of that charge, and he has never been indicted (outside of the House’s impeachment) on that charge.
“In other words, he lied (intentionally false statements on two salient points). Since depositions are taken under oath, he lied under oath.
Still, Judge Wright chose to prosecute Clinton for civil obstruction of justice, for which he paid a fine. Apparently, Judge Wright did not see a case for perjury.
“From Black’s Law Dictionary”
But, it is not clear from that definition (or the definition under Arkansas law) that Clinton perjured himself. Was the statement material to the lawsuit? (Maybe… or maybe not.) Were there interpretations of the questions that made the answers truthful (Maybe…you and I don’t even know the questions asked.)
Tell me…what Bill Clinton did…does it qualify?
Apparently not, since he was acquitted in one court (Senate) and never charged with perjury in the civil case.
“And while his license was suspended for five years, he agreed to that upon which his membership in the bar of SCOTUS was automatically suspended whereupon he resigned.”
You stated above that he “surrendering his license to practice law” But resigning from the SC bar is not “surrendering his license to practice law” except in the very special case of practicing law before the SC.
“To have your law license suspended for five years is to lose your right and ability to practice law for five years, which is, among attorneys, a very serious matter.”
Serious, indeed, but a suspension is not the same as surrendering a license to practice law.
“Whether it was suspended to appease the special counsel or to stay one jump ahead of Judge Wright’s referral to the Arkansas Supreme Court’s judicial discipline is irrelevent. What is relevent is that the license was suspended.”
No…what is relevant to this discussion is that you made two incorrect claims:
The first statement is incorrect. You have alleged perjury regardless of Clinton having been accused and acquitted of that charge in one trial. And in a civil suit in another court, he was convicted of a minor (relative to perjury) civil charge. He paid a fine.
Your second point is factually incorrect (or, only true in a single court).
“Now…you tell me what should be done with Eliot Spitzer.”
Pelletizer wrote: “You’re also a liar, as was noted in a previous thread. You claimed you had never posted here before, but Darryl caught you posting under 2 other screen names by matching your IP address.”
Hannah this is why Darryl is a punk. Goldy said he’ll never out someone on his blog yet Darryl does it all the time? He’s a punk. In the inner city punks learn fast.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
By all means, Hannah, listen to Uncle Tom. He has great credibility and influence here.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Hannah @ 72: You seem to queston Roger Rabbit because he sees conspiracy theories.
I used to disregard conspiracy theories, also – until the current administration. Considering the past proven practices of Karl Rove and his Republican hit team, there is little that these guys won’t do if they think it gives them a marginal partison advantage.
Inquiring minds really DO want to know: Does anyone here still believe the democrat line “character doesn’t matter”?
GBS says:
I have a feeling the right will remain silent on this issue. There’s been so many Republican scandals of the last decade or so that their best bet is to no stir the pot.
Guess again. hehehehehe
oh oh Did I hear conspiracy??? So now George Bush forced Spitzer to call that prostitute??? Man that’s one smart monkey. hehehehe
Look on the bright side, for once a Democrat scandal that involves OVERage women.
The fact that this happened to a former prosecuter turned donk makes it even better. This couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.
The main difference between republican and democrat scandals is that republican scandals are based on lies whereas democrats scandals are not. Nuff said.
#84: Didn’t you hear? The same republican operative that forced open the oval office door and threw Monica Lewinsky in there was the same one who forced Spitzer to send money to the prostitution ring. Oh, and W ordered the operative to do every bit of this dirty work—wasn’t it obvious????
How low we ALL have sunk. Which of our great Americans could pass the current psuedo morality tests?
Franklin .. how many bastards did he pather and how did the Ohio land deal work out?
Jefferson.. miscegenation to top it all?
Jackson? nuff said.
Lincoln … which president took money to send someone into slavery?
Ike … who was that lady? oh, how did a general get the money to buy that estate when he left DC?
Kennedy … nuff said
MLK … plabiarism and ladies of the night
Jesse Jackson … bastards born
Nixon … who paid for that cloth coat?
Dole How did an impecunious public servant become a millionaire?
Clinton I nuff said.
Clintin II … married Clinton I.
Bush I and II … hmmm coke, AWOL, and too friendly with the Saudis?
So that leaves us with FDR .. no he had a mistress.
Elizabeth I had lovers, Kings David and Solomon as well as ol JO Smith and Mohamed, had harems.
So that leaves us with some prigs (Adams and Washington) a haberdasher, and the mythical Jesus???
This is NUTS. When Venus got a lttle typsy and got ticketed for DWI, this blog went WILD! Elliot Spitzer bought himself a little poontang and we are outraged, outraged.
Yu folks are sure holy crowd here.
I can just smell all the nice, warm saopy clean smells from your saintly bodies. I think we need politicians to sign oaths to the effect that they have never wacked off, lusted over a beautiful woman, had same sex with anyone, slept with any man but her husband, never had sex during menses, and always washed their hands in hot water afer elimination of urine or feces.
So…are you saying those on “your team” must, by definition, be immune from criticism? Yet it’s HA Happy HooliHallelujah gospel that demands that those of us on the right immediately shoot and kill our wounded and eat our young?
Perish the thought!
Here’s a proposition: Irrespective of ideology, misfeasance and malfeseacance ought to be condemned. Violations of the rules – the criminal law or ethical standards – should be condemned by all sides.
Sadly, what all too often happens among the HA Happy Hooligans is that, without regard to its gravity, no leftist sin goes unrationalized while no conservative sin goes without calling for the rascal to be drawn and quartered. And this is followed by the sanctification of left-wing policy and the attempted criminalization of conservative policy.
So all we ever do is fight without actually accomplishing anything.
While there is room for honest differences of opinion and the presumption of innocence, when someone like Eliot Spitzer appears to get his hand caught in the nookie jar, no one benefits by trying to explain it away or stiffling criticism…including criticism of those on your own team.
The Piper
@89 Pussy
what is wrong with you. We true conservatives wouild come to Mr. Spitzer’s defence if he were not a Jew. Looka at il Newt and Ronnie Raygun as m oral examples. Tyese guys never PAID for sex!
What Spitzer dis to a good Chrsiti9an woman and her willingness to bed a Jew for dollars is what shocks me!
How about you?
In a sense I feel sorry for Mrs Spitzer who put her faith in her husband being a clean crusader. Now she’s got to deal with the looks of her husband’s hypocrisy.
Hey BO – Speaking of hypocrisy; will you admit you are not chadt?
Darryl the punk will delete this post even though I asked a question of hypocrisy.
On the up side David Paterson = the shit.
Hey lefties: In a year or two this hypocrisy will be forgotten by your side. Eliot will be elevated to his former status and he’ll move along.
Think of Alcee Hastings. Impeached judge and now an “esteemed” congressional donkey memeber.
oh boy, check this out…
Just before he got outed publicly today, Spitzer was gearing up to push for new laws allowing abortion to be performed by non-physicians. Amazing—he wants abortions to also be performed by dentists and social workers.
Folks, after we learned recently that Planned Parenthood happily welcomes donations specifically requested to snuff out minority babies , this latest move should tell you about all you need to know about how low the “industry” has sunk.
@94 PussyCunt
First, why do you use such a dumb name? Is ti because you are a parody?
yeh, Spitzer is a no good, Jewish shyster who cheated on his wife. So what? He paid for the lady’s services!
Fellow Radrighters. we need consistency! Stick it to to the Dimbulbs by telling them to defend their own. Hit em where it hurts on their inability to show a consistent regard for individual freedom!
Leave Spitzer in office to embarass Obama! Does anyone know if the whore was Black?
Since Hillberry is my candidate, we can turn this to her advantage. She should offer to council the Spitzers and then announce that Spitzer has found Jesus! She can encourage him to serve out his term but announce that she will not use him as an adviser until his new Pastor, Rev. Dobson (moi), agrees.
Pussy girl, you know in your heart that this is the right thing to do! Join the team!
So Pussy, Bless you for all the good you do but remember what Jesus said, ” Tis more blessed to forget than to remember that which is hareful. ” Forget what you can not forgive.
Well hardy-har-har.
Madame Hillary is about to be exposed. This is gonna be good.
HAHAHA I got deleted comments…what did it say?
Hmm it said…”Gotta run, heading out, have a good evening everyone”
Boy that must be against HA policy? Well basically it was because I was conversing with Puddy…pointing out the hypocracy of who says what.
@89 – isnt that the truth…who cares who’s screwing who? I sure don’t all I know is I am getting screwed (and not in a good way) by our current government!
I can almost hear the loud shrill squeal of Roger “Where’s the free handouts?” Rodent’s blood-pressure monitor while he frantically tries to find a way to put a positive spin on this debauchery. The Gov. got caught and all the mud-slinging against the right over sex-scandals has come back and bit you ingnoramous Democrats in the ass. Perhaps the Gov. can consult Bill Clinton on how to get himself out of this one. Sorry Wabbit, you lose.
Piper @ 90:
“While there is room for honest differences of opinion and the presumption of innocence, when someone like Eliot Spitzer appears to get his hand caught in the nookie jar, no one benefits by trying to explain it away or stiffling criticism…including criticism of those on your own team.”
I couldn’t agree with you more. I have plenty of criticism for members of my own team, criticism I’m willing to share. Such criticism, however, is generally of a constructive nature and accompanies some statement about good that my fallen team member may have accomplished. “Hannah”, from my view, has nothing by way of Democratic credentials other than her claim that she is for Obama. I know plenty of Republicans claiming they are for Obama at this point. “Hannah” is a plant, a potted plant at that. With regard to Spitzer, I’ve never been a fan of the sanctimonious. So, if he goes down, I’m not going to lose any sleep. By the way, I’ll give you credit for a phrase nicely turned–“nookie jar.”
You had to see this coming. The donks have been spouting off on mostly made up bullshit and now this. Sit and spin donks.
Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har
Proud Leftist: If Hannah could show you her voting record and it is all donkey would you change your tune?
Thank you Goldy for posting this, and while watching it I saw a woman in absolute horror, and a man who unfortunately did not have a clue of what he had done, or the guts to ever once look at her with a word of heartfelt contrition or compassion during that entire speech.
She was holding back immense feelings of scorn, and god help her make the right decisions in the next days. I believe she will make those decisions, and he will and should be sent running from her and her children’s home.
She is the one here who was brave, and in this case, unlike others in our history, she will make the decision to leave this A Hole within days.
Wow, that’s what you saw. All I saw was a self rightous donk getting his just reward.
Puddy…even with proof of my voting record, these types of people wouldn’t believe it still. Facts speak no truth.
Speaking of hypocrites – since the GOP Senator from Louisiana was also caught up in a call girl operation gone wrong – i.e., he hired hookers…are the republicans calling for him to resign too? Naaaaah.
I did.
If you’d bother to actually read the posts you will see I said he should have resigned in @2.
BTW…when will you own up to a real name and address like I have. What are you hiding?
The Piper
Nice to see that whether Democrat or Republican, both lack real family values – See comments above for list of examples so kindly pointed out. The Republicans should especially be ashamed since they preach family values so much. Bottom line – guys can’t keep their dick in their pants, and women can’t keep their legs crossed. But preach to me your latest catch phrase you fucking hypocrites.
It Wasn’t the Sex; Suspicious $$ Transfers Led to Spitzer
Spitzer, who made his name by bringing high-profile cases against many of New York’s financial giants, is likely to be prosecuted under a relatively obscure statute called “structuring,” according to a Justice Department official.;page=1
It is hard for me to believe the entertainment for #9 involved a four figure fee. Who is her Agent?
106. I saw the Bold hypocrite giving his last speech but it was nothing of a speech compared to watching his woman so scorned. The deserving looks from her in that video said it all. He will be meeting the divorce attorney soon!
But believe me whatever he got there was nothing like the wrath I saw (deservingly so I will add) on his wife’s face.
That speech may have been tough, but nothing like the trip home after that. And I have to tell you I would not want to have had to return to that home that evening.
Sad end to an otherwise promising career.
@GS – I feel so horrible for his wife AND kids. What a mess! But I have to say, I appreciate his admission and apology (even it was based on info coming out)
Obviously client #9 is just a victim of the “Vast right wing conspiracy” like Goldy would like you to believe.
Repeat after me Dems……….BAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
…#9, #9, #9, #9
If you watched the video of them arriving at the news conference, she ot out of the vehicle first and started walking and he had to catch up. If you can find it watch it. Very telling indeed.
Let the Spitz pay for his crime and let’s move on.
Oh, hell, no.
The righties will go on about this for decades.
Until November.
Then it’s moooooooooooot.
he righties will go on about this for decades.
Until November.
Then it’s moooooooooooot.
03/10/2008 at 8:57 pm
Yeah yeah
When McCain wins you guys will still be bringing up those lies about his supposed “girlfriend”. I wonder if the left will blame their loss on Diebold again??? hehehehehe
..kinda like the Foley thing, eh 118? Dems crowed up until the polls closed. Now you really don’t hear about it (good thing he resigned, however.)
So are Hillary and Obama seeking the Spitzer endorsement yet?
Obi_Wan: See Post #63. That’s my response to Pelletizer bringing up something and the FBI could not find a problem when they investigated it.
Heilary liked his licenses for illegals proposal until she didn’t like it.
I think she hypocritically took a poll and found people didn’t like the idea.
All you donks are constantly complaining that the Justice Department under Bush doesn’t work. How do you like it now. NEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHE
@70 “PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says: We need to clean up our party.”
Nah, it’s too far gone; I think you should just burn it down.
@72 “Puddy-one thing I have learned about RR is he NEVER questions anything the dems may or may have not done.”
I’m a party hack and liberal propagandist, so why would I?
@76 “Pelletizer wrote: ‘You’re also a liar, as was noted in a previous thread. You claimed you had never posted here before, but Darryl caught you posting under 2 other screen names by matching your IP address.’”
“Hannah this is why Darryl is a punk. Goldy said he’ll never out someone on his blog yet Darryl does it all the time? He’s a punk. In the inner city punks learn fast.”
Aaaah … but you don’t deny that Darryl outed Hannah as a liar? Because you can’t. Because she is. You’re reduced to calling Darryl a “punk” because even you can’t deny the truth about Hannah, all you can do is complain about Darryl outing here.
Puddy, you’ve been on HA for a long time and you know this isn’t your run-of-the-mill liberal brie-and-tea party. This blog is full of liberal punks. We’re all punks here.
her not here
@77 See what I mean?
@81 I don’t see any conspiracy theories. It’s overt. Republicans are so arrogant they make no effort to cover their tracks.
@82 OK, you win! You Republicans have convinced me. Your behavior over the last 7 years proved character does matter.
@87 “The main difference between republican and democrat scandals is that republican scandals are based on lies whereas democrats scandals are not. Nuff said.”
You got that right, worthless mutt! When Republicans get caught they lie about it. Democrats confess and apologize.
This is the last thing Balogh’s mongrel will ever see.
Ah you caught us. It’s so easy. All donks are deprived sexual predators. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Operation push a prostitute in front of a donk was a success. hahahahaahhaahaha
hey roger the order was signed by a federal judge.your such a fuckin idiot.almost as bad as spitzer bye bye eliott.oh and roger ill bet they have the warrant want to make a small wager.
@94 I still like our crooks and adulterers better than your crooks and adulterers. Spitzer is on the side of consumers and working people, and has done much to dismantle the Republican Crime Family in New York.
@95 If you believe anything Malkin says, you’re a candidate for abortion yourself.
@96 “yeh, Spitzer is a no good, Jewish shyster who cheated on his wife. So what? He paid for the lady’s services!”
Interesting observation. If he were a Republican, he’d walk out without paying, like our own resident deadbeat Mark the Lying Welsher.
@99 It was off topic, and off-topic comments get deleted. In case you’re confused about what the topic of this blog is, it’s
hey cockbreath @33 you know the difference between a mis and a felony.ask spitzer or roger
@100 What have I lost? BTW, I’ve got a bunch of marbles here, are they yours by any chance?
@ 139 – discussing HYPOCRISY was off topic? HUH? What’s the title of this thread?
@51 these assholes eat there young.and dont try and reason with them its like shoveling shit against the tide.if you think there bad know wait until nov when McCAIN KICKS THERE ASS.
The false piety of your society is incredible.
What exactly did Spitzer do that was so shocking? He paid a fee to have a highly talented woman interact with him in the sex act. Why this is a crime beats the hell out of me. On Mars we make it illegal to hire another person to sing! That makes sense! This si nuts.
How do we even know that his wife cares about anything other than the effect on (their) careers? Does she really regard his penis as her personal possession?
Would it shock you Earthies if she had bought him this interlude as a Valentine’s day present?
If I understand the logic there is some special nature to the idea of a pair (as opposed to a treo, foursome or even half dozen) owning the groins of each other (and, for limited purpose the mouths, anus and, for the lady, her tits). To a Martian this convey very odd images .. imagine one of us introducing his Tymite and saying I own her groin!
As I understand your laws, some of you believe exchange of groin rights should vbe availbale even to pairs of the same gender! Are two Earthers utterly devoted to each other without sexual contact considered equal before the law as two who do trade the rights to access of their erogneous zones?
It’s time for beddy-bye. So, let’s say our prayers:
“Now, I lay me down to sleep
I pray my stupidity I’ll keep
If I should die before I wake
I guess that God knows who to take,
There you go, little buddy. Sweet dreams.
All the wingnuts that come here are attracted to you. Does that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Way to go, girl.
“Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton carefully sidestepped questions Monday about the sex scandal engulfing Eliot Spitzer”
Oh really!
So I think Once this Bitch Hillary Screws over Obama, by changing the rules in Florida and Wi to fit her Clintonistic highness, that he will be the equivilant of a new reborn Lieberman, except more powerful, and he and his followers will feel so much hate for this last minute rule change, that a party change will be in order as it was with Lieberman.
McCain could ask him to be his VP and he would feel more at home than in the Democratic Party.
Hey, lad, what language are you speaking?
Puddy, forgive me, but you have managed to justify HOMOSEXUAL behavior. Something you Wingnuts are strongly opposed to. And further you point out he could have “done” a sixteen year old page, all the while defending him. You also just condoned old, lecherous men preying on young, impressionable kids.
Nice, Puddy. Very, very nice.
I’m speaking the language of the Left, they “ATE” Joe Lieberman and tossed him out after he was their VP Choice. I am just saying, with Obama, the first and I think most deserving of your support, he will be thrown o the wolves by the Clinton Machine.
He won’t become a part of that, he stands for so much more.
The Quote “Dream Ticket” is definately missing one member, and oh by the way that member is leading in all polls, but being put in second Fiddle place by who, by the Democrat establishment
Doubt it?
You are a total loser that can’t spell at a 5th grade level. You want to be taken seriously? You are a clown. Somebody as uneducated and dense as you needs help blowing your nose. What you may blow naturally is beyond MY curiosity, but…..
Anybody have any idea at all why Elliot Spitzer wants NY to allow dentists, podiatrists, chiropractors, etc. to do abortions? With no assistant, etc (like that even matters when things get this silly)? What in the world is driving this?
Oh Carl Left Foot. I didn’t manage to justify anything. I proved Pelletizer is full of bunkum.
If you check this blog you’d see what I said about Mark Foley.
wake me when you say something worthwhile.
Headless simmeringsimpleton lucy – We need RAID for racists such as you. Then you’d disappear for good.
At least he in the military for 30 years. What have you done (nuthin) for your country.
Hannah – welcome to the reality of the Democrat party in 2008. Total 100% adherence to the ultra left wing or total ostracism. Do you enjoy it?
Notice how Goldy’s first instinct was to blame the Republicans. How sick is that?
#160 Ah, but I WAS in the military, Puddydip. You’re so fucking stupid that you still hold on to your obsessive fantasy that I’m “Lucy”. Since you’re obviously quite limited in both your perception and your reasoning ability, I suppose that it’s the best you can do. Especially when added to your fairy-tale, pseudo-Christian theocratic rants, your racial whining-cum-projection, and your general hebephrenia.
And, it’s totally irrelevant. You remain, and and will continue to be, one of the most colorful asshat clowns extant, as you you wander blithely on spewing garbage that makes sense only to you, justifying your delusions of relevance by comments from people charitable enough to dignify your drivel with only subtle derision, and remaining generally impervious to anything that illuminates your obvious addiction to this blog.
It’s this kind of obsessive, if unintended, comedy that has made you an asset* here as one to whom anyone can point when they need to demonstrate an example of wingnut isolation from reality.
Good for you, I say. Don’t let trivialities like sanity, dignity, or proper usage of the language deter you from what you do so very well.
I assume that,if you are indeed a Network Engineer that
( a )you are a member of a strong union
( b )the definition is loosely applied at your site, and/or,
( c )your children are subjected to frequent periods of malnourishment.
*Roger will appreciate the alliteration of asset = asshat
Hmm…odd formatting here. It doesn’t look like it did in the box. But odd formatting matches the odd wingnuts, so….
Simmeringsimpleton: You rants are soooo similar to headless lucy. You make similar commentary, use the same nomenclature and I posted the same I remember this scene in a movie comment only you two EVER POSTED.
Spewing garbage is your forte.
As a Professional Network Engineer who works for a living, I don’t need to be a union member. Why, because those I work for:
1) Don’t require it
2) Profession NOT unionized
3) Union people don’t mess with the best – It’s not 8 hours, breaks every 1.5 hours, mandatory lunch break, and gone at the whistle.
4) The really good ones are few in number hence my children don’t go hungry.
Since I haven’t said much of a Christian-rant here in a while, you have to be someone else simmeringsempleton.
Well, Puddy, Network Engineer is one of my job descriptions/titles, and I am a union member. So that’s more specious bullshit. The description is not a discrete professional group, as you very well know. And I view the fact that I am officially so titled as somewhat of a joke, since I do so little of it that I’d probably have difficulty assigning subnets these days.
And I certainly don’t work the kind of schedule that you allege union workers do.
But, the point is, that neither I, nor anyone else, has any reason whatever to believe that you are, in fact, a network engineer, because you are the one providing that information, and all the erroneous drivel and flawed reasoning you engage in gives you insufficient credibility to sustain your statements about your occupational status.
Or anything else.
Most of the rest of us are sensible enough to understand that what we say is credible only to the extent that we can make it so by either offering external, verifiable evidence, or being consistently congruent with reality.
If your children are physically nourished, they are fortunate. Clearly the same cannot be said of their intellectual sustenance, except, perhaps, at school.
should have been a semi-colon after except. so sorry.
BEFORE except. Need another drink. Almost out of Thunderbird. Got to crawl to store. Must deal with Puddy before I pass out. Or, maybe better, after…
Spitzer spoke up only because he was nailed.
He is a self-righteous egomaniac who felt he was above the law.
Soliciting a prostitute across State Lines is a FEDERAL OFFENSE.
And from the published e-mails, this doesn’t appear to be the first time.
Spitzer is now trying to WORM his way out of prosecution by bagaining away his elected office in exchange for no prosecution.
Spitzer was a legitimate candidate to be the 1st Jewish President. But alas, he has fallen like a sack of poop from 30,000 ft. KER-SPLAAAAAAAAAT!
This is substantially different from Larry Craig and others in that it involved solicitation across State Lines.
Spitzer came from a wealthy family, had all the privileges, went to Harvard & Princeton…became a fighter for what is right & just and KER-SPLAAAAAAAAAAAAT.
Seems like Republicans don’t have a corner on outrageous behavior. What is the problem with people in power abusing it??? Term Limits wouldn’t have avoided Spitzer…but it seems like something worth talking about.
Oh, wait, they’re all in…., well, never mind.
Sex crossing state lines.Only a Democrat would sink so low.
Nobody in the Republic party would ever DO that.
Diapers are much cheaper, too.
ohhhhh sempersimpleton let’s see just how good you are. I already proved my mettle for JSA when he had a network problem on his site in BC late last year. He had issues trying to solve it and I gave him the answer, gave him other suggestions and told him how to determine if the fixed worked.
He profusely thanked me.
See ya TURKEY!
Spitzer used the law as a KLUB in hammering enemies.
Live by the KLUB, Lose Your Job by the KLUB!
Spitzer was in love with THE LAW.
When you have that attitude and are an egomaniac…trouble is inevitable.
Also, it appears some of those Financial allegations may have some legs. That would be the worst part of all.
ohhhhh sempersimpleton let’s see just how good you are. I have so many live installation questions from experience which I know you will have to go to Google to answer.
Well, Puddy, if you can read the posts above, you will see that I regard my title as a joke.
But if you have questions for which you can find answers no other way, I can assign one of my subordinates to bail you out. Just let me know. Always willing to assist the challenged, you know.
You are, of course, an authority on self-righteous egomaniacs…what with being a righty, and all.
No sempersimpleton, I don’t need your subordinates to answer them because they can look it up. I want you to answer them since it was you who came here screaming you know it all and challenging me on my network prowess.
If you search this blog, HorsesASSholes, I even offered to help Goldy with his database problem.
But being the butthole of lefties, always correcting others while ignoring your baggage, dared me. So you ready to take the test?
And sempersimpleton, until proven otherwise your prose still reminds me on headless lucy. Your Christian rant gave yourself away…
David Letterman Top Ten on Spitzer’s excuses: “No. 1, I thought Bill Clinton legalized this years ago.”
“I want you to answer them since it was you who came here screaming you know it all and challenging me on my network prowess”
Cite that statement.
Can’t you even read, you simpleton? Go back and READ 167.
What a fucking dolt. You have NO comprehension.
Your sticky keyboard is stuck again, Rabbit.
Fix the fucker.
1. Why are federal authorities investigating a local prostitution ring? Isn’t this usually a local police matter?
Probable violation of Federal law. The Great White Hope Mann Act of 1910 prohibits interstate transport of horizontal entrepreneurs. Spitzer had his shipped Fed Ex from Ney York to D.C.
2. Why are federal authorities wiretapping a Democratic governor? Are they targeting prominent Democratic politicians?
Probable violation of federal laws against money laundering. IRS notified FBI about unusual migrations of large bundles of dollars among Spitzer-controlled accounts. Question: While Superdelegate #9 comingled with cute Emperor escorts, did his dollars comingle promiscuously with tax dollars or campaign dollars?
Stalking Tlaz: Rabbit & Darryl are stalking Hannah. See above.
ASSWipe@180: So you are going to tell the world you didn’t type these words:
“But, the point is, that neither I, nor anyone else, has any reason whatever to believe that you are, in fact, a network engineer, because you are the one providing that information, and all the erroneous drivel and flawed reasoning you engage in gives you insufficient credibility to sustain your statements about your occupational status.”
Yeah, thought so. Sucks to be you!
KMBBA Sucka.
Since you claimed to not believe me (you challenging me on my network prowess) and I gave proof positive from JSA’s thank you,
One more time … Slumlord Rezko Lobbied Obama Who Lobbied Rezko’s Health Board Scam …
Hey Pelletizer it was a NY Bank who noticed lots of Spitzer money going to QAT the EmperorVIPClub shell company and called in the FEDS.
Once again Pelletizer is a prime HorsesASSHole jackASS.
@183 – stalking me huh? Bring em’ on!!! LMAO! They are just pissed at me because I am not so far left as to have my head up my you know what!
And this Spitzer thing??? Hell make prostitution legal since all the politicians use ’em! The only illegal thing Spitzer did was with the hiding of money in fake business names. THATS what got him caught, his OWN bank brought the attention in!
Hannah, Pelletizer never let facts interfere with his rants on this blog.
@ 189 – yes as I pointed out I could show proof of my voting dem record since I was 18 and the facts still wouldn’t be good enough. Talk about HYPOCRISY! :) I think I now understand the true reason the guys here at work wanted me to come to this blog site…to show me the other side of being so far one direction as in left, these guys are more middle of the road republicans, but their reasoning behind voting MOSTLY rep is the so far left is JUST LIKE the so far right.
You lost me @ 190, but the fault’s probably mine. Still, it’s nice of ‘work’ to give you a dedicated IP for HA.
@191 – HUH??? So you must be posting under a different name today? As I have so frequently been accused of? Since most people here I am seeing must be retired or jobless, don’t understand the concept of a proxy server where all PC’s in an office use the same IP address. I got so sick and tired of the games and accusations, I had IT give me my own IP off the proxy server that no one else in my office has access to. Therefore eliminating others here posting here under “my” IP. I didn’t know I personally owned the IP’s here in my office! :)
“…at least six years?? and possibly more than a decade???”…
the reason the feds were looking at this is apparently his bank tipped them off to some weird money transactions he’d been engaging in.
You gave me proof positive of nothing. I didn’t see anything above from JSA, and who the hell is JSA? A self-serving sock puppet?Your cousin from Detroit? A figment of your already discredited imagination?
You can’t comprehend the simplest of concepts, you just rant.
Yelling at the top of your lungs that you’re the greatest thing since sliced bagels convinces me only that you’re loud.
I don’t see a lot of positive support for you here from anybody else, either, just in case that had escaped your notice. Evidently it has.
Clinton I didn’t do it.
@195: I’m sure when JSA from Beacon Hill will be thrilled to read he’s a sock puppet for Puddybud.
Here is a hint: Results 1 – 10 of about 378 from for jsa.
See for yourself if he’s my sockpuppet. In one of those links he thanks me.
As Pelletizer says this is a liberal blog. I’m sure he’ll print his toady rules AGAIN for you. I am conservative so I don’t expect support from donkey.
Enjoy your reading…
What’s interesting now, is this is when Hillary and Bill don’t need this Spitzer thing front and center right now. It hits too close to home.
The’ll have him swept under the carpet within a week.
And if Spitzer’s Wife tells him to shove it, which it sure likes, it will be another blow.
It’s not my job to see if any of your hallucinations is grounded in reality by searching archives to see a note from a person unknown to me thanking you for solving a problem which you want me to believe proves, by itself, that you are a network engineer.
For all I care you can refer me to archived notes from somebody I don’t know thanking you for removing a sliver which you then offer as proof that you are a surgeon.
That’s not the point of the post, and no amount of screeching and diversion will make it so.
I’ll give credit where it’s due: At least Hannjob Hannity had the common sense to get his pole smoked where it’s legal, here in Nevada at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch!;var2=0
Well, we at least have proof he was there…..did he? Didn’t he? Who knows, and more importantly, who cares? Our fascination with the sexual proclivities of the rich, famous and powerful is bordering on the ridiculous. Perhaps if prostitution was legalized, regulated and closely monitored nationwide as it is here in Nevada’s rural counties, perhaps Spitzer’s situation wouldn’t be so dire…..
Yeah, that’ll happen….
Blather all you want @199. My opinion of you hasn’t changed and it won’t. But my paycheck is not dependent on union membership nor do I have to pay “my dues” to work. I get paid very well for what I do and my networks work first time.
Simple questions for you @199.
GigE networks work how? Can’t cheat by Googling it, you’s spose to know this…
Standard loss rate of TCP is? Can’t cheat by Googling it, you’s spose to know this…
Which universit(y/ies) does/do industry system tests? Can’t cheat by Googling it, you’s spose to know this…
Can’t ask your “employees” (yes lucy that’s a hoot) either. This information is common knowledge to a real network engineer.
@199: More simple questions.
Without asking your “employees”;
NetWare networks in the 1980s required what file to operate? Can’t cheat by Googling it, you’s spose to know this…
When did NetWare change their file formats?
For Windows NT what did the NT stand for
1) From Microsoft
2) in the field
AppleTalk networks in the 1980s required you to do what to correctly operate? Can’t cheat by Googling it, you’s spose to know this…
For Data Recovery what is the most important thing besides good backup tapes?
@199 For the questions in #202 you can’t cheat by Googling it, you’s spose to know that info…
@199 Since you chose not to answer #184 it proves you are a mindless wonder.
I think AZ is calling it’s “person” home.
See ya.
Speaking of Hypocrisy:
For the last two nights, ABC, NBC and CBS have NOT specified Eliot Spitzer’s donkey party affiliation in any news cast.
All I can say is after having gone through the agony of having a cheating spouse…
I’m sad that this guys wife is having to deal with this public humiliation. What’s truly pathetic is she appears to be yet another wife who is more of a political ally than a partner/spouse. In an ideal world, she’s kick this guy to the curb instead of standing next to him.
Yes, the man is a Hypocrite.
Yes, the worlds oldest trade is illegal in NY and as Governor, he should resign.
Forget the political party affiliation BS being put forth on this board. He’s a scumbag.