Political recluse and King County Executive wannabe Susan Hutchison finally showed up at a candidate forum, though apart from boldly vowing to fix county government by cutting waste, fraud and abuse, she was by most accounts, short on details:
In a conversation with reporters afterwards, she said more of her positions would be known in the coming weeks.
You know, after her positions have become known to her.
“Dow Constantine had to duck out early, but fellow council member Larry Phillips was quick to say that King County needs more revenue to sustain the department. He reiterated past attacks on Tim Eyman (who was in the audience) for sponsoring initiatives that cut deeply into the county tax base, including that 1 percent property tax cap.”
Hunter, Jarrett, Hutchison, and Constantine to a lesser extent are looking to cut costs in the County. Phillips, beholden to Big Labor, especially the Washington State Council of County and City Employees, apparently wants to increase taxes.
What’s funny is her comments the other day to the PI. Essentially “I don’t have to explain anything to voters…they’ve known me for over 20 years on the air….”
As if anyone could discern her political leanings listening to her reading a script.
Since no one else has done so, I want to post the kind of questions that Ms. H should answer?
1. You have been an active member of a radical right think tank that, among other things, supports creationism. This worries those if us who believe science needs to be the basis for government decisions.
Are you a creationist?
2. Many people with fundamentalist religious beliefs have also subscribed to the conservative economic agenda. This agenda supports low taxation and very little use of public funds for schools, roads, healthcare and education.
Where do you stand on the various Eyeman initiatives?
3. Your predecessor, if you are elected, supported government without religious partisanship.
Should the county openly celebrate Christmas and Easter?
4. A good amount of marijuan is grwon in rutal King County.
How much of our resources should go into eradicating marijuans production?
5. King County is home to a small number of ultra wealthy individuals.
Should our tax system be progressive enough to collect a share of country support from these individuals greater than the share paid by the less affluent?
It would appear that the buzz from Hutchison and others about “eliminating waste” in the county budget is mainly code for robbing retirees of their pensions and medical care.
Why the fuck don’t they just shoot all of us and get it over with?
Power-mad right wingers like Hutchison and Palin gets the right wing male slavering..
She applies the makeup, ramps up the delivery of the same old, same old right wing chestnuts and like sheep, they herd to the pen.
Hutchison like Irons before her MUST be defeated.
Shh… They might take you up on the offer.
I just bought a ballon that’s part of a fund-raiser to help pay for a kids cancer treatments. I’m happy to help out, but I really wish we didn’t have to hold fund-raisers to pay for kids cancer treatments.
Hutchison says the budget is bloated and she’s going to cut “waste.” I take that to mean she doesn’t have any clue about what’s in the budget and how to balance it.
Wasn’t there another candidate forum yesterday? I think I read somewhere that Hutchison had declined to attend that one. But did anyone else show? I cannot find any mention of the second forum anywhere.
Hutchinson is not the real front runner and will crash and burn badly in November. Her current course of action is also quite possibly the only way she could FAIL to get out of the primary. She does have to speak sometime. I don’t like her Discovery Institute and Bush/ Huckaby ties, but I am more interested in how she thinks we should direct or control growth, where we build more transit capacity, how we pay for it, and what “waste and bloated “elements of government she can identify and how she intends to cut them, etc,e tc. In other words the real issues in King County. Of course, she has no answers to any of these questions.
But she will advance because she is the only Repub in the race (and don’t give me the nonpartisan BS, if voters smoked out Irons, they will smoke out Hutchinson easily,) and as such will get to the runoff against the top vote getter of the Dems. Then she will get crushed. Hello? Its King County folks. She will not get close to 40% and maybe get beaten 2-1. And the polls don’t tell us a damn thing, either.
If Hutchinson does keep her mouth shut, then she may leave open the door for many moderate R’s, and King Co is the one place where that breed still exists, to cross over to Jarrett.
The other day, Toby Nixon endorsed him. If Hutchinson does not start sending the right q’s to the repubs, she could fade. If her idiotic and overpriced right wing hatchet men consultants are advising her to do this, its because they simply smell money and want to make sure they keep her viable until the November thrashing. It is possible after they spent time with her they figured out the only chance to get through August was to not let her open her mouth.
So the real question, is how do we get the best progressive democrat out of the primary? The idea of choosing between a quasi albeit competent R (Jarrett) and a whacko right wing idiot like her is not very appealing to me.
The primary democratic survivor is the real question here. What are we going to do about it?
8 Dino Rossi in a skirt.
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Hey come on, you guys. Susan was voted “Ideal Romantic Woman” by Harlequin Romance Books back in the 80s. Surely that is enough preparation to be an elected official.