In defending her failure to report the use of a four bedroom Laurelhurst house as her campaign headquarters, Susan Hutchison merely shrugged off allegations by claiming it was “the residence of my campaign manager.” Of course, that’s neither here nor there, as she’s still required to account for the use of the house as either an expense or an in-kind contribution.
But as I previously pointed out, her dismissive explanation is also clearly a bald-faced lie, as there’s no way her young campaign manager could afford the $2300 to $4000 a month comparable homes in the neighborhood are renting for. Either he’s not paying rent at all, or… well… or this particular scam is part of a larger money laundering scheme Hutchison’s consultant, Dresner Wicker is using to funnel tens of thousands of dollars of illegal, excess contributions into the campaign.
Of course, there would be one way for Hutchison to help clear up the confusion. She could actually live up to her pledge of transparency and have her campaign manager make public both his pay stubs and his rent checks, so that we can see exactly how much he is earning compared to how much he is shelling out for his so-called “residence.”
Or, of course, Hutchison could just continue to lie the public and the press.
Here is another candidate caught in a bald-faced lie:
Has Dow come clean on his “finances” Goldy?
Goldy why do you HATE AMERICA?
Hey Goldy
Here is another take on that house issue…
A passage from your link that I like:
“In a brief phone interview, McCarren also told Red County that the use of the home was discussed with an attorney who assured the campaign that the arrangement would comply with the law. He also suggested that the complaint filing by the Democratic party machine was a desperate attempt by the supporters of Dow Constantine (Hutchison’s opponent) to distract voters from the real issues of the campaign and from their recent drop in the polls.
The Democrat’s protest comes after the PDC announced last week that it would investigate a complaint against the Constantine campaign regarding possible illegal coordination between that campaign and a political action committee that paid for anti-Hutchison attack ads.”
Is Goldy a part of this distraction campaign?
Did you look at this “document” from Suzie Sheary, Goldy’s under the table pay master?
Wow they are reaching…
@3 Has anyone besides me noticed that puddy’s links are ALWAYS to wingnut propaganda sites because he doesn’t have reputable sources to support his bullshit arguments?
Puddy @5,
With the increasing number of threats of libel suits I keep getting, attempting to scare me away from blogging, maybe I should just set a precedent myself and sue you for libel for falsely accusing me of being paid under the table?
Honestly… I think there’s a lot of projection going on on your side when you accuse bloggers like me of being on the take.
Research your archives and tell Puddy how many times Puddy was accused of being paid by the BIAW because Puddy took the conservative approach? You know damn well Puddy knows no BIAW people. How about that same accusation leveled against Piper or Cynical? How about “blog posters” on the take? Now there may be some butt it ain’t us!
NUFF Said Sucka!
@8: Carrying water for the corrupt BIAW ain’t tha same as being a paid propangdizer for that piece of crap organization.
Oh, and Puddy itr you didn’t like being accused of being paid by the corrupt BIAW, then why do you turn around and accuse Goldy of being paid under the table.
Slander is slander. Read the bible sometime.
@3: The “ohter” take….just a weak reference to consulting a lawyer.
The facts are that Hutchinson and her campaign manager are getting use of an expensive home in an exclusive area (donated by a very rich republican) and don’t document any payments.
Hmmm, rich corporate interests padding Hutchinson’s way in a possibly illegal arrangment….Puddy loves that.
Grasping at straws are we, Goldy?
@11 No. Too bad you’re not bright enough to grasp the significance of this issue, which has to do with Hutchison’s character and whether voters should trust her with the power and responsibilities of an important public office.
Maybe the $4,500 per month to Dresner Wicker covers both the salary for the campaign manager and the amount he pays for rent on the nice Laurelhurst home?
Unlikely, however, since that would leave the poor fellow with a very small amount of net income.
@8 Piper isn’t paid by the BIAW so far as I know. He’s on Evergreen Freedom Foundation’s payroll, according to my sources.
@8 “How about “blog posters” on the take? Now there may be some butt it ain’t us!”
In other words, you admit you’re stupid enough to do what you do for free? At least people like Kevin Cairns and Piper Scott, whatever else we say about them, have enough sense to do it for money.
Goldy, you have to look past her lies and contradictions because she’s going to bring honesty and accountability to King County government.
Or maybe Jordan McCarren is wealthy and can pay the rent apart from his campaign salary. That’s plausible, too. You’re a terrible “journalist”, Goldy.
That’s what your side accused Puddy of being a paid BIAW propangdizer on this blog quite a few times. Puddy was called Kevin Cairns by a certain Feral Dumb Bunny from when he woke up until he slept until it was carefully documented to the Feral Dumb Bunny, who is still of course a dumb bunny, that Puddy had a different IP Address. Still, armed with that knowledge Feral Dumb Bunny accused Puddy of being Kevin Cairns again.
Cuz you fool, what is good practice by Democrats can easily be copied by conservatives. You scream and shout be and act like us. Then when we do you scream and shout why are you acting like us. Damn correctnotright make up your mind!!!!!
So rant somewhere else correctnotright!
Puddy notices you leftist pinheads are still running away from item #2.
It doesn’t matter if McCarren is paying the rent out of his own pocket, it still hasn’t been properly reported to the PDC and exceeds contribution limits. As far as I know only the candidate themselves can make in-kind contributions in excess of the limits to a campaign.
WTF are you talking about pudding brain? The PDC dismissed the complaint. Case closed, nothing to see here, move along.
My point isn’t to defend Hutchison or McCarren. My point is to show David Goldstein is a hack, not a journalist.
Puddy didn’t see part of the complaint dismissed. Puddy seldom reads the Seattle Times anymore. So while you claim move along, the PDC is moving along. So pussbrains it’s good to see you read well.
“The State Public Disclosure Commission will investigate an allegation of illegal coordination between Dow Constantine’s campaign for King County executive and an independent campaign that attacked his opponent, Susan Hutchison, in the primary, the PDC said Tuesday.”
Some digging around Chris would have found Moxie Media and Northwest Passage coordinated efforts as Moxie Northwest Partners or MNP for short. They got 10K from WA SDC Roosevelt Fund.
I’m sorry but I just don’t get your point. I don’t see a lot of “real” reporting on the issue from traditional media. Most so-called reporters now days can’t seemed to be bothered to do even a simple Goggle search.
Besides HorsesAss is more like the opinion pages of the newspaper and David Goldstein is more of a columnist. Bias and speculation is perfectly acceptable in that format. See anything written by Maureen Dowd, David Brooks, etc. if you don’t believe me.
Red County reported it had been dismissed too.
Fishwrapper Endorses Hutchison
Shock! Surprise! The Republican newspaper of record has endorsed the stealth Republican candidate for county exec! Who wudda thunk?!
Here’s why:
“The county must act more like private-sector businesses if it is going to close the $56 million gap in the general fund in 2010 and more in the future, and create responsible, sustainable budgets instead. This means the number of people working at the county, union and nonunion, will be reduced. It also means union contracts and health benefits are going to need to be revisited. Not when they expire, but now.”
Run the county like a private business.
Fire workers.
Screw the unions.
That’s a Republican agenda if there ever was one. Looks like Frank Blethen is still bitter about the Newspaper Guild strike, and now wants to take it out on county workers.
BIAW is merely a fine group of people fighting to save what is left of the building industry which provides thousands of jobs. They fight retarded legislation such as the “ergonomics” fiasco a few years back, or another beauty called stormwater management, a 984 page document to keep a little dirt from leaving the premises. Remember when the Tacoma Narrows contractor got fined for 20 yards of mud slipped into the Sound because it rained 10 inches in one day. Dept of Ecology fined the contractor 20 grand for that slide. The same FUCKING rainstorm that Gregoire had to declare 18 counties a federal disaster area. What a CUNT to allow that builder to be fined over a little mud.I’ll guarantee that builder made up for that 20 grand somewhere and it probably only cost the State 200 grand. Which leaves the question, why are democrats so fucking stupid?
mark, why are right wingers so fucking sexist?
Oh, and it looks like Susie-poo got caught in telling a little white lie at the debate last night
@29 “mark, why are right wingers so fucking sexist?”
Because they’re permanently horny because they never get laid because nobody except goats has anything to do with them.
@28 Only 20 grand? If it had been my case, I would’ve fined that oyster-murdering bastard 200 grand!
Always fun to return to this site and see that the wingnuts have not changed. None of you actually bothered to answer the question, you just attack anyone who asks it and wants a straight answer. Apparently, the question itself may be over your head, so let me help.
The rent for any campaign office must be of fair market value, and must be paid as fair market value by the campaign, or it becomes an illegal contribution. Is that so hard? Just like any service purchased must be paid at fair market value. The owner of the house aas already been a contributor who has already given the max to the campaign. Thus even one penny of subsidy is illegal. Is that part so hard to figure out?
As for Suzie Q, she seems to have a truth-telling problem. From skipping work as an anchor woman and lying to her bosses as she floated a river, to now lying to the voters on almost every issue that comes up, it seems to be quite a pattern. No, the PDC did not dismiss 78 of 81 complaints. Yes, she did talk about intelligent design, yes she did support Rossi/Bush/ and and Huckaby, and btw, I think she is lying through her teeth about positions on R 71, choice, public funding, etc.
Oh, and she was for a special levy last monthy, but now she is not in favor of a ballot measure or special levy for social services? Or does it just depend on who the audience is? Now, she is both for and against it in the same debate. Which is it Suzie?
Me thinks the truth comes hard to Suzie Q.
Hey, does Dow have a degree in economics? From Harvard? er, Computer Science?