The Transit Riders Union invited all candidates running for Seattle City Council, Mayor and King Executive offices to respond to a questionnaire regarding the concerns of transit riders. All but Susan Hutchison and Joe Mallahan responded.
While Mallahan has generally been pretty good about filling out these sort of questionnaires, Hutchison has typically failed to respond when her honest answers might hurt her with voters. Hence her refusal to comply with similar requests from NARAL, the Women’s Political Caucus, even the Downtown Seattle Association (she has repeatedly accused county government of being too Seattle-centric).
So while Hutchison vaguely denies that she opposes rail, her gushing praise for the Washington Policy Center’s anti-rail prescriptions (they call it “socialist”) and her refusal to answer basic questions from the Transit Riders Union indicates otherwise. Not to mention her tens of thousands of dollars of financial support from Kemper Freeman, who is suing to stop light rail from crossing I-90.
But then, that’s the sort of lack of transparency we’ve come to expect from Hutchison.
Transit Riders Union?
Are they an affiliate of the Lollipop Guild?
Note Kemper joining the good citizens at BIAW and their quarter million dollar assault on Dow on the air now. The only transit Kemper suppports is a bus and light transit direct line into the center of Bellevue Square.
His joining BIAW in an ad campaign is all we need to know about Suzie Q’s position on transit. Oh, and she supports transit by river raft instead of being on the job on a critical weekend, that she was getting paid several hundred thou a year to do. But whats a little lie? Or in her case, lots of them.
It would appear that Constantine has no concern for people and business in the Kent Valley……unless he gets foot ferries.
I hear she eats babies too.
Actually, baby-eating is an attribute that identifies Hutchison as a Republican. Everyone knows that Republican devour babies. It’s sick, but it’s true.
Sam I think the Transit Riders Union probably lines up closer to the lullaby league.
Seriously though, whether or not Hutchinson answers questions from this Transit Riders “Union” matters about as much as a fart in a hurricane.
Puddy did a Google search on Transit Riders Union. Strange they didn’t make the Top 10 but it made Google’s Top 13 as lucky 13.
[posted by Rodney on August 18, 2009] site originator and moderator.
Andrew Cencini posted something too.
Didn’t see anything from Goldy there. Did Puddy miss it Goldy?
The site has much more warmth than the “infamous” rujax blog!
Yes Susan should have jumped on that one Goldy.
@1 Don’t you know who’s licking you?
Hey wingnuts! Hutchison told the Seattle Times she “likes” light rail and voted for it. So it’s okay for you to go ahead and vote against her, and you won’t be kicked out of Wingnuttia for it.
Hi! This is Michael Taylor-Judd, one of the founders of the Transit Riders Union.
You won’t find much on us yet because we’ve just been building the organization this year… so here’s a quick explanation:
Our mission is to work for high quality public transit in the Metropolitan Puget Sound region that responds to the needs of all riders in a way that is affordable, efficient and equitable.
One might say our main objectives initially are as follows:
–Improve the rider experience and make it easier to use
–Encourage more transit use and increase ridership
–Support better communication between transit agencies and the public through innovation and the use of new technologies
We’re not all that radical. We’re “lefty” pro-transit, but we’re also “righty” on efficiency and spending our transit dollars wisely.
Mike@10, do you agree with Goldy’s use of your organization as a sledge hammer against Susan Hutchison?
There’s one overriding issue involving Susan Hutchison which would prevent me from ever voting for her. And that is what we learned about her time at KIRO-TV.
She called in sick on a holiday to go canoeing.
Look, we all take a mental health day every once in a while. But, like in many businesses, in the broadcast business there is an unwritten rule that you do not call in sick on holidays. If you do, you better be in an emergency room somewhere.
And the reason for this rule is simple. Stations are running on skeleton staffs on holidays. The management team is usually not working. Some of the support staff is off. And everyone who is not working has plans for their holiday.
So, if someone calls in sick what they are really doing is screwing everyone else.
The manager who gets the call has his time off interrupted.
The people who then get a call from the manager have their time off interrupted.
The people who make up the skeleton crew have their work day screwed up.
It would be one thing if you were a little under the weather and you still called in sick on a holiday. That would show total disregard for your fellow employees. But maybe it could be forgiven.
But to call in sick on a holiday so that you can do outdoor activities makes you a complete and total douchebag.
It’s the biggest “fuck you” to other employees I’ve ever seen in my life.
It’s a “let them eat cake” mentality.
“I don’t care what these other peons have to do on their holiday, I need some recreation and I’m an ANCHOR and I’m more important than them.”
That is exactly the mentality that seems to infect so many of our political leaders. Look at members of congress. They get caught having affairs. Or impregnating a former campaign worker. Or tapping for sex in a bathroom stall. And yet they want to stay in office.
The rules are not for them. The rules are for the scum. The rules are for the dregs of society. The rules are for you and me. And apparently, to these people, we are just assholes. The rules are not for the leaders. Not for the anchors.
It’s not the “calling in sick” when you’re not, that is so bad. It is the cavalier attitude and the total “fuck-you” to co-workers that is inexcusable to me.
Wow Mike@10…
A day and a half later… Guess your quietness proves who you really are in the political spectrum.
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