Susan Hutchison and her top staffers appeared genuinely shocked and angered by yesterday’s Washington Poll which showed her trailing Dow Constantine by a double-digit margin.
Leading in the polls for months, Hutchison has behaved in recent weeks as if she were in the driver’s seat, prompting one political insider to question whether her campaign has been conducting any tracking polls at all. As I mentioned yesterday, the Washington Poll isn’t the only one to have recently shown Constantine jumping to a lead, and surely Hutchison’s own internal polling would have shown that trend as well.
Assuming they’ve been spending money on internal polling, like any well-run campaign in a tight race would.
Oh my, the Bubble Girl is about to make contact with the real world! This is gonna be quite a show.
I can hardly wait to see her Election Night meltdown on live TV!
Tears! Wailing! Arms flailing and hands gesticulating! Blaming! Whining! Finger-pointing! Only 6 days to go!
But if she loses will she sue. I mean its her job, she should be able to take vacation when she wants, make crude comments about co-workers when she wants. And how dare they hire someone younger to read off the tell-a-prompter to replaced her.
It’s in the PI; i.e., the facts:
Yes on R-71
NO on I-1033
Dow Constantine for King County Executive.
Send in your ballot today.
King County stole the election! ‘Oh, wait, never mind…
Normally Daryl and I are pretty meticulous in evaluating polling methodology. As you know, I take great pride in educating my friends in the media on, among other things, statistics. On this one, we liked the result, and, therefore, didn’t hold the pollers to our normally high standards.
God told her to run.
That means she’s going to win, doesn’t it?
Why is it we are suppose to take seriously someone who says God is talking to her?
Ekim @9,
So if God told her to run… and she loses… then…?
Odd, how God’s candidates have lost so many elections these past few years.
Well, God tells Koncervical whom to judge, don’t you believe HIM?
Well, there is this possibility:
18 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “Didn’t I tell you that he never prophesies anything good about me, but only bad?”
19 Micaiah continued, “Therefore hear the word of the LORD : I saw the LORD sitting on his throne with all the host of heaven standing around him on his right and on his left. 20 And the LORD said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?’
“One suggested this, and another that. 21 Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the LORD and said, ‘I will entice him.’
22 ” ‘By what means?’ the LORD asked.
” ‘I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said.
” ‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the LORD. ‘Go and do it.’
23 “So now the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours. The LORD has decreed disaster for you.”
I Kings 22:18-23 (NIV).
that chapter might also explain George W. Bush’s determination to invade Iraq and his absolute refusal to listen to those trying to warn him of the difficulties he would face.
@11 Then….Loki and Bartleby get to go home!
Same with Puddydummy…that God of theirs is a pretty shitty picker.
You’d think that God would pull off a little miracle for them at the ballot box. But nooooo.
Why does God hate Republicans?
Hutchison has spent her campaign trying to inpersonate a non-partisan instead of going out and rallying her base (rural King County, Evang. Christians), her efforts to drift to the center have blown her credibility with the disenfranchised constituncy that she needed to go after.
@ 17…
…think God might be sick of ’em too?
@ 18…
…they all shot their wad with Dubya. That constituency is down to the hard core base and the numbers are just not there. She needed to fake out a bunch of Dems and Independents…but has no legs as a serious candidate.
Mike @ 18: Good point. But that’s the basic quandry Republicans have faced over the past four years. To appeal to their base, bring out the volunteers and raise the money they need for negative ads, they have to move somewhere to the right of Atilla the Hun. But that just increases the seperation between them and most of the voters.
Hutchinson tried a different tactic, a “Stealth Republican” approach. The Republican base was assured quietly that she was “one of ours” while she tried to be non-partison to the general media. I thought it might actually work, given the cooperation she was receiving from the mainstream media (Times and local TV stations).
11. Goldy spews:
Then God must have a sense of humor.
Maybe God doesn’t belong to Suzie’s church.
You know, that could be her problem…
That’s great. I can picture God up in heaven with all His celestial companions, quaffing ale together, and saying, “Hey, let’s have some fun with some wingnuts. They’re always good for a laugh or two.”
Well, let’s see here…
Hutchison announced she wanted the Sheriff to take over the King County Jail. This would:
Remove King County Sheriff cars from the non-incorporated ‘burbs.
Add King County Sheriff cars to the downtown area.
One thing rural and city dwellers can both agree on: REJECTED IDEA!
given the cooperation she was receiving from the mainstream media (Times and local TV stations)
‘cept Steve Raible. He tried his darnest to act as though he had never met ‘that woman’. Of course, he is supposed to be neutral, but if Suzie won the Nobel Peace prize, she’d be “our Suzie”.
Why is it we are suppose to take seriously someone who says God is talking to her?
I’m sure that KIRO wants their earpiece back already…
I wouldn’t be surprised if Steve was very happy to see her leave KIRO. I know some people who were at KIRO while she was there. She wasn’t well liked and was seen as a nasty, vindictive, drama queen by most of the staff including the rest of the on-air “talent”.