Incumbent Sherril Huff easily won yesterday’s special election for King County Elections Director, garnering an impressive 44% of the vote in a six-person race. And our good friend Stefan’s spin on Huff’s solid victory?
In 2007 56% of the voters said that it would be a good idea to elect the Elections Director. 44% said it would be a bad idea.
Again in 2008 56% of the voters said that it would be a good idea to elect the Elections Director. 44% said it would be a bad idea.
In 2009 56% of the voters voted for a reform candidate. 44% of the voters voted for a candidate who thought it would be a bad idea to elect the Elections Director; who has repeatedly covered up and lied about problems in the Elections office under her watch; and who wasn’t even eligible to run for the office in the first place.
Perhaps the 44% who voted for her were the same 44% who said it was a bad idea to elect the Elections Director to begin with and were trying to prove to the other 56% that they were right all along!
Yeah, well, Stefan is nothing if not a poor loser.
I’m one of those 44% who voted against electing an Elections Director (and for the only qualified candidate in the race) because I’d rather have somebody who knows how to run elections in the office than somebody who knows how to run for them—but bizarrely picking an elections director in a wide-open, low-turnout, no-primary, special election? Well that’s just plain stupid and irresponsible.
Yet that’s the gamed system that Stefan and his band of bitter, inconsolable Dinophiles pushed for in an effort to sneak a partisan Republican past voters, and so I find it particularly ironic to hear him whining about the outcome after the fact. I mean, if Stefan really believes that a mere 44% plurality of voters just thwarted the will of a 54% majority, perhaps he and his fellow “reformers” should have fought for a primary that would have separated the wheat from the chaff?
But then, who am I to question Stefan’s motives, let alone his statistical prowess?
What a no-talent doucheclown.
I’m really RELIEVED! Did you SEE all the strange critters in the running? I got an email from FUSE WA (or somesuch) urging to vote for Huff, sounding fearful because people weren’t voting much. I had already (being another of those 44% folks) mailed my vote for Huff. She was the only one with any existing experience in the job, so it was a nobrainer.
I miss the good ol’ days of Goldy regularly smacking the minnow around. Good to see you haven’t lost touch with your blogging roots.
Huff was the only candidate a rational person could vote for. Anderson didn’t know what he was talking about and the other four candidates were certifiably insane and burdened with other disqualifying personal liabilities.
The results are gratifying.
Shorter Stefan: Elections are ok when my side wins, but otherwise not so much.
That bitch Steffy needs to take Puffybutt’s dick out of his ass long enough to realize that GOP = LOOOOSER!
These fucks have NO chance in our state – they deserve no chance. And that freaky cunt Pam Roach running was the first sign of desperation on the part of the America-hating right wingers hoping to figure out a way to STEAL what they can’t win.
Suck on it righties. Sit the fuck down. Shut the fuck up. We’ll TELL you when you have something coming. Until then, bend over and assume the position. You assholes HAVE to be good for something! LOL!
Now if he could only get a gig that pays. That radio career sure was a short one, but apparently, male radio hosts with adolescent female sounding voices aren’t in large demand in the Seattle market.
On a related note: does Erin Hart’s address still match that of Western state hospital’s ?
Stefan should go crawl back into his hole.
Goldy thankfully you don’t have Ricky D’s job of cleaning toilets at the sex-offender unit. Oh that and trying to deflect and change the subject when it relates to his party getting their impotent asses kicked! LOL!
LMAO!!! I so love this!!!!!!
Once again the pied-piper of Greenlake has led his suck-ups and blind followers (like little Ricky Dumbass) into the drink.
Really this is sweeter than Obama winning, even sweeter than Rossi losing (again)!!!!
Sherril Huff is a competent elections director and elections have improved on her watch. The freaks of the right: Roach and “fists of fury” Irons have been soundly defeated – for now of course.
this begs a larger question:
why can’t republicans put up candidates that are legitimate and not so flawed?
I mean Irons (the wife beater with the family saga) and Roach (a psycopath and certifiable) are clearly flawed candidates. Is that the best the republicans could do?
11 – small correction: Irons beat his mother (according to both his father and mother). No evidence he’s (physically) abused his wife. Plenty of evidence though that he has been at least verbally abusive to women who have worked for and with him.
Yeah the best the right wing turds can do is an alleged wife beater and the mother of a convicted drug addict. Family values my ass!
@12: My bad – it was his Mom – and then they interviewed her and she talked about how his resume was full of lies.
With that kind of support from Ma and Pa, it is no wonder the republicans loved this guy.
And Goldy was the one doing the investigative reporting on this…good job goldy.
15 – Indeed, Goldy in large part saved the people of King County from a man completely unfit for office and beholden to the same corrupt crowd that characterizes BIAW.
Thanks again Goldy!
Looks like the grownups are still in charge of elections in King County.
Too bad the ‘non-partisan’ Republicans running could not have competed for the King County post in Pierce county.
Speaking as another proud member of the 44%ers, I’m still bothered that if the head of King County Elections screws up or does a really shitty job of it, it will not be possible to fire her.
Thankfully, we just elected the only candidate among the six placed before us for whom such an eventuality is highly unlikely.
It’s a happy day here in the reality-based community.
Hey Stefan! Yeah, you! I know you read this blog! So, I’ve got a question for ya, good buddy.
Some time ago — going on 3 or 4 years now — you filed an epoch-making lawsuit against Dean Logan and KCRE to hold the taxpayers accountable for giving you only 600,000 of the documents specified in your public records request.
This lawsuit was supposed to part the veil of secrecy enshrouding the elections office and shine the light of disclosure upon its innermost workings, which, once exposed, would excite the citizenry into irresistable demands for reform of King County’s spindled, folded, and multilated elections system. Not to mention returning a big payout to your investors in the form of judicial fines against the county (a.k.a. taxpayers).
So, how did that work out for you and the investors you sold shares of your “legal action fund” to, Stefan? Are those securities worth anything today? Did they ever pay any dividends? Did your lawyer get paid?
Or did he write off your account as bad debt?
Just wondering.
I’ve asked Steffy about this a couple hundred times, but he persistently refuses to answer, from which I infer his face mopped the courtroom floor.
Does anyone besides the “crackpiper” “cyniklown” and “the puddybitch” give a flying fuck about what (u)sp sez?
Stefan, like Stalin, believes that what matters is not who the citizens vote for but who counts the votes.
@11 “Is that the best the republicans could do?”
Yes, because no reputable person wants to be identified with the GOP.
@11 “Is that the best the republicans could do?”
Yes, because no reputable person wants to be identified with the GOP. Calling yourself a Republican immediately brands you as a misanthrope.
(Reposted because Goldy’s edit function isn’t working today.)
How many hundreds of thousands of dollars did the county spend to re-hire the same elections director?
Another waste of taxpayer money brought to you by wingnut lunatics.
Being Republican means never having to admit that being beaten in an election means you’re wrong.
Or a moron.
Compare that to goldy being a poor winner.
Is ron sims really the most fined politician in the history of washington?
Separating wheat from chaff?
That’s not possible if your “cause” is made up of right wingers and kooks.
Stefan is all about Stefan (I love watching his slow walk down the path of insanity). Same goes for all the nuts who populate and read his blog. And same goes for the nuts who all ran to be be elections dog catcher.
Each time conservatives make a pronouncement about how “we need to shrink government”, they turn right around and create more government to feed their own obsessions.
Hmm, Huff won by significantly more votes than Irons and Roach COMBINED. It’s only if you combine ALL the candidates that you approach Stephan’s conclusion that “more people voted against Huff than voted for her”.
I haven’t heard as silly an argument since, many years ago, Ralph Nader was being interviewed. The journalist asked that since his votes in the Presidential primary that year never got above 5%, isn’t it about time for him to drop out of the race? No, Nadar argued, the millions of Americans who “were so disenchanted that they didn’t bother to go to the polls” were, in fact, represented by him, so their “non-votes” were actually votes for him!
Also interesting is that Irons dipped into his own money to fund his campaign – paying just about the same amount as he would have received as an annual salary. Sounds like a lousy investment – unless one considers that he expected to receive other, more substantial rewards for his “faithful service” in that capacity. One has to wonder – faithful service to whom?
Stefan is pinning his hopes on Christopher Clifford’s lawsuit challenging Sherril Huff’s residency, once more.
He’s been such a predictor of court outcomes before, donchaknow.
Now that Sims is leaving for DC, I don’t imagine that kooks who follow uSP will forget about the taint of his appointment. That’s what they really don’t like about Huff.
Too bad for them, the voters seem not to care.
Huff won because the voters of King County are pretty well informed about their candidates.
I can’t tell you the number of people who have called me to laugh about “Mom-beater and the psycho rose freak” both being on a ballot together.
Notice how Marvin the child molester has to try to change the subject because otherwise it’s too painful for him? It’s yet ANOTHER sign of how weak and marginal the right wing really is.
And that bitch Steffy hides out on UNSoundPolitics and won’t let anyone post a different point of view. And he surely won’t come here to defend his lies and bullshit.
Hey Steffy – you’re ugly wife is an attorney who supports you right? I’m calling you a liar asshole. Now sue me. LOL!