Maurice Clemmons, the 37-year-old Tacoma man being sought for questioning in the killing this morning of four Lakewood police officers, has a long criminal record punctuated by violence, erratic behavior and concerns about his mental health.
Nine years ago, then-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee granted clemency to Clemmons, commuting his lengthy prison sentence over the protests of prosecutors.
“This is the day I’ve been dreading for a long time,” Larry Jegley, prosecuting attorney for Arkansas’ Pulaski County said tonight when informed that Clemmons was being sought for questioning in connection with the killings.
Perhaps Susan Hutchison should ask for her contribution back?
And the Washington angle doesn’t look much better:
Clemmons’ criminal history includes at least five felony convictions in Arkansas and at least eight felony charges in Washington. The record also stands out for the number of times he has been released from custody despite questions about the danger he posed.
Clemmons had been in jail in Pierce County for the past several months on a pending charge of second-degree rape of a child. He was released from custody just six days ago, even though he was wanted on a fugitive warrant out of Arkansas and was staring at seven additional felony charges in Washington state.
If this is the killer, there’s gonna be an awful lot of explaining to do.
I think it’s time to let the people in jail for having a little pot on them out of jail so as to make room for people like Mr. Clemmons.
Is this the guy that raped a relative of Bill Clinton and Huckabee pardoned?
you mean goldy is really for locking up the criminals, at really long and harsh sentences. I sort of doubt it, that is, its easy on this one to say “he should have been locked up”..
Oh crap.
What is F**KING wrong with you people! How DARE anyone even suggest we should jail someone for smoking pot or anything like that. No one should be in jail EXCEPT for those who pose an actual physical threat to the society. Everyone else, from Martha Stewart to some college kids smoking pot, can be fined $xxx, and then we can free up our jails for ACTUAL criminals we ACTUALLY need to be protected from. Did ANYONE need protecting from Martha Stewart? Get some damn common sense.
Martha should have served out her sentence teaching cooking classes at a low income area high school.
I think it’s pretty easy to say that this guy should have never been let out of jail in AR. It sounds like Huckabee and the folks that run the Pierce County jail have some explaining to do.
I’ve been reading HA for a couple of years and to my knowledge Goldy’s never said anything like your alleging.
Those compasionate conservatives need to stop coddling criminals.
I now understand why a certain someone on this blog shipped his child off to a school district with very few black people.
Smart move.
Goldy, could you ban Troll’s IP for a week or two?
Just one of the many reasons conservatives rejected him at the polls.
Clinton put wayne dumont ion jail, huckabee let him lose, he raped again.
Isn’t this all Bill Clinton’s fault somehow?
Ah, it was wayne dumont ion’s name I was looking for at #1. Thanks.
@9 If he does, who will we kick through the goalposts for the extra point when our team scores?
In a defense attorney’s wildest dreams they wouldn’t think they could get this guy back on the street with the charges already pending on him absent some very strange goings on. Child rape? This isn’t a problem with the fucking ACLU, this is a problem with the prosecutorial system and judicial system.
I’ll bet the guy smokes pot. If he’d been charged with that, he’d of spent 20 years in the pokey.
Innocent until proven guilty (it’s still in the Constitution, right?) After Bush/Cheney I’m not sure.
It’s about broken bureaucracies, not the higher-ups theoretically in charge of them. Finding a way to blame Huckabee for this is needlessly politicizing the death of good cops, though it’d balance the scales after Lee Atwater hung Willie Horton on Michael Dukakis and torpedoed any chance of his winning the Presidency in 1988.
That said, it sounds like Huckabee won’t get involved with the 2012 presidential election anyway. Honestly, I wouldn’t trust a bass player in the White House, regardless of party. Bass players are just lazy bastards.
@18 That’s really low…
The alleged murderer was from Marianna, Arkansas originally. Pleasant enough small town, albeit very socially segregated to say the least like most of the South (and the rest of America for that matter). I have relatives and close family friends from there.
Anyway, it looks like he was basically locked away for the rest of his life when he was 18 — a 60 year sentence on top of 48 years already sentenced. And Huckabee let him out after only 11 years.
Although it is hard to say what the fellow would have gotten under Washington’s sentencing system. Sentences in the South can be pretty harsh — someone can basically get life for armed robbery, whereas in Washington normally that doesn’t get more than a couple of years.
Actually Richard, he committed the crime at 17, as a Juvenile although tried as an adult.
We need to know what Huckabee was lloking at in 2000 that lead to the commutation. He said he did it because of the man’s youth at the time of the crime…which is a poor reason in my opinion.
He went back to jail until 2004.
The more relevant question is what happened since 2004?? Especially in Washington.
8 felony charges and the guy is still walking around?
Hopefully we will get some accountability for what happened here in Washington.
How many more like this guy are wandering around because of a soft Judicial system?
Who are the Judges who did nothing here in Washington?
That is something we can and should do something about.
A lot of scrambling going on.
I disagree on the surface with what Huckabee did. There is also a whole lot of explaining on what happened since 2004, don’t you think?
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS like Goldy want to put all the focus on Huckabee and little or none on the Washington Judicial System. That is unreasonable.
Huckabee needs to live with this.
It will eliminate any Presidential/Public Off ice aspirations he has, I can assure you.
But what about post-2004?
Aren’t you curious Goldy??
Let’s get the whole ugly timeline out.
It is nice to see Leftists want to get tough on crime. It’s about time.
Political correctness was likely involved in this guy walking around…undoubtedly.
Where are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson??
They always want to see “oppressed Blacks” be cut a lot of slack and given 9th and 10th chances.
Where are these 2 KLOWNS???
It will be interesting to see if there are any drugs like pot in the murderers system when they finally capture him…dead or alive.
Dead saves us all a whole lot of money.
But will probably bring Al and Jesse out of these holes to squeal excessive force.
Hey Mr. Cynical @22,
Will you push for prohibition of alcohol next time a violent crime is committed by someone under the influence of alcohol?
Your analysis of the history is quite cherry-picked to focus on Washington. Lets say for arguments sake that Huckabee’s inititial clemency was a reasonable gesture of optimism. The real problem was that when the guy then soon violated parole conditions and got new felony charges in Arkansas that state didn’t put him away. Its very odd. He totally skated on the new charges. What the hell happened that they released the guy and gave him permission to leave that state?
Bet they’ve rescinded parole for a lot of pot smokers in Arkansas since then!
What was this guy doing with a gun? Demonstrating his second amendment rights?
Workman and Gottlieb have some explaining to do. Not that they can explain away how existing gun laws are not up to the task of keeping guns out of the hands of repeat felons.
Puddy thinks Huckabee was trying to be nice to a minority and has paid the price for it. This guy should have stayed incarcerated. Puddy suggests going after whomever gave the guns to Clemmons.
Puddy is dismayed over the commentary of Mirror@23. When someone commits a crime under alcohol, they usually go after the bartender or the homeowner if they are the cause. So what are you trying to say bud?
Also Mirror@23, Huckabee placed a statement (probably missed by you) saying prosecutors dropped the charges against Clemmons when he broke the law again and sent him back to prison. Puddy searching for this info. So maybe Arkansas law enforcement needs to look at themselves. Butt, Puddy does wonder and wondered in the “Shit” thread why did Clemmons make bail for a child-rape case? Why wasn’t bail set at some exorbitant $$$ level? Puddy thought it was all about the children…
Huckabee’s statement said that the suspect’s release was due to multiple failings in the Arkansas and Washington legal systems.
Duh. And Huckabee seems to be in full damage control mode, making sure that there’s plenty of blame to pass around.
From a political perspective, this might well kill Huckabee’s presidential prospects. This morning they were reporting that Huckabee issued clemency orders to more inmates than the did the previous three governors – combined. Since the President also has clemency and pardon powers, it is a relevant issue in any Presidential election.
I doubt the Democrates would air a “Willie Horton” type add, but I’m sure his Republican opponants would be more than happy to oblige. The upshot is he never wins the Republican nomination.
We have democrats showing a picture of a black criminal and blaming huckabee for letting a prisoner out of jail.
How willie horton of the democrats.
Hukabee released this guy over the objections of his own prosecutors.
I live in Pierce County and you better believe that there will be a whole bunch of us wondering WTF is going on at the jail.
This is the kind of shit the Republicans do – it’s the Willy Horton thing all over again. I thought you “progressives” viewed yourselves as “above” that kind of shit.
If some powerful Dem had said “hello” to this suspect nine years ago, would it mattered today? I used to know a guy who did some major time, but I don’t think my knowing him had much to do with things.
@ Willy Horton
Actually, if you go back and look at the facts about the Willy Horton case, you’ll see that this isn’t Willy Horton at all. For starters Mike Huckabee isn’t running for president.
What this IS is showing the effect of incredibly bad judgement.
You know after all the crap we’ve taken from Atwater and Rove (and others) can you blame us for engaging in a little schadenfreude?
But on the good side, he did lower taxes!
I’m sure that decisions on clemency and pardons are very hard to make for an governor or president. Not knowing much else about what Huckabee knew at the time he issued the clemency, I’m not going to pass judgement on his decision in this case.
Also, I wouldn’t want to interrupt the process of correcting problems with disparity among prison sentences. In some states, there are inmates serving 50 year sentences for armed robbery, who have seen lots of other inmantes go in and out through the system getting five years or less for the same offense.
I DO question the Pierce County Sherriff’s department for releasing him on bail when there is a fugitive warrant for him out of Arkansas. I’d like to know more. Did Pierce County check for out-of-state warrants before releasing him? If they did, how did they handle the Arkansas warrant – did Arkansas not respond to their queries? Did Arkansas say they didn’t want to pay the expense to hold or extradite him?
Remember Willy Horton? Payback sucks, doesn’t it?
The thing with Republicans is that showing the maturity and understanding that it is most likely the system and not Huckabee that is at fault will only be looked at by Republans as a weakness.
No. I’m afraid we are going to be forced to tarnish the Republican brand even further by pointing out that you guys are not only liars, but hypocritical liars.
You are a bunch of sanctimonious, finger-pointing asses. It is God’s punishment upon you for hating blacks, gays, and all minorities except billionaires.
believe it or not but the jail system does not work on a basis of “hes a bad man send him to jail for a long time” and evidence of guilt should go beyond “oh well he done it before”
@ 32: Well, putting Texas into the mix is polluting the sample a bit.
In Texas the public policy is to execute them as quickly as possible, before they can find an attorney who can prove that they were really innocent and that they got railroaded by a poltically motivated prosecutor and an incompetent public defender.
I’m not saying every Death Row inmate in Texas isn’t guilty, or that some don’t deserve the death penalty. I’m just saying that the results of the “Project Innocence” inquiries in Texas has resulted in a disturbing number of overturned convictions once the evidence was evaluated with DNA testing.
Which has had the ironic result that the Governor has sped up executions, as well as an attempt to destroy evidence after trial which might contain DNA evidence as a “cost savings” measure.
Are you a republican?
If not, how do you know what republicans will think?
It’s still early, so maybe not all of the above is 100% accurate, but I’ve got a lot of questions about what’s going on over at my county’s jail.
It sure sounds like this guy should have been kept in jail, sent to Western State, or shipped to AR.
I question Huckabee, because of the sheer number of pardons he issued and
because this isn’t the first time one of the people he pardoned over the objection of others that went on to caused a great deal of harm.
The Huckabee angle is, maybe, a little over played. We bring it up to show really F’ing bad judgement, but at the same time the guy isn’t running for anything at this case knocked him out of the running for anything.
I hate to be so cynical over such a sad event, but here it is IMO. It’s about money and priorities. This oxygen thief is not in jail right now because of money. Too expensive to keep him on warrant. Some county official decided to keep him free till trial, all total BS. Cities, Counties, and our state or in budget hell…So IMO this comes down to priorities. There is no mandate of gov more important than public safety. And I don’t mean raise taxes either…
Yep! So, could be please stop locking up people that aren’t a threat to anyone.
Executing people has been studied to death (sorry, couldn’t help myself) and has been shown to not make us any safer.
Looks like the Tacoma News Tribs. server is a bit busy, but heres a good article from the Trib on Maurice Clemmons off of the McClatchy website.
Right Stuff,
Why not raise taxes to protect the public? Is money in your pocket more important than public safety? If so, why? At the last extreme, would you rather live in a society with low or no taxes and no law enforcement? Do you believe that police aren’t worth paying for?
Hi Goldy.
I’m not a psychiatrist, so this is just a layperson’s guesswork.
Reading the article, it sounds like Maurice Clemmons has a mental illness.
He has no impulse control. He lashes out randomly. There’s no contrition, punishment has no effect. Sounds very much like the effects of severe fetal alcohol syndrome.
He may also have schizophrenia. Thinks he’s Jesus. Senseless babble. Etc.
From the account in that article, it doesn’t sound like the murder of those police officers was premeditated, like an act of revenge. So the bullshit theories of this being gang related, a copycat crime, etc. can be dismissed.
Far be it for me to defend a whackjob like Huckabee. He granted clemency to a youth offender who received what was essentially a life sentence. Clemmons committed felonies, some violent. But not murder. Clemmons’ mental illness was probably not considered.
Roger Rabbit probably knows about these things: Are the courts and prisons capable of handling mental illness issues?
Assuming my guesses are right, how does society manage schizophrenics with fetal alcohol syndrome that are prone to violent outbursts? Heavily medicate them and throw them into a padded room?
Being a pro-human liberal that I am, I favor treatment over punishment. But I also recognize that some conditions cannot (currently) be managed. For instance, I don’t believe that predator pedophiles can ever be “cured” and will more than likely continue offending.
Similarly, Clemmons probably needed to be institutionalized indefinitely. I don’t think we’re equipped to do that kind of thing.
# 39: “There is no mandate of gov more important than public safety. And I don’t mean raise taxes either…”
75% of the state’s budget can’t be cut. It is either subject to federal unfunded mandates (thank you, Mr. Bush), or the state serving as the manager of federal funds (food stamps, etc.), or part of federal matching grants (highway construction, etc.). That leaves 25% of the state budget which is subject to being cut, of which a large portion is the justice system, police support, and education.
Given the rather large budget hole which has resulted from the past year’s economic crisis (thank you again, Mr. Bush), and the state’s antiquated tax structure, it’s a bit disengenuous to imply that more money should be given to the justice system without raising taxes.
The Republican policy for the past thirty years has been to cut taxes and leave it to the Democrats to try to find a way to balance the budget, and then criticize them for the cuts they make or being unable to find enough cuts to match the tax cuts. It’s time for that little charade to end.
If you want to give more money to the justice system, identify exactly how much you want to give, to which agencies, and how they are to spend the money. At the same time identify what other matching budget cuts you prepose to make to offset that increase in justice spending, or what taxes you would agree to increase to pay for it.
re 37: Reason and experience leads me to believe that what I stated is true.
Reason and experience are two things you never seem to use in your poitical musings.
It is God’s judgement that ye shall be hoist by your own petard. The Bible teaches that we should all strive to understand the mind of God. If God thinks we can understand his mind (albeit imperfectly), why would you think a Republican mind would be impenetrable to me?
Are you calling God a liar?
Mr. Cynical.
I’m glad to see you’re posting again. Perhaps now you’re ready to explain one of your prior statements.
In your libertarian utopia, who pays for the administration of elections and the courts?
Way to go King 5!
rhp @ 33
Me too.
We geeks fretted mightily about Team Bush’s massive expansion of governmental surveillance databases.
What’s the point of us law abiding citizens forfeiting our civil liberties if the authorities don’t even use these systems to fight actual crime?
marvin @ 37
Because you’ve taken great pains to tell us.
Unfortunately the mental insanity defense is too often abused. Too many peeps crying wolf and using mental illness as an excuse. If this guy is truly deranged then he needs to be sent to rujax’s weekend home, Western State. How could the Pierce County Jail allow him to go out unless they didn’t want to deal with him? What judge set his bail level? Will these questions be answered?
There you go rhp6033, revisionist history removed.
Congress passes unfunded mandates rhp6033. Try again rhp6033. Your ideology is a house on sinking sand.
In the “Shit” thread Puddy wrote this…
Your “bud” K ripped Puddy a new one for asking this question. He felt Puddy was too focused on Pierce County (here and now) vs Huckabee (yr 2000). You see when us who think right want to engage in conversation there are those on your side who jump into the immediate ideology angle.
They know who they are!!!!
How To Run A Low Tax, Low Budget, State Government
Empty the prisons and buy every prisoner a one-way bus ticket back to Arkansas. Sure, there’s a bulge in your startup costs, but after that your spending on corrections and widows’ pensions is permanently lower.
“it’s a bit disengenuous to imply that more money should be given to the justice system without raising taxes.”
Not at all, it’s about prioritizing the tax money we have. If pierce county is having to keep dangerous, violent criminals on the loose because of the cost of incarceration (don’t know this is the case) then make some decisions. Raising taxes is not way to go IMO. I’d rather be safe than pay for a public parks dept.
Money is my pocket? Believe me, the government has it’s hand firmly in my wallet. The budget priorities of gov are what I question.
@14 ACLU? What does the ACLU have to do with criminal cases? Nothing! The ACLU exists for one purpose only and that’s defending First Amendment rights.
The ACLU is widely — and wrongly — considered a “leftwing” organization. They’re not. This impression is caused, of course, by the fact that rightwing politicians are vastly more likely to violate First Amendment rights than Democrats are. Consequently, it’s usually rightwing officials who get sued by the ACLU. But ACLU represents anyone whose First Amendment rights are threatened, including rightwingers like Larry “Rest Room Toe Tapping Is Constitutionally Protected Artistic Expression” Craig and the American Nazi Party.
ACLU is, in fact, a nonpartisan organization with a nonpartisan agenda: Protecting the speech, assembly, and free exercise of religion rights of all Americans regardless of political orientation.
@15 Nah. If he smoked pot in Arkansas they would have executed him. That’s a serious crime there.
I sure enjoy the comments of that famous trial lawyer and legal scholar MISTER PuddyBuddy.
Golly, Rog, that MISTER PuddyBuddy sure must be a terror in the courtroom. Maybe we ought to see some of his briefs…ooooops…sorry…that’s just icky. Ick, ick, ickkkkkkkk!!!!
@18 I wouldn’t trust a bagpipe player named “Scot” or “Scott” anywhere.
You’d have to be insane not to use the insanity defense, so using it proves that you are sane.
However, if you do not claim insanity, it is impermissable to use it as a defense.
I’m sorry, I don’t make the laws, I just make fun of them.
@23 “Will you push for prohibition of alcohol next time a violent crime is committed by someone under the influence of alcohol?”
Are you referring to the jackass in a Ford Explorer who killed 4 people in a Hyundai near Marysville last night?
@27 What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
@43 “Roger Rabbit probably knows about these things: Are the courts and prisons capable of handling mental illness issues?”
The courts could if they had the resources and had appropriate institutions to send the mentally ill to. We have laws and procedures in place.
Prisons aren’t designed to handle or treat the mentally ill and shouldn’t be expected to. The most they can do is segregate them from other prisoners. But that’s pretty difficult when a third of the inmates of local jails are mentally ill people who belong in hospitals, not jails. Years ago, our state and nation decided to empty the nuthouses onto the streets, and jails ended up housing these folks. That has been a disaster.
@39 You know squat about government finance. Funding comes from lots of different places and most of it is restricted to specified purposes. For example, federal matching funds for operating fish hatcheries can’t be diverted to corrections. Even many state fees and taxes are dedicated funds; for example, timber sales revenues from state lands must be spent on education. Prisons are funded from the General Fund which largely consists of sales tax revenues. Sales tax revenues have dropped off a cliff because people aren’t spending in the recession. So where else can the state get money to keep the prisons running? Not from federal matching funds for other purposes or dedicated fees and taxes. You have to boost General Fund revenues somehow. The best way to do that would be tax reform that stabilizes revenues and provides a more predictable revenue stream for General Fund purposes.
@50 There was no budget hole, dumbass, until the Bush Depression came along and people quit spending. But hey, you Republicans and your insistence on preserving a grossly regressive tax system that forces the state to depend on the sales tax to fund vital government functions had nothing to do with the Bush Depression blowing a hole in the budget for public services …
Puddy, asswipes like you are good at only two things: Whining about the consequences of your serial stupidity, and denying responsibility for your serial stupidity.
@53 “Not at all, it’s about prioritizing the tax money we have.”
No it’s not, stupid, because you can’t spend Medicaid money for nursing home care of the indigent elderly on cops, courts, or prisons.
@53 “Believe me, the government has it’s hand firmly in my wallet.”
Awww, poooor baaaaby!! It’s a safe bet you pay no more taxes than the rest of us. What’s the overall percentage of your income that you pay to government? Fifteen to twenty percent? And you think that’s onerous for what you get in return? (Read: A trillion-dollar war in Iraq.)
I thought you guys claimed the Oppressed Rich pay all the taxes. So unless you’re rich, you’re coasting on the backs of the Oppressed Rich just like the rest of us.
Sheesh. Republicans whine about taxes even in Alaska, where the government sends them oil royalty checks.
In all seriousness, you seem to have issues with penises and related stuff.
How old are you? I ask because if you say you’re 11, then it’s your age and you’ll grow out of it. If you’re over 25, it would be in your best interest to ask Steve for a psychiatrist’s recommendation.
Slurp, slurp, slurp, marvieeee poo. Get busy.
Huckabee’s Commutation Program Apparently Fails Again
Oh yeahhhhh…
You can blame this whole mess with this psycho on Timmy Eyman, his sycophants and the whole right wing in this state who is so dumbass as to do this.
841 thousand dumbasses voted for a male exotic dancer just because he had an R next to his name.
That is a mighty idiot wind in this State.
Remember peeps Roger Dumb Bunny BULLSHITTIUM Alert still in force.
So Dumb Bunny the whole WA State budget was a house of cards because it was predicated on consumer spending. Thanks Dumb Bunny… Wow Dumb Bunny who knew…?
re 70: Yeah, that’s crazy. Who needs an economy with consumers?
Looks like ylb arschloch is hiding something under his link.
Why is that ylb arschloch?
headless lucy@70,
Roger Dumb Bunny never mentions the additional hiring that happened or the addtional spending. Neither did you headless lucy!
Puddy @ 51
I’m as surprised as you.
After posting 1,000s of belligerent, antagonistic, ad hominen attacks, I’m shocked, shocked that people don’t judge each of your missives on their individual merits.
It’s almost as though they’ve written you off.
Such a shame.
UPDATE: Pierce County is releasing it’s version of events with respect to the release of the suspect in the slaying of the four police officers.
They say the suspect was held on July 1, 2009 on $290,000 bail with respect to an assault which occured in May of this year. In addition, there was a “no bail” hold from Arkansas on their fugitive warrant. By that time there was an additional child rape charge pending against the suspect.
But on July 22, 2009 Arkansas released the “no bail” hold. So if the suspect could come up with the bail, he would be released.
Prosecutors didn’t ask to increase the bail, even though they had informed the suspect that they were going to pursue charging him under the “three strikes” law, which if successful would have amounted to life in prison without parole. Whether they would prevail was uncertain, because it would require using the Arkansas convictions as part of the “three strikes” offenses. Prosecutors did, however, succesfully resist a request from the defense attorney to reduce bail.
In all probability, neither the prosecutors nor the judge expected the suspect to come up with $190,000 bail. Not only would he or his family have to raise $19,000 cash (10%), but they would have had to put up collateral with the bail bondsman equal to the entire amount – usually with someone signing over a house with sufficient equity in it as surety to the bonding company.
But on Nov. 23, 2009 the suspect made bail. The shootings happened six days later.
Source: Seattle P.I.: Why was suspected cop killer let out of jail?
@43 If I read the Times article correctly, when Clemens was sent to the joint at 18 he was 5’7″ and weighed a little over a hundred pounds soaking wet. If at that time he was already a half bubble off plumb, 11 years of being somebody or other’s bitch probably didn’t make him any better. To have considered him “rehabilitated” would have been absurd, and whatever the reason for letting someone like that go, just dumping him out on the street would seem to have been rather imprudent.
Ummm you need to go back to 2004 and early 2005. There you’ll read the ad hominem attacks on Puddy and PacMan. Ever been called buttpuddy? The cartoon called ylb arschloch can fill you in. Just ask him. There you’ll learn of the racism of headless lucy and the tacit approval of most HA Libtardos. There you’ll see the only way we on the right could deal with HA Libtardos was to use their tactics.
Then you can come back and have a dialogue dude. Until then you are written off as a leftist ideologue.
See ya!
I thank God that Roger and Jason read Puddy so that I don’t have to.
Looks like the $190,000 bail was way too low. Puddy wonders did anyone ask the defense lawyers what they now think of their bail lowering requests?
That’s Great Steve.
What is the Stupid Solution Flavor Du Jour?
You’re the talking stupid, Puddy, so why don’t you tell me? Or would I have to search for some idiotic five year old comment?
Poor, poor widdle MISTER PuddyBuddy. Poor , poor widdle MISTER PacMan.
Excellent use of the victim card you lying motherfucker.
Re: 83
Not to mention revising history, a classic clownservative tactic.
Correction to # 76: That should have been $190,000 bail.
You continue to be the dumb cinder block. Puddy placed copies of the ad hominem attacks twice on HA Libtardos. Your dumb building brother ylb arschloch has the posts. When confronted with his URL Time & Date Stamp hateful remarks ylb arschloch played them off. Ask him rujax; from one stupid building block to another.
One other thing stupid rujax, PacMan came to a DL and talked about the ad hominem attacks. He also posted on HA about the ad hominem attacks and he was leaving. Ask Professor Darryl about his remembrances on those topics.
See ya FOOL!
@86 You’re whining about us liberals making ad hominem attacks on who, you, you little worm?
How’s that castor oil taste?
[raucous bunny laughter in background]
@87 So why haven’t you left yet?
Hmm, I see that Puddy is reduced to whining about how those mean liberals are always attacking him. LMFAO!!
Man once again you HA Libtardo morons can’t follow a conversation in a thread.
You wear the HA Liberal Retard (Libtardo) moniker perfectly.
It’ so easy to swat fools like you Roger Dumb Bunny and Steve of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Castor Oil… Haven’t tasted that since being a child Dumb Bunny!
re 91: Why do you spend your days communicating with people that you consider to be retarded?
Isn’t that, well……….kind of retarded?
Puddy @ 78
I’m sorry your feelings were hurt.
Seriously? Your actions are excused because someone else is an even bigger ass?
I get called lots of names. Big deal. That’s the game. You put yourself into the public sphere, you gotta be prepared for the haters. Or ignore them.
But you chose to join them. Methinks you like it a bit too much. The action is the juice. And just like Danny Aignes, who never fouled anyone during his entire career, playing the victim is just part of the game.
The same reason you communicate with us who think right headless lucy. You think we are fascists and nazis headless.
Judges were Felnagle and McCarthy in the Clemmons case.
Hopefully someone will get Pierce County Judge Thomas J. Felnagle to explain why he changed another judge’s “NO BAIL” decision and granted a WANTED FELON bail seven days ago, who was facing second degree charges of raping a child. Bill O’Reilly called and there was no comment. Well you all know Bill…
@75 Puddy really doesn’t seem to get it. He may be the only one who hasn’t noticed that once he enters a thread and starts flooding it with his gibberish, he doesn’t get a whole lot of responses. Apparently he’s too narcissistic or too dense (or both) to have caught on that Goldy’s started another thread and all the rest of us have pretty much moved on.
You see, Jason, Puddy also excuses all the racist comments made by wingnuts here because of a supposedly racist comment made five years ago by some lefty.
Actually, Jason, you sound like quite the gentleman. I think Roger Rabbit could learn a thing or two from you in the way of manners and overall civility.
@98…that would assume that Roger Goebbels Rabbit has the ability to learn…..quite doubtfull considering has partisan rantings.
@99 All I did was point out that rightwing hate rhetoric creates a social climate that encourages violence. What goes around, comes around, shithead.
@98 My policy is to have exactly as much civility and manners as wingnuts do. They can have more any time they choose. But they have to go first, because they started the incivility and bad manners.
the wabbit sounds like a pouting 6 year old…just sayin..
you sound like a 6 year old….just sayin..
2 black guys in a row shooting white guys…
is this a hate crime? or do the politics of hate crimes not apply when its not in your best interests
@102 That would depend on whether they targeted the victims because they were white or because they were cops.
1) Roger REALLY used to be nice and civil (actually he still is) until the WATB (that’s MISTER Puddybuddy) kept insulting and taunting him.
2) MISTER PuddyBuddy went whing to GOLDY a few weeks ago…”Make Rujax STOP!!!” he said. Typical klownservative…he can dish it out…
3) MISTER PuddyBuddy is the proximate cause of the invective around here. He has never been any different than he is now. Jason said it best really…
roger; that’s why that such a stupid law; how will we ever know?
re 99: Were you shot by a Chinaman in the Korean War?
re 94: Your assumption that you ‘think right’ is mistaken. What train of thought led you to that conclusion?
That should not be too hard of a question for a ‘right thinkin’ man like yourself. I’m guessing that you arrived at the conclusion prior to thinking it through.
And that’s not ‘right thinking’. By the by, I would think that a right thinking fellow like yourself would have commented on my moniker. But you are really clueless, aren’t you?
Not hiding a thing moronic fool. The url is very long so I use
Just backing up what I say unlike your stupid ass being paranoid about a database.
But let’s hear your theory. Nothing makes me laugh more than your silly ass paranoia.
BTW, tristero at Hullaballoo has more on this; seems that Huckabee has a history of making poor parole, pardon, and clemency decisions, often on religious grounds.
Myself, I think our “justice” “system” was invented prior to the psychological understanding of violent psychotics, and does not handle them effectively. These people almost always give lots of warning, and somehow no action is taken until they explode.
Even more, from Joe Conason. It appears that Huckabee’s naïve belief in statements of faith played a part in his release of Clemmons. Psychotics often have religious obsessions, so this is a really poor way to make clemency decisions.
(Via Jill of Brilliant at Breakfast.)
Clemmons has been shot and killed, and the police are rejoicing. Sure hope he was in fact guilty.
uh, 5’8″ fat dark skinned guy w a gunshot wound , carrying the dead cops gun….uh, yeah.
clemmons: rot in hell you POS.
How about letting a jury decide clemency issues, rather that a politico who, as Huckabee, is subject to his/her own beliefs/prejudices. A jury put a serious offender in jail, let one release the offender.