Hey Goldy,
Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true.
You righty trolls are going to love this one. You know how I’m always promoting a state income tax?
I think Goldy is asking for the all CAPers and the trolls to “buy him a beer.” I wonder how many beers he will get.
Maybe if enough donations are made, he will get a preview function for the blog.
You forget, income tax has to pass the muster of a popular vote, and sweet Chrissy has made you democrats a dead issue in this state (not to mention that the people have soundly voted income tax down twice in my day}
Control the LIBERAL population: spay/neuter your PET LIB!spews:
Mazel tov
Jeff B.spews:
Happy Birthday!
Goldy, a very happy birthday to you and I wish you many, many more.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Happy Birthday Goldy.
Perhaps this is the magic year that you grow-up and start to see things a little more RIGHT-headed! Look long & hard at a picture of your daughter. I’m sure she is precious and you love her very much. What kind of world do you want HER to grow up in?
We have 4 kids and I seriously ask myself that question on more than just my birthday. Reasonable people can come up with different answers I guess.
Another way of looking at it is, do you want your child growing up on the same side of the aisle as a “TOFU-FARTIN’ FAIRY LIKE JPGEE??!
I think not.
I can’t say your birthdate of 4-15 is my favorite day. I spend hours trying to keep the IRS minimized, but you wrongway lefties have made my radio show so darn popular that the money just comes in in buckets. happy birthday and keep up the liberal bs that makes me so popular !
Cynical @7,
Everything I do is for my daughter.
I heard the Dr. Evil “one MILLION dollars” music from the Austin Powers movies in my head after I read your post, for some strange reason…
No, seriously, have a great birthday. I certainly don’t agree with you a lot, but you always provide good and thoughtful arguments.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY! Go enjoy yourself and your family today…screw the trolls.
Happy birthday, Goldy. =)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I believe you..absolutely.
Have a great day.
Happy Birthday, Goldy!
So, you should be reaching the “not a Dem, no heart” to “not a Rep, no brain” transition point soon, right? ;)
Hope you have a great day!
Another TJspews:
Happy Birthday, and thanks again for the website.
Happy Birthday. I am one of those who infrequently write, but always read. I appreciate your thoughts and most of the feedback you get. May your gifts reflect the gifts you give all of us in asking us to look deeper to the events and circumstances in our lives. You are appreciated!
jsa on beacon hillspews:
Happy birthday Goldy,
Hope the taxman didn’t bite too bad this year.
Reading #7 inspired me to think of the best possible birthday present for Goldy: May all of Mr. Cynical’s children grow up to become healthy, happy, Democrats; and may all of his grandchildren become Democrats too!
well I hope you hired Cynical todo your taxes, all that beer money donations has to be reported. You act like your better than Eyman…well your not.
Perhaps if you filed for Extentions, you should have the Hairplugs first, then you can get the extentions.
Happy Birthday. I put $100 in a card for you but then after doing my taxes, I had to take it out and give it to the government. But hey, since taxes after all are what you love, then I think I got you just the right thing!
As for the beer, well didn’t Chrissy say she was going to raise taxes on the devil’s brew? That too should ake you feel even better. What a wonderful day for Goldy!
And happy birthday..
First and foremost: Happy Birthday Goldy!
Somehow it doesn’t surprise me that Goldy was born on Tax day! Just think a few weeks earlier he would have been born on April Fools day! He hit the tax day dead on, and was only 15 days from being a fool!
Happy Birthday, Goldie! It’s remarkable what you have been able to do with your Blog in such a short time. It sure has managed to attract all 5 of the Conservatives who live in Seattle! :-)
GS @ 23
Talk about your Fuzzy Math! Isn’t that just like Republican-loving, deficit-spending folks to think that a “few weeks” is 14 days. These folks must be in that 77% who think the estate tax will affect them even though a bipartisan U.S. House proposal would have exempted 99.7% of folks with farms and businesses. The so-called “party of values” not only doesn’t know the value of a dollar, it doesn’t even know the number of days in three weeks.
Talk about your lack of understanding the English language. If you have any books in your home and if one happens to be a dictionary, go look up “few.”
Webster says, “(noun, plural in construction) a small number of units or individuals.”
Other dictionaries basically say it is an indefinite, but small, number.
Two is a small number, but is still plural.
Then again, it was your side of the aisle that tried to parse the meaning of “is.”
Control the LIBERAL population: spay/neuter your PET LIB!spews:
OK, Mark and Josef – how do you do that????
Mark: how do you put that strike over words?
Josef – how do you embed those links?
Happy Birthday, Goldy.
While we do not agree with each other on repealing taxes, I bet we agree that repealing birthdays after a certain age would be nice…
The one thing i have always and forever noticed about people who want to repeal taxes, or cut them, is that they only want to cut or eliminate ones that are the biggest bother to them. They always seem to want to tax someone else. I am a zealous tax anarchist. I want a moratorium on all of them. Let the populace fight it out for what they need to pay taxes for in the first place. Start over with them. Do you need schools, then pay for them. Do you need emergency services, pay for them. Do you need roads and streets and fundamental infrastructure pay for them. Do you need law enforcement to protect contractors who are endangering the lives of their construction crews as well as the residents who will work, shop, or live in the developments, then pay for them, otherwise let the people have at them. Same for usurers and money lenders and loan sharks who hide as bankers and financial investment brokers or fund managers.
Happy Birthday to you.
HA is a zoo.
We all evolved from monkeys
and we type like them too.
Sorry. I have kids too.
Hey Goldy, Happy Birthday! And thanks, by the way, for all the work you do to keep HA going.
You’ll get your income tax when your “Progressive” brethren grow some balls and some scruples.
Happy Birthday
May your cake have flour and yeast.
May your daughter know you for what you are.
May your day be full of joy.
May is the next month, so get over this self indulgence.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Only 5-1/2 more hours and I can take a good shot or 2 at you.
My policy is no cheapshots at any moonbats on their birthday.
That is my STRICT policy.
Good thing jpgee doesn’t have a birthday…unless you count the day he hatched out of that pile of donkey-dung.
Cynical….after reading all of your gibberish for the past several days and your sexual fixation on me I am actually worried. Not for your health, I could give a dump about your health, but I am worried that I am being stalked by a sexual predator (yourself). I will take the necessary precautions to protect myself at all costs, and cease to comment on your idiotic postings. Best of luck in your decrepid old age with McCabe and the good ole boys….Ciao MF
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You ain’t paranoid when they’re REALLY after you!
Sounds like you’ve hit the wall little TOFU-farter.
Why don’t you go turn on Fox and watch O’Reilly, Greta and Hannity. That will perk you up.
Arni Brauspews:
Holy Birthday, Robin!
Arni Brau
FAS ’82
Bob E.spews:
OlyScoop @ 25
I’ll bet they know when their investment portfolios are falling like a stone! Today is the 3rd straight day of triple-digit declines in the Dow. Whatever they saved in taxes, they lost on the big board and then some. Welcome to the brave new world of Bush-O-Nomics.
Bob E.spews:
Mr. Cynical @ 37
Since when does “Nutcase” start with a “G”?
Control the LIBERAL population: spay/neuter your PET LIB!spews:
I’ll bet they know when their investment portfolios are falling like a stone! Today is the 3rd straight day of triple-digit declines in the Dow. Whatever they saved in taxes, they lost on the big board and then some. Welcome to the brave new world of Bush-O-Nomics. -Comment by Bob E.— 4/15/05 @ 10:10 pm
Yep, lost a few dollars – but still farther ahead by thousands than I was under Clinton
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Bob E.–
Think about it..
OK, I’ll explain.
There is a (g)nat–pesky creature.
Jpgee is a (g)nutcase.
Thank god the village idiot is safe!!!! I thought he was rounded up in GYBushwacker’s latest publicity ploy, along with the other 10,000 felons. Good luck village idiot, you got off this time……..
also to our village idiot….TYFYKMA
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Let’s see…@36 you said you would “cease to comment on my postings”. I KNEW you wouldn’t have the will-power or self-control to follow-thru. Typical LEFTIST burgeois GGnutcase..
“Do as I say…not as I do!”
idiot, thank god, I would not want to live your sorry life
I have just found you guys, I learned about you on the forum from Air America (http://www.am1090seattle.com). OMG! Your are wonderful! Happy birthday!
(Spraying anti-troll non-Delay repellent liberally around the forum)
Phew, it is reeking in here! Isn’t the Bug King’s spidey-holes a better place for trolls to lurk? Isn’t Delay’s brand of spray actually helping cockroaches to thrive? Oh lord, why do trolls even want to be here? most people can hardly stomach 1 second of their freeping crap and refuse to look at it. Why don’t they just go back to lurking under the floor boards and in the garbage, where they belong? They stinketh!
Cat in Seattle
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Now jpgee, you always seem to be wound a few hundred notches too tight. Why is that? Have you had your blood pressure checked lately? It’s always a good idea…especially when you are 6’4″ and 270 lbs. as you claimed recently.
I’ll bet jpgee was one of those little bastards as a kid that would always “pinch” other kids and then run home to mommy & lie.
mntleo2 @47 – Bless your heart. You will fit in very well here.
jpgee @36 – I have witnessed your posts that have focused on a certain other person’s manhood. Despicable.
If anything, you are stalking others on this forum you amoral faithless miscreant anti-social mendacious homophilic green-suit wackjob turd-freak anal-retentive brainwashed Jane Fonda Fanboi socialist lobotomized indigent gnutcase.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Wow…what a fine string of appropriate adjectives that clearly & objectively define that godless, heathen, scumsucking, lowlife, can’t getajob, hasnolife, pathetic, g-stringwearin 270lb. loser jpgee.
Oh zap…
One more thought about that humorless, puke-smelling, toliletbowl licking, Karl Marx loving, chronic masterbator, cross-dressing freak jpgee…
Dang..I forgot my thought.
Maybe later.
Mr. Cynical @ 53
Right. And you used to say that Don was a government lawyer living in Oregon and blogging on Governmant time. . .
Your lack of credibility in divining people makes it hard for me to believe that jpgee licks toilet bowls or sniffs puke.
zapporo @ 50,
You seem angry. I hope you take meds to control you blood pressure. We don’t want anything bad to happen to you—you do such a great job keeping Goldy’s web stats competitive.
As long as we are into colorful adjectives, I’d like to quote the immortal words of the late Freddie Balssie:
Its gonna be real hard times for all of these
grit eatin’,
scum suckin’,
boot lickin’,
drop kickin’,
gut grindin’,
nail bitin’,
glue sniffin’,
scab pickin’,
butt scratchin’,
egg hatchin’,
sleezy, smelly, pepper bellied,
dirty, lousy, rotten, stinkin’, freaks.
…Nothing but Republician geeks
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I never said Don was a guv’mint hack lawyer living in Oregon.
I said Don was a retired Washington Guv’mint hack lawyer living off of all of us on his PERS1 pension.
Torridjoe is the City of Portland guv’mint employee (financial analyst) blogging on guv’mint time.
Don’t you go twisted stuff now, ya hear!
saporo,, coming from your likes, I take those words as a compliment. Because everyone knows you talibpabtist/theocons do nothing but twist and lie
Mr. Cynicalspews:
jpgee just reminded me of that other adjective…
He’s a TOFU-fartin’ fairy too!
Mr. Cynical @ 56
Oops. . . you’re right, it wasn’t Don. My Bad. Damn that aluminium cookware!
Yeah–what a novel idea! Income tax, so you libs can spend more of my eastside money in SEATTLE on your damned lunacy projects. You can’t even count ballots, so what makes you think you can spend money and keep track of it? Don’t look now, but your IQ is showing.
I challenge you all again—read the Constitution and the Communist Manifesto and you tell me which we are closer to. And which side of the aisle is closest to which document. I heard an ex-SDS leader the other day telling how the government has been taken over to the tune of all their objectives. That should tell you something–we are in BIG trouble here, folks and all you do is point fingers at the victims! Grow up and educate yourselves. We need a revolution and a return to what made this country strong and great in the first place–not a retreat from it. Buy a clue, okay?
Hey Goldy,
Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true.
You righty trolls are going to love this one. You know how I’m always promoting a state income tax?
I think Goldy is asking for the all CAPers and the trolls to “buy him a beer.” I wonder how many beers he will get.
Maybe if enough donations are made, he will get a preview function for the blog.
You forget, income tax has to pass the muster of a popular vote, and sweet Chrissy has made you democrats a dead issue in this state (not to mention that the people have soundly voted income tax down twice in my day}
Mazel tov
Happy Birthday!
Goldy, a very happy birthday to you and I wish you many, many more.
Happy Birthday Goldy.
Perhaps this is the magic year that you grow-up and start to see things a little more RIGHT-headed! Look long & hard at a picture of your daughter. I’m sure she is precious and you love her very much. What kind of world do you want HER to grow up in?
We have 4 kids and I seriously ask myself that question on more than just my birthday. Reasonable people can come up with different answers I guess.
Another way of looking at it is, do you want your child growing up on the same side of the aisle as a “TOFU-FARTIN’ FAIRY LIKE JPGEE??!
I think not.
I can’t say your birthdate of 4-15 is my favorite day. I spend hours trying to keep the IRS minimized, but you wrongway lefties have made my radio show so darn popular that the money just comes in in buckets. happy birthday and keep up the liberal bs that makes me so popular !
Cynical @7,
Everything I do is for my daughter.
I heard the Dr. Evil “one MILLION dollars” music from the Austin Powers movies in my head after I read your post, for some strange reason…
No, seriously, have a great birthday. I certainly don’t agree with you a lot, but you always provide good and thoughtful arguments.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY! Go enjoy yourself and your family today…screw the trolls.
Happy birthday, Goldy. =)
I believe you..absolutely.
Have a great day.
Happy Birthday, Goldy!
So, you should be reaching the “not a Dem, no heart” to “not a Rep, no brain” transition point soon, right? ;)
Hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday, and thanks again for the website.
Happy Birthday. I am one of those who infrequently write, but always read. I appreciate your thoughts and most of the feedback you get. May your gifts reflect the gifts you give all of us in asking us to look deeper to the events and circumstances in our lives. You are appreciated!
Happy birthday Goldy,
Hope the taxman didn’t bite too bad this year.
Reading #7 inspired me to think of the best possible birthday present for Goldy: May all of Mr. Cynical’s children grow up to become healthy, happy, Democrats; and may all of his grandchildren become Democrats too!
well I hope you hired Cynical todo your taxes, all that beer money donations has to be reported. You act like your better than Eyman…well your not.
Perhaps if you filed for Extentions, you should have the Hairplugs first, then you can get the extentions.
Happy Birthday. I put $100 in a card for you but then after doing my taxes, I had to take it out and give it to the government. But hey, since taxes after all are what you love, then I think I got you just the right thing!
As for the beer, well didn’t Chrissy say she was going to raise taxes on the devil’s brew? That too should ake you feel even better. What a wonderful day for Goldy!
And happy birthday..
First and foremost: Happy Birthday Goldy!
Somehow it doesn’t surprise me that Goldy was born on Tax day! Just think a few weeks earlier he would have been born on April Fools day! He hit the tax day dead on, and was only 15 days from being a fool!
Happy Birthday, Goldie! It’s remarkable what you have been able to do with your Blog in such a short time. It sure has managed to attract all 5 of the Conservatives who live in Seattle! :-)
GS @ 23
Talk about your Fuzzy Math! Isn’t that just like Republican-loving, deficit-spending folks to think that a “few weeks” is 14 days. These folks must be in that 77% who think the estate tax will affect them even though a bipartisan U.S. House proposal would have exempted 99.7% of folks with farms and businesses. The so-called “party of values” not only doesn’t know the value of a dollar, it doesn’t even know the number of days in three weeks.
Happy birthday, Goldy, and many more.
ScoopDrinker @ 25Talk about your lack of understanding the English language. If you have any books in your home and if one happens to be a dictionary, go look up “few.”
Webster says, “(noun, plural in construction) a small number of units or individuals.”
Other dictionaries basically say it is an indefinite, but small, number.
Two is a small number, but is still plural.
Then again, it was your side of the aisle that tried to parse the meaning of “is.”
OK, Mark and Josef – how do you do that????
Mark: how do you put that strike over words?
Josef – how do you embed those links?
Happy Birthday, Goldy.
While we do not agree with each other on repealing taxes, I bet we agree that repealing birthdays after a certain age would be nice…
The one thing i have always and forever noticed about people who want to repeal taxes, or cut them, is that they only want to cut or eliminate ones that are the biggest bother to them. They always seem to want to tax someone else. I am a zealous tax anarchist. I want a moratorium on all of them. Let the populace fight it out for what they need to pay taxes for in the first place. Start over with them. Do you need schools, then pay for them. Do you need emergency services, pay for them. Do you need roads and streets and fundamental infrastructure pay for them. Do you need law enforcement to protect contractors who are endangering the lives of their construction crews as well as the residents who will work, shop, or live in the developments, then pay for them, otherwise let the people have at them. Same for usurers and money lenders and loan sharks who hide as bankers and financial investment brokers or fund managers.
Happy Birthday to you.
HA is a zoo.
We all evolved from monkeys
and we type like them too.
Sorry. I have kids too.
Hey Goldy, Happy Birthday! And thanks, by the way, for all the work you do to keep HA going.
You’ll get your income tax when your “Progressive” brethren grow some balls and some scruples.
Happy Birthday
May your cake have flour and yeast.
May your daughter know you for what you are.
May your day be full of joy.
May is the next month, so get over this self indulgence.
Only 5-1/2 more hours and I can take a good shot or 2 at you.
My policy is no cheapshots at any moonbats on their birthday.
That is my STRICT policy.
Good thing jpgee doesn’t have a birthday…unless you count the day he hatched out of that pile of donkey-dung.
Cynical….after reading all of your gibberish for the past several days and your sexual fixation on me I am actually worried. Not for your health, I could give a dump about your health, but I am worried that I am being stalked by a sexual predator (yourself). I will take the necessary precautions to protect myself at all costs, and cease to comment on your idiotic postings. Best of luck in your decrepid old age with McCabe and the good ole boys….Ciao MF
You ain’t paranoid when they’re REALLY after you!
Sounds like you’ve hit the wall little TOFU-farter.
Why don’t you go turn on Fox and watch O’Reilly, Greta and Hannity. That will perk you up.
Holy Birthday, Robin!
Arni Brau
FAS ’82
OlyScoop @ 25
I’ll bet they know when their investment portfolios are falling like a stone! Today is the 3rd straight day of triple-digit declines in the Dow. Whatever they saved in taxes, they lost on the big board and then some. Welcome to the brave new world of Bush-O-Nomics.
Mr. Cynical @ 37
Since when does “Nutcase” start with a “G”?
I’ll bet they know when their investment portfolios are falling like a stone! Today is the 3rd straight day of triple-digit declines in the Dow. Whatever they saved in taxes, they lost on the big board and then some. Welcome to the brave new world of Bush-O-Nomics. -Comment by Bob E.— 4/15/05 @ 10:10 pm
Yep, lost a few dollars – but still farther ahead by thousands than I was under Clinton
Bob E.–
Think about it..
OK, I’ll explain.
There is a (g)nat–pesky creature.
Jpgee is a (g)nutcase.
Thank god the village idiot is safe!!!! I thought he was rounded up in GYBushwacker’s latest publicity ploy, along with the other 10,000 felons. Good luck village idiot, you got off this time……..
also to our village idiot….TYFYKMA
Let’s see…@36 you said you would “cease to comment on my postings”. I KNEW you wouldn’t have the will-power or self-control to follow-thru. Typical LEFTIST burgeois GGnutcase..
“Do as I say…not as I do!”
idiot, thank god, I would not want to live your sorry life
I have just found you guys, I learned about you on the forum from Air America (http://www.am1090seattle.com). OMG! Your are wonderful! Happy birthday!
(Spraying anti-troll non-Delay repellent liberally around the forum)
Phew, it is reeking in here! Isn’t the Bug King’s spidey-holes a better place for trolls to lurk? Isn’t Delay’s brand of spray actually helping cockroaches to thrive? Oh lord, why do trolls even want to be here? most people can hardly stomach 1 second of their freeping crap and refuse to look at it. Why don’t they just go back to lurking under the floor boards and in the garbage, where they belong? They stinketh!
Cat in Seattle
Now jpgee, you always seem to be wound a few hundred notches too tight. Why is that? Have you had your blood pressure checked lately? It’s always a good idea…especially when you are 6’4″ and 270 lbs. as you claimed recently.
I’ll bet jpgee was one of those little bastards as a kid that would always “pinch” other kids and then run home to mommy & lie.
mntleo2 @47 – Bless your heart. You will fit in very well here.
jpgee @36 – I have witnessed your posts that have focused on a certain other person’s manhood. Despicable.
If anything, you are stalking others on this forum you amoral faithless miscreant anti-social mendacious homophilic green-suit wackjob turd-freak anal-retentive brainwashed Jane Fonda Fanboi socialist lobotomized indigent gnutcase.
Wow…what a fine string of appropriate adjectives that clearly & objectively define that godless, heathen, scumsucking, lowlife, can’t getajob, hasnolife, pathetic, g-stringwearin 270lb. loser jpgee.
Dont mince words.
Oh zap…
One more thought about that humorless, puke-smelling, toliletbowl licking, Karl Marx loving, chronic masterbator, cross-dressing freak jpgee…
Dang..I forgot my thought.
Maybe later.
Mr. Cynical @ 53
Right. And you used to say that Don was a government lawyer living in Oregon and blogging on Governmant time. . .
Your lack of credibility in divining people makes it hard for me to believe that jpgee licks toilet bowls or sniffs puke.
zapporo @ 50,
You seem angry. I hope you take meds to control you blood pressure. We don’t want anything bad to happen to you—you do such a great job keeping Goldy’s web stats competitive.
As long as we are into colorful adjectives, I’d like to quote the immortal words of the late Freddie Balssie:
Its gonna be real hard times for all of these
grit eatin’,
scum suckin’,
boot lickin’,
drop kickin’,
gut grindin’,
nail bitin’,
glue sniffin’,
scab pickin’,
butt scratchin’,
egg hatchin’,
sleezy, smelly, pepper bellied,
dirty, lousy, rotten, stinkin’, freaks.
…Nothing but Republician geeks
I never said Don was a guv’mint hack lawyer living in Oregon.
I said Don was a retired Washington Guv’mint hack lawyer living off of all of us on his PERS1 pension.
Torridjoe is the City of Portland guv’mint employee (financial analyst) blogging on guv’mint time.
Don’t you go twisted stuff now, ya hear!
saporo,, coming from your likes, I take those words as a compliment. Because everyone knows you talibpabtist/theocons do nothing but twist and lie
jpgee just reminded me of that other adjective…
He’s a TOFU-fartin’ fairy too!
Mr. Cynical @ 56
Oops. . . you’re right, it wasn’t Don. My Bad. Damn that aluminium cookware!
Yeah–what a novel idea! Income tax, so you libs can spend more of my eastside money in SEATTLE on your damned lunacy projects. You can’t even count ballots, so what makes you think you can spend money and keep track of it? Don’t look now, but your IQ is showing.
I challenge you all again—read the Constitution and the Communist Manifesto and you tell me which we are closer to. And which side of the aisle is closest to which document. I heard an ex-SDS leader the other day telling how the government has been taken over to the tune of all their objectives. That should tell you something–we are in BIG trouble here, folks and all you do is point fingers at the victims! Grow up and educate yourselves. We need a revolution and a return to what made this country strong and great in the first place–not a retreat from it. Buy a clue, okay?
dj @all – Bless your heart.