I can’t find any editorials on the Seattle Times web site with a publication date more current than May 15, so naturally, I have absolutely nothing to blog about. Who knew shutting me down could be that easy?
Lacking fodder from my favorite smorg-ed-board, I’ve been reduced to dumpster diving in the op-ed pages of some our region’s smaller papers, finding this tasty tidbit in last week’s TNT, which warns South Sounders to “keep a hand on their pocketbooks” in the face of King County’s rapacious appetite for digging tunnels:
Seattle’s transit taxes, plus federal grants, are covering its Beacon and Capitol Hill tunnels. No problem there. The Legislature has committed to pay $2.8 billion for the underground Alaskan Way replacement. That’s OK, too, as long as the Legislature continues to insist that Seattle – which demanded the tunnel – cover any cost overruns.
Yeah, except, just to be clear, Seattle did not demand that tunnel; in fact voters rejected a tunnel option when it was put to the ballot for an advisory vote. Had the governor and the rest of the Olympia leadership embraced the much less expensive surface/transit option at the time it was fast building consensus on the ground in Seattle, that is the alternative that would have been chosen, and happily so.
And one other quibble:
[T]here must be an understanding going in that Bellevue itself will have to find either the money or economies needed to pay for a tunnel without delaying or jeopardizing rail expansion into Snohomish County and Federal Way.
The impression given, that extravagances in King County have come at the expense of Snohomish and Pierce County residents is simply false. For better or worse, thanks to “sub-area equity,” what’s been raised in the South Sound has stayed in the South Sound… which of course is why Sound Transit told Bellevue on Friday that if it wants a tunnel, it’s gonna have to come up with the extra money itself.
You could always write an editorial opinion of your own while you’re waiting … =:-D
Roger Rabbit Editorial Opinion
Republicans blaming torture on Pelosi is like a serial killer blaming his crimes on the police because they found the bodies.
Re the update, it’s also worth noting that gas tax money paid in Pierce County gets spent in Pierce County; it’s King County, not Pierce County, motorists who export over $125 million a year of gas taxes to other counties. So if TNT’s editorial writers want to call us grasping, fine, it’s a free country and they can write anything they want, but they’re full of shit.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: We should spend our gas taxes on local projects, like everyone else does, and let the rest of the state pay for their own damn roads, like they insist we must do.
It’s idiotic to think a city can survive without major arteries to deal with traffic.
This month’s Esquire has a big section of articles on the subject of drinking (not unusual, to say the least) which has a listing of “best bars” for a young man to do his tippling in in “major cities”. This is the first such magazine feature in my recent memory that doesn’t have a listing for some joint in Seattle.
As Boeing stumbles and fumbles with the “dreamliner” that seems to be more of a nightmare, and Microsoft bumps its noggin on limits to practical corporate growth, maybe Seattle’s long-running wet dream of being a “world-class city” will be put on the shelf for a while. It might actually be nice to drop all the pretense and posturing, to say nothing of the absurd “edifice complex” that causes out civic leaders to equate more and more towering structures and expensive holes in the ground with making this a better place.
In time, more of us might grow up a little and realize that living in a cozy, congenial second-tier seaport and manufacturing metropolis, surrounded by some of the prettiest country on the planet, ain’t all that bad. This would be even nicer if we stopped racing to cover the latter with concrete and plastic and those “little boxes made of ticky-tacky”.
Pelletizer, who is blaming torture on Pelosi? Only in that pea-brained size mind of yours. Check the Dec 2007 WA Post, which mentioned Pelosi knew fool!
You should get a WA Post web subscription dumb bunny. You have all the time in the world to write worthless, inane commentary; always slanted, thoroughly thoughtless and very stupid. Maybe have another source besides the standard crap used by stillbentover, clueless wonder and others may allow you to elevate yourself above the din of the standard HA swineflu weasel trogodytes.
Then, maybe not!
FartyMan, don’t you think the last strike may have had something to do with the delay? Sure with over 20 countries demanding Boeing work with their local parts suppliers may have something to do with it also.
But if you carefully evaluate the situation, continual union strikes may force Boeing to leave the NW and relocate to a right-to-work state. Then Seattle and Everett will become ghost towns and King County and Snohomish will shrink faster than your puny appendage.
Just think of all those Donkeys with nothing to do. Puddy bets we’ll see more eco-terrorism, more eco-vandalism, more B&E, etc. because and empty Donkey mind leads to those actions. Remember Dec 2001 in Seattle?
what dont you get a real job then, instead of being a monitor for the world jewish congress
Goldy says:
You’re lying through your teeth, Goldy, and you continue to lie. There was, and there is, no consensus whatever for the “surface option.”
The surface option has been tried already — and it has failed — miserably — in 1953! Why the hell does anyone think the Viaduct was built in the first place?
The tiny clique of new urbanist hipsters who write for the Stranger might be giving up their cars, but none of the rest of us are, and you damn sure aren’t either, Goldy.
The population around here is only going to grow, and that means traffic is only going to grow. That means that road capacity must grow with it — IN ADDITION TO all the mass transit that needs to be built.
Most people recognize this. Most people I talk to figure there won’t be a retrofit or a new Viaduct — although IMO there should be — and that the tunnel is the next best option. Most people I talk to who use this corridor think the tunnel sucks — and won’t pay tolls to use it.
The traffic has to roll, no matter how many times you “world class city” green weenies in your little hipster circlejerk convince yourselves that no, it doesn’t have to at all.
The surface option would bring through traffic to a standstill. NO ONE wants to touch the issue of what would happen around Colman Dock.
There will have to be a grade-separated highway for through traffic in this corridor, period. The projected volume and the need for capacity demands it. The tunnel shouldn’t be built, and a new Viaduct should be — or at least the present Viaduct should be retrofitted, till there is more money to examine another solution.
The “surface option” is no solution, and stop pretending that it is. There is no consensus for it, and stop lying that there is.
I agree the ‘surface’ solution is nonsense. There is simply too much traffic. The ONLY two ‘highways’ through ALL of Seattle east to west are I-5 and 99. I-5 can’t take much (any) more volume…we’re not adding lanes to that…not even being discussed for 50 years out. So we can’t remove the ONLY other highway/bypass through downtown (99), that would be crazy.
Replacing the viaduct with another viaduct is nice, but a tunnel would be nice too (MUCH better looking/quieter waterfront). At this point I honestly don’t CARE which we do, just do SOMETHING. NO MORE STUDIES, advisory votes, commissions, debates, etc. We’ve BEEN talking about this for YEARS! Make a @#$! decision folks! Flip a bloody coin if that’s what it takes!
Ivan @10,
So, are you disputing my assertion that if the Governor and Speaker had embraced the surface/transit option, that’s what would have been built? Because my whole point was to refute the notion that somehow the tunnel was “demanded” by Seattle, when in fact it was the state who never accepted the surface/transit alternative.
Great, then the major freeways will go from being 12 lane smooth wonders in the prosperous/progressive communities down to 2 lane rutted barely marked cow paths in the rural/cheap/republican communities
#10, The problem is they keep flipping the coin till they get the answer they want. They want that expensive ass tunnel, just like they wanted the expensive ass stadiums. Regardless of what the voters want. Cause we are too stupid to vote them out.
Goldy @ 12:
Are you disputing MY assertion that if your aunt had balls, she’d be your uncle?
The Governor and the speaker DIDN’T embrace the surface option, so it contributes NOTHING to speculate what might have happened if they had.
We know the tunnel wasn’t demanded by “Seattle.” Who the hell needs YOU to “refute the notion?” There was a vote, remember?
I don’t care that you prefer the surface (no)option. That’s your position, and you are welcome to it. I do care that you continue to lie about who wants it, and how widespread that position is. Making shit up, and repeating it, does not add to your credibility, nor to the credibility of your position.
The Governor, DOT, and the Legislature appropriated the money to rebuild the Viaduct. Work could have been under way by now. The Nickels administration, the “design community,” the People’s Waterfront Coalition, the Sierra Club, the downtown developers, various “new urbanist” hipster bloggers, and the real estate speculators so far have stymied Viaduct replacement. Let anyone step forward and tell me with a straight face that this is a representative sample of the electorate, or of the people who use this corridor regularly.
They have left us with either (1) the traffic nightmare that the “surface option” would provide us, or (2) an overpriced tunnel that reduces traffic capacity, is certain to have significant cost overruns and an ensuing, potentially even more costly, legal battle over who is to pay for them, and tolls to use the fucking thing on top of that.
In the long run, replacing or retrofitting the Viaduct appears to be the least expensive option, if you figure, as most people do, that their time is worth money.
God damn right the state never accepted the surface (no)alternative. The Legislature understands that this is a state highway, and that they are responsible for thinking of the impact of Viaduct replacement on the state as a whole.
The responsible thing to do is to rebuild, or at least retrofit the sucker, maintaining at least its present capacity. “It spoils my view” is not what I call a “progressive” position, but rather a statement of spoiled entitlement.
‘….so naturally, I have absolutely nothing to blog about. Who knew shutting me down could be that easy?’
Why don’t you get a fucking job Goldy? Oh, that’s right, you can’t make it in the real world, or as a lawyer, or with your sex-life. Poor guy!
@7 “Pelletizer, who is blaming torture on Pelosi?”
Every Republican on the planet who isn’t in a coma.
@13 “Great, then the major freeways will go from being 12 lane smooth wonders in the prosperous/progressive communities down to 2 lane rutted barely marked cow paths in the rural/cheap/republican communities”
Sounds good to me! Let the whining farmers get their apples to market on horse carts! That’s what they want, isn’t it? No gummint, no taxes, no schools, no roads, no public services. It won’t bother me; to a rabbit, a cow path is like a 12-lane freeway.
@16 Why should he get a job? Congress taxes the shit out of work. Flip stocks, not burgers! Republicans don’t work, so why should Goldy work? To pay higher taxes? Screw that!! Nobody should work. I don’t work. I want the same tax rate the Idle Rich get.
#15 and the rest.
Just a note. The ‘capacity’ argument is simply made up. Not factual. There are NOW only 4 lanes (2 north, 2 south) on the viaduct. Those ‘extra’ lanes you see are NOT though lanes, they don’t carry traffic from West Seattle to Green Lake. Those are JUST downtown only exists (Seneca/Western). THAT downtown only traffic will end up on ‘surface’ streets in the tunnel plan, but so what? That traffic was NOT going through the ‘tunnel’ anyway (Battery Street or new 99 tunnel). When I’m going from West Seattle to my mom’s on north Aurora…there are ONLY 4 lanes now. Whether it’s 4 lanes through the Battery Street tunnel or 4 lanes through a ‘new’ tunnel, it’s still 4 lanes folks.
Matter of fact, 90% of the time when I’ve had backups on 99, it’s caused by the ‘local’ traffic backing up from Seneca and Western onto the viaduct and all the lane changes of people trying to get to or out of those lanes. If the ‘new’ tunnel was ONLY the through lanes (like Battery Street tunnel now) then it wouldn’t clog with downtown traffic. It would essentially be an expressway (which is what it should have been). You can STILL exist off by King 5 or Mercer on the other side of the new or old tunnel and be downtown in minutes…no big hardship. Get over it.
I think they were referring to the City of Seattle and Seattle Legislators who pushed hard for the tunnel option, rather than “the people” who actually rejected both options presented to them.
BTW, didn’t you guys reject both replacement options?
BTW 2.0, we in Gig Harbor get to pay for a bridge “the people” soundly rejected… not that we’re bitter. :)
“Get over it?” At what price? Answer me that. Are YOU willing to pay millions of dollars to lawyers to argue back and forth for years who is responsible for the cost overruns on the tunnel? Are YOU willing to pay tolls to get from West Seattle to Green Lake if we could avoid it?
Maybe you are. Many, many others aren’t. But “it spoils my view” appears to trump dollars and cents, and sense.
Moreover, “capacity” is certainly factual. The Seneca and Western traffic presently is SEPARATED FROM GRADE! The tunnel puts all that traffic right back onto the surface streets, at chokepoints that can ill handle it.
Maybe YOU are willing to live with that. Others aren’t.
Not at all.
Her hypocrisy is being pointed out.
Just like that toe-tapping guy, it’s all about the hypocrisy.
I’m sorry it’s over your head, it’s really pretty funny watching pelosi make a new lie everyday.
Marvin @ 23:
Torture is a bigger crime. So go fuck yourself.
8 Hey, Pudnutz…I’ve been told by people inside Boeing (and not just members of the Machinists’ Union) that the strike may have actually saved Boeing’s ass. It allowed time for the discovery of how screwed up all the 787 subassemblies from all over the world actually were. Without that, the first time they tried to fly the thing it may well have fallen apart in midair.
One of the big problems at Boeing is that it’s management is now dominated by bean counters instead of gearheads. They’re learning the hard way that there’s a big difference between pretending to build an airplane to pump-and-dump their stock options, and actually making one that…you know, flies, with people in it.
Speaking of BAD NEWS!
WOW what a terrible day for the America-hating traitors on the right. Did you see the stock market? HUGE day. This hurts the right. They have only one plan – hope for America’s failure. When the markets surge because of PRESIDENT OBAMA’s brilliant plan to bring our country back from the brink of the destruction sought out by cowards and fools like GW Bush. . . it hurts the right wing’s chances of getting back into power. In other words, what’s bad for the Publican party is good for America!
Just a reminder…
IT WAS THE BUSH REGIME that designed, planned, authorized, conceived, and executed the illegal torture brought on during the Iraq war. The BUSH REGIME did that.
Let’s have a truth commission to find out which of these asshole traitors goes to jail.
If it’s a crime that makes pelosi an accomplice.
How many times have Puddy or I pointed out how unhappy the HA hooligans are.
Well, now science proves it.
Happiness is a complex thing. Past studies have found that happiness is partly inherited, that Republicans are happier than Democrats, and that old men tend to be happier than old women.
If you’re thinking that Republicans are happy just because they perhaps make more money, that does not seem to be the case. The study that found Republicans to be happier than Democrats also showed that it held true even after adjusting for income.
Marvin is only happy when he’s raping little boys.
And if Pelosi is guilty of a crime she should pay for it – but the ONLY way that’s possible, is if BUSH is guilty of a crime. I assume that the right wing traitors want to see Bush prosecuted???
NO? Oh yeah they are idiotic, foolish, impotent hypocrites. How could I forget?
Good old biden…
Note to Joe: Don’t reveal top-secret secrets
But during dinner, Biden — who’s got his very own “Gaffe-o-meter” over at The New Republic — proved once again his terminal case of Foot-in-Mouth Disease. Clift blogged over the weekend that Biden told his dinner mates the location of the secret bunker, where former Vice President Dick Cheney is believed to have retreated after the September 11 attacks:
“… a young naval officer giving [Biden] a tour of the residence showed him the hideaway, which is behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment.”
You gotta love biden giving away the location of a secret bunker. And he wonders why obama doesn’t let him know the secret hideaway for the president.
If terrorists ever kidnapped biden they wouldn’t need to waterboard him for classified secrets, just point a camera at him and give him a microphone.
Wow this ACORN Shit is exploding all over at the NY Times!
Blog dat Goldy!
Is the GOP headed for another ass-kicking like they got in Nov 08? This republican thinks so!
“John Weaver, a top adviser to Utah Governor John Huntsman, said this week that the Republican party is headed for an electoral “blowout” if it continues to be defined by “Palin and Limbaugh and Cheney.”
You right wing traitors certainly have plenty to worry about including, people in your own party predicting your demise! HOW FUCKING SWEET IT IS!
Speaking of wide-spread Publican in-fighting – the right wing National Journal says WHATADICK Cheney is hurting the party!
Marvin, remember Biden’s mouth is his greatest liability. Now he’ll be in Air Farce One with “the messiah” (aaaahhhhh sound)
Hey Marvin, looks like another use of TARP Funds!!!!! Now it’s a toxic asset!
Thanks Joe!
Wow…I learnt today that torture to save lives is a bigger crime than the Speaker of the House lying to save her cellulite-riddled ass.
When the right wing cowards start screaming Faux News talking points over and over – and louder and louder – they think it somehow changes the facts. Ummm sorry asswipes. Your party STILL has the worst ratings of all time. Only one in five is STILL willing to call themselves a GOP member. And George Bush is STILL guilty of illegally conducting torture for political gain.
it’s funny how you assholes keep screaming about torture, but you all probably ran to see valkyrie about assasinating hitler. murder for villians yes, torture , no.
Golly stillbentover@38, you really are struggling.
Looks like “the messiah” has another friend… http://www.ktnv.com/Global/story.asp?S=10383051
YEs Puffybutt you little oreo cunt – the GOP is STILL bent over and you should know since you permanently have your hands wrapped around your ankles.
Have you tried convincing anyone you’re not an oreo lately?
Good to see you ignored proud leftist. Still the delusional fool. We heard you bought the smallest fleshlight being the “little man” you are
Have you eaten your OREO today fool?
wait, am i understanding this. i’m relatively new to the blog, and i thought one time i read that puddy was african-american. is that true? so that means byebye is a bigot for calling him an oreo. the same byebye who calls me antisemtic? are u fucking kidding me, the same liberal double standard that poisons our country.
The “oreo” shit is really tiresome.
You’re both pathetic louses that need to be cloroxed from the gene pool.
Run along now junior.
manoftruth, I’m gonna talk first person personal which Puddy usually doesn’t do on purpose. While I appreciate your positive commentary @44, your continual Jewish attacks and the phraseology you use is saddening to me. While I have said I won’t condemn your attacks until over 50% of the HA swineflu weasels condemn the multiple years of over the top racism of headless lucy and all of his multiple personalities allowed here, could you tone it down dude?
Thank you for the support and thank you for reading. And yes, I am a very handsome black man, thank you very much!
LackOfTruth@44, you are antisemitic. You have proven it over and over with your comments about jews.
Puddy @ 47
I commend you for trying, but the racism of manoftruth cannot be quelled. His bile and vileness is what and who he is. He is also a member of your political party.
proud leftist@49: As stillbentover and headless lucy are of your party and their bile and vileness shine everyday on HA swineflu weasels like the Mukilteo Lighthouse at night.
Oops… forgot to add… I commend your attempts with stillbentover but the big BLACK dildo up his ASS is pressing on his pea-brain
So what are you trying to say… don’t beat around the bush lawyer dude.
I’m not trying to say anything. I said what I had to say. I cannot stand any sort of racism; it disgusts me. I get that from my faith–dig it? manoftruth is the most virulent poster who has ever been here. He will say what he is going to say because he’s bad at the core, and no one can talk him out of that.
Here is how to stymie a blogger…
proud leftist–
You may hate racism….but you obviously love talkin’ about goat fornication.
We could all stand to clean up our acts…but Goldy has set the low standard for this cesspool….and it’s his Blog called HorsesAss…it’s genesis is birthed in ugly name-calling. Hard to expect anything different than what we see daily, isn’t it??
proud leftist, to each his own. I’ve lived it all my life. DWB, SWB, etc. I nominate stillbentover and headless lucy as the most vile, racist, disgusting, insipid and worthless entries of leftist HA swineflu weasel biomass the blogging world has ever known. Has anyone here whom think right ever mentioned your female family relatives as recipients of the leftist HA swineflu weasel stillbentover attacks? NOPE!
If you look chronologically, these two worthless pieces of leftist HA swineflu weasel biomass were here way before MOT. Also since almost all leftist HA swineflu weasels cheered their attacks for the last few years, how does MOT even compare being here for eight months? Cynical@53 is right.
See ya!
So CYNCYN the child rapist uses the excuse that because everyone else is an asshole he should be an asshole. Is that what you tell the little boys right before you rape them?
Proud Leftist – the oreo shit IS getting tiresome because, because (now wait for it) we have a tiresome oreo on this blog.
I didn’t even know what an oreo was until some REAL, AUTHENTIC, GENUINE BLACK MEN – people I know read this house negro Puffybutt’s writings and THEY called him an oreo. They said he’d be their bitch if he ever found the stones to come out of his mother’s basement. THEY called him an uncle Tom and self-loathing house negro who turned his back on his own kind.
Truth hurts.
Your anger and delusions are all ya got.
Yet typical of the Atheist Progressive’s.
You envy what others have…and covet others successes….lashing out like a lost little boy.
Grow up and wise up.
Cynical, the only black people stillbentover knows are in his delusional mind. Multiple personality syndrome. He calls Marvin a child rapist. Then, he posted as Marvin Stamn. Strange projection eh? So Puddy surmises stillbentover dreams every night doing strange acts with children.
A sad commentary on that fool!
stillbentover, Puddy knows 15 brothas who Puddy can call right now and post on this blog what a fool you are. These are bankers, lawyers, engineers, financial planners, etc. in the Seattle area who would gladly post you being a moron. So you can can that act fool.
Funny how I always post without my avatar right after bibigoober posts.
Yeah CYNCYN tell us about being a “Conservative Christian” LOL !!!
In case you didn’t notice, America has REJECTED you assholes. Mostly because of idiots like you who show clearly why nobody would want to claim your brand of Christianity.
I agree.
Steve spews:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM
These guys and bibigoober are members of your political party. And lets not forget headless lucy with his racism.
Puffybutt you oreo – you already post as AT LEAST 15 people here. Remember when Goldy outed you? My guess is that you are the only right wing asshole here and that you post as all the rest – so go ahead and pretend to find 15 pretend REAL BLACK people to post here. It’s not like anyone gives a fuck about you, your pathetic life as a house negro, or your bullshit lies. You’re just a Publican coward and that’s all you’ll ever be.
Oh, and stop posting as me since you say you reject my views. Or is it that you post as me because you hope to win your wife back from me? She says hi!
Now that the Governor signed the civil partnership law, Puffybutt, CYNCYN and Marvin Stamn can stop living in sin and marry each other.
@53: Poor little Klynical.
YOU are talking about a low standard? Hahahaha
Have you even read your own error-filled, negative, hateful little-person posts? You r third grade level understanding shines like a beacon of sewage.
What constructive things have you said?
Go ahead – list them.
No, all I see are snide comments and democrat-bashing without much context, facts or logic to back up what you cull from the rightwing noise sites. Your inability to look at the big picture, to actually analyze and examine real data and lack of a logical or contextual framework render your putrid musings to the ashbin of history.
Prove us wrong by actually posting some original, thoughtful and constructive piece. Instead we get moronic global warming denial, right wing platitudes, reptition of rightwing phiolosophy that has proven so deadly to our country and excuses for torture by your heroes (and America’s criminals, Bush and Cheney).
I know I’m wasting my time…
Have you got a link to prove that goldy outed Puddy for having sockpuppets?
It’s easy enough for you to prove you’re not a liar. That is unless you are a pathological liar and can’t help yourself from living in your fantasy world.
@47 “could you tone it down”
Hmm, Puddy is so fierce in his condemnation of MOT’s hate. heh- 50%. At least we now know Puddy’s price for him to show some spine.
Maybe we should take Puddy up on his offer @59 and see if he can actually round up 15 “brothas” to vouch for his blackitude.
Marvie, as a proud member of the *Donner Party, has a lot of time to waste.
*New name of the GOP
Marvin take that little kid’s dick out of your mouth long enough to search. Or maybe, just maybe, Puffybutt the oreo will tell the truth – although it’s never happened before – but he’s been outed. You might be him trying to defend or deflect or you may be the second actual right wing nut here and be new so you don’t remember but it happened – in the clear and if you’re too lazy to look for it fuck you.
Now as to proof – prove you’re not a child rapist. I’m waiting (crickets sound….)
That was pretty ignorant of Puddy.
After all, the only lefty on this blog bothered by you using the word “faggot” as an insult was YLB.
“When the right wing cowards start screaming Faux News talking points over and over – and louder and louder – they think it somehow changes the facts.”
More importantly, it means they don’t have anything else to say.
@68 “Now as to proof – prove you’re not a child rapist.”
Hell, he’s still trying to prove that he doesn’t fuck goats.
FartyArt: Puddy don’t need to use Fox News. The real evidence can be provided using leftwing libtard MSM sltes fool!
Steve, Puddy don’t answer to you! Remember the other thread? Wait a minute, you can’t remember anything past 24 hours. Puddy proved that last week.
Marvin, Puddy posted as MWS. Goldy outed me. Goldy caught hell for it from many people. Goldy don’t like me. Well I’m not fond of Goldy either. But Puddy don’t lie like Goldy. Goldy from the Philly burbs, as we call them back east “‘Burb Boy”. Puddy from Philly inner city. Goldy tells everyone he’s from Philly. Puddy tells everyone he’s from Philly. Goldy ain’t. Puddy IS!
Puddy outs many HA leftist pinhead swineflu weasels all by himself. Puddy don’t have access to the HA swineflu weasels IP logs. Puddy uses his Gold given talent to spot similarities in posting style and words used. That’s why when stillbentover posted as Marvin it was easy to spot. That’s how puddy knows when headless lucy creates another sock puppet. Puddy goads the fool into showing his racist characteristics honed and sharpened in Arizona.
stillbentover, you are such a delusional moron. Some have already posted here. Go back and see some of the attacks against you which are not from Puddy and PacMan.
Shows how stupid you are.
Last comment for Steve.
Those are Puddy’s terms fool. And since you decided to shit on it, now it includes stillbentover.
What a fooltard you are Steve. Maybe Green Mountain Coffee will allow you to use the old Tully Roaster on I-5 to make large batches of Steve’s Stupid Solution. Sounds like a green job to Puddy.
Marvin, there is nothing you have to prove. stillbentover hasn’t proven he has taken the large BLACK dildo from his ASS. Since he loves the back alley of the Port Orchard Bowling Lanes, we know what he does on payday. I wonder what size bra he stuffs when he drag dresses? He’s WA State white Rue Paul!
Remember the comment at Number 77 is from a so-called Christian – I rest my case.
But on a respect scale of 1-100, Puffybutt has managed to raise to 1 (from zero – his previous high) because he did admit to Stammerin Marvin that he’d been outed here. Of course, Marvin the child rapist did what he always does once he’s bested on a thread – he cut and run like the cowardly cunt he is.
Oh, and Puffybutt – you still the house negro!
What you call cut & run the producers of society call working.
Try it sometime.
Marvin, notice stillbentover didn’t attack the presented facts, just me? Someone needs to watch the Port Orchard Bowling location and watch stillbentover operate in the alley in his Rue Paul outfit. Maybe Goldy will post the digital pics?
Notice how the HA swineflu weasels got wery wery qwiet?
Very telling…