Speaking of investigative reporting, Michael Hood’s got the first of a two part series up on BlatherWatch, exposing former KVI host Peter Wiessbach’s exploitive janitorial business.
It’s an insight into how sleazy operators like Weissbach use illegals. Business always claims American workers won’t do such lowly work, but this demonstrates that some employers give preference to the undocumented.
SBM systematically hired and exploited workers who, because of legal status complied in fear of losing their jobs or being detained and deported.
Janitors who questioned or complained about these practices were summarily fired- as were such managers- after first being frozen out of the management loop.
An ex-manager describes workers with so little English he needed take another worker away from his work to translate the manager’s instructions. When he asked HR asked why he couldn’t get anyone who speaks English, he was told: “[We] don’t hire those kind of people. [We] only hire illegals who mainly speak very little- if any- English.”
Just to be clear, not all conservative talk hosts are exploitive, hypocritical scumbags. They may be 99% wrong 99% of the time, but personally, I’ve never met a KVI host I didn’t like. Then again, I’ve never met Wiessbach.
How about Pelosi flying her kids and grandkids around on military aircraft. Exploitive, hypocritical scumbagette.
Off-topic as usual Delbert…I have learned that most of the crap you trolls put out is false….kind of like all that Acorn crap you touted that turned out to be faked.
You should be embarassed to be write anything given how pathetically stupid you are….re3ally, all you do is scour the rightwing nutjob sites to put up on here whatever undocumented crap you can.
Have you ever had an original thought?
Yeah, most of these big construction firms that hire illegals to do basic grunt work, or janitorial firms, or good “real American”(tm) eastern Washington farmers who own huge fields and use illegals to pick their crops, are mostly conservatives.
Part of the standard “my crap is stuff, your stuff is crap”. Lets bitch about illegal immigrants…unless we can increase the profit of our companies by USING them, then it’s good. Bullshit fake political outrage seems to be inversely linked to quarterly profits.
#1 ROTFLMAO. Grow up. Just like the childlike minds on here who PRETEND only politicians from one party cheat.
EVERY politician in the top 6 (in order of Presidential line) does this. Do you really want to go on about how many VACATIONS Bush made the tax payers pay for when he went to his fake little ranch to ‘get away’? We paid for that. Or Cheney? Any previous Republican speakers?
Yes, I wish Congress and high level staff wouldn’t get all these perks, but they all use them. Pretending they don’t is naive.
Cheap. Labor. Conservative.
@1 Where were you when Republicans did it?
For Profit. For Sale.
Tea Party Nation is a for-profit corporation.
Tickets cost $524 each.
The keynoter gets a $100,000 speaking fee.
Criticizing the organizers gets you BANNED.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No doubt you gullible trolls thought the Tea Party was a different kind of conservative movement that was about grassroots activism, free speech, and all that. Fooled again!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the burden of your cite appears to be this, Goldy-
Wiesbach and some competitor get into a legal scuffle during which opposing counsel draws up some kind of document alleging illegal hiring practices. (The document itself isn’t in the cite. What it actually says is unknown.) Weisbach is so dreadfully concerned about his hiring practices that he turns this document over to a prosecutor. The prosecutor prefers charges, which he later drops. Neither ICE nor anyone else pursues this case. On the basis of allegations from former employees and the mystery document the liberal blogger makes a case for illegal hiring practices. A case which the prosecutors office with much better information chose not to pursue.
So what happened to innocent until proven guilty, Goldy?
Here’s an interesting tale of right wing utopia:
I mean really. This is the world according to wingnuttery…
Haga mientras que yo para decir, no como hago.
Well, you did ask how you say…..do as I say, not as I do en Espanol.
Re 3
Last year 50% of farm labor positions were unfilled in early June. The farmers were advertising through Employment Security, which doesn’t allow undocumented workers, and couldn’t get the labor they needed, even in a down economy.
I’ve worked in construction both in the field and in management for over 20 years. American young people will not do jobs they consider beneath them. For any 20 applications I recieved for Apprentice or beginning level jobs possibly 2 of them were from naturalized citizens. Hiring docuemented aliens is required by business needs. Most large construction companies don’t hire illegals, as they are often audited and can’t afford it. Also, most large construction companies use drug screening and document screening to protect thier clients.
In my experience Subcontractors do use illegals at a much higher level, particularly in some trades. The contractor has no right to audit the hiring documents of subs, and can’t control this practice.
8. lostinaseaofblue spews:
I was wondering the same thing.
Kind of like someone accusing their spouse of child abuse in a custody battle.
Seems like a lot of hype until charges are filed…something Goldy is an expert in!
Hey correctnotright, Nancy Pelosi hires illegal aliens to work the family vineyards. Care to challenge the claim?
Yeah…… right…
Care to challenge the claim?
Puddy documented all this and provided multiple links long ago. Ask ylb arschloch for the proof as he has a full backup of Goldy’s HA blog on his home computer.
Remember DeVore’s post last week over trumped up fabricated stories on James O’Keefe? Jumping onto the first thing out there? So far MSNBC, WA Post and Boston Globe have had to issue story retractions. The WA Post twice so far. Notice how DeVore didn’t. He’s one of those Do as I say types.
American young people will not do jobs they consider beneath them. – Why is that?
I think it’s because the pay is too low vs the level of work required. It’s probably very hard tedious work and American feel they should be fairly compensated for their efforts.
Or the obvious, Americans won’t be hired because they would complain about the very hard tedious work and get the employer in trouble.
@9 Wow
Colorado Springs cuts into services considered basic by many
By Michael Booth
The Denver Post
COLORADO SPRINGS — This tax-averse city is about to learn what it looks and feels like when budget cuts slash services most Americans consider part of the urban fabric.
More than a third of the streetlights in Colorado Springs will go dark Monday. The police helicopters are for sale on the Internet. The city is dumping firefighting jobs, a vice team, burglary investigators, beat cops — dozens of police and fire positions will go unfilled.
City recreation centers, indoor and outdoor pools, and a handful of museums will close for good March 31 unless they find private funding to stay open. Buses no longer run on evenings and weekends.
Neighbors are encouraged to bring their own lawn mowers to local green spaces, because parks workers will mow them only once every two weeks. If that.
And yet….
“Colorado Springs has become more Republican, Boulder has become strongly Democratic, Denver slightly so, and the rural parts of the state are essentially unchanged.”
This what you get when you go Republican and don’t want to pay taxes.
The comments are insightful. An interesting mix of
“The rabid Conservatives of Colorado Springs won’t be satisfied until the city looks like Kabul, and the whole country looks like Afghanistan.”
“People choosing to keep their money and spend it as they see fit instead of tripling property taxes and letting a government agency “take care of their needs”” – (I got mine, to hell with you)
Actually my middle management job earned me as much as my sisters’ job as a licensed architect. A bit more, really.
A plumber makes good money, as does an electrician or a mechanic. And prevailing wage jobs (well above actual prevailing wages) can give a person a very comfortable income. These skills earn a person as much money or more than most jobs requiring a college degree.
So no, it isn’t tedium, but laziness and poor work ethic. These aren’t problems I commonly found with immigrant workers.
Re 15
Final note John. Employers rarely get in trouble for whining workers who think it’s just too hard.
these are not the same topics
I was talking about farm labor jobs.
And you seem to be talking about skilled labor jobs.
I said about farm labor jobs:
See, different things.
@8 If you ever read a newspaper, you’d know that Weisbach’s business has been in the news lately. Why? Because nearly all of his employees are illegals, and the government is on his ass. Goldy’s comment has nothing to do with anything going on in any court, nor does a blogger have to wait years for a court decision to comment on this month’s news.
@8 The difference between the wingnut chimpanzee administration and Obama’s administration is that the chimp went after the workers (who are only trying to make a living) and Obama is going after the employers whose hiring of illegals (because they’re cheaper) takes jobs away from Americans and encourages illegal immigration.
Why would anyone vote for the Chimpanzee Party? Only chumps vote for chimps.
@11 “Last year 50% of farm labor positions were unfilled in early June. The farmers were advertising through Employment Security, which doesn’t allow undocumented workers, and couldn’t get the labor they needed, even in a down economy.”
Well let’s see. The agricultural industry has lobbied to keep farm workers exempt from minimum wage laws. They offer only seasonal work and pay piece rate. The farms are far apart, and what migrant housing exists is far from the farms, and with gas at $3 or $4 a gallon the workers can’t afford to work. And you wonder why farmers can’t hire enough farm workers? Try paying them enough to live on, and you’ll see a magical difference.
@17 Prevailing wage jobs are union jobs. Aren’t you against unions? Do you pay union wages to your employees? Yet here you are mouthing what a great living construction workers in “prevailing wage jobs” make. Note, most “prevailing wage jobs” are government-funded projects. Aren’t you against that, too? Sheesh.
You might have been talking about farm workers. The quote you take out of context was very specific to construction.
How do you suppose you learn to plumb or wire a house or repair a car? You take a job at low pay knowing little, work hard and learn the skill, and earn the higher rate of pay.
As for farm workers we probably need some form of 3 month visa so that our Southern neigbors can help bring in our harvests. At American wages it’s as impossible to compete with Chilean agriculture as it is to compete with Chinese pirated electronics.
@17 You’re right about one thing, though. Apprenticeships are going begging, and the trades pay as well or better than many college-degree occupations — IF you have union wages and benefits. That’s a mighty big “if.” It seems strange to hear people like you who want unions to disappear touting the benefits of the union trades.
@19 “I think it’s because the pay is too low vs the level of work required. It’s probably very hard tedious work and American feel they should be fairly compensated for their efforts.”
It’s more specific than that. What drove workers out of the fields was high gas prices and lack of housing near the fields.
Re 20
Purest nonsense. Goldy didn’t cite the newspaper or an ongoing investigation. He gave a specific cite which shows nothing more than a liberal hating a conservative.
How did you survive as an attorney without understanding context?
@24 “As for farm workers we probably need some form of 3 month visa so that our Southern neigbors can help bring in our harvests.”
If I were a Mexican husband and father, I’d tell you that I want a job that supports my family year round, I want a place where my kids can go to school and be with their friends year round, I want to have roots and be part of a community, and I’ll work hard for all of that, but you can take your 3-month visa and shove it up your ass. I would tell you that if you want me to do stoop labor for 5 bucks an hour so you can have cheap food, then give me citizenship so I can live and work in my own country.
@27 Goldy doesn’t have to link to the newspaper reports. Everyone on this blog knows what he’s referring to. Except you.
re 23
Again? Why is context such an issue?
Here’s my post-
“And prevailing wage jobs (well above actual prevailing wages)” which should indicate dislike of prevailing wage to a sentient reader.
Prevailing wages are why anything the government undertakes costs 2-3 times more than private sector could do the same job for.
Re 28
If I were a Mexican husband and father I’d be trying to make things better at home, not slipping accross the border.
I don’t know what the status of SBM is with ICE, but my US-Citizen ESL student told me about the SBM thing a couple of weeks ago. His friend who works there said they laid off 70-80 people in one week in January due to lack of documentation. Now my student is applying for a job there (got laid off a job he had for 8 years when his plant closed)and I’m wondering if it will be an awful place to work!
If 50% of the farm jobs went unfilled, in a capitalist society where the marketplace sets wages and prices, it can only because the wage offered was not competitive.
If a product can’t be made (or harvested) because the cost to do so demands below market wages, it shouldn’t be.
This is capitalism.
What do the farmers want? Some sort of government intervention in the market place? Are they socialists?
lol….weissbach, another crimial jew
31: A lot of immigrants from Mexico plan to work here long enough to save money to build a home for their family in Mexico (paid for in cash – mortgages are hard to come by for anybody but the well-to-do). They know they could never accomplish that by working in Mexico.