The magical mystical free market, also known as taxpayers, should stimulate house builders to the tune of $250 billion. Or so sayeth the national house builders.
Or Else! Because nothing causes plummeting prices to stabilize faster than an even greater oversupply.
For $250 billion we could probably build a giant domed mini-world, kind of like The Truman Show, and populate it with auto executives, house building executives, financial sector criminals and castoffs from the Cato Institute, creating a nice little Bubble Land where they can build and build and build while celebrating how great laissez-faire capitalism is. They can create innovative derivative securities to sell one another while smirking about the stupid liberals to their heart’s content.
It’ll be a completely false and fantastic world, but not much different from the one they currently inhabit.
Perhaps, also like our local builders, they will figure out how to take the bailout money from taxpayers and spend it on conservative, Rossi-like politicians, and they could advocate for free markets and no regulations or construction fees, no matter the impact. That would be their perfect and totally absurd circle of logic.
I think we should leave the housing and auto industries futures up to the magic of the market it place. Government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.
All along, I’ve figured Republican crooks and liars would retreat into a taxpayer-financed bubble — a self-contained biosphere — after they had polluted and looted the rest of the world beyond salvaging.
When is gummint gonna do something for those of us who made all the payments? (Well, almost all; I’ve got 1 payment left.) Some guy who didn’t put himself through college and earns half of what you do gets to live in a fancier hole than you as his reward for borrowing money he didn’t intend to pay back from a crooked mortgage broker — and you pay taxes to bail both of them out. Makes you feel like a sap, doesn’t it?
Hell no, let BIAW go belly up. Good riddance.
A couple years ago, builders invaded my neighborhood and threw up ugly houses on postage-stamp lots which they sold for a damn fortune. They all drove Hummers and their kids drove BMWs. Now I’m supposed to feel sorry for them? > Yawn. <
[Visual of rabbit picking teeth with claws.]
Don’t forget the folks at Lehman Brothers who ran their debit to asset ratio up to 30:1 and the regulators at the SEC who sat back and let them. I say fuck the handcuffs and jail cells for those folks, a firing squad at dawn would be more fitting.
Checkout their website:
Let’s have a bailout for everyone. I need one, and I’d guess most of you need one. What the hell? Bailout for everyone. Except the BIAW. Let’s let the market do to that organization as the market will.
I wouldn’t need a bailout nearly as bad if I had dental insurance that didn’t suck. $500.00 to get a busted crown replaced (they had to do a lot of work).
Hey, if we’re going to subsidize the BIAW building houses, let’s have ’em build houses for the homeless.
I think I found who the Republicans will put up in 2012.
Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana. In a state that went for a Dem President for the first time in 40 years, he kept the Governor’s mansion against a weak Dem contender. Daniels, for a Republican, actually shows some competence.
You heard it in these threads here first. He will easily beat out the Mat-Su Barbie for the nomination. It is unlikely she’ll play second banana to him but she might try if she’s that desperate.
Jindal has the Veep spot if he wants it. No way will he win the top spot with his religious baggage.
Again a massive deceptive appeal to small business – lower taxes and a back to conservative basics of smaller government.
Now think about this: what if Daniels actually promises to bring the troops home from Afghanistan?
Watch out!!!!
No money for the BIAW until Mr. C makes a very blubbery apology for every asinine comment he has made on HA.
That would be EVERY comment he has made on HA.
C’mon, Mr C. I am sure the BIAW will give you a bonus!
Go Walmart, despite the socialist liberals hatred of this place, they are now raising this place to the stature of the ONLY major retailer which will survive this weeks Black Friday.
Continue to Tax the F of us gang, and you will succeed to be one of the major contributor’s to Walmart’s success in this horrible season.
Gegoire will get to Layoff all the F’n Union SOB’s to balance her 5 Billion and growing to 8 Billion rapidly diminishing budgit.
And F the state retirement and health care plans, will very soon follow the country’s move and become a dumpster Relic of the past.
Coming soon to a government position of your choice!
10 The BIAW doesn’t build houses. You tards
should not be allowed to vote.
Government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.
The voters get what they deserve :-)! In all seriousness, Nov. 4 was a watershed day. The billions that will be spent on light rail translates into 40 – 50 Thousand New Jobs during the next 2 – 3 years. That’s a “solution” my friend.
For $250 BILLION, Governor Gregoire can spend another $200 BILLION planning and talking about the Alaska Way Viaduct and the State Ferries and the other $50 BILLION actually building something.
10. ArtFart spews:
Actually AF, BIAW doesn’t build Jack Shit.
It’s there 11,000 members, the vast majority being small, locally-owned businesses employing a couple hundred thousand workers that build the houses.
You have become dillusional.
I thought “Progressives” were all for small, locally-owned businesses??????????
Apparently not.
You are also apparently for high unemployment.
Where do you think all these Construction Industry workers are going to work?? GM? Ford? Oh yeah, THE STATE GOVERNMENT!!
That’s it…let’s all work for Governor Gregoire and President Obama. They will take care of us.
Go fuck your goat, Mark. He misses you.
Here is another Gregoire accomplishment and the Democratic Controlled State and Federal Legislature’s:
By Michelle Dupler
Tri-City Herald
@17: Obama will run the economy a hell of a lot better than Bush/Hoover. Republicans have spent my money on useless wars, useless “privatization” where they have not kept track of MY money, lack of oversight on the banks and lackof oversight in general. The idiots have been running the country – and finally, the adults will take responsibility from the know-nothings.
Your guy Bush has created the largest deficits in history and the worst economy since Hoover. Thanks for ruining this country…
@19: Of course demand is rising – the national economy is sinking like a rock. Our state has done much better than most. Are you as stupid as you seem?
Do you not understand the basics of economics or are you deliberately misinterpreting facts for you political purposes?
Either way, nothing you put out there is relevant or right.
YLP @ 11: Your argument makes sense, that would be the smart play for the Republicans. Which is why I would probably bet against it happening (if I was a betting man).
Why wouldn’t the Republicans make the smart move? Well, remember that the “finanical arm” of the Republican Party is headed by the guys who run the nation’s large business these days. They’ve managed to run most of those companies into the ground, thinking short-term results only, while patting each other on the back and giving themselves huge raises, bonuses, and stock options in the process through interlinked Boards of Directors. The marketing people are in charge – all B.S. and no substance. Yet they dare us not to bail them out, holding our own jobs as hostage – “If I go down, I’m taking you with me – and your family, your home, and your dog, too!”
These are the frat boys and “business majors” you knew in college who got drunk every other night, skipped most of their classes, managed to have arrest records dissapear after getting caught driving drunk or causing vandelism, and still managed to turn in papers which kept them in the “gentlemen’s ‘c” club”, even though no one could ever remember seeing them anywhere near a library for the past four years. (Gee, remind anybody of the current President?) Yet they neve rworried about getting a job because their parents had one lined up for them at a major corporation, where the skill sets they needed to master was golf and smoozing – actual work was for the “underlings”.
It reminds me of the British aristocracy during the Victorian Era – the hight of the empire, but an empire in which they were completely unprepared to compete. Mostly they consisted of a bunch of drunk fellows sitting around a club room smoking cigars and sipping brandy, complaining about the smell eminating from the under classes on the streets below, and being self-congratulatory on what “fine elite fellows” they were because they once played on the cricket pitch together at Eaton, or wherever, and when is the Queen going to send enough troops to India to put those rabble-rousers in their place, anyway?
Instead of a recovery plan which relies upon “trickle down” benefits, we need one which creates a “bubble up” economic benefit. One which allows American taxpayers to purchase cars or houses from those businesses which actually employ Americans at home, pay taxes, and provide a good product or service for a reasonable price.
According to the latest survey, the three best states economically, houseprice wise and overall are:
WA was also voted one of the best run states. But cynicals opinion is better than facts.
correctnotright, can you provide references for the survey and vote?
I told my financial advisor about it and he just shrugged.
Remember when Kissenger said that he and Nixon both realized that S. Vietnam was eventually going to fall, but they just wanted it delayed long enough so that it would fall during the next President’s term, instead of during Nixon’s second term? Well, it didn’t last quite that long, collapsing in a little over two years, rather than the four years they expected. But Nixon wasn’t President anyway at the time, his resignation had forced the honor of presiding over the final collapse to President Ford.
So now Bush is in Europe and Israel proclaiming victory in Iraq – managing to hang on just long enough to pass the problem (and blame) for withdrawal onto Obama. It’s not a question of IF the U.S. will withdraw from Iraq, it’s a question of WHEN. And just like riding a shark, the real problem is how you eventually get off of it without getting bit.
But what brings me to this question, given that the subject is the economy and economic bailouts, is that the Kissenger revelation got me to wondering: perhaps the current economic crisis isn’t entirely accidental? Is it possible that the such a crisis was intended in order to shake out the bailout money and loosening of restrictions on financial institutions, but the collapse ended up being far greater than intended? Or perhaps that it was well known that the economy was on a shaky foundation, but they expected the collapse to occur on the next President’s watch, and were surprised when it arrived six months too early?
If international finace needs my money to stay afloat, I cannot for the life of me see who needs international finance except international ‘private’ bankers, themselves. We should lett them all fail and use our tax money to create a national bank.
Private bankers would be free to compete with us.
Our goal all along has been to make international finance so small that we could drown it in the bathtub.
I heard some idiot from the Heritage Foundation threaten on Face the Nation that if Obama created universal coverage that maybe, just maybe!!!!!, private health insurers would refuse to cover people anymore.
What a Maroon!!!!
It would be good not bailing out this industry let it collapse. Then see how long it will take to restart our economy.
Liberals are blinded by their greed.
We need Goldys financial records exposed.
I love it how the cons wanna blame Gregoire for the problems the lying chimp in the white house, and his look the other way regulators caused.
Our state was forbidden from investigating banks by the feds. Go figure….
I say claw back every cent the upper management of these crooked banks took in fees, and bonuses. They were paying each other billions, making money selling worthless swaps, and we get the bill. Bullsh1t.
If they don’t want to give it back, lock them up 1 year for every grandma Millie they stole from.
Meanwhile, in my little neck of the woods, some asshat a block away is still trying to move 1,150 square foot duplexes for $400k each.
/8 out of 10 still available!
My post was a joke.
You know our “government” is doing all they can to keep from prosecuting the animals that basically stole all those trillions. They get away with the loot, and the tax payers get stuck with the bill. Again.
CLAW BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right wingers. Government isn’t the problem.
Crooks running the government is the problem.
Your crooks.
“For $250 billion we could probably build a giant domed mini-world, kind of like The Truman Show, and populate it with auto executives, house building executives, financial sector criminals and castoffs from the Cato Institute, creating a nice little Bubble Land where they can build and build and build while celebrating how great laissez-faire capitalism is.”
Location: Alaska.
@9 Wait until your teeth start cracking and you need them extracted and replaced with implants at $7,500 per copy.
@13 “Go Walmart, despite the socialist liberals hatred of this place, they are now raising this place to the stature of the ONLY major retailer which will survive this weeks Black Friday.”
How profitable would Walmart be if taxpayers didn’t pick up half of their labor costs in the form of Medicaid, food stamps, and housing subsidies? The rest of the world calls that “socialism.” Under the GOP system where private business owners get the profits while taxpayers get the costs and risks, it’s called “capitalism.”
@14 “The BIAW doesn’t build houses. You tards
should not be allowed to vote.”
If you can say Washington has a deficit, we can say BIAW builds houses. Why should you have special privileges the rest of us don’t get?
@19 Gee, Cynical, we already know you Repugs would much rather give taxpayer money to corporate fatcats than hungry children, so you don’t need to parade it in front of our noses like this.
But not to worry, Cyn, because at the rate jobs are disappearing under the implosion of Wingnut Whack-O-Nomics, millions of people will have no problem satisfying the 130% threshold or, for that matter, the 0% threshold.
8 -> Let’s have a bailout for everyone. I need one, and I’d guess most of you need one. What the hell? Bailout for everyone.
Fuckin’ losers on this site. People are doing fine around here (present company of whiners aside).
Drove to two malls yesterday (don’t ask) and both were packed. Folks getting there holiday shopping in early I suppose.
Night before (Sat. night) I went to dinner with friends: 30 minute wait for a table ’cause the place was packed. Not a cheap joint either . . .. I’d tell you to get back to work but most of you wouldn’t care. Suffice it to say everyone who wants to pull themselves up by the bootstraps around here can – you losers need to get out more often. Buy a good meal, enjoy a bottle of the vino with friends, and quit bitchin’ about the little stuff.
Grrrr… I’m getting sick and tired of these taxpayer funded bailouts! NO MORE!
re 39: Riiight!!! And it was colder than usual a few days ago, so global warming must be a hoax.
23. JohnB spews:
correctnotright, can you provide references for the survey and vote?
John, the survey reference is CorrectNotRight’s Ass.
Let me get this straight. Bankers made billions in bonuses, and fees, selling worthless swaps to each other. Now their companies are broke, and the taxpayers need to “add capital” so they can stay in business.
Anyone ever thought of getting some of that money back?
Anyone ever wonder if they knew what they were selling, and getting paid commissions on was “worthless crap” and looked the other way?
Anyone ever heard of fraud?
New housing construction is the industry that fuels the American economy.
44 – Unfortunately it’s run out of gas. The American Consumer is pretty tapped out.
Yes, Sir.