Holy fuck, Virginia Republicans are crazy:
BREAKING: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses GOP primary to tea party challenger Dave Brat in Va. http://t.co/mG9TU1XtI8
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 11, 2014
by Goldy — ,
Holy fuck, Virginia Republicans are crazy:
BREAKING: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses GOP primary to tea party challenger Dave Brat in Va. http://t.co/mG9TU1XtI8
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 11, 2014
Holy fuck, Virginia Republicans are crazy
Starting tomorrow, red state Democrats up for re-election are going to be couching their positions on immigration in very different terms than they did today.
Sing along accompaniment
Goldy, any regrets that the loss of Cantor means those of Hebrew extraction are not represented at all in the Republican House caucus?
@1 I doubt it.
A Seattle Times comment says Cantor got “Tea Droned.”
We can only hope that somewhere in the Great Beyond, Joe Bageant is looking down at his erstwhile neighbors, sipping some good whiskey and laughing his ass off.
@1 humor us. Which red state Democratic Congressional representatives does your learned analysis tell you will be couching their positions on immigration in very different terms than they did today.?
You got names? Or maybe you’re just spewing your usual uninformed diarrhea?
DailyKos prediction
“Beyond that, Cantor’s loss will reverberate throughout his party. Republicans had already deep-sixed any immigration legislation; now, they’ll blast it into outer space and compete Hunger Games-style to see who can be the most anti-immigrant loudmouth of them all. ”
Maybe that’s what Cheapshot was trying to imply, in his own passive aggressive style.
Never thought I’d be so happy to see a teabagger knock someone off.
Of course I wish Brat to LOSE in the general.
Remember Cantor and Agent Orange Boner in rolled up shirtsleeves promoting the “Plague on America”?
Heh. Too trivial and silly even for trivial pursuit.
Hmmm… The Republicans shifting their stance further to the fringes of the far right? Sure, whatever marginalizes them the most.
What is the general opinion of the regulars on this blog in regard to immigration reform? Honestly, I don’t follow the issue at all, but it seems to be a major bone of contention between the two major parties. Is it open borders or tough immigration laws limiting new folks coming over that is the opinion of the regulars here? I really don’t know what the issue is with either the right or the left.
What was Cantor’s sin? Not following the “plan” of the Krackpot Kruz?
Not supporting the idiotic, voluntary and for all intents PERMANENT sinking of the full, faith and credit of the U.S. Government?
Poor Cantor – not Krazy enough for de “base” d.
Cantor’s facebook pages is worth the popcorn.
Cantor lost because of his support of amnesty and that it’s Obama’s fault. Really, many many posters are blaming the lose on Obama.
Tea bagger really really really hate illegals. According to Facebook Teabaggers amnesty is a plot to put all illegals on welfare, take benefits away from American vets, and make conservatives pay for it. Thus the fake Americans will vote democrat to keep their generous welfare payments. Cantor was in on it.
“Eric Cantor’s amazing new product: Dehydrated Mexican Kids. Just add water and watch the tax dollars disappear.”
Hard working undocumented workers who have lined the pockets of cheap labor klownservatives for years with their cheap labor must be allowed a path to citizenship the facility of which is in direct proportion to their contribution to the wealth of their cheap labor klownservative employers.
That way cheap labor klownservatives PAY for their citizenship in direct proportion to their greed.
If cheap labor klownservatives weren’t so f’ing greedy there wouldn’t be a undocumented labor problem in this country.
Klownservatives say that allowing undocumented workers too easy a path to citizenship will only swell the rank and file of the Democratic Party. Too effin’ bad – it’s by far mostly the klownservative’s fault! They profited – they should pay.
So you favor awarding citizenship to those undocumented workers from other countries. OK, now I get it.
@15 and you favor doing what for our immigrant neighbors? Self deportation?
No, I don’t have any opinion on the issue.
I didn’t say that but if amnesty was ok for Ronald Reagan then it should be ok for any klownservative jerk who regards Reagan as a Saint – if they’re still pissed then they should be pissed mostly at their cheap labor klownservative greedhead brothers and sisters.
Undocumented workers contribute a lot to this society in many ways. If all they’re interested in is sending money back to their home country then maybe they should leave but if they want to be citizens they should be given something of a path – paved by cheap labor klownservative greed.
OK, I think I have it. Most of you want a path to citizenship for undocumented workers, and conservatives want to forcibly deport those undocumented folks.
@3, I regret that the whole damn Congress isn’t of Hebrew extraction. A culture that has produced more Nobel laureates than any other would certainly improve the stock.
After they harvest their fields or trim meat for market or demo buildings or put on a new roof.
None of those kinds of employers strike me as big supporters of union labor or flaming liberals. The biggest freaking signs for Republicans during silly season I’ve seen in farm country.
OK, I got it.
23 – Translation: you don’t want to talk about klownservative greed.
Look at what this empty suit tried to do Jack.
Did you vote for him twice Jack? Why in hell would he do such a thing if his f’ing SUPPORTERS didn’t ask for it????
Klownservative jerks always say “what about illegal don’t you understand”. If the f’ing empty suit had his way with his Cancun proposal – that would make a lot of foreign workers “legal” in this country.. Would that have made you happy?
Were you just afraid of them taking american jobs? Being a voter for Democrats was OUT OF THE PICTURE for the empty suit’s proposal.
@24 “Klownservative jerks always say “what about illegal don’t you understand”.
Hmmm, and that comes from folks who aim guns at federal law enforcement officers, and walk into restaurants and gun down uniformed cops while they’re eating breakfast.
No, I just was curios about all the fuss was about. I work in a skilled trade – I’m not some Wall Street capitalist. Talk about klowservatives all you want.
24 – Klownservatism is a mentality that crosses ALL socioeconomic groups Jack..
@3 On the contrary. I wear their scorn as a badge of honor.
OK, so what’s that got to do with asking what all the to-do was about? That’s all I was doing here – Just asking a question.
Jack, you were discussing an issue with the clueless crazed cretin… The clueless crazed cretin’s bias is fully discernible…
1) They are not undocumented workers… per the US law they are illegal aliens – DUMMOCRETINS changed the verbiage dynamic. They are by law illegal aliens
2) Just because they snuck into the US doesn’t mean they have a right to be here. Republicans and conservatives have no problem with illegal aliens. The issue is they need to be put in line with those WHO LEGALLY COME HERE! That’s the big difference and if you notice the clueless crazed cretin never addressed this political separation topic.
3) Puddy travels the world. In Puddy’s travels to other countries most deport the illegal aliens. Butt, take Sweden for example where they accept illegals… http://www.migrationpolicy.org.....2013-riots Now read a UN report http://ww.rrojasdatabank.info/HDRP_2010_40.pdf where it documents within two decades based on Swedish government activities Sweden will be a 3rd world nation. Butt remember, Obummer came and cheered what Sweden was doing. BTW Puddy has his personal video of Obummer traveling down the M4 from Arlanda Airport to Stockholm and back the next day cuz Puddy was there at the same time.
More in the next comment… Too many links and the HA heads place your comment into moderation so Puddy presents facts. Did you notice the crazed clueless cretin didn’t present links?
Continuing on…
4) Puddy travels to Sweden for work. Hence Puddy has good friends there and we discuss various country politics. Here is why Obummer likes Sweden… It openly will hunt you down if you disagree with “leftist policy”, even though it’s killing the country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K4yEvbfS6Y If you disagree with a free immigration plan and you are sick of your high taxes and you speak out you meet the same labels leftist pinheads like the clueless crazed cretin calls conservatives here: Nazi, racist, pig, uninformed fascist.
In his book http://www.absolutsverige.com/, https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.absolutsverige.com%2F&edit-text=&act=url the author makes his point you have to “publicly support” Swedish policy or you are labeled a pariah. Can you see the same argument proffered by the clueless crazed cretin above?
5) Now view the NY Times article back in 2011 for the Netherlands. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08.....&_r=0 Yes Puddy visits there two. Been to nine separate cities. Seen Van Gogh’s museum, etc. etc. etc. They too are now reviewing their immigration policies after Theo van Gogh was murdered by an illegal alien. after his death there was talk of blasphemy laws. So you can’t speak out. That’s the DUMMOCRETIN way. Shut you up! Gotta go to work but s brief synopsis into two European countries issues with illegal aliens not molding into their societies and how libtards react.
And lastly Jack,
A whole bunch of illegal alien children have been arriving on the southern border in the last two weeks. Search the ‘Nets on it. They are not undocumented workers. We don’t put children to work in America!
Sux to be libtards and their stooooooopid labels like undocumented workers. They are illegal aliens.
BTW the professor who beat Eric Cantor is NOT a cheap labor conservative. He’s anti-chamber of commerce. http://www.republicreport.org/.....at-cantor/ Did you read that from the clueless crazed cretin above?
DUMMOCRETINS will lie all the time. Yet what was the thread head above?
You see facts always trump DUMMOCRETIN spin!
Sometimes the questions are more upsetting than the answers.