Tomorrow’s edition of The Hill provides yet more evidence that the Reichert-Burner race has become one of the hottest in the nation:
Demonstrating concern about retaining the majority in November, the office of House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is holding weekly meetings with a handful of staffers of potentially vulnerable Republicans.
The weekly gatherings are an opportunity for the leader’s staff to walk the rank-and-file staffers through the upcoming agenda and hear from the offices about the political climate in some of the party’s most competitive districts. The member input provides insights and intelligence from campaigns across the country that leaders can use to influence their legislative agenda and strategy during a bitter election year.
The meetings with the staffs of vulnerable members occur once a week when the House is in session, Boehner spokesman Kevin Madden said, and staff from 12 offices usually attend.Some of the members involved include Republican Reps. Steve Chabot (Ohio), Mike Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Jim Gerlach (Pa.), Bob Ney (Ohio), Dave Reichert (Wash.), Clay Shaw (Fla.) and Heather Wilson (N.M.). Each of those members’ districts is among the party’s most competitive, according to a chart compiled by The Cook Political Report.
The emphasis is of course mine, but it shows you just how worried the House GOP is about retaining Reichert’s seat. WA-8 has become one of the Republicans’ 12 most competitive races… so much so, that they’re willing to shape the national legislative agenda to help Reichert win.
A few short months ago pundits, poobahs and politicos thought WA-8 was a gimme, but now Darcy Burner’s surging campaign has put the fear of, well… Darcy Burner in them. Somehow, I don’t think anybody’s calling her a “third tier” candidate anymore.
Goldy, sure is interesting your choice of using The Hill to make your point. I remember when I used the same paper, The Hill, your Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats went ape shit over their reportage on some moonbat congresspersons! You libruls are a strange bunch!!!
An anti-war march in downtown Manhatten ends-up supporting peace, Communism and illegal immigration.
The Columbia Spectator reports that “tens of thousands took to the streets” on Saturday calling for peace and withdrawal from Iraq.
According to the Spectator, the following organizations rallied for the “Peace and Justice Festival”: United For Peace & Justice, the National Organization For Women, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition, Veterans For Peace, College Democrats, Campus Antiwar Network, and various other campus organizations.
But, from what I read, the protest was much more anti-American than anti-war.
One group’s banner read “Parents, teachers and students united to smash capitalism.” They shouted, “Exxon, Mobile, PB, Shell! Take your war and go to hell!” The Spectator notes that, “After yells, whistles, and drumming, they continued, ‘The only solution is a communist revolution!’” […………………………………………………………………Hey HA.ORG commie libs, How was the parade????? hehe, JCH]
The trolls realize that when you’re losing it’s time to go back to the basics. Hence the renewal of the vicious race-baiting and cultural xenophobia, and , of course, the term , “moonbats”.
Why do illegals, commie, Sadaam terrorists, and Democrats hate Bush? [Because they are all anti-American parasites]
3, Lee, I prefer “Democrat parasites”.
What is the difference between Jane Fonda and George W. Bush?
At least Jane Fonda has BEEN to Vietnam. Yep! Put herself in personal danger to stand up for what she believed in. You may question her judgement, but you cannot question her courage or patriotism.
Dubya, on the other hand, well, the less said the better…
Lee, comment on when your ill-lustrious leader uses the same sources I use they are the greatest source of information when Goldy uses them and they are the worse source of truth when I use them? Either they are good all the time or not! Personally, I like The Hill. They tell the truth no matter whom it affects!!
“Jane Fonda, you cannot question her patriotism.”
Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/1/06@ 7:13 pm […………………………………………………………………Lee, Are you fucking joking. Jane is a traitor. Most vets thinks so. You are a Democrat idiot.]
I’m a cheap labor conservative, Pud. May I call you Pud? I hope it’s not too familiar. Like all cheap labor conservatives I can generate truth on any issue by refering to my political North Star of cheap labor.
The Dems are paying me as a consultant. They are learning this cheap labor thing real fast. I’m making a few x-tra bucks playing those funky guitar rhythms in percy’s band. I’m starting to get back into the political swing of things.
What did Jane Fonda do that George Bush didn’t?
Went to Viet Nam!
I need to find a good oncologist. I’ve got a blinding headache!!!
Check this out if you want to learn more about me:
Here is an example of what the left calls “the culture of corruption”
Goldy posts bullshit (see Illegal excess contributions fill Reichert’s coffers thread)
Donk Mantra:
Yes private citizens can file complaints for FEC violations and I will file one in the morning. Sheriff Davie has trouble with women AND lawful fundraising. Is it even possible for the GOP to find one candidate who isn’t a fucking crook and liar? One?
Commentby BushWentAWOL— 5/1/06@ 12:26 pm
Later Goldy writes:
Now you can just joyously call me a dumbass if you want, but if you ask me, this is how blogging is supposed to work. I posted something, I got feedback that I was wrong, and then I admitted it and corrected my mistake. And all in a couple of hours.
There you have folks. Yeah Goldy apologized, but if he if apologized for all his lies he would be apologizing 24/7. Nuff said.
re 14; You’re an idiot.
The emphasis is of course mine, but it shows you just how worried the House GOP is about retaining Reichert’s seat. WA-8 has become one of the Republicans’ 12 most competitive races… so much so, that they’re willing to shape the national legislative agenda to help Reichert win.
Goldy, this inadvertently presumes the republicroons have a “national legislative agenda” to begin with. Even that dope Frist, with his $100 bribe\giveback, has admitted as much. Their party is a political bankruptcy seeking relief from their creditors.
That would be us. They will get none.
I posted something, I got feedback that I was wrong, and then I admitted it and corrected my mistake.
Commentby Goldy— 5/1/06@ 2:09 pm
If only it was that easy for forged documents.
You think Lush Flimbaugh will apologize for being a drug addict?
You think Lush Flimbaugh will apologize for being a drug addict?
It’s interesting to see how, as the political momentum shifts to the Democrats, the wingers sound more and more shrill. They keep pushing the same buttons ever harder.
Will it work? I suspect not unless there is some kind of “national security emergency” that somehow revives the credibility of the neocons. Josh Marshall makes the excellent point that instead of sitting around worrying what Rove will cook up, that the Democrats should go on the offensive.
Here I don’t mean reproducing the Republicans’ dishonest manipulation of the electorate. I mean staking out a clear vision and sharply contrasting it with what the Republicans have to offer. Let the JCHs and Rufi squeal at this vision all they want — that just marginalizes them further.
Rufus@14: That brought a smile! Better yet a chuckle! No, LMAO ROTFLRH! What do the moonbats say…? Nuthin intelligent!!!!!
Green Dumb: Did you forget the Goldy post of 57% of people like their congressperson?
Wow. Gourage GT, courage.
New poll shows Bush and the GOP have done the impossible, sunk LOWER!
Pud @ 22; Dan/Rufus @ 23:
Is that all ya got? Really?
Yeah Puddy…pointing out the lefty lies is as easy as cut and paste. What can a lefty say? Nothing.
Jane Fonda went to Vietnam and aimed Vietnamese guns at American soldiers……… she is directly responsible for American soldiers suffering endless tortures in Vietnamese prison camps and most probably is directly responsible for some American soldiers dying in those prison camps.
That’s patriotic to you?
How disgusting!
She deserves every drop of spit that American Veterans have shot her way throughout the years.
Twist and burn in the wind, you rightwingnut trollfucks. Twist slowly in the wind and burn. Rancidbuttputty, they’ve got a padded cell ready for you right beside JCH.
Sgmmac, if you are as dumb as your posts, you are as dumb as a post.
Your boy has now slipped below FREEZING .
The Democrats might very well win control of the U.S. House of Representatives this year, but I don’t think any of the three GOP incumbents in this state will be defeated.
This may prove to be a long term blessing to the Republicans. The Democrats don’t have any solutions to the nation’s problems and don’t really even have a cohesive platform of any sort.
It will be just like the GOP congress elected in 1946 under President Truman (after 14 years of Democrat control). Basically, they weren’t able to do anything meaningful. After the GOP convention in 1948, Truman called Congress back into session and challenged them to adopt the GOP platform into law. Truman promised that he wouldn’t veto the resulting legislation. As it was, the GOP couldn’t or wouldn’t adopt its platform into law, even though the GOP controlled both houses of Congress. As a result, the GOP looked sort of idiotic, and Truman was able to get re-elected and win back both houses of Congress in 1948.
A Democrat Congress elected in 2006 will likewise prove to be a do-nothing Congress, and will motivate the GOP to nominate a sensible candidate in 2008 (and one without major ties to Bush) and the public to go back to voting GOP in 2008.
“You libruls are a strange bunch!!!” Commentby Puddybud— 5/1/06@ 6:52 pm
Not nearly as strange as the escapees from the Planet of the Apes populating the GOP.
“The trolls realize that when you’re losing it’s time to go back to the basics. Hence the renewal of the vicious race-baiting and cultural xenophobia, and , of course, the term , “moonbats”. Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/1/06@ 7:02 pm
And flinging out the word “commie” and its variants. The funny thing about THAT is, the neoCONS who dominate the GOP are recylced Trotskyites, i.e., COMMIES!
Show me a neoCON, and I’ll show you a COMMIE.
“re 14; You’re an idiot.” Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/1/06@ 8:44 pm
That’s a given.
Oh, I think the Democratic Congress that takes office in 2007 will do a great deal to end monarchy in the Executive Branch.
It will be known as the Restoration Congress, restoring the Constitution.
Dear Richard
You talk about the Dems. not having any plans, seems to me that ‘no plans’ would be a much better plan than the current GOP plan to force this once great nation even farther into an insurmountable debt, to completely dissmantle the Constitution, to keep on sending our soldiers to die for a COWARDLY LIE and to continue trying to force the public towards a ‘fundamentalist Church State’.
Agency Uses Bureaucracy, Red Tape to Hamstring Nukes
In what some in the nuclear anti-proliferation movement are already calling a masterstroke, the United States has dispatched the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to Iran to slow down that nation’s development of nuclear weapons, the White House confirmed today.
With diplomacy yielding few results and military action deemed too risky, sending FEMA to throw a monkey-wrench in Iran’s nuclear program may have been just the “third way” that the Bush administration has been seeking, according to White House spokesman Tony Snow.
“We had been looking for a way to slow the Iranians down,” Mr. Snow said. “And we all looked at each other and said, ‘No one slows things down better than FEMA.’”
According to Mr. Snow, FEMA officials began infiltrating Iran’s nuclear program early last week and started inundating the Iranians with unnecessary levels of bureaucracy and mind-numbing red tape.
The enrichment of uranium, which had been well underway before FEMA’s arrival, now requires no fewer than twenty separate departmental approvals and the completion of over forty hard-to-fill-out forms.
Speaking from his presidential residence today, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that while he had originally hoped to have uranium enriched by 2007, that projection has now been pushed back until at least 2019.
White House spokesman Snow said that given FEMA’s success in slowing Iran’s nuclear program, it would soon move on to other missions, such as slowing Tom DeLay’s prosecution.
Richard is, of course, carrying the water for his neanderthal friends, but he does point up one danger: What if the Democrats don’t know how to govern?
I don’t mean to be fashionably dismissive. One great advantage of virtually any Democrat over many contemporary Republicans is that they don’t hate government. As such, Democrats tend to have a much greater understanding about how to use the public sector in efficient and effective ways that meet real people’s needs. After Iraq, Katrina, the oil crisis, Social Security privatization, etc., I think folks are looking for a revival of good government.
That said, it still isn’t clear to me that Democrats know how to govern in such a polarized and nasty environment dominated by the right-wing noise machine. Can they come to agreement on effective policies regarding healthcare, global warming, and the Middle East? Perhaps most importantly, do they have the balls to take strong steps to clean up the corruption in Congress, even if it means taking down some of their own?
I’m not sure many of these poll-tested, wine-and-cheese moderates can do that. And if they can’t, the consequences could be enormous. This may be the last time that nascent American neo-fascism is fragile enough be derailed.
RE: Pope at # 29;
I might agree on the basic principle that the Democrats need to get their agenda together. Specifically, they need to have specific and agressive plans in place to help family farmers regain profitability, workers to avoid losing their jobs to foreign outsourcing, and making public colleges more affordable.
But I don’t think this will be a prerequisite for Democrats retaining control of the House (assuming they get control in 2006). All they have to do is stop the hemmorage of public funds which were caused by the Bush agenda, roll back some of the tax breaks to big business, eliminate the Alternative Income Tax’s reach into the middle-class, and not make any more ill-advised foreign military entanglements. Right now the middle-class is feeling so beat-up that they don’t want change so much as for things just not to get any worse.
There will be some news along the way which will help the Democrats keep control. Unlike the Clinton years, when Republicans used independent prosecutors to investigate every wink and nod of the Clinton administration, the Republicans have pretty much gotten a free ride. The Independent Counsel statute was gone by the time they took office, and their own investigations have been little more than a cover-up (oil executives not required to testify under oath, complete documents relating to Katrina never provided in response to Congressional Requests, etc.). So there will be quite a few damaging revelations when a Democratic house starts its series of investigations into (a) the Republican connections with big oil companies and the Cheeny energy summit, (b) the Republican plan to dismantle FEMA prior to Katrina, (c) Bush’s involvement in the Valerie Plame affair, (d) improper dealing in no-bid contracts to Halliburton subsidiaries for Iraq and Katrina projects, etc., etc., etc.
I noticed the demonstrations and thought is this America or are we looking at a transplanted situation from Mexico. The papers said peaceful, they all start peaceful. Demonstrations by Americans for America’s beliefs and liberties are always granted. Now we have people who are not Americans, cannot speak our language, do not pay taxes, illegal entries to our country, staging mass demonstrations to influence our politicians into giving them what our soldiers across the world fought to preserve as American citizen rights.
It is sad when what all have fought and died for over the years can be taken so lightly as to say I do not want to be an American I just want to live here, but not on your terms, I do not want to have to speak your language, learn mine, put my language on everything so I
do not have to translate, put captions on the TV so I do not have to learn the language, give me benefits because I live here, why do I have to pay taxes?, I am a citizen of another
United States Constitution
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
No law, get that, people can peacefully assemble and ask for redress and no law can stop them.
I know you righties hate the Constitution, but this silly annonymous ass is really an embarassment even to you all.
Despite the wall-to-wall coverage of the damage from Hurricane Katrina, nearly one-third of young Americans recently polled couldn’t locate Louisiana on a map and nearly half were unable to identify Mississippi.
Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 fared even worse with foreign locations: six in 10 couldn’t find Iraq, according to a Roper poll conducted for National Geographic.
[……………..hehe, Educating the young Democrats of tomorrow!!!!!!!!! A new generation of losers!!!!!!!!]
Immigrant backlash is nothing new, but once again the Fight-Suit-in-Chief and the rubber stamp Congress “miss-underestimated” the will of the people. It was a gradual thing, starting with attempts to destroy Social Security in January of ’05, latter on in May compounding the error with the disastrous ‘affaire de Schivo. Follow this with such brilliant actions Katrina Sept 2005, and the War in Iraq where major combat operations ended 3 years ago (2400+ dead and counting) and you can see where this is going.
So what do my Republicans think is the solution? Why, dumping gasoline onto an open fire. Criminalize illegal workers with draconian penalties, give the middle finger to the minority population whose vote you are trying to win over, and destroy 3 years of legalize bribery (Can the GOP count on the black religious vote in ’08?). Oh, and pray like hell the lapdog press does not notice this nasty piece of legislation as you slip it thru Congress.
Okay, did not work. The Asses of the Masses (Thank-you Al “Grandpa Munster” Lewis) have taken to the streets. And if there is one thing that scares the ruling class, it is numbers.
New Meme from the Pre$$titutes by way of the Noise Machine. Immigrant backlash. Smear and fear. Worked real good in ’04, maybe again in ’06. We shall see…
“From the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the collective response of the Diversity Is Our Strength crowd to the War on Terror has been to cry, “Racist!” The ethnic shakedown artists who have sued over every slight and hyped every faked claim of a hate crime are America-bashing enablers of the worst sort — and they are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party.”
I am SO SICK of talking heads and columnists thinking that anyone who wants to put a stop to the torrent of ILLEGALS over our borders is some vigilante nut case. These are the same people who think Lou Dobbs is in “it” for the ratings and that the economic growth of this country is premier no matter what the other costs. There are a vast number of us, Republican Conservatives and middle of the road Democrats, who worry about terrorists and drugs and lawlessness coming across, our own citizens with minimal educations, and college kids who need the work being frozen out of jobs because Illegals are taking them for virtually no pay. WE are ending up paying…..our major hospitals are on the verge of bankruptcy, our schools are flooded with so many non English speakers it is hard to get a rounded education, on and on. The first economic turn down guess who WE will be paying welfare to. Yet WE are the vigilantes, and sometimes even implied racists. These anything pundits don’t give a damn about the vast majorioty of the citizens in this country, and our politicians certainly don’t!
39 – What kind of a sh*head are you? Those people are demonstrating because they’re on the verge of being persecuted. They are demonstrating because they want to be treated like human beings.
They are being persecuted because one of the only growth areas left in this economy is real estate development and contractors are hiring undocumented workers to fatten their profits.
That’s it in a nutshell. We saw a preview of an ugly policy in California and it was beaten back and now it’s rearing its ugly head again.
We want cheap food, cheap restaurant meals and cheap housing and cheap everything else. All they want by demonstrating is for all of us who take their cheap labor for granted is to recognize that they wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want them.
The rest of your post is a bunch of right-wing canards: language, taxes, etc. Sad.
A father was watching his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground.
He went over to her and noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. “Daddy, what are those spiders doing?” she asked. “They’re mating,” her father replied. “What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?” she asked.
“That’s a Daddy Long Legs” her father answered. “So, the other one is Mommy Long Legs?” the little girl asked.
“No,” her father replied. “Both of them are Daddy Long Legs.”
The little girl thought for a moment, then raised her foot and stomped them flat and said, “Well, that might be OK in San Francisco or Seattle, but we’re not having any of that shit here in Texas.”
re 48: …except for Rex Reed’s movie reviews.
re 48: [JCH]: Do you take pride in the fact that your whole political philosophy is geared toward simpletons. The only people who would vote Republican are the super rich , those who unrealistically hope to become superrich — and simpletons. You , [JCH], fit into the last two categories.
Left Turn…Do you have any friends?….or do you sit there at your monitor, in your crusty boxers, pecker in hand, furiously typing with the one free hand you still have?…or maybe you use your gay left foot? You’re a lonely, angry boy. GW prays for you.
Re. #9…The guy who runs F* might take severe umbrage at your applying his nickname to JCH.
To kill Iranian towel head terrorists Jesus would enjoy use a nuclear tipped high, low, medium [“J” band homer] Tomahawk with “sat” controlled self correcting guidance. I believe Jesus would enjoy a few hundred sub, ship, and air launched Tomahawks targeting simultanious military, industrial, and civilian Iranian targets, including nuclear processing facilities and government buildings. No doubt Jesus would freak at the new Seawolf subs, Trident subs, LA Class subs, and I’ll bet he would be amazed at the Tomahawk payloads of B-1s, B-2s, B-52s, and F-111s. Last but not least, God himself would love to see sea launched Tomahawks from Naval DD and CG platforms. After the initial raids both Jesus and God would enjoy frequent B-52 Linebacker II strikes to finish any missed targets. Let’s see……..Did I miss anything?? No, but F-4s are still used for after strike recon, so Jesus could ride “backseat” in a Phantom to get a great post strike view.
39 – What kind of a sh*head are you? Those people are demonstrating because they’re on the verge of being persecuted. They are demonstrating because they want to be treated like human beings.
Commentby For the Clueless— 5/2/06@ 9:52 am
Clueless they are not being persecuted, but they could receive a free Greyhound Bus ticket to Mexico. They entered this country like dogs and we should send them home like human beings. They can improve their lot by demonstrating in their own country for free education, medical, food, and the right to vote.