The thermostat in my livingroom only goes up to 90, so I don’t really know how hot it is, but to put my personal discomfort in perspective, it’s at least 32 degrees warmer than I keep it during the winter.
I know it would be just as silly to blame this particular heat wave on global warming as it is when the science deniers at, say, (u)SP cite an unusually cold day as evidence to refute it, but the climate change models do project warmer, dryer summers for the Pacific Northwest. So at the very least, I guess we better get used to it.
I miss the rain.
Re-re-re-repeating my excellent comment:
Go to page 50 of Elizabeth Kolbert’s book, Field Notes from a Catastrophe, and you’ll see a graph that Al Gore would love. It shows an armageddon spike in Greenland temperature, a spike that began … 8000 years ago. That’s about 7750 years before the carbon-based Industrial Revolution.
ArtFartBlossom, who is really Karl Rove, questions my solicitude for Kolbert’s context. He/she/it should look at Kolbert’s book, and should check text and context at the source. Will gladly lend my copy.
Art Rove questions my credentials. No atmospheric science/climatology degree here, and probably not there, @ Art, either. Doubt that Kolbert, a Gorebasm cheerleader, is credentialed. Nor is Gore. Word on the street is that he flunked out of law school and dropped out of God school.
Bjorn Lomborg isn’t a climatologist, so perhaps that’s why he asserts that there’s measurable anthropogenic global warming, but not enough to justify the diversion of resources to its amelioration. (And who/whom did Scientific American select to refute Lomborg’s refutation of fashionable Gorebasm hysteria? Paul Ehrlich who, I believe, has a degree in bugs.
Roy Spencer is a credentialed climatologist. He helped put climate-measuring satellites in space, and he says there’s a slight blip in warming since the catastrophic global cooling of the 1970s, and that there’s more CO2. But there’s no measurable link between the two. In fact, it’s likely that warming happens first, due to the usual cycles, and then CO2 shows an increase, probably due to roiling carbon sinks we call oceans.
Faith-based Democrats — many of whom have a fanatic faith in sciences they don’t understand — are pushing the orthodoxy of warming because the orthodoxy is a Marxist wedge in a post-Marxist world. But that’s just my opinion, and I don’t have a degree in Marxism. I’m a born-again Democrat, though, and I know how we play the game.
So, your sage advice is to do nothing. Nice default position. I’m sure future generations will express their gratitude to you. I’m not a scientist, so I don’t attempt to reach a scientific conclusion of my own regarding global warming. Rather, I survey those in the know and move on from there. That survey makes crystal clear where science is on the issue of global warming, and you would be on the wrong side. Citing the occasional dissenter doesn’t pass the smell test.
He(#1) is probably heterosexual, doesn’t understand his stupidity.
There you have it. 900 other climatologists are wrong, these 3 are right. It’s settled.
Hey, I read an article online about a “scientist” who found a man like foot print next to a dinosaur bone. That’s proof of Noah’s Ark and that the earth is 6,000 years old.
I LOVE science by anecdote, instead of preponderance of evidence!
@2 If you managed to decrypt anything so meaningful from that, you’re a better man than I am…or you’re taking some really good drugs.
@1 Really?
Fact: CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
Fact: Humans have pumped billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
And you expect us to believe all this human-generated CO2 has NO EFFECT on the global climate, based on Greenland ice cores from 7750 years ago?
I’d say that’s a stretch.
@3 Gman, you really need to lay off the meth.
This “heat” is nuthin’. When I arrived in Vietnam, the airplane cabin was climate-conditioned to 80 degrees and the ambient air temperature outside was 40 degrees warmer. They told us to climb down the ramp s-l-o-w-l-y and hold onto the rails on both sides — so we wouldn’t keel over from heat prostration and tumble headfirst down the stairs.
They weren’t kidding. When the crew opened the plane door, the rush of hot air into the cabin was like facing a blast furnace. It takes a minimum of three days for your body to acclimate to that kind of heat. And the whole country smelled like shit, like one giant outhouse.
When you walked from one building to the next your clothing became drenched from perspiration. It dried in the hot sun as quickly as it became soaking wet. After a few days, your uniform was white from caked salt from dried perspiration. Not wearing a shirt was a court-martial offense because of the risk of sun stroke and sunburn.
This is what we sent our young men into 40 years ago. Enemy bullets were the least of their problems. The immediate challenge was living in the oppressive heat and surviving what it did to your body.
Next time you meet a Vietnam veteran, walk up to him, shake his paw, thank him for his service, and welcome him home. Whether you supported the wear or not, he and his buddies sweated bricks for you and yours.
Hey Repugs! This is just a warm-up exercise. It’s hotter than this where you’re going!
The Algorbasm krowd are fools.
Nice for them to show their lunacy.
Partly Summy & 73 tomorrow for me.
Low of 41…
Had a record low high of 67 at Big Sky.
Must be global kooling, huh?
No matter what happens, the KLOWNS can honor Al Gore.
A Fable
Once upon a time, a Republican died and went to Hell. A demon explained Hell has 3 compartments, and he could choose any of them, but he should choose carefully because once he chose he would be stuck in that compartment forever.
The Republican said he wanted to be among friends. The demon replied that would be no problem because Hell is full of Republicans. In that respect, the demon said, it didn’t matter which compartment he chose because all 3 compartments of Hell have plenty of Republicans.
The demon took the Republican to 3 doors, and opened the first door. A blast of heat rushed out. Inside, bright flames leapt upward from a lake of fire. The Republican saw an endless line of profusely sweating condemned souls rolling large rocks up a steep incline. A continuous moan like the roar of a Primus burner rose from the line of souls struggling up the incline under their heavy loads. When the souls got to the top, a demon pushed the rocks off a cliff and threw the souls back into the lake of fire. Then they had to retrieve their rocks and start all over again.
The Republican said, “I don’t like it.” The demon warned him the other 2 compartments weren’t any better. The Republican replied, “I don’t care, show me the next door.”
So the demon took the Republican to the second door and opened it. This compartment was even hotter than the first one, if that can be imagined. It, too, was chock full of condemned souls. These souls were dancing barefoot on white-hot coals and screaming in pain.
The Republican asked, “How long do they have to walk barefoot on the hot coals?” The demon replied, “Forever.” The Republican said, “And do they get breaks?” The demon said, “There are none, but you do get breaks in the third compartment.” “Okay,” the Republican said, “I want to see the third compartment.”
So the demon took the Republican to the final door and opened it. A blast of heat accompanied by a hideous stench blew out of the opening. It was like being hit by a train. In short, it was a lot like deplaning in Vietnam. After the steam cleared away, the Republican saw a sea of condemned souls up to their necks in shit. They were eating potato chips and drinking beer.
“This is for me!” the Republican cried. “I can get used to the stink. After all, I spent my whole life around Republicans. I want my potato chips and beer!” Without further ado, he jumped into the lake of shit, and the demon merely shrugged and slammed the door behind him forever.
The Republican sank up to his neck in the steamy shit before his feet found firm footing on what seemed like bedrock. It must have been volcanic rock, though, because it was blazing hot. For the first time, the Republican noticed the shit was also boiling. It didn’t matter. All he could think about was potato chips and beer.
But just as he was reaching for a bag of potato chips and a cold beer, a demon on a platform blew a whistle and cracked a whip over the heads of the condemned souls, and screamed, “Break’s over! Back on your knees for another million years!”
@10 Gee, KlyniKalKlown, I didn’t know you installed air conditioning in your goat shed. That was a nice thing to do for your goats! Although it’s only fair, considering what they do for you.
The records of climate change 1 million, or even 12,000 years ago must be getting pretty hard to read, since they would have to be ground in stone, or maybe written on dinosaurs butts, i guess science is the creator of the earth so they know why climate changes happen, NOT!
They get to study only what is already created, and have nothing beyond recorded scientific research to compare it to.
Scientific research of climate change = cap and trade in the making, and it won’t change a thing.
Nekulturny has clearly spent far too much time on cold Russian shores to make any sense. Not to mention the slide downhill from being Soviet to being Rethuglican, that’s clearly a sign of insanity.
Me, I’m enjoying the highs topping out at 101 or so here in the Truckee Meadows, and setting up a tent-trailer in a lightning storm is plenty exciting for me. Now Hot August Nights is kicking into gear (no pun intended), and the car-nuts need entertaining, so I’m outta here for a while.
The global warming deniers who cite large-scale climate changes in previous centuries or millinium fail to recognize that during such changes, there were disasterous impacts upon the lives of the dominant species at the time.
Whether climate change in Greenland occuring thousands or millions of years ago was caused by local volcanic activity (a probable cause) or global wrming trends, it doesn’t change the facts that
(a) the temperature of the earth is warming;
(b) such changes can have adverse impacts upon our lives and economy until we adjust to it (i.e., massive famine, global scale migrations, coastal innundations, etc.);
(c) CO2 emissions from humans burning fossil fuels is a major contributor to global warming.
I’ve seen data that shows global temperatures have not risen in the last 8 years while CO2 levels for the same time period *have* increased. This should indicate that increased CO2 levels do not increase global temperatures.
I’ve also seen historical data that shows CO2 levels much higher than today with colder temperatures.
Why is finding the hard and conclusive evidence on CO2’s impact on temperature so hard to find?
FWIW, I’m not a climate denier, but it seems that the CO2 impact evidence is lacking and thus a cap and trade on Co2 is the wrong solution.
I also believe that consensus does not prove scientific theory. Only evidence does. There were many times in the past where there was consensus on a subject, only to be proven wrong later. Let’s not believe that we’re at the pinnacle of our scientific capacity.
Yesterday evening, while feeling sorry for myself for the hot weather, I was reminded that it could be worse:
I could be back in Tennessee, where I grew up, about to start two-a-day football practices beginning the first week of August. The temperature was usually about the same (80’s and 90’s), but the humidity level was 98 degrees F, even though there wasn’t a cloud in the sky (I know, I would look towards the sky and pray for a small could which might block out the sun for a few minutes). We practiced in full gear, and taking off your helmet for a few seconds would only earn you a few laps around the field (“Honest coach, I was just adjusting the chin strap!). We would be sweating buckets, but our coaches back then enforced “water discipline” – you only get a small mouthful of water from a hot hose during one break in the middle of practice, and were advised not to drink water for at least an hour immediately after practice (yea, they were pretty dumb back then).
But if we complained, we were reminded how much better off we were than our elder brothers, neighbors, and former classmates who were in Vietnam, where it was much hotter, people were shooting at you, and you didn’t get to go home every day after practice was over.
You are obviously behind the times.
The mantra du jour is NOT Global Warming.
It’s Climate Change.
Nevermind that the Climate changes WHEN THE EARTH GETS CLOSER TO THE FRIGGIN” SUN!!
And it has gone thru many, many, many cyclical changes before man existed.
By all means ignore that you morons.
Climate change is a political movement aimed at bigger government and more control over our lives and individual rights.
@19 Hmph…Let’s see. That’s coming from someone whose party spent eight years growing government, spending like a collection of drunken sailors and poking into the private lives of citizens. About the only thing they didn’t try to control was Wall Street, and that sure turned out great, didn’t it?
Uppity hoppity newby @6 @8 @9 @11 @12 didn’t abjectly acknowledge HA’s hearty greeting.
Uppity hoppity newby is cruisin’ for a bruisin’, a noogie, a wedgie, and a knuckle sandwich. Har-dee HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR …
Mrs. Rabbit from another thread is not an hnmt sockpuppet. Don’t whack her. Whack Rabbit.