I’ll be on the air with Kirby Wilbur, KVI-570, Friday morning at 6:30 AM, breaking the news to Rossi supporters that he lost the election. (Somebody’s got to do it.)
I’ll be on the air with Kirby Wilbur, KVI-570, Friday morning at 6:30 AM, breaking the news to Rossi supporters that he lost the election. (Somebody’s got to do it.)
Cool. Congrats.
I hate to admit it Goldy, but I simply don’t think I can get up that early. Can you post the sound clip on your web site?
My hero!! Can’t you make it at 5:45 when I get up? At 6:30 we are getting the girls’ brains to engage- as in “Get Your Rears in Gear”.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gee, I’ll have to send Kirby a list of the Top 10 Dumbest things you’ve said on your on own blog….make that Top 20…oh, there are so many Goldy! Ok, I’ll send Kirby the Top 129 Dumbest things you’ve pulled out of yer ass Goldy!
All kidding aside…Kirby is a good guy. He’ll be gentle on you. Just have fun.
Try not to “beg the question” by offering arguments which assume as proved the very thing you are trying to prove.
The question is: Was Gregoire duly elected?
In the absence of a hearing at which the evidence can be examined and the question answered, how could you know that Rossi lost the election?
By law, Rossi lost the election, and Gregoire is governor. So in a very practical and pragmatic sense, yes… Rossi lost.
I think you know my interpretation of the contest statute… Rossi must show that irregularities changed the outcome. So unless there is some other kind of evidence that has not been made public thus far, I simply cannot see how Rossi can prevail.
But… my comment about telling Rossi supporters that he lost, was just a little playful needling. I’ve got no idea what Kirby will ask me, and since I have no agenda of my own, I plan to answer whatever questions that come my way.
Jeff B.spews:
Wow. Primetime 6:30 AM hour when everyone will be awake and tuned in to KVI.
Hey turns out you can listen to KVI on line (“Special”, “Listen Online” from the banner on top of KVI.com), and here’s the best part; they don’t air the commercials via the internet. So, you can hear Goldy go one-on-one without patronizing KVIs adverstising department! Man, the internet rocks!
You are a brave man to venture into that den of hate Goldy. Good luck.
Let’s work together to make voter fraud a capital offense. Perhaps after a few arrests and hangings the problems of dead Democrat voters, illegal alien Democrat voters, and New York City, NY/ Boca Raton, FL Democrat “double” voter will cease. [Can you imagine a few thousand Upper East Side Democrats doing the “handcuff” walk out of their tony apartments? Classic!]
I agree JCH @ 9, but we should have started it in 1999, then we would have never had this bumbling president and his cronies in office at all
Try not to “beg the question” by offering arguments which assume as proved the very thing you are trying to prove.
Ha. I don’t think Goldy will be begging anything.
Gregoire is the governor and sleeps in the governor’s mansion and has issued executive orders, appointing a cabinet, and will soon be signing bills.
Rossi sleeps in the BIAW headquarters.
Thats a good sign of who prevailed in the election.
Goldy, if you get hard up for material and the conversation is getting too serious and unable to tell who the governor is, feel free to use the below:
Rossi is still acting like he’s in the running for governor. He still has his web site up and he is acting as if it is business as usual. How confusing times we are in. The following should help:
Top 9 Ways to Discover That You are Not the Governor of Washington State
9. When you call a press conference, the camera man asks you to step aside.
8. Tobacco and BIAW lobbyists start calling you by your first name and talk about the good ol days.
7. The only calls you get anymore are from people asking you to show them a house in Bellevue.
6. Ellen Craswell is too busy to talk to you.
5. Mike Lowry calls and asks if you want to hang out.
4. When you salute the head of the Washington State Guard, they don’t salute back but ask “may I help you.”
3. President Bush calls and asks if you would like to be an assistance of an assistant to the Ambassador of Ghana.
2. You try to post a comment on a conservative blog but people accuse you of being a “troll.”
And the number one reason you know you are not the governor of Washington :
1. You show up at the governor’s ball dressed in a tux and people give you their coats to hang.
Gregoire is the governor and sleeps in the governor’s mansion…
Rossi sleeps in the BIAW headquarters.
Of course, if Rossi were governor, he’d still be sleeping at the BIAW headquarters. (If you know what I mean.)
It’s hard to be combative so early in the morning. Kirby Wilbur and I had a pleasant conversation… not the most exciting talk radio you can imagine, but probably informative.
Well, I made a special effort to get the girls out the door and started listening…”at the 10 minute commercial break”. I got to listen to a little bit before I got to work, but my opinion after hearing you talk is that you did a better job explaining your viewpoint than Ms. Durkan, Berendt and any of the others.
I liked your explanation is clear and concise sentences of the burden you think the petitioners have in court. And how the Slade Gorton opinion is wrong as to how many bad votes have to be overturned. Gorton- 130 votes; you- as many as you can to definitively turnover the election. Big difference.
And I liked your rationale.
I thought all those commercials were a conspiracy to lull you to sleep. Good job staying on your toes.
jch @ 9
Let’s also publicly flog every Republican who participates in voting suppression activities! :)
So, I was the only one to hear the wisdom of our exalted blogger? So much for being on prime time. And Kirby was real nice, too.
6:30am IS prime time, except for those of us who don’t have to work, commute, or get out of bed before noon — the perks of old age, as it were.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Mediocre interview….
So much for right-wing “hate radio”–per John @ 8!!
I tried to call-in because I wanted to help stir the pot a bit Goldy…but couldn’t get thru… darn it. Anyway, I heard you repeat what you’ve said here before but I must admit you are much more articulate and sensical than Brost & Berendt (not saying much so don’t get a big head!)
One suggestion about “talk radio” Goldy–
Your voice is hideous! Your throat sounds very tight and I could swear I heard the sound of your testicles clanging against your uvula. RELAX!! Take a nice drink of water and breath. A tight voice makes you sound like you are untruthful. I know there is time-pressure and you want to get everything you can in but sometimes when you rush it does sound like you are lying (even though I’m sure you sincerely believe everything you say).
I like the idea of Bloggers getting on the Radio. You are no Sharkansky Goldy! He is currently the swingin’ *ick of the local Blogs. But I like the fact that you are trying. Keep up the effort!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Don@ 16–
To you, “voter suppression” is making someone prove that they are a legally registered voter. I will be glad Don when you can see some of the characters and situations that ought to be surpressed. I think the Dems are fighting a losing battle in trying to rationalize this recent election debacle but….you make your bed, right?
Cynical @19
Thanks for the, um… constructive criticism.
As to my voice, I’m actually recovering from a cold. Usually it’s much more high-pitched and annoying.
And don’t worry, my testicles are fine, and I was quite relaxed. You seem to forget I’ve done quite a bit of TV and radio the past couple years. Been there, done that.
But I do agree that it wasn’t the most exciting interview in the world. I could have been more feisty. Maybe next time Kirby will let me take calls… that usually gets me going.
Voter Suppression: Are you a citizen? Are you a felon? Are you alive? Have you already voted? You libs are classic!! BTW: If a black district votes at 115% of registration, is the MSM allowed to address this fact without being racist, hateful, or mean spirited? [Answer: No, never…..because blacks vote Democrat, so we cannot talk about this voter fraud because blacks vote Democrat, and NO talking about this!! None!! Be Quiet!!] hehe!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Good news about your testicles Goldy!! Glad they are where they belong.
I know you have some good TV and Radio experience….and I’m sure you FELT relaxed, you just didn’t sound relaxed…but I can understand if you have a cold.
I’ll have re-think the high-pitched and annoying voice thing. Perhaps it is just perfect considering the quality of material you are delivering. I’m kidding Goldy. At least you have the courage to step out there and say what you think…even if it is wrongheaded most of the time!
Taking phone calls would be interesting…especially from those who disagree with you. Preaching to the choir and group hugs don’t result in any positive change. But if you really get upset and your voice gets incredibly piercing, I may have to turn off the radio so all the neighborhood dogs don’t go nuts.
Cyn @ 19, 20
Please don’t insult our intelligence by trying to minimize the abuse of voting rights that goes on in some states. For one thing, all the racists are in your party now, and you’re welcome to ’em! We don’t want them. Also, what’s with your — and all Republicans’ — fixation on sexual organs (“testicles”) and sex in general? Is this some sort of acting out as a result of childhood repression, or something?
Taking phone calls would be interesting…especially from those who disagree with you. Preaching to the choir and group hugs don’t result in any positive change.
Hey Cynical, we agree on something else. I actually have much more fun doing conservative talk radio, because I actually get to argue with callers (when i get to take calls.) I once did the Dave Ross Show, and we didn’t get a single caller to disagree with me. Boring.
Thanks for your response to my post yesterday, I appreciate your taking the time to reply.
I won’t waste time defending some of KC’s critics. The issue I was thinking about was satisfying the general public, not Mr. Sharkansky or even the courts. I respect the truth too, but sometimes you have to deal with what people believe (and boy do we respect numbers, sometimes even when we don’t understand ’em).
King County’s best effort may not be good enough to restore public confidence. For example, their report acknowleged serious errors, like feeding hundreds of unverified ballots into the counters, but then there’s that statement about accuracy “any bank would envy.” I’ve worked for banks, and my bosses would have a fit if we lost a few hundred pennies.
Self investigation doesn’t seem to inspire public confidence (ask the LAPD). Businesses often commission independent audits, not just when there are problems, but as a precautionary measure, or to increase efficiency. If a business that valued its reputation had so many accusations about its accounting, there’d be an audit just to clear the air, and maybe lay the groundwork for a suit against the accusers.
I don’t know if it’s possible to reconcile the voter lists with ballots, but if it’s not people need to hear that from someone with no axe to grind. And even if it isn’t the official purpose of the voter list to reconcile, why not do it if there’s good reason?
After Wednesday’s settoo you’d think Mr. Sims and Mr. Logan would be almost horny to reconcile. They could defend their own reputations, rebuild public confidence in elections, and nail Mr. Sharkansky in one stroke.
Gov. Gregoire says she wants to begin “healing” immediately, regardless of what path the court proceedings take. Maybe a special commission and an audit of KC’s books would be a good start.
By the way, Huck Finn is another great book to re-read, like Great Expectations. Twain really meant it for adults.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Don @ 24–
Racist?? Man are you wrong to point that finger at me. Laughable. The thing about blogs is you don’t know who you are accusing, do you Don.
Can we quote you on this Cynical? The thing about blogs is you don’t know who you are accusing
Let’s all remember that next time he slings his patented brand of right-wing paranoia/commie/anti-government insults.
Cynical @ 27
Where did I accuse you of being a racist? All I said is that the GOP has all the racists now. There certainly are racist overtones to what Republicans do in states like Florida and Mississippi. In the 2002 election, Republican pollwatchers were following black voters into voting booths and videotaping them as they voted. Democrats don’t do that kind of shit, at least not today’s Democrats. The fact these racist assholes once were in our party is the darkest stain on the Democratic Party’s history, but thank God we’re rid of them — the Republicans have them now, and they’re still up to their racist antics in places like Florida, Mississippi, Ohio, etc. If I were a Republican, it wouldn’t make me proud to be a Republican, but I certainly wasn’t accusing you or any other specific Republican of racism. I do think the Republican Party as a whole needs to address this issue, and deserves criticism for failing to do so.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You should see the racist cartoon a hardcore Lefty just sent my wife. This guy still has Kucinnich & Dean stickers on his car.
Don’t give me that BS.
Really? He lost? How can you tell?
Bob “KKK” Byrd…….Barb Boxer [“Rice, You’re a liar!”], Teddy [“Oldsmobile”] Kennedy…………..No racists here, right, Don!! [hehe]
Accusing a person of color of lying doesn’t make you a racist.
Condi claimed the PDB didn’t include specific threat information, when they did. Condi claimed there weren’t scenarios. She claimed Richard Perle was a liar, she was wrong.
Even if Boxer were wrong (i.e. Condi isn’t a liar), she’s still not a racist. At worst she’d be guilty of libel or slander. Condi wouldn’t be the first SOS to be a liar (remember Kissinger).
As much as some lefties trot out the “racism” card to stifle dissent, Republicans are guilty of the same or worse. From the right-wing perspective, any criticism of a minority Republican (Alan Keyes, Alberto Gonzales, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas) is racism.
Basically, Rice claimed the pres/white house wasn’t briefed, then the briefings were not specific about the threats, then they had no “plan of action” or recommendations. Wrong on all three counts. That’s a lie.
I’ll be on the air with Kirby Wilbur, KVI-570, Friday morning at 6:30 AM, breaking the news to Rossi supporters that he lost the election. (Somebody’s got to do it.)
Cool. Congrats.
I hate to admit it Goldy, but I simply don’t think I can get up that early. Can you post the sound clip on your web site?
My hero!! Can’t you make it at 5:45 when I get up? At 6:30 we are getting the girls’ brains to engage- as in “Get Your Rears in Gear”.
Gee, I’ll have to send Kirby a list of the Top 10 Dumbest things you’ve said on your on own blog….make that Top 20…oh, there are so many Goldy! Ok, I’ll send Kirby the Top 129 Dumbest things you’ve pulled out of yer ass Goldy!
All kidding aside…Kirby is a good guy. He’ll be gentle on you. Just have fun.
Try not to “beg the question” by offering arguments which assume as proved the very thing you are trying to prove.
The question is: Was Gregoire duly elected?
In the absence of a hearing at which the evidence can be examined and the question answered, how could you know that Rossi lost the election?
By law, Rossi lost the election, and Gregoire is governor. So in a very practical and pragmatic sense, yes… Rossi lost.
I think you know my interpretation of the contest statute… Rossi must show that irregularities changed the outcome. So unless there is some other kind of evidence that has not been made public thus far, I simply cannot see how Rossi can prevail.
But… my comment about telling Rossi supporters that he lost, was just a little playful needling. I’ve got no idea what Kirby will ask me, and since I have no agenda of my own, I plan to answer whatever questions that come my way.
Wow. Primetime 6:30 AM hour when everyone will be awake and tuned in to KVI.
Hey turns out you can listen to KVI on line (“Special”, “Listen Online” from the banner on top of KVI.com), and here’s the best part; they don’t air the commercials via the internet. So, you can hear Goldy go one-on-one without patronizing KVIs adverstising department! Man, the internet rocks!
You are a brave man to venture into that den of hate Goldy. Good luck.
Let’s work together to make voter fraud a capital offense. Perhaps after a few arrests and hangings the problems of dead Democrat voters, illegal alien Democrat voters, and New York City, NY/ Boca Raton, FL Democrat “double” voter will cease. [Can you imagine a few thousand Upper East Side Democrats doing the “handcuff” walk out of their tony apartments? Classic!]
I agree JCH @ 9, but we should have started it in 1999, then we would have never had this bumbling president and his cronies in office at all
Try not to “beg the question” by offering arguments which assume as proved the very thing you are trying to prove.
Ha. I don’t think Goldy will be begging anything.
Gregoire is the governor and sleeps in the governor’s mansion and has issued executive orders, appointing a cabinet, and will soon be signing bills.
Rossi sleeps in the BIAW headquarters.
Thats a good sign of who prevailed in the election.
Goldy, if you get hard up for material and the conversation is getting too serious and unable to tell who the governor is, feel free to use the below:
Rossi is still acting like he’s in the running for governor. He still has his web site up and he is acting as if it is business as usual. How confusing times we are in. The following should help:
Top 9 Ways to Discover That You are Not the Governor of Washington State
9. When you call a press conference, the camera man asks you to step aside.
8. Tobacco and BIAW lobbyists start calling you by your first name and talk about the good ol days.
7. The only calls you get anymore are from people asking you to show them a house in Bellevue.
6. Ellen Craswell is too busy to talk to you.
5. Mike Lowry calls and asks if you want to hang out.
4. When you salute the head of the Washington State Guard, they don’t salute back but ask “may I help you.”
3. President Bush calls and asks if you would like to be an assistance of an assistant to the Ambassador of Ghana.
2. You try to post a comment on a conservative blog but people accuse you of being a “troll.”
And the number one reason you know you are not the governor of Washington :
1. You show up at the governor’s ball dressed in a tux and people give you their coats to hang.
Of course, if Rossi were governor, he’d still be sleeping at the BIAW headquarters. (If you know what I mean.)
It’s hard to be combative so early in the morning. Kirby Wilbur and I had a pleasant conversation… not the most exciting talk radio you can imagine, but probably informative.
Well, I made a special effort to get the girls out the door and started listening…”at the 10 minute commercial break”. I got to listen to a little bit before I got to work, but my opinion after hearing you talk is that you did a better job explaining your viewpoint than Ms. Durkan, Berendt and any of the others.
I liked your explanation is clear and concise sentences of the burden you think the petitioners have in court. And how the Slade Gorton opinion is wrong as to how many bad votes have to be overturned. Gorton- 130 votes; you- as many as you can to definitively turnover the election. Big difference.
And I liked your rationale.
I thought all those commercials were a conspiracy to lull you to sleep. Good job staying on your toes.
jch @ 9
Let’s also publicly flog every Republican who participates in voting suppression activities! :)
So, I was the only one to hear the wisdom of our exalted blogger? So much for being on prime time. And Kirby was real nice, too.
6:30am IS prime time, except for those of us who don’t have to work, commute, or get out of bed before noon — the perks of old age, as it were.
Mediocre interview….
So much for right-wing “hate radio”–per John @ 8!!
I tried to call-in because I wanted to help stir the pot a bit Goldy…but couldn’t get thru… darn it. Anyway, I heard you repeat what you’ve said here before but I must admit you are much more articulate and sensical than Brost & Berendt (not saying much so don’t get a big head!)
One suggestion about “talk radio” Goldy–
Your voice is hideous! Your throat sounds very tight and I could swear I heard the sound of your testicles clanging against your uvula. RELAX!! Take a nice drink of water and breath. A tight voice makes you sound like you are untruthful. I know there is time-pressure and you want to get everything you can in but sometimes when you rush it does sound like you are lying (even though I’m sure you sincerely believe everything you say).
I like the idea of Bloggers getting on the Radio. You are no Sharkansky Goldy! He is currently the swingin’ *ick of the local Blogs. But I like the fact that you are trying. Keep up the effort!
Don@ 16–
To you, “voter suppression” is making someone prove that they are a legally registered voter. I will be glad Don when you can see some of the characters and situations that ought to be surpressed. I think the Dems are fighting a losing battle in trying to rationalize this recent election debacle but….you make your bed, right?
Cynical @19
Thanks for the, um… constructive criticism.
As to my voice, I’m actually recovering from a cold. Usually it’s much more high-pitched and annoying.
And don’t worry, my testicles are fine, and I was quite relaxed. You seem to forget I’ve done quite a bit of TV and radio the past couple years. Been there, done that.
But I do agree that it wasn’t the most exciting interview in the world. I could have been more feisty. Maybe next time Kirby will let me take calls… that usually gets me going.
Voter Suppression: Are you a citizen? Are you a felon? Are you alive? Have you already voted? You libs are classic!! BTW: If a black district votes at 115% of registration, is the MSM allowed to address this fact without being racist, hateful, or mean spirited? [Answer: No, never…..because blacks vote Democrat, so we cannot talk about this voter fraud because blacks vote Democrat, and NO talking about this!! None!! Be Quiet!!] hehe!
Good news about your testicles Goldy!! Glad they are where they belong.
I know you have some good TV and Radio experience….and I’m sure you FELT relaxed, you just didn’t sound relaxed…but I can understand if you have a cold.
I’ll have re-think the high-pitched and annoying voice thing. Perhaps it is just perfect considering the quality of material you are delivering. I’m kidding Goldy. At least you have the courage to step out there and say what you think…even if it is wrongheaded most of the time!
Taking phone calls would be interesting…especially from those who disagree with you. Preaching to the choir and group hugs don’t result in any positive change. But if you really get upset and your voice gets incredibly piercing, I may have to turn off the radio so all the neighborhood dogs don’t go nuts.
Cyn @ 19, 20
Please don’t insult our intelligence by trying to minimize the abuse of voting rights that goes on in some states. For one thing, all the racists are in your party now, and you’re welcome to ’em! We don’t want them. Also, what’s with your — and all Republicans’ — fixation on sexual organs (“testicles”) and sex in general? Is this some sort of acting out as a result of childhood repression, or something?
Hey Cynical, we agree on something else. I actually have much more fun doing conservative talk radio, because I actually get to argue with callers (when i get to take calls.) I once did the Dave Ross Show, and we didn’t get a single caller to disagree with me. Boring.
Thanks for your response to my post yesterday, I appreciate your taking the time to reply.
I won’t waste time defending some of KC’s critics. The issue I was thinking about was satisfying the general public, not Mr. Sharkansky or even the courts. I respect the truth too, but sometimes you have to deal with what people believe (and boy do we respect numbers, sometimes even when we don’t understand ’em).
King County’s best effort may not be good enough to restore public confidence. For example, their report acknowleged serious errors, like feeding hundreds of unverified ballots into the counters, but then there’s that statement about accuracy “any bank would envy.” I’ve worked for banks, and my bosses would have a fit if we lost a few hundred pennies.
Self investigation doesn’t seem to inspire public confidence (ask the LAPD). Businesses often commission independent audits, not just when there are problems, but as a precautionary measure, or to increase efficiency. If a business that valued its reputation had so many accusations about its accounting, there’d be an audit just to clear the air, and maybe lay the groundwork for a suit against the accusers.
I don’t know if it’s possible to reconcile the voter lists with ballots, but if it’s not people need to hear that from someone with no axe to grind. And even if it isn’t the official purpose of the voter list to reconcile, why not do it if there’s good reason?
After Wednesday’s settoo you’d think Mr. Sims and Mr. Logan would be almost horny to reconcile. They could defend their own reputations, rebuild public confidence in elections, and nail Mr. Sharkansky in one stroke.
Gov. Gregoire says she wants to begin “healing” immediately, regardless of what path the court proceedings take. Maybe a special commission and an audit of KC’s books would be a good start.
By the way, Huck Finn is another great book to re-read, like Great Expectations. Twain really meant it for adults.
Don @ 24–
Racist?? Man are you wrong to point that finger at me. Laughable. The thing about blogs is you don’t know who you are accusing, do you Don.
Can we quote you on this Cynical? The thing about blogs is you don’t know who you are accusing
Let’s all remember that next time he slings his patented brand of right-wing paranoia/commie/anti-government insults.
Cynical @ 27
Where did I accuse you of being a racist? All I said is that the GOP has all the racists now. There certainly are racist overtones to what Republicans do in states like Florida and Mississippi. In the 2002 election, Republican pollwatchers were following black voters into voting booths and videotaping them as they voted. Democrats don’t do that kind of shit, at least not today’s Democrats. The fact these racist assholes once were in our party is the darkest stain on the Democratic Party’s history, but thank God we’re rid of them — the Republicans have them now, and they’re still up to their racist antics in places like Florida, Mississippi, Ohio, etc. If I were a Republican, it wouldn’t make me proud to be a Republican, but I certainly wasn’t accusing you or any other specific Republican of racism. I do think the Republican Party as a whole needs to address this issue, and deserves criticism for failing to do so.
You should see the racist cartoon a hardcore Lefty just sent my wife. This guy still has Kucinnich & Dean stickers on his car.
Don’t give me that BS.
Really? He lost? How can you tell?
Bob “KKK” Byrd…….Barb Boxer [“Rice, You’re a liar!”], Teddy [“Oldsmobile”] Kennedy…………..No racists here, right, Don!! [hehe]
Accusing a person of color of lying doesn’t make you a racist.
Condi claimed the PDB didn’t include specific threat information, when they did. Condi claimed there weren’t scenarios. She claimed Richard Perle was a liar, she was wrong.
Even if Boxer were wrong (i.e. Condi isn’t a liar), she’s still not a racist. At worst she’d be guilty of libel or slander. Condi wouldn’t be the first SOS to be a liar (remember Kissinger).
As much as some lefties trot out the “racism” card to stifle dissent, Republicans are guilty of the same or worse. From the right-wing perspective, any criticism of a minority Republican (Alan Keyes, Alberto Gonzales, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas) is racism.
Sorry, that’s Richard Clarke, not Richard Perle.
Basically, Rice claimed the pres/white house wasn’t briefed, then the briefings were not specific about the threats, then they had no “plan of action” or recommendations. Wrong on all three counts. That’s a lie.
Whaddayaknow – alsoalso’s Zap has also posted commentary about the Rice/Clarke issue: http://alsoalso.typepad.com/al.....emo_d.html
Zap rulz!
He’s been dynamite on Iraq lately–he likes to keep his ear to the ground with the Middle East press.
Thanks for stopping by, jcricket.
Goldy–is there a webcast of this show?