On day three of the media circus that followed the filing of I-831 — my initiative to officially proclaim Tim Eyman a “horse’s ass” — I found myself sitting in the KVI studio with John Carlson, debating Timmy over the phone. I was nervous. And a bit stunned. I’m not sure if John noticed, but I was even shaking a little.
But damn, it was fun.
I never much liked listening to commercial talk radio — too many breaks — but I sure had a great time doing it, and I walked out of John’s studio thinking that I’d sure love to have his job. You know… except for the part about being a right-wing partisan.
Well, I never did get John’s job, but it looks like I just got Turi Ryder’s. 710-KIRO’s management was pleased enough with my performance filling in the 7PM to 10PM slot this past Sunday, that they just gave me the show on a regular basis. I suppose it will be called “The David Goldstein Show” or something. Every Sunday from 7PM to 10PM.
Sorry, Turi. I feel bad getting my foot in the door at your expense. And thank you Turi, for teaching me my first radio biz lesson: never call in sick.
I would also like to sincerely thank KVI’s John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur for being nothing but gracious and courteous to me these past few years. They’re totally wrong on nearly all the issues, but they’ve always been fair and supportive both on and off the air. My frequent appearances on their shows not only gave me my taste for the medium, but helped prepare me for my opportunity when it finally came. That said, someday I hope to compete against one or the other in drive-time, and eat their audience.
Sincere thanks also go to the whole Podcasting Liberally crew, especially to Gavin and Richard for being so generous with both their time and their insanely impressive portable audio studio. The past few months of weekly podcasts have allowed me to grow comfortable in the role of host; when I finally got my shot on-air, it felt just like doing the podcast, only without the beer.
And finally a not quite as sincere thanks to our good friend Stefan Sharkansky. It is ironic to note that it was Stefan’s excerpt of Sandeep saying “fuck” on our podcast, and my subsequent defense of it on my new colleague Dori Monson’s show, that initially perked up the ears of KIRO management. Thank you Stefan for everything you have done to promote my career.
710 KIRO – Hating America 24 hours a day.
How Cool!
Congrats Goldy,
What does this mean for your blog?
Picture: DATES FOR DEMOCRATS! Why would a good looking gal on the Blogad go out with loser, sissy, non military Democrat wimps when she could date real men?
You should have the Horse’s Ass as your first guest
#4 John Craig Herman,
You know any?
Congrats! You’re living the dream. I’ll tell Nick that you’ll be picking up the entire DL tab from now on (with your big radio bucks)! ;)
And Air America’s ratings are dropping like a lead brick. What are you going to call it? Air Horseshit?
The good news is that if you can count all 5000 of Roger Rabbit’s schizophrenic personalities as unique listeners like you count them as unique visitors here at HA, you just might have an audience.
Is it too early to ask if your on-air fawning over Darcy Burner counts as an in-kind contribution?
Congrats, Goldy, on the new gig. Having several different local voices (left, right, middle, whatever) on the radio is good for everybody.
What makes you say Air America ratings are dropping like a lead brick, except some wishful thinking by O’Reilly? According to Arbitron, in Winter 06 KVI had a 3.1, KTTH had a 2.9 and KPTK had a 2.8 share, up from 1.4 in Spring 05.
Mr. Goldstein,
I’m just a tick right of center. I don’t like you. I disagree with you about 99% of the time. I hope they close your kid’s school. On the other hand, leftys need a semi-sane voice… Ya’ gotta’ loose the ‘f’ word. Word is that Ross is goin’ East Coast… Could be good. Please tell me that you don’t feel the need to carry a gun… That’s critical.. I wish you good fortune.
Good luck. Have fun. Rub it in Sharanky’s face.
How much do you get paid?
Time to change some presets around my radio universe.
Congrats. Best of luck.
Congratulations and good luck. I’ll be listening. Peace
Congrats! I’ll definitely start listening to KIRO again. I think it’s pretty clear that they’re on the rebound.
What makes you say Air America ratings are dropping like a lead brick, except some wishful thinking by O’Reilly? According to Arbitron, in Winter 06 KVI had a 3.1, KTTH had a 2.9 and KPTK had a 2.8 share, up from 1.4 in Spring 05.
Commentby wayne ……………………….[wayne, Could you compare the Air America ratings with Rush???] hehe, JCH
I can’t help but think that I helped put you over the top, Goldy. : )
Very well deserved. Please allow me to buy you a celebratory drink sometime soon.
Congratulations Mr. Goldstein. Give ‘em hell.
Oops, I mean heck. Sorry.
Congress Agrees to Raise Broadcast-Indecency Fines
Great Goldy – now I will use rightie logic here. Since you have a show and Steffy the Log Cabin Republican doesn’t, then we all know that means you’re right and he’s wrong!
I bet that little dicksucking wonker is pissed! Sorry Steffy, you’re SO five minutes ago!
By the way, AA is growing every week. Their numbers are UP UP UP and they are kicking Lush Flimbaugh drug addict’s ass in 10 markets!
I’ll buy you a drink, too — A six-pack of “frosty cold premium microbrew” via the Amazon honor system. Just don’t open them until after the show. And add my congratulations.
Goldy Rocks!
Oh…wait, wrong format.
Goldy speaks well!
Speaking of Air America: Didn’t Jewish Al Franken steal 800 grand from a Harlem [black] Boys and Girls Club to ensure his 7 figure salary? Gee, and blacks or Jewish Democrats care to comment on this?? [hehe] JCH
I’m not a fan, but you have worked hard and steady. You deserve the break you made for yourself.
puddy, you asked me why jesus condemned the pharisees…
you’re a little slow:
that should clear things up.
Pharisees sound a whole lot like pat robertson, et al. eg: generally republicans – not LIBRULS (btw, that’s spelled *liberals*)
oops puddy,
looks like I’m serving the aces and it’s game, set and match.
go home
(sorry for the repost – I wanted to make sure puddy didn’t think I was doging his question)
Richard Klein sold a few hundred copies of Ann Coulter’s new book Wednesday when the conservative commentator appeared at his Huntington bookstore. But he may think twice before inviting her back. “There has been an adverse reaction, more than I anticipated,” Klein said. “I may have made a mistake.” [………..Mr. Klein, Stein, Goldman, Silverstein, Lowenstein and Loeb all seeemed “concerned”. All voted for Hillary, and all are New York and Palm Beach registered Democrats.]
TRENTON, N.J. – Commentator Ann Coulter’s incendiary words about outspoken 9/11 widows have led two state lawmakers to calls for a boycott of her book in the widows’ home state of New Jersey. Assemblywomen Joan M. Quigley, D-Hudson, and Linda Stender, D-Union, on Thursday called on New Jerseyans to stop buying the book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism,” and for retailers in the state to stop selling it. ……………………………………………………………………JCH’s Followup: Despite a blizzard of negative press coverage, Ann Coulter’s new book “Godless: The Church of Liberalism” has surged all the way to No. 1 on Amazon.com’s list of bestsellers – just two days after its official publication. [hehe] JCH
KIRO… the great wasteland of talk radio. This is the outfit that thinks “Ron and Don” can compete with Carlson and Suits.
I hope you remember to promote kindness to rabbits on your show. Good luck and congrats!
Congratulations. Although, don’t quit your day job.
You’ll have a tough time of it, though, going up against Art Bell during the same time-slot.
“gracious” – now there’s a concept for the ages. I can do business with people I disagree with … IF they can leave the hate at home and focus on divvying up loot. But when people hate you, and want to put you in a concentration camp or kill you just because you don’t vote their way — well, the only thing to do with people like that is exercise your legal right of self-defense.
So. Now that Al-Qaida’s top man in Iraq is kaput, can we declare victory and come home? Or do you kool-aid drinkers still harbor secret aspirations of stealing Iraq’s oil?
Congratulations and good luck!
Nothing could be clearer than the difference between Democrats and Republicans when a congressman is accused of corruption. Rep. William Jefferson, D-LA, who is under investigation for alleged bribery, was asked by his Democratic colleagues to give up his seat on the Ways and Means Committee. He refused. The Democratic caucus is now taking action to strip him of his committee assignments. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/.....gress.html
And what do Republicans do when one of their own is accused of corruption? They cover it up. They block ethics investigations. They lie. They behave like an organized crime family, like gangsters.
“Nearly $650 million to increase scrutiny of containers shipping into Seattle and every other U.S. port was stripped out of a national security funding package moving through Congress this week in a move critics say makes the country more vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
“Opponents of the $648 million for port security said it was too expensive and needed to be cut to satisfy President Bush’s request that the supplemental budget … be brought under control.”
Yeah — it might interfere with their new $70 billion tax cut for the rich.
Republicans have consistently voted AGAINST national security. Here’s their track record on homeland security:
Nov. 14, 2001: Senate Democrats propose $15 billion for homeland security; the White House warns against “permanent spending on other projects that have nothing to do with stimulus and that will only expand the size of government.”
Dec. 4, 2001: Senate Appropriations Committee votes 29-0 in favor of $13.1 billion for homeland security; the next day, Bush threatens to veto it.
Dec. 6, 2001: Senate Republicans reduce homeland security funding by $4.6 billion.
Dec. 19, 2001: Under pressure from White House, House-Senate conferees eliminate another $200 million of funding for airport security, port security, nuclear facility security, and postal security.
June 7, 2002: Senate votes 71-22 for $8.3 billion of homeland security funding; the next day, Bush’s advisors recommend a veto.
July 19, 2002: Under White House pressure, homeland security funding is further reduced by cutting money for food security, cyber security, nuclear security, airport security, port security, drinking water security, coordination of police and fire radios, and lab testing to detect chem-bio weapons.
Aug. 13, 2002: Bush decides not to spend $2.5 billion appropriated for homeland security on the grounds of “fiscal responsibility.”
Jan. 16, 2003: White House reacts to Democratic efforts to increase homeland security funding by stating, “The Administration strongly opposes amendments to add new extraneous spending.” Later that day, Senate Republicans vote against funds for smallpox vaccine.
Jan. 23, 2003: Senate Republicans cut security funding for the FBI, FEMA, INS, TSA, Coast Guard, and National Nuclear Security Administration.
Feb. 3, 2003: Bush submits a 2004 budget cutting homeland security funding by nearly 2 percent.
Feb. 14, 2003: Senate Democrats request money for smallpox vaccine, police and fire radios, and public transportation security; no Republicans support it.
March 21-25, 2003: Republicans defeat 7 amendments to bolster homeland security.
April 2, 2003: Senate Republicans reject Democratic amendment to provide $1 billion for port security.
April 3, 2003: Republicans reject protection of commercial airliners from shoulder-fired missiles and four other pro-homeland security amendments.
June 2003: House Republicans reject Democratic proposal to raise $1 billion for homeland security by reducing tax cuts for 200,000 millionaires by an average of $5,000 each (from $88,000 to $83,000).
Source: James Carville, “Had Enough?” (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003), pp. 41-43.
Here is the Democrats’ homeland security plan:
1. Improve our ability to gather, analyze, and share information so we can track down terrorists and stop them before they cause us harm.
2. Better secure our airports, seaports, and borders.
3. Harden likely terrorist targets and critical infrastructure.
4. Improve domestic readiness.
5. Win the war on terror without losing the values of freedom and justice for all that make us proud to be Americans.
Please read more about our homeland security plan here:
Here is the Reublicans’ homeland security plan:
Makes you wonder if the Republicans WANT terrorists attacks. They certainly profited from 9/11. If it turns out they had anything to do with it, every last one of them should decorate a tree branch! We don’t need jury trials for this; a howling mob can take care of it in five minutes.
You’re confusing “America” with “Nazi Germany.”
I notice YOU are part of Goldy’s HA audience. I’m schizophrenic. What’s your excuse?
THere sure is a whole bunch of silence here on HA about Murka killing one of the biggest assholes on the planet. With Zarkawi now fucking all those virgins, he’s unable to behead anybody. Either that, or he’s boiling in pig fat.
Is this a bad do for all of you who sympathize with him? Do you guys hate GWB and Murka so much that you can’t acknowledge a major victory?
This rabbit presents with multiple personalities. He used to be a Goldwater Republican, and still exhibits some conservative tendencies, such as being in favor of a balanced budget and competent management. However, he reports consistently voting Democratic for the last 40 years.
DIAGNOSIS: Latent schizophrenia with some confusion as to ideological identity; however, this condition appears to be fully resolved, in that the rabbit consistently votes in favor of a balanced budget and competent management. In view of the passage of 40 years with no remission, no treatment is necessary at this time.
TREATMENT RECOMMENDATION: Neutering at Plannet Rabbithood, followed by placement in retirement home at Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/8/06@ 5:43 pm
8, 10
If a wingnut says Air America’s ratings are dropping, that’s a sure sign they’re improving. These guys lie about everything.
Dear Mr. Head:
I don’t know you, but I already know that I don’t like you. I don’t like your friends, either. P.S., I’m packing a gun.
Roger Rabbit
It hasnt been a good week for you commies has it. Another repub got elected in Cali and the donk initiatives went down in flames. The debate on gay marriage may not have passed but it will be debated, surely to bring the religous out in numbers. And to top it off you are morning another terrorist death. Not a good week at all. Hehe
Congress Agrees to Raise Broadcast-Indecency Fines
Commentby Commander Ogg— 6/8/06@ 4:25 pm
How much will Goldy cost KIRO?
Pee wee herman @26
“Didn’t Jewish Al Franken steal 800 grand from a Harlem [black] Boys and Girls Club to ensure his 7 figure salary?”
Mein Kampf was a best-seller, too. So was Mao’s Little Red Book.
Hey pee wee — are you proud to be ideologically aligned with someone who thinks America should have concentration camps and gas chambers?
Pee wee herman @26
“Didn’t Jewish Al Franken steal 800 grand from a Harlem [black] Boys and Girls Club to ensure his 7 figure salary?”
“Misappropriate” would be a better word to use than “steal”:
Franken Signed Air America’s Payment Pact
By DAVID LOMBINO – Staff Reporter of the Sun
September 7, 2005
The Air America radio network’s biggest star, Al Franken, and its former chairman, Evan Montvel Cohen, were among the signers of a confidential agreement last November that said the network would repay $875,000 to a Bronx nonprofit organization, the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club.
Transfers to Air America from Gloria Wise, for which Mr. Cohen worked as a fund-raiser during the period when he helped launch the liberal network, have surfaced as part of the probe by the city’s Department of Investigation and the state attorney general into “inappropriate transactions” by Gloria Wise. The city has frozen all grants and contracts with the organization, which had an annual budget of $20 million, and many of its programs have been reassigned to other Bronx organizations.
Every rabbit deserves a hug! Why does Reichert refuse to hug a rabbit? Does he hate babies, too?
Maybe the remaining funds in the Graham Hill Elementary PTSA can be used to support Air Goldstein after the school is closed … It almost worked for Franken and Air America. It should work in King County, since Norm Maleng rarely ever prosecutes corruption.
“35. So. Now that Al-Qaida’s top man in Iraq is kaput, can we declare victory and come home? Or do you kool-aid drinkers still harbor secret aspirations of stealing Iraq’s oil?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/8/06@ 5:05 pm”
“44. THere sure is a whole bunch of silence here on HA about Murka killing … Zarkawi …”
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/8/06@ 5:43 pm
“Ummm…. if the President says it… it’s not a ‘leak’. A ‘leak’ is disclosing information without authorization. Since the President is the boss, it is by definition not a leak since he can authorize whatever the fuck he wants. That’s how things work when you’re boss.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/10/06@ 3:06 pm
“Do you guys hate GWB and Murka so much that you can’t acknowledge a major victory?” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/8/06@ 5:43 pm
Where’s the victory, Mark? What will the death of a showboating terrorist do for the larger picture? He beheaded, what, two people? And instigating the killings of a dozen or so more? How will his death change anything?
Congratulations Goldy!
“Neutering at Plannet Rabbithood, followed by placement in retirement home at Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary.” Commentby Richard Pope— 6/8/06@ 5:46 pm
That’s already been tried, and didn’t work out so good for those fascist fucks, DOCTOR MENGELE and ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER, who are were last seen trying to reattach their gonads with superglue.
Pee wee herman @26
“Didn’t Jewish Al Franken steal 800 grand from a Harlem [black] Boys and Girls Club to ensure his 7 figure salary?”
The other two people involved in this $800K misappropriation were Evan Montvel Cohen and Charles Rosen.
Cohen was serving simultaneously as development director for the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club in the Bronx and as Air America’s director.
Charles Rosen was the executive director of the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club.
What’s the significance of Franken signing the agreement, Richard, other than his being a representative of the Air America organization? It certainly doesn’t mean he was involved in the Gloria Wise affair.
“Norm Maleng rarely ever prosecutes corruption.” Commentby Richard Pope— 6/8/06@ 5:58 pm
You can say that again.
Maleng doesn’t prosecute perjurers, either.
Congratulations KLOWNSTEIN!!
The more airtime you get and the more your groupies call in with their fringe lunatic left diatribes, the more Conservatives that will be created.
@66: CYNICALSUBLIMINALSTUPIDJERK, it may be the lavishly funded conservative tide has crested. All it will take is an exogenous economic event that will once and for all demonstrate the fragility of current middle class life in the US of A. So get it while you can.
Oh, right. You fucks are already taking all you can get. Enjoy it while you can before you are steamrollered for another generation.
@57: That’s all well and good. Perhaps you should find some corruption first. That’s usually the first step.
“Ummm…. if the President says it… it’s not a ‘leak’. A ‘leak’ is disclosing information without authorization. Since the President is the boss, it is by definition not a leak since he can authorize whatever the fuck he wants. That’s how things work when you’re boss.”
Ummm…..jeez, you guys never said that when Truman, Kennedy, LBJ, Carter, or Clinton were prezident. Wonder why?
Ah, fear not, you are a stupid irrelevant fuck.
Congratulations KLOWNSTEIN!!
Me, too, Goldy. Way to go. Fuck cynicalshitforbrainshypocriticalbastardwhodoesn’tknowhisassfromaholeintheground.
Jeez. If stupidity was a commodity, he’d have cornered the market by now if it weren’t for MTR and YO.
I have a feeling we wont be seeing the presidents approval ratings for a while from the MSM. HEhe
Snuff out a minor thug, and here ya’ go–victory!!!!
Gawwwwwd, what stupidity. It’s true, republicorns don’t believe in governing, it’s all about who gets to control the piggy bank and issue “worthless paper”.
Ignorance beyond the wildest imaginings of stupidity if you ask me. Mendacious is more apt.
DA: Looks like you havent yet heard: we killed Zarqawi yesterday.
DG: [long long interlude of silence]
DG: [long long interlude of silence turning into a 24 hour period of silence]
DG: [24 hour period of silence turning into 48 hour permanent state of no comment]
Perhaps you’re in mourning?
“Didn’t Jewish Al Franken steal 800 grand from a Harlem [black] Boys and Girls Club to ensure his 7 figure salary?”
The other two people involved in this $800K misappropriation were Evan Montvel Cohen and Charles Rosen.
Cohen was serving simultaneously as development director for the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club in the Bronx and as Air America’s director.
Charles Rosen was the executive director of the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club.
Commentby Richard Pope— 6/8/06@ 6:08 pm [Cohen………Rosen……………….Hey Goldy, You MUST be related to these fine Democrat New Yorkers. Nothing but the best for Al Franken!!!!!!]
Come to me [JCH]. Come. Come, come COME, [JCH]. Keep COMMMING, COMMIING, COMING, [JCH]. MY ATLAS, COME, COME COME!!!!!!! I shall be imprisoned soon, and the LOOOOOORRRDDD! Is my Shepherd, and you, [JCH] will be MaaaHHHYYY BAR OF SOAP. Oh [JCH]!!! You BITCH SCHLLLAPPPING FOOL , you. You are my hero, ATLAS!!!!
You can’t hide from me JCH. Oh, Oh, Oh, RUFUS, RUFUS…..Raise the SHAFT of your all powerful LOONLY individualism, AND SHRUG, [JCH]!! SHRUGGAH, SHRUGGAH….SHRUG!!! eeeeeeeyyyyyooooooooooooooooowwwwhoooooo!!!! Oh, [JCH]…MY ATLAS!!! You truly are an island. Oh, oh, oh, oh …..oh ohohohoh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Send money, Atlas. Send until it drops with righteous exhaustion, but send. It is your destiny, my little soap bar.
What’s the significance of Franken signing the agreement, Richard, other than his being a representative of the Air America organization? It certainly doesn’t mean he was involved in the Gloria Wise affair.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/8/06@ 6:11 pm [………………………………………………………………………………………RR, Noooooooooooooooooooo! Cohen, Rosens, and Goldysteins had never even hear of Al Franken!!!! [hehe] JCH Kennedy
…..yawn……blink,blink….er,ah yeah.
“Didn’t Jewish Al Franken steal 800 grand from a Harlem [black] Boys and Girls Club to ensure his 7 figure salary?”
The other two people involved in this $800K misappropriation were Evan Montvel Cohen and Charles Rosen.
Cohen was serving simultaneously as development director for the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club in the Bronx and as Air America’s director.
Charles Rosen was the executive director of the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club.
Commentby Richard Pope [………………………………………………..RP, Are you making these names up or is EVERY person involved in these rip off of taxpayer’s dollars a member of Goldy’s Temple?]
Congrats, Goldy. Fight the good fight.
76…….Maybe a little too much ice today?
Bitch slap me, [JCH]. Bitch slap me [JCH], uh oh. Bith slap me [JCH], uuhhh, oh, oh, oh. Bitch slap me some more, [JCH], uhgggggg….uhggggg…..uhggggggg. OH, when you SHRUG, ATLAS[JCH], I am dizzy with FANTASICAL VISIONS of your RIGHTEOUS MEMBER OF CONSERVATIVVVVVE WRATH. Bitch, bitch, BITCHBITCHBITCHBITCH….ough, ough, ough….You are indeed a TOWER of redemption when you SHRUG [JCH], SHRUGGAH SHRUGGAH, [JCH]…AH! AH! AH! Rama-bama-ringAH DING DONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bitch slap me some more [JCH] and, as always, continue to send me money. My lawyers insist.
RR, Why did Al Frankenberg and the Cohens and Rosens [probably represented by Silverstein, Stein, Loed, and Stein, ESQ] steal money from poor black kids in New York City? Goldysteinberg, You MUST have an opinion on this!! [hehe] JCH Kennedy
It’s a good move, but look how they’re being rewarded:
“A drive by the Democratic leadership to strip embattled Rep. William Jefferson of his committee post triggered a backlash Thursday as the Congressional Black Caucus opposed the move and said the Louisiana lawmaker deserves a “presumption of innocence.””
82, Take some more meth. Swallow another hand full!! Wash them down with Cutty. Enjoy!!!
Willain J Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA [hehe]
OHHH, GawWwwwd [JCH] you are ATLAS!!!! Grab that STEM, buhhday and RIDe that 500 pound TOMMYHAAAWWWWK to freedom-a quarter ton of pure unadultered CONSERVATIVE JIZZZUMMM—–SHRUGGAH-SHRUGGAH-SHRUGGAH….Oh, Oh, Oh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! You are some humpa-humpa ringa dingahhhh do wHHHAAHHH Dooooodeey, BAY-OH-BAY!!!!!!!
How’s the weather today in Algona? Per my lawyer’s instructions, send money.
“Charles Rosen was the executive director of the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club.” Any non profit hiring an executive director named “Charles Rosen” or “Charles Rosenstein” KNOWS that tons of money will disappear immediately.
#76: That was original.
Goldy: Anytime someone gets a job I say congrats. Maybe you can use it as your bully pulpit and your first show should be:
I’m a HorsesASS.
Tell your new listening audience how you sat on your FAT ASS
and decried the existing school board on July 21, 2005 or there about.
Tell your new listening audience how you sat on your FAT ASS and didn’t run for school board.
Tell your new listening audience how you sat on your FAT ASS and your daughter’s elementary school which Richard Pope has identified as having interesting social status problems in enrollment is being closed.
Tell your new listening audience how you sat on your FAT ASS and now have to explain to your daughter how you screwed up.
After the first five minutes of mea culpa on that subject you can then tell how bad it is Zarqawi has to meet 72 virgins and you meet Rosy Palm!
Hey, if that’s your first show, I’m game!!!!!
87..More meth!! Take immediately!! Follow with a line or two of quality snow!! Enjoy!!
If you were a republican and you misappropriated funds you would get indicted and charged by a democratic hack prosecutor. I am sure glad I am a Kennedy. I could rape the prosecutor wife and there would be a campaign donation waiting of me in the morning. Hehehe
Rabbit Pellet, apparently you’ve been in your den too long. Many of us commented about the 800K and AA, with AL Franken last fall when it happened. Oops… I forgot. Your pea-sized brain doesn’t possess long term memory cells for real news. It’s full of licking up moonbat shit!
Tommy De LAaaaAYYYYD, Do you have a hand gun close by? Load it!! Take some more “ice candy”! Check again to make sure your piece is loaded. Now……..Do the right thing!! Do it!! NOW!!! Best regards, JCH Kennedy
The Smoking Gun had a great piece on Al Frankenberg, Cohen, Rosenstein, and the Harlem Boys and Girls Club. Roger Rabbit will never do his homework. That is why he was a “guvment” hack Democrat nobody.
Cuzin Rufus: When at the end of raping the prosecutor’s wife you are leaving your campaign donation!!! Remember you are a Kennedy! Uncle Jack and Daddy Bobby did it in the White House.
What a bunch of Konservative Krime Klowns. . .we had Zarqawi in our gunsights from 2002 onwards. . .we knew EXACTLY where he lived inside OUR NO FLY ZONE. We provided air cover for this sick puppy. The CIA consistently called attention to the fact we could take him out just about any time to Dickless Cheney and the Chimpster, but they Cynically and consistently refused to. . .he was part of our justification for an illegal invasion of a sovereign country. We gave this terrorist the opportunity to commit atrocities and murders. We created a monster, and finally managed to take him out. Break your arms patting yourselves on the back,Krime Klowns,even the KriminalRepublifucks in the whitehouse know this has little or no impact on the ongoing conflict between the various sectarian eements in Iraq.
Tommy De LAaaaAYYYYD, No more posts for you!!! Maybe I’ll fly in for the funeral. Gee, how sad. hehe, JCH Kennedy
Tree Frog Farmer, Like most Democrats, you cheer for the enemy. Typical.
Congratulations, Goldy. Just being there, on the air will be acid on the wounds for these trolls. The fact that you will do well, and consistently and reasonably advance democratic ideals and values will not only be a service to this community, but one more way to leave these loonneytunes wingnuts stamping their feet and cursing in the darkness.
[Proof that the Democrats are racist and hate blacks!!!!!!!]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..WASHINGTON — Democratic leaders worked to strip embattled Rep. William Jefferson of his committee assignment on Thursday after the Louisiana lawmaker rebuffed repeated calls to step aside pending completion of a federal bribery investigation. Jefferson, at the center of an increasingly complicated legal and political controversy with racial overtones, insisted he would not go quietly. “I can guarantee” he will not voluntarily step aside, said Melanie Roussell, his spokeswoman.
Mein Kampf was a best-seller, too. So was Mao’s Little Red Book.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/8/06@ 5:52 pm
Ah Mein Kampf! Didnt you say that was grampa Joes favorite cuzin Pud/JCH. Ah the memories.
101, Yes, Old Man Kennedy did love the Nazis. Stange that Roger Rabbit forgets this. JCH Kennedy
[In Milwaukee Democrats only destroy van tires and then go to court and lie about it!!! Now, Democrat in Colorado,………………………….] Greeley, Colo. (AP) — Republican U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave’s re-election campaign was already heated, and it just got smelly as well: Her staff accused a Democratic activist Thursday of leaving an envelope full of dog feces at Musgrave’s Greeley office.
Musgrave spokeswoman Shaun Kenney said someone stuffed the envelope through the mail slot in the door on May 31 and then sped away in a car. Kenney said most of the preprinted return address was blacked out, but staffers used the nine-digit ZIP code to trace it to Kathleen Ensz, a Weld County Democratic volunteer.
Ensz told The Associated Press she left the envelope at Musgrave’s office but said it “wasn’t in the office doors, it was in the foyer.” Asked what she meant by the act, she declined comment.
Interesting but not suprising. Democrats are looseers and do this stuff all the time.
I’m amazed at your grasp of the situation; so knowledgable and precise; such detail and explained with such calm measured sanity. You, litrally , must know everything. I’m in awe. I didn’t think such a comprehensive view of things was possible. Keep writing the way you do; you’re sure to attract lots of attention.
Ah take it easy on tree frog. He is having a bad week. I do have to admit the lefties are at their funniest when they are losing. Hehehe
Betting pool on how long Goldy lasts?
Leftoid radio is pretty much nowheresville; since it is heavily dependent on misrepresentation.
I’m sure the radio listening audience agrees it’s KLOWNISH to expect people who inherit millions to pay one cent of taxes, and that only WORKING PEOPLE should pay taxes. Yep, that opinion should sell real well in the blue-collar neighborhoods of Seattle, especially if you keep repeating the tired old REPUBLICAN LIES that inheritance taxes take family farms and grandma’s little cottage.
The KLOWNS here are the fucking REPUBLICAN FREELOADERS who want WORKERS and LOW INCOME PEOPLE to pay for their wars, government subsidies, and corporate welfare.
For those of you illiterate fucks who have difficulty spelling words like “to,” the proper spelling of “Yo’s” name is
and the proper spelling of “freedloader” is
and klake is a
I love it watch the wingfucks eat each other! :D
oops, my mistake, I thought that was “HowToBeAnAss” I just woke up
Another trenchant bold crystal clear post, though I don’t really get the made-up words with a “k”. Anyway we need brilliant people like you around to help us identify rich people who need their money taken away from them. We also need ruthless rich-hating people like you around in the event rich people refuse to part with their money and must, thereby, be eliminated.
Zarqawi was theater, a mere sideshow, not the main event. The fact someone took out the garbage doesn’t mean the house isn’t burning down.
What helped insurgents the most?
[ ] 1. Al-Zarqawi’s little terrorist cell
[ ] 2. Rumsfeld’s incompetence
[ ] 3. Abu Ghraib torture scandal
[ ] 4. Marine atrocities
[ ] 5. 2, 3, and 4 above
“Anyway we need brilliant people like you around to help us identify rich people who need their money taken away from them.”
You, for starters.
How about an “asshole tax?” We’ll legalize being a Republican asshole, and tax it.
You’ll have to ask Kynikal what he has against the letter “c” — he doesn’t konfide the impetus behind his spelling neuroses to me.
… maybe it has something to do with his fraternal affiliations. What I mean is, “CCC” was already taken by FDR, so they decided to use “KKK” …
where did this porno soundtrack come from?
78 … reminds me of a prison story I heard about DUFUS.
TOOKIE Williams was in the process of using DUFUS for his bitch, when TOOKIE suddenly stopped.
TOOKIE: Oh — did I hurt you, pal?
DUFUS: Not really. Why do you ask?
TOOKIE: You moved.
Congrats Goldy!
Watch the potty mouth and you’ll do fine (by KIRO sunday night standards)
Because they were having a Republican moment?
Well, at least they didn’t say “he deserves a coverup and a revision of the ethics rules.”
Any taxpayer dumb enough to vote Republican should know that SHIPLOADS and TRAINLOADS of money will disappear immediately.
I didn’t see anybody “commenting” about it. All I saw was a herd of wingnuts LYING about it.
“The CIA consistently called attention to the fact we could take him out just about any time”
They were saving him for an election year diversion.
Congrats goldstein! It’s always fun to get something you had your heart set on and I’m glad it worked out for you.
I won’t be listening… but have a blast!
Mein Kampf is over your head, Dufus. Just do what your gauleiter tells you.
“In Milwaukee Democrats only destroy van tires and then go to court and lie about it!!!”
Yeah, I agree that was stupid. They should have gone for their throats! The vans didn’t do anything.
In passing a supplemental appropriation for war spending, congressional Republicans not only eliminated funding for cargo container inspection and port security, but also money for veterans medical care, children’s health, and compensation for people injured by a pandemic flu vaccine. (In other words, if you’re made ill or disabled by a flu shot they make you get, fuck, you.)
Wouldn’t Air America make a profit if they fired Al Franken — who they are paying $3 million a year — and hired David Goldstein for $50,000 or so? Wouldn’t this also improve their ratings? And their rantings as well?
What color is Rush Limbaugh’s pee?
[ ] 1. Green
[ ] 2. Blue
[ ] 3. Orange
[ ] 4. Pink
[ ] 5. Mauve
RichardPoop@132 Richard, your grasp of the Media Worldleaves me nearly speechless. However, don’t give up the day job for that media consultancy position just yet. . .
Slow news day, Richard?
With al-Zarqawi eliminated, Bush has a golden opportunity to deal the insurgents another setback by ordering F-16s to bomb Rumsfeld’s house.
@133 I’ll go with #4 [] blushing pink.
Just kidding, ha-ha. Hey, what the fuck, Coulter kids around about killing people all the time, and is making millions doing it! Maybe I can get one of those gigs, too.
Zarqawi was theater, a mere sideshow, not the main event. The fact someone took out the garbage doesn’t mean the house isn’t burning down.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/8/06@ 9:29 pm
The world looks better threw John Lennon rose colored glasses right Roger? Down play the whole event Roger but the man place in history is like that of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Che) The battle still be carried on by those who hate you and what you stand for in life. Roger what you support and believe in is what they hate and fear most in life. The only house that could be burning down will be yours and that will be unfortunate for then they will win. Those who let their FEARS and emotions determine their allegiances will be the looser in this conflict. Roger suck it up and start using your commonsense.
What does it say about your odd political orientation that you are incapable of rejoicing in the vanquishing of evil?
Also, I sense a large childish playfulness from your corner; a childish delight that has as its ultimate security and secret certitude that the strongest army on earth will come to its rescue (in spite of its infantilism).
[This report orignally posted to Jesus’ General.]
General, Sir!
As as loyal operative of yours, reporting from here in the treacherous Northwest forests– sylvan glades thoroughly infiltrated with Frenchmen– I must make sad confirmation of your news.
However, the situation here looks even worse than your report suggests, sir! You note that this “Goldy”– who should really be called “Frenchie”, sir– has infiltrated our sacred Talk Radio via the intrigue of one Stephen Sharansky (sometimes known by his false nom de blog, “Stefan Sharkansky’). I know that Mr. S. actually denies the divinity of Our Lord Jeebus, and ignores the Gospel as Given to Saints Thurmond and Helms! That is correct– Mr. S. actually co-habitates with a BROWN woman, who has defiled our pure race by spawning a sortabrown offspring! If those traitorous Francophile ‘Justices’ of 1967 had not inflicted their ‘Loving vs. Virginia’ treason upon us, we would not have to recognize Mr. S.’s foul miscegenation as a ‘marriage’. As you well know, sir, true marriage should be between one man and one woman, until such time as Our Most Holy Lord directh the man to procreate with a nubile young thing, half his years and most guileless. (As you will well recall, Sir Newton of Gingrich lived his life by our most holy ideal!)
My efforts to force Mr. S. and his ‘family’ to relocate to holy cities in Mississippi, Alabama, or Oklahoma have failed, victims of his desire to live the good life in Seattle. The French-loving scoundrels here in the Emerald City have no scruples, and actually WELCOME his abomination of a ‘family’. The perfidy of liberals knows no bounds, sir! We can only hope that the imminent Rapture visits plagues and demons upon this city of sin, prior to toppling that phallic ‘Space Needle’ as a warning to un-believers everywhere!
As a loyal member of your engineer corps, I remain your humble servant,
Paddy Mac
In Milwaukee Democrats only destroy van tires and then go to court and lie about it!!!”
Yeah, I agree that was stupid. They should have gone for their throats! The vans didn’t do anything.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/8/06@ 9:52 pm
Other than cheating that is the only way democrats win now a days.
For those of you illiterate fucks who have difficulty spelling words like “to,” the proper spelling of “Yo’s” name ….
Blah, blah. This from the party that hasn’t figured out what “is” is.
Maybe KIRO took a look at Big Ed’s ratings and decided maybe right-wing wasn’t the future….
Which would get higher ratings
[ ] 1) Air America
[ ] 2) Rush Limbaugh peeing in a cup.
[ ] 1) Air America
[X] 2) Rush Limbaugh peeing in a cup.
Hell if Rush peed in a cup on AA they wouldnt have to steal money from the boys club to stay afloat. Hehe
Not that it matters much to my my right wing opponents, but Wikipedia online has the full story about the Air America-Gloria Wise loan controversy:
By their very nature, movement conservatives drown out everything that does not agree with their would view, so information in the article stating that “Al Franken does not have and never had any responsibility for this loan” would not be believed anyhow.
(see Iraq prewar intelligence and Shinseki, E. for further eamples of neocons who ignore reality).
Congratulations Goldy. You’ve earned it, but now you’ll have to give up the podcast hosting slot to Will, we can’t have a media guy on every week!
Hmmmmm. Congrats. See? Conservatives are nice. They even helped YOU get a start in radio. I don’t see you overtaking Kirby or John in the ratings, but I’m sure you’ll have some kind of base of leftist following on your Sunday slot.
Ogg@149 They’re still trying to claim WMD are/were in Iraq. Their ‘brains’ are hermetically sealed.
You’ve heard of a ‘No-Fly Zone’,well, rightwing brains are a ‘No Fact or Reality Zone’.
Conservative radio shows tend to attract an older audience ( the O’Geezer Factor ) whose only purpose left in life is to sit on the couch and be outraged, as they can no longer affect anything. The audience for Liberal and/or Conservative radio is what it is. Air America has lost points in NYC, but they are still way ahead of the O’Geezer Factor and the Fathead.
The way to increase audience, then , is by increasing stations that carry your shows. Air America has , in a short time, gone from 5 stations nationwide to 53 stations nationwide. Arbitron ratings will rise and fall, but as lomg as Air America adds stations, their audience ( of active 18 to 54 year olds ) will continue to grow.
Listen to Goldiy’s show. He’s selling more than the ignoramus outrage that Nazi Radio thrives on.
Air America will continue to grow. People tire of ‘The Ministry of Truth’ pablum.
However, their Jones Radio Network adjunct, Ed Schultz, has mastered the art of ‘teaching AND delighting’. This would be a difficult target to aspire to, but one Goldy should keep in mind if he wants a longtime future in radio. Big Eddy has had a lot of years to hone his craft. It’s really no surprise he is kicking ass in the Seattle Market. Eat yer heart out Dori Doofus. . . .
Mostly I jsut feel sorry for leftoids.
Tree Frog, what did Saddam use to gas the Kurds with, then? Pam Cooking Spray?
Misty dear, that was manufactured in the USA, and delivered by little Donny Rumsfeld. . .probably BEFORE you were born. We urged that action and supported it. But allegiances shift in the Krime Klown World, and after we supplied the same weapons along with satellite photos to Saddam during his war with Iran, we found Saddam’s usefullness as a fool/tool at an end.
Air America CRUSHES Bill O Really and Lush Flimbaugh in 10 markets!
Been out of town for a few days and I come back to an orgy of right-wing hate!
Suck on it wingnuts!
Congrats Goldy! I look forward to Sunday nights and the ultimate downfall of the right wing lunacy that has all but bankrupted this country!
Who’s the retard on this site?
WE GET IT, YOU’RE ANTI-SEMITIC. We get the racist angle too.
Job accomplished.
Thanks for helping out the Democratic cause by being the perfect stereotype of a racist redneck who almost made it to highschool.