I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or if it’s the summer (so I and/or horses are out on city streets more), but I’ve noticed more piles of horse shit in the middle of the road recently. This morning riding to work, it was pretty heavy traffic where there was maybe the largest pile of shit I’ve ever seen on the street. I was afraid if I swerved around it, and a car tried to pass me, that it they would hit me and I’d die, but decided it was worth the risk.
I assume this has to do with those carriage rides. It looks like a fun way to go around the city for a tourist or a date. I imagine the romance is lessened somewhat if there’s a bag of shit in between you and the horse/driver. Still, I don’t want to ride my bike through, or have to navigate it around horse shit. And I don’t really want to drive my car through horse shit either. I feel like when I lived in a more rural place, that made sense, but it shouldn’t be a thing that troubles downtown Seattle.
C’mon….just wheelie over it dude.
Or, on second thought, imagine it’s Puddy and peel out on top of it.
Better get used to it, Carl. The oil will run out! And when it does, our streets were be clogged with horses again, and the air will reek of horse shit. Which, as any American westerner will tell you, is the only proper way of a city to smell.
Two words: Bunny Hop!
Read the accounts of any large city in the pre-auto age, they were, literally, knee deep in shit (ick!). That’s how street sweepers got their start.
We really are going to see more horses in cities in the future. Probably not tons of them, but more. More horse patrols for cops. Horses picking up trash on narrow, windy streets.
@3, 5
Reminds me of some of what
talks about.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Wow, someone’s in a mood.
We’ve just recently burst the largest economic bubble in the history of man kind, of course the economy is in the shitter. It would be a lot less bad had the Bush Admin’s regulatory folks done their job and regulated things.
Be nice to look back and see the amount of disease all of those horses caused. Then compare that time to our time today.
It was way worse back in the day. More people got killed by horses than cars as well.
I catch his podcast every week!
But Carl, where do you think Republican ‘ideas’ spring from?
Every last utterance in the last 40 years from a Republican, as far as I can tell, has been a steaming pile of horseshit. It has to come from somewhere – conservation of matter, and all that.
It really is a close analogy to what we thinking people do on this blog when Pudster or any of the other Troll come here and pollute.
@13: Amen, my brother.
Hey there Z!
“It really is a close analogy to what we thinking people do on this blog when Pudster or any of the other Troll come here and pollute.”
Precisely. Huge, steaming piles, in fact. The big difference though, is that horse shit is useful.
‘Course one of the reasons people were getting killed was because we didn’t have a well regulated traffic system. Kinda like back in the 90’s when the righties went all whack-a-mole and took the speed limits off Montana highways and all sorts of people got killed, or the current attempt to get rid of enforcement of red light runners with cameras.
Or Bush’s failure to regulate the banking industry which lead to the creation and than bursting of the largest economic bubble in the history of man kind.
Forget about the smell of horseshit when oil is finally gone. The big change is the worldwide starvation due to no more petrochemicals to boost crop yields! Yikes!
@19 Not to worry, Mother Nature will reduce the human population back to a level that organic farms can support.
Carly could be the biggest pussy on earth…..complaining about a few piles of horse crap? Really? Does your vagina hurt carl?
I bet your the kind of “man” who needs to call aaa to change a flat tire too.
Lol… There’s an ad for carriage rides running right now.
That would be, “What comes out of Horses Ass, Alex?
(No, not a commentary on the blog — I just had to say the first thing that came to mind when I read that headline….)
Zotz, hey man, when the gathering?
I had to laugh – I couldn’t think of a more appropriate topic, considering the name for this website.