An absolutely must view video clip courtesy of Crooks and Liars:
Horror Show
Shepard Smith and Geraldo Rivera were livid about the situation in NOLA as they appeared on H&C. When Hannity tried his usual spin job and said “let’s get this in perspective,” Smith chopped him off at the knees and started yelling at him saying, “This is perspective!” It was shocking.
Video-WMP-very big file so I had to compress it
Video QT
This is Fox News, for chrissake…! FOX FUCKING NEWS!!! (And don’t you trolls dare snipe back at me with your vicious, hate-filled comments until you watch the clip… the whole damn clip!)
I’m speechless… I’m literally crying. Six days later this isn’t a natural disaster… it’s a human tragedy created by callous and incalculable incompetence! This is a moral outrage!
If we were like Japan, a nation that at least feigns a deep respect for honor… then President Bush would be keeled over on the floor of the Oval Office with his sword in one hand and his guts in the other.
The dipshit of course, being O’Reilly.. Saw this clip earlier. Goddamn… i hate this.
This is so bad that the Kennedys are opeing their Compound to all the homeless of New Orleans. Oh,………..They’re not? OK………..Never mind…….In addition, the NAACP and the Black Caucus are donating millions of dollars to help. Oh,……………They’re not? Never mind. Hey, whitey!! Pay up! YOU need to pay!!
I think the clip was broadcast yesterday and the situation has changed at the convention center thank God.
I like how Geraldo dropped his phony TV accent and went back to being an East Coaster.
Better be careful about that seppuku stuff, Goldy. These wingers’ll report you to the secret service.
Another great diary – the slow response as another Rove operation. I wouldn’t put anything past this administration.
Remember the Contract ON America? These guys have been waging the War OF Terror – on the American people.
JCH @ 2
Your comments are irrelevant. You have no fucking idea about what any of these folks or groups are doing.
Have some honor, you piece of shit. Need a sword?
For the Clueless @4,
I’m more than aware of how viciously fascistic some of the wingers can be, but I wrote with care. My statement was not a threat, and can in no way be reasonably deconstructed to imply one. Any attempt to legally harass me for it would only give me a larger platform. So if some asshole wants to report me to Big Brother, have at it.
Fuck you JCH. You have lost all your humanity. If you believe in God, you should believe in Hell.
DJ…….Where are the Kennedys? How many homeless have been bussed to MASS? Democrats are totally dependent on others. Jesse, Maxine, Teddy……….All they do is bitch. “Gimme the guvment jack, mofo!!”
Jimmy….asshole……..If I disappear, who will pay the taxes?? Democrats?? They are tax receivers, not tax payers!
Note “progressives” can post all the “fuck yous” they wish, and no problem with Goldy’s filter. Two thirds of my posts never make the thread. Classic double standard. Kind of like Jesse Jackson referring to NYC as “Hymeetown”. Typical double standard!
JCH @ 2 2 what?
No email address? hummmmm…. no email adress no guts… is that how it goes?
“Have some honor”…. for what? and regarding what? …Honor concerning fore-seeable scientific fact that a hurricane of a class 5 magnitude was Going to eat a part of the country and no real relief efforts are in place as a follow-up?
The loss of human life? Honor…death in honor, i don’t think that applies to kids and homeless without support from their own damn country. (So. to you… race matters, especially in times of crisis does it…where do you get off you coward without an email address…?
“….They’re not? OK………..Never mind…….In addition, the NAACP and the Black Caucus are donating millions of dollars to help. Oh,……………They’re not? Never mind. Hey, whitey!!”
Honor… where are you located JCH? are you in LA? How have you helped? Just taking up space on a blog that at least tries to help…Honor…what have YOU done?
You can’t even leave a real or valid email address…
JCH…. What a narrow minded fuckhead… anyone agree???
JCH @ 8
They are doing their part (I actually got an email from Kennedy, and I am not even a Democrat!).
More importantly, where was the food? Where was the fresh water? Why were people dying while FEMA launched a “ho-hum” response to the largest weather-related disaster in our nations history?
It’s not about politics now. It’s about competence.Nixon was competent. Carter was well- meaning, but not so competent. Reagan was a national disgrace and a criminal scumbag. They had enough on him to impeach, but Tip O’Neill didn’t want to put the country through it. Clinton was smart and very competent and was harrassed by Starr for years. After 70 million dollars and the completely illegal hounding of the only real president we’ve had in decades, Clinton was still able to persevere and do the business of the people— leaving the country better off than he found it.
George W. Bush is an evil, twisted, certifiable moron who reflects the level that about 30 percent of the population of the U.S. operates on. His administration has been tragically inept at everything except duplicitous evil on a level that few in history can equal.
I think the Kennedy private jet [Gulfstream 4] is the cause of global warming that brought about Hurricane Katrina. So, the Kennedys must pay. As of today, the Kennedy Compound must be “redistributed” to the homeless of New Orleans. Thousands of young “progressive” looters will occupy the Cape Cod estate. [I can’t wait to see the look on all the “progressive” neighbors in Cape Cod!]
Atlas has Shrugged, boys. I retired at 50. Never will “guvment” take 40-50% of my income again [FICA, both sides, FED, State, local, property, indirect, and direct]. Nope, you boys pay the taxes. I’m history, and living in Hawaii. So, mahalo, and fuck you, too.!! JCH
13…….. JCH @ 8
They are doing their part (I actually got an email from Kennedy, and I am not even a Democrat!)…………………
DJ, You got an email from the Kennedys? Well, Hell, that settles that!!! [hehe]
Damn JCH you sure nailed it. The Kennedy’s and the NAACP have the same, no wait more responsability for disaster relief then the federal government. It’s not like the government has a whole agency devoted to disaster reilif and the largest military in the world.
15,, Giffy………Black mayor, black sheriff, black police chief, 80% black community, 77% voted for Kerry, Democrat representatives, Democrat Senators…………..And this is all Bush’s fault!! [hehe… guys are classic victims!] Democrats: all beholding to “guvment” for EVERY need!]
Great graphic.
Now why did it take so long?
Yes, this is man-made.
I used to live in a city that was built by idiots on a flood plain. We did not get a hurricane every 10 or 20 years like NOLA. We got two to three full-on trailer-wreckers every single year. We had F4s. We had F5s. We had near-misses. We had direct hits.
Here were the general results:
1) Fields got trashed, so vegetables were always expensive as all get out for a few weeks after a storm hit, and looked like hell.
2) As sure as the sun rose, there was some idiot who rolled the dice and just had to get somewhere by car in the middle of the typhoon. Like the red-shirted security guy in Star Trek, this was the Inevitable Typhoon Fatality. Seriously. The storm would hit an island of 22 million people and the body count was generally less than a handful. I remember an apartment building sliding ONCE which brought the death count all the way up to 15.
3) We got the day off work and had to drink beer and watch TV. The importance of beer cannot be overestimated. If the storm was really bad, everything would be closed the day after for cleanup as well.
Here’s the important part:
4) The dramatically weakened storm would roll over to Fujian Province in China where the construction standards were lower and the level of emergency preparedness was zilch. The body counts would invariably go into triple digits.
Likewise, there was no Austin, TX or Roanoke, Virginia to drive to if you were scared of typhoons. You pretty much had to hunker down and suck it.
So how was it that the city built on a swamp takes hits year after year unscathed while the one built behind levees gets flooded? One has a first-world civil engineering infrastructure and emergency preparedness system. One doesn’t.
I understand that Al Gore is sending to New Orleans 1000 lawyers to “represent” looters who may be charged for stealing 42 inch Sony plasma TVs. These are the same lawyers who made damn sure military votes were kicked out in 2000.
My husband worked for FEMA and our state disaster preparedness. The scientists have done all the studies, they know what we need in case of disasters. The politicians are always letting their power hunger get in the way of doing the right thing. They knew what was needed, in fact, they had the disaster plan ready— did you notice that as soon as Bush had the wake up, all the plans were put into gear? But since his administration creates their own reality, they were not willing to see Reality, and respond to human need.
Guess what? Haliburton is going to be hired to take care of recovery services. Haliburton, who pays no US taxes (offshore PO Box), and is not answerable to the citizens. Corrupt, the worst form of capitalism and cronyism. We are reaping a similar disaster to what we sowed in Iraq. And who is paying the price? Poor people, the back bone and sinew of our world who are apparently just as expendable as the flotsam in the Gulf.
Well, the world is watching now. Watching how our wonderful democracy works. Our leadership has shown its true colors. Yellow.
And as for mister “I got rich early (probably born with many advantages of color and inheritance or connections) so I can retire in Hawaii”— anyone with a shred of imagination, or a modicum of love of fellow man (inherent in all world religions) would see that it is our duty and our priviledge to help other people when they are down. I have donated money. How much has the Bush family? NONE of Bush’s cousins, nieces or nephews are serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.
I am proud to give my taxes to help my fellow Americans. What I am not glad to do is to dump money into stupid wars conducted by unaccountable politicians. Now, perhaps, the news personalities have found their cojones and will call them on their lies. Democrat, Republican, whatever. It’s too important to let them steal our money and waste our lives for profit.
OK…Guys, The bottom line: I quit. Tax each other. I’m a vet, retired, and no longer the problem [pay more taxes!], or your solution [pay more taxes!]. Nope………..I quit. A couple acres in Hawaii , three surfboards, and 7 years of military service to my country. Piss on someone else, or each other! Mahalo, “progressives”!!! Atlas has Shrugged…….
23…I didn’t catch your military service. Perhaps you “forgot” to include this information? [hehe] JCH
re 16: JCH—-You drive a 1980’s K-Kar with JBS stickers all over it and you’ll never retire ’til they pry the broom from your cold , stiff hands.
JCH @ 16: Nope, you boys pay the taxes. I’m history, and living in Hawaii. So, mahalo, and fuck you, too.!! JCH
Oh. — I got mine. Fuck you. — Isn’t that the Republican Theme Song?
JCH @ 17
“DJ, You got an email from the Kennedys? Well, Hell, that settles that!!!”
Ummm. . . I guess I have to spell it out for your pea brain. It was a fundraising letter.
WTF? What would Arnold say?
JCH @ 19
“Giffy………Black mayor, black sheriff, black police chief, 80% black community, 77% voted for Kerry, Democrat representatives, Democrat Senators…………..And this is all Bush’s fault!! ”
Shit! Bush ignored them for THAT?
I think he shold have said, “They are all Americans. . . I’ll give ’em the same service I gave Florida.”
What an asshole!
Wow. Just wow…
Guard commanders are now saying that they were ready to go Tuesday, but DEMOCRAT governor Kathleen Blanco didn’t make the request. Until they’re asked, guard can’t mobilize.
So as usual, when you peel back the onion, you find incompetent democrats who don’t want to be accountable, and try to shift the blame.
And let’s not forget, the morons on the ground who were shooting at the rescuers caused many of the problems. I have a hard time feeling sorry for shooters and looters.
its good to knwo that most of the rightie trolls have a sense of something (honor maybe?), not to post here…
The ones that have shown up tho… Damn. You’re just evil. Willing to go all the way down with the ship with the demon-in-chief… for what?
re 29: That’s a lie. Guard Commanders said they couldn’t go because of confusing and conflicting communications and orders from FEMA. You know, FEMA, the Federal agency defunded by Bush, shunted to a below cabinet level standing ,and then headed by a completely ignorant Bush appointee. Who has been hurt or injured by these so-called looters, by the way? The only people I’ve heard recommending instant death are comfortable conservatives who are so very concerned with the welfare of the stock on WalMarts shelves.
This proves that the hate-Fox legions never even watch it. Hannity is an admitted partisan, as is Colmes on the opposite side. They are each only on their show where both sides take swipes at the other. They are the equivalent of columnists, of which only a handful are “in the middle”. Alan Colmes took a lot of criticism for his knee-jerk defense of the Clinton and his cronies, as he too was proven wrong time after time. Hannity is going overboard now and he will continue to take shots if he continues.
HA has even surprised me with the full-throttle blame-GW thrust. GW will get some blame, as will FEMA and the state and local authorities. The loony left has every right to criticize, and the choice of timing and obvious diversion from helping with the disaster speaks volumes. The worse things get, or at least appear, the more we can count on excitement on this blog. I will say again that if the HA cheerleaders, as well as their counterparts on other blogs delayed 1/2 of their energy to dig for GW complicity to instead help the Katrina victims, N.O. could be evacuated and bone-dry by now.
The expected profanity and continued rants for the blood of GW in response to this comment are welcomed. God bless all of the Katrina victims, and all who read HA.
It appears that sniping makes everyone feel better.
When this is over I hope we can all observe what has happened and clean up the conditions that led to this suffering. In the long run an objective look will end up leading back to government and layer upon layer of inept bureaucracy.
I am reading a story about warehouses full of emergency equipment that hasn’t been sent to NOLA because the Governor hasn’t requested it. The article says the manager must ship the equipment and supplies within 12 hours of a Governor’s request if they are in a declared disaster area.
My simple mind wants to know: why a manager would have to wait for the Governor to call from a devasted city with no power – even to run cell phone towers. It’s an emergenccy. Disaster has been declared – JUST SEND THE DAMN STUFF!
This isn’t a BUSH or CLINTON mistake its just plain stoopid gubment.
Lucy @ 31 – Go ask your “life partner” if she’d like to getlicked. Try the alphabet tracing method again. “I am not painting a fence… I am not painting a fence… I am not paying a fence…”
I’ll aks again. You lefties were strangely silent the last time I aksed. Do the people in the area have ANY responsibility to be able to take care of themselves for 3-5 days per FEMA and Red Cross guidelines? Does local gummint have ANY responsibility to be able to handle a disaster for a few days? Was it smart or dumb for people in Nawlins to shoot at their rescuers?
Don’t give me any bullshit. Just answer the qweshuns…
Since it seems that the people on this board are about differentiating themselves from their evil couterparts by whining about inaction when their time could be spent actually helping people, do myself and other responders a favor:
Go to your phonebook and take to heart the emergency action section. Evaluate the threats to your home, plan, prepare, and live your life. Have an extra $100 in cash with you to buy gas if you have to evacuate at any time. If the government tells you to leave, get OUT! If you didn’t plan well enough to have a series of followon actions, or your original plan was disrupted, get out and adjust your plan! Do it from a place of safety. Have 72 (my opinion is 180 hours, since you will need to care for your neighbors) hours of full food and water available. Keep a gas stove with some extra propane around. First aid kits, have them onhand. Stay fit. Expect as much as a 20 mile hike through woods, devastation, water, rain, and other hazards to get to safety.
A lack of preparation on your part contributes to the difficulty of rescue/recovery. Just put on any news channel and see the results.
Having said that, we who respond will get to you as quickly as we can, and through the priorities we establish when we assess the scene, dangers, and needs. We have compassion and want to help, but you have to accept that we cannot allow someone to die if you are merely discomforted as a result of your poor response to warnings. We’ll deal with your discomfort at the soonest opportunity, but only after we save the lives we can. Yelling, threatening, whining, shooting at me, or demanding does nothing to distract me from my mission of saving lives in the order of highest priority, and may further jeopardize your life by delaying the response to you.
Take heed, people of the Puget Sound. You are merely a lahar, earthquake, or tsunami (read up on the Whidbey Island fault sometime), chemical release, or terrorist act away from living and dying the in the fashion that the NOLAs are going through.
My request. Stop the sniping, get to work and actually help your neighbors in the deep south. Then, take their lessons to heart and make sure YOU never end up in that position.
How many of you took a lesson from this? BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FOR 3 – 5 DAYS? Do you have water? Do you have food? Do you have first aid? Do you have clothes? Do you have ammo? Do you have gas in your Volvo? Do you have a plan, or do you let life wash over you like a wave?
Mark The Redneck @ 35
“I’ll aks again. You lefties were strangely silent the last time I aksed. Do the people in the area have ANY responsibility to be able to take care of themselves for 3-5 days per FEMA and Red Cross guidelines? Does local gummint have ANY responsibility to be able to handle a disaster for a few days? “
Yes and yes, they both have responsibility. But, the Federal government also has responsibility to assist Americans in a disaster. Or are you suggesting the federal government needn’t bother to help?
Few of us here are represented by the New Orleans mayor or the LA Governor. But, most of us ARE represented by the U.S. federal government, and therefore we are exercising our responsibility to speak out when our federal government fucks up!
“Was it smart or dumb for people in Nawlins to shoot at their rescuers?”
Sounds dumb to me—if it really happened.
Are you talking about the supposed shots fired at a helicopter? I understand that was bullshit—an FAA spokesperson said they had no such reports and they are controlling all air traffic in the area. Sounds like the Swift-boat traitors are up to their old tricks again.
Good advice on the prep (just ran 40 minutes on the treadmill myself). But, if you don’t want to see the conversation, why are you pointing your browser to Goldy’s blog?
Generally, telling people who go to a blog’s comment thread to stop communicating is likely to get you a big, “FUCK YOU!”
George Bush did not leave THESE BUSSES to rot in the yard as the hurricane approached.
I heard Shepard rant for two days, just as I heard most of the other Fox, MSNBC, and CNN reporters. Shepard was almost out of control most of the time he was on the air, seeming to be SHOCKED tht something this big could actually happen in AMERICA. That people actually DIE, sometimes horribly in natural disasters. Yeah, a whole different look than his smarmy little innuendo and commentary on his normal shows. Hope he damned well remembers the experience and puts the rest of his life in perspective. No worse than Aaron Brown, who considerately showed his colors by pre-empting the coverage of the dead and dying for a shout out to his union homeys on the picket line at Boeing.
Folks, the most shocking thing is that we saw the covered bodies. Saw people for the last time as they were swept away to die. Sure, we had the technology to show the misery and suffering of those who made it partly to safety. And it’s horrible. It should be! Be the one to go recover the infirm, helpless, wandering, shocked, angry, or dead and rotting sometime. It’s a learning experience! Folks, it sucks to get someone to relative safety only to see them expire. It’s frustrating, it saddening, it’s life changing. I pray that you are never in a position of having to make the decision as to who lives and dies. Of having to decide who gets rescued and who is left to float away. It would ruin your ability to snipe at each other over petty concepts like blame and partisanship.
Those pleading eyes of the one who is about to be lost will never leave your dreams, as they slip away.
Hey, I know what… Let’s get Hollywood together and have a concert! People are dying, but wouldn’t it be a spirit booster for the nation if we heard Harry Schearer announce the next act?
Yeah, America’s response…
Back to it…
Baynative @ 35,
Thanks! I don’t agree with you very often, but I definitely do with this comment.
DJ – I think it’s reasonable to expect ALL people and local authorities to be able to handle things by themselves for a few days. Not forever… a few days. 3 – 5 days like FEMA and RC say. After that, fed gummint comes in wif massive relief effort. Which is exactly what happened. So IT IS according to the play book.
There were dozens of reports of shootings. C’mon… don’t suggest it ditn happen. Fireman, guard, cops all reported it. They ain’t all lying.
“JCH @ 16: Nope, you boys pay the taxes. I’m history, and living in Hawaii. So, mahalo, and fuck you, too.!! JCH “
Hmmm. . . that is interesting. Goldy’s site meter doesn’t show any posts originating in Hawaii. Are you sure you are not sitting in a trailor park in Tacoma?
How DESPARATE must the Left and the Democrat Party be to try to politicize a natural disaster!
If we are going to look to the federal government for things like local law enforcement and disaster preparediness, why have state and local governments.
Who were the first responders in New York? Bush? National Guard?
Army? NO! It was the local police and fire departnmet!
The problem with Katrina is that New Orleans and Louisana were TOTALLY unprepared for a VERY PREDICTABLE natural disaster. Houston is housing 25,000 people from N.O. because they were prepared to do it and N.O. was totally unprepared.
Your HATRED of President Bush makes me want to wretch!!!!!!
Mark The Redneck @ 45
“There were dozens of reports of shootings. C’mon… don’t suggest it ditn happen. Fireman, guard, cops all reported it. They ain’t all lying.”
I don’t doubt that there was some shooting on the ground (or floating in something)—people went into survival mode and probably got very protective of their family, food, water and possesions. But the “shooting at aircraft” thing seems to be bullshit.
You know what would have helped? A the rapid appearance of the military in large number, with MREs and bottled water. The alternative, letting the situation degrade until people must loot and use violence to protect themselves, is unacceptable.
JCH @ 16: Nope, you boys pay the taxes. I’m history, and living in Hawaii. So, mahalo, and fuck you, too.!! JCH
Oh. – I got mine. Fuck you. — Isn’t that the Republican Theme Song?
Comment by fire_one— 9/3/05 @ 4:01 pm HEY Fire One,…….You go after the Kerry’s [Threrra MTR 12%] and the Kennedys [death by Oldsmobile] before I pay anymore. Got it?? [hehe]
Now let me see…
If the Mayor of New Orleans had taken these city busses and these school busses and drafted some drivers they would easly have moved 15,000 people per trip (350 busses X 44 passengers) to safe places within 4 hour round trips in the four days it took for Katrina to move across the gulf.
Common sense says this Mayor and this Governor have a lot of blood and misery on their hands, no matter how they want to spin it.
OK these School Busses.
Goldy – How about a preview function?
Redneck Sh*t for Brains,
What does the preamble to the U.S. Constitution say about what the Federal Government is all about? Something about “insure domestic Tranquility” maybe?
Easier said than done but that’s what leadership is for and in we’re in really short supply of that right now unless you count “misleadership” into bankruptcy and quagmire, i.e. the meat grinder called Iraq.
I’m sorry photo-ops in Biloxi and a fly-over of NOLA in Air Force One don’t cut it.
Nice try deflecting blame from the misleader in chief.
Educate us Redneck. What would you do if you had to stay put and your house was filling up with 20 feet of water? What would your 3-5 days worth of provisions be worth to you then?
While you’re thinking about that read this. That is, if you can read anything that isn’t wingnut propaganda.
School busses, maybe?
JC Bob @ 47
“How DESPARATE must the Left and the Democrat Party be to try to politicize a natural disaster!”
Ummm. . . we are bitching about an inhumaine failure of our elected federal government. And, it ain’t just the left and the Democratic party that is bitching.
“If we are going to look to the federal government for things like local law enforcement and disaster preparediness, why have state and local governments.”
Nobody has asked for that. However, the Federal government does have as part of its mandate, assistance in disasters. This has been going on for a long time, and denying it only makes you look like a fucking fool.
“Who were the first responders in New York? Bush? National Guard? Army? NO! It was the local police and fire departnmet!”
But, then again, the entire city and much of the states around it was not slammed. It was a relatively localized emergency. And, was there a federal response? You bet your ass there was—even if they were slow in scrambling armed military planes.
“The problem with Katrina is that New Orleans and Louisana were TOTALLY unprepared for a VERY PREDICTABLE natural disaster.”
Mississippi, too? Or was it just Blue states that you will blame?
“Houston is housing 25,000 people from N.O. because they were prepared to do it and N.O. was totally unprepared.”
You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. Houston was not slammed with a category 4 hurricane. If they had gotten a cat 4 hurricane instead, I rather suspect that N.O. would provide disaster relief. Of course, if it had hit Texas, the Feds would have been there within 1/2 day….
“Your HATRED of President Bush makes me want to wretch!!!!!!”
Quit eating grass (it works for cats, anyway).
No Wonder/Liberal Larry @ 34
Why aren’t you down there? Are you too busy loving Bush? (In a manly way)
Baynative @ 50
Now let me see…
If the Mayor of New Orleans had taken these city busses and these”> school busses and drafted some drivers they would easly have moved 15,000 people per trip (350 busses X 44 passengers) to safe places within 4 hour round trips in the four days it took for Katrina to move across the gulf.”
How do you know that they DIDN’T do that? I mean, the got 80% of the population out of town in an unprecidented manditory evacuation of a city. 80% is pretty good for a first try at such an effort.
And, of course, some of those who remained behind refused to go.
“Common sense says this Mayor and this Governor have a lot of blood and misery on their hands, no matter how they want to spin it.”
But, since you don’t you what the fuck you are talking about (i.e. how many busses the City DID have transporting people out of town), your accusation is little more than rightwing bullshit spin.
Well for some reason my second picture won’t post. But the evidence clearly shows over 220 school busses submerged in a parking lot and about 140 transit busses int he same condition.
Playing “how do you know” won’t excuse the fact that while 20,000 people were herded into the Super Dome those busses were left to waste when they could have been used.
There has been no news of the busses being used to evacuate people without transportation. But, if you find some then I’d say it is even more damning because now they will have to explain why they stopped and parked all thos busses in such orderly fashion.
If I were the Mayor with a storm bearing down I’d have given you a damn bus if you had an apartment full of folks with nowhere to hide.
Hell, he gave ’em a license to loot, didn’t he?
DJ – Oh by the way…this isn’t a first try. They blew it last year with IVAN, too – remember?
DJ @ 48 – I disagree. Why doesn’t everybody have water and MREs (or equivalent)in their personal survival kit? Pick your scenario… quake, flood, big wind, terrorist, etc. If you aren’t ready to withstand 3 – 5 days by yourself, you’re a fucking idiot.
Here’s the fact: A big response takes a few days to organize. A LOT of people, and a LOT of money, and a LOT of stuff take a while to mobilize. It’s not politics; it’s physics fercrisfuckingsakes.
For the clueless @ 52 – First, you’re an fucking idiot. But since I’m a nice guy, I’ll help you. This wasn’t a surprise; they saw it coming FOR A WEEK! ! ! How fucking hard is it to get a few things together when you have 7 FUCKING DAYS????
FOX could have a couple wake up calls, but our local righties are more impervious to giving a damn.
The only time Katrina is mentioned on the main page of Sound Politics is a post by Stefan Sharkansky that raises the “creepy” possibility that there might be looting in Seattle after a natural disaster here, as evidenced by a Greenlake area purse snatching, and a potshot at King County Executive Ron Sims for a Freudian slip made while talking about the disaster on the radio. The rest of the posts appear to still be fighting an election battle that was ‘dismissed with prejudice’ by a sympathetic judge.
Mark the Redneck – Let’s see how prepared you are when your house ends up neck deep in fetid floodwater overnight. Let’s see how you take care of yourself as an elderly person on a ventilator, a cabinet full of drugs you can’t afford to take every day and a bare minimum of government assistance. Around a third of the population of that city was at or below the poverty line and at least fifty thousand didn’t have a car. We’re talking the sort of poverty where every meal is Ramen, all your clothes come from the Goodwill, the only healthcare is the emergency room and your treatment for toothache is to pray it stops hurting. These people couldn’t leave and their hand to mouth existence affords as much money for disaster preparedness as it does for a trip to Tahiti. They had nothing, just frakking nothing.
Do you get what poverty means you rancid, shriveled, pustulent, flaccid, scabrous, smegmous, syphilitic goat blower? Go sit on a pole-axe you festering, greased pig, you’re wasting valuable oxygen. I’m watching Americans dying in the streets because our government wasn’t as prepared as those of Cuba or Bangladesh and I’ve no patience at all for your disgusting inhumanity. Is it really your desire to live in a country that compares unfavorably in disaster preparedness with piss-poor countries governed by tinpot dictators?
46……“JCH @ 16: Nope, you boys pay the taxes. I’m history, and living in Hawaii. So, mahalo, and fuck you, too.!! JCH “
Hmmm. . . that is interesting. Goldy’s site meter doesn’t show any posts originating in Hawaii. Are you sure you are not sitting in a trailor park in Tacoma?
Comment by dj— 9/3/05 @ 5:26 pm [JC [dumbass].Try the Big Island, south of Hilo…….Goldy’s “site meter?” Classic!! You must be a Kerry supporter……..
This whole thing illustrates THE PROBLEM with the nanny state. The nanny state can’t possibly respond with infinite resources instantaneously to every problem. Can’t be done. Get that though your stoopid fucking heads. CAN’T BE DONE.
The problem with the nanny state is that it destroys individuals’s incentive to take care of themselves. How fucking stupid and incompetent do you have to be, and how much lack of moral character do you have to have to be totally dependent on the gummint survive?
The nanny state is responsible for this situation because it created a whole class of millions of people who have been programmed to believe that they have no control and no responsibility for their well being. Shit, enlightened self interest should take care of that, but after a lifetime of being told they are hapless victims, they just went ahead and acted accordingly.
So don’t blame GWB. Blame FDR and LBJ and JFK and WJC for their loony fucking welfare state and the destruction it created.
As usual, Natasha says it better than any of us can.
Nice report about (un)SP – the place Mark the Redneck goes for “intelligent” comment. Your words, right Redneck?
MTR @ 59
“Why doesn’t everybody have water and MREs (or equivalent)in their personal survival kit? Pick your scenario… quake, flood, big wind, terrorist, etc. If you aren’t ready to withstand 3 – 5 days by yourself, you’re a fucking idiot.”
I agree that people should have kits ready, but the ON THE GROUND FACT is that few people do—particularly in an area with high level of poverty. So, what the fuck, kill the stupid bastards, huh? You are an idiot!
“Here’s the fact: A big response takes a few days to organize. A LOT of people, and a LOT of money, and a LOT of stuff take a while to mobilize. It’s not politics; it’s physics fercrisfuckingsakes.”
Clearly, you do not have not worked during a disaster. I have through ARES. A first response does not take more than a few hours. But, given that it was clear that coast was going to be slammed 48 hours before it was hit, the Feds could have been MUCH more prepared, and in there within hours with much more than a first response team.
And given how hard the area got hit, it should have been immediatelly clear that all useful infrastructure would be wiped out.
Mark the Redneck
While the takers and the whiners are lining up to complain, the people driven out of business and educated entreprenuers are making business plans.
All the resources and dollars will soon be back in the same hands where they started. This is another example of why socialism won’t work. Right now everyone there has lost everything. They are all on equal ground.
But, watch for the news in a year and you will see the same people lining up to say “Do something for me!” while self determined people turn adversity into prosperity.
Mark the Dipshit @ 61
“The problem with the nanny state is that it destroys individuals’s incentive to take care of themselves. How fucking stupid and incompetent do you have to be, and how much lack of moral character do you have to have to be totally dependent on the gummint survive?”
Oh god, I have seen the light through the Dipshit. It is the Nanny State that prevents people form picking themselves up by the bootstraps when they are hit with the most damaging storm ever to hit the U.S.
“Come on! Such it up you pussies in Louisania and Mississippi!,” say Mark the Dipshit.
What is next, Mark the Dipshit? Are you going to point out statistics showing the high proportion of overweight people in New Orleans and claim that the government did them a favor by holding off food for five days?
Fucking idiot.
Why the fuck did the fRENCH build a city BELOW SEA LEVEL??? Only the stoopid fucking french would do that. It’s physics fercrissfuckingsakes. WATER FLOWS DOWNHILL ! ! ! !
What possible fucking excuse can ANYBODY in Murka have to live in poverty today??? Education through HS is FREE. University education is subsidized 80% by “wealthy” taxpayers like me. Jobs are ABUNDANT for people with marketable skills. Goddammit, get off your lazy asses and use the opportunities that are here.
You’re only a victim if you choose to be one. In Murka, it’s easy to be successful unless you’re incredibly stupid or have a total lack of moral character.
Yeah, you are right. Asking people to focus on the important things will likely get me some interesting offers. Much, as I am sure, as was the reaction by the populace being drug up into the helos when they were told to get out of town in NOLA. And, surprisingly enough, roughly the same level of intelligence leads to both responses. People are obviously too self absorbed to pay attention to anything but their agenda.
For what it’s worth, coming over to Goldy’s was entertainment for a bit, then it occurred to me that it might be time to speak up on life and death matters. And, from experience.
Have a great night. Need to pack up and head down to Dallas and forward deploy to help from there. Wish me luck!
JC Bob @ 47
I bet you’re really Zell Miller! Welcome to, Senator!
Mark the Redneck @ 61
“… The nanny state is responsible for this situation because it created a whole class of millions of people who have been programmed to believe that they have no control and no responsibility for their well being. Shit, enlightened self interest should take care of that, but after a lifetime of being told they are hapless victims, they just went ahead and acted accordingly.
So don’t blame GWB. Blame FDR and LBJ and JFK and WJC for their loony fucking welfare state and the destruction it created.”
You miserable, felching worm. Are you actively competing for ‘best impression of an anencephalic fetus typing at random’?
Is the ‘nanny state’ responsible for the crushing poverty of Africa? Is government coddling the reason why most the people of Bangladesh and Columbia live in unrelenting squalor and grinding misery? When Jesus told his followers that as they “did to the least of these, my brothers,” they did to him, did he add a caveat of ‘unless they’re poor or orphaned because a welfare state sapped their families of personal initiative’? Oh wait! The Ancient Roman Empire couldn’t have had poor people, because they had no nanny state. Jesus must have been hallucinating all those poor people he helped!
The so-called ‘nanny state’ countries of the developed modern world have less poverty and misery in them than any countries in the history of the goddam world. Hell, the implementation of public welfare barely existed before the Great Depression spurred the institution of widespread government aid to the needy, and the Depression was caused by unbridled corporate greed and the vilest, thieving corruption in high places. You know, sort of like we’ve seen at Enron, WorldCom and Adelphia.
But I’m sure none of this registers on the putrescently necrotic conscience of a man like Mark the Redneck, who probably strokes himself to the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal.
“then President Bush would be keeled over on the floor of the Oval Office with his sword in one hand and his guts in the other.”
What a happy picture!Thanks!
Ouch Natasha, I hope you never get pissed at me!
Hey MTR…my advice would be to put DOWN the keyboard and walk away. You do not have the equipment to engage this opponent…AAAAND you’re FUCKING WRONG AS USUAL!
Hooray for the U.S. Coast Guard! They deserve the biggest Silver Star we can find! It didn’t take them days to get busy!
Mark @ 67
The FRENCH didn’t build New Orleans below sea level. The French Quarter is at least five feet ABOVE sea level, and was a patch of dry land when Jean Baptiste LeMoyne Sieur de Bienville founded the city in 1718. Only the land near the Mississippi River was dry and above sea level. The vast majority of the present day city was marshland.
Look at this drawing of New Orleans in 1885, the famous Currier & Ives panographic map print:
Instead, you should blame the DEMOCRATS for this engineering fiasco. The technology to pump massive quantities of water uphill became available in the late 19th century. They built additional levees, drained the marshland, pumped that water out, and then pumped out the rainfall every time it rained. That enabled the land area of the city to expand massively, but the drained marshland sank well below sea level after the water was removed.
The lowest lying drained marshland was the least desirable, for obvious reasons. These lowest areas tended to become mostly black neighborhoods, both due to intentional residential segregation, as well as economics (given that the lowest lying land tended to be the least expensive).
New Orleans has been governed by the Democrats for well over 150 years, with the exception of Republican control for a few years after the civil war.
Certainly, the political philosophy of the Democrats controlling New Orleans has changed dramatically over the years: (1) Before 1865, they were whites who wanted blacks to be slaves, (2) 1865 to 1955 — conservative whites who wanted blacks to be second-class (non-)citizens, (3) 1955 to late 1970’s — liberal whites who depended on black votes to defeat conservative whites who were beginning to favor GOP, (4) late 1970’s to present — mostly black elected officials, and important part of state Democrat base.
In any event, the Democrats in New Orleans have never really given a DAMN about the 150,000 or so very poor and mostly black residents of the extremely low lying areas, who had neither the money nor the means to escape the city in the event of a catastrophic hurricane. At best, they were a source of loyal, 95% plus, Democrat votes and the margin of victory in close statewide elections.
We probably lost two or three thousand people due to the slow flooding of New Orleans to plus four feet on Tuesday. Had Katrina been stronger and 20 miles west (i.e. a direct hit on New Orleans), at least 50,000 people would have been lost to sudden flooding of the city to plus 25 feet on Monday morning.
And NONE of the things that Bush/FEMA is now being criticized for would have prevented 50,000 deaths in a slightly different Katrina scenario. It is truly insane to build houses at 15 to 20 feet below sea level, in an area prone to storm surges of 25 or even 30 feet above sea level.
The Dutch do have a lot of area below sea level, that they protect with levees and pumps. But the storms that hit Holland can only provide very modest storm surges, and can be defended against with relatively modest levees.
But STOP blaming the FRENCH!
Geez natasha – I guess you sure told me… bucep I’m talking bout Murka not some shithole ferin country.
You and rujax – Try to make a reasoned case why anybody should be poor in Murka unless they have a complete lack of moral character. I’m waiting.
Richard @ 74
No wonder you never win office Richard.
The “countdown” of evil in the current Republican party is (1 being most hated):
6) Democrats (old line)
5) Islamists
4) Gays and Lesbians
3) Liberals
2) Progessive-Left
1) The French
You say STOP blaming the French? Richard that is blasphemy! You must ALWAYS find a way to at least blame BOTH the French and the Democrats.
Until then you won’t go anywhere in the Republican party.
Dumbass @ 75 “You and rujax – Try to make a reasoned case why anybody should be poor in Murka unless they have a complete lack of moral character. I’m waiting.”
Well, I doubt you ever studied economics, but there is thing thing called structural unemployment. What is it, you ask? It’s the permanent base level of unemployment in your so-called “free market” economy that is necessary to prevent currency inflation. This permanent level of unemployment – which is separate from the official unemployment figures, which only measure the number of people who have applied for benefits – is necessary to ensure that inflation doesn’t get out of control. For folks with assets, this is generally a good thing, and contributes to a more stable society overall. But don’t kid yourself for a moment that the level of inflation, structural employment, and a host of other economic measure aren’t the result of government actions and choices, because they are. Not surprisingly, in a society run by monied special interests, those decisions are made in a way that benefit the few with the power and influence to get their way.
In fact, the rich benefit most from progressive taxation and a social safety net – the pre-societal war of all against all you libertarian dumbasses long for would leave a good number of you dead in the streets with your goods plundered.
Economic outcomes are the result of government choices – it ain’t the law of fucking gravity. This whole people are poor because they lack moral character is complete bullshit – as someone who was raised upper middle class until my parents separated, I became poor through much of my childhood through no fault of my own. Lots of working class people become poor because a catastrophic illness strikes a family member and they are uninsured or underinsured. Moral failing? FUCK YOU!
BTW – I firmly believe everyone ought to stock up for a few days worth of self-sufficiency in the event of a natural disaster – doubly so now that George Bush has rendered FEMA incapable of accomplishing their core mission of disaster relief. So what happens when your personal stock gets flooded out? Or burned down when an earthquake breaks a gas main? Is that the fault of those damn lazy unprepared people, too?
MTR @ 67 ” In Murka, it’s easy to be successful unless you’re incredibly stupid or have a total lack of moral character.”
I am sorry for your obvious lack of success.
You know what MTR…I KNOW the answer to that question.
You just might LEARN something you supercillious self-satisfied fuck. You don’t have the balls to find out what’s REALLY going on in this country and this world. You are a narrow minded selfish coward.
For the clueless @ 52 – First, you’re an fucking idiot. But since I’m a nice guy, I’ll help you. This wasn’t a surprise; they saw it coming FOR A WEEK! ! ! How fucking hard is it to get a few things together when you have 7 FUCKING DAYS????
MTR – do you have any idea how ironic it is when you say things like that?
MTR @ 75
You are a dispicable pig. There are plenty of poor with character. And there are plenty of rich without it. Think the ENRON traders gleefully joking about poor grandmothers. I have relatives who fought in WWII and lived check to check to give their children better, and they died poor in possessions but with more moral riches than you could ever understand.
Richard, The levee and pumping system in NO was developed by Albert Baldwin Wood. Some of the pumps he built are still in service. However, I have never been able to find any indication of any political affiliation, did you have a source for the claim that the levee system was built by Democrats or are you playing JCH’s game of assuming anyone who ever did anything you don’t like must be a democrat?
redneck, regarding “All the resources and dollars will soon be back in the same hands where they started. This is another example of why socialism won’t work. Right now everyone there has lost everything. They are all on equal ground.” I think your living in a fantasy world. What is going to happen is that some major corporation like disney is going to come in and buy most of Burbon street. Face it, New Orleans is gone, what we will have once cleanup is done is another major theme park, sanitized for your convienence.
Thanks for the racist comment, JCH. You cheap fuck.
Hey asshole how many lives in NOLA did free market economics save last week? Fuck you, Mark.
Bill @ 82
Every single elected official representing New Orleans was a Democrat between about 1885 and 1975. (A small handful of Republicans have been elected in the last 30 years in certain portions of the city.) The Democrats have controlled New Orleans since 1875 — i.e. for the last 130 years. So it is appropriate to blame the Democrats for raping the environment, draining the city to well below sea level, building homes on this incredibly low land, and concentrating poor folks and black people into the lowest lying areas.
X, K, Wabbit and other moonbats – I’m still waiting. NONE of you have made the case why people can’t be successful in Murka today. You brought up irrelevant bullshit. Education is essentially free. Free market economy spawns almost unlimited opportunity for anyone willing to get off their ass.
Redneck, You were the one who keeps protesting DOT paying more than minimum wage for roadwork. Know what? Minimum wage is poverty level. You’ve implied that you are a business owner several times. Are you paying anyone minimum wage? Cause if you are, those are the people that would die in an emergency. And before you run off, as you tend to do, that you are just taking advantage of someone else’s misfortune, remember, if you are paying anyone minimum wage, then your business depends on people living at minimum wage, and on the ‘govmment’ paying your employees part of what they need to survive. If the govmment didn’t do that you wouldnt be able to find anyone to work for you. You would be digging ditches rather than have the money you have.
In other words, its not free market, your business costs are being subsidized.
Looked through the threads leading up to the hurricane.
Didn’t see much complaint about the plan and preparations on the front end of it. If you are going to be that smart, could you apply it to the front end of these things, and not in the armchair quarterbacking on the back end?
Richard, I am still looking, I can find no information at all about the political makeup of NO and LA leadership in 1910 (when that system was made.) The earliest modern cites start with the legendary Huey Long, and prior to that, I only see the references to the fact that after NO fell to the Union early in the civil war its congressmen were allowed back into congress because of strong republican sympathies.
If you have any documentation, I would appreciate a link.
Incidently in 1910, Taft was president. Do yourself a favor and read up on him. He is a fascinating man.
I have several friends who grew up in New Orleans. One went to Tulane….another to LSU. They will tell you the Democrats have controlled that state for years and like it just fine that all the blacks live between the Airport and French Quarter in poverty. It is an incredibly corrupt state.
That said…just because someone says they are a Democrat doesn’t make it so. Frankly, the corrupt good old boys down there don’t want ANY Federal intervention on anything. They want freedom to be corrupt. They hijecked the Democratic Party long before the LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’s USEFUL IDIOTS) took over. They just USE the Democratic Party as a power base. It’s ironic because the very people these corrupt Louisiana mobsters are holding down (Blacks) are helping elect their corrupt candidates.
Louisiana is a classic case where blind partisan politics causes you to shoot yourself!! I’m not sayig Black Leaders ought to become Republicans. I am saying the need to stand up and play a whole lot harder to get! They are being taking for granted in Louisiana and unwittingly voting in the good old boys who have been screwing them for 100 years!
Ok, I just want to say I hate this like hell and its painful. I agree with you cynical. The name of the party doesn’t matter, in LA its all the good old boy party.
Course, I have always gotten the impression that most people in NO were less concerned about federal, state, and city government and more concerned with electing the next marti gras king. So I guess the are mostly members of the party party.
Bill – Answer the fucking question. Don’t go off on stoopid tangents. Why can’t everybody in Murka take advantage of free education and the nearly unlimited opportunites free market capitalism provides. Just answer the fucking question.
I did. If you can’t see that its pointless to talk to you.
I am not a member of either major political party. I voted for 7 Democrats in the last election. It’s hard to extract in campaigns, but I look hard at candidates backgrounds, technical skills etc. and try like hell to discern character. BOTH Party’s are Good Old Boy’s. The R’s have co-opted the Religous Right….the Dems have co-opted Blacks & other minorities and the fringe LUNATIC LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’s USEFUL IDIOTS).
I still say Ross Perot INTENTIONALLY tanked the 1992 election. He was winning, got scared and started “crazy-talkin'”!!!
That election showed there is hope.
The other problem we have is “entrenched bureaucrats” on ALL levels. I supported Rossi to a LARGE EXTENT because 20 years of the same Party, either Party, is not good. All Gregoire did was “musical chair” Locke’s boys & girls masquerading as leaders. We desperately needed a “house-cleaning”.
That’s me however. What the fuck do I know!
The partys should be outlawed. They are not part of the constitution and they are no longer helping the country. They are now made up of a bunch of traitors doing their best to destroy this country.
BTW, shout at me some more and I go back to following every one of your posts with nothing but hate again. If you are too stupid to figure out how to use html tags go find a fucking tutorial but loose the caps, asshole.
MTR- You’re STILL a narrow minded selfish coward.
I LOVE TO CAPITALIZE “LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS). I have done it consistantly since I started but you have yet to figure out precisely why I do it. So until you do bill, all I can think of to comfort you with are 2 words:
Oh I know why, you’re a retarded old man in a nursing home and everytime you think about liberals you piss yourself and so you start yelling, you piece of crap. You got your first computer, windows XP of course, last year, and so far all you’ve figured out is how to click the ‘internet’ button and have no clue what you are doing, you fuckhead. You are the type of person who goes to someones house and shits in the sink, cause thats how you do it at home. You are the type of fuckhead jackass who constantly steps on peoples feet and seem surprised whenever anyone tells you you are acting rude. You suck.
Mark the Asshole-
How about folks with seroius illnesses? What about the victims of accidents? And you know what, all are not created equal and some are not as smart or strong as others.
You are a cruel heartless bastard, and as some say, you’re dead to me. I’ll not read another word you post.
Wrong answer bill-do.
Thank, bill-do, THINK!!!!
It’s so easy….I can’t believe any of you LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS) cannot figure out why I use the CAP KEY.
Here’s a hint bill:
What’s the point?
Now figure it out bill you dork!!
Oh its easy, you’re a fucking asshole who gets off on annoying people. Well that or you simply are incapable of understanding tags. fuck you.
wrong again bill-do!
You really aren’t trying very hard so I’ll give you one more hint why a use the CAP KEYS:
Roses are red
Carnations are pink
I use the CAP KEYS cuz
Fill in the blank bill-do.
If you can’t figure it out now….
Well…. you give LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS) a bad name!!!
C’mon bill….it’s easy.
Shepard Smith and Geraldo Rivera were livid about the situation in NOLA as they appeared on H&C. When Hannity tried his usual spin job and said “let’s get this in perspective,” Smith chopped him off at the knees and started yelling at him saying, “This is perspective!” It was shocking.
It sounds like “the whole damn clip” isn’t on the link (I can get neither one to play) given the outrage here. I was watching that show. Shepard did not “cut Hannity off at the knees” if you saw the whole thing. Yes, he was very upset with Hannity AT FIRST, but after Hannity verbalized the perspective he wanted to get across, Shepard understood and calmed down. Hannity’s perspective underlined the horror of the situation. I don’t remember exactly what he said, but it was nothing callous, cold, unfeeling, or minimizing. Quite the opposite. Anybody else have trouble getting the clip to play? If you can play it, how does it end? With Shepard being outraged? Then you didn’t see the whole thing. Telling a “partial” truth in this case is the same as telling an outright lie.
Well, I tried.
This “filter” filters out truth. I should have guessed.
Anybody have trouble getting that clip to play?
Given Goldy’s outrage, the entire clip was not played. It probably ended before Hannity explained what he meant about “perspective”. If it ended with Shepard being upset with Hannity, that figures. “Partial” truth in this case would be the same as a lie.
. . . because you stink
see thats what Ive been saying all along.
MTR. I answered your question in an entirely factual way. Evidently, facts don’t matter to you faith based types.
I hope you suffer a catastrophic illness and eat your words along with your new all-Purina diet in that Hobbesian state of nature you so long for. Go die.
Ok. I finally saw the clip and it WAS shown in it’s entirety. So Goldy, why are you upset with Fox over this? They showed what was really going on! Hannity was just asking the same question, which was WHY were none of the supplies getting through to the people? That was his perspective. Trucks full of supplies not getting to people that needed them.
There is a long well-established, well-documented reason for capitalizing words and phrases….
bill is too stoopid to figure it out!!