Richard (Moose) and operatic Sandy, whose video “Hockey Mama for Obama” I wrote about for HA in “A Penny a Click,” are back on YouTube with “I Feel Quitty,” a musical tribute to Sarah Palin’s resignation. “We’re pretty positive she’s running in 2012,” they said in an email to me. I still say their act could make money, but they messaged they’re not interested; the laughter and good vibes they gave canvassers and voters were payment enough. With Tina Fey nominated for an Emmy for her Saturday Night Live spoofs, there’s obviously fertile ground for lampooning Failin’ Palin for the next, what, 3-plus years, god help us all.
Hey Paul, long time no see! Welcome back!
Obama is singin’ the blues lads:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
98% of the people who believe the Ramsussen Poll are known to be in heavy therapy.
House “Health Bill”. Page 16 contains a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal.
“”Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day”
Wow! Looks like Puddy was RIGHT again and the HA Libtardos are wrong again!
Wait there is more.
When you read it further you’ll see if currently have private individual coverage won’t be able to change it. Puddy thought this was America? And those who leave a company to work for themselves are inhibited from buying individual plans from private carriers. The land of free choice is not “the messiah’s” choice only.
Yep, there you go Libtardos.
When Puddy put forth the Lewin Group original review last April that 120 million or more Americans could lose their group coverage at work did the HA Libtardos react? Yep, they called Puddy all sorts of names. NutsTooTight wondered what Puddy had against uninsured people. GBS threw up 46-47 million uninsured. Puddy showed that number contains about 12 to 20 million illegal aliens. Y’all jumped down Puddy’s throat. Well Puddy upchucks y’all now as Puddy was right again!
“If the public plan is opened to all employers as proposed by Senators Clinton and Edwards, at Medicare payment levels we estimate that about 131.2 million people would enroll in the public plan. The number of people with private health insurance would decline by 119.1 million people. This would be a two-thirds reduction in the number of people with private coverage (currently 170 million people). Here again, if the higher private payer levels are used, enrollment in private insurance would decline by only 12.5 million people.”
See ya Libtardo robots. Looks like another expensive hen is cummin to roost!
Seattle Dan–
Ummmm, Rasmussen is the #1 Poll in terms of accuracy per an independent study by a prof @ Fordham–
I guess accuracy spoils your wetdream, huh Danno?
@ 7,
So this is Rasmussen’s final pre-election poll? If it’s not, your reference is irrelevant.
Please detail why a likely voter model is appropriate at this stage. Also please explain in detail the appropriateness of Rasmussen’s weighting system. Finally, please explain the differences between Rasmussen’s data collection methods and those of the other major polling firms and how these differences might affect the results.
Thanks so much. I look forward to your thoughtful reply.
Wow, #4 is as dumb as Michelle Bachmann.
Another tj–
1) Explain to me why “likely voters” is inappropriate??
Rasmussen uses a 3-day rolling average and always discloses it’s make-up of Dems, R’s and non-partisan’s.
Election results are a good measure of methodology. How else can you hold polling methodology accountable??
Only thru elections.
Otherwise, you get this partisan-biased data like CBS & others.
You didn’t even come close to answering TJ’s question.
Joel Connelly rips Goldy a new one in his column today! hahahahaha!
Oh, Puddy…
Selective edit much?
Immediately preceeding your “proof” is this…
“Grandfathered Health Insurance Coverage Defined- Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable coverage under this division, the term `grandfathered health insurance coverage’ means individual health insurance coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met:”
In Layman’s terms, if you currently have insurance (or are a company currently offering insurance) you are Grandfathered.
I don’t really have the time today to read the whole house bill (and I bet you haven’t, you’ve just pulled a few lines of Bullshit from the web about the specific paragraph you quoted while ignoring everything else.) I’d be surprised if the concept or even specific term Gradfathered doesn’t pop up quite a bit.
Right as in full of right wing bullshit.
That Lewin Group is controlled by an insurance company. Our family had that company’s insurance for a while.
Ahhhh clueless wonder always running to the right wing bullshit argument. You used that same commentary when Puddy discussed the Dummocraptic Pension Fund investigation in early June 2009 about Steve Rattner and the Quadrangle Group. When Puddy gave more names of other high ranking Dummocraptic fund raisers and friends of Chucky Schumer and others it was in the Washington Times. Yes, Puddy gave the link. Now that it’s coming to head and the libtardo MSM has to cover the “Quad-Bungle Fund Fiasco”, how was that “right-wing bullshit”?
Everyone knows you are full of monomaniacal left-wing BULLSHITTIUM so keep up the same shitty monomaniacal mantra you provide to HA libtardos every day. When you have no argument that’s your standard line. When it comes true in libtardo MSM stories you run away little boy. Oh yeah you are a chronological idiot!
So what if The Lewin Group is part of Ingenix, which is a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group? If their numbers hold up what are you gonna say later? Oops…?
Ahhh yes Another Total Jerk runs to a left-wing kook-aid site. Thanks for the funnies fool. Puddy didn’t read anything from Michelle Bachmann. Puddy saw page 16 and started reading.
Yes it’s all crap just like if you are an employer and your payroll is greater than $400K per year they must provide health insurance or pay an 8% penalty. So what will that employer do? Probably layoff someone to pay for the insurance costs. Employers with payrolls between $250,000 and $400,000 a year would pay a smaller penalty. Of course that’s bullshit from Think Progress also right Another Total Jerk?
What is also distressing is families with annual income between $500,000 a year and $1 million would be paying an additional 1.5% surtax, and those earning between $350,000 and $500,000 would face a 1% surtax. If the government doesn’t achieve certain health-cost savings those rates could eventually increase to 3% and 2%. So why try to achieve anything if “the messiah” and his acolytes will take more from you every way you turn. Of course that’s bullshit from Think Progress also right Another Total Jerk?
GBS, Puddy will soon need some of this “tax shelters” you use.
And lastly to checksaid,
Aren’t you the same fool who thought Puddy was discussing one congressman Mike Rogers when all the web sites Puddy posted talked about another congressman Mike Rogers? And after three posts with different web sites you still argued it and then D I S A P P E R E D?
Yes you were.
I made a mistake once, pulled the wrong Mike Rogers bio. Substnative argument still holds (I.E. Puddy doesn’t know shit about what goes on in Afghanistan.)
Therefore, Puddy gets wrong forever without challenge?
Nice logic, what are you 11?
Can’t handle being wrong so you have to go back several weeks?
This isn’t chess, this is baseball. I gave up an earned run. Then I jacked one 500 feet to center making the lifetime score something like 15-1. You got some catching up to do Pud!
Golly Puddy loves it when Barbara Boxer is left looking like the fool she is.
Being wrong about the health care bill checksaid? Puddy already covered the grandfathering in #4. Did you miss that?
Regarding the Mike Rogers… yes Puddy gonna use that for a long time.
Thanks for the fat pitch, Pud.
You covered grandfathering in #4? Where?
No, actually you quoted a section AFTER the definition of Grandfather in the bill and implied that that section applies to ALL. (“making individual private medial insurance illegal”)
So @20, that wasn’t a mistake Puddy, that was a LIE. (“I dealt with Grandfathering. For the 11 year old intelect, Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!)
16-1. Taking my kids camping near Leavenworth so I guess I’ll “disappear” now. Enjoy the weekend folks.
Regarding the substantive argument of what goes on in Afghanistan, hmmm… DOJ spokesman Dean Boyd specifically said they have read Miranda to some detainees. Didn’t happen before 1/21/09. So much for what you claim to know checksaid!
What a tool!
What does the “the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage” mean checksaid?
EPIC FAIL again!
Moron @ 15
So you’re all for keeping the existing system. The system that doesn’t insure everybody and insures everybody else poorly like United Health did for our family.
So now you’ll come back with some stuff about the “gubmint”.
We are the government fool. It’s only as good as the people we elect to run it.
And you are all for sending a bunch of corrupt, ugly losers.
You’ll swallow any corporate bullshit from an interested party.
You’re a tool.
So who are the Republican voters these days?
I reported a while back that one of my co-workers, a Chinese national who received her citizinship two years ago, is being invited to monthly meetings put on by one of her neighbors to help “educate” her and other immigrants about the political issues in the U.S.
She asked me if it was really true that Obama and the Democratic Congress are raising tax rates to 76% for families making over $75,000 a year, and giving it all to people on welfare.
clueless wonder where did Puddy ever say he’s for the status quo?
Do you ever read and comprehend? Or are you stupid along with being a chronological idiot?
Just axking rhetorically because the evidence is already in.
And you drink the kook-aid as presented without questions or reading the ingredients.
BTW where is your WA Times is right-wing bull now that the story Puddy placed on HA is true fool? WA Times was ahead of the time and the libtardo MSM is reluctantly catching up!
What a tool! More EPIC FAIL from the foolish clueless wonder!
So SEIU used United Health? Maybe they were trying to save on premium costs so they could spend $85 MILLION on presidential elections and lay off 74 people later! What a screwed up union, which you kiss it’s ASS!
Mostly I ignore ButtPutty posts so I have no idea what ButtPutty writes about.
Whoa! Was looking for hot pix of Erica C. (the Big C stands for Tempest in a C-Cup) and found this at Slog:
The Obama Depression must be even worse than we thought if Savage’s avatars of the masses can’t afford to buy life’s necessities.
But at least it wasn’t Two-Buck Chuck at TJ’s.
Les Miserables: Debate’s over. The trials of fallen woman Erica C. Barnett prove that Reagan was wrong and that capitalism sucks. We know that Reagan capitalism is the problem, but what’s the solution?
[A] Send Erica C. Barnett a Stimulus bailout, pronto!
[B] Send your dollars and dimes to the ECB Legal Defense Fund, c/o Me.
[C] Send ECB to Gitmo.
[D] Cast ECB as the lead in a Ron Moody remake. Erica can be the work’ouse waif who goes up to the QFC wine counter and says ‘Please, sir, I need some more!’
[E] Discover penumbras and emanations in the Bill of Rights to a Constitutional right to designer wine.
[F] Make designer wine one of the four basic food groups and include a wine voucher requirement in Obama’s health care reform.
Phone in your poll preferences to 1-800-PHUK-ROG.
A big wet freedom-fry kiss to Troll for best post of the day. Not only did Troll smackdown Goldstein for sexual harassment, but he linked to this:
That’s Connelly comparing Goldstein to Fox and Rove. How low can sleazy wanker bigot Goldy go?
So low that he’s trying to smear Hutchison as the new Hutcherson.
Lee @ 11,
Is there anyone here who expected him to answer the questions? I certainly didn’t.
Of course, demonstrating his ignorance was the point of asking in the first place, and he came through admirably.
27 – There you go again with your anti-union crap. You don’t know shit fool.
No SEIU had nothing to do with that United Health crap insurance. and I’m sure your lips are firmly glued to any insurance company’s CEO’s ASS!
Whatever will Ekim do when he doesn’t have santorum to lick around any more?
damn she is an ugly attention whore.
Wrongo again stupid clueless wonder. Man you get so many wrong all the time.