Here’s a question… if Republican Scott Brown defeats Democrat Martha Coakley tomorrow in the special election to replace recently deceased Democratic icon Sen. Ted Kennedy, will some name-brand Republican in Washington state grow balls big enough to challenge Sen. Patty Murray here in Washington?
By this time two years ago, Mike! McGavick had already held like his twentieth campaign kickoff event. So it’s kinda amazing that, ten months before a mid-term election, Murray still has no serious challenger.
“grow balls big enough”….goldstein you never cease to show your class
Amazing how fast things can change in a democratic system like ours, that is at least somewhat free and competitive. Just look at Ukraine — a country with more parties and political volatility than ours, to be sure. Five years ago, Viktor Yushchenko was elected President with 52% of the vote — the so-called “Orange Revolution” hailed as a triumph for “democracy”. Yesterday, Ukraine voters threw Yuschenko out on his ass — with a pathetic fifth place finish and only 5.41% of voters supporting his re-election.
Now, the United States does not have the political diversity (only two parties with any realistic chance of victory) or volatility (most seats are generally “safe” for one party or another, with very little “swing” in the vote one way or the other most times) of Ukraine and many other countries.
In 2006, Ted Kennedy was re-elected Senator from Massachusetts with 69.30% of the vote, over Republican Kenneth Chase, who only got 30.55%. By contrast, Patty Murray was re-elected with only 54.98% of the vote in 2004 over Republican George Nethercutt (42.75%) and two other challengers.
This year, Kennedy’s former seat in the U.S. Senate is viewed as being a toss-up in tomorrow’s election, despite being won by nearly 39 points by the Democrats in the last election. Murray “only” won by 12 points in the last election. She certainly isn’t going to get unceremoniously thrown out on her ass like happened to Yuschenko yesterday, but it would take a far smaller swing for her to lose re-election.
People took a chance and elected the dems last time on the HOPE that they will change things for them, not the banksters and the corps. If the dems don’t start acting like republicans and ramming through progressive legislation, they will be kicked out next cycle. If you had a choice between a democrat in name only or a real republican, vote for the real republican.
Senator Patty Murray
Democrat of Washington
Progressive Rating: 50/100
Conservative Rating: 25/100
Anyone know of any strong progressives to challenge her?
Yup. Why elect someone from a party that fails to deliver?
And if the repubs are smart and put up a moderate republican (Not likely with the tea baggers) I’ll vote for them. I’m done being a assumed vote, just because the other side is worse. I want change, even if that means voting republican for a cycle. (Not palin however. There are limits)
Another Hmm…
And yet Obama’s soft on terrorists?
@4 There is a weird logic to that. Dems need to grow a spine or get kicked out for someone who does have one.
Let’s see. Under bush’s watch, terrorists kill thousands. Under Obama’s watch, terrorists kill nobody. Yet Obama is the one being criticized?
Domestic Terrorism is a police responsibility, not a military one.
The right wing idiot who calls himself “lebowski” is big Dori Monson fan..
I bet he’s a fan of this guy as well:
I’ve been saying this for years: the greatest profiteers from cheap undocumented labor are right wingers.
Now here’s a right winger who rails against the undocumented while profiting from them.
Such hypocrisy. Sure sucks to be right wing.
poor jobless YLB…flailing and frothing about like a little child.
no wonder you are out of work.
My ancestors came from Europe is the same guy as YLB? Why the name change?
Puddy bud – we need you!
My county Pierce County Council member is an old fashioned, moderate Republican and he gets my vote.
Because he keeps forgetting me.
Gah, clicked submit too soon and the edit feature isn’t working. Pleas omit the first county in my last post.
So it’s kinda amazing that, ten months before a mid-term election, Murray still has no serious challenger.
Yea, well, Goldy, just two weeks ago it appeared that Coakley had no serious challengers. So much for predictions by the punditry.
So basically. Act like a Democrat or get out?
re 12: Someone called him a negro and he’s filing a hate crime suit.
John @16,
At least Brown was a state legislator. Surely you’re not suggesting that any of the Republicans currently declared have what it takes to be taken seriously?
Poor right wingers.
Click on the link “my ancestors came from europe” and you’ll find out why.
An example of a right winger lying. That’s why I’m here you fools.
To expose you all as charlatans and true believers in empty myths.
Damn IE!
I mean to amplify:
DELUDED true believers in empty, hollow myths.
There’s the proper emphasis..
@ Blue John and Michael,
Nice try Republicans!
So, if I don’t like the policies of moderate Democrats (because I wish they were more progressive), I should vote for conservative Republicans instead!
Yeah, that’s logical! I definitely want to return to the policies of the Bush Administration.
No thanks.
I’ll take moderate Democrats over Republicans any day!
@21 empty, hollow myths
That’s me, just behind the eye!
Hey right wingers,
Someone’s calling for Puddybud to the rescue..
Didya know Puddybud sends his kids to a socialist school in Seattle? The UW – yes that’s right kiddies!! (not by any stretch right wing of course).
And didya know Puddybud’s medical plan is Group Health? You know that “socialist” medical plan headquarted in (gasp!) Seattle!! I thought you all called that Group Death.. Why doesn’t Puddybud sign up with a proper wingnut health plan like United Healthcare – you know, the owners of that heh.. Lewin Group..
I thought you fiends all practiced knee-jerk hatred of Seattle??? What gives with Puddybud?
Hey right wingers,
Let me suggest a winning formula for November.
Call the unemployed names!!!
@1 And you never fail to show your lack of it.
@3 “If the dems don’t start acting like republicans and ramming through progressive legislation, they will be kicked out next cycle. If you had a choice between a democrat in name only or a real republican, vote for the real republican.”
I won’t vote for Republicans in any circumstances, but as I stated in the thread above this one, I’ll quit exerting myself for Democrats if they keep rolling over and playing dead. As I said in the thread above this one, when the soldiers in the trenches (which is what we grassroots activists are) give their all to leaders who throw it all away in the face of the slightest opposition, who can ask any more of the soldiers, and why should they give more? There is nothing on this earth worse than defeatist and self-defeating leaders, and that’s what many of the Democratic electeds are. They’ve disappointed us again and again and again, and I’ve had a bellyful.
@8 Yeah, the righties are great at propaganda and terrible at governing, but a clever propagandist will win every time because the human species is stupid.
@17 I don’t want Democrats to act like Democrats. I want them to act like Republicans and start breaking heads.
@1 And you never fail to show your lack of it.
i’m not the one running a blog or appearing on tv or radio.
“I’ll take moderate Democrats over Republicans any day!”
I see your point. I do. I really do.
But the dems, they keep promising us they will be progressive, if we just elect or re elect them on more time. This time for sure! Like Lucy holding the foot ball for Charlie Brown. Once in office, they quickly revert into being republican lites and pull the foot ball away again. They know that it doesn’t matter how much they promise and then break, the liberals and progressives won’t risk not voting or vote for another candidate. I’ve reached the point where integrity matter and voting matters and I require them do what they promise. If they don’t, then I’m voting for some one else.
So, at the primaries, I’ve voting for the more progressive candidate in all races.
At the general election, if the incumbent is not sufficiently progressive, I’m going to vote republican.
That said, the tea-bagger movement is the democrats saving grace right now. If the republicans nominate some extreme wacko, I’m not voting for them. But if they can figure out how to nominate a moderate republican. Then the incumbent spineless democrat does not get my vote.
Patty Ain’t the Target
Coakley, Gregoire, Cantwell, Darcy …all of these are of a piece ….
Female, Dem, smart, NOT politicians.
WA state dems .. and dems everywhere, need to learn the Tip O’Neil mantra …
Look around us in Seattle…
McGinn is the closest thing I have seen to a Dem politician in years! He effectively tea bagged Nichols.
When did you last hear any of our dem leafers take a stand on anything important or even lead their own version of a town hall?
Where are the up and comers to replace Cantwell and Gregoire?
Can they be males or do we have some quota to fill?
Progressives have to recruit smart people for office. People who believe in the cause and will refuse with all their being to sell it out.
Do we really want that much?
A top priority for education, the same access to health care that people in other industrialized countries have, fixing of crumbling infrastructure for jobs and growth, clean energy and a clean environment for out kids.
Hell I’m pro nuclear power on that last score!
But what this means is that the protected right wing economy of fossil fuels, subsidized agribusiness and military industrial complex will have to be pared back.
And oh man are those pigs at the trough fighting tooth and nail for those privileges..
Blue John,
You do realize both Sen. Murray and Sen. Cantwell are two of the most liberal/progressive members of the Senate?
Those scorecards tend to depend quite a bit on which particular votes the organization issuing them decides are the important ones. The WA delegation tends to take a bit of a hit on many of those due to their votes on trade bills. Given Washington’s heavily trade dependent economy our delegation can’t really take a Kucinich-like stance on trade.
I’m not sure what you expect from Sen. Murray and Sen. Cantwell. From where I sit they are both doing a fine job of representing both me and the state as a whole. I don’t always agree with either of them but I think it is unlikely we could do much better. Not to mention the long period of time that would be needed to rebuild seniority. If you vote for republicans out of some petulant tantrum because they don’t agree with you 100% on whatever your pet issue is remember Washington might be stuck with another Slade Gorton or worse someone like Val Stevens representing the state for a very long time.
It’s interesting that the 6 Republicans who are vying to run against Patty all seem to be seeking the teabagger vote. Apparently, that’s what they see as the heart of the Republican Party. One of them even wants to eliminate the federal income tax within 20 years. These folks are crazy, certifiably crazy.
You do realize both Sen. Murray and Sen. Cantwell are two of the most liberal/progressive members of the Senate?
That’s kind of sad, when you think about it. Is that the best we can do?
I see parallels.
This is like the bible conservatives who keep electing republicans who promise right and left to ban abortion, and every year they don’t do it. It must be frustrating to be lied to also.
So very true. From everything I’ve seen Sen. Murray understands this. She’ll be out all over the state reminding people between now and November just exactly what she’s done for them and their communities over the past 18 years. It doesn’t hurt either that she is a warm likable person who seems to really enjoy going out and pressing the flesh with voters.
On the other hand Coakley reminds me of a less charismatic version of Gregiore while Brown reminds me of Rossi without the slimy used car salesman edge.
Washington might be stuck with another Slade Gorton or worse someone like Val Stevens representing the state for a very long time.
So it doesn’t matter how timid the dem is or how spineless and do nothing they are, what matters is that they are not the boogie man republicans?
What kind of system is that? Is that the best we can do? Really? Isn’t that we elected Obama and bunch of extra dems? So they would DO something progressive?
I really would not characterize either Murray or Cantwell as spineless. They are both tough and progressive. If the Senate’s Democratic Caucus were made up of 60 senators like them, we would see some true progress being made. I am pleased as hell with our senators.
@40 pl
Is that a quote from GW Bush?
i’m falling down laughing…patty murray as a likeable and warm person… way, she seems unpleasant to me.
42 – How’d that drunkard Mike! do wrongon??
Our state’s senators.
patty murray should be tarred and feathered for helping load national debt by new trillions. she’s helping turn us into argentina, where the 1% rich, and also government class, lives well and the rest of suffer. its shocking this country has stooped so low.
Writing some code… creating some documentaion… sorry dude I had work to do.
@46 sorry dude I had work to do
If only YLB could have this excuse. . . Thank god for Puddy and other hardworking Americans who help support YLB.
Sometimes I think the Dems made a mistake NOT ceding the White House to McSame and the Republicans.
It would have been Herbert Hoover time and that would have put the Republicans out of business for good.
Of course that would have meant untold suffering. Something that the majority of this country could not have endured.
Nice right wing knee jerkin’ there Wrongon! Your ignorance is a credit to your degenerate tribe.
47 – Gee I wonder what’s the “excuse” of the john, sue, karen, daves, jonathan, xota, blah, blah, blah, (i.e. one person) crowd.
Duh! What else? Right wing idiocy…
I mean really now – does anybody, even those on the left, take YLB’s posts seriously?
This guy can barely tie his own shoes…
YLB, did you spend ALL day today looking for work like you promised you would?
50, 51 – Ahhh. Nice to have such an adoring fan club..
Thanks for acknowledging I’m having an effect – on your pin cushion egos.
Now back to the annals of right wing bullshit..
I will vote Patty “dumb as a box of rocks” Murray for dog catcher. After all, she continually earns the award of being in the top ten of America’s dumbest Senators, year after year. What an honorable achievement!
A stealth candidate is the only way the Republicans can get elected to the Senate.
The Republicans have to convince moderate voters that their candidate is not a ultra right lunatic and the same time convince the conservatives that he or she is.
@30 Right, you’re just a chimpanzee taking a leak in someone else’s parlor.
@33 The problem is progressive voters and activists can’t possibly compete with the corporate money that funds the tweedle-dee/tweedle dum candidates of both parties. When you get right down to it, there’s only one political party in this country, the Corporate Lackey Party. The American people don’t count for shit. The corporate bosses and their hired hands in D.C. see us as nothing more than sheep to be shorn.
This is going to backfire on them, though, when — after they’ve bled us white — we stop buying. After all, without customers, they have nothing.
@39 Did you ever think Obama was a progressive? His campaign shouldn’t have led you to believe that. He campaigned on a platform of reconciliation and cooperation with Republicans, and his campaign was heavily financed by Wall Street. How could anyone have thought he was a progressive?
@40 Reid is a different story. Polling indicates he’s going to lose in November. If he does, good riddance.
@42 YOu seem unpleasant to me.
@45 “patty murray should be tarred and feathered for helping load national debt by new trillions”
And every traitor who brought about the economic collapse by voting Republican should be hanged.
It never ceases to amaze me that conservatives — who have all the mansions, yachts, private jet, most of the stock; who eat in the best restaurants, drink the most expensive wines, and vacation at the fanciest resorts — continually bitch and moan about how badly they’re being screwed by the working class.
@47 “Thank god for Puddy and other hardworking Americans who help support YLB.”
@60…hang half the country?
I think we might change your name from Goebbels Rabbit to Himmler Rabbit – it seems more fitting
Patty Murray was in the senate before bush, is still in the senate. All she stands for is more government control, spending, waste. Oh yeah, and more debt.
hows that stimulus working for you? at least in the great depression they built things that endured… dems piss away inflated spending on non-capital items (largely bonuses for their political bretheren)
And patty (my old whipping girl) stands only for special interests. were it not for naral and emily’s list, she’d be working the checkout line.
Didya know Puddybud sends his kids to a socialist school in Seattle? The UW – yes that’s right kiddies!! (not by any stretch right wing of course).
Did you know ylb arschloch is jealous JEALOUS of my son’s superior mental skillz. He hopes his devil spawn makes it into college let alone a good university.
And didya know Puddybud’s medical plan is Group Health? You know that “socialist” medical plan headquarted in (gasp!) Seattle!! I thought you all called that Group Death.. Why doesn’t Puddybud sign up with a proper wingnut health plan like United Healthcare – you know, the owners of that heh.. Lewin Group..
Did you know ylb arschloch is also jealous here too?
I thought you fiends all practiced knee-jerk hatred of Seattle??? What gives with Puddybud?
What gives is you are an arschloch!
Richard Pope@2
Interesting how Canada uses the same Winner Take All first past the post system we use(although they use the parlimaentary form, not our Republic form, but same single member district concept), but there are 3 National parties(Conservative, Liberal, and New Democratic party) and 1 Quebec-Centric seperatist party in Quebec that has seats in Ottawa. Unfortunately the last one, the BQ(I am not going to try to spell the French name of the party), is the reason Canada has had such political instability the past few years after the right re-united. The Bloc has most of the seats from Quebec(although they lost the one they really wanted to keep, Pierre Trudeau’s old seat in Montreal), and Quebec is one of the two provinces needed to have a majority, and avoid the fear of a confidence vote, which seems to be happening almost as often up there as the fillibuster is down here. Seems Alberta is more stable than Ottawa(the only threat to the ruling Progressive Conservatives in Alberta is a challenge from the right, and one is brewing right now).
Germany seems to have a stable government, even though Chancellor Merkel has an intersting irony. Her Christian Democrats edged out their Social Democrat coalition partners in last September’s election, to the point they got the coalition she wanted 4 years ago, with the Liberal but pro-business Free Democratic Party. Still, it turned out both Adenaur and Brandt’s old parties have lost steam lately, the Greens, Free Democrats, and the Left(formerly the East German Communists) have gained ground lately. The latter mainly because they were the only party that listened to the will of the German people on troops in Afghanistan. The other parties were for keeping them there. The Free Democrats are going to find being part of the coalition is not going to be as good as it seems, as the tax cuts the FDP wants may not happen, or not be as big as they want.
The German system is a hybrid, Mixed-Member Proportional Representation, with half the seats using our method, the other half a party-slate. People vote for a district candidate and a party. It works so well, New Zealand tried it, but the current Center-Right National Party Government says they plan to put it before the voters again, although a new generation of voters that only know the current system may not be willing to go back to the old system. Also, the current system in NZ has District seats set aside for the Maoris, and a promise to drop those were the first promises the National PM dropped to get the Maori Party into their coalition.
Another electoral system I have been watching is Australia. The Australian Senate is almost as dysfunctional as ours. Labour has the House of representatives, the Center-Right Liberal Party and their National Party allies got a good chunk of the majority in the Senate, but they do not hold the balance of power. It is a handful of Green Party, another smaller party called Family First, and an Independent, that hold the balance of power. Instant Runoff Voting is used in the Australian House, but in the Senate, they use Single-Transferable Vote Proportional Representation. Should have seen the fight over a version of Cap and Trade that happened there. The Senate voted it down, twice. The Greens thought the legislation did not go far enough, the Liberals and Nationals thought it went too far.,_2009
re 63: How ’bout Poison Chinese Imports Rabbit? No. That would describe you.
65 – I laugh at you Stupes. All your bullshit here and you send your kids to socialist schools and see socialist doctors on salary?
Why not let the market decide moron?
In Seattle??? Your peeps HATE Seattle fiend..
Jealousy? LMAO!!! I’m lettin’ your peeps know how full of shit you are.. That’s all..
Preachin’ Slimebaugh here and consuming left-leaning product there..
It makes me laugh..
How many right wingers agree with Puddybud that UW is a “good university”???
How could it be? It’s in Seattle.. and as we all know, right wingers hate Seattle. Max the idiot thinks everyone here is “limp-wristed”..
Imagine that Puddybud – your kids will graduate “limp-wristed” according to your right wing buddy Max..
How could a right winger send his kids to such a place??
And Stupes don’t forget.. Preachin’ the gospel of Slimebaugh here and consuming lefty product somewhere else is…
heh. too funny..
You are a useless piece of human biomass ylb arschloch. Since most of the top tier universities have a socialist bent (look it up fool) Puddy sends them to get a great education. And it costs less going to WA than having them follow in my footsteps going back east.
Let’s see what your “children” get for college acceptances fool!. You are such a useless feckless fool you can’t fathom black kids who think independently in life getting a great education. My children think for themselves and can spot the socialist commentary from miles out. This is what bothers you arschloch; Puddy’s kids becoming independent second generation off the reservation thinkers, not beholden to the Dummocraptic tit. You know you’ll be sucking that tit until you die. That’s why you are an arschloch.
Keep hoping your “son” and “daughter” will grow a brain and can get into UW. Having you as a father figure precludes half their genome from adult development, so they have to depend on what the ovum “brought to the table”. Will they claim the Mexican excuse and get in with low test scores under some “affirmative action” program?
Laugh all you want arschloch. My sons will graduate soon enough. My sons will be independent and in the working world while yours will be living at home following in your jobless “state-of-mind”.
See ya moron. Stay an unemployed arschloch! You do that so well here.
71 – That’s too funny Stupes. I’m going to savor that one for a while..
Such a projector – schizophrenic, practices it in his personal life.
Stupid, stupid to the core..
Never in his wildest imagination ever conceived that his ugly right wing bullshit and name-calling and that of the braindead Slimebaugh-loving peeps he calls out to would ever catch up to him..
It’s too funny that the free market fails Stupes when seeking education for his kids and health care for his fambly.
According to Stupes, socialist UW of Seattle is cheaper than free market.
According to Stupes, socialist Group Health of Seattle is cheaper than free market..
Ergo, socialism works pretty damn good for Stupes.
Doncha just love the stench of right wing hypocrisy in the morning?
Once again the arschloch talks from his arschloch.
Nice try at putting words into Puddy’s fingers which Puddy never types.
Such a useless feckless rerun! Your string of never bringing anything to the HA commentary is still PERFECT!
Lets see where your “devil spawn” attend skuul fool!
You need to watch Kos TV. That’s an order fool!
Uh oh – an earthquake just hit near the Cayman Islands….how long before Danny Glover comes out and tells us that we must do something to prevent all these globall warming earthquakes from destroying TEH PLANUT!
74 – You just said UW costs less!!! Most bang for the buck..
And it’s a fact moron… You’ve bragged about the deal you’re getting from Group Health! Why aren’t you on a wingnut plan?
It costs more to fuel right wing greed – that’s why..
Awwww.. How endearing you’re playing right wing drill sargeant again.. Fool, you must be so whipped at home that’s why you come here..
How can a right wing kid get a “great” education at a place with a “socialist” bent?
And your kids according to you are smart enough to filter out the socialism at UW but not smart enough to pay no mind to Pat Robertson’s brainwashing at one of his places?
Monica Goodling went there. Wasn’t she smart? She sure knew how to follow right wing orders that’s for sure.. Doncha want your kids to jackboot to that right wing bullpoop?
Keep screaming into the wind arschloch. Let Puddy know when your “devil spawn” apply for college. BTW how will you afford to send them there?
BTW who said anything about Pat Robertson? Subliminally, you must like him as you keep bringing him up. Another of your useless feckless strawmen. You are the lowest ladder, most stupid moron on HA ylb arschloch.
You need to watch Kos TV. That’s an order fool!
@78 BTW how will you afford to send them there?
I will send my children to college by working long hours to put food on the table and money in the bank ALL BY MYSELF. Thanks for caring, Puddy.
@33 “Hell I’m pro nuclear power on that last score!”
I’m with ya on that one, seenyore. Y’all can say what you want about the French, but they sure seem to have got that one right.
78 – Heh. Pat believes in those devils and demons you keep spewin’ about..
Oh and when Pat ran for Prez didn’t he say the magic words?
“low, low taxes”?
Doncha want your “spawn” to learn about that? They’re smart enough to filter out the bad stuff you disagree with fool. You said so yourself.
This hypocrisy is too funny.
When and how my kids go to college is none of your GD business fool.
My kids know next to nothing of this website and the horror of right wing fiends like you. They’ll become acquainted with that soon enough.
I bet you can’t say the same of your kids can you?
It would be so freaking sad if you recruited them for your ugly agenda here.
@31, @33 It might be worth pointing out at this point that going into the current round of attempted health care reform, none other than Jim McDermott warned his colleagues and constituents not to expect too much. Now, he’s as much an advocate of a single-payer system as anyone, and fully believes (as I do) that in the long run, it’s the only approach that’s workable. On the other hand, he’s willing to concede that the rest of the Body Politic isn’t ready for that yet, so he’s been willing to struggle to take a few baby steps in the right direction instead of doing nothing at all. I think Murray and Cantwell are following his lead.
The race in Massachussetts may determine whether Lincoln was wrong, and there’s actually a fourth option: that it’s possible to fool enough of the people enough of the time.
It’s pretty sad that all guy needs to round up some votes these days is a gas guzzling pickup truck and some simplistic teabagger bullshit blasted from a bullhorn.
Hopefully it will not be enough votes.
But it is MY business, YLB! You spend ALL day on HA while I work my butt off for MY children. If not for me these kids would be on welfare and it would be Puddy and the HARDWORKING taxpayers of this state who supported them because you won’t go out and find a job!
You can move one foot in front of the other, can’t you? Well, let your feet take you to the local Safeway where they’re hiring baggers! You can do that much, can’t you?
Shame on you!
@80….good luck getting a nuke plant past the enviro-nazis….who just happen to be progressive liberal democrats.
@85…so now you dont like trucks?
you must be real popular with the construction crowd – you know, the people that actually build stuff.
take your smart-car deathtrap and shove it.
Keep them buried in progressive BULLSHIT fool. How will they react once they leave the arschloch motel?
My children know of this web site and many other whackamole locations and read how “progressives really think” ya moron! This web site and others provide comedy for my children. My older son likes the HuffPo and refers me to their articles all the time. My children know the “progressive argument” before it’s fully delivered reading the vile horse manure your kind produces here everyday.
See ya you dense as uranium moron. Puddy has work to do.
86 – Ok give me a call at my desk phone and convey that to me personally. You should know my number.
Go ahead. I’m ready for an earfull..
I’m waiting….
Such a feckless fool.
89 – Heh. Which of your sockpuppets was your kids fool?
Was it Reckless?
Is it any of these other zombies like lebowski?
All in the fambly right??? Hilarious…
Oh you’re leaving? Nice to hear it.. Good riddance. For now at least.
85 – If the truck is used for the purpose it was designed – hauling stuff, no problem..
Hauling the ass of an “independent Republican” who votes with the Republicans 96 percent of the time?
A bit of a problem. The guy’s a poseur, a demagogue. He’d be a disaster for that State.
Everyone should own an F-350.
86 – My phone’s not ringing…
What’s gives???
Yawwwnn.. Yet another right wing lie…
94 – Built with UAW labor?
Zingg.. Gotcha!
@93…how do you know he doesnt haul stuff? I cant imagine owning a home and not having a truck…I haul stuff all the time.
and the neighbors who drive their Prius sure do appreciate that I own a truck – because they are always asking to use it.
perhaps you are jealous?
@96…how is that a gotcha?
@90 Ok give me a call at my desk phone and convey that to me personally. You should know my number.
I don’t take orders from you and neither do MY children. The days are over when I work days to put food on the table while you spend them on HA!
And I do know your number:
90, 92, 92, 95, 96
ylb arschloch is still batting a perfect 1.000 for useless commentary on a progressive blog. Over 5 years and still perfect in useless feckless moronic comments.
Well he’s at least good for sumtin!
99 – My phone hasn’t rung…
Yawwn… You must be a right wing liar..
See the reality test works on a Slimebaugh-loving right winger like sunlight to a cockroach.
100 – I thought you were out of here fiend..
Yawnn… Yet another fib from the hypocritical one.
96 – You advocate a product built with union-labor.
You should prefer one built in a “right-to-bust-unions” State like TN or AL..
That’d be a Nissan or Toyota make..
That’s the right wing way.. What’s wrong with you?
I think that the candidate who are running for the seat consider themselves serious. Remember that Patty herself was not taken seriously until Rod Chandler quoted Roger Miller’s classic “Dang Me” in a debate.
99 – My phone hasn’t rung
That’s because you don’t make enough money to pay the bill!
105 – Nope bill is paid. The phones ring..
Still waiting…
But you won’t call because you’re a right wing liar..
Gee I just love how right wingers shoot themselves in the foot. No wonder they lose all the time.
97 – Perhaps I wasn’t too clear:
The truck is a PROP so a right winger can look Joe Blue Collar on camera to bamboozle naive frightened people.
Like you right? Fit the description? Mr “limp-wristed” Lebowski?
97 – excuse me. I mixed you up with that Max idiot.
Well so many of you are probably the same guy anyway..
@106 The phones ring
That’s your head, hubby! I’m tired of being the ONLY breadwinner while you sit on your butt all day glued to HA. The kids and I need some real support from you. There are bagger jobs at the nearby Safeway – I checked! – and you could try that out for a while just to help out. I’m not kidding – I’m not going to carry you anymore!!!!
109 – Uhhh. Waited for your call.. You didn’t call.
Conclusion: you’re a right wing liar!
Why do right wingers love to lie so much?
@103….why the hell should I care if my car or truck is built union or non-unoin….
you certainly go off some wierd ass tangents that make no sense what so ever.
@107….those same people you describe as niave and frightened people voted overwhelmingly for obama in the last election…perhaps you should be more thoughtfull of those you try to insult.
and no, I’m not frightened – is there a reason I should be? Are you trying to threaten me? I would be glad to show up at the next drinking liberaly if would like to say something to me in person.
Cuz right wing idiots like you hate unions..
A right wing jerkoff like you is programmed to hate unions, hate gays, hate seattle, hate the french, hate women who exercise reproductive freedom, hate any media that doesn’t tow the Slimebaugh line and on and on..
Your programming is apparently broken.
107 – No not by a longshot. Some yes, AFAICT a minority.. and I’m not trying to insult anyone except you.
Just like you seem to live to insult me. Don’t think for a moment I’m going lie down and play to the stereotype that right wingers seem to have about people from Seattle.
Of course you’re frightened. Just like Dori Monson is a scared, pathetic, damaged shell of a man who runs from one crock of right wing baloney to the next.
Not that there isn’t some good reasons to be a little scared – look at the damage right wing ideology has done to this country.
112 – threaten you???
LMAO!!! No, calm down right winger.. No one’s trying to threaten you..
And no I care not to be in the same room with the likes of you ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY PLACE..
Why would I want to waste my time with someone so ignorant, so mean-spirited???
This comment board is as close as it will EVER come.. Don’t worry..
Looks like the Mass union vote went to Brown. Sucks to be an arschloch right now.
6059 votes no longer filibuster proof see ya!You need to watch Kos TV. That’s an order fool! They be crying over there!
116 – Taking it in stride fiend..
The world turns – I remain optimistic, you remain an idiot..
109 – Hmmm. My wife came home mentioned nothing negative or angry tonight unlike the hate talk of right wingers. We had dinner, I washed the dishes.
Right wingers remain stupid..
All is A OK in the world..
@113…programming? WTF? you need some meds.
@115…..yep, I figured as much. Big man behind the keyboard and all…
lets take your(again) idiotic post one by one:
A right wing jerkoff like you is programmed to hate unions, hate gays, hate seattle, hate the french, hate women who exercise reproductive freedom, hate any media that doesn’t tow the Slimebaugh line and on and on..
1. Hate unions – no, I just dont agree with everything they stand for…or some of thier tactics.
2. hate gays – nope, I dont hate gays, just dont agree with their lifestyle – and thats cool, its their business
3. hate seattle? nope, even though most of seattle is fucked up…stop trying to tell us in the suburbs and rural areas how to live.
4. hate the french? WTF? which ass did you pull that from?
5. hate abortion – yep, I am against the killing of unborn children. you can try and dance around the subject all you want by calling it “choice” or “reproductive rights” – in the end you are killing a child. period.
6. I dont listen to limbaugh, so I wouldnt really know what his “line” is.
look ylb, you are a sick, twisted little man – your incoherent ramblings of hatred are always the same. you hate people who dont think like you – fine, I dont care. just go get a fucking job and support your kids and wife for a change.
man up little man.
you said:
Why would I want to waste my time with someone so ignorant, so mean-spirited???
have you actually read any of your own posts? damn, you describe yourself to a T
119 – I drink moderately, take nothing stronger than tylenol or ibuprofen when I’m under the weather. That won’t change. I value a clear head. It’s kind of telling when a right winger recommends medication though. Not sure if that’s projection or just another way to ape BILLO’s “just shut up”..
120 – Not here to please the likes of you that’s for damn sure.
121 – You just agreed with most of what I said!
You watch BILLO on Faux News? He commanded all you right wing robots to hate the French? Remember Freedom Fries?
I called you almost perfectly!
Keep coming back for more asswipe.
You’ve spent all day and I don’t know how much stupid time in the past shooting barbs my way. If that’s your idea of good use of your time then fine I’m game.
122 – My posts are an appropriate response to right wing ignorance and ugliness. Look at the shit you right wingers have thrown at me in this thread.
Sorry Charlie.. I punch back.. Are you offended? Poor baby.. Deal with it fool..
This economy became a basket case because of a certain guy you voted for twice. No one is ever going to forget that if I can help it.
your so pathetic that its almost comical.
loony toons..
you say you are married, but now I am starting to doubt write like some whiney 15 year old……
127 – Believe anything you want fool. Your kind goes to their graves clinging to falsehoods with your last breaths.
Believe it or not, I’ve actually SEEN that here in these comment threads.
If you want to spew that Dori Monson or Slimebaugh crap you’ve imbibed for so long here in these threads, you’re not going to have a pleasant time.
Count on it..