(From Crooks and Liars, via BlatherWatch)
Jesus… could Chris Matthews let Darcy Burner finish a single sentence? Um, no, but I think Darcy stood up to it pretty well. She never lost her patience, and kept a smile on her face, making Matthews come off as a bit of an asshole.
All that aside, isn’t it interesting that when the cable news folks are looking for someone credible to talk to about health care reform, they come to Darcy Burner, and not Do Nuthin’ Dave Reichert? Hmm.
Darcy screwed this one up.
Yeh .. Matthews plays games but!!!
Why the Dudley Do Right suit?
When asked whether she was as liberal as Boxer, Darcy flubbed it. The honest answer might have been “yes!”
As for her letting Mathews use her comments about Liebermen, all that she left with me is the hope she will not play in Mathews league until she learns a lot more about hitting the ball.
Frankly, if Darcy ever runs again, I think this clip will hurt her.
Who the hell is Darcy Burner?
She has a proven track record of fibbing, embellishing, making things up, and flat out lying….even when sh point blank gets called out on it. B’deep, b’deep, that’s all folks!
Goldstein just can’t let it go; still chasing her around with his limp dick. Poor thing.
I applaud any mocking of Chris “Tweetie” Mathews.
Chris Mathews, Thomas Friedman, Christopher Hitchens, Andrew Sullivan, etc. So called moderates and liberals. Jumped on the bandwagon of the winning team. Cheerleaders for war.
They were utterly wrong about exactly everything. (Especially Friedman. “Flat earth”!? I’ll tell him what’s flat…)
Now they’re all coming back to the reality-based camp. No mea culpa. No apologies. No contrition. Like the Bush Years never happened and they played no part.
No apology means no forgiveness. Even then, I don’t think I can ever truly forgive anyone who championed Bush’s Folly in Iraq. (I try to be more Christ like, but sadly, I just don’t measure up.)
Chris Mathews, Sullivan, etc. are all dead to me. Sure, they continue to spew nonsense. But I can’t even work up the righteous indignation to respond any more. Because, frankly, they’re not even good enough to criticize.
I’ve long viewed Matthews as a tool who says and does what he’s told. Unfortunately, this is the kind of dreck that passes for “journalism” these days.
“Liberal media” my ass.
Bottom line: Darcy Burner has more credibility than Dave Reichert will ever possess.
Reichert doesn’t think well on his feet — or on his ass, for that matter.
DimDave doesn’t like doing live interviews as he fears one of his hairs might fall out of place. Davey puts his hairspray bill on his expense account as he can’t go out in public and do his job without a proper styling.
Well, here’s how it would have worked out, if they had interviewed Reichart:
Mathews: “If this Health Care Reform doesn’t pass, what plan will the Republicans offer to provide health insurance to millions of uninsured Americans?:
Reichart: “Well, when I was sherriff of King County and I single-handedly caught the Green River Killer, I didn’t have any problems with health insurance, so I don’t see any need for insurance reform now…”
Mathews: “But as Sheriff of King County, didn’t the government provide you with health insurance?”
Reichart: “Did I mention that I caught the Green River Killer?”
Mathews: “What does that have to do with anything?”
Reichart: “It goes to show why we don’t need health insurance reform.”
Mathews (looking confused): “Could you explain that relationship again?”
Reichart: “Sure. Sheriff. Green River Killer. No to government health insurance.”
Mathews (shaking head, as other pundits smirk): “Well, let’s get somebody else’s viewpoint on this….”
Perhaps, but I suspect Reichert is better at keeping to the Reprican script than you suggest:
Mathews: “If this Health Care Reform doesn’t pass, what plan will the Republicans offer to provide health insurance to millions of uninsured Americans?:
Reichart: “I represent a district with lots of people who are concerned too. But my voters are practical people. We want to know how this will be paid for and want to be assured that we will nto lose what care we already have.”
Mathews: “But as Sheriff of King County, didn’t the government provide you with health insurance?”
Reichart: “Yes, and as Congressman I get a very good plan too. But, at this time when the President is spending trillions of dollars on make work projects, where do we get this kind of money to extend the care I would like to see to all people.
As for a Republican plan, Chris, you know we are not the party in power. We have however, offered a plan … cutting costs by exiling Lawyers to Iraq, for example, We hane also suggested freeing up the engines of free enterprise by removing the rights of states to locally regulate insurance companies.”
Mathews: “What does that have to do with anything?”
Reichart: “It goes to show why we don’t need health insurance reform.”
Mathews (looking confused): “Could you explain that relationship again?”
Reichart: “Sure. If companies compete for your dollar, they will lower their prices! Look how much deregulation has lowered the price of airfares.”
Mathews (shaking head, as other pundits smirk): “Well, let’s get somebody else’s viewpoint on this….”
THEN the lady in the Mountie Jacket shows up!
Darcy was great considering Matthews wouldn’t let her answer a question.
@10 sarge…
Here is a hint ….
it is Mathews’ show. He does a shtick. If you wanna show up there you gotta be ready.
Wearing the RCMP jacket was .. well unique! Reminded me of the bit where Sarah Pain did an interview while turkeys were being decapitated in tha background.
Burner is meaningless…..nothing to see here folks – move along………..
Well, all former National Lampoon readers surely remember the Canadian Corner with the picture of the solemn Mountie with flecks of snow falling off his hat.
Ask Steve Scher about getting Reichart to commit and show for an interview.
I would rather have Ross Hunter running against Reichart.
Given the comments above, I reluctantly watched the video to gauge for myself.
Burner did fine.
First, Matthews has some serious issues with females. His behavior was embarrassing.
Second, the style of thoughtful, polite progressives isn’t well suited for the medium of talk shows. Matthews wants controversy and has the attention span of a gnat.
Joan Walsh (editor of Salon) has written about her experiences going to battle on TV with these misogynist mouth breathing pundits.
Bill Maher is the only person I’ve seen school Chris Matthews (not that I’ve looked very hard). Maher doesn’t need Matthew’s approval. Maher just runs Matthews over. Because, frankly, Maher plays the game better.
I would never expect, or wish, that Burner would emulate Maher’s style. But with some practice, she’ll learn how to let blowhards like Matthews impale themselves.
“I’m sorry, Chris. You just asked three very different questions. I’m trying to keep up, but you’re just so gosh darned fast.” Disarming laugh. “Okay.” Firm look. “Here’s the point.” Lock eye contact. “The Senate just sold out the American people. Their health care bill, sabotaged by Lieberman and Nelson, put corporate profits ahead of working American families. You and I both know that’s not right. Reform is what America voted for. Reform is what America will get. I pity the Senator who works against the will of the American people. And, as they say, elections have consequences. ”
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Burner will also learn to “rephrase the question”, brush off Matthews, and push her message.
Effectively delivering messages is not easy. It takes practice. Burner being a quick study, I have zero doubt she’ll master the art.
like she mastered her college degrees? lol….
she should work more diligently on getting her husband to the dentist first before tackling health care for a nation…
Why is Dave Reichert NEVER asked for his opinion on ANYTHING in the nation’s business?
A) He has nothing to say
B) What he does say has nothing to do with anything
We’re so lucky here in the 8th that we have such an ignorant dickwad representing us. Here’s hoping that 2010 is the year that the progressive trend of the 8th will finally send Brainless Dave home for good.
Darcy does well here, especially when she picks up that she has to dis Lieberman before Matthews will let her half-complete a thought.
All that aside, isn’t it interesting that when the cable news folks are looking for someone credible to talk to about health care reform, they come to Darcy Burner, and not Do Nuthin’ Dave Reichert?
Oh come, Goldy. Talking heads on cable are a dime a dozen. Burner isn’t being evaluated for her cable appearances, but, rather, for her effectiveness in furthering the progressive agenda with lawmakers. On that account how is she doing? Well, if progressives’ and – for that matter, Burner’s – reaction to the Senate health care legislation is any indication, poorly. After all, this legislation all but gutted the primary goals of the progressive health care agenda. Moreover, it is virtually certain that the final health care legislation will look much more like the Senate than the House version.
That’s just how effective Darcy Burner’s efforts will have been.
DarcyDitzy Burner is going to wear a Canadian Mountie uniform on a U.S. cable television show,(which granted, has the viewership of a late night off air test patttern of KCTS), perhaps she’s not the right person to appear on a show and expected to be taken seriously.DarcyDitzy is 0-2 so far against Reichert and this dismal performace on a slow witted Matthews program won’t do her any favors.10:1 odds say Reichert refused to appear on the Matthews show without his King County-issued spit protection shield from back in his law enforcement days as Matthews likes his spittle fest exchanges. And who really cares who’s on since Matthews asks all of the questions and 12 seconds into the response, interrupts to answer the question himself or retort with another different question.
Clearly, no intelligence needed to watch MSNBC, as the ratings would indicate.
suit @ 20
Stay classy.
Darcy has a degree in computer science and economics from Harvard. Reichert … ? He can’t even figure out how to hug a rabbit!
I’m not sure which attire was more embarrassing, the “Darcy Do Right” attire on Matthews’ show or Goldy on O’Reilly donning his Anton LaVey collection. I’ll let the commenters decide, but my vote is clear.
reichert was busy serving the community as a police officer……..apparently you dont like police officers.
no surprise – you prefer the gestapo.
@23….goldy, damn dude……that getup is a mix of goth and 80’s nerd….
@22 He can’t even figure out how to hug a rabbit!
Well, maybe because he was figuring out how to make it into the House instead – twice. So much for that DEGREE:
“She has a BA in computer science with a special field of economics from Harvard”
Even she’s wised up, dumb bunny. Care to join her?
@26 Goebbels Rabbit does not care about truth – he cares about propaganda.
Puddy been saying Matthews is an ASShole for years. Glad to see you finally catch up 9 days before 2010.
Was it becuz your pal Darcy Moonbat! was under “scrutiny”?
Only in America could a person like Darcy a whit of fame. She was an ambitious but incapable tool in her worklike, and moved from mediocrity there, to spewing mediocre nonsense in her middle years.
I’m so glad she landed in Wash.
She actually makes her dimm older cousin Patty look smart :)
SeattleJew, Puddy thinks Darcy wants one more try against Reichert in 2010. 3rd time is a charm perhaps. Maybe her “handlers” thought by her saying she is a libtardo will “hurt” her chances.
@24: You mean how Reichert let the Green River killer go loose for years right under his nose?
Thanks for the service Reichert – you incompetent fool!
When has Reichert ever strung together more than two complete sentences that actually go together and make sense?
Reichert is rated as one of the MOST ineffective congresscritters, he can’t speak, he can’t think on his feet or lying down.
He is an incompetent fool who needs to go.
Smoking da wacky weed again. Matthews was anything but a Bush apologist or a moderate. Matthew is one of your “progressive” ones.
correctnotright on his stupid memes again.
Even Roger Dumb Bunny agreed the FBI let Gary Ridgway go fool!
Puddy realizes you need to keep some of your goosestepping mantras alive, even though there is no fact in them.
NOW That’s comedy!
Well, when his competition dresses up like a Canadian mountie on cable news shows, it’s no wonder why Sherrif Dave (a Great American) got more votes than
DarcyDitzy Burnout. Matthews is an ass, but he showed just how dim Ditzy Burnout is in handling his rapid fire questioning. He’s been doing that Schtick for years so anyone appearing on that low rated program should be surprised what to expect from him and prepare for it.It’s evident that Ditzy was more concerned with looking like an extra on a “rocky and bullwinkle” episode than someone seriously discussing a bill intelligently on a cable “views” program not known for exhibiting either.
@4 sadly, I just don’t measure up
I think we figured that out long ago, Jason. But that’s exactly why you fit right in at HA!
Jason ….
Mathews is amn arrogant blow hard but sexist??? Come on man, trhe idea of poah defesless women is something even the conservatives do’t buy into anymore.
Nope. Darcy has a replacement, already running, already raised money.
So tell me Dude, you gonna give money to a smart business (wo)man running on a pro business ticket as Dem or to a reject who looks like he was rejected from TV anchor jobs?
Be honest with us? Surely you lack enthusiasm for a congressman with as little to offeras R?
re 36: …doesn’t fit thr ‘criteria’?
Puddy’s been bandying about the word ‘memes’lately. Increasing your word power, Waxxman?
@12 Burner’s fingernail clippings contain more sentient intelligence than your entire family.
@4 “I don’t think I can ever truly forgive anyone who championed Bush’s Folly in Iraq.”
I can forgive stupidity in stupid people — after all, they can’t help being stupid, because they were born that way — but I’ll never forgive their impugning my patriotism merely because I said their stupid policies were, well, stupid.
Is Darcy Burner going to try it again next November? Maybe the third time is the charm!
SJ @ 37 said:
Come to think of it, Reichart DOES seem to have a lot in common with Ted Baxter….
Matthews and the Olbermannequin NEVER have centrists or conservatives on their propaganda show.Obama wouldn’t approve. In the meantime, Jane Hamsher, founder of the far-left Firedoglake blog, went on FOX to slam Obamacare.
@40….epic fail.
@45 Gee, it must have taken you all of 2.5 seconds to “think” of that comeback … are you too dumb to be original or just plain lazy?
@46 Roger Rodent:
This coming from you? That’s ironically rich! LOL.
How the heck do any of these so called pundits (gasbags) have jobs? I’ve stopped watching everyone but Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow.
@11, that was not an RCMP jacket, Darcy is moonlighting with Sergeant Pepper!.
@47 Nothing ironic about it. When I smash you trolls, I put some thought into it, and most of the jibes I fling at you insentient putrid organisms is my original creative work. By contrast, all you idiots ever do is endlessly repeat the same vapid insults and talking points, like broken records going “tick-tick-tick” on an old-fashioned record player, to the point where we start praying for a power outage so we won’t have to listen to it anymore. In short, I’m infinitely better at shit-flinging than you droning flies on a camel turd.