Not a qualification for anything much outside of Veteran’s Benefits and treatment, but……
As we have seen, it is an excuse for EVERYTHING…
POW experience is a qualification, if the country is to be ruled by the Neocons, which are known for their totalitarian and kleptocratic approach to “governance”. In a country run like a prison camp, how could POW experience not be a qualification?
Granted, experience as a German concentration camp commandant would be more appropriate for the governance model, but those monstrosities are even older and more decayed than McCain.
And of course, it’d be a qualification only if the Neocon were elected. If, on the other hand, the Democrat is elected instead, then given his governance model of “Individual responsibility and mutual responsibility”, the “essence of America’s promise,” experience in igniting and mobilizing the American spirit would be a considerably more important qualification.
And it’s probably one of the strongest weapons in getting us through the coming economic catastrophe. We’re running out of value the government can pump into the system; once that decays, we’ll be relying on the resilience and determination of Americans in neighborhoods and communities throughout the land.
My Left Footspews:
The only thing about McCain”s POW travail that is to be admired is that he refused early release once VC found out who he was (which he may have done because he was more afraid of his father the admiral than he was of the VC). There were hundreds of other POW’s who went through the same ordeal. These were men who were just as brave, just as patriotic. You don’t see them touting their unfortunate experience to further their careers.
McAngry should not be either.
No more than knowing people who were killed in the line of duty is a qualification for Congress.
I’m just waiting for my chance to be vice president on the basis of my being an average Joe six-pack American. Believe me, I’d do a great job, because if there’s one thing I love, it’s this great country.
obama has 141 days as a senator less experience than anyone ever being in this race.
Why should we vote for him?
Please tell us why,if you can.
You can make a healthy person sick.
Ever hear of Kerry the guy who spent 3 months in Nam?
Community organizer. Has lived on a budget. President of the Harvard Law review. Instructor on Constitutional law. State legislator. US Senator from a state with over twice the population of Arizona and 20 times the population of Alaska.
I’m voting for Obama because he is intelligent, thoughtful, has the best tax plan, has the best health plan, has the best energy plan, has the best plan related to both the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I’m also voting for Obama because he reacts to criticism with aplomb and dignity rather than lashing out like a spoiled child.
In my opinion, of the two candidates for President, Obama has :
– a better plan on climate change and the environment
– a much better energy policy although clean coal is just silly and pandering.
– a better, more inclusive plan on health care
– a far better but still flawed tax package
– a much deeper understanding of the economy
– a more respected standing with the global community
– a more presidential, less impulsive demeanor
– more ability to surround himself with wise and thoughtful advisors
– represents more of America and thinks there really is only one America
– more respect for and understanding of science
These are things that matter to me. Democrat or Republican, I don’t care. I just want thoughtful, intelligent, well reasoned, respectful, respected and more inclusive. I can’t vote for impulsive, “gut,” unreasoned, unintelligent, disrespectful, belligerent, divisive.
Now I’m sure that a lot of people don’t agree with me on these things.. But if we can debate respectfully, I’m pretty sure where we’ll end up.
What #’s 8&9 said go for me too Plus:
Obama was in the Illinois state senate from 1997–2004 (you seem to have overlooked that)
Has a great team of folks around him
Has the endorsement of Bill Richardson (A personal friend of the Clinto’s), who I supported until he dropped out.
Daddy Lovespews:
Read the Riolling Stone piece “The Make-Believe Maverick” in the current issue. I beleive the author shows in that article that McCain’s story of refusing “early release once VC found out who he was.” Apparently this was SOP for the VC to offer the same “early releease” to everyone, and all of them knew that deal: you accept and they make you do even more propaganda for them than McCain ever did before they let you go. No one ever “accepted it;” it was a sham.
Daddy Lovespews:
Not only has McCain NOT taught constitutional law, he couldn’t! The man is a moron.
Daddy Lovespews:
It’s OK, though. John McCain will lose, and his career and Sarah Palin’s career will be ruined. John McCain will know and understand this (even he is not THAT much of a moron); he’ll probably retire. Sarah Palin will continue to be a legend in her own mind, until she is crushed in the 2012 primaries by someone who knows what they’re doing.
With the investigations going on and skeletons coming out of their closets, I think Palin wont serve out her term.
I can only imagine Senator McCain’s campaign’s reaction. After Maureen Dowd and Joe Klein..
All candidates should take interviews from the press of any stripe. I don’t expect the press to be respectful of boundaries. They’re job is to ask tough questions. Stupid statements as question though are another matter. “Your a communist” and “You think America is over in your opinion” aren’t questions at all.
All that said though, I wouldn’t expect my wife to sit through that type of questioning either…
Roger Rabbitspews:
I heard a discussion on the radio this afternoon about McCain’s complicity in leaving POWs behind in Vietnam to avoid paying ransom. According to the author who was being interviewed, McCain signed secret agreements with the Vietnamese to help them get diplomatic recognition in exchange for their promise to never release his POW records.
Hey, I’m not saying any of this stuff is true! All I’m saying is I heard it on the ray-dee-oh. I found it kind of interesting but I don’t really believe McCain would stoop to, um, well, I don’t really believe that, er, um, he would, ah, stoop to …
There’s a real possibility that we can hold McCain to under 200 electoral votes. MT, ND, MO and IN are now in play.
As long as folks on the right like throwing mud, maybge McCain should explain this too?
You haven’t watch the news or Presidential interviews with a statement like that.
“Has a great team of folks around him”
For a guy who needs a teleprompter to talk to us I sure hope that when the phone rings at 3 am he has his advisers sleeping with him.
As Joe has said this guy is going to screw up big time.
Can any of you address his lack of judgment?
Which counts more than his service to the community.
A bit over 8 million US citizens served in the Vietnam War. Of those tens of thousands were killed, hundreds of thousands were permanently wounded to some degree and less than 2000 are/were classified as MIA. Less than a thousand were captured and released (or escaped). That establishes McCain as representing only 0.0125% of those who served and virtually none of the baby boomers (all 75 million of them). A POW is not a worthy qualification for anything, except some people’s sympathy.
Obama doesn’t need a teleprompter and I’d say that over the course of this campaign his “judgment” has been far better than McCain’s.
Good for them! People who dress up leading questions and editorializing as interviewing should be called out on it and cut off.
That “my friends” is good judgment.
WFTV-Channel 9’s Barbara West conducted a satellite interview with Sen. Joe Biden on Thursday. A friend says it’s some of the best entertainment he’s seen recently. What do you think?
West wondered about Sen. Barack Obama’s comment, to Joe the Plumber, about spreading the wealth. She quoted Karl Marx and asked how Obama isn’t being a Marxist with the “spreading the wealth” comment.
“Are you joking?” said Biden, who is Obama’s running mate. “No,” West said.
West later asked Biden about his comments that Obama could be tested early on as president. She wondered if the Delaware senator was saying America’s days as the world’s leading power were over.
“I don’t know who’s writing your questions,” Biden shot back.
Biden so disliked West’s line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate’s wife.
“This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election,” wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.
Statement like what? I’ve watched a huge number of interviews with both McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden..
Exactly what lack of judgement are you talking about? Let me guess, Bill Ayers served on a board with him. Or he gave the guy’s book an endorsement.. Or maybe it’s the huge amount of money that FM employees, including lowly programs, gave to him… Or maybe it’s all the fake outrage over the his hidden communist ideology..
Did you listen to his conversation with Steve Scher on KUOW’s weekday last April? I don’t think a tele-prompter was present when he spoke intelligently and it great detail on a very broad range of issues.
Leon Trotskyspews:
barak and all the neo-coms are really swel but my questionis whan do we start geting the free stuff he promisd ?
david @8 your still an idiot tell us david who has the highest murder rate in the country.who has a 10% sales tax.who has the worst school system in the country.who is 4trillon dolars short in there pension fun.why of course chicago run by all democrats.thats what this country has to look foward to i love it you are going to get what you asked for.hahahahahahaha
john kerry 3 purple hearts and not one day in the hospital and after 3 months bails out on his there is a leader for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
All this rightwing whistling through their teeth about Obama’s “judgment” is sheer nonsense. Who does criminal background checks on everyone they meet? Ayers wasn’t famous; if you’d mentioned his name to me before this campaign I wouldn’t have known who he was, and neither would nearly 100% of the American people. But even if Obama knew about his past, so what? I’ve served on committees with Republicans but that doesn’t make me a Republican, nor does it impugn my judgment! Plenty of ex-convicts have found God and attend church, and if you accept the GOP’s logic, then everyone who attends the same church has character flaws for associating with a criminal. This is all a bunch of hooey coming from people who can’t run on their own records and don’t have any real issues to campaign on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 If Kerry didn’t deserve his medals then the Navy is at fault for giving them to him, isn’t it? Oh, and btw, Kerry was a volunteer and this was his second Nam tour, so he didn’t exactly “bail out” on his men. 10 of the 11 men who served on his boat actively campaigned for him, does that sound like someone who ditched “his men”? You’re full of shit.
Don Joespews:
Oh, joy. Looks like we have yet another sock puppet wingnut who insists on being yet another piece of compelling evidence in favor of a Republican form of government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 I expect he’ll get real quiet a week from Tuesday when his party sinks beneath the waves.
Oh you mean like all the stuff Dino Rossi is promising…..
Are you talking about Bill Bennet’s screed in 1987 for worst schools in the country? Where’s the independent assessment that says that Chicago has the worst schools in the nation?
California has a base sales tax + county sales taxes that add up to over 8% in the bay area, plus when I lived there had an 11% income tax…. Run by a republican… Mass had republican governors for many years and isn’t called Taxachussetts for nothing..
You might want to research your talking points.. Lots of data available out there.. Besides if you want to see spectacular failures in government, just look at what the republicans have brought the nation over the last 8 years..
The interview was over the phone!
He has a great memory like a trained parrot.
Didn’t know about his
” hidden communist ideology”
Gee, This guys is ruthless.
This is going through the internet like a wild fire.
This will have a sharp effect on the election.
If they can’t take tough questions from the media
how are they going to respond to terror?
Obama, Is just a little boy playing games with us.
He’s like one of my kids which says I’m taking my toys and going home LOL!
Ahhhh… Did you pay any attention to what the McCain campaign did to Joe Klein of Time
Does this make McCain a little boy and Palin a little girl? The hypocrisy is pretty funny. Perhaps this says more about the ignorance of the right filtering anything that doesn’t fit the talking points than it does about the hypocrisy though…
What should be going around the internet is the video that shows how well Joe Biden handled the questions stripped directly from a right wing talking points order sheet.
I’m disappointed that they cut the TV station off, but with 24 hours in a day, and way too many people asking for interviews, choosing someone who is openly hostile to spend time with is probably not wise.
Leon Trotskyspews:
rla at 32:
Barak didnt promis me any dino rosi he promisd me the rich peopl wood pay for free health care and my rent and by me more food to eat i’m geting hungry u know
Big difference from allowing someone to fly on your plane my fiend.
If these two reporters wanted to be with the campaign they would of found another means of transportation.
Besides where talking about obama as future president will he and his followers keep bring up Bush and McCain for the next 4 years every time he screws up or be a man about it and let obama finally stand on his own two feet?
I think not!
You guys can’t defend him without doing a comparison this is how you get by or by changing the subject.
Can’t wait for him to be president I hope the dems sweep congress too.
This is going to be the funniest 4 years and the sadness for our country.
sigh.. So he had a tele-prompter while on the phone. And I’d rather have a great memory than a selective one. “Hidden communist agenda.” Really?? Really?
There you go again skipping around thought you would have responded to @38.
Your the one who brought up ““Hidden communist agenda.” Really?? Really?”
I never seen that charge against him.
I don’t think so.. Being on the plane is access. Everything else is watching the talking points.. And if you notice, I didn’t excuse or defend it. I did make an attempt to explain it by thinking like a campaign strategist.
Contrarily, all you did was blame and .. well spout some nonsense. Logic I guess doesn’t enter into it here… Might I suggest a little primer to help you understand how to argue.
Ha ha ha… John McCain promised me some poor people for slave labor and to make sure my capital gains are all mine. I can’t wait.. I got me some stock and a couple of houses to sell so I can cover the put that capital to work day trading!
There you go again skip around play games like Obama, This will be hilariousness 4 years buddy.
I will predict the the media will rip him apart once he’s elected.
Um… No.
Not a qualification for anything much outside of Veteran’s Benefits and treatment, but……
As we have seen, it is an excuse for EVERYTHING…
POW experience is a qualification, if the country is to be ruled by the Neocons, which are known for their totalitarian and kleptocratic approach to “governance”. In a country run like a prison camp, how could POW experience not be a qualification?
Granted, experience as a German concentration camp commandant would be more appropriate for the governance model, but those monstrosities are even older and more decayed than McCain.
And of course, it’d be a qualification only if the Neocon were elected. If, on the other hand, the Democrat is elected instead, then given his governance model of “Individual responsibility and mutual responsibility”, the “essence of America’s promise,” experience in igniting and mobilizing the American spirit would be a considerably more important qualification.
And it’s probably one of the strongest weapons in getting us through the coming economic catastrophe. We’re running out of value the government can pump into the system; once that decays, we’ll be relying on the resilience and determination of Americans in neighborhoods and communities throughout the land.
The only thing about McCain”s POW travail that is to be admired is that he refused early release once VC found out who he was (which he may have done because he was more afraid of his father the admiral than he was of the VC). There were hundreds of other POW’s who went through the same ordeal. These were men who were just as brave, just as patriotic. You don’t see them touting their unfortunate experience to further their careers.
McAngry should not be either.
No more than knowing people who were killed in the line of duty is a qualification for Congress.
I’m just waiting for my chance to be vice president on the basis of my being an average Joe six-pack American. Believe me, I’d do a great job, because if there’s one thing I love, it’s this great country.
obama has 141 days as a senator less experience than anyone ever being in this race.
Why should we vote for him?
Please tell us why,if you can.
You can make a healthy person sick.
Ever hear of Kerry the guy who spent 3 months in Nam?
Community organizer. Has lived on a budget. President of the Harvard Law review. Instructor on Constitutional law. State legislator. US Senator from a state with over twice the population of Arizona and 20 times the population of Alaska.
I’m voting for Obama because he is intelligent, thoughtful, has the best tax plan, has the best health plan, has the best energy plan, has the best plan related to both the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I’m also voting for Obama because he reacts to criticism with aplomb and dignity rather than lashing out like a spoiled child.
In my opinion, of the two candidates for President, Obama has :
– a better plan on climate change and the environment
– a much better energy policy although clean coal is just silly and pandering.
– a better, more inclusive plan on health care
– a far better but still flawed tax package
– a much deeper understanding of the economy
– a more respected standing with the global community
– a more presidential, less impulsive demeanor
– more ability to surround himself with wise and thoughtful advisors
– represents more of America and thinks there really is only one America
– more respect for and understanding of science
These are things that matter to me. Democrat or Republican, I don’t care. I just want thoughtful, intelligent, well reasoned, respectful, respected and more inclusive. I can’t vote for impulsive, “gut,” unreasoned, unintelligent, disrespectful, belligerent, divisive.
Now I’m sure that a lot of people don’t agree with me on these things.. But if we can debate respectfully, I’m pretty sure where we’ll end up.
What #’s 8&9 said go for me too Plus:
Obama was in the Illinois state senate from 1997–2004 (you seem to have overlooked that)
Has a great team of folks around him
Has the endorsement of Bill Richardson (A personal friend of the Clinto’s), who I supported until he dropped out.
Read the Riolling Stone piece “The Make-Believe Maverick” in the current issue. I beleive the author shows in that article that McCain’s story of refusing “early release once VC found out who he was.” Apparently this was SOP for the VC to offer the same “early releease” to everyone, and all of them knew that deal: you accept and they make you do even more propaganda for them than McCain ever did before they let you go. No one ever “accepted it;” it was a sham.
Not only has McCain NOT taught constitutional law, he couldn’t! The man is a moron.
It’s OK, though. John McCain will lose, and his career and Sarah Palin’s career will be ruined. John McCain will know and understand this (even he is not THAT much of a moron); he’ll probably retire. Sarah Palin will continue to be a legend in her own mind, until she is crushed in the 2012 primaries by someone who knows what they’re doing.
With the investigations going on and skeletons coming out of their closets, I think Palin wont serve out her term.
I can only imagine Senator McCain’s campaign’s reaction. After Maureen Dowd and Joe Klein..
All candidates should take interviews from the press of any stripe. I don’t expect the press to be respectful of boundaries. They’re job is to ask tough questions. Stupid statements as question though are another matter. “Your a communist” and “You think America is over in your opinion” aren’t questions at all.
All that said though, I wouldn’t expect my wife to sit through that type of questioning either…
I heard a discussion on the radio this afternoon about McCain’s complicity in leaving POWs behind in Vietnam to avoid paying ransom. According to the author who was being interviewed, McCain signed secret agreements with the Vietnamese to help them get diplomatic recognition in exchange for their promise to never release his POW records.
Hey, I’m not saying any of this stuff is true! All I’m saying is I heard it on the ray-dee-oh. I found it kind of interesting but I don’t really believe McCain would stoop to, um, well, I don’t really believe that, er, um, he would, ah, stoop to …
There’s a real possibility that we can hold McCain to under 200 electoral votes. MT, ND, MO and IN are now in play.
I hesitated to do this, but ..
McCain’s rescuers and his jailers dispute his account of being “tortured.”
As long as folks on the right like throwing mud, maybge McCain should explain this too?
You haven’t watch the news or Presidential interviews with a statement like that.
“Has a great team of folks around him”
For a guy who needs a teleprompter to talk to us I sure hope that when the phone rings at 3 am he has his advisers sleeping with him.
As Joe has said this guy is going to screw up big time.
Can any of you address his lack of judgment?
Which counts more than his service to the community.
A bit over 8 million US citizens served in the Vietnam War. Of those tens of thousands were killed, hundreds of thousands were permanently wounded to some degree and less than 2000 are/were classified as MIA. Less than a thousand were captured and released (or escaped). That establishes McCain as representing only 0.0125% of those who served and virtually none of the baby boomers (all 75 million of them). A POW is not a worthy qualification for anything, except some people’s sympathy.
Obama doesn’t need a teleprompter and I’d say that over the course of this campaign his “judgment” has been far better than McCain’s.
Good for them! People who dress up leading questions and editorializing as interviewing should be called out on it and cut off.
That “my friends” is good judgment.
Statement like what? I’ve watched a huge number of interviews with both McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden..
Exactly what lack of judgement are you talking about? Let me guess, Bill Ayers served on a board with him. Or he gave the guy’s book an endorsement.. Or maybe it’s the huge amount of money that FM employees, including lowly programs, gave to him… Or maybe it’s all the fake outrage over the his hidden communist ideology..
Did you listen to his conversation with Steve Scher on KUOW’s weekday last April? I don’t think a tele-prompter was present when he spoke intelligently and it great detail on a very broad range of issues.
barak and all the neo-coms are really swel but my questionis whan do we start geting the free stuff he promisd ?
david @8 your still an idiot tell us david who has the highest murder rate in the country.who has a 10% sales tax.who has the worst school system in the country.who is 4trillon dolars short in there pension fun.why of course chicago run by all democrats.thats what this country has to look foward to i love it you are going to get what you asked for.hahahahahahaha
john kerry 3 purple hearts and not one day in the hospital and after 3 months bails out on his there is a leader for you.
All this rightwing whistling through their teeth about Obama’s “judgment” is sheer nonsense. Who does criminal background checks on everyone they meet? Ayers wasn’t famous; if you’d mentioned his name to me before this campaign I wouldn’t have known who he was, and neither would nearly 100% of the American people. But even if Obama knew about his past, so what? I’ve served on committees with Republicans but that doesn’t make me a Republican, nor does it impugn my judgment! Plenty of ex-convicts have found God and attend church, and if you accept the GOP’s logic, then everyone who attends the same church has character flaws for associating with a criminal. This is all a bunch of hooey coming from people who can’t run on their own records and don’t have any real issues to campaign on.
@27 If Kerry didn’t deserve his medals then the Navy is at fault for giving them to him, isn’t it? Oh, and btw, Kerry was a volunteer and this was his second Nam tour, so he didn’t exactly “bail out” on his men. 10 of the 11 men who served on his boat actively campaigned for him, does that sound like someone who ditched “his men”? You’re full of shit.
Oh, joy. Looks like we have yet another sock puppet wingnut who insists on being yet another piece of compelling evidence in favor of a Republican form of government.
@30 I expect he’ll get real quiet a week from Tuesday when his party sinks beneath the waves.
Oh you mean like all the stuff Dino Rossi is promising…..
Are you talking about Bill Bennet’s screed in 1987 for worst schools in the country? Where’s the independent assessment that says that Chicago has the worst schools in the nation?
California has a base sales tax + county sales taxes that add up to over 8% in the bay area, plus when I lived there had an 11% income tax…. Run by a republican… Mass had republican governors for many years and isn’t called Taxachussetts for nothing..
$4T short? What?
Murder rate, Chicago is ranked 26th in 2006..
You might want to research your talking points.. Lots of data available out there.. Besides if you want to see spectacular failures in government, just look at what the republicans have brought the nation over the last 8 years..
The interview was over the phone!
He has a great memory like a trained parrot.
Didn’t know about his
” hidden communist ideology”
Gee, This guys is ruthless.
This is going through the internet like a wild fire.
This will have a sharp effect on the election.
If they can’t take tough questions from the media
how are they going to respond to terror?
Obama, Is just a little boy playing games with us.
He’s like one of my kids which says I’m taking my toys and going home LOL!
Ahhhh… Did you pay any attention to what the McCain campaign did to Joe Klein of Time
Or Maureen Dowd
Does this make McCain a little boy and Palin a little girl? The hypocrisy is pretty funny. Perhaps this says more about the ignorance of the right filtering anything that doesn’t fit the talking points than it does about the hypocrisy though…
What should be going around the internet is the video that shows how well Joe Biden handled the questions stripped directly from a right wing talking points order sheet.
I’m disappointed that they cut the TV station off, but with 24 hours in a day, and way too many people asking for interviews, choosing someone who is openly hostile to spend time with is probably not wise.
rla at 32:
Barak didnt promis me any dino rosi he promisd me the rich peopl wood pay for free health care and my rent and by me more food to eat i’m geting hungry u know
Big difference from allowing someone to fly on your plane my fiend.
If these two reporters wanted to be with the campaign they would of found another means of transportation.
Besides where talking about obama as future president will he and his followers keep bring up Bush and McCain for the next 4 years every time he screws up or be a man about it and let obama finally stand on his own two feet?
I think not!
You guys can’t defend him without doing a comparison this is how you get by or by changing the subject.
Can’t wait for him to be president I hope the dems sweep congress too.
This is going to be the funniest 4 years and the sadness for our country.
sigh.. So he had a tele-prompter while on the phone. And I’d rather have a great memory than a selective one. “Hidden communist agenda.” Really?? Really?
There you go again skipping around thought you would have responded to @38.
Your the one who brought up ““Hidden communist agenda.” Really?? Really?”
I never seen that charge against him.
I don’t think so.. Being on the plane is access. Everything else is watching the talking points.. And if you notice, I didn’t excuse or defend it. I did make an attempt to explain it by thinking like a campaign strategist.
Contrarily, all you did was blame and .. well spout some nonsense. Logic I guess doesn’t enter into it here… Might I suggest a little primer to help you understand how to argue.;sr=8-1
Ha ha ha… John McCain promised me some poor people for slave labor and to make sure my capital gains are all mine. I can’t wait.. I got me some stock and a couple of houses to sell so I can cover the put that capital to work day trading!
There you go again skip around play games like Obama, This will be hilariousness 4 years buddy.
I will predict the the media will rip him apart once he’s elected.
There will be no hiding from the truth then.
Can’t wait for the fun to begin.