I’ve heard a number of political observers wonder how the RGA and the BIAW can possibly spend the enormous sum of money they’ve dumped into the final two weeks of Dino Rossi’s campaign when the airwaves are already saturated with political ads? One answer:
The Building Industry Association of Washington is making Dino Rossi’s “citizens movement” a little more attractive to strapped-for-cash citizens. It might surprise “Reduce the Minimum Wage” Rossi that the BIAW is luring paid canvassers with a wage of $12 an hour, almost $4 an hour more than Washington’s minimum wage.
So… if Dino Rossi really has all the grassroots support he claims, why is he spending $12/hour hiring canvassers, while Gov. Gregoire and the Democrats are mostly relying on thousands of unpaid volunteers?
The mercenaries working for Rossi have to be compensated for their supplies of nose clips and anti-emetic drugs.
Off-topic, but….
The stock market repeated its now all-too familiar pattern of thrashing around most of the day and then taking a tremendous dive in the last hour, ending the day down over 500 points.
And….it would appear that we might be seeing the beginnings of an “October surprise”, involving white powder.
Umm…Enough holes to drive several cars through your arguments?
And now for a word from America’s cross-dressing Mayor.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Berg: Due to Procedure, Obama and DNC Admit all Allegations
[STUFF DELETED — see HA Comment Policy]
Why hasn’t Barrack Hussein Obama responded?
re 5: I have reliable information that BHO (as we have dubbed the next POTUS)will show up for these legal proceedings the day after the Bushies that congress supoenaed show up to testify.
You should keep an eye on this. I know I will.
Um… Maybe because it’s a load of crap?
A “request for admissions” is an old trick in discovery, no trial judge I’ve seen has ever enforced it to result in an admission of facts which are clearly in dispute. At worst, they would order the other side to affirm or deny within an additional time period as determined by the trial judge. To do otherwise would result simply in a cursory denial of all requests for admissions without careful consideration, something which would frustrate the purpose of the discovery rules.
It seems your little Burner girl may have stepped on her proverbial dick… it will be in the paper tomorrow that no she did not graduate with a Harvard degree in business as she says…she did not even graduate!
Breaking news!
Did Darcy Burner lie about getting an economics degree from Harvard?!?!?
“I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard,” she said in an October 10th debate. But Harry Lewis, a professor at Harvard said “She doesn’t have a degree in economics.”
Read about the emerging scandal here …
Prediction: If Goldy does decide to post about this scandal, he’ll echo the Burner camp’s spin on it, then to deflect the spotlight on Darcy he’ll either bring up Reichert’s non-ivy league education, or bring up an example of some other Republican who fudged on their resume.
10 – That is SO weak..
I predict Burner throws out the bungling, fumbling muscle-headed Sheriff who barely got an AA.
And, the second half of my prediction from @11 came true from YLB.
Damn I’m good.
Prediction – Goldy will post as he’s posted in the recent past and the shithead who calls himself “Troll” leaves…
Yeah, I’m not serious…
If you read the article, you will see the explanation:
So contrary to Troll’s claim that she didn’t even graduate from Harvard, the article she quoted confirms that in fact, she did graduate from Harvard with a degree in computer science, and with enough economics credits to justify a special “emphasis” on economics.
So the only dispute seems to be whether she has a degree in the subject, a minor in the subject, or a “emphasis” on the subject within another degree.
I’ll admit to supporting Burner and being a bit biased, but I can’t see her statements as being any worse than Reichart claiming he “caught” the Green River Killer, when he failed to catch him for 20 years or so (actually re-directing the investigation AWAY from the killer), and then just happened to be Sheriff when somebody else in the Dept. thought to re-run the DNA tests which ultimately caught him.
As for myself, I received a B.A. with a major in one area, but also had enough history credits to qualify as a double-major in history. I didn’t bother to do the paperwork to get the additional degree in history because (a) it required the payment of an additional fee I didn’t have at the time, and (b) I couldn’t see any economic benefit to having a history degree at the time, and (c) I was already accepted into graduate school, and I didn’t see any need to add any more degrees to my resume. Now, I’ve never claimed to have a history degree, but I can understand that the line between getting a degree, a major, a minor, or an “emphasis” isn’t quite as bright and clear a line as some might think.
Are you outraged by the Burnergate scandal?
“So contrary to Troll’s claim that she didn’t even graduate from Harvard..”
I never claimed that in #10. Reread it and you won’t find me saying that anywhere.
Picture of the Day:
Polar Bear in “contemplative” pose
Personally, I think that what the bear is contemplating is:
“Hmmm, do I want to eat this as an appetizer or as a desert? I bet the head is crunchy with a chewy center!”
Troll @ 17: You are right, you didn’t say that. It was “Chuck” at # 9 that said that.
The first half my prediction came true … the part about echoing the Burner camps spin on the story … but not by Goldy, but by rhp @15.
Damn I’m really good!
Lying about that “economics degree” from Harvard was the deathblow for Ditzy Darcy and her mental midget backers here at HA…can we please get an organist in here to play the ceremonial death music to mark the end of her political career (before it even started)?
…barring that, you can always ask the skilled Skin flutists in here like YLB, Roger Roadkill,et al to stand in as a replacement from the wind section.
Thank you.
I actually don’t think this story will hurt her. I think most local Democratic-leaning news stations and papers will downplay and bury the story, as well as take her spin about how and why it happened.
@5 I think you should leave the practice of law to people who are licensed and qualified to practice law.
Do you know what a “protective order” is? That’s what a person seeks from a court to keep himself from being hectored by a frivolous lawsuit. Mr. Berg is not entitled to discovery merely by reason of having filed this claim. He has to make a sufficient showing of merit before discovery can proceed.
To further clarify Darcy’s degree status from Harvard….
Read the links within the article as well, further explaining the scam going on with this issue, courtesy of the Seattle Times.
“I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard.”
Spin it how you want, that’s a lie. And I could not legally call it a lie if it weren’t.
@5 (continued) Let’s review attorney Berg’s other accomplishments:
1. Running unsuccessfully for various public offices;
2. Asking 3 Supreme Court justices to “voluntarily disbar” themselves (they didn’t).
So what if Darcy is a liar.
She fits right in with Joe Biden (the plagarizer and liar).
Did Darcy plagarize too?
Her best response would be to admit she was incorrect previously. Then it will go away. This is one of those gotcha’s that the more she tries to explain it, the worse it’s going to get for her.
She’s a nincompoop. She’ll take Path B and try to explain it…and make a big mess.
Remember, BOTH Seattle papers endorsed Reichert. Besides the fact he is the better candidate and not a liar…I bet one or both of the papers KNEW about this lie BEFORE the endorsements.
@10 Thanks for the link, Troll! That Seattle Times article confirms that Darcy Burner does indeed, within any fair interpretation of the English language, have a “Harvard degree in economics.” To wit, that is an acceptable shorthand way of saying she has a “Harvard degree with a special emphasis in economics.” To assert otherwise is merely an argument over semantics.
Oh, you could argue there’s a difference between a Harvard degree with a major in economics and a Harvard degree with a special emphasis in economics. But Burner never claimed she “majored” in economics, and I submit it’s within the bounds of vernacular English to say that a person with a Harvard degree who either majored in economics or earned a special emphasis in economics can fairly say that have a “Harvard degree in economics.”
For example, I have degrees in liberal arts and law, with majors in political science and journalism, and a minor in economics, plus graduate school credits in public administration. It is reasonable for me to say that I have “a degree in political science, journalism, and economics, a degree in law, and I have studied public administration.”
Btw, I completed the same number of economics courses that Burner did — five. And economics was my best undergraduate subject: 5 courses, 5 A’s, for a perfect 4.00 GPA in economics. Anyone who reads my comments on this blog won’t be surprised by that, because it’s obvious I’m pretty smart about economics for a rabbit. Of course, that doesn’t make me an economist, but then, Burner doesn’t claim to be an economist, either.
5, 10 — Oh yeah, one more thing, Burner got into Harvard and graduated from Harvard. That, by itself, proves she’s a pretty smart cookie. Harvard isn’t exactly a school for dummies. If either of you two morons even applied to Harvard we’d hear the laughing inside their admissions office all the way to Seattle.
How long did it take you to conjure up that bullshit!! It’s laughable…even by your normal gutter standards.
Post, meet someone dumber than you.
Darcy, meet the f*cking Post!
@11 What scandal? Burner has a degree from Harvard, and part of her degree is “in economics.”
Remember the wingnuts criticizing John Edward’s $400 haircut? The TV show “The Extra” says Palin spent $4,700 on haircuts and makeup. And McCain spent $8,800 on a makeup artist.
Yes, you’re right, she does have a degree. She has one degree, and that’s in computer science.
Harry Lewis, a professor at Harvard said “She doesn’t have a degree in economics.”
I don’t think this is really going to hurt her, but the fact is she doesn’t have a degree in economics.
As long as Obama was born to a citizen of the USA who has been resident in the USA, he is a citizen of the USA. It’s that simple.
You can read all about it at http://www.richw.org/dualcit/law.html
@12 Burner leads Reichert by several points in the latest King 5 News poll. This doesn’t surprise me. The 8th isn’t Jennifer Dunn’s old district anymore. Back then Bellevue, Redmond, and Kirland were affluent bedroom suburbs of Seattle. Today, the eastside is a major commercial center. All those stores, auto dealerships, and offices attracted thousands of workers who live in apartments and condos — and vote Democratic. In short, the district now has a large resident working class. It has been getting bluer every year, is going to tip this year, and will never go back to being a Republican district.
@30 Thirty seconds — I can do this stuff off the top of my head — why do you ask?
@33 Sure she does. She has a “Harvard degree in computer science with a special emphasis in economics.” Whew! That’s a mouthful. We all use contractions all the time to conserve our breath and avoid confusing listeners, and the contraction of this statement is “a Harvard degree … in economics.” Just because you leave out the stuff in the middle for the sake of brevity doesn’t make the stuff at the beginning and the end that you leave in untrue. If you think it does, explain how it does.
@30 Do you see how that’s done, Cynical? After you get really good you can write this stuff without even thinking about it.
Doesn’t it hurt to have your fingers jammed so far into your ears? (Or is it your eyes?)
It would be interesting indeed, to find out where all that BIAW money is coming from. Especially right now, when construction is in the toilet. There has to be a quid pro quo somewhere for 4-7 million bucks. If a prospective governer pledged to lower the L & I rates, for example, that much money, that sizeable investment in a “CEO” would earn back the investment in a couple years for the big construction companies. No small group gives away that kind of money without a payoff.
Watching Roadkill trying to shape that Darcy Burner turd into a modern art masterpiece is slightly amusing.
He must have a B.S. in agriculture with an emphasis on fertilizer.
While you’re explaining that Roadkill, explain this from Burnouts own website:
Good catch Mr. Cynical @ Soundpolitics.
I suppose if you were to take the Diploma she received in Computer Science and ripped it down the center…….voila!! 2 Degrees.
And BTW, HA progressive bloggers, if the neocon fucknut wingbat’s logic is to invade threads with their wingbat fucknut shit to hijack the actual topic, they’ve been very successful. Try to focus, eh.
McCain’s path to victory through Pa.
Charles Mahtesian – Wed Oct 22, 3:07 pm ET
Rog, I think RealClearPolitics, despite being a poll of the polls, is way off on this one. I’m not saying McCain will pull it out…but Murtha & Biden really opened the door to make it semi-interesting.
the skilled Skin flutists in here
LMAO!! Little Rickie Dumbass, the Larry Sinclair fan, is flattering himself again.
Such a sorry loser.
Little Rickie Dumbass…
Burner has a Bachelors Degree from Harvard and majored in computer science, minored in economics. So, her degree is in Computer science AND economics.
Just as one of my degree is in U.S. History with a minor in English Lit. Only an uneducated lout would not know the difference. But, that’s the natural Republican constituency — and they would never be caught dead voting in their own best interests.
re 44: McCain’s path to victory is the same one trod by Republicans since Richard Nixon: Exploit divisions in the electorate and game the system (cheat).
You can’t lead a country by exploiting divisions. You just end up with the chaotic mess we have now.
Make no mistake about it: “Smilers never lose, and frowners never win.” Roy Rogers and Dale Evans
McCain’s path to victory, Custer’s Little Big Horn, Napoleon’s Waterloo, quaint notions, and historical blunders, all.