Sage advice from Atrios:
Well, 48 hours or so from now I’ll probably be contemplating my exit from our little CNN sponsored election night party, either so I can go celebrate in style away from the camera eye or to run away from the taunts of krempasky or boxturtle ben or assrocket or Captain Ed or who knows what kind of weirdass people will be there.
And, then, the next day we get to work. The big mistake in 2004 was that the netroots or whatever the hell we are at some point started deferring to the powers that be, and then post-election disillusionment combined with a leadership vacuum from those powers meant that things stagnated.
Either way, not this time. Time to keep marching. Worry about, and try to affect, the things you have some control over right now. Wednesday morning you can figure out how to do it better.
Last night after the show, us drunken bloggers stood in the rain while Mollie had a smoke, and we chatted a bit about our post-election narrative. I still think the Dems are going to pick up 30 to 40 seats in the House, and have a good shot at controlling the Senate. I also think that between Peter Goldmark and Darcy Burner we’ll pick up at least one seat here in Washington state. Statewide, I expect both evil initiatives (920 and 933) to go down in flames, while Democrats make modest gains in the state Legislature.
But there are many possible scenarios ranging from total victory to crushing defeat, to mixed results that given my high expectations will leave me feeling much less happy than I’ll have a right to be. Whatever the national results, if both Darcy and Peter lose I expect the (u)SP type folk to tease me mercilessly, but then, they’ve always missed the point: personally, as a liberal blogger and netroots activist I already won. The local netroots played a huge role in helping both Darcy and Peter make their races competitive beyond all the expectations, and while it is true that macro forces were largely responsible for creating the political climate that threatens to sweep the Democrats into power, if not for the netroots, half of the 50 most competitive House races would not have had Democratic challengers in a position to take advantage of the opportunity. This time last year, nobody in the political and media establishment could have anticipated the impact the liberal netroots would have on this election. Hell… I didn’t anticipate the impact we’d have.
I may slow down for a couple weeks after the election, just to take a breather and collect my thoughts. And maybe clean up my house. (Metaphorically and literally.)
But I promise you, this is only the beginning. Whatever Tuesday’s results, we will come back stronger and smarter and most definitely, better financed.
Ten years from now pundits will look back at the 2006 election as a turning point. From the class of Democratic freshmen elected this year will rise a new generation of political superstars and congressional leaders. And from the class of bloggers and net activists who helped elect them will rise a new generation of pundits, media personalities and party power brokers.
I honestly don’t know what my role will be in all this. A few years ago I was just some guy angry at the direction our country was going; I had no idea that a joke initiative, born of frustration, could launch me on a path where I could help shape headlines and influence elections. It’s been an enormously gratifying journey, though it’s left me flat broke with little income, at a time when I should be enjoying my peak earning years. If I can’t find a way to monetize my efforts, I’ll have no choice but to step back from full-time blogging and take some paying work, however trivial it might be.
But at this point I am absolutely confident that nothing can stop the netroots revolution from reshaping the Democratic Party and the way the media covers politics.
Enjoy tomorrow’s election, whatever the results. You are watching history.
Lieberman’s still on my radar. We knocked him out of the party and now he has to be utterly crushed.
The powers that be succeed if he stays in the Senate. There must be some financial hanky panky he’s been in to.
By this time Wednesday morning the sucky little competing blog will be whining that King County stole the 8th C.D. by disenfranchising military voters, and Frank Blethen will be crying again that his $900 million mom-and-pop newspaper is doomed.
Because I don’t say it enough:
Goldy, thanks for all you’ve done.
OK trollfucks listen up ’cause you’re gonna do this right! All together now:
waaaaaaa waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa
“Ten years from now pundits will look back at the 2006 election as a turning point.”
As Churchill said, “This is not the beginning of the end; but it is the end of the beginning.”
Oh — and let’s not forget JCH’s prediction:
“FYI, I figure you are out of here in 48 hours, and I will take full credit for taking out the liberal Democrat traitor garbage.” Commentby JCH [PA]— 11/6/06@ 10:33 am
Looks like we’re gonna get a chance to do some relentless teasing of our own! :D :D :D
Sorry Democrat felons, illegals, and NYC/Miami Jewish “double” voters!! WE ARE WAITING WITH POLICE AND BORDER PATROL AT THE POLLS!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry, welfare Democrats bussed from poll to poll!! WE ARE READY FOR YOU!!! WE WILL DEPORT YOUR DEMOCRAT ASS! BACK TO MEXICO!!!! BACK TO MOOOOOOOOOSLIMLAND!!!!!!
Good! I’ll be looking for you and your Republican goons! (click-click)
Yeah Goldy. After all this is over take a break for a year for a year or so, make some money, blog from time to time.
But come back in 2008. We’ll need you!
If Republicans go to polling places and try to challenge legitimate voters we should grab ’em by the scruff with one hand, get a handful of ear with the other, and escort ’em outside to the gutter.
Jews who “double” vote Democrat in NYC and Palm Beach, and Democrat Blacks who get bussed to several polls in Milwaukee, Border Patrol with attack dogs, and the MinuteMen will be at EVERY poll to arrest and deport you on Tuesday!! Voter fraud is a capital offense!!! Only English will be spoken!!!!!!!
Dear Terrorist Moooooooooooooslims and illegal aliens, NO!! YOU MAY NOT VOTE!!!!! Border Patrol with big attack dogs and the MinuteMen will be at EVERY poll!!! In addition, Democrat blacks in Milwaukee who destroy Republican vans tonight will be arrested and will lose their “guvment” checks!!!!
It’s time to get tough with these bullies and assert our inalienable right to vote.
One more thing. If Ann Coulter shows up at the wrong polling place again she should be shot on sight. Hey just kidding …
JCH must be worried. His rants are even more dillusional that ever.
Might as well re-post this, since last hour’s post is almost history:
Let’s try that again. My attempted famcy formating omitted a word. This simpler approach should work:
“Today Republican spinsmeisters are practicing their lines.
(1) “It was a VICTORY for President Bush and the Republicans, because the scope of the defeat was nowhere near as complete as had been predicted by the Democrats.”
(2) “Now the Democrats have control of Congress, they are responsible for everything that goes bad in Iraq and the Economy as a result of Republican policy over the past six years.”
(3) “The Democrats didn’t really win. It’s all those dang illegals and felons voting which gave them nearly a two-thirds majority”.
Keep practicing, boys. If you work at it hard enough, you may even be able to deliver those lines with a straight face.
I’m with ATJ-
Thanks Goldy.
Our revolution started here…and on ALL the little blogs (and some that got REAL BIG) all over the US.
I want my Country back!
It’s still a bit too early to break out the champaign (err, how do you spell that? Okay, just say “bubbly wine”).
We still need to go to all our neighbors TONIGHT and if they have not voted yet, remind them to do so tomorrow. If they are voting by mail, point out that the pickup times for the mailbox is important – a ballot put in a mailbox at 3:00 p.m. which has its last pickup at 12:30 p.m. might as well not have been mailed at all. If they need a ride – either to the post office, to the polls, or to a “ballot drop-off point”, provide the ride, or find someone who can do so. The Republicans only have one-third of the electorate who would vote for the devil if he had an “R” beside his name, their only hope is to get them out to the polls in greater numbers than Democrats and Independents.
Remember that the lousy weather may be a factor. People who are worried about their house flooding may consider voting to be more than they can deal with tomorrow.
Lets make one big push. If “Sheriff Dave” and McMorris can’t be beat in this election, it’ll be harder in the next one.
I challenge Republicans to disavow their party’s dirty robo-calling tactics, and also disavow (I think “condemn” is a popular term) the NM state GOP calling Democratic voters and falsely telling them their polling place has changed.
If you truly think that anything goes, then don’t complain when WE fucking oblige you.
Illegal Democrat voting Mooooooooooooooooooooooslims who are not citizens will be deported back to Mooooooooooooooooooooooslimland!!!!
Tell me you never reproduced.
Daddy Love, 25% of Democrat votes in NM [Baja Norte, MX] are ILLEGAL!!!!!! Hey Illegals!!!! Border Partrol and the MinuteMen are ready!!! We will deport you and your “anchor babies”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve signed up to help MoveOn make last-minute phone calls tomorrow evening, and at the end I’m assuming we’ll be calling Alaska and Hawaii. With my luck I’ll end up drawing JCH’s number.
Also, a bit of warning.
It will be very tempting to celebrate this one a bit too much, come late Tuesday and all day Wednesday.
Remember that lots of voters who voted Republican in the past will choose to vote Democratic tomorrow NOT because they endorse a liberal platform, but because they are disgusted with the incompetence, fraud, and abuse by the Republicans.
We need to keep that in mind. Above all, as Democrats we need to self-police, and have a squeeky-clean class of 2006. Leave no room for the Republicans to argue in 2008 “See, those guys were just as bad as we were”. We need to exercise professional competence in governing, including (especially?) fiscal responsiblility. And we need to avoid taking some extreme positions which will alianate some of the more centrist voters.
Yes, I know its hell to be pushed toward the “center” when you’ve just won a major victory. But if we do this right, we can end up with an even bigger victory in 2008.
Wait ’til the Democrats take control, JCH. THe ACLU police will take you to the Democratic Re-education Center, where we’ve got a little NAMBLA waiting with your name on it. The good news? You get meth.
JCH is living proof that eugenics just may have its place. If his mother is still alive, someone should slap her.
GBS, Again, your question has been answered in previous posts. FYI, I figure you are out of here in 48 hours, and I will take full credit for taking out the liberal Democrat traitor garbage. [BTW, COKER wins in TENN………Liberman goes independent, and Kerry’s big liberal “insult the troops” mouth kicks you off HA.ORG. “Game…….Set……..Match” Regards, JCH
20 JCH
You just keep telling the good citizens of NM what you think of them, JCH, and everything will go fine.
Can you believe JCH, claiming that 25% of New Mexico voters are illegals? I guess he’s trying to claim that when Republicans only get 26% of the vote, that they “really won”?
Gosh, the lies only get bigger and bigger.
Question: Who would Moooooooooooooooooooooslim terrorist Osama bin Laden vote for??? [ANS: Straight Democrat!!!!!]
Question: Can “Tookie” Williams still vote Democrat? [ANS: YES, as Democrat ACORN has him registered Democrat as of OCT!!!!!……..So he’s dead!!! Big deal!!! hehe, JCH]
Hey, what do you think Dave Reichert’s job approval percentage is, anyway?
28 JCH
WRONG. Osama, if he could cast a vote, would certainly vote for the party (Republican) that has done him ever so many favors, from invading Iraq to sitting idly by as Pakistan tells us they will pull troops out of Osama’s region and leave him alone (and of course attacks on NATO troops in Afghanistan went up afterward).
Instersting comment:
Read the rest.
Thanks for all your hard work, Dave.
Yeah, Dave, thanks for all that deep thought you put into your votes, but don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Agreed with the comments about how the work is just beginning, even if the Democrats manage to regain control of both houses. It’s still going to be a hell of a fight for the next two years to minimize the damage the Bush gang will try to do to everything they can swing a pickaxe at and try to blame on the good guys.
I really think that Dave Reichert is not that into being a legislator. I mean, think about two persons:
– One is a bright, thoughtful person with a lot of good ideas and a deep conviction that he/she can make a difference.
– The other is an ambitious person who wanted the job for the prestige, the perks, and the springboard it could provide, but otherwise has been primarily an administrator and doesn’t have much experience in a line of work where success depends on being persuasive and building coalitions.
Which of these two people will be the most likely to end up caring so little about outcomes that he/she will vote however he/she is instructed, and then be so clueless as to mention the fact?
BTW, person 1 was not intended to be Darcy, but she does share those mentioned characteristics.
You see, here’s how it’s done. The Republican Noise Machine playing the Conservative Mainstream Media (and the US public) for fools, that is.
Internet gossip Matt Drudge, in an article November 2 on, “float[ed] a conspiracy theory that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has gone into hiding” in the days leading up to the November 7 midterm election. Drudge appears to have taken his cue from House Republican leaders, which first promoted the claim that she has made no recent public appearances. The smear spread to cable news and was reported as fact on Fox News and MSNBC, whose chief Washington correspondent Norah O’Donnell asked of Pelosi, “Where’s she been the last week?” NBC News producer and congressional correspondent Mike Viqueira responded by rejecting out of hand the suggestion that Pelosi has been absent.
The only problem with this is, Nancy Pelosi appeared at a sold-out rally at the Warfield Theater with former President Clinton November 1 (portions of the rally were broadcast on television), CNN aired a feature interview with Pelosi on November 1, she appeared on CNBC’s On the Money Kudlow & Company on October 24 and on ABC’s Good Morning America and ABC’s World News Tonight on Octovber 26.
She is apparently the worst vanisher ever. And the Republican media are the biggest liars.
I’m calling every Rethug voter I know tomorrow at work claiming to be with the fire dept. to report that their house if flooded.
Re: 17-
$5 bucks asez jch has (at least) one gay kid…and that kid got “disowned”.
I’ll use this one again, surely.
No Democratic “plan?” Well, it’s a Republican talking point, and like most Republican talking points, it’s flatly and provably untrue.
Democrats released both a national security agenda and a domestic policy platform earlier this year. In addition, in early September, Senate Democrats unveiled the “Real Security Act of 2006,” which aides called “a detailed homeland security and anti-terrorism package.” Meanwhile, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) has touted a plan for the first “100 hours” of a Democratically controlled House of Representatives.
One-party rule in Washington and the Conservative Mainstream Media have worked together to ignore the Democratic agenda.
That’s fucking OVER.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm……I smell victory, the odor of burt republicans in the morning.
Gee, Democrats can give the Republicans their plan for Iraq, as soon as the Republicans reveal the one they had in effect prior to March 2003.
As reported by several Generals in the Pentagon at the time, Rumsfield said…”…the next person who tells me that we need a post-war plan for Iraq is heading for the door….”
(Just a reminder of why we are in the mess we are in, for those who might have missed it the first time).
A country run by drunken bloggers…oh my…who needs anything else.
Seriously, I don’t think you have a clue what really makes this nation tick. Netroots my HA, it’s what the general public feels is important. Just the line about Lieberman shows it all: “We kicked him out of the party…” So how come he’s running ahead of your netroot candidate ? How come Joe is getting the votes of the majority of democrat voters ? Because he stands for what’s important to them. Not the left or the right make the USA, but the center of good decent folk who go about their daily lives, believe in this country and in creating a better life for themselves and their children. Unfortunately the angry left and the far right get most of the headlines because it sells, but not because you represent us, the majority.
but not because you represent us, the majority.
Does the majority watch Sean Hannity?
And if you need any other reminders, remember these “gems” from the Bush administration, early September, 2005:
Thursday: “We just learned today of the conditions facing the Refugees in the New Orleans Superdome” (it had been national news since the previous Monday night).
Saturday: No one could have predicted the type of damage which occured from a Hurricane the size of Katrina (the New Orleans newspaper had carried a multi-part series the year before which predicted exactly what would happen if a catagory 4 or 5 Hurricane came anywhere close to New Orleans – based upon information available to anyone in the government who cared to listen).
The Bush administration is full of serial liars.
My son hadn’t mailed his ballot as of yesterday evening. He wanted to talk to me before he did so. He said he just didn’t understand the initiatives, especially the “estate tax” initiative. His comment:
“I must be missing something. They want me to eleminate a tax which only applies to the wealthiest people in the state, with the result that I will have to pay higher general taxes or college tuition to make up the difference. Am I reading this wrong, or would anybody be crazy to vote for this thing?”
I’m so proud of him.
News Item, Nov. 6th, 2006:
Dow Jones Gains as Democratic Victory Appears Imminent
“NEW YORK – Optimism over Tuesday’s midterm election and merger news drove Wall Street higher Monday, as private-equity buyout offers for companies including Four Seasons Hotels Inc. and OSI Restaurant Partners Inc. revived the belief among investors that stocks are not generally overvalued.
The rise in stocks came a day ahead of the U.S. elections, which many polls forecast will result in gains for the Democrats. The prospect of a shift in power didn’t seem to unnerve investors….”
John Boehner, the Republican House Majority Leader, predicted that the Republicans will keep a majority in the House of Representatives. (I guess he really couldn’t say anything else). He also said the effect of John Kerry’s misspoken joke was the equivilent to the Democrats as the Foley trolling-for-interns scandal was for Mark Foley.
I guess he has his priorities in alighnment, what? (Dripping sarcasim intended).
Correction: “He also said the effect of John Kerry’s misspoken joke was the equivilent to the Democrats as the Foley trolling-for-interns scandal was for the Republicans.
38 Typical Drudge Sludge, all right. It’s rather like spinning Cheney’s hunting trip tomorrow into “The Vice President is personally armed and taking refuge in some undisclosed location in the wilderness!”
45 “A country run by drunken bloggers…oh my…who needs anything else.”
Beats the crap out of paedophiles, thieves and murderers, as far as I’m concerned.
43 dutch
“Unfortunately the angry left and the far right get most of the headlines because it sells, but not because you represent us, the majority.”
I would be ever so surprised if a “market basket” of your favorite views on the issues were endorsed by even a sizeable minority, let alone a majority, your self-aggrandizing self-assessment notwithstanding. I have seriuous doubts, in other words, that you represent a significant “us.”
They (The NRCC) are using harassing robo-calls against Goldmark in WA-05 (is that CD right?) now. I’ll see if I can put something in Postman’s blog.
43 dutch
Oh yeah, and Lieberman was “kicked out” of the Democratic party because more Democrats in Connecticut wanted to run Ned Lamont.
IOW, not “kicked out” at all; he just couldn’t run for the Senate in Connecticut in 2006 as a Democrat. Democratic voters were upset with Lieberman for his unwavering support for the stupid and insane invasion and occupation of Iraq, and they were also upset because he defends president Bush using Republican talking points. When a Democrat ceases to BE a Democrat of his own volition, he has made his bed.
Gee, the White House (a/k/a Karl Rove) is “ticked Off at Florida Gubernatorial GOP candidate Crist, who decided NOT to introduce Bush at a Pensacola rally today. In fact, he decided not to even attend the rally, saying he could better spend his time campaigning elswhere.
“On a tarmac in Texas where the president boarded Air Force One for the trip east, Bush political strategist Karl Rove mockingly questioned what kind of alternate rally Crist could put together that would rival the expected 10,000-person crowd that Bush was expected to draw at the Pensacola Civic Center.
The White House already had distributed schedules saying Crist would introduce Bush at the rally.”
But I guess Rove and Bush don’t get it. It’s not about Bush anymore. He’s a lame duck. You would think he would realize that he is poison to anyone who wants to carry more than an isolated and solidly Republican Congressional District. But rather than help out GOP candidates by staying out of the way, Bush & Rove think that they are “helping” candidates by appearing on their behalf.
Of course, the other possibility is that seeing a disaster in the making, Rove is trying to position himself and Bush so as to take credit within the party for “containing the damage”. He is only campaigning in areas which were solidly already in the Republican camp, areas which a couple of years ago you couldn’t imagine a Republican President spending his time and effort in campaigning. Perhaps he is showing up only in areas where polls show the Republican has a pretty good chance of winning, so that Bush and Rove can take credit when they actually win? That way, they could argue – “See, we won 85% of the districts we campaigned in. Republicans lost in 85% of the districts where they didn’t want our help. If they hadn’t refused our help, they would have won also”.
Normally, I wouldn’t think anyone would try to twist logic that way, but after six years of Rove’s “Alice in Wonderland” statements, it no longer seems like so outlandish a possiblity.
I have read and heard a lot about how Republicans are much better-organized in their get-out-the-vote effort. Last week, NPR’s Morning Edition had a piece, following both Republican and Democratic volunteers doing house-to-house doorbelling. As I recall, the Republicans went to more houses in a shorter period of time and seemed much more organized than did the Democratic volunteers.
Add to that this story: My wife teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and lives there during the school year. On Saturday she went to a local get-out-the-vote party sponsored by She expected to make phone calls to urge people in her area to go to the polls on Tuesday, and respond to questions about local candidates and issues.
Instead, she and others at this gathering were given a list of phone numbers to call in another, distant part of the state. They were told that the phone numbers for people who would be sympathetic to this group of progressive activists. They were just to encourage them to vote. There was no preparation or training provided about the candidates or issues specific to this area.
My wife found that most of the calls she made were to people who were very conservative and quite opposed to Democratic candidates. Many expressed anger at the negative tone of ads by the Democratic candidate for congress in this local race. Many asked questions about this candidate’s position of specific issues, which no one could answer.
My wife said she and many others expressed concern that they were generating bad will and may have fired up voters to be sure to turn out and vote AGAINST the candidate they were supporting. The person coordinating this effort responded to these volunteers with encouraging words to keep plowing through the process. It sounded to them like a Stay the Course message.
What a mess!
Hey attention to all you baby-raping, inbred righties. Prepare for your asskicking on Tue. Report to lockup where you belong Tue night and we might take a few years off your sentence! HE HE!
Add to that this story: My wife teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and lives there during the school year.
Commentby Michael O\’Connell [………Moscow, Madison. Gee, what a fing surprise!!!!!!!]
“Ten years from now pundits will look back at the 2006 election as a turning point.”As Churchill said, “This is not the beginning of the end; but it is the end of the beginning.” Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/6/06@ 11:18 am
Yes Furball you are right. A turning point where the terrorists take control and the donk have no answer. Already they want Nancy to take power because they have stated your cut, they run! Run for America that is. When the first attack happens they’ll blame the donk.
A good poker player recognizes when a hand isn’t going his way and folds, even though his money’s out there in the pot. Nobody calls that cutting and running. Continuing to throw money into the pot when the only way to win is to draw to a flush is the mark of an idiot. With regard to Bush and people like you, you are trying to draw to a flush. I’d like Bush to define “victory” in Iraq, and “staying there until the job is done” does not count as a definition. By the way, when are you going to learn the basic rules of punctuation and grammar?
Proud Leftist: I take the terrorists at their word. They want to kill you. You don’t seem to understand. I do. Did you read about the London Terrorist who wanted to dirty bomb a tube around Heathrow? You moonbats don’t get it. Unless you say Allah Akbar, you are on their death list.
Gee, it sounds to me like Goldy is panhandling…hoping some of you well-heeled losers will give him a handout.
I appreciate David’s efforts at this Blog.
But to complain about wasting away his peak earnings years falls on unsympathetic ears.
Life is about choices.
Do what is best for your daughter Goldy. Get a job.
Good luck.
You didn’t even begin to address my question. What is “victory in Iraq”? We hear so much about the Democrats not having a plan for “victory,” but those who voice such concerns don’t even know what they’re after. You dumbfucks on the right want to talk tough about killing terrorists, which is just fine. But, you never acknowledge that not creating them in the first place is a far bigger problem. You are hopelessly naive in thinking that somehow we can just sniff them all out and get them. Lord, it’s time for someone with some sense to be in charge . . .
I knew you were intellectually bankrupt, David. I’d hate to see you financially bankrupt too. But hang in there, find a way to monetize your blogging! We need you.
Re #65,
Do you have any predictions you’d like to offer for our entertainment? I’ve enjoyed your previous comedy bits.
Thanks for caring Stefan. Although, rather than earning a living myself, perhaps I should just find myself a sugar mamma?
“I may slow down for a couple weeks after the election, just to take a breather and collect my thoughts. And maybe clean up my house. (Metaphorically and literally.)”
You need to clean up your language too Clownstein.
Don’t worry Stefan, as long as there is a place for circus show freaks, there will always be a place for Clownstein.
Truth 2006; Is this the infamous retrun of Mr. Cynical, aka Ms Chickenhawk, aka mother hater of dead US soldiers, aka bed wetter?
Yeah, it smells like urine stained bed sheets, must be Mr. Cynical.