I’ll get to the rest of their editorial later, but I just want to start off briefly with the lede of the Seattle Times ass-licking defense of Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna’s blatantly political ploy:
“THE politically orchestrated hiss at Rob McKenna has not been convincing.”
Hear that? The 17,688 people who spontaneously joined the “Washington Tax Payers OPT OUT of Rob McKenna’s Lawsuit” Facebook group in a matter of days…? We’re just a politically orchestrated hiss.
So the question remains: why on earth would you still hand over your money to Frank Blethen and his editorial cronies when this is what they think of you? In their opinion, our opinion doesn’t count. We’re not real Americans. We’re not the real grassroots. We’re just a politically orchestrated hiss.
A hiss. That’s the noise a snake makes.
I mean really… fuck that.
There isn’t anything in the print version of the Times that you can’t get online for free, and most of that you can get better from another source. So if we’re just an orchestrated political hiss, let’s orchestrate something the Blethens understand. Cancel your subscription and let them know why: that you’re sick and tired of handing over your hard earned money to folks who so clearly disrespect you.
Now that’s a hiss they won’t find so easy to dis, orchestrated or not.
Goldy pukes–
No one has independently confirmed that number. Individuals can easily set up multiple facebook accounts. You want us to take the word of anti-Constitutional, anti-law leftist zealots?? You can’t even verify they are residents or voters!
Hey, YLB/Headlice et al have had dozens of monikors here at HA.
Goldy is referring to an obviously biased, unverified number of zealots out of what, 7 million residents.
C’mon Goldy…it’s meaningless.
Screeching makes you look even more pathetic.
BTW…you demanded previously that the Times take a position on this. You repeated chastised them for their silence. Now Blethens come up with a very logic, legal-based position…and you whine??
The Times just can’t win with our Goldy and his NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats!
Go ahead and cancel your subscriptions (that most of you don’t have anywway!).
I’m sure the Times is very frightened of
Plus, your veiled threat against McKenna eliminated the .0001mg’s of credibility you still had left.
DailyKos/HuffPo talking point regurgitation along with veiled threats & anger when your folks are in charge of Congress & President…Governor & Legislature.. is a clear sign Goldy has lost perspective.
Perhaps too much pot-smoking???
When you boil it all down, it sure seems like Goldy either wants to silence certain voices in our local newspaper, or at least punish them until they cease to print views that offend or disrespect him.
In other news, Hugo Chavez has opposition media head arrested for remarks that were offensive to Chavez:
There’s, what, about 6 people on the fishwrapper’s editorial board? So if the petitioner signers who outnumber than 2,948-to-1 are just a “hiss,” what does that make the editorial board members? A half dozen gnats pissing into the evening breeze?
@1 “No one has independently confirmed that number.”
No one has independently confirmed you’re a real troll, either. I think you’re a recording.
I mean, has anyone ever actually seen Mr. Cynical? Has there been even one verified sighting? I don’t know of any. Trying to spot him has all the attributes of a snipe hunt.
Cry me a fucking river, your pissed because the Times is describing you Anti-Robs the same way you have been describing the Tea-Partiers for the last year? Grow a fuckin pair you panty waist.
@5 And your idea of “growing a pair” is what, throwing bricks through windows? I’m not shy about behaving like a Republican when it suits my purposes, but even that can go only so far before civilized people have to stop.
@5 (continued) On the Sniveling Scale, teabaggers proved mathematicians’ claims that zero is the lowest number are wrong.
If you don’t mind, Goldy, since I’ve never paid the Times anyway, I might keep on reading the free news content (I’ve never read the editorials anyway) until it dwindles away to nothing.
@2 Yeah, it’s called a free market, asshole. Or do you support government-mandated purchases of failing newspapers?
Do these trolls even realize how much entertainment they provide? They are the guys at the party that every body laughs at because they are so socially inept.
The consistent dismantling of their over inflated egos from your other commentators makes your site even that much more enjoyable to visit.
Oh crap! I just figured it out… it’s you isn’t?
You’re seeding your postings with trolls.
I should of known. Nobody could really be so simple minded as to willingly expose themselves to this kind of ridicule.
Of course they are supporting the owner of a failing newspaper and an AG that has the constitutional knowledge of a baked potato. So I guess its possible….
Roger @ 4
I believe Mr. Cynical exists. You have posted the link to his picture numerous times on here :-)
6. Roger Rabbit spews:
The Democrat Congressman you are referring to now denies that happened because he is on the 30th Floor of an Office Building.
If someone thru a brick thru that window…Hasselbeck is finished and we have a new QB!
Jeeezus what a fucking liar.
Do you really think that by merely posting such an unabashed fabrication that it could possibly gain any real traction?
Rep. Slaughter has made no such statement. The worthless tea bagger who threw the brick through the glass doors is in custody. And the FBI is continuing to investigate him for any ties to domestic terrorism groups. And unless someone is installing glass entry doors on the 30th floor you aren’t just a fucking liar, you’re a stupid fucking liar.
Cynny may be a stupid fucking liar, but at least he’s our stupid fucking liar. We should be grateful to him for constantly providing us with insight into how Teabaggers “think.”
Well, there was one grain of truth in #12….
Hasselboink is finished, and the Seahawks need a new QB, but why do I shudder in fear when I realize that the Hawks may wind up drafting Jimmy Clausen?
Aw, who gives a shit. HOW BOUT THEM SOUNDERS!
The other metro paper these people could have delivered to their homes in the morning is?
How is that one newspaper town working out fir everybody?
We had a door to door newspaper salesman come by a couple days ago offering the ST 3 days a week (the days they actually need the circulation to pay the bills).
Start your own newspaper, nobody is stopping you.
Ryan Blethen is is darn near the dumbest person I can think of, and yet he has this megaphone given to him. Yes, it both sucks and blows. Without direct competition the only daily metro newspaper delivered to your doorstep is free to degrade into, well, a newspaper run by Ryan Blethen.
Editorials are not worth the paper they are printed on, by any meaningful measure, but some people still want news gathered and reported.
Well I suppose one could subscribe to the News Tribune if one wants the local sports scores. Otherwise there is always The New York Times which has been popular even back when there was two local fishwrappers.
@10 KMQ1
That was hilarious take-down of the incessant, fool trolls on this site.
I do agree that they provide endless entertainment and really demonstrate the ability of the right wingnuts to “unthink” every position.
Aren’t the trolls a hoot?!
And the theory that Goldy is generating them himself….pretty funny.
No Klynical is a real fool who does not even live in Washington state.
Troll is quite funny too – it is hard to believe someone could be that ridiculously stoopid, naive and lack basic reasoning ability. But alas, I think Troll is really as advertised. A complete fool who does not mind making a fool of him/herself.
Puddy is real and does live here.
Even the peeps contest entries suck raw chicken egg this year
My TNT is about 4 sheets thick and mostly filled with the same AP stories that I can get online. I’ll be dropping it when my subscription runs out.
@12 “Shitferbrains– ”
Ooooooo — I pissed him off!! =:-D<
@18 “No Klynical is a real fool who does not even live in Washington state.”
But he owns “commercial property” in Washington State (an old garage he rents out for $20 a month) on which he presumptively oews property taxes and therefore is pissed off by every penny of state spending no matter what it’s for.
I did cancel about 5 times, and even substituted the NYT for a while, but each time I went back to the Seattle Times because I just want to read a PRINT newspaper. I want something delivered to me, and to go out to get it, and read wherever I like, not on a damned monitor.
That’s exactly what my wife says. This time The Times has just gone too far. And, Ryan Blethen, who has been given everything, is an idiot.
I always wondered why a “drop the Times” movement has never started. I’ve come to the conclusion that no paper is better than the Times. Somehow the vacuum will be filled.
If you decide to organize a kill the Times campaign, Goldy, I’ll sign on.
@25 You don’t have to kill the Times. If the Democrats making up 60% of King County’s population stop reading it, it’ll die a natural death.
We cancelled the fucker over ten years ago when we stopped fostering kittens for the local PAWS.
My wife and I were already potty trained.
A facebook page is your claim to legitimacy? hahahahahahaha You might as well have quoted wikipedia in your thesis or referenced a Punky Brewster meme in a MENSA meeting.
A zillion times more people become fans of backlash to Facebook changing its layout. So the fact that you can only get 17000 people is more a testiment to how lame your actual ’cause’ supposedly is.
Oh and since you’re so opposed to court challenges of legislation, next time ol’ Timmy Eyman gets an initiative passed, I’m sure you’ll just let it slide, won’t ya?
Par for the course for limited critical thinking skills and bolstering of non issues. Blog FAIL
might be hard to get lots of people to drop the times.
but might be easy to have 20,000 hard core dems drop it for one week.
or one day.
let’s all not buy the times on such and such a date. like blethen’s birthday.
Mr. Clinical and others, for once I AGREE with you and hope/pray that McKenna and his Republican colleagues prevail in getting the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn the Individual Mandate.
Why? Because when they do, the only fix available to save the concept of universal coverage (indeed to fully expand it) is Single Payer! The Congress will have no choice if they don’t want to return to the dark old days where insurance companies ran health care.
Remember the old saying, Mr. Clinical, you know, the one that begins “be careful what you wish for….