I was planning to live blog last night’s Hillary Clinton event, but sadly, I’m not connecting. So this is a mix of the why you should vote for Hillary post I was going to do today anyway, and a report on what you may see on C-SPAN or TVW if you are sad and pathetic (like me, but with cable).
I’m assuming that I’m not very hip, because the only song I’ve recognized so far is by the Dixie Chicks. My second favorite country music. Hey! That Tennessee Twin song is no longer operative, “Free to do what/ To chose this white man over that”. Thanks Democrats! Now don’t fuck it up.
Don’t park on the railroad track. Retard.
Someone said that they’ll need the overflow room, but who knows.
7:48 I’m pretending it’s a live blog. Feel the pretension.
7:53 Namedrop Goldy all you want, but for the slot I’m at I’m seeing a lot of saggy reporter/camera crew asses. Local press access sucks balls. And can I just say that for a group of people obsessed with what Hillary wears, the press sure are a jeans crowd. Shit, you’re seeing the next president of The United States (God willing and a lot of hard work to make it happen). Ever hear of real pants? Maybe a belt? Men, it’s called a tie. Says the blogger.
I need stilts.
8:00 According to my program, we’re starting now. I doubt it.
Anyway, I just saw a hand made sign “Hillary Clinton is paving the road for our future” held up by some adorable kids. Fake reporter rookie mistake # 1: No camera. Damn.
8:07 A lady from the Trib just pulled up next to me. I’m going to copy from her notes. “Do you make a living blogging?” How quaint. On the other hand, I bet I say “fuck” more than her. Goldy will be glad to know that the other, “real” reporters tend to be Mac people.
Now I’ve got “My Home Town” by Girl Trouble stuck in my head, God this post is super indulgent.
8:15 Kids are filling the stage, and speaking of kids, oh right, why you should support her: She has been a consistent advocate of children and families for decades. From turning the Children’s Defense Council into the powerhouse it is now, to her work for education in Arkansas, the most important issue to me, healthcare for everyone, and when that failed getting S-CHIP passed. She’s willing to get to work for us all. I’d provide links, but, you know.
8:44My program says Hill starts 14 minutes ago. I have to wake up in the morning. Fuck (see).
8:47 Niki Sullivan, the lady from the Trib, has left me with her computer. I’m such a gent, I’m not fucking with the Trib’s blog; Yet; The night is young-ish. According to the Trib website, a Lawyer admits one-night stand with Federal Way judge. I applied for the Federal Way Fire Department once. This is actually more self-indulgent than Goldy telling us what he had at the Montlake Alehouse. I win!
8:52She’s 15 minutes away, according to the announcement. So 30 minutes until she gets here. I need a private jet.
9:04One of the volunteers said 7,000 people are here. Not bad for after 9:00 on short notice when I have to wake up in the morning.
9:07 Crowd is chanting “Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!” They are excited, and I’d like to address what Goldy said earlier about down ticket. Of course it’s tough to judge by a candidate’s most excited supporters how much that candidate can excite people generally. But both here and at the Super Tuesday event, the crowd was totally riled up, and I think she can infuse that into the public in general. Also, there will be a better turn out machine by and large, and something tells me that Obama’s cult of personality will have more ticket splitters than the person running on Democratic ideals.
9:17 Fire Alarm, but nobody’s evacuating. Awesome. “Ladies and gentlemen, there is no Fire Emergency.”
9:20 Garry Locke and Ron Sims:
A note from the coffee shop next to where I work this morning: All of these are my notes and should not be considered complete or accurate. God knows people talk faster than I can type. Locke was his usual. Not particularly inspiring, but not as bad as that one year after the State of the Union.
It’s amazing how many people are here on such short notice.
It’s high time we had a president who works for working families, people on Social Security and Vets; they need our help and that’s what Hillary Clinton will do for America.
This is about the future of our country.
Democrats all want change, but the challenge is who can deliver that change? Who has the experience to deliver that change? Who has the experience delivering that change? Hillary Clinton.
Ron is great! I can’t believe that a call and response for caucusing: “Where you going to be on Saturday? When are you going to be there?” actually worked. But he’s definitely riling up the crowd. “5000 people here tonight, get used to saying ‘Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!'” God love Ron Sims (sorry Will).
9:29 Please welcome Congressman Jay Inslee:
I want to get one thing off my chest: Some people say America isn’t ready to elect a woman president, well if we can elect the single most incompetent man in the country, we’re ready to elect a woman.”
America’s destiny to provide for clean energy, we can do for clean energy what we did for space during the Apolo project.
We have one candidate running for president of the United States who truely wants universal healthcare.
National press got here, I can’t see shit.
9:33 Hillary!
Ron is leading them in a chant: “Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!”
Thank you so much, this is so amazing, I’m so happy to be here
There are so many people, I hope everybody can hear me back there
“Are you ready to pick a president?” – “YES!”
We need you to go out and caucus for me
this sounds a bit dumb, but the crowd was quite excited. Then she went on to thank Sims, Locke and Inslee, Owen, Reardon, all super volunteers. Said she’s “thrilled to have Norm Dicks, announced today.” Your superstar Senators! Frankly I’ll take that over what Obama announced Monday and Gregoire today, and that would be true even if he hadn’t included the chair of Democrats for Bush. Anyway to the meat and potatoes:
It means a lot being here, Washington has done an enormous amount to put us on the right track to fight global warming and clean energy. Washington is proving that we are “the innovation nation” We need people across the country who understand the stakes: There is no guarantee we will remain the great nation we have been, or will spark the kind of zeal that sets our sights high about what each of us can do.
I won the youth vote in MASS and CA.
This is obviously cherry picking but I hope it does something to put the dumbass idea out there, that she’s only good for people over 50, to rest. She’ll be a hell of a president for those of us under 30.
So much work to be done to repair the damage we’ll inherit from President Bush. I see an America that’s once again on fire: the Apolo’s Fire. Jay gave me a long list of companies making the future. Can we really switch gears? We are Americans, and there isn’t anything we can’t do. It’s already happening in WA.
She listed a bunch of companies, I hadn’t heard of a lot of them, and type too slowly.
I’m not asking you to take a leap of faith, I’m asking you to join with me so that the future is there for our children and our grand children. Some people think of the next election; I prefer to think of the next generation. As I look at the future I see some big goals: Build a strong prosperous middle class- it is the backbone of the American economy, and it is at risk. We’ve got to make it clear that the Federal Government will get back on the side of ordinary Americans instead of just the wealthy and well connected. We have to set our priorities about what we’re going to invest in. An investment manager who I represent in New York shouldn’t have a lower tax rate than a nurse or a teacher. That is not right in America.
This is the kind of frame that other, downticket Dems can work their message into, as opposed to some nebulous idea of change that every Republican will also be running on if Obama gets it. I’m so glad that there’s moral outrage about what’s happening to the middle class; it’s outrageous.
We know we need to be fiscally responsible. Bush squandered the surplus on the war in Iraq and tax cuts for the wealthy. It’s time to bring back our men, women, and money in Iraq. We borrow money from China to buy oil from the Saudis. The greatest hope for new jobs is in clean, renewable energy. I want a strategic energy fund that would be the equivalent of the space race. It will be funded with money we give in tax give aways for ExxonMobil. We need to put that money in Washington creating energy jobs. We need energy efficiency.
We need to invest in infrastructure. Within 2 years we had a bridge collapse and levies collapse in the middle of the country. We need to train people for the green collar jobs. We need to end George W. Bush’s war on science {Biggest applause line– Carl}. We know what he’s done denying Global Warming, and vetoing stem cell research. I will have Congress send me the stem cell bill, and I will sign it.
It’s horrible that anyone has to run on science is neat, but there you go.
Universal Healthcare. This is the public passion of my life. I have seen what happens when we deny healthcare. People get sick, they stay sick, and they die. In America. This is immoral. It’s time to say no more. Not in America. Healthcare is a right! I have staked my campaign on making it clear that I will do everything to bring universal healthcare.
My plan is simple: If you are happy with what you have, nothing changes. If you have no insurance, or the insurance company won’t pay, you will have options.
There are people with no insurance and with insurance that isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. I will open up the Congressional health plan, I think it’s time it’s made available to every single American. We will limit the amount you have to pay for a small percentage of your income. There aren’t enough people in the system now to control cost and quality. We will guarantee that no insurance company can deny you coverage for preexisting conditions. Cover prevention, it will help keep people well: This is a core value worth fighting for. Universal healthcare is achivable, and we aren’t leaving out anybody. We’re going to have everybody covered.
Oh hell yes!
I will end the unfunded mandate known as No Child Left Behind!
Is that a subtile attack on Ted Kennedy? No? Probably not, but still.
Let’s make college affordable again! Student loan companies are practicing preditory lending, but in America it should be an investment when you go to college. Pell grants should be indexed to the cost of higher education.
When we get back into the White House we’re going to have to clean house from top to bottom. I have an old fashoned idea: how about appointing qualified people again? How do we restore moral authority and leadership? Start ending the war in Iraq. We need to begin withdrawing troops within 60 days. We couldn’t do it immediately because there is no Bush plan, and we’ve got to do this in the right way. A lot of Iraqis stood up for us, and we’ve got to figure out what to do for them.
The era of cowboy diplomacy is over. We must lead with our values. As we bring our sons and daughters home, we must take care of them. I will be a commander in chief who understands that we have the greatest military in the world that has done everything they have been asked to do. Thousands are coming home and they don’t know what happened. They don’t have a physical wound.
Cynara distracted me, I don’t know what Hillary said for a while. She’s awesome, but she smells like an ashtray. How’s that for self-indulgent? Bye Cynara, back to the conclusion of the speech.
We have issues where we can find common ground, but we also need a president who can stand our ground. We don’t want to be unified for the sake of unity; we need to be unified for progress and for our kids and for hard working middle class Americans. We can do this together.
Caucuses are different from a primary. My theory about democracy is that everybody should participate. Stand up for me for a couple hours on Saturday, I will stand up for you and together we will change our country and make history.
Having seen Bill, Hill, and Obama live, let me tell you she was the best from a crowd riled up standpoint. 12 hours later, and I’m still thrilled.
Girl Trouble Rawks™!
Jay really said this? “well if we can elect the single most incompetent man in the country, we’re ready to elect a woman.”
OK, this line needs some work.
Such a thrill to have the color commentary and the play-by-play of a slow-motion suicide.
The only way she staggers over the finish line is to line up and smack down the corrupt Clinton machine of “super” delegates … just not enough idiot voters left, not even here, to carry her over.
“[Senator Clinton, D/Wal-Mart] listed a bunch of companies, I hadn’t heard of a lot of them …”
Let me help: The company’s called Wal-Mart, and Hillary’s their little Ms. Sunshine.
I was there. (Sort of. I was in the second room and around a corner. I’m sure I had a worse view than Goldy did. I saw her only for about ten seconds, and that was after the crowd started thinning out and I could actually get in a position to see through the doorway.)
I though both Locke and Sims didn’t have good call-and-response techniques. They both need training in that department.
I didn’t get fired up. I thought her speech was a list of things she liked to do, but she came off to me as more of a competent policy wonk than an inspirational leader. She’s OK – but she isn’t going to lead anybody to a mountaintop.
I’m leaving now to try to get into Key. I’d love to be able to compare the bigwigs more or less side-by-side.
Sorry – I said Goldy when it was Carl who blogged the Hillary event. My apologies.
I didn’t get fired up. I thought her speech was a list of things she liked to do, but she came off to me as more of a competent policy wonk than an inspirational leader. She’s OK – but she isn’t going to lead anybody to a mountaintop.
Bingo. She’s Bill without the “Ah feel yore pain” touch that he had.
I’ve seen this movie before: in 1984, 1988, 2000 and 2004, where we nominated a smart, decent person with great policy ideas and not a lot of charisma, who was killed by someone who got better press and was made to look like the more charismatic option by comparison. Apparently, there are some in the Democratic party who think we’ll get this right on the fifth try, and that, really, all the times this didn’t work before were flukes. I’m not one of them.
You know – I like Hillary – but I have never found her to be inspiring as a speaker.
As far as the youth vote – maybe you should read a little more than just Hillary’s website Carl:
“CBS News reports that Illinois Senator Barack Obama owes much of his victories Tuesday to America’s young voters. Nationwide, Obama netted 59 percent of voters under 30 years old, while New York Senator Hillary Clinton was supported by 38 percent. Young men supported Obama by a margin of 64 to 33 percent over Clinton, and young women supported Obama by 53 to 45 percent.”
Looks like Obama runs MUCH stronger with the under 30 crowd nationwide and I think the trend will continue here in Washington.
7 I presume you’re putting emphasis on “was made to look like the more charismatic option…” as far as 2000 and 2004 were concerned. The way the mainstream media went to such lengths to present the creepiest politician in history as “having a special glow” or being “someone you’d want to have a beer with” pretty well blows away any claim the righty trolls might make to there being a “liberal bias”.
@9: remember- they said Al Gore was “wooden” and Kerry was “uptight”.
Bush could say almost anything – as long as he had one joke he won the debate….the guy mubled his answers, couldn’t remeber the basics but still performed “above expectations”.
McCain is NOT a great debater – he looks asleep if his meds aren’t at the right dose. He can have the occasional quip or go after someone – but I think Hillary or Obama could nail him on the war – but I think Hillary will have more trouble – she is saddled with her vote for AUMF for Iraq.
So consider the blowjobs the press gives Senator Straight Talk. Then consider how the Maureen Dowds of the world sneer at Hillary.
As I said, I’ve seen this movie before. At least if we lose with Obama, we won’t be doing the Same. Damn. Thing. as we did previously, with the major difference between 2008 and 2004/2000/1988/1984 (and, if we want to go there, 1972 and 1968- McCain and Nixon do have some similarities, as do Hillary, Humphrey and McGovern- or even Eisenhower/Stevenson, if you REALLY want to go back) being that our candidate wears a modest string of pearls and sensible heels. I’m just hoping the rest of my party figures this out before it’s too late, and pulls the lever for OUR version of Ronald Reagan.
Yes, this is a bit of leap of faith here…. but if the American electorate has demonstrated anything, it’s that it values charisma in their Presidents, whether it’s real or manufactured by Madison Avenue (and the Rs are genuinely good at selling their guys like Madison Avenue sells soap).
Carl …
Great post! That kind of writing is what blogging does best at!
I feel much the same sort of excitement when I am with Obama. There is something odd about him. He convinces me that he MEANS what he says. I also am very impressed by the way he manages to run a Barack OBama who is black, while HRC still seesm to me to impressed wiht her own gender.
Leaving aside electoral politics, wouldn’t ehy be an awesome team to reform the country? I hope whichever wins has the self confidence to call on the other one to help make the place work!
Onje one small issue. Her working for the CDF was, at least in what I have read, Onone year!
I still lean (slightly) towards Hillary. I think the Republicans have thrown everything that they can throw at her, and nothing stuck. I’m worried that Obama is a bit more of an unknown quantity, in that respect. It’s not that there is really any “dirt” in his background – it’s just that by creating “doubt”, especially in the final two weeks when it is very difficult to debunk spurious allegations, he may lose a lot of otherwise independent voters who now are polling in his direction.
Also, Obama’s suffering a bit from the high/low expectations bit. He’s at the top of his game right now, or will be by the time his candidacy would be confirmed. He may not be able to meet the high expectations which has so far helped him in the media. McCain, on the other hand, has benefited throughout the nomination process by somewhat artificially created low expectations, cause largly by his budget problems early in the campaign. Anything he does now will be seen as continued improvement, “momentum” in his favor.
I think Hillary will pretty much remain as she is, in the “expectations” department.
But as I’ve said before, I can support either Democratic candidate. I just want to make sure they can win.
My biggest worry is a brokered convention, with Obama coming in with the most delegates from the caucuses & primaries, but Hillary walking away from the nomination due to her advantage with respect to the Super Delegates. Such a scenario invites a repetition of the 1968 secnario, when the young forces working for Robert Kennedy, then Edward Muskie, felt that the nomination had been stolen from them, and many then sat out the November elections, feeling disenfranchised and then radicalized.
What I would really like to see is an Obama/Clinton ticket, or vice-versa. I don’t know if that would be possible by the time of the convention.
Her message is that she’ll hit the ground running — not hoping.
You Obama supporters can strum the strings of hope in your hearts and then watch the strong and experienced pols crush them if Obama’s elected.
I’m voting for real change. I’m voting for Hillary.
@14: Just slogans (hit the ground running – what does that mean? She will screw up her health care proposal like last time or run the presidency in the same poor way she has run her campaign?).
Hillary has Penn as her chief advisor – and he doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in substance over money. Axelrod is a much better chief advisor and Obama has run a great campaign to come from way behind to almost even now and he reponds quickly to negative attacks (unlike Kerry) without whining about them.
Obama has out-organized and performed above expectations – Hillary has performed below expectations – given she was the presumptive nominee and had a huge advantage at the start. Obama has wider online and total money support – Hillary had to loan herself money for super tuesday after starting out way in front.
Hillary has squandered a huge lead, has a lot of baggage and does worse against McCain. Let’s see what the results are in Washington. On the credibility test – Hillary gets low marks and Obama high marks after hearing them speak and asking people who they trust.
Hillary may be a “known” quantity – but she doesn’t appeal to many independents and she doesn’t inpire people the way Obama does. The race with McCain is going to hinge on the independent voters – and she has far more negatives already with that crowd.
Wow! Mr. Not Correct! Obama must have as much charisma and new ideas as his hero, Ronald Reagan.
Such a smart young man, that Barack Obama! Look at where all those ‘new ideas’ Barack so admires have gotten us.
I know snake-oil when I see the salesman — not the oil.
I’m watching Hillary’s speech in Tacoma.
It’s not too bad but certain parts of the style and the substance reminded me of –
I’m sorry. Been there done that. I want this country to move forward. I’ll quote Molly Ivins:
Barack Obama is a Baby Boomer. But he presents himself as: “Mr. Youthful’ — which he is not.
Snake oil…
re 15: That ‘hope’ bullshit that Obama spouts is just sloganeering.My slogans are tougher and more woldly than yours.
I ‘hope’ you can see that. But I’m not holding my breath. 7,000 motivated Hillary people will far outperform your smiley-marshmallowy Obama stay-at-homes this Saturday.
I think the Republicans have thrown everything that they can throw at her, and nothing stuck.
Sometimes, a picture or two IS worth a thousand words.
I’m voting for real change. I’m voting for Hillary.
Certainly your privilege- but don’t be surprised if after a November matchup of Hillary and McCain, it’s the old crazy white guy taking the oath of office in January 2009.
Sometimes, I think a lot of Democrats model how they nominate presidential candidates on British war techniques in World War I.
Edmund: Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?
Darling: How can you possibly know that, Blackadder? It’s classified information!
Edmund: It’s the same plan that we used last time, and the seventeen times before that.
Melchett: Exactly! And that is what so brilliant about it! We will catch the watchful Hun totally off guard! Doing precisely what we have done eighteen times before is exactly the last thing they’ll expect us to do this time! There is, however, one small problem.
Edmund: That everyone always gets slaughtered the first ten seconds.
Melchett: That’s right! And Field Marshal Haig is worried that this may be depressing the men a tadge. So, he’s looking to find a way to cheer them up.
Edmund: Well, his resignation and suicide would seem the obvious solution.
Melchett: Interesting thought. Make a note of it, Darling!
Yes, I know, Hillary’s a woman. That’s not going to matter when half the country has basically made up their mind about her.
Hmm, somehow my pictures didn’t make it, but…
Hillary bounces between 45-55% unfavorable. McCain and Obama, not so much (they are more at 60%/30%).
If you think it’s irrelevant that Hillary is MUCH more negatively viewed than McCain or Obama… you don’t know election politics.
“Universal healthcare is achivable, and we aren’t leaving out anybody. We’re going to have everybody covered.”
Regardless of if they want to be or not.
The difference between Clinton and Obama is that Clinton believes the Government knows what’s best for the people and we should all fall in line and do what she says. Obama believes that individuals know best and, given the proper governmental oversight and regulations to make healthcare affordable, individuals will buy it.
This is one reason I support Obama over Clinton.
The only reason I’m terrified of loosing my job is that I cannot afford private healthcare. Give me a chance to get it at a reasonable price, and that fear goes away.
Don’t tell me what to do Ms. Nanny State, give me a way to do it myself.
23 JamesA
Glad to have you on the side of the force!
Just one thing. I would not diss Hillarie’s version either.
Healthcare is a mess and either plan is just a start.
My wnb guess is that eventually we wWILL go to single payer and I would personally prfefger that the it not be claled insurance because that ends up being misconceived as withg social security.
Keep the faith!
# Creighton Baril said: Her message is that she’ll hit the ground running — not hoping. You Obama supporters can strum the strings of hope in your hearts and then watch the strong and experienced pols crush them if Obama’s elected. I’m voting for real change. I’m voting for Hillary.
Creighton, I fully agree.
This is no time to break in a new employee. Hillary has a track record. Obama does not. And all of the hoping in the World will not alter that basic fact.
So tell me Hillary supporters, what real experience did JFK have. He had the same message as Obama and nothing more.
Art really Farted here:”The way the mainstream media went to such lengths to present the creepiest politician in history as “having a special glow” or being “someone you’d want to have a beer with””
What? You must be talking about Mr Stiff Al Gorebasm or Mr Botox John Effin Kerry.
Al had that special glow against the foreign posted military members and their votes and Kerry had that Vietnam killer glow about him…
Correctnotright: Hillary has performed at expectations. She was the inevitable candidate, Manchurian Style served dull of course!
@25: Gee just like Hillary has “crushed” Obama so far with her very experienced pol’s. Sorry – Hillary is more prone to gaffs, has more negatives and has Bill mouthing off at the wrong times.
She has not voted her conscience and doesn’t pass the “honesty” test – is this person answering how they really feel or how they want me to think they feel.
Hillary supporters – weak on substance – long on criticism.
Hillary is less electable.
Hillary voted wrong on Iraq.
Hillary voted wrong on earmarks
Hillary voted wrong on cluster bombs
Explain how she is so experienced? She has less legislative experience than Obama.
How will she hit the ground running? Her advisors are weaker than Obama’s. The best people from Clinton’s term support Obama – the leftovers are with Hillary.
Sorry – all rhetoric and little facts won’t make what you want to come true.
My prediction is Obama wins Washington state 58-32. Within two weeks he will go in front in the delegate count and not look back – Hillary will be begging for money.
Again Brenda, you make no sense: “This is no time to break in a new employee. Hillary has a track record.”
Track of what? She colluded with Private Insurance back in 1993. She takes fat cat donations. What did she do with all that money since then she had to loan her campaign $5MM and told the MSM Told the MSM TOLD THE MSM TOLD THE MSM not to announce it until after Super Tuesday.
Again Brenda YOU MAKE NO SENSE! Glad to see you colluded with Creighton headless lucy Baril the racist of horsesass. I guess strange people make interesting bed fellows in politics.
Nuff SAID!
Creighton headless lucy Baril what name will it be next?
I sniff Heilary’s butt…
I like Heilary cuz blacks are no good…
I like Heilary 24/7…
I like Heilary cuz blacks are difficult to deal with I know…
I like Heilery cuz blacks remind me of Rochester…
“This is no time to break in a new employee. Hillary has a track record.”
I agree, Hillary does have a track record. Where to begin, where to begin….HERE:
“Senate Amendment No. 4882, an amendment to a Pentagon appropriations bill that would have banned the use of cluster bombs in civilian areas. Senator Obama of Illinois voted IN FAVOR of the ban. Senator Clinton of New York voted AGAINST the ban.”
How is that for a person who worked for the Children Defense Fund! Hillary is a candidate who is voted for the Bush Administration war effort in Iraq, time after time.
She voted for the war, and favors the use of cluster bombing civilian areas. Yet, all these people on this blog who claim to be against the war will march to the polls and stridently claim that their anti-war vote will be used on a pro-war candidate.
As Chuck Knox used to say “Your actions speak so loudly, I cannot hear a word you say”.
Talk is cheap. If your action tomorrow is to put a pro-war candidate in office, then, YOU ARE PRO-WAR!
Is she following the advice of her own campaign consultant?
So Brenda, when you have a sentient thought let us know! Keep cheering for Heilary. Smarter people on both sides of the aisle wonder about you!!!
It sure is fun watching Obama donkey kick Heilary donkey butt. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
I’m glad you enjoyed the rally and have passion for Senator Clinton…I will vote for her if she’s nominated, but I will support Obama tomorrow.
I was an Edwards guy. If he was still in it, I would stick with him, but here is why I support Obama.
1. Obama inspires me. I admit it. He inspires my students. I teach high school and there aren’t many Hillary supporters. The hardcore conservatives support Huckabee and McCain, but Obama has the kids. He truely could bring in a new generation of kids loyal to liberal and progressive values.
2. Terry McAuliffe; occasionally I will be almost convinced by a Clinton supporter, then I will see a quote from this clown. Has everyone forgotten how horribly Clinton’s chief advisor ran the DNC, ignoring the base in favor of DLC corporatists? I would like to believe that Hillary is more liberal than Bill and learned something from his inability to translate his personal high ratings into Democratic control of Congress….but I can’t count on it.
3. Ultimately, the policy differences just aren’t that big and I want to move on from the Bush and Clinton era. Neither is really progressive/liberal enough for me, but I feel like there is more chance that Obama will really change society.
4. I just don’t buy the argument that a) Obama just won’t be able to handle the job or that B) Clinton somehow has some superpower that will allow her to singlehandedly reverse the Bush years in the first 30 days.
Topher, not listening to Brenda? But, Brneda knows it all!
Carl-Why was this event so last minute?
Why did the Clintons have NOTHING scheduled past 2/5 SuperTuesday?
Do you think she felt herself the *inevitable* and would surely have sown this thing up by 2/5 at the latest?
Are the Clintons depending completely on party machinery to organize for them? Is the campaign ground game nonexistent?
Who would be the better executive for the country again?
James A @ 23…exactly.
The Clintons believe in government from the top down. They have run their lives that way, especially HRC. Look at her upbringing, her schooling, her *career* outside politics, her ascend to power path, her votes, her campaign, everything about her.
Obama believes in government from the bottom up. It’s his Community Organizer roots and is reflected in every aspect of his life.
He has built an unparalleled unsurpassed organization in the course of one year that has taken on and beaten the long fabled Clinton Machine. He has out politiced them, out campaigned them, out organized them, out financed them all the while NEVER changing his views to suit the moment.
He is good. Very, very good.
HRC experience path:
Some snipes at Obama in there as well, but fairly transparent effort to not slant the article. Obama’s been too honest about his past to have a whole lot to smear with.
Bottom Line:
Like all of you. I know that health care is the most critical, and important issue facing the American people. Now, and in the coming elections. And like the vast majority of the American people, I want HR 676 (Medicare For All) passed into law NOW! “Single payer, Tax Supported, Not For Profit, True Universal Health Care” free for all as a right. Like every other developed country in the world has. See: http://www.house.gov/conyers/news_hr676.htm
“HR 676:
For church goers: less money to insur. companies and more to the church- lots more.
Srs on Medicare: save way over $100/wk. Because no more medigap, long term care & dental insur. needed. No more drug bills.”
But if we the American people fail to bring enough pressure on our current politicians to get HR 676 passed into law before the elections. We will have to identify, and replace all the politicians standing in the way of passage of HR 676. And, I think the best first place to start is with the politicians that blocked the bipartisan SCHIP bills for the kids. Passed by congress four times.
But what about the President. It was Bush after all that blocked the bipartisan SCHIP bill passed by congress to assure more health coverage for Americas kids. So which of the presidential hopefuls do I think will be most supportive of implementing the demand of the majority of the American people to have HR 676 (Medicare For All) passed into law immediately!
We have some very fine presidential candidates who would make good presidents. But none of the top Presidential candidates directly support HR 676, the only true Universal Health Care plan. So I am supporting Hillary Clinton. She is the only top candidate that has ever actually fought for universal health care before.
I have enormous admiration, and respect for Hillary Clinton. She fought a pitched battle against overwhelming odds back in 1993. To prevent this disastrous health care crisis that is now devastating the American people, and America. She fought so hard for the American people that she risk almost completely destroying her husbands presidency. I haven’t forgotten her heroic effort. If any Presidential hopeful for universal health care deserves my support, it’s her.
Also, if we the American people fail to bring enough pressure on our government to give us HR 676 which we all so desperately need NOW! Then we will need the most skilled politician we can get on our side to broker the best health care plan for the American people that we can get. Though it will be less than we need, and less than we deserve. The politician I think to best do this is Hillary Clinton. The Clinton’s are probably the most skilled politicians in American history.
The insurance industry, and medical industry that has been ripping you off, and killing you has given Hillary Clinton so much money because they fear her. They have also given Barack Obama so much money because they fear Hillary Clinton. They think they can manipulate Barack Obama against the best interest of the American people better than they can manipulate Hillary Clinton. There is no race issue with Hillary Clinton. The Clinton’s are the poster family for how African Americans want white people to be towards African Americans.
As always, African Americans are suffering, and dieing in this health care crisis at a much higher rate than any other group in America. The last time there was any significant drop in the African American death rate was when Bill Clinton was president.
My fellow Americans, you are dieing needlessly at an astounding rate. In higher numbers than any other people in the developed world. Rich, and poor a like. Insured, and uninsured. Young, and old. Men, women, children, and babies. And we the American people must stop it. And fix it NOW! Keep Fighting!!! Never! give up hope. There are millions of lives at stake. Bless you all… You are doing great!
Hillary would have slaves if they were still legal. If
you think she “cares” you are fucking retarded. No
politician now cares a fuck about us. What is it about
“power” that they love so much? I dont get it. CLEAN
“The Clinton’s are probably the most skilled politicians in American history.”
Let us see. Ever heard of LBJ? JFK? FDR? Reagan was a better politician. Hell, so was Nixon.
Hillary Clinton is a political train wreck. Any politician with her political connections and lead in the polls and money race should have won the nomination by now. She had it all, and has FUCKING BLOWN IT!
You cannot reheat a souffle’ folks.
Obama’s Dirty Tricks?
Dear Sisters and Brothers for Hillary,
Let me call to Hillary’s attention to what is being said about her and Bill and Chelsea on one very nasty pro-Obama website I came across, http://www.matrix-evolutions.com. They are actually connecting up Bill’s Monica tryst with parental sexual abuse on Chelsea if you can believe it! Whether it is better not paid attention to or countered, I don’t know, but somebody who does know what the right response is should be made aware of this. The beginning of this website, which focuses on the election reads:
We are scientists who derive our politics from an evolutionary perspective, not from conservative ideology. Our analysis concludes that our so-called war on terror is slowly but surely taking us to World War III. Note Putin’s 2/8/08 call for a renewed arms race to counter America’s efforts to conquer the world. For that reason we support Barack Obama as the only real anti-war candidate, the only one who can keep such a nuclear tipped train wreck from happening.
As to Hillary Clinton, recall during their populist administration that President Bill and missus, while promising health care they never delivered, did deliver more police and prisons, and took our jail population to the highest per-capita level in the world. This statistic, ahem, is historically associated with hardened police states like Stalinist Russia and apartheid South Africa. We all know that spitting on the street nowadays will get you six months in jail. But of course we’re not a police state, because if we were, you’d have heard about it on the evening news.
The Clintons as president also made their upper class handlers happy by ending LBJs war on poverty, which brought about the vast population of homeless beggars we see on the streets of America today. Pearls for the wealthy, evictions for the rest of us. Don’t laugh. It could happen to you. Wait until the recession, caused primarily by our trillion dollar War in Iraq, gets into high gear. Goodbye nest egg when the market totally collapses. Goodbye home thanks to the Shylock mortgage brokers in bed with the conservatives. Hello suffering on the street with your kids in a foster home.
Actually Hillary does have a few things she can be very proud of. She is a most talented actress, a profoundly adept social climber and a top paid shill of the upper class. She is our American Evita and almost everybody loves her style. But whatever her talents and personal accomplishments, she is not going to go against the wishes of the ruling clique who created her and Bill and stop their war.
Some think that Hillary would never lie to us. But Bill also insisted he would never lie to us and is so amazingly good an actor, almost as good as his wife, that we yet believe him even after the tape recording caught him with the cigar between Monica’s legs. What character is there in a first family when the head of the most powerful nation on earth is sticking a penile object, not even his own, up some college kid’s vagina? Does anybody think Hillary felt personally bad about the Monica thing other than not having her usual go with one of Bill’s girls? Watch the conservatives bring forth one of Hillary’s lovers soon to clarify her tastes in this area. Indeed, one would not be surprised if the less than confident, slightly retarded, persona Chelsea Clinton was condemned to live her life with derives from her pervert parents abusing her when she was four years old. Certainly there is as much truth in this conjecture as in the equally outrageous conjecture that the Clintons are not good people even though they go to church every Sunday. If evil is badness that comes from an unexpected source, the Clintons are evil enough to have shit stuffed in their mouths and be set on fire. That’s an opinion of their character, not a threat on their lives, for all you hate speech monitors out there.
Unfortunately, though, short of a revolution, we may be stuck with another Clinton figurehead presidency, for our evolutionary analysis shows clearly that while biological evolution is not of intelligent design, our presidential elections are. They are intelligently designed by the conservative ruling clique that has hold of our media and our courts, including our Supreme Court, which designed the last election outcome. Which all of you meekly accepted because the majority of Americans are basically passive cowards who lack the courage it takes to stand up to tyranny. The upper classes would never allow Obama to become president and stop the war. They would assassinate him first, literally have him shot like Martin Luther King, if the media they control can’t derail his candidacy in a more subtle way. We reach these outrageous conclusions, not from bipolar disease, but from a firm scientific analysis whose details follow after we have introduced ourselves.
I hope this information helps.
Onward to victory,
Martha Turner
Subject: The Clinton Body Bags..
Question: How can a person who has been decapitated have his death ruled “natural causes?
Food for Thought”
Just a quick refresher course lest we forget what has happened to many “friends”of the Clintons.
1. James McDougal – Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.
2. Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown . The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
3. Vince Foster – Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.
4. Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller committed suicide.
5. C. Victor Raiser II- Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
6. Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “Dear friend and trusted advisor”.
7. Ed Willey – Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.
8. Jerry Parks -Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock . Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock . Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton . He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
9. James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.
10. James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.
11. Kathy Ferguson- Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
12. Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancée of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancée, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancée.
13. Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.
14. Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena, Arkansas Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.
15. Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
16. Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992 . She died in a one car accident.
17. Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
18. Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.
19. Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.
20. Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.
21. Charles Meissner -Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.
22. Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton’s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.
23. Barry Seal -Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.
24. Johnny Lawhorn Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.
25. Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.
26. Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded.
27. Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.
Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88.
Keith McMaskle – Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988
Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.
James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to “natural causes”.
Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989. THE FOLLOWING CLINTON BODYGUARDS ARE DEAD:
Major William S. Barkley Jr.
Captain Scott J . Reynolds
Sgt. Brian Hanley
Sgt. Tim Sabel
Major General William Robertson
Col. William Densberger
Col. Robert Kelly
Spec. Gary Rhodes
Steve Willis
Robert Williams
Conway LeBleu
Todd McKeehan Quite an impressive list! Pass this on. Let the public become aware of what happens to friends of the Clinton’s!