Anybody expecting bold gestures or a call for shared sacrifice from our state’s civic “leaders” should think again, at least when it comes to funding higher education:
A task force charged with finding stable money to pay for higher education in Washington state has some ideas it wants the Legislature to consider.
At the top of its list announced Monday: Find someone other than state government to pay the bill.
That’s right, the last thing the panel, chaired by Microsoft executive Brad Smith, seems to want to propose is that we should adequately fund our state college and university system by raising adequate tax revenues. Instead, they suggest the state hike tuition, and then raise a new scholarship fund via donations from individuals and corporations.
Uh-huh. I myself have long advocated that the state consider moving to a high-tuition/high-financial-aid model in order to more efficiently target state subsidies at a time of tight budgets, but I’ve become increasingly concerned that we’re on the verge of embracing the former without implementing the latter. And the apparent reluctance of this panel to consider taxes as a legitimate revenue source, well, it only adds to my unease.
Other bold proposals include saving money, by doing more with less:
— Eliminate underused majors and courses.
— Offer more online classes, particularly for large introductory courses.
— Create three-year bachelor degree programs.
— Limit state support for students taking credits beyond what they need to earn a degree.
— Test students on prior learning experiences and give them credit.
— Recognize college work done during high school.
Do any of these six proposals actually make the educational experience at our state colleges and universities any better? No. Of course not. They make it cheaper… and in every sense of the word.
I haven’t yet read the task force’s report, so I don’t mean to entirely dismiss it out of hand, but I’m disappointed by what appears to be a relentlessly free market approach to the problems at hand. Soviet-style controlled economies ultimately failed; I understand that. But there must be something in between that, and pinning the educational aspirations of the children of the working and middle class on the voluntary generosity of wealthy individuals and corporations, right?
Of course there is, and I’m guessing it looks something like the taxpayer funded state college and university system upon which much of the economic gains of the past half century were built.
Sounds like they want to turn the University of Washington into a night school modeled on the correspondence schools that advertise in gun magazines.
Get your online degree today! Get a job in law enforcement or as a game warden! Oops, we don’t have game wardens in Washington anymore. Cowlitz County, which is supposed to have four game wardens, currently has none. So if you want to poach elk and salmon, Cowlitz County is the place to go.
“But there must be something in between that, and pinning the educational aspirations of the children of the working and middle class on the voluntary generosity of wealthy individuals and corporations, right?”
This has been a key conservative meme for 150 years. They want to force us to beg from them. They’ll give us the money if we promise to live the way they tell us to.
The ‘effectiveness’ of Republican politicians lies in the fact that it’s alot easier to tear something down than to build it up — which is something they might like to keep in mind if they are still phantasizing about funding a military/industrial complex.
I have a better idea. Let’s tax the money away from them and spend it the way we decide.
I think every unemployed blue collar and middle class voter who voted against the income tax on the wealthy initiative should be required to pay market rate tuition for their children in state colleges and universities. There’s absolutely no reason for those people to get a subsidy from the poor people paying sales taxes.
It doesn’t make any damned sense that two-thirds of the voters in this state voted against a tax on 1% of the state’s population, and the most undertaxed segment of the population at that.
They shot themselves in the balls when they did that.
“t doesn’t make any damned sense that two-thirds of the voters in this state voted against a tax on 1% of the state’s population”
Of course it doesn’t, you’re a fucking idiot. The rest of us knew this would slowly be lowered, first to $200k and couple, then $100k a couple. Then down and down through the middle class.
Goldy says: “…it looks something like the taxpayer funded state college and university system upon which much of the economic gains of the past half century were built.”
Yeah, Goldy- but that was before we were forced to pay for transgender operations for prisoners, career-counseling for hookers and self-esteem programs for cokeheads, ad nauseum. Ever heard of the word “finite” as in “finite number of taxpayer dollars”?
John425 @9,
I challenge you to put a number on state expenditures for transgender operations for prisoners, career-counseling for hookers and self-esteem programs for crackheads.
@8 Bub, you don’t know shit from shinola. And please leave the “rest of us” out of your ignorance.
I agree with Goldy on this one – these “proposals” are not about making education better or even keeping it the same – they are about making public adeucation second class and basically elinimating the cheaper public option for most students and families.
Other countries adequately fund their schools – we do not. The state is broke because the sales tax dried up and now education is being left behind – eventually, we will pay for not adequately funding education. Cutting education by over 40% will have negative consequences down the road and businesses will simply recruit more people from other countries and complain about our education system that is underfunded.
@9 Typical wingnut crapola. They would have you believe that all our taxes go for “transgender operations for prisoners, career-counseling for hookers and self-esteem programs for crackheads.” Meanwhile, their trillion-dollar wars are free.
@8: Umm, you are a liar and so are the people who paid for the the ads that lied about lowering the the income tax. The state legislature has not increased the sales tax in 26 years – they are gutless as far as increasing taxes – so that canard you are spouting is just so much BS.
@12 “The state is broke because the sales tax dried up”
Better buy a mule, because the gas tax will be the next to go. When everyone is driving electric cars and paying no gas taxes, there will be no roads to drive on.
re 8: Nobody’s gonna pull the wool over your eyes!!! Huh?
When you talk about spending money on education, I hope you don’t mean grander facilities and higher wages for administrators.
One of the most important things that could be done for education is to pay teachers the same sort of money that a lawyer or computer jockey makes.
And if they don’t produce results — replace ’em.
This is precisely my criticism of Puddy and Cynical – part of their raving about charity is that they want to reinforce the hierarchy, to lord over the less well off when they ‘give’ – it’s all about sequestering power and enforcing class distinctions. And of course, earning Jesus Points for charity.
Wow, and then we’re all paying the same tax. Isn’t this what Republicans usually demand we do? Why is it bad here? Do you prefer an unstable and highly regressive system?
But if you’re a student in the public school system, well, it’s like being drafted by the Detroit Lions.
21st Century students, while displaying significant dedication, are not showing the same creativity or originality of thought.
“…but I’m disappointed by what appears to be a relentlessly free market approach to the problems at hand.”
Can one of you asses please explain why every single thing liberalism touches crumbles into unintended consequences and garbage?
Any of you? Name one???
Talk amongst yourselves, fist bump to codify your solidarity and then proceed with your usual and unimaginative invective – which signals your total loss for and of an argument.
Liberals asses remind me of Lindsey Lohan: easy little whores, brain dumb and totally blind to the failings that destroy them.
Unintended Consequences Of Regulation
Per the Morrill Acts, land-grant colleges and universities were established “without excluding other scientific and classical studies and including military tactic, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life.”
Our resident “legal eagles” might care to shed some light on this, but it would appear that the effective charter of the UW and WSU would be to make postsecondary educational opportunities, focusing on agriculture, technology and the sciences, accessible to the children of common workers. This would seem to imply that it be within the abilities of them and their families to pay for it.
“Create three-year bachelor degree programs”. NO!
Don’t these people understand that the quality of education has gone downhill over the last few decades? A three year degree will do nothing to solve the problem.
Too many students go to a four year school unprepared for the work needed, if the schools are worth a damn. Too many are unprepared to live away from home and end up dropping out. Most of those who drop out do so in the first and second year.
To solve that problem we should require all students obtain an Associates degree at a community college and then spend the next two years working at the Bachelor level. Basically do away with the four year degree college program and instead have two year Associate degree followed by two years Bachelor degree program.
Next if a student has to take remedial courses that should be charged back to the high school they attended in some fashion.
Also something should be done about duplicate programs that are offered. Consolidation would not hurt. In fact EWU should be absorbed into WSU.
Apparently correctnotright missed the King 5 interview in late October where the tax proponent person would NOT directly answer the question about the tax being added to lower income strata. They were basically asked this Yes or No question by Robert Mak – In two years would a simple legislature majority vote change the initiative to tax others? Look up the debate correctnotright. It was the death knell to I-1098!
Puddy already discussed this on HA before.
@21 It seems to me that the author of that article is drawing exactly the wrong conclusions from his observations.
He says:
This looks like a symptom of the great Republican “No Child Left Behind” idea of making student focus their time on how to pass standardized tests rather than how to think creatively.
Also the author says:
This looks like the Right wing utopia of the little people blindly obeying what their “betters” tell them to do. Progressives want people to think for themselves not obey blindly.
Sure has. Look at which political spectrum took over the classroom during this time. Yes, right down the toilet.
After a 20 year break I recently finished my BA.
Classroom utilization could be improved by having trying the retail “store within a store” model, run the first two years at universities more like community colleges. At the end of two years you get your AA, or AS, and then you apply to transfer to the BA, or BA school. Right now it is little more than a formality.
They should go through something a little more formal like the UW transfer program.
Classes above the AA/AS should cost more, and follow the high-tuition/high-financial-aid model.
University should focus on delivering the classes for the 4 year, masters and doc studies, and minimize as much as possible, or completely get out of the business of delivering basic studies, even if that mean sub-letting facilities to a lower cost public college provider.
@23, see 27, two ways at looking at the same thing. At UW I would have the Seattle Community Colleges take over all of the classes of the first two years that they already deliver all around the city at a lower cost.
Proud Ass is at least honest. She doesn’t try to hide the source of her right wing bullshit/brainwashing.
Can’t say nearly the same for Puddybud.
This was a taskforce made up of CEO’s and business folk, a few token reps for education (though they aren’t educators)
Members of the governor’s Higher Education Funding Task Force are:
Brad Smith, Chair, Senior VP and General Counsel, Microsoft Corporation
Judith Runstad, Foster Pepper LLC
Charlie Earl, Director, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Jesus Hernandez, Chair, Higher Education Coordinating Board
Thomas L. “Les” Purce, President, Evergreen State College
Pat Shanahan, Vice President & General Manager, Airplane Programs, Boeing Company
David Tang, Managing Partner, K&L Gates LLP
Paula Reynolds, CEO, Preferwest LLC
Dean Allen, CEO, McKinstry Company
Bill Ayer, Chair and CEO, Alaska Air
Michael Kluse, Senior VP, Battelle
Maud Daudon, President & CEO, Seattle Northwest Securities
Chris Rivera, President, Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association
Ray Stephanson, Mayor of Everett
Paul Rosier, Executive Director, Washington Association of School Administrators
Alex McGregor, President & CEO, The McGregor Company
Another bone-headed progressive comment.
The bill, shepherded through the Senate by Senator Ted Kennedy, one of the bill’s co-authors, received overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress. – WikiPedia
Nope you Dope. The NEA and liberals control the classroom. Republicans and Conservatives are not part of the NEA hierarchy!
Of course the dumb birck ylb can’t refute anything so he appears, farts & shits in each thread and then leaves!
Puddy has no problem raising taxes if the taxes for education are wisely spent and if all other waste in education was removed. How about removing teachers who are not DESERVING tenure because they are incompetent? How about removing the headless lucys’ from the classrooms who are racist idiots?
Hey dumb brick ylb, why don’t you correct your cinder block cousin rujax who thinks #21 is Cynical?
Oh wait then you’d be following Puddy’s orders. But the other side is by doing nothing you agree rujax is an idiot! Looks like ylb has a pinhead dilemma.
Well Mr. Baker looks like we have an idea in common. Now how do we sell it? ;)
Nice catch. Not a single college student on the taskforce. Amazing.
Why bother? You’ve been refuting your own fool self since you started here.
You started name-calling with your very first comment here.
Yes I can prove that.
Go ahead ylb make Puddy’s day! :) Let’s see your next attempt at chronological tomfoolery!
Oh BTW Pavlov is right about your dilemma!
@32 “he appears, farts & shits in each thread and then leaves!”
Puddy obviously projects too much. I’ve heard that it’s a Psych 101 thing.
Dr. Pavlov is dead. You’re referring to him in the present tense. “Chronological” error perhaps??
Indeed, as Steve noted, it’s a Psych 101 thing.
That’s your evidence?
Oh my. This fool is more of an idiot that Puddy originally thought!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
More chronological failure!
How much time did you spend on that “databaze” dumb brick? All this time you could have using that “talent” for a real job!
Puddy is Pavlov and you are the dumb dumb brick dog. No chronological failure there!
41 – Let others judge then.
Did you call Goldy a “butt” with your first comment?
Did you refer to Donnageddon as a “butt” and everyone else who didn’t care for your crap that way as well?
Are you denying this?
So is it any wonder why people aside from other trolls don’t care all that much about your babbling? Sheesh even they don’t care that much.
That’s interesting. I thought Puddy was some guy whose real first name is Darrell or some character that Darrel plays in these comment threads.
Pavlov was a scientist, long deceased.
Please don’t confront our dear Puddy with facts. He doesn’t do well with evidence. He is terrified of the reality-based community, and would just as soon not be reminded of its existence. Please, YLB, Puddy’s head is always on the verge of exploding; I’m sure you don’t want on your conscience to be the one who pulls that trigger.
what kind of no-life-having loser starts a blog based upon the posting at HA?
answer: the same no-life-having loser who developed the HA databayze.
I really think YLBasement has created a little imaginary world in his head based upon HA.
Wow dude, get a fucking life….start with acting like a man and getting a job.
46 – So you’re the guy from Shelton?
survey says: nope.
45 – Surely you jest. I have no illusions that Puddybud cares the least about facts.
One more question for Puddybud:
Puddybud did you LIE about being name-called WAY BEFORE you called names? WAY BEFORE is your words.
You know what to do to put that to rest.
48 – Maple Valley then.
survey says: nope.
you must be the basement dweller from seattle though.
Well Puddybud’s run away or is typing some ginormous screed. Will he answer the simple questions I’ve posed above?
What’s the big deal?
“haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
Hmm, the psycho-laugh is back. We all know what that means. Somebody didn’t take their meds.
I think that this is extremely pathetic:
Given that I’ve written this about Pud in recent weeks:
and this
And made this characterization in a number of other posts.
He can’t even insult creatively.
Hey steve and YLB, if you’re still here – did you guys hear back from Goldy about getting in contact? I asked Goldy to send you guys my email – I think I mentioned rujax and deathfrogg as well – but haven’t heard back.
Um, tenuous connection to reality is more likely. It’s of a piece with the evident depersonalization.
He evidently needs the thrashing he gets here to get off — just to get thru the day. It’s kind of sad really.
@Lib Sci: I was expecting your email after we confirmed a couple weeks ago, but didn’t hear back from Goldy when I requested from my end a couple times.
Try again (let me know you have) and I will too. You too, Rujax! and Deathfrogg.
If you go to DL, Michael is supposed be there tomorrow, so maybe you can pass your contact info to him. Proud leftist, Steve and I MAY be there as well.
Wow Lib Unscientist, Puddy was told by you that you weren’t going to comment anymore against or about Puddy. Well it seems you FAILED again.
Leaving a pile on the table? You are truly psychotic.
Oh my a cavalcade of loopy libtardos at DL tomorrow to start the New Year? Well Puddy may have to appear so Puddy can meet this ignominious pile of human biomass.
Stupid stupid ylb.
Nope you useless tool!
Onto the next moronic ylbism
Nope you Dope.
Keep it up. You are still batting a 1000% in chronological failure. Remember your first chronological failure, you were dancing on Mike Webb’s grave in your “mind”?
Well Since I have 5 yrs of the GET program sitting in the bank, the state can raise tuition 100% per year and guess what that same state would get to pay in tuition due to the obligations of the GET program?
It would cost them to massively hike tuition.
But they all voted for the same libs that have taken the National Debt from 9 Trillion to 14 Trillion today. Money is no object if you are already poor.
Blah blah blah.
They whine that we are teaching our kids to to the test, instead of teaching critical thinking.
If you teach kids to be creative and think for themselves, most of them won’t be conservative and some won’t be democrats.
So really, why should the powers that be change the education system? What’s in it for the parties except for heartache and non sheep?
Hmmm missed this one earlier…
Apparently you don’t give too much as it seems you are guilty as charged! There is no hierarchy moron, JUST FACTS! Puddy has placed study after study, some scientific others not so scientific which prove liberals DO NOT give to charities like conservatives. Don’t believe Puddy, ask the chronological failure dumb brick ylb. He has all of it in his ddd… dddd… dda… databaze
Heh. I see. You’re denying you called Goldy a “butt” in your first comment. “Butt as you are” – your words – you are denying that is name calling Goldy even though Goldy clearly offended many Eyman supporters with his Horses Ass initiative. You were not that offended. I see.
But then you demurred on the question of Donnageddon and “everyone else” or “you all” in your words. However by that time, 25 days later, according to you they had it coming.
It doesn’t fly too well Puddybud.
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:eq~Puddybud,datetime:matches~’^2005-0[4-5]’,body:phrase~butt -C
| count |
| 39 |
1 row in set
At least 39 times in 35 or so first days of your time here. Just liked spelling “but” in your inimitable way.
Here’s another classic from Puddybud in those early days:
That was on May 5, 2005. Not even 10 days after your first taunt. Goldy had that coming right Puddybud? Class act you are all the way.
Once again ylb can’t understand ENGLISH. Where did Puddy say:
You are a Butt Goldy
You are a Butthead Goldy
Goldy is a Butthead
Goldy is a buttplug
Goldy the buttplug
NOWHERE. NOPE. Puddy never said any of those things.
The dumb brick ylb is really trying with his databaze. Metric tons of BULLSHITTIUM. Puddy is in this fools mind 24 hours a day 365 1/4 days a year. Yep, poor dumb brick ylb. He’s trying and still failing. Not only is this fool a chronological idiot, it seems he created this databaze just for Puddy.
Thanks dumb brick ylb. Puddy appreciates your hard work. Now channel that hard work into a job for 2011.
Zotz @ 58
I’ll do my best, but really have no idea about my odds of making it tomorrow. I hope to hell to make it. Otherwise, didn’t you propose barbecued oysters and martinis at one point?
65 “Butt as you are” – YOUR WORDS, that’s in your first comment – the “you” refers to Goldy.
As for the database:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -C
| count |
| 457927 |
1 row in set
You ego hits the door that many feet before your bloated head but reality says less than 30k of that number has one of your names on it.
and about that “butt-plug”???
Wow! Un-freaking-believable…
@22 “Can one of you asses please explain why every single thing liberalism touches crumbles into unintended consequences and garbage?”
The problem with your question is that it’s premise is false. Liberalism has worked quite well. Liberalism gave us free universal education, which made America the world’s technology, economic, and military leader. Liberalism gave us food and drug laws, worker safety laws, child labor laws, and the union wages that created the American middle class — a vast new market for businesses and their owners. Liberalism ended slavery, opposed racism, and gave blacks their civil rights — one of America’s proudest accomplishments. Liberalism stands for peace and diplomacy, and opposes conquest and warmongering. Liberals stand for honest government and oppose rightwing corruption. Liberals support parks, libraries, and public transit. Conservatives are against all of these things. Liberals work to make life better for average people; conservatives seek to convert public resources to their own selfish gain. Liberals are good and decent people; conservatives are self-serving dishonest murderous bastards. There’s more, but do we really need to discuss this further?
@25 “In two years would a simple legislature majority vote change the initiative to tax others?”
I didn’t see the interview, but if the question was “could” the answer is yes, but if the question was “would” the answer clearly is no. Is anyone in this state, with the exception of Puddy, dumb enough to believe the legislature would have anything to do with expanding an income tax?
@29 “At UW I would have the Seattle Community Colleges take over all of the classes of the first two years that they already deliver all around the city at a lower cost.”
Not me. The teaching and expectations at community colleges aren’t equivalent to what you get at U.W. … I’m sorry, but they’re just not.
Can anyone make sense of puddy’s gibberish?
What people DO NOT understand, is the Get program CONTRACT (You the citizens) will have to pay these vastly increasing tuition obligations, for every GET credit that has been purchased at vastly reduced levels.
So if I purchased 100 Get Credits for $50 each, that college has to respect that contract and instruct my student free of charge, on the taxpayers dole, thus raising state outlays at a time of diminishing state returns
Keep screaming dumb brick ylb.
Your actions are P R I C E L E S S! You are the epitome of progressiveness. No wonder Liberalism is a mental disorder. Your prove your mental disease every day in every way anytime of the day!
Pavlov says try again doggie!
Is Roger Dumb Bunny trying to return the train to the thread tracks after hijacking it above?
Is Roger Dumb Rabbit trying to write something cogent about school costs?
Where is Roger Dumb Rabbit on removing tenure from useless teachers and firing them to save costs and improve education? Where is Roger Dumb Rabbit on cleaning house on the WEA and how they still use union dues to stump for DUMBOCRATS even after the December 2007 judgment against them? Where is Roger Dumb Rabbit on the NEA and how they put their own needs ahead of the students like the WEA? Oh wait Roger Dumb Rabbit is a union hack so those teachers will retire on the Tier III retirement plan.
Pavlov says wait for it. The dumb brick ylb will attempt some more chronological twilight zone craziness because that’s all he know.
Puddy does like ylbasement. He is the gutter dweller of the HA leftists. Maybe ylsubasement!
high tuition high aid is not public education
especially if that aid depends on corporate donations
There would be no instructional dollar savings in providing the equivalent of a community college education for years 1 and 2 with a transfer to a BA institution for years 3 and 4. The reason that it appears that there would be some savings lies only with the way community colleges employ their instructors. Very few are permanent salaried professors, and many are listed as adjunct. They get paid based on the credit hours they teach and the pay is embarrassingly low. I think there are people who work for Wal-Mart that earn more than an adjunct at a community college.
People do it though for all sorts of reasons, one being that they might love it. Likely they are actively teaching while looking for a full-time position at a college or university.
The system depends on the notion that there are better jobs in teaching available. As every state makes the decision that investment in higher education isn’t a priority, there will be fewer and fewer people who will even consider pursuing it. And they sure as hell aren’t going to sign up for the community college stint.
The quality of education in an on-line course is suspect. The recommendations by the commission are weak and non-controversial but what they are doing is telling the legislature that without additional dollars this is what higher education will become. You cannot do more with less and get the same product in the end.
While I don’t think it is a bad idea to encourage more students to study in the STEM fields, I’m not certain that it is ever wise to flee towards the fields that on the surface appear to yield the most promise for economic growth. It is a political feel good move. There’s a reason why so many college students steer away from science, technology, math, and related fields. It is because the k-12 has for decades turned out graduates who hate these areas of study. Obviously the way we insist on teaching it produces generations of math and science phobes.
When everyone decided to go into, say computer science, then you got a glut of graduates with a degree in computer science. I’d feel better about a glut of mathematicians or biologists because those students have a liberal arts background and likely know how to think their way out of a paper bag (or around the Washington State Legislature–could be the same thing as a paper bag).
If you read either the Chronicle of Higher Education or Inside Higher Education ( you’ll find that many states are wrestling with the same issue.
As for the timidity of the recommendations from the WA commission, I agree. Feel good “blue ribbon” statements that require nothing of the block-headed legislature. Even in the boom years when government supposedly expanded, that didn’t happen with higher education. There were budget take backs, flat year to year allocations, years without even cost of living increases for the people who worked at any one of the 6 publics.
As for the model in higher ed, a professor at a research institution has relatively few contact hours with students and years 1 and two are often taught by graduate students. Good arguments can be made that research makes a professor better at teaching in his or her field. However, one model could be that professors should have more contact hour times with students for the salaries many of them receive.
This train is leading toward the “p” word .. privatization.
Before WAstate gets too enthusiastic about making the UW private, lets face facts. A private UW will not be available to Washington students!
The UW is one of about five “public ivies,” state universities with an academic rank competitive with the nation and the world’s best. A privatized UW, assuming it maintained its current quality, would be driven to market itself to affluent, elite students from everywhere.
Of course WA state has bright kids too and some of them even have money. But we are a small state in a world where the best schools will attract the best .. and the best paying .. students.
Would the Washington legislators be happy if Stanford bought the UW and turned it into a Northern branch campus?
Wack job at…well all over this blog….
Shut the fuck up puddybitch.
Your incessant and redudndant bleating is so fucking irritating…I resolve this year to cease reading anything you post.
Sheer moronic monomanacial asinine puerile idiocy.
Make a real point. Engage in a real debate instead of vomiting wacked-out christianist bull shit and Fox News talking points.
I heard you were realy smart and a high achiever and a man of thought.
Prove it.
Heh. And this:
is the epitome of being right wing???
Well, given the antics of the Republican Sex Offenders cited many times in these threads, I’d have to say yes. There’s no evidence that you’re an “offender” that I can see but “offensive”?
Most def.
Reluctantly, I concluded some time ago that the Univ. and WA State would be better off if all connections to the State were severed. After an initial period of great difficulty, they would find themselves and prosper without political appointees to the Boards of Regents, without stupid and “uneducated” legislators interfering and without State funding. Corporations and individuals making demands on the universities would have to make their case in a free market of ideas and have to put up the funding required.
@ 80
Some of that may be true. But he’s also schizophrenic, or at least BPD. His mental health situation is obvious to anyone.
Puddy, “the Great David Goldstein wears a butt plug”
YLB, “is the epitome of being right wing???”
As well as being a good Christian – um, with an obvious butt plug Jones. heh- I’m sure the little baby Jesus had one too.
Speaking of Republican sex offenders,
Of course, they’re all moral Christians too. Just like Puddy.
@58, 66
I’ll email Goldy again right now.
As for DL tonight – Tuesdays are usually bad for me, so that venue is unlikely, at least tonight.
I’ll ask the goldster to send my email to PL, Zotz, DF, steve, YLB – that hopefully will get stuff rolling.
BTW, I hope you guys didn’t take my meaning that I would stop pointing out Pud’s insanity. I merely stated that I was done trying to engage him earnestly – it’s poointless, which I think is his intent. He does not post in good faith, and is therefore an asshole.
I note he pointed out above somewhere that I was again responding to him – which is not true (typical) – I’ll continue to comment about his posts, if it suits my sense of humor or serves my point, but I’m not engaging him with any expectation of a good person on the other end responding honestly or forthrightly.
@25: Puddy
Umm, what exactly is your point? I pointed out that the legislature has not raised the sales tax in 26 years – and you reply that the income tax amendment could be overidden by the legislature in two years to apply to the lower brackets – that still does NOT mean the legislature WOULD lower the income tax brackets and the evidence is that legislators are very loath to do that.
So your “argument” does not really appply to my statement of fact.
I feel your pain.
That was my experience in a nutshell – make an earnest statement and then have Pud drop some offensive, insulting, hyperventillating response that made no sense.
I tried to take him seriously for some time – and then became too frustrating – I really tried to engage and not just hurl invectives.
Ultimately I think he does a real disservice to the community here. Not because he disagrees with the general liberal tone, but because he really just disrupts with childish and inflammatory antics and utterly nonsensical statements – and I think that is his intent – he is a bad-faith actor here and is best just ignored. It is impossible to have an adult conversation with him, and he seems intent on disrupting others’ conversations as well. He really is a mindless fascist-bot yelling down those he doesn’t agree with.
Once again I lament the lack of any thoughtful, earnest, honest conservative that would be willing to engage in debate and discussion – really exchange ideas is a mutually respectful way. Right stuff will occasionally do that, but isn’t here that often, it seems. Other than that, we got bupkis.
@87 I occasionally visit the Yahoo message boards to read the latest discussion and bashing of stocks I own. I don’t comment there. There are those who obviously go there to have a decent discussion with other like-minded folk and then there are those who go there solely to disrupt and be an ass. Interestingly, there are two prominent bashers who remind me very much of our Klynical and Puddy. One has a thing for writing in CAPS and calling people “KLOWNS”. The other writes in a strange variation of ebonics that’s very reminiscent of Puddy. I’ve wondered if these troll personas aren’t out of some troll playbook.
I can understand Goldy wanting to have an open comment thread. But really, should there be a home here for those who have no intent to discuss anything but only come here to be an asshole and disrupt conversation? According to YLB, Puddy has posted nearly 30,000 non-contributing, disruptive comments here. Klynical has some 10,000 or so. I really do hope they’re putting on an act and getting paid for their efforts. Otherwise, those two have got some very serious mental issues, which is something that I’ve been suggesting all along.
I conclude that they’re just two ugly, abusive people who come here to be assholes without fear of getting their asses kicked for being such assholes. If they were to behave that way in person then that bullshit wouldn’t be tolerated for more than a minute before something was done about it. That’s why they’re here on an internet comment thread. They get away with the kind of disgusting behavior they’d never get away with anyplace else.
Once again correctnotright forgets what he writes…
That’s what Puddy was responding to correctnotright. Apparently you have no memory.
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Oh Lib Unscientist,
Puddy placed many a great comment here. Puddy has discussed scholarship, race, education, computers, programming, networks, taxes, etc. When your comments are met with ridicule, well… you tent to react to the ridicule. When Puddy discussed a close friend who died to breast cancer and you flip out, well… you tend to react to those who flip out.
When you read the moronic dumb cinder block rujax reaction to everything, well… you tend to respond in kind. Still waiting for his explanation of how state government works. He’s MIA on that like his “brain”. The only glorious thing on this blog is the dumb brick ylb. This “being” worships his databaze. He sits at home jobless looking at each Puddyism. Puddy owns this fool, lock stock and barrel!
Puddy will put up his actions against any liberal here. Pound for pound. Since you can’t look at those you walk with Lib Unscientist you are useless as a “medical practictioner”.
Keep up the great work.
BTW Lib Unscientist, Puddy paid to blog here. Did you or are you a freeloader?
And Steve, you are not an ASShole? Somehow the jury disagrees! You post vile and nasty stuff all the time.
@89: Puddy
And you failed to dispute my statement – wow, are you so dumb you can’t evn figure out what your own comments mean or don’t mean?
Do you think an ad hominem attack on me as “liberal” is an argument?
I just feel sorry for a person as dimwitted as you.
A gorgeous presentation. Very open and informative.You have beautifully presented your thought in this blog post.I appreciate this post.