If Republican challenger Mike McGavick manages to win election to the US Senate, I’m guessing he’s in line for a plum assignment on the Budget Committee, what with the creative accounting skills he’s demonstrating in his own campaign.
Yesterday The Stranger’s Josh Feit broke the story of how McGavick dramatically inflated his campaign’s financial health at the end of the much-watched first quarter reporting period, and today the Seattle P-I’s Neil Modie adds a few details. As it turns out, McGavick erroneously reported $896,261 cash-on-hand when he only had $748,975.
So how’d he manage this impressive sleight of hand?
McGavick spent over $266,000 on a TV advertising blitz in the final weeks of March, but only reported $119,000 during the quarter. FEC rules require advertising expenses to be reported when the contract is booked, but as Feit explains, McGavick used the unusual 30-day terms he received to improperly push much of the expense off into the second quarter.
The idea that a campaign could buy political ads on credit shocks people who are familiar with political advertising. For starters, credit, by definition, is a loan. Traditionally, loans need to be reported in campaign-finance reports. No account of a loan for the TV buy appears in McGavick’s report. “Buying on credit would be very peculiar. It can be considered an in-kind contribution. So stations have campaigns pay in advance,” says Catherine Herrick, a longtime political media buyer in Washington, D.C. who owns the firm Buying Time. (Her clients include the Democratic National Committee.) “I can understand it with a corporate client, but it’d be perplexing for a station to do that with a political campaign.” Herrick’s point is that political campaigns are based on fundraising. How does a TV station know a campaign is going to meet its fundraising goals? Obviously, some candidates are richer than others, and are good for it
Looks like if WA votes for Mike “McGimick” we’ll just get more of the same corruption, crime and stealing from the US Treasury.
As the old saying goes: Once a Republican, always a criminal.
The biggest problem with this is that the FEC could be called in if the media outlets were accused of making “in-kind donations” by allowing the payment of services to not happen for 30-60 days. This could be a real knot to untie for KOMO, KING and KIRO.
McGavick , McGavick , McGavick , better to change the course of the USS Maria Cantwell before she “votes” for World War III , by accident of course , especially if your purpose is to send Maria back to Congress . We have a renegade Senator on our hands now , voting for every bullet , bomb and barrel of jellied gasoline we can throw against the axis of evil . A vote for war funds is not an act of an anti war candidate .
Some how, some way, Repugs will spin this as being good. They will be the poor, unsupported CORPORATE underdogs against the rich, Democrats who are supported by people on welfare who don’t work. So corporations support the poor, honest party and poor people support the rich, corrupt party.
Oh lawyers…that’s right. The rich, Jew lawyers who have all the money. Yeah everyone knows that Lawyers earn maybe, what, 20% of GNP – yeah sure that’s a fact, if you’re from Space.
McGavick is an idiot and a loser and the fact that Maria Cantwell is compromising her own values and the values of the entire Democratic party because she thinks she needs to to beat this guy is sub-moronic.
I wouldn’t vote for McGavick if he paid me and I won’t vote for Cantwell either unless she wakes up. I’m voting for RonK.
Oh, and Goldy, but I’m voting for Goldy in the primary, not the general.
You hypocritical left-wingers have no reason to crow. Burner lies about her job title, lies about why she left Microsoft, lies about Reichert’s record, can’t get her own campaign financial disclosures square, and is basically another intolerant Western Washington snobby full-of-herself Democrat who thinks she knows more than everyone else. She has no solutions to anything other than “I’m not Reichert”. She’s gonna lose in November and it will be a real pleasure watching you fringe wingers cry and moan about how Diebold voting machines stole another election, even though the truth is you have no prayer in this race. But maybe your pals at 710 KIRO and the P-I editorial board can throw enough illegal, oops I mean free campaign advertising Darcy’s way to make it close.
re4: And don’t forget all rhe welfare queens arriving in Cadillacs to receive their free cheese rations from the government — while some poor oppressed white Republican has to walk to the store to BUY cheese to feed to his children because he cant arfgh
LibsMakeMeLaugh @ 6:
All you’re doing is slamming Burner and what she’s done wrong.
So here’s your big chance to change the tone of the debate, to bring civil discord to HA. Enter the arena of intellectual debate and sell us on the positive reasons why Reichert should be re-elected. No rehtoric or RNC talking points, please.
Tout his his accomplishments while representing the people of Washington’s 8th congressional district.
First they lie about it; then they admit it; then they say they made a mistake; then they say it’s no big deal… All the while their numerous and ever-shifting explanations don’t add up.
Looks like McGavick and his campaign aren’t ready for prime time.
Why do things like Enron happen in our country? Because people don’t understand basic accounting and the difference between an error and reporting false numbers on purpose.
You look at some of the comments about this being an “Enron Style” issue in the PI and it makes me happy that we have alternatives to the MSM. Then I look at the comments attached to this blog and I realize that the people who make these comments were the ones too dumb to get jobs at the PI… it would give me a hell of a lot more faith in this country… or this state for that matter if the people with passionate beliefs at least had a ounce of intelligence behind their rants.
I am not going to cry Enron on what looks to be an honest accounting error… No wonder this country is in shambles… most of our voices of dissent are morons. See responses before and after for evidence.
Educate yourselfs and stay out of spin traps… they are everywhere and come at you from all angles.
GBS: Mike “McGimick” – pretty good. It might catch on.
PC at # 10: I’m ready to acknowledge that innocent accounting errors happen every day, in every business, and in every political campaign. I would be absolutely astounded if Burner and Cantwell, as well as everyone else, manage to go through this campaign without some kind of accounting error. Add to this that accounting in political campaigns is different from basic business accounting. A bookeeper or accountant accostomed to working according to “the good book of GAP” is likely to report things incorrectly for a political campaign.
So my first impression to this report was to yawn, and say “gee, another accounting issue, are we really going to get into arguments about whether this was intentional or not”? But then as I read onward, I was troubled by the “terms of payment” issue.
Look, I’m a political neophyte, but even I know that political campaigns aren’t run on the type of credit usually given to commercial enterprises. There is no “due in 30 days” on the supplier’s invoices. Everything is on a cash basis. Goldy pointed out the obvious problems: it can be considered an “in-kind” donation, it complicates cross-period reporting issues, and it is a very risky loan for the vendor. Another point that is implied in his comments is that if they give the credit to one candidate, won’t they have to give it to all of them? What about the Green Party, that decides it wants a half-million dollars of advertising the week before the election, all on the same credit terms?
But more importantly – WHY are these basic rules being broken by the advertising media for MacGavick’s campaign? Presumably KIROTV, KINGTV, KOMOTV, and the other stations in the Washington State media market all have marketing managers who know these rules when dealing with political campaigns. It’s not like they only see them once every four years – political campaigns are almost a contant source of business these days.
So SOMEBODY (or several SOMEBODYS) made a conscious decision to ignore the rules. It was their own internal rules, to be sure, but somebody decided to break them. Why would they be so inclined to do so? It wasn’t that he was just a good “credit risk”, the extension of credit brings with it regulatory and political baggage which goes beyond the credit risk. So – who in the MSM wants McGavick elected bad enough to change the rules, and more importantly, WHY?
Either their finance person just missed a couple hundred grand in expenditures or someone made the decision to float them to the next quarter. Looks incredibly bad either way.
News Item: Seattle Times, May 16, 2006:
“…the Bush administration says that it’s time to do something about … congestion.
”Congestion is not a fact of life. We need a new approach and we need it now,” said Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta.
Five years ago, Mineta complained that ”congestion and delay not only waste our time as individuals, they also burden our businesses and our entire economy.”
The transportation secretary Tuesday unveiled a strategy to reduce congestion that included privatizing roads, putting tolls on busy roads and designating corridors for development to speed movement of truck and rail freight.”
Administration Now has a “Congestion Strategy”
So, here’s their plan:
(1) “privatizing roads” (i.e., turning public highways, paid with taxpayer dollars, over to private companies to manage for their profit. Anybody want to bet that Halliburton or one of its subsidiaries is designated as the only qualified bidder?).
(2) “putting tolls on busy roads”. In other words, imposing a use tax for the privildge of using a public highway. The rich and large business gets to use the fast highways, everybody else has to use the back roads.
(3) “designating corridors for development to speed movement of truck and rail freight”. In other words, pass legislation to waive environmental or property-right issues so tax money can be used to build new highways and railroads that are unavailable for use by the average citizen or small business. But I doubt any public highways or rail corriders will ever be built, unless they use imminent domain to take the land, allow waivers to ignore environmental laws, and then turn the corridors over to large mega-businesses (like Halliburton) who will agree to “manage” the corridors in return for the development rights along the right-of-way and the right to keep any profits from the venture. Kind of like the proposal the Sonics made to Seattle.
Look, I’m all for increasing investment in our transportation infrastructure. Our existing freeway roadbeds are nearing the end of their usefull life, and we need reconstruction of large stretches of I-5 and bridges around the state. The railways in this country have suffered from lack of attention for far too long. As for commercial airports, we need to find a location to build one in the North Sound region eventually, so we might as well do it now before it becomes a crisis from excess capacity at SeaTac.
But the minute you hear the Republicans of this adminstration refer to the word “privitazation”, you had better put your hand on your wallet, because they are about to take something from you and give it to one of their friends.
Ok… that does sound like a fair enough reason to have questions about this issue. Unfortunately it really wasn’t the topic of the MSM’s articles today. I appreciate your post.
I don’t intend to completely refute your argument, but I will say that it does frustrate me to think that there always HAS to be a scandal or someone to blame. “So – who in the MSM wants McGavick elected bad enough to change the rules, and more importantly, WHY?”. It’s probably a good rule to be eternally curious and critical when there are mistakes made… as well as looking to who benefits the most from the situation. In this case, however, I think you probably look at Media Plus media buyer or the salesperson(s) of those TV installations.
The truth of the matter is that people in positions of authority are, more often than not, given too much credit (we think they are smarter than they are… probably because they should be). There are probably seasoned Sales managers at every media outlet in Seattle, but I doubt they have all read or are familiar with the laundry list of hoops to jump through and lower case j’s to dot.
In my own experience in media sales, all political advertising was handled by one sales person because he took the time to learn these laws and somehow convinced the sales manager he was the only one to go through. I assure you the manager had no clue what the laws or procedures were and was happy to trust someone to do the job that cared enough to learn… (do you really think that Senators read ALL the bills that come in front of their desks… isn’t that what aides and interns are for?).
In the spirit of Ockham’s Razor (the easiest answer is more times than not the correct)… I think the salesperson or people were probably happy to extend credit knowing that a campaign from either the Dems or the GOP will be paid off in good time and no need to rock the sales-relationship boat (both the front runners are personal multi-millionaires anyhow)… you’re probably right that the Green party might not get the same extension… is that kinda shitty? sure. Is it the way things work though? Always has been, always will.
That’s why I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Issues like this, in my opinion, are just a microcosm of the myriad of problems we as a country face. Although this story PROBABLY will sparkle and fade by the end of the day… we are constantly distracted by these petty problems and let astray from issues that NEED focus. Issues such as immigration, the war, property taxes and many others NEED strong debate and the people of America NEED a strong and compelling voice. No wonder so many of our children have Attention Deficit Disorder… the whole damn country does!
THAT is my frustration. But thanks for the intelligent reply to my post.
Immigration isn’t a problem, never has been, never will be. There is not a person reading this blog–certainly not one posting to it–whose job or livelihood has been threatened by an immigrant…unless you count the outsourcing of jobs overseas, which is hardly immigration.
People up in arms about immigration are greedy, scared idiots. Everyone in this country is descended or is an immigrant. It’s the lifeblood of this country. Of course, what idiots like MTR and JCH are really scared of is that these immigrants don’t have white skin.
Immigration isn’t a problem, never has been, never will be.
Commentby Anonymous— 5/17/06@ 3:04 pm [……………………………..Goldy, Spend a little time with your family in South Central LA. Take an evening stroll with your daughter around Little Mexico City. Enjoy!! JCH]
Ohhhh, look another JCH post
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Fuck, that lying pussy is boring.
C’mon JCH.
It’s time to come clean and admit you were lying about me regarding your military service.
Demonstrate a modicum of honesty. Then you can prove to us your intellectual prowess.
I love it. Yes, those TV stations have NEVER SEEN or run a political ad before, so of course they have NO IDEA how to bill it. And their management deosn’t care about running afoul of the law on political contributions, so they have no policies in place and no lower-level workers have any idea what to do (given, as we have already established that they’ve NEVER RUN a political ad before and hove no idea of standard practce). And if McGavick’s campaign slips a bunch of expenses into the second quarter so that their CRITICAL first-quarter fundraising v. expenditure numbers look MUCH better, well, it’s just coincidence, or an innocent accounting error.
Yep, it’s so easy to explain.
“or an innocent accounting error?”
It can happen just as innocently as that. Just ask Ken Lay!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
News Flash: MONKEYS are able to string together a simple “sentence”, according to research that offers the first evidence that animals might be capable of a key feature of language.
British scientists have discovered that the putty-nosed monkey in Nigeria sometimes communicates by combining sounds into a sequence [ebonics] that has a different meaning from any of its component calls, an ability that was thought to be uniquely human. British scientists noted that the monkeys first sentence was “Mofo GBS is a homo”.
Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley’s patronage chief sent city employees into the precincts to do the grass-roots job of getting out the vote for Democratic candidates Al Gore, Lisa Madigan, Rahm Emanuel and Daley himself, a government witness testified Wednesday. “We worked during the whole election” when Daley was running for re-election in 1999, former sewer department personnel director Mary Jo Falcon told the trial of onetime patronage chief Robert Sorich and three other former city officials. [………..Gee, what a fucking surprise!! “Guvment” hacks “gettin out da Democrat votes!”]
Now that’s really funny!
< News Flash: MONKEYS are able to string together a simple “sentence”, according to research that offers the first evidence that animals might be capable of a key feature of language.>
What’s clear is that JCH was in the first group of Monkeys tested. Good Job JCH (POS),NOT!
Now that’s really funny!
Commentby Tree Frog Farmer— 5/17/06@ 6:19 pm [……….Thank you, liberal Democrat hack Tree Frog Farmer]
Last male purebred Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit dies
The Associated Press
EPHRATA — The last male purebred Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit has died, leaving just two females in a captive breeding program created to try to save the endangered species from extinction.
The government didn’t pay enough attention to the Columbia Basin rabbits and allowed them to slip to close to extinction before taking action, said Marvel of the Western Watersheds Project. The group recently sued the federal government to force the protection for all pygmy rabbits.
Marvel said he believes it is important to protect each isolated population of the rabbits because they may have unique characteristics for survival, such as burrowing, foraging or protecting themselves from predators.
”We’ll never know these things about the Columbia Basin rabbits,” he said. ”Because even if we are keeping some of the genetic materials through descendants that are mixed with other rabbits … they will always be different than the originals.”
Roger Rabbit was 8 year old. A funeral is scheduled during next weeks democratic political rally, time permitting.
Nothing big here
26, Us Democrats love funerals. Maybe we could have a Democrat pep rally!!!!!!
Tension over illegal immigration is contributing to a rise in hate groups and hate crimes across the nation, according to the Southern Poverty Hebrew Law Center. It says that evil Republican racist groups are using the immigration debate as a rallying cry.
Any reference to the bogus so called Southern poverty law center [Mo DeessteinBerg, cousin of Goldysteinberg], makes the story meaningless and nothing more than some musings from a liberal democrat blog. The organization is a bunch of pussy traitor commies.
26, Us Democrats love funerals. Maybe we could have a Democrat pep rally!!!!!!
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 5/17/06@ 7:16 pm
You got it D-Bitch slap. I don’t know which funerals I like best. The funerals where I chase the babes or the funerals for the babes we already had. It is a coin flip.
My father Teddy said he liked Mary Jo funeral the best. He said she looked real hot but kinda out of breath.
PC @ 15: Occam’s razor be damnned. This is a classic example of “good ol’ boyism”. Sure there is no conscious “intent” to get around the law, and sure, the debt is good as gold, BUT this was offset by the urgent need to “make the numbers work”. It happens all the time. Coincidentally, those it happens to and\or for are always rich, powerful, and connected.
Simply amazing, what? Dismissing it with a shrug and a sigh because “that’s the way the world works” betrays a rather calculated ethical indifference, and a classic example of the moral relativism so decried in so-called conservative circles.
1) “privatizing roads” (i.e., turning public highways, paid with taxpayer dollars, over to private companies to manage for their profit. Anybody want to bet that Halliburton or one of its subsidiaries is designated as the only qualified bidder?).
Put road building up to competive biding in Washington State and actually get roads built. What a novel concept. Actually building roads.
Look, I’m all for increasing investment in our transportation infrastructure. Our existing freeway roadbeds are nearing the end of their usefull life, and we need reconstruction of large stretches of I-5 and bridges around the state.
Hmmmmm…. I wonder where all the money went form our current and past taxes. Ah I know, donks run this state so the money went to the unions to build bike paths. Nevermind.
So isn’t it odd that Pope-A-Dope isn’t commenting on this obviously nefarious conduct by Alaska’s US Senate Candidate Mikey? Now if a Dem had done something like this, Pope-A-Dope would have quoted lots of useless cases and statutes that weren’t in any way relevant to try to impress us all. He’s stangely silent when one of his own gets his hand caught in the cookie jar. Hum?
These threads are being polluted by that jackass “jch”…
You’ve gotta love this. The chief law enforcement officer in the Bush regime is “not clear” on whether or not his grandparents were illegal…..oh man I love this shit. The righties are breaking records with the level of hipocracy and corruption they’re into.
BLITZER: Give us your — tell our viewers who aren’t familiar your personal story, how you got to where you are, your grandparents, your parents. They struggled, they came here. I don’t know if they came here legally or illegally, but give us the story.
GONZALES: Well, three of my grandparents were born in Mexico. They came to Texas. My parents — both of my parents were born in Texas, extremely poor. My mother…
BLITZER: But when they came to Texas, were they legally documented, were they unlegally documented?
GONZALES: You know, it’s unclear. It’s unclear. And I’ve looked at this issue, I’ve talked to my parents about it, and it’s just not clear.
These threads are being polluted by that jackass “jch”…
Commentby rujax206— 5/17/06@ 8:42 pm [………..”Mommy, Make him go away!!!!” Democrat pussy!!!!]
DOOFUS and klake would good additions. Clearing out some of the bullshit noise would be a welcome change.
In other news:
Read all about it at Glenn’s blog.
Interesting that the GOP will probably set new records for hatred and being hated all in the same administration. At this point, only the most inbred right wing maniacs are supporting Bush, oh sorry, didn’t mean to talk about you Klake, Cynical, JCH, MTR and all your ilk behind your backs. Tell your sister, er I mean your wife you’ll be late for chitlins and get busy cleaning them toilets. Your guys are on their way out and you’ll need new landlords.
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/17/06@ 8:39 pm
Your guys are on their way out and you’ll need new landlords.
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/17/06@ 8:39 pm [………..Left Turn, Wasn’t Al Gore a landlord in TENN?? Why, yes he was!!! And I remember the interview with his renters!!! Classicially funny!!! Plumbing problems [shit everywhere], electrical problems, roof problems, and the landlord [AL] didn’t give a shit!! This was classically Democrat!!!]
This is just fucking sick. Even for Bu$hCo:
Bush Supporting Somali Warlords Responsible for Downing U.S. Black Hawk
Today, the Washington Post reported that the U.S. has been “secretly supporting secular warlords who have been waging fierce battles against Islamic groups for control of the capital, Mogadishu.”
The Bush administration is “backing the warlords as part of its global war against terrorism,” even though some of these warlords “reportedly fought against the United States in 1993 during street battles that culminated in an attack that downed two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters and left 18 Army Rangers dead.”
At today’s press briefing, Tony Snow all but confirmed the report.
(from Think Progress http://thinkprogress.org/2006/05/17/bush-somalia/ )
There’s your Republican Party “jch” you sick fuck.
Well I see only one moonbat who had the courage to log in as “Anonymous” was able to answer my advanced math challenge from yesterday. I apparently stumped the rest of you. Tell me, does it suck to be that fucking stoopid?
Anon got the correct answer of 46 years before we begin to run out of oil and that assumes that the invisible hand does nothing.
Senator Cantwell was apparently unable to enlist the services of Senator Dimbulb to help with all those zeros, so she didn’t reply. Hint: look up something called “logarithms” in a high school math book. Fascinating stuff. Let me know if you need help…
Again, it is time to laud Goldy for putting up this venue to display the Republifuck troll Bestiary in all it’s pustulent,oozing glory.Particularly JCH. No folks, in your wildest,nightmarish bad pizza dreams could you imagine this cast of rightwingwhackjobs. All you have to do is visit the comments section of any Daily Open Thread on HA and you can observe first hand the shipwreck that the Republican Party has become. DNC , not the RNC should be paying you to post here.
JCH and Klake are especially sterling examples of the brain-rot and moral leprosy of the right. JCH, a sexual degenerate graduate of Penn State, flight school washout and general failure in the USN, has been confronted multiple times with his pathological need to lie.
Klake is so mentally limited that he can only cut and paste wingnut propaganda from years gone by, so totally debunked as to be astounding.
It takes a particularly limited set of mental skills to confuse a Syrian named Atta with an Egyptian four years or more younger. Way to go guys. Frankly, the
Mark the Fuckhead-
Really proud of yourself.
You “Da Bomb” baby…
..aaaaannnd and irrelevant fucking asswipe.
Not to mention a liar, fraud and welsher.
The Bush administration is “backing the warlords as part of its global war against terrorism,” even though some of these warlords “reportedly fought against the United States in 1993 during street battles that culminated in an attack that downed two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters and left 18 Army Rangers dead.”
Commentby rujax206— 5/17/06@ 9:17 pm
With Clinton we got our asses kick by a bunch of gang bangers in Somalia. Good job remembering that rujax.
“Anon got the correct answer of 46 years before we begin to run out of oil and that assumes that the invisible hand does nothing.”
Comment by Mark W. Bush — 5/17/06 @ 9:28 pm
WOW! And what happens when oil supplies are 5% lower than today, with an increase of 5% demand?
How about 10% lower and an increase of 10% demand?
How about 50% lower oil production with an increase of 50% demand?
The only thing the “invisible hand” will be doing is raising the heating costs for your trailer by 500%.
Dont worry, Mark W. Bush, the “invisible hand” will have killed you off a ignorant fucktard like you long before then.
I give you 10 years at best.
My father Teddy said he liked Mary Jo funeral the best. He said she looked real hot but kinda out of breath.
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 5/17/06@ 7:42 pm
Hehe…. Ah Teddy, he told me something different. He’s all wet.
“With Clinton we got our asses kick by a bunch of gang bangers in Somalia.”
Comment by RUFUS W. Bush — 5/17/06 @ 9:37 pm
Hey RUFUS W. Bush! Who sent our soldiers to Somalia?
Hmmm? Care to tell which lame duck Bush sent our soldiers to Somalia and left the next President to deal with that disaster?
I will give you a hint: It is the father of the incompetent asshole who will leave another President to clean up the disaster in Iraq.
Bush Presidents = Assholes that leave deficits, wars, and recessions for the next President to fix.
Are the Troll W. Bush’s getting stupider and stupider?
The evidence says : YES!
DOOFUS W. Bush: Don’t you still support El Presidente Jorge?
With Clinton we got our asses kick by a bunch of gang bangers in Somalia.”
Comment by RUFUS W. Bush — 5/17/06 @ 9:37 pm
Hey RUFUS W. Bush! Who sent our soldiers to Somalia?
So using your same logic 911 was Clinton’s fault right?
DOOFUS and klake would good additions. Clearing out some of the bullshit noise would be a welcome change.
In other news:
Read all about it at Glenn’s blog.
Commentby For the Clueless— 5/17/06@ 9:00 pm
Yeah right. I am a Kennedy. You would have better luck charging me with a DUI. hahahahahahaha
Vote for Jeb Bush in 2008!
Let him clean up his brother’s disasters!NO!!!! If you love the USA and your children, have Jeb Bush hang next to his brother and Father at The Hague!“Yeah right. I am a Kennedy. You would have better luck charging me with a DUI. hahahahahahaha”
Comment by RUFUS W. Bush — 5/17/06 @ 9:49 pm
No, you are clearly a Bush. You are drunk, and think you are making sense.
DOOFUS W. Bush: take your meds son. You’re a Texan! (Born in CT.)
With Clinton we got our asses kick by a bunch of gang bangers in Somalia.”
Comment by RUFUS W. Bush — 5/17/06 @ 9:37 pm
Hey RUFUS W. Bush! Who sent our soldiers to Somalia?
So using your same logic 911 was Clinton’s fault right?
Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 5/17/06@ 9:48 pm
Notice how donkaggedon is avoiding the question.
The somalia disaster happened almost 9 monts after Clinton got into office but Bush was not in office 8 mont yet when 911 happened. Did you know that Donna?
RUFUS W. Bush “Notice how donkaggedon is avoiding the question.”
No, the question is, if you can stop the cieling from spinning long enough to concentrate on it is : Who sent our soldiers to Somalia?
Try to answer, RUFUS W. Bush.
You will finally reach enlightenment yet.
Didn’t some Democrat say Merry Fitzmas (GBS) last week? Didn’t some Democrat (many here) say Karl Rove would be indicted on Monday? Yeah, I thought I heard a puddytat?
Bush won’t last after the 2006 Democratic take over.
He’ll cut and run like the lying coward he’s always been.
Yep…you dumbshits hitched yer wagon to perhaps the worst president EVER. Nice job, wackos’.
You will finally reach enlightenment yet.
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/17/06@ 9:56 pm
Bush. Sort of like Clinton was president for most of the time 911 was being plotted out. So I quess Bush is to blame for the 16 soldiers killed and Clinton was to blame for the 3,00 US citizens getting slaughter. Hey Donna, Iam enlightened.
I like it donkageddon. Kind of rolls off the tongue. Ewww!
RUFUS W. Bush drunkenly slurred “The somalia disaster happened almost 9 monts after Clinton got into office but Bush was not in office 8 mont yet when 911 happened. Did you know that Donna?”
Lets break that down for the audience, R.W.B.
1. The somalia disaster happened almost 9 monts after Clinton got into office
No, the Somalia disaster happened when the lame Duck G H W Bush sent troops to Somalia in Dec. 1992. No exit strategy, no strategy at all. This happened 2 months BEFORE Clinton was president.
2. Bush was not in office 8 mont yet when 911 happened. {sic}
Yes, and the first WTC bombing happened 1 month after Clinton took office. Clinton NEVER attempted to blame Bush Sr.
You understand that in your drunken stupor, RUFUS W. Bush?
So look at your “fearless leaders” now, dumbfucks.
NOTHING they try works…
@ 65 “#
I like it donkageddon. Kind of rolls off the tongue. Ewww!”
Comment by Mike W Bush — 5/17/06 @ 10:00 pm
When you actually have soething to say, I will make a fool of you too, Mike W. Bush.
C’Mon Mike W. Bush, I know you got a whole bunch of stupid crap boiling in your tiny teapot brain! Spout it, and let us ridicule your stupidity!
Fucking Troll’s.. nothing but half-wit nonsense and barely concealed racism.
No, the Somalia disaster happened when the lame Duck G H W Bush sent troops to Somalia in Dec. 1992. No exit strategy, no strategy at all. This happened 2 months BEFORE Clinton was president.
Dumbass do you know why Bush sent in troops. To keep millions of people from starving to death. It was a humanitarian mission. The strategy was to restore order. So I quess Donna you must be for genocide. I always knew you were a Nazi.
Enough time wasted on this crap.
When you morons actually have something to say… Well, I am not waiting for Hell to freeze over.
Donkageddons reasoning. Bush had more control over 911 then Clinton had over our own troops in Somalia. Well that could be true since we all know Clinton was an incompetent Commander and Chief.
, I will make a fool of you too, Mike W. Bush.
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/17/06@ 10:04 pm
Of course Donna does even a better job making a fool out of himself.
RUFUS W. Bush in a sputtle of disfunctional blabber said “Dumbass do you know why Bush sent in troops. To keep millions of people from starving to death. It was a humanitarian mission. The strategy was to restore order.”
Oh, my! How nice of him to wait until he could shuffle the mess that had been building for 5 FUCKING YEARS to the next President!
HOW BUSH OF HIM!!! I imagine the Republicans will wait until the last one goes to jail to send tropps to Dufar!
G H W Bush sent troops to Somalia because he knew history would know him to be the asshole he is, and the gutless fucker waited until he was a lame duck.
What a pathetic piece of shit. That is what History knows him as now!
A fucking war mongering dog turd that started a war that he new the next President would have to finish.
Hail BUSH! The second most reprehensible President the USA has ever known. ( After his son)
RUFUS W. Bush, you are a 5 Star General in the Bush Army!
Ignorant, Drunk, Confused and Proud. You are a dying breed.
Thank heavens!
RFK – Don’t waste your time with DOnDon. He is what is known as a “square filler” in his company. He fills a box in a large machine he doesn’t understand. He knows what comes into his own little world and he knows what goes out. But he has no fucking idea at all why any of the stuff around him happens, and he has almost no understanding of how it is done. He claims to work in the field of “computing operations”. In his case, that means he gets data from other people that he doesn’t really understand, puts it into charts and gives them to other people to interpret, explain, and take appropriate action.
He is just enraged by the fact that he doesn’t really have what it takes to be a “player”. He hasn’t figured out (and never will) that at the core, it’s his underlying lack of character which in turn leads to laziness, stupidity, and lack of industry.
So he rails here about how “unfair” things are. Pathetic really…
I will spare you more ridicule.
G’ night you ignorant (But well paid) Troll.
I agree Donna, letting Clinton control our troops in any conflict is a bad idea. So I am agreeing with you, it was a bad idea to go into Somalia knowing who we had coming in. See, we agree on some things.
Breaking News; Cheney shoots another best friend with shot gun after getting drunk and once again doesn’t even so much as talk to a cop.
Well not really but you’d expect he could probably get away with it again. After all, he did it once. Why not twice?
No wonder we haven’t heard from Ms. Cynical for a while, she was arrested!
Old News: Patrick JCH Kennedy’s car was found on top of a road barrier agian. The capital police have no idea what happened but no charges are expected to be filed.
Looks like we finally found the WMD. They were located in WHATADICK Cheney’s trunk along with a shotgun and some beer.
Another point that is implied in his comments is that if they give the credit to one candidate, won’t they have to give it to all of them? What about the Green Party, that decides it wants a half-million dollars of advertising the week before the election, all on the same credit terms?
Commentby rhp6033— 5/17/06@ 2:00 pm
That is a pretty good strategy for the Green Party. Aaron Dixon should give it a try in October. Maybe I can use the same strategy and actually be able to have TV and radio advertising in my next campaign. I will be sure to set up a corporation to be my campaign committee, so that I won’t be personally liable for the unpaid advertising bills.
“Well I see only one moonbat who had the courage to log in as “Anonymous” was able to answer my advanced math challenge from yesterday. I apparently stumped the rest of you. Tell me, does it suck to be that fucking stoopid? ”
Anon got the correct answer of 46 years before we begin to run out of oil and that assumes that the invisible hand does nothing.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 5/17/06@ 9:28 pm at # 44
Well, I got the same answer, but since somebody else already posted it with the appropriate comments, I didn’t see any compelling reason to do so again.
But what is this with the reference to logorithms? It’s simple long division – I’ve been doing that since 4th grade, but of course it’s easier now that I can use an Excel spreadsheet and I don’t have to do it by hand.
But the original premise of MTRK’s post was that we have plenty of oil, and are not going to run out of it anytime soon. As others have pointed out, 46 years of “proven oil researves” assumes a constant rate of consumption. Having twice as many Chinese buy automobiles as currently own them will more than double the rate of consumption, decreasing our available supply by more than half.
But more puzzling, if we have so much oil we don’t need to worry about it, then why is the price of oil increasing so rapidly? Could there be other forces at play other than supply and demand, as the Republicans contend? If we have so much supply available, why do we need to drill exploratory holes in the ANWR, as the Bush administration maintains?
MTRK’s thesis is contrary to Republican strategy. Time to go back to your masters and get clear on the talking points, MTRK!
Redneck W. Bush: your whole attitude is that of a degenerate predator. Your sadist-styled comments merely paint the picture of a corrupt individual who has made bargains with a corrupt order.
This country is 3 trillion more in debt? Nah doesn’t matter. No bid contracts? Nice bidness if you can get it! The BIAW? Fine organization that supports able candidates like Dino Rossi.
I wonder if the original Redneck who “didna speaka da english” was a Soprano. Those TV mafiosi are portrayed on the one hand as human beings with failings like the rest of us, but it’s also made clear they are scum who prosper by preying on the weak and defenseless.
I think we all know where you fit Redneck W. Bush.