I’m not really sure why I still bother to read him, considering nobody else of influence seems to bother to read him much these days, but I couldn’t help but be amused by our friend Stefan’s conspiracy theories about “Blagojevich-style quids pro quo in the elections director race.” Stefan obsesses on efforts by state and county Dems to consolidate support around a single candidate, ultimately current elections director Sherril Huff, and not surprisingly determines the process was criminally corrupt:
The “read between the lines” understanding among people who are familiar with the discussions is that Osgood and Hansen were promised jobs to get out of the race and Baker was promised help with a bid for Seattle City Council.
Oh no… unnamed sources “familiar with the discussion” (but not actually present), “read between the lines” to conclude that Osgood and Hansen were promised pay to not play! Quick, call the FBI!
Still, I have sources too, first hand at that, and I’m even willing to name some of them. KC Dem Chair Suzie Sheary, one of the participants at the meeting in question, simply laughed off Stefan’s speculation as “a hoot,” while Jason Osgood, who Stefan essentially accuses of taking a bribe, sarcastically sighed “And here I am thinking people are starting to take me at my word…”
“No machinations. I woke up, read that Huff was running, called her to confirm, congratulated her, told her she was the right person for the job, and bowed out. I heard about the Tuesday meeting after the fact. I haven’t spoken to anyone who participated.”
Say what you want about Jason, but he’s nothing if not a true a believer. With his accumulated name ID coming off his recent run for Secretary of State, and his unquestioned devotion to election reform, he would not have dropped out of the race if he wasn’t convinced that Huff was both qualified and, in a better position to win.
Jason’s take on the process? “Play to win and know when you’re beat.”
Of course for Stefan, Jason and Suzie’s denials only prove his suspicions:
Naturally, folks who were at the meeting claimed that “They weren’t pressured into bowing out and weren’t offered anything for doing so”. What would one expect them to say even (especially) if there were pressure and inducements to bow out? But why would these folks go to a meeting to discuss this at Democratic Party HQ in the first place?
Yup, that’s the sort of journalistic rigor and “when did you stop beating your wife” kinda logic we’ve come to expect from WA’s preeminent righty blogger, relying on speculation from unnamed secondhand sources to charge conspiracy, while tautologically proffering the alleged participants’ firsthand denials as incriminating evidence. But, then, you know… anything related to King County Elections brings out the very worst in Stefan, so I guess we should cut him some slack.
So what really happened at last Tuesday’s meeting? Dwight and Suzie kicked the GOP’s ass, that’s what, consolidating support around a single, viable candidate, while the Republican faithful will largely split between armed and dangerous Pam Roach and David Irons and his dangerous hands.
Political horsetrading is neither illegal nor unethical; candidates are pressured all the time to bow out of races with promises of future support and/or threats of political retaliation. And if that’s what was necessary to clear the field for Huff, then the Democratic leadership deserves kudos for their efforts to bring a semblance of sanity to this stupid and irresponsible no-primary, low-turnout special election.
So to raise the specter of Blagojevich-style corruption under these circumstances, based on secondhand conjecture, is not only silly, it ultimately serves to minimize real corruption, like that of the real Blagojevich. Someday, Stefan might dig up an actual scandal, but given his boy-cries-wolf track record, how would we know?
At least Stefan has a wife and his kids have a mom & dad who are married, live together and are happy.
Don’t you wish you had the same Goldy??
You would be a different person…..
Ok, that was a cheap shot @ 1.
There are only a few pinheads like Steve (formerly known as ByeByeGOP…the only Leftist Pinhead ever banned from a far-left Blog) who actually take things posted here personally.
The only reason I am even here is I sincerely want to understand better how the Leftist alleged mind works…what makes you tick.
I have concluded that the vast majority of you are Atheists (rhp & proud leftist excluded), many are Jewish in name only–Atheist Jews and many of you have or do work for the Government or Organized Labor.
I put your angst & anger in context.
Atheists, by their own admission, have no hope beyond this life.
That’s waaaaaaaay different from the Christian foundation.
Unlike you Atheists, I know man (including myself) is basically sinful and we must constantly be on-guard in our actions….as there are consequences. Not for a second do I take my salvation for granted.
My wife is an angel. We have 4 great kids (grown & educated) and 2 grandkids. We do a lot of volunteering and contributing to organizations where the vast majority of the money and time goes to help folks in trouble.
This is a very difficult time for many folks financially. I have voluntarily counseled a lot of people. You know what the key to moving forward is??????????????
The key is to get folks to understand they are not victims…that to some extent, their plight is the result of a series of decisions they made..and that they are living the consequences.
One of my favorite stories was about Gov. Jesse Ventura……….a woman approached and berated him about social/education cuts saying: “I’m a single mom and you are denying me my rights and opportunities”.
Ventura answered “So your a single mom huh, WHY?”
The woman said “I made a mistake!”
Ventura responded “Ohhhhhh, I get it, you made and mistake and want the citizens of Minnesota to pay for it”
End of conversation.
As long as folks retain the Victim Mentality they are doomed for bondage.
My favorite success stories are those where folks turned all there ugly past over to the Lord and started over…Born Again!….and lived much, much differently whether it was no drugs & alcohol, no credit cards, no unhealthy/unGodly relationships etc.
Think about it.
Here’s a clue, Goldy: the reason Stefan’s blog gets so little reading by people of this area is because most of the people in Washington are registered, card-carrying nutcase moonbean Neo-socialist Democrats. The Libertarian sites don’t get much activity either because the Kool-Aid drinkers abound in this State: they won’t read anything that might upset their perfect fucking little Neo-socialist world, a world where they can feel superior to everyone and pat themselves on the back as to how fucking wonderful they are.
That, in a nutshell, defines Washington politics. It’s a loony, arrogant world populated by self-aggrandizing assholes.
@1: Does cynical have a mom?
At least Goldy has a brain, which is more than I can say for cynical OR Stefan. To postulate a conspiracy with NO evidence is more a sign of the desperation of republicans in Washington state. With the annual butt-kicking the republicans get in the elections by tilting so far to the right, you would think some sort of self-reflection would be going on. But NO, Sharansky and the rest of the 25% true believers (like Pudge) think that moving further to the right will help threir cause.
Maybe they should start to clean house – a republican party that stresses the moral high ground of the religious right looks pretty hypocritical when it associates with law-breaking BIAW campaign finance shenanigans. It also doesn’t help to have a presidential primary that doesn’t really have proportional representation for voting delegates – if you claim to stand for democracy.
Advocating for the war in Iraq, the illegal and immoral Justice department using political influence in justice and being for torture and illegal wiretapping is neither moral or standing up for the constitution.
I agree with fiscal conservatism – but in a real depression stimulating the economy comes first. We need to cut wasteful defense spending and invest in high tech, science, research, infrastructure, education and jobs for Americans – and quit rewarding companies for shifting jobs overseas.
3 No, the reason people don’t read Stefan’s blog much is that after one look at it anyone with a grip on reality realizes it’s a cesspool of hatred and bull pucky, and they don’t go back.
@3: Thanks for defining yourself as an arrogant and self-aggrandizing asshole.
Libertarianism is DEAD. Lack of government regulation leads to the excesses we have seen in the banking industry. The free market doesn’t exist and did not even in the 19th century – which is where you guys want to take us back to. Even Teddy Roosevelt (Republican: from Bull Moose) knew that.
Your pathetic backwards looking philosophy has been exposed for the total failure that it is.
So now Cynical would have us believe he posts his diatribes here because that’s what Jesus wants him to do.
Uhh…dude? That’s not who that voice in your head is. Seriously, you need to get help.
CiniKKKal Anti-semite @ 2 spews: “…many are Jewish in name only–Atheist Jews…”
And this has what, exactly, to do with the subject at hand? You are one fucking piece of shit. May your god damn you to eternal hell.
You believe the Atheist Progressives are sane and have the answers for our future based on………………….your feelings.
I disagree.
KriniKKKal @2: “I know man (including myself) is basically sinful..”
Well spoken on your behalf only it would seem.
The guy arrested in Woodburn, Oregon was just arraigned.
He just started a business turning vegetable oil into biodiesel. Seems like his timing was a might off. I just filled up for $1.45/gal.
You can read the actual complaint on the Oregonian website…but here is the story just posted.
@9: Cynical is the Rabbi for Jews and can determine who is Jewish enough – haven’t you heard?
LMAO – cynical thinks he has any religious credibility. Last I heard, the meekest deserve better treatment, turn the other cheek doesn’t mean torture (and bringing ourselves down to their level by torturing ain’t what Jesus wanted) and Jesus railed against corruption (he would not have tolerated Alaska poltiicans, Abramoff, fat cats, corporate influenced politics, BIAW, torture, illegal spying and rumor mongering).
So, policemen and women, firemen and women, military men and women, the vast majority of whom are both organized labor and government employed….are useless and sucking at the teat of America.
Cyniclown, you are truly, truly a piece of work. Not a thought crosses your mind.
And yes, dickwad, I am included.
Cynical believes that when you don’t have two parents you are doomed to failure. You are less than by virtue of their inability to sustain a marriage.
Two words for you, jackass:
Barack Obama. No dad present, and he is the next POTUS. How that must piss you off. Not only is he a Democrat, black and smart, but he blows your family unit theory all to hell.
Nice Goldy, nice … and well written.
As we all know this whole change to non party was designed to fool people and give the Rs a toe hold beyond a few East Side enclaves…. glad it will not work, and the Dems. are fighting back.
Pam Roach is crazy and I suspect crooked. Stefan should be looking into her affairs for scandal, as I suspect, using my free speech voice, she is crooked.
My first choice was Hara, but, Huff will be just dandy. AND I vote every election, my great grandmother walked 15 miles with kids in tow to vote in Arkansas her first election. The family story, very true, has had a lasting impact on my very perfect voting record.
Go Dems, Shark, get a clue. Obama is here and there is joy in Mudville … looking for Inauguration day events ????
pre-eminent righty blogger?
Then it must be a poor field out there indeed in right wing land.
The minnow’s output today is a pale shadow of what it was in say 2004-2006. Earling by contrast is a fireball but of course, a total non-entity in regards to impact and an embarrassment in the content department.
When did it start going sharply downhill for the Minnow? Off the top of my head it was during the time he traveled on a shakedown tour for wingnut welfare. AFAIK he received a mere 5 large, peanuts for such prodigious missionary work in the heart of blue WA. After this tour, he was strangely quiet, even turning off comments to his sparse posts.
Such a sad, bitter, angry little man.
He’s obviously skipped his meds.
And you believe that anyone claiming Jesus as his savior and an “R” next to his name to be righteous.
Blind faith, Cyniclown, is just that….BLIND.
I got a call from Jesus a couple of days ago, he invited me to dinner and much to my surprise, according to the guest list, it is 12 guys and us.
Course as a gay guy … sounds like a fun evening.
Happy New Year
Stefan must have listened to Julie Anne Kempf and her bizarre conspiracy theories. Wonder where Julie gets the money to pay her mortgage? Seven foreclosures since 2002, and each time she saves her house shortly before the auction date. Julie couldn’t even pay her mortgage timely when she had the really good job of Elections Superintendent back in 2002 — two of her foreclosures were before Ron Sims fired her.
I really do wish that the deluded CyniKLOWN would get over his strange infatuation with me. Pudz and his fixation on goat sex is enough, thank you. No, KLOWN, I am not BBG. Nor am I Roger. Quit listening to the voices in your head and get over it already.
re 2:
“The only reason I am even here is I sincerely want to understand better how the Leftist alleged mind works…what makes you tick.”
The word ‘alleged’ that you used would indicate that you have already formed an opinion. That being the case, your stated reason for being here is a ‘truth-challenged’ assertion.
Is this a clue that you can use in your unbiased quest to understand the ‘Leftist’ mind?
re 3: It might help to remind you that the neo-socialists call themselves ‘neo-cons’.
re 2: “End of conversation.”
Translation: “I’ve supported my unexamied prejudice with a spurious anecdote supposedly from a highly unpopular one-term former governor of Minnesota.”
End of conversation.
Goldy, shhh…
Post like the one you’re quoting from help Democrats win elections.
Comprehensive sex ed in schools is a great way to make sure those “mistakes” don’t happen. Too bad you’re party seems to be against it.
13. My Left Foot spews:
I never said that mlf…you are angrily projected again. In fact, I have REPEATEDLY stated my belief that the role of Government ought to be Public Safety/Defense and Infrastructure. REPEATEDLY.
I am against inept Government Bureaucracies at all levels…of which you would admit mlf…there are many, including Education, Social Programs etc. They deliver very little bang for the buck. Yet I sympathize with many of the Teachers & Social Workers who try very hard to make a difference, despite the vast wasteland of Bureaucratic Goo they must traverse in every day.
What area of government did you work in?
Are you on disability with your heart condition?
You should be grateful to the taxpayers who have footed the bill for you and help feed you & your family….not angry at those same Tax Generators.
18. My Left Foot spews:
Absolutely NOT. Christianity has been used over the years by many as cover for misdeeds. No doubt. I don’t know what is in someone’s heart….but you can tell a lot by what they confess with their mouth.
I mean when someone publicly states Christ was a myth and Christianity a bunch of BS…you pretty much know where they stand.
Same with Republicans…
I’m a Conservative who never liked Bush..although he did some great things in Africa and our economy was boiling for 6+ years under him.
Yet he is NOT a Conservative.
No, I don’t judge folks by what they profess to be or not be….
26. Michael spews:
Yup, it takes the GOVERNMENT to help teach people about actions and consequences. We need more & more programs….GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS and Government bailouts from personal responsibility.
Michael…may I say you are the problem, not the solution.
Have you seen some of the Budget Requests in the face of a $6 BILLION shortfall???
• The UW’s plan to draw about $150 million from King County taxes that helped build professional sports stadiums, footing about half the cost for a renovation of the aging Husky Stadium.
• Tacoma’s desire for more money to fix the troubled Murray Morgan Bridge. Rep. Dennis Flannigan, D-Tacoma, recently told The News Tribune he’ll seek $25 million more from the state for that project.
• The environmental lobby’s pitch for fees on polluters, raising money for government projects aimed at helping waterways, including contaminated Puget Sound.
• About $100 million in pay raises for state workers. Although raises were negotiated in new contracts with the governor, the Legislature decides whether it wants to, or can afford to, pay the bill.
• Continued expansion of health coverage for kids, including families that make up to 300 percent of the federal poverty level, and mental- health aid for immigrant kids.
• About $40 million for a new phase of the long-planned north-south freeway in the Spokane area.
This just shows you how out-of-control and in denial people are. We are melting and special interests turn up the heat!
What a 3-ring Circus this Budget Session will be!!
With Head CirkusMaster and Head KLOWN C. Gregoire presiding!
I’m a Conservative who never liked Bush..although he did some great things in Africa and our economy was boiling for 6+ years under him.
He spent 15 billion dollars there. Why? I don’t think it was out of the goodness of his heart.
My suspicion is it was for one thing – oil.
The Chinese have spent a lot of money there for the same reason.
Who the hell is Stephan?
Oil and maybe more strategic mineral concessions.
32 – Exactly. Stefan who?
Olympia–Governor Gregoire has ruled there will be no Nativity Scene in Olympia this year! This isn’t for any religious reason; she simply has not been able to find Three Wise Men in the State Democratic Party, nor could she find a virgin.
Good news however, there was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable just using the Atheist Pinheaded Neo-Progressive KLOWNS that lurk around HorsesAss.org!
34 – I’m dead serious…..who is this “Stephan” that everyone here is on a first name basis with?
It’s the guy Goldy wishes he was!
36 – Hint. Look at Goldy’s post.
Very carefully..
And it’s Stefan with an “f”.
Son, the government job I held was as a career member of the United States Army. While you have been safely sleeping in your home for your entire life, my life was dedicated to seeing to it that assholes like you could stay home and complain about anything and everything without fear. The closet thing to combat or danger that you have seen is when you sidle up to one of your goats and he objects to the ass fucking you are wanting to give him.
If you feel that I did not earn my retirement pension and the lifetime medical care that comes with it after 22+ years of service……..I suggest that you write your congressman.
Thanks for playing.
Why does Cyniclown hate the military?
@1 Yeah, but nobody else is happy when they’re around. In fact, when Stefan and his lawyer wife and their ADHD kid show up, a single mom loses her waitressing job.
Hey Stefan! Are you still here? I thought you sold your blog to some guy named Eric and moved back to California! So how’s your lawsuit against King County Elections going? Did you share the booty with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” or keep it all for yourself? Or did the judge throw your case out of court and slap you with Rule 11 sanctions? Personally, I thought it should have been a slam-dunk if your lawyer was any good, so your silence on this subject in recent years is strange. Wanna tell us how it turned out, or are you too embarrassed to say?
@27 “I am against inept Government Bureaucracies at all levels”
I know how you feel, Cynical! I’m against lying, greedy, thieving Wall Street Capitalists and the political party (and its sycophantic supporters) that enables them!
Between GOP politicians, inept GOP appointees, and the thieving Wall Street Capitalists they so eagerly serve, the rest of us are nothing but sheep to be shorn.
I can’t think of anything more fun than yanking Cyniclowns string and watching him dance.
Stefan’s paranoid is hard for me to understand. I could understand it easier if he was a waitperson and his kid was in the restaurant where he works. But Stefan, so far as I know, has never waited tables. (Which is too bad, because he might have a better attitude toward working people if he had.) To the best of my knowledge, he’s a gigolo living off the earnings of his corporate-lawyer wife.
Who gives a fuck what this bitch Stefan thinks? He’s a republican cunt. We bent all the republican cunts over and fucked them in the ass on Nov. 4. They’ve been destroyed. They don’t count. They don’t matter. What they say and think is in every possible way irrelevant. The people have spoken. Liars, cunts, cowards and assholes on the right don’t get a voice.
I personally think Stefan is a pedophile – I have no proof. But it’s what I think. He has no proof anyone took a bribe. Yet that’s what he thinks. The difference? He represents the side that got ass-fucked. I represent the side that DID the ass-fucking.
Republicans don’t count. Not any more.
What were King County voters thinking when they decided to elect the Elections Director, instead of hiring a competent professional, and even worse make the office “nonpartisan” on voters’ ballots (but nowhere else)? They might want to rethink this if either Roach or Irons gets the job …
At least, in a Roach-Irons-Huff matchup, we can hope that Roach and Irons will take each other out, so to speak … Washington’s two most violent righties running against each other for the same job, yeah, that oughta be comical …
@45 — Remember things go in cycles. Ds might have done well in November ’08, but in the long run Ds and Rs will need to work together and at times Rs will be in power. It DOES matter what they think and it is smart for Ds to understand what Rs are saying.
We know a thread here has run its course when Cynical tries to change the subject for the second time because he’s been caught with his head up his ass.
My favorite success stories are those where folks turned all there ugly past over to the Lord and started over…Born Again!….and lived much, much differently whether it was no drugs & alcohol, no credit cards, no unhealthy/unGodly relationships etc.
God cares about credit cards?
…no unhealthy/unGodly relationships
I’m going go home tonight to my gay husband in all ways but the paperwork and make supper for him and our adopted son. Just sayin.
You are a Born Againer? That explains a lot. They are the worst. Like Ex-Smokers but more so.
According to Sitemeter, SoundPolitics gets more traffic than HA..
43. My Left Foot spews:
Happy to amuse you!
And allow me to repeat AGAIN–
I believe governments primary role is Public Safety/Defense and infrastructure.
The Military is part of Defense you moron.
How could I be more clear??
Did they not teach you to read in the Army??
Seems like every Army Vet I know can read…except apparently you.
I just met 3 guys tougher than all of us combined. They have been putting up a cell-tower about 1-1/2 miles from our place. They are avout 80-90′ high right now. They were working at 8:00AM this morning when it was 21 below….hanging in air…putting together a steel erector set that is starting to look like the Eiffel Tower. These guys are strong, tough bastards with arms like steel beams and hands like Grizzly paws. They were out working the other day finishing the foundation structural stuff when it was a blizzard and 40 below with the wind chill.
Anyway, the Good News is we can’t see the tower from our house yet…which is also the bad news cuz our cell service sucks. Not sure how much higher they will go. We have a hill to the North of our house and the tower is behind it. My hope is to barely see the top over the horizon. I can see it from the top of our driveway now…but our driveway is over 500 yards long and winds downhill about 3-4 degrees.
50. Fed up with the Greedy Bastards spews:
How lovely. Sounds like you are the Mom.
So when Goldy posts
we can treat it the same way?
Just axking?
Johnnie-One-Note(Mr. Irrelevant) = Mr.Cynical(Mental Black Hole)
Your repetitive, wrongheaded cant and rhetoric is not the mark of an intelligent man, but rather the mark of one who has memorized a few childish right wing bromides and rants and repeatedly dresses these idiotic notions out like the skirt wearing pantaloon known as the Piper might in his attempts to address the winner of the whole poitical enchilada (x-tra sour cream for Cyn).
re 52: “They are avout 80-90′ high right now.”
They must work out.
I call BULLSHITTIUM. Google neo-socialist neo-con
Funny going to leftist pinhead blog sites I see comments like this: “And Reagan only recently became what he became. And yes, us “Neo-Socialists” basically think of him as a bumbling power crazy idiot, and we are paying for his economical mistakes to this day. But I guess that would show my bias here.”
So if Reagan was a neo-con and the above poster calls him a “bumbling power crazy idiot”, I see that makes headless lucy a bumbling illogical crazy moron…
Nuff SAID!
Nigerian oil? Libyan oil?
You know Goldy, it’s dumb fuckin morons like yelling loser boy who don’t pay attention who give you HA liberals a “great name”. The Congressional Black Caucus praised Bush for his AIDS spending in Africa. Elijah Cummings praised Bush you dumb fuck!
What have Donkey Presidents done for Africa and the AIDS virus?
I know teach, I know… Yes little Johnny? – Absofuckinglutely nuthin… Right little Johnny!
If you remember anything… which I can see you don’t, the Arab States “claim” they don’t have an aids problem. Why? Well if you remember last October (wait a minute…I asked yelling loser boy to remember something…he has no brain) Iran hung two gay guys. Can you imaging Sha’ria law coming to America? Goldy would lose half his posters!!!!!
Now for all you HA lefties, this is one reason I attack yelling loser boy with a vengeance. If this MOFO had a clue…No wonder he’s scared to match wits.
Golly, yelling loser boy… you are one dumb fucking moron. Show this post to your wife so she has a clue on just how stupid you are.
Good day!
I learned to read in elementary school, improved the skill in middle and high school so that I could graduate from a Pac 10 school with two degrees including an MBA. After that I enlisted in my government job. I have no trouble reading. I have trouble with arrogant assholes who believe they know more and are a better person than everyone else. You are the king of this category.
Military service is a government job. You can parse it any way you wish, but you put your own foot in your mouth. I am only guilty of helping you swallow up to your knee.
Please, continue with your attacks. This is fun while I cook dinner and wait for Teresa to get home.
re 57: Many of the neo-cons are former new-left socialists from the 60’s and 70’s. Everyone who reads books, magazines, and newspapers aimed at the literate adult population knows that already.
headless lucy barfed:
coming from you I’m sure Cynical is proud!
So lucy@60: You are saying libtard posters on libtard blogs are stupid?
Just axking…?
Nuff SAID!!!
@58 “Can you imaging Sha’ria law coming to America?”
Yeah, it’d be pretty much like the Biblical law you loony Reconstructionists yearn to have replace our constitution. So go fuck yourself, you irrelevant, America-hating perv.
58 – AIDS? So fucking what!
The ulterior motive was there in my opinion! Just like the Chinese built railroads and hospitals and whatnot in Angola.
FOR OIL!!! Which West Africa has plenty.
Attacking? Bring it on fool!
Sharia law! Pffftt. Like I’m so fucking scared. Moron.
@57 “I see comments like this”
You’re one crazy fascist bitch, Pudz. You just don’t seem to know it yet.
I have spent the last couple of hours researching and I can find no evidence what so ever to indicate that Stefan has stopped beating his wife.
@39 For the record, most if not all of the righty trolls on this board couldn’t hack it in a government job and wouldn’t make it through the new-hire probationary period.
@48 We know perfectly well what Rs are saying. That’s why liberals are arming themselves!
@50 I’ve never met a born-againer you could trust. They all want what’s in your pocket. And they’d sell your soul in an instant if they could get cash for it.
@59 You’re wasting your time. Rightwing shitheads like putz hate the military. It’s a visceral hatred, the kind you can’t reason with, that springs from their innermost insecurities and the conscious knowledge that they, themselves, couldn’t — and didn’t — measure up … i.e., the self-loathing that drives all cowards and shirkers to ever greater depths of self-disparagement.
Ahhh yes, first I’ll tackle Pelletizer@70.
Where have I ever supported the blocking of Military votes fool?
It was Puddy who brought all of Al Gore’s military vote blockage for you fools to see.
It was Puddy who brought you John Effin Kerry’s same moves comparing them to Al Gore.
It was Puddy who brought you the same military vote blockage by Team Obama in Virginia.
It was Puddy who implored Donk to support Toys for Tots.
It’s moronic oxygen starved brainless wonders like Pelletizer who love to make stupid accusations about me without any facts…
And he has the audacity to call himself a Rabbit. Well he is a dumb bunny…
Now to HAs clueless idiot yelling loser boy.
First it’s been proven your opinion is BULLSHITTIUM. You copy and paste daily from Daily Kurse. That’s where you get your Karma from. You freely admitted you visit there every day. Remember my daily count-up in 2005?
Angola & West Africa oil. Here is a map of Africa for all to see. Amazingly Angola isn’t in West Africa. Fool!
Hmmm since my ancestors are from West Africa…
I read the Council on Foreign Relations report on West African oil back some time ago. People like Geraldine Anne Ferraro sit on the “Council”. Hmmm… So I guess donkey want that oil huh? They are driving Bush for oil? What a crock.
Golly you stupid fool the WaPo would have raised oil for aid.
56. headless lucy spews:
Either that or they smoke the same stuff you do before you start posting!
67. Roger Rabbit spews:
You got that right Rog…I have too much pride to waste 30 years in a useless shithole like you did being an attorney for DSHS…defending the indefensible incompetence. To what end??
A pension?
At least when you had your Amway Distributorship you probably helped some Soreass with costly Hemmorhoid Cream or the like.
72 – Nothing but a fool shouting. You see Dem on the CFR, tin foil hat goes on. Pathetic.
While you’re hating on the Dems for not doing anything about Africa, tell me what Bush Sr., Ronnie Raygun, Ford, Nixon, etc did for Africa.
Now all of a sudden Dumbya takes an interest out of the sweet love of Jesus shining from behind his eyeballs. Nothing to do with the Chinese in Angola, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Sudan or Chad, Nigeria, Algeria, and Gabon for that matter.
Nothing at all. Gullible fool.
LMAO @ Stupes!!!!
Great article from WAPO there Stupes.
I rest my case – dumbass!
Yep, and:
No quid pro quos. Naaaah. Nothing.
59. My Left Foot spews:
Hey mlf–
Whatever you do, don’t serve Teresa the same bullshit you’ve been serving up here at HA.
Don’t want her to get giardia or foot-poisoning!
All for the screaming yelling loser boy. Let’s match intelligence moron. Come on. Put up or shut up.
Next you claimed to the HA world you didn’t read my references. They were all (and I quote from your silliness) “right-wing bullshit.” So you are a bold face liar butthead.
Second you fool, I placed the article there to demonstrate a few things you seemed to miss:
“When the Bush administration came in, HIV and AIDS were not an overwhelming priority. Now we have seen a total metamorphosis.” – What Clinton was the “black” president.
“Although some activists criticize Bush for not doing more to end the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan, others credit him for playing a role in ending deadly conflicts in Liberia, the Congo and other parts of Sudan. Meanwhile, Bush has overseen a steady rise in U.S. trade with Africa, which has doubled since 2001.”
Third – the Gershom guy was giving his O P I N I O N. Where’s the facts fool? Opinions are like ASSholes and since you gave us your “opinion” you R all ASShole!
Next yelling loooooooooooser boy, Geraldine Ferraro is one of many Donkey on the CFR list fool.
“The malaria program complements the president’s largest global health initiative, the $15 billion, five-year plan known as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Under the program, about 800,000 Africans are receiving drugs that enable them to live longer with the disease and help to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the virus.”
idiot@77: Have we gone in and privatized their resources yelling loser boy? I know China has made deals with Angola and Nigeria. I know the French had made deals.
And in Feb 2008 President Bush said: “The purpose of this is not to add military bases,” he said. “I know there are rumors in Ghana: all Bush is coming to do is to try and convince you to put a big military base here. That’s baloney. Or as we say in Texas, that’s bull.”
So yelling loser boy all your stupid screaming hasn’t proven anything…
M o r o n.
yelling loser boy postulated Bush’s AIDS play was for oil.
Yet, searching the Internet only gives DONKEY speculation. So I’ll ask again yelling loser boy, where is the proof… we’re waiting… all I see was speculation from the article. And since it’s speculation, I stand by the article.
Oh wait a minute… “Obama, Blair laud Bush’s AIDS work in Africa”
“I salute President Bush for his leadership in crafting a plan for AIDS relief in Africa and backing it up with funding dedicated to saving lives and preventing the spread of the disease,” Obama said in taped remarks to the Saddleback Civil Forum on Global Health.”
Well Barack Obama, according to the o p i n i o n of yelling loser boy, HAs most clueless idiot, you are wrong. Bush only went into Africa for the oil.
Butt wait a minute ABC News…, yelling loser boy says Bush went into Africa for the oil. You must be wrong. yelling loser never admits his mistakes which are many on this blog every day.
“Bush AIDS Fund Credited With Saving Lives
$15 Billion Fund Made U.S. President Popular Across Africa”
“President Bush may be struggling at home, but he remains surprisingly popular here in Africa, where his face adorns everything from billboards of thanks, to women’s dresses.”
Must pizz off the empty mind of yelling loser boy.
So back to my original comment @58.
yelling loser boy is one of HAs biggest leftist ASSholes. I applaud Bush like Obama does with his AIDs stance in Africa.
yelling loser boy, go back to playing with your minuscule penis.
No, you may not say that I’m part of the problem. I’ve been working 40+ hours a week for very little pay (currently at a non-profit that devotes 80% of revenue to client services) as a (non paper pushing) social worker. The return on the dollar for me doing my job is actually quite high and what I’ve done for most of the last 15 years would quite easily qualify as working in public safety.
We’ve tried not having sex ed, we’ve tried having abstinence only education and we, the rest of the developed world and much of the third world have tried having comprehensive sex Ed. The FACT of the matter is that comprehensive sex Ed lowers pregnancy rates, lowers STD transmission rates, including HIV and Hep B., (HIV and Hep B are huge public safety issues btw.) lowers abortion rates, increases high school and college graduation rates and save society a hell of a lot of money.
You know, the headline says it all. Goldy, your site is TRASH compared to Stefans. Come on, stick to the facts and do away with the trash talk. Stefans posters out do yours 10:1 on the sanity/factual points scale (my estimate). Sure, Stefan probably has not helped elect anyone important, he is a minority voice in a Democrat leaning area. But Goldy, what have you accomplished? Heavily backed Burner the loser for 2 straight times? I see Stefans blog as having more centrists on it than HA. Gee, Goldy, I’ve never seen you obsess over anything ever! Another point, how often does Stefan slam you (or your family) with the vulgarity that you possess?
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
74 Mr Cynical, Don’t make fun of Amway
distributors. I have personally met alot of them and they are some of the finest people you could ever meet anywhere in the world and
they are very conservative and family oriented. Roger was an attorney for DSHS? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a loser existence, holy fuck that explains alot of his bitterness. He couldn’t hold a candle to an Amway distributor.
Some are accused of beating their wife. Others are seen beating their meat!
asshole @ 82
Yeah. He spent all that taxpayer money to make a play for resources and trade and good deals for his friends. He helped some Africans in the process but he expected something for it.
Your article confirm it all.
I don’t care who praises the worst president this country has ever had. That’s neither here nor there moron.
And you still haven’t answered my question. What did all the Republican Presidents before Bush Jr. do for Africa?
What a loser!
Third – the Gershom guy was giving his O P I N I O N.
Oh! Who is this “Gershom guy”? From the article:
Oh I get it! A aide to the almighty, can do no wrong, his aide’s “opinion” is as common as anybody’s asshole.
Gee if that’s the case, then it follows your chimp’s judgement on picking aides for his Africa policy ain’t too good.
You’re so full of shit, it’s sad.
Golly yelling loser boy… you surmise a bunch of crap. People guessed it in 2006. It didn’t happen. Bush came out and said he wasn’t building bases on African soil in 2008. Do you understand the time concept? I guess not.
That Gershom guy was a former Bush aide. Well we now see in 2008 what Gershom was pressing for didn’t come about. Yet in the worthless mind of loser boy you just can’t figger it out. Let me help you 2006 then 2007 then 2008.
If you had a brain you’d know current events. Instead you live on leftist pinhead site with almost no bearing into reality.
You’re one the biggest schmucks here.
Then you say you could care less who praises him. Well Puddy will remember that comment too. So when Obama is attacked and some conservative “praises” him, I’ll remind you of your continued lunacy.
You rank up there as a HA dumb fuck. Did you should your mental ineptitude to that SEIU wife yet? She really needs to see that Jekyll personality at it’s zenith.
What a fool.
And to expound more on your lunacy. All aid that leaves America to a foreign country normally has some strings for it. Except Bush didn’t pull any strings fool.
The US purchased and continues to purchase the Nigerian and Ghana oil at market prices. No natural resources were taken away. yelling loser claims they were. No oil was confiscated. yelling loser claims they were. No dictator was killed. yelling loser claims they were. It’s all in the 2006 article. Yet in 2008 none of it happened and Obama praises Bush for his AIDS actions and his character in that action. Yet yelling loser boy still has BDS – Bush Derangement Syndrome.
You were one of those HA fools trumpeting we went in Iraq for oil. Do you beat your wife daily but your Hyde personality doesn’t remember it? You need a psychiatrist. Does your SEIU wife have psychiatry services in her health plan? Keep playing with yourself. Maybe your Karma will come back clueless idiot.
Stupid moron.
92, 93 Crazy as a bedbug. Nothing but a fool shouting.
Let’s see. I said nothing about military bases. I said nothing about Dumbya “taking” anything. How much of our consumption does the U.S. get from Africa? It says here imports have DOUBLED since 2002.
At market prices? I’d say the skids were greased.
All I said is Dubya had an agenda to go along with 15 billion in aid. And why should he care about the price of oil? You buy it for one dollar and sell it for two no matter what the market price.
And the article YOU CITED confirm all of this.
I remember a long time ago you asking people here to cite one positive thing Dubya had done. You called names when people didn’t sing your tune. Well obviously you had this in mind.
Sorry Stupes, it’s tainted by good old fashioned American interests.
Golly you stupid fool the WaPo would have raised oil for aid.
It did. See comment 76.
What a stupid idiot!
No! it was someone’s opinion moron. The WaPo didn’t show any link to his opinion with follow-up in the same article. We all know if there was a quid pro quo, the WaPo would have said see… Bush did this for oil… but your argument is a vast bunch of nothingness…
Yet the article focuses on all the good Bush has done for Africa.
Silly posts from the silly one.
And you are supposedly one of HAs finest lefties?
Yep, we get more oil from Africa. But the part of the article you highlighted in #77…
Has no basis in fact and this is what you stressed in #31 & 33 above.
SO let me repeat: No natural resources were taken away. yelling loser claims they were. No oil was confiscated. yelling loser claims they were. No dictator was killed. yelling loser claims they were. It’s all in the 2006 article. Yet in 2008 none of it happened and Obama praises Bush for his AIDS actions and his character in that action. Yet yelling loser boy still has BDS – Bush Derangement Syndrome.
88. mark spews:
Actually, I was poking fun only at Rog Rabbit…it took Amway for him to do something of value.
PS–Rog failed at Amway cuz he’s such a crotchety old fart no one wanted to listen to his pitch for more than 15 seconds.
Yup, Rog told us many times about the futility of trying to reform DSHS and make it accountable…yet he stayed their slamming his noggin against the wall for 30 years!!
That explains his chronic bouts with incoherence…he’s like Muhammed Ali (punch-drunk!)
SO let me repeat: No natural resources were taken away. yelling loser claims they were. No oil was confiscated. yelling loser claims they were. No dictator was killed. yelling loser claims they were. It’s all in the 2006 article. Yet in 2008 none of it happened and Obama praises Bush for his AIDS actions and his character in that action. Yet yelling loser boy still has BDS – Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Nope. I didn’t say any of that. You’re lying. Putting words in my mouth. You do this all the time.
You implied that WAPO article didn’t “raise” oil for aid. It certainly did.
All I implied is Dumbya had an agenda to go along with the 15 billion and apparently when you dig a bit oil was only a part of it. That assertion is well supported by the evidence. Dems praising him up and down for helping to improve health in Africa doesn’t mean Dumbya didn’t expect to get something for that aid. That’s just you trying to deflect.
You’re a liar and a name-caller and just plain nuts to boot.
You were one of those HA fools trumpeting we went in Iraq for oil.
Your fucking A right I did. We sure didn’t go there for our health.
What a stooge.
We all know if there was a quid pro quo, the WaPo would have said see…
This is funny. The WAPO, part of the vast librul media conspiracy sees all even when they apologize for Dumbya’s war policies on the editorial page.
Poor Stupes, just one of Dumbya’s many stooges.
yelling loser boy:
You haven’t provided any fool. None. Nada. Zilch. You provided assertions. I provided linked facts. Your csis link makes assertions but there are no facts except for China and France fool!
So if you didn’t “say” all that why did you extract and highlight that paragraph moron? You used to to further your worthless point. So then why did you choose it if you weren’t “saying” it? Schizophrenia yeah… that’s the ticket…
No wonder you hide here. An idiot’s idiot.
Cynical: Wrong comparison.
Ali still has his wits.
He just wanted to diss a black man Pudz, and you know that. You just don’t give a shit.
103 – The csis link was to support the fact that oil imports from Africa have doubled since 2002. Coinciding nicely with Dumbya’s Africa policy.
No you’re still making shit up about me saying things I didn’t say. Quoting a paragraph supporting a quid pro quo doesn’t mean I think Dumbya was after military bases or free resources – cheap resources and improved access to markets for Republican contributors was apparently good enough.
Why are you doing this? I can only conclude your silly ego is so wrapped up in a illusion of Dumbya’s supposedly pure motives for Africa. How many gullible fools have you sold this to?
I don’t see what’s so strange about a politician, in this case that Chimp you voted for twice, expecting something in return for money. Why are you busting such a fucking gut?
And I really love Dumbya’s abstinence policy for Africa. It’s worked wonders here. Should be really effective over there.
yelling loser boy AKA Moron,
Our oil imports went up with a lot of suppliers. Bush AIDS policy happened January 28th 2003.
How am I making “shit” up when you yanked the paragraph the crowed about dipshit? You posted the paragraph to support your worthless position in #77. Now I called you on it and you are changing your position like always. Can’t take it back so I call BULLSHITTIUM again fool.
I care about my African brothers moron. I support African charities fool. Do you support Mexican charities or are you the standard cheep leftist bastard? I think so.
Let’s look at CSIS ‘report’ trumpeted by yelling loser boy…
Deputy Secretary of Defense Under Clinton John J. Hamre President and CEO.
Gregory Broaddus – worked for John J. Hamre above
Stephen Flanagan – National Security Council Staff under Clinton
John Heyl – Northeast liberal
J. Stephen Morrison – Did Africa report for Democrat Senator Russell Feingold – Worked in Clinton’s Secretary of State Office.
Golly yelling loser boy… five top names five liberals.
Hey, Goldy: Stefan stopped beating his wife shortly after he started nailing yours. He decided his wife was worth keeping.
after he started nailing yours.
Is this how a conservative (the minnow) behaves? Apparently so says loon425.
What do you think of that Stupes?
Oh and I think it’s also confirmed here:
when you yanked the paragraph the crowed about dipshit?
WTF? Where in that article (that YOU linked to) did it say anything about that?
Where did I say I believed any of that shit you’re making up?
All the csis report said was African oil imports have doubled since 2002 – yes, on your Chimp’s watch. A simple fact. Now you’re doing some guilt by association thing? You are one paranoid fuck!
What is this batshit insane crap?
@111 “batshit insane”
Oh yes, that’s our Pudz, alright, batshit insane. IMHO, he’s even more batshit insane now than before the election. Wow, I realize that’s really saying something because he was truly batshit insane before the election. Of course, I should add that he did fair better than Marvin, poor sap. Marvin. So sad. But I’ll say this for ol’ Marvin, his head exploded real damn good. R.I.P.
I bet Pudz is next. Maybe Cynical. Kind of a toss-up, really. One of the two, though.
Steve, when did it end for Marvin? Was it when he said he hated Democrats?
That was a treat. That moron would go on and on about “hate from the left” and then he admitted he hated Democrats and gave totally stupid, illogical reasons.
What a piece of work he was. I’m glad he finally folded up the tent.
Steve, Cynical was spewing his right wing bullshit here even before I arrived in December 2004. He took some long breaks though. In November 2006, he was nowhere to be seen.
@114 Someone mentioned that Goldy had once outed Cynical as a paid troll. I sometimes find it difficult to imagine anybody paying for such senseless drivel but then I remember that Republicans are really, really stupid.
yelling loser boy, your csis report is headed by donkey. Guilt by association? That’s your line. All I did was look at the top five for csis and four of the five worked in the Clinton Admin. The fifth was a college cat from Mass. Yeah they really called it. NOT!
You chose the paragraph as part of your argument. Why back away now? You are in your SEIU corner now. GO back and read all about the privatization that never happened. Read the csis report about things that never happened except for China and France.
Yeah, they are really objective. Uh huh!
A big time loser and an idiot.
116 – Nope. CSIS is pretty right leaning. Not as nutball as AEI but definitely right of center.
So fucking what if there’s Dems there. Like Sam Nunn? The guy’s a hawk. Practically a conservative.
You’re a freaking insane person. Nothing you’re saying is making any sense.
Bush met with a lot of African heads of State and obviously they did business. Go ahead and fantasize that Bush just showered them with aid with nothing expected in return.
Here’s only one smoking gun:
That assertion that Heritage Foundation is in charge of judging MCA funding eligibility on trade policy is found here:
Straight from the horses mouth as it were. Right wing quid pro quo in all its glory.
As all can see yelling loser boy has forgotten to take his meds. I showed to all four of the top five officers of csis were Clintonistas and he proclaims they lean right.
Since you are always right; tell us who Randall Robinson is? Tell us why he didn’t attack Bush’s AIDS program for this so called quid pro quo moron? Robinson hates Bush. If anyone he’d call this silly quid pro quo! Golly mr. right, just can’t seem to search for it.
You can get all the speculation web sites out you want. I wrote nothing happened for the AIDS assistance. And we know Obama would have had something to say.
Did it happen yelling loser boy? Nope you dope.
Did we privatize any oil? Nope you dope.
Did we privatize any foreign natural resources? Nope you dope.
Did the CIA overrun any country? Nope you dope.
Did we build new military bases? Nope you dope.
yelling loser boy is one of those who sees facts and continues in denial. Butt, butt, they said it was gonna happen. It didn’t fool. Keep those day dreams up-to-date though.
You are a credit to somebody… Now if somebody claims you for credit…
You’re so freaking desperate Stupes!
Yeah Bush did good by showering Africa with AIDS and Malaria aid.
And no one with half a brain who’s deeply involved in African health issues is going to rock the boat by digging up dirt on his ulterior motives.
Like oh? Ineffective abstinence programs to satisfy his religious nutjob friends? Like oh? “Free Trade” policies for his business supporters?
You’re so freaking stupid!
I never said he privatized OIL. HE DOESN”T HAVE TO! The countries who receive MCA funds just have to “open their markets”. Bush buddies march right in to do bidness as usual.
Obama is silent? SO FUCKING WHAT? You think he’s going to rock the boat in the middle of a transition or stir up the dust in the middle of his campaign?
No military bases? Not what this says:
Ever hear of AFRICOMM?
So you believe Bush is a saint for his Africa policy. Pure motives.
I call bullshit on that.
Why is this retard Mr. Cynical still allowed to post here? I’ve checked this site off and on for more than four years now and I feel the need to add this observation:
Free speech is all well and good until someone uses it as a cover to lie and slander people. If someone yells “Fire!” in a crowded theater it’s not covered by free speech, so why should a worthless subhuman piece of shit like Mr. Cynical be allowed to repeatedly disturb the peace and incite violence? After all, the only thing a sane, rational person would want to do after reading a post by Mr. Cynical is to bash in his head with the nearest blunt instrument. I realize that this is his tactic; to make us stop thinking and start reacting out of pure emotion, but enough is enough. It’s about damn time someone bothered to trace his IP and put him out of his misery… or at least ban him from this site. I would never advocate banning someone with whom you disagree simply because you disagree with them, but when a pathetic piece of shit like Mr. Cynical comes along, the only decent thing to do is to put him out of his misery, therefore putting an end to his constant attempts to force intelligent, free-thinking individuals to react out of emotion rather than intelligence.
yelling loser boy,
You chose to highlight a paragraph from the WaPo article I placed here. I didn’t make you select it. Maybe as Flip Wilson said “The Devil Made Me Do It”, is that your theology dude?
Now you search high and low because I destroyed your stupid csis presentation full of Donk?
Did you read your Esquire” article? It’s discusses the “HORN OF AFRICA” where the Arab oil is in East Africa. Then you try and discuss West Africa. You idiot, there is no reference to Ghanan or Nigerian oil fool! Go back and look at an African map.
“America’s Central Command set up shop in Djibouti in May 2003, moving ashore a Marine-led Joint Task Force that had been established six months earlier aboard the command ship Mount Whitney to capture and kill Al Qaeda fighters fleeing American forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
“Proud Kenya, still visibly nervous from the 1998 embassy bombing, would have been happy with a very quiet thank-you.” – Someone leaked it. I wonder if it was Richard Armitage. He’s known for his big mouth.
Your fifth attempt D E S T R O Y E D
You’ve changed your argument so many times because wait for it…
it’s cumming…
here it is…
you’re always right. Sucka!
120 – Nope. You’re lying. You said:
Did we build new military bases? Nope you dope.
Yep we did you dope. Why are you denying this?
Why do you deny that Bush has an agenda in Africa to go along with aid?
After meeting with 3 dozen African leaders why do you deny that Bush would ask for something in return for aid?
You ignored the MCA grants. African countries have to open their markets in return for money.
LMAO!! You’re such a pathetic moron. Your chimp is riding off into the sunset, the most reviled man ever to occupy the White House. His legacy doesn’t have a prayer. Everything he did was tainted by stupidity and greed.
Hmmm. Reminds me of someone. Oh yeah! YOU!!!
Man yelling loser boy, you just can’t admit you are wrong.
They didn’t build new bases for oil, but to stop terrarists. Nope you dope. They didn’t build any bases on the west coast fool. They readily admit they built the bases to stop Al Qaeda. Your pathetic article doesn’t put forth anything towards your argument.
Now you ignore the latest update on your “mistaken” calls. Now you focus on military bases that have nuthin, nuthin to do with your original claim. You change your argument so many times you can’t even remember your original thought.
What agenda? All I see is screaming from your csis article and now your esquire article which discusses east Africa and how the US is improving it’s image.
You are such a fool. You drink the left-wing BULLSHITTIUM. Yes Bush goes into the sunset and we’ve not been attacked. That’s a great thing.
So mr $10 man good luck with your Bush Derangement Syndrome. Get medication fast.
And we weren’t discussing MCA grants. Where does that come from? Just another pathetic attempt at changing the subject from AIDS support for African nations.
Something the “great black president” didn’t do squat about.
124 – I see. He exposes himself as a dope. It comes from comment 117 Moron!
123 – Oh so now you’re admitting they did build military bases. You must be in your Murdoch corner now.
Let’s focus on one country more to your neck of the woods – Equatorial Guinea.
Here it says 350k barrels of oil per day pumped there:
From the preceding we see good murkan names doing bidness there:
I see tell of a little USAID grant for health assistance and whatnot:
Oh and lookee here. Some military interest as well:
You’ll be suffering from Obama derangement syndrome soon enough. I’m already seeing signs of you entering your ODS corner to go with the Murdoch.
See ya on Jan 20.
yelling loser boy, finally a link I can agree with. I can concede the point of using the military to secure oil supplies. But you have not proved the point in any non-biased link of oil to AIDS. Nowhere have you proved it. And you’ve had a few days to search it out. Your csis gang supposed it.
I can’t concede the point AIDS dollars are tied to this as it hasn’t been proven.
USAID is not part of the $15 Billion for AIDS. These are your standard canards of trying to confuse the issue. Puddy is tooooo smart to fall for those tricks…
Cynical said Bush did great things in Africa. I said he spent 15 billion there. Where in my first comment on this subject did I say he spent it for AIDS? Yeah I probably picked that figure off the last article I read on the subject but my point was that Bush had an agenda in Africa and it included oil – just like the Chinese has in numerous places in Africa.
If you think this country isn’t in a geopolitical competition with China in Africa and Bush isn’t using aid as a tool to keep pace with China and moreover, the Africans don’t know this then you’re freaking naive.
Have the last word.
Why so you can comment again like always. The tune changes again. Just like you. The only $15 Billion Bush trumpeted as spent on Africa is the $15 Billion for AIDS. It was his announced program January 28, 2003. You keep telling everyone there were strings attached, but you never prove it as I said above. He announced it before the Iraq War.
So now you are ready to admit maybe Bush was adept in his planning.
1) Let’s plan for Iraq War so
2) Let me announce this AIDS plan of $15 Billion so I can get my feet into the Horn of Africa so when we start chasing Al Qaeda from Iraq I’ll have bases in Africa to snuff them out.
3) So I need to create Africom so I can get all the African leaders to allow me to place bases where I need to.
4) But wait, the Chinese will be coming into Africa soon so I gotta plan now. Yes, $15 Billion in AIDS money.
5) But wait, there will be an oil crisis in 2008 so let me be sure to get all the Nigerian and Ghanan oil contracts I can so we’ll have the better African crude in our back pocket.
Oh I can go on with this, but it’s futile. You call Bush a chimp but then in another breath you claim he planned all this out. So what is it yelling loser boy?
Don’t even try and chump change this yelling loser boy. You’re so convoluted I’m getting confused now.
LOL @ post 122. Go back and read what you wrote regarding post 120. Then pull your head out of your ass and read what you’re looking at before you post a comment. Also, keep in mind that it’s better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you’re ignorant than it is to open your mouth and remove all doubt.