Martin at Seattle Transit Blog witnessed a car vs. pedestrian collision this morning on MLK Jr. Way. His conclusion?
We really ought to elevate or bury the traffic on MLK, to avoid this kind of thing. Anything less would be gross negligence.
Martin was, of course, being sarcastic (just in case you trolls couldn’t figure it out), and in so doing illustrates the absurdity of the cynical argument from anti-rail crazies that at-grade light rail is inherently unsafe, and thus Sound Transit should always be legally and financially liable for any collision with a train, regardless of who is at fault. You know, when a pedestrian runs in front of a train, that’s Sound Transit’s fault, but when a pedestrian runs in front of a car, well, that’s natural selection.
Oddly, unlike similar accidents involving trains, the Seattle Times and the rest of the local media have ignored this morning’s collision. Huh. I wonder why?
I’ll tell you why. They can’t afford reporters.
Man, the liberals and especially Goldy are oh so pleased with Sound Transit aren’t they?
“the triumphal opening of the Link light rail”
Please….you mean that POS that costs nearly 30% more than promised, for 40% less track?
Hardly a triumpahl opening…..
Oh and Goldy, unless cars just started using MLK Jr Way on July 16, then no, not much of a story….Unless you’re a light rail apologist..
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Ahh, Goldy,
You should really check state law, when a pedestrian runs in front of a car, the car is at fault. Period.
I had a drunk run in front of my car, it was night he was wearing dark clothes, there was no way I could stop. I had witnesses. He got the Jaywalking ticket. My insurance company got his medical bill.
@4 Would you happen to know which state law that would be?
@5, I am not a lawyer so I do not which law it is. But the police at the seen and later the insurance company stated that that was the law. And the insurance company paid this medical bills. I was told I was not a fault. Test done (by the police) at the seen showed that I was going under the speed limit. And the witnesses said that I could not have stopped for him and he got a jaywalking ticket.
@4 Your wrong and if your facts are correct your insurance company shouldn’t have paid a dime.
@7, Fishcourt, Have you ever known an insurance company to pay a dime that they did not have to? They paid his Medical bills then got a court order for him to pay for the damage to my car. But like I said, I am not a lawyer, there are ones that post on this blog from time to time, maybe they can answer for sure.
Getting one’s bodily self in the path of a moving train (of any sort) is just about as dumb as stepping into the path of an oncoming 18-wheeler or getting drunk in a 19-foot runabout and playing chicken with a Washington State ferry.
That being said, building the line on-grade in a busy street is a big disadvantage for speed. It makes sense in an area where there are frequent stops anyway (such as Portland’s system has going through downtown) but considering that the stations in Rainier Valley are so far apart, it seems a little less than optimal. Somehow, for what this thing cost, we should have wound up with the very best. What we got is an awkward collection of compromises.
As usual, RightStuff cites a lying POS right wing think tank to prove his losing argument.
What else is new?
I am quite confident you are not reciting all the relevant facts. Insurance companies in this state often make settlement offers to injured people where there is no question of their insureds’ liability that do not cover the injureds’ medical bills, let alone anything for pain and suffering–rearend collisions, for example. Despite our state’s political liberalism, our juries are very conservative when it comes to awarding damages. Insurance company offers to those who are injured reflect that conservatism. Your anecdote doesn’t ring quite true.
Oh Jeremy, progressive libtardoitis? Each link has Sound Transit or Seattle Times sourced. So what are you really saying? When a right-wing think tank posts original Sound Transit material it’s a piece of shit? Puddy expected this type of “superior” anal-ysis from clueless wondermoron. R U related?
By your own admission, Sound Transit is a lying POS right wing think tank?
Check the links to original Sount Transit publications…..