Palin Ummmm is Ummmm still Ummmm more qualified than Ummmm Obama. heheheehe
Brenda Helversonspews:
Couric deserves an award for keeping a straight face during that mindless ramble.
I agree with you.
She is more qualified.
BTW, does anyone recall Goldy’s first television interview?
The very definition of mumbling weak sauce.
After that interview, it was quite clear he doesn’t even have the qualifications to run a fourth-rate leftwingnut extremist blog.
And yet here we are……
Brenda Helversonspews:
Making fun of others does not constitute a defense.
Please tell us how (and on which Planet) Sarah Palinj is qualified for public office. Can you?
Does Palin still have visions of an enormous, threatening Putin head floating through Alaska’s airspace?
It isn’t the umms and the uhhs that show someone is entirely unqualified. It is the inability to show that proximity to Russia is a qualification for the Vice-Presidency. It is her inability to explain the bailout and how it effects middle class Americans.
She is a joke that campaigned on transparency while being less transparent, who claims that she is against projects that she lobbied for, who claims that she would reform Washington while support Ted Stevens and Jack Abrahamoff.
Lastly, she used a windfall profits tax at the state level and now opposes it on a national level.
The more relevant question is whats O-Blah-Blah got that’s so great over Palin? Oh, that’s right-nothing but the blind ignorant support of misinformed, slimey little unemployed worms and their “nutroots” leader, Goldy.
Nothing says support for the middle class like taxing those of us lucky enough to have health cares.
Mark, get real, if you can. Palin’s ability to secure the blind, ignorant support of misinformed, slimey little unemployed goatfuckers like yourself will not win McCain the election.
demo kidspews:
Oh dear… it’s like they took all of the Republican talking points, put it in a blender, and made it into a crazy-flavored milkshake.
3 – LMAO!!! Answers with ad-hominem.
There is no defense for such a poor choice and lack of judgement.
Even right wingers like Kathleen Parker are bailing.
I just scanned (un)SP and I didn’t find one post about the Palin’s inteview with Couric.
@8 At its core, it’s elitism. And the reason Goldy posts about her several times a day is he’s just playing his part as a tool in an overall Democratic strategy to raise doubts in people’s minds about her qualifications. They’ve decided that’s the best way to help Obama. You don’t see them talking-up Obama/Biden. You don’t even see them bashing McCain very much. The Democratic strategy and mission is to tarnish Palin. She’s the target until Nov. 4th. And it’s a nationwide campaign by the national news media, bloggers, celebrities, etc.
My prediction is it will backfire.
@10 Stevie-boy:
Sorry bud, none of the above. Sticks and stones….:) Sorry to say, but I am in fact gainfully employed and even pay taxes. Imagine that. And what’s your curious obsession with goats BTW? They don’t laugh like the ladies when seeing you in the buff?
The Real Puddybudspews:
“Media reports that Congress killed the Bridge to Nowhere are not accurate,” said Schatz. “The 2006 transportation appropriations bill allowed Alaska to decide whether or not to move forward. Governor Murkowski said yes; Governor Palin said no. Any discussion about the project should begin with facts.”
So Sarah really did kill the bridge to nowhere! Damn, this has to be a shocker to the HA liberal idiots!
Come on liberals… defend him. Defend Goldy for remaining silent when our mayor kicked the homeless tent-dwellers out of their grass field. You know he would have been screaming bloody murder if the mayor were a Republican. Come on, defend him. Tell me how much character he has for turning the other way when Democrats do reprehensible things.
“This is a liberal blog and you don’t like it, Troll, you can …”
Oh shut the fuck up.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Mark1: Steve uses his sex goats to make Steve’s Stupid Solution (SSS). It’s a little-known family elixir recipe for lunatic Moonbat!tiness. Ekim is a regular user and Seattle’s Distributor of SSS. yelling loser boy doesn’t need it. He’s already an A+ clueless and irrational idiot.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Troll, Biden is the forgotten man. Even the press has forgotten about him…
All insults and deflections, not even a single lame excuse. Face it, you’re stuck with this turkey.
So, so far we’ve got zero responses saying while Palin would make a good VP. Way to go trolls!
Simply because in general she’s better qualified than O-Blah-Blah and Co.
Brenda Helversonspews:
First-rate people choose first-rate people.
Second-rate people choose third-rate people.
McCain is a second-rate candidate. And Palin is a fourth-rate choice. Or worse.
The Real Puddybudspews:
michael@21: Did you ask your “Was Obama the most liberal senator in the senate” question of yelling loser boy yet?
Brenda, is Obama better qualified than Hillary? Yes or no?
Mark the cynical racist puddyduddy fucking republicanspews:
I think you must -really- be a dog. Or at least have no more than a dog’s IQ.
Name three positive accomplishments of the Bushies during the past eight years. Suggested subjects:
1)Peace and Security
4)Foreign policy
5)Conservative values-not to be confused with wingnut vales
The Real Puddybudspews:
Brenda: Biden is the nowhere to be seen or heard from candidate.
Wait a minute… he’s senator gaffe.
Who was that crippled guy he told to stand up and take a bow?
Who said Hillary was a better candidate than themself?
Who said the ad attacking McCain on email was not right?
No wonder the press doesn’t cover him. They don’t want to embarrass their “messiah”.
@26 Yes
It’s painful to watch that woman talk. You know there is a big oops going on there when the right wing talking heads are calling to pull the plug on her. And that voice! Talk about an appetite suppressant!
Goldy, your blog is a piece of shit for inspiring and encouraging this crap.
Mark The Redneck-Patriotspews:
In all the criticism of Palin, substitute the name “Obama” and ask the same questions.
Obama has no legislative accomplishments and never did anything as a lawyer. He’s the textbook definition of “empty suit”. What I want to know is who is REALLY the brains behind this guy.
Some people say this election is “historic”. I agree. But it’s historic because it’s fucking pathetic. C’mon… you bruthahs out there… is this really the best you can do? And Gaffe Biden is a fucking embarassment.
McCain is no better. He is certainly no conservative. This thing he has about being bipartisan is fucking stoopid. Real progress only happens when libruls and their goofy ideas are defeated. And Palin is Dan Quayle in a skirt. This is THE WORST crop of candidates in my lifetime and maybe in the history of our country. We gotta do better.
There isn’t anything elitist about :
– questioning Palin’s qualifications based on a job interview that clearly went wrong. If I were interviewing someone for a junior marketing position and they spoke like this, I’d question their qualifications.
– questioning McCain’s motives for and judgement on making such a choice. In the same situation as above, I’d wonder if the recruiter was doing their job if they sent me a candidate with these obvious shortcomings.
Honestly I’d have had *much* more respect for her if she would have said “you know I’m not up to speed on that and I’ll have to get back to you,” instead of making up a convoluted mess of an answer that really said “I have no idea what I’m talking about, and I don’t even get that.”
You want something pro-Obama. I was very impressed with two things when he did his speaking tour after first declaring his candidacy.
– When he had an answer it was well reasoned and well informed. I may not have agreed but he had sound logic.
– When he didn’t have an answer he said so and talked about how he would come to an answer, who he would talk to, where his advice would come from, what data he might need, who the stake holders were. He had an organized and operational way of coming to a conclusion.
I never felt when I was listening to him, “that’s a huge leap,” or “where did that come from!?” Even today, it drives me nuts when he says “clean coal” because there is no such thing. But when you listen to his dive into the details, it’s a stop gap and only a rung on the ladder, not a destination. Okay, makes sense… There is depth there that I do not hear from any other candidates. Depth of thought, detail, and analysis.
I heard a lot of what felt to me like half truths from McCain last night. A lot of assertions without a lot of backing other than I was supposed to trust his experience. I heard a lot of things that were not, to my ear, internally consistent. I also watched this interview with Governor Palin and just didn’t know what to say. It was below junior, it was disingenuous and it was frightening.
Puddybud and the Palin apologists leave out a very important fact about the fate of the “Bridge to Nowhere.” The federal government did allocate a lump sum of money to Alaska and the state could have chosen to build the infamous bridge with those funds. However, the state’s share of the construction cost would have been over $300 million, instead of $140 million. That’s why Palin decided not to build the bridge. She was all for it when the federal government was picking up most of the tab. She only killed it when her state had to pay for most of it. And of course, she kept the money and used it for something else.
@15 More denial. Mark must be yet another Republican goatfucker. I bet he’s a card-carrying commie-fascist, too.
@18 “Waaaa”
Puddylips obviously hates that I can endlessly post link after link to news stories of Republicans being busted for fucking animals, pedophilia and lewd behavior. With every insipid reply steeped in denial, Puddylips reveals just how deep he is into some very, very strange shit.
You can whine until the end of time, Pudnut, and you’ll still be nothing but a treasonous, piece of shit goatfucker.
No, but I did do some digging around on that. Obama’s NOT the most liberal member of the senate, but his voting record is more liberal than I thought it was.
Joe Biden and Barack Obama vote for the $286.4 billion highway bill, with the Gravina bridge and the other projects included. McCain and only three others vote against it.
Obama has no legislative accomplishments and never did anything as a lawyer. He’s the textbook definition of “empty suit”. What I want to know is who is REALLY the brains behind this guy.
I thought this “no legislative accomplishments” thing was taken care of long ago.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Steve, Purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution (SSS) and HAs expert on animal-human sex contended: “Puddylips reveals just how deep he is into some very, very strange shit.”
Really, first S of SSS?
You can’t show me doing it unless you simulate it with a release of your just made Friday night video to YouTube video where you dressed Ekim as a goat and you put on blackface.
You project your “animal husbandry” skills on your political opponents.
You love doing your “animal husbandry”. You love it so much you gave us links into your mind.
You search the web looking for new ways to implement your “animal husbandry” and are jealous when you find a “Republican” who demonstrates to you new ways to perform your “animal husbandry” because you are too stupid (remember your stupid solution)!
The Real Puddybudspews:
Steve, Purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution (SSS) and HAs expert on animal-human sex: I forgot to add you need reshoot your video because you need an afro wig cause that stringy, mostly bald, hair flap look you have just doesn’t make it real.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Wow Yellow pup, thems some mighty powerful legislation from the yelling loser boy kool-aid factory Daily Kurse.
Now go to the senate web site and demonstrate your skillz and regale to us how many became law. I already posted the link long ago.
I sure hope you dog is smart. You, are not.
@44 “Waaaa”
Projection? That’s a good one, coming from a fucked up commie-fascist troll. No, I post links to the hundreds of news stories of Republicans busted for fucking animals, pedophilia and lewd behavior. Pretty simple. You’d get it yourself if it weren’t for your deep state of denial. Do you understand what your denial infers, Pudlips? Do you understand the implications? I do. It means you fuck goats. So sad. Sigh!
Oh, stop with the whining already and face reality, you freak. It’ll do you good in the long run.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Michael@41, maybe you need to ask yelling loser boy why he thinks (hmmm did I just write that) Obama is the most liberal senator in the senate.
I’d love to see that mind in action. So far it’s MIA!
Mark The Redneck-Patriotspews:
Maf problem:
In last night’s debate, The Messiah said that 95% of people will get a tax cut.
Given the fact that 40% of people pay ZERO income tax, how the fuck can 95% of people get a cut?
Can somebody splain moonbat maf?
The Real Puddybudspews:
Wow Steve of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
I better call Merriam-Webster and have them contact you for this “new” denial definition.
BTW numbnutz, it was you who gave us the animal sex web site. Who knew you knew where to find that filth. For a 50+ “man” you are a prime specimen for a “progressive”. I guess those animal husbandry lessons learned in your high school 4-H classes are paying off… oops… getting you off waaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaaa!
Butt, as we all know you’ll eventually get brazen and post your video on YouTube. I bet Ekim feels no pain cuz their is no girth or depth to your “probe”.
@50 “Waaaa”
Well, looky here, Puddylips, Republicans fuck mules as well as goats.
‘Nother qweshun bout The Messiah and Moonbat Maff.
When GWB reduced tax rates he did it across the board by replacing the then current tax rates of 15, 28, 31, 36, and 39.6 percent with a simplified rate structure of 10, 15, 25, and 33 percent.
The Messiah says he wants to let GWB’s rate cuts expire.
So if that’s the case how the fuck does ANYBODY get a cut?
Is it even possible for The Messiah to tell the fucking Truf?
@46: Well, as much as I’d like to spend the whole afternoon doing THOMAS searches to impress you, at least I can read the post I referred to, which describes 15 bills Obama sponsored or co-sponsored that became law.
I don’t know how this ranks for the same 2 year period alongside other freshman senators, but to say that Obama has done “nothing” in office is wrong.
@40 Stevie-boy:
Again with your obsession with goats….it’s not my fault the man upstairs gave you a lack of endowment, and therefore the farm is your singles bar. Your juvenille responses only serve to show your true intelligence (and lack thereof)…. so, hence, this is my last response to you and your facination with beastiality. You’re hardly worth a thought, let alone ones time. Good luck Stevie, and be careful, I think it’s a felony to engage in lewd acts with animals in this State now. Check out the RCW’s, which I’d bet you don’t even know what that is. Look it up if you’re able. I’m off….
@52 Here, study this and try posting again. Maybe then we’ll know what the fuck it is that you’re trying to say to us.
Pup – Wikipedia shows a list of 136 bills “sponsored” by the Messiah. I looked at a few dozen of them and NONE of them became law.
So “educate” me. How many bills did The Messiah initiate, sponsor, get through committee, onto the floor, passed, sent to conference, and signed by the preznit. Further, how many of his bills were actually funded and implemented, and what metrics can you show that the implementation of one of his bills solved a problem.
I’m sitting on the edge of my fucking seat waiting to hear.
Obama has no legislative accomplishments and never did anything as a lawyer. He’s the textbook definition of “empty suit”. What I want to know is who is REALLY the brains behind this guy.
Odd that Republican Senators Lugar and Coburn disagree with you as they cosponsored bills with him.
Also odd that Obama was one of the ones supporting veterans while McCain was refusing to endorse the 21st Century GI Bill.
Your VEEP nominee herself thought that she had a brilliant idea of posting the Federal Budget online, oddly Obama-Coburn presented this very concept in ’06 and ’07. McCain opposed it.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Please tell us how (and on which Planet) Sarah Palinj is qualified for public office. Can you?
Would one of the 57 states do???? Or did Obama say 58 states???
Jack Cafferty is a freakin’ brain-dead, booze-hound. Who gives credence to anything blowing out of his piehole, anyway?
Obama has no legislative accomplishments and never did anything as a lawyer.
I guess if you can call teaching constitutional law at one of the top schools in the country (U. of Chicago) nothing, then Obama did nothing as a lawyer.
That answer does nothing to show that Palin is credible.
Oh, how sad! Bob Allen’s appeal was denied. You remember Bob, don’t you, Puddy? I’m sure you do. He’s the Florida Republican who was convicted of offering an undercover black cop $20 if he could blow him in a park toilet. Bye the bye, what’s up with you freaks and public toilets?
This has been another edition of “Puddy’s Heroes”.
Admittedly, Sarah was very tense while being interviewed by Katie I’m going to purse my lips until they bleed and pass a gallstone Couric.
Fortunately, Sarah Palin does not suffer from the distinction of being a gaffe a minute moron that makes Michael Dukakis actually seem competent in comparison.
The fact is that no conservative need defend Sarah Palin. She will do that herself quite capably against someone who believes that FDR gave televised speeches in 1929 when he was President.
For those inauspicious comments and others just as inept, Joe Biden is this week’s featured Goldytard.
@64 “Waaaa”
Bob Allen is this week’s featured Republican pervert.
So lying about conducting trade missions with Russia isn’t a gaffe?
Lying about having a more open and honest governership than her predecessor isn’t a gaffe?
Lying about having been to Iraq?
Lying about having a proven record against pork?
Or is it that you support her Mayorial policy of charging for rape victim kits?
Or do you support her in her running the 527 to reelect Ted Stevens?
Are you a fan of her hiring Jack Abrahamoff’s lobbying firm?
Maybe its that you think that her lie about Moneghan being fired for going on an unapproved trip to Washington is noble?
What is it about Sarah Palin that you find supportable?
Why is it that Puddylips always runs away when I start posting links to news stories of his perverted heroes? My guess is that he just can’t handle the truth.
Puddlylips knows full well that a Republican has confessed to fucking mules. He knows all about the Republican who’s wife caught him fucking the family dog. Same with the Republican who died after being fucked by a horse. Oh, and how about that poor, hapless Florida goat? Fucked to death! Damn, Puds, that’s some sick shit you guys are up to.
What my fellow Democrats don’t realize is that by arguing Palin isn’t qualified to be VP due to her lack of experience, their admitting Obama isn’t qualified to be President because of his lack of experience.
spewage @66
Ok, put on your moose suit, fly up to Wasilla, and we’ll show you first hand some key Palin skills.
If you were serious about attacking Palin, you’d bring forth some links to a relatively objective source which promotes your position. You haven’t, so we can readily surmise that you have nothing to add to the conversation.
I like the fact that Sarah Palin is not a Republican beltway insider, she has fought corruption in her own party, she has the executive experience that other candidates lack, and she is refreshingly open and forthright. While her interview with Katie “My body language says that I despise every atom in your body” Couric is not her signature moment, the debate very well could be. And we all agree that she hit an out of the park home run with her convention speech.
Perhaps Sarah Palin’s greatest accomplishment is one often overlooked. Sarah Palin took on the oil companies to bring forward a gas pipeline to help secure America’s energy independence and keep Alaska’s economy moving forward. Yes, that puts Sarah Palin right up there with T. Boone Pickens in terms of forward thinking in how to secure America’s energy independence, using stranded natural gas deposits, in a manner that is far more environmentally friendly than drilling for oil.
Sarah Palin a good debater? We’ll see won’t we? But judging from a 5-minute interview where she likely KNEW what the questions would be and she’s still incoherent? (And Laura Bush herself said Palin’s a “quick study”. Sure.) She still can’t coherently answer the Russia question? She says, “I’ll get back to ya.” as an answer?
Apparently Palin dodged a few debates in Alaska so who knows? She may be “sick” or the baby is “ill” for this one? McCain’s campaign already tried to bump the debate off.
All Biden has to do is look older and wiser (not a stretch) and let her self-destruct on her own. And it’s great that a woman (Gwen Ifill) will be the moderator because then no one can say Palin was mistreated by a man.
In other news, hundreds of people had an anti-Palin rally in Anchorage today. From the article in the Anchorage Daily News:
“One demonstrator, Anchorage resident Vonda Roark-Martinez, carried a sign that said “Hey Sarah Can you see reality from Alaska?”
And for the last time, if Bush was qualified to be President, then so is Obama. (Forget Palin.)Even George Will says so.
Another troll lie- “my fellow Democrats”, there’s quite the joke.
Obama has both more experience and much, much more intelligence than Palin. But more to the point, Obama’s temperament and policy positions make him more qualified than McCain.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
That answer does nothing to show that Palin is credible.
No, it shows how incompetent Obama is though. Why would Sarah’s credibility matter to you if your own candidate can’t figure out how many states there are?
Mark The Redneck-Patriotspews:
I like a conservative, meat eatin’, gun totin’ hockey mom, hot babe as much as the next guy.
But c’mon,… her resume fits on a postcard, while The Messiah has no resume at all. No matter who “wins” this country is in for deep shit and there isn’t a gd thing any of us can do to stop it. The “legacy” of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton is gonna haunt us for a long fucking time.
Editor of Harvard Law Review makes you good nuf to be preznit? RUFKM? I guess that makes GWB’s MBA, exec experience, and Naval Aviator pretty impressive by comparison.
Mark The Redneck-Patriotspews:
Seriously… if you moonbats wanted to get a Bruthah on the ticket, why ditn you pick Ron Sims?
At least Sims has some exec experience. And he subscribes to all the right hate filled, envious, naive, and dangerous ideologies as you guys do. And he’s a Bruthah.
At least he’d have a shred of credibility. Or is his white wife the problem? Is her ass big enough to pass muster?
You’re an ass. dog. A simple verbal slip, intending to refer to the fact he had been to 47 of the 48 contiguous states, does not compare to the incomprehensible nonsense from Palin. I’m still trying to understand:
“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go?”
MTR- Executive Sim’s wife is Filipino.
Not that it matters, you bigoted jerk.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Steve, you delusional fool. I have more important things to do than spending every waking moment looking at the putrid sex antics of the moronic one – Y O U on HA.
I think I’ll spend a few minutes at DL next Tuesday laughing with the regulars as we spend the requisite minute discussing you Steve. I will ask Goldy to his face why an animal sex guy such as you are allowed here. His answer should be very telling…
So to finally clear the air, where have I ever condoned the actions of anyone taking sexual favors from those who say no or those not human? It seems that in your single celled brain with a half dead mitochondrion, you think therefore you are. Well you think animal-human sex therefore you think everyone else does.
Keep up the good work Steve. I really hope whatever disease(s) you received from sex with goats, sheep, horses in Enumclaw and other locations, porcupines, skunks, squirrels, dogs, cats, wolverines, gerbils, hamsters, naked mole rats, mice, lab rats, wild rats, Pelletizer, Ekim, Rujax!, chipmunks, monkeys, gibbons, orangutans, rhesus, gorillas, squirrel monkeys, hippopotamus, moose, elk, deer, buffalo, cows, horses, etc. can be cured.
Good luck with your animal sex ailment Steve. Maybe a frontal lobotomy is in your future. I’m sure Dr SeattleJew knows someone at UW Medical Center who can help you. Maybe UW Medical Center has someone who specializes in animal-human sex hangups, since there are many Seattle weirdos around.
Maybe you can reconstitute Steve’s Stupid Solution to make it Steve’s Animal Sex Rejection Potion and ingest a gallon dose.
Puddy will no longer engage in this commentary.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Obama is an empty suit. Without a teleprompter he is lost. Who cares how he did in a debate where the topic was known months in advance. It’s no wonder why he refuses to debate in a town hall format.
McCain is an impulsive, rash fool. Debate on, off, on. A brief conversation and minimal vetting, and Palin is the pick. The fundamentals are fine and we are in an economic catastrophe.
Yeah, he’s qualified.
Oh Jane, what about last night where there was no teleprompter AND the entire thing got switched up because of the Wall Street crisis? Sorry, that dog won’t hunt.
He IS doing a town hall with McCain but he’s not doing 10 of them like McCain wants -that would be one every 4 days until the election. Please. And, McCain has carefully selected members in his town hall; let’s see him take on Sam Q. Public.
Marvin Stamnspews:
13. YLB spews:
I just scanned (un)SP and I didn’t find one post about the Palin’s inteview with Couric.
Isn’t it the troll that points out the goldy never talks about obama instead just takes shots at the opposition.
Why the double standard. Oh yeah, you’re a liberal.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The difference between biden and palin is biden has been around for decades (no “change” there) and can speak without saying anything fluently.
Palin is l;earning how to speak political. She sounds more like the average person, not someone that’s greatest claim to fame is plagiarism and verbal gaffes.
It’s strange that those that think biden could do the job if something happened to obama forget that he only got 3% of the vote for president in his own state.
What do the people of Delaware know that you don’t?
@77 Slow down there, Pudz, I don’t want you losing it just yet. Look at what happened to Marvin.
Quit playing the fool. No, I have never read a single word of yours condoning the foul and deviant acts committed by leaders of the Republican party. I don’t care about your silent approval nor your denial. I’m into problem solving and I want you to attempt to solve this problem here at HA with us.
First, you need to dispense with the denial act and admit that your Republican party has become a magnet for pedophiles. Then we can examine the problem of Republican pedophilia. We’ll discuss the problem honestly and openly. Together we’ll seek solutions that might possible change your party and our country for the better.
If you fail to discuss this issue openly you will not only fail yourself, you will have failed conservative ideology, your Republican party, and the country you purport to love.
So as you contemplate your coming moment at DL do not concern yourself with me. It’s you who will be examined. Will you arrive at DL as the kind of man who can be respected for standing up and confronting evil within his own party? For what it’s worth, I think that it’s quite possible that you are such a man. You might just need a little prodding is all.
If anything is going to be “telling”, it’s your next post here at HA. Make it be a good one.
Right wing fool @ 81
It goes without saying we have a good candidate.
The other guy would be a 72 year old, has-been, wash-out of a disaster – a Herbert Hoover, a Ulysses Grant.
Of course we dissect the opposition – we talked about our guy DURING THE PRIMARIES.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
He IS doing a town hall with McCain but he’s not doing 10 of them like McCain wants
Yeah but Obama has already skipped out on dozens of them already. McCain can handle any question a moonbat can throw at him. We all know Obama couldn’t handle Sam Q public.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Steve, you ignorant fool. I have been at DL before. I ate dinner with Dr & Mrs SeattleJew. Went there looking for bybygoober. He was a no show like he was at Everett Mall. Talked about guitar amps with Darryl and others. Reminisced about Philly with Lee and Goldy.
Veterans Stadium Baby!
Regarding your other worthlessness on pedophilia and animal sex – – – – –I G N O R E D
The Real Puddybudspews:
MTR-P : Obama’s legislative accomplishment YouTube video was so funny. Thanks for reminding me how Chris Matthews used to be before he got that tingle down his leg with Obama.
The Real Puddybudspews:
I hope they ask Sarah Palin how she feels about:
Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd’s hometown)
Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University
Robert C. Byrd Highway
Robert C. Byrd Federal Correctional Institution
Robert C. Byrd High School
Robert C. Byrd Freeway
Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism
Robert C. Byrd Science Center
Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia
Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Center
Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College
Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, near Princeton
Robert C. Byrd Bridge between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio
Robert C. Byrd addition to the lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling
Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships
Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. 52 near Weirton
Robert C. Byrd Institute in Charleston
Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing
Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center
Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center
Robert C. Byrd Federal Building (there are two)
Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex
Robert C. Byrd Library and Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center
Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center
Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to the veteran’s hospital in Huntington
Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Hardy County
Robert C. Byrd Scholastic Recognition Award
Robert C. Byrd Community Center in the naval station, Sugar Grove
Robert C. Byrd Clinic at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center at Marshall University
The Real Puddybudspews:
Maybe Sarah Palin can comment on the:
Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service
Charles B. Rangel Conference Center
Charles B. Rangel Library
Maybe Palin can comment on the:
Charles B. Rangel Apartment Quad of below-market rents
Charles B. Rangel Congressional Stationery for Special Meetings for deep-pocketed New York Powerbrokers
Charles B. Rangel Dominican Republic Playhouse of NO Paid US Taxes
When confronted he said in the hallowed halls of congress: “I would have a problem if you did it, because I don’t think that you’ve been around long enough that having your name on something to inspire a building like this in a school.”
Nothing like another Donkey creating a monument to ME.
My Left Footspews:
MTR at 73:
Just to throw rocks at your post:
Harvard Law
Harvard Law Review President
12 years constitutional law Professor
4 years United States Senator
Sarah Palin, well, not much, come on Hawaii Pacific College, North Idaho College? WTF and finally Idaho State. That there is an education? ROFLMAO
Here’s the deal: Mark the Puddybud Troll enjoys the fact that – for once in his/their lifetime – he’s actually less ignorant than somebody he/they vote for.
Funny how these klowns are still playing the ‘elitists’ victim card. This is their one chance to feel smart and intellectual, as compared to AADD poster girl Palin.
Up to this point, Mark the Puddybud Troll could barely count his dog in the “who’s smarter then me” column.
Palin gives inbred, lying, psychobabble-addicted village idiots hope.
Don’t try to take that away from them by writing bad things (err…posting interviews) about the prototype VPILF, Goldy.
Itz just not rite.
PS – Puddybud has a weird obsession with dark skinned people.
I can guarantee you this: if he quit his multi-decade suicide-spiral drinking habits, Puddy could be relieved of his crazy-sick racist cancer within the course of a week.
It’s amazing how a little self-respect can go a long ways.
Also amazing: how people who hate themselves almost always turn to booze/drugs (see: Limbaugh) and bigotry.
Puddy sees himself as a modern day Ray Cohn or Whittaker Chambers. Two very excellent role models for him. Seriously, look them up on wikipediA.
Sorry: Roy Cohn.
The original Karl Rove.
Who fought the “liberal homos” with his boyfriends at his side.
Chambers’ death by booze was equally as valiant.
Hopefully Puddy will give himself a chance to pen his farewell & memoires.
Unless that’s what we’re constantly reading on HA, of course.
OK, you had your chance. You don’t have what it takes to confront evil. When you eventually slink into the Montlake Ale House for a night of DL perhaps you can steer the conversation to guitar amps again (love my low-wattage tube amps, the 1/4W Songworks is killer for recording). If successful, you can avoid any discussion of what a disgusting and cowardly goatfucker you have become.
Republican state rep charged with sexually assaulting a 14 year-old girl.
Palin Ummmm is Ummmm still Ummmm more qualified than Ummmm Obama. heheheehe
Couric deserves an award for keeping a straight face during that mindless ramble.
I agree with you.
She is more qualified.
BTW, does anyone recall Goldy’s first television interview?
The very definition of mumbling weak sauce.
After that interview, it was quite clear he doesn’t even have the qualifications to run a fourth-rate leftwingnut extremist blog.
And yet here we are……
Making fun of others does not constitute a defense.
Please tell us how (and on which Planet) Sarah Palinj is qualified for public office. Can you?
Does Palin still have visions of an enormous, threatening Putin head floating through Alaska’s airspace?
Obama does the uhhhs and Palin does the ummms. Or it the other way around?
It isn’t the umms and the uhhs that show someone is entirely unqualified. It is the inability to show that proximity to Russia is a qualification for the Vice-Presidency. It is her inability to explain the bailout and how it effects middle class Americans.
She is a joke that campaigned on transparency while being less transparent, who claims that she is against projects that she lobbied for, who claims that she would reform Washington while support Ted Stevens and Jack Abrahamoff.
Lastly, she used a windfall profits tax at the state level and now opposes it on a national level.
The more relevant question is whats O-Blah-Blah got that’s so great over Palin? Oh, that’s right-nothing but the blind ignorant support of misinformed, slimey little unemployed worms and their “nutroots” leader, Goldy.
Nothing says support for the middle class like taxing those of us lucky enough to have health cares.
Mark, get real, if you can. Palin’s ability to secure the blind, ignorant support of misinformed, slimey little unemployed goatfuckers like yourself will not win McCain the election.
Oh dear… it’s like they took all of the Republican talking points, put it in a blender, and made it into a crazy-flavored milkshake.
3 – LMAO!!! Answers with ad-hominem.
There is no defense for such a poor choice and lack of judgement.
Even right wingers like Kathleen Parker are bailing.
I just scanned (un)SP and I didn’t find one post about the Palin’s inteview with Couric.
Not one.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
What an embarrassment!
@8 At its core, it’s elitism. And the reason Goldy posts about her several times a day is he’s just playing his part as a tool in an overall Democratic strategy to raise doubts in people’s minds about her qualifications. They’ve decided that’s the best way to help Obama. You don’t see them talking-up Obama/Biden. You don’t even see them bashing McCain very much. The Democratic strategy and mission is to tarnish Palin. She’s the target until Nov. 4th. And it’s a nationwide campaign by the national news media, bloggers, celebrities, etc.
My prediction is it will backfire.
@10 Stevie-boy:
Sorry bud, none of the above. Sticks and stones….:) Sorry to say, but I am in fact gainfully employed and even pay taxes. Imagine that. And what’s your curious obsession with goats BTW? They don’t laugh like the ladies when seeing you in the buff?
“Media reports that Congress killed the Bridge to Nowhere are not accurate,” said Schatz. “The 2006 transportation appropriations bill allowed Alaska to decide whether or not to move forward. Governor Murkowski said yes; Governor Palin said no. Any discussion about the project should begin with facts.”
So Sarah really did kill the bridge to nowhere! Damn, this has to be a shocker to the HA liberal idiots!;id=11594
Come on liberals… defend him. Defend Goldy for remaining silent when our mayor kicked the homeless tent-dwellers out of their grass field. You know he would have been screaming bloody murder if the mayor were a Republican. Come on, defend him. Tell me how much character he has for turning the other way when Democrats do reprehensible things.
“This is a liberal blog and you don’t like it, Troll, you can …”
Oh shut the fuck up.
Mark1: Steve uses his sex goats to make Steve’s Stupid Solution (SSS). It’s a little-known family elixir recipe for lunatic Moonbat!tiness. Ekim is a regular user and Seattle’s Distributor of SSS. yelling loser boy doesn’t need it. He’s already an A+ clueless and irrational idiot.
Troll, Biden is the forgotten man. Even the press has forgotten about him…
All insults and deflections, not even a single lame excuse. Face it, you’re stuck with this turkey.
So, so far we’ve got zero responses saying while Palin would make a good VP. Way to go trolls!
Simply because in general she’s better qualified than O-Blah-Blah and Co.
First-rate people choose first-rate people.
Second-rate people choose third-rate people.
McCain is a second-rate candidate. And Palin is a fourth-rate choice. Or worse.
michael@21: Did you ask your “Was Obama the most liberal senator in the senate” question of yelling loser boy yet?
Oooh, I know what she brings to the ticket!
Babies, guns, and Jesus!
Brenda, is Obama better qualified than Hillary? Yes or no?
I think you must -really- be a dog. Or at least have no more than a dog’s IQ.
Name three positive accomplishments of the Bushies during the past eight years. Suggested subjects:
1)Peace and Security
4)Foreign policy
5)Conservative values-not to be confused with wingnut vales
Brenda: Biden is the nowhere to be seen or heard from candidate.
Wait a minute… he’s senator gaffe.
Who was that crippled guy he told to stand up and take a bow?
Who said Hillary was a better candidate than themself?
Who said the ad attacking McCain on email was not right?
No wonder the press doesn’t cover him. They don’t want to embarrass their “messiah”.
@26 Yes
It’s painful to watch that woman talk. You know there is a big oops going on there when the right wing talking heads are calling to pull the plug on her. And that voice! Talk about an appetite suppressant!
Ms. Congeniality debates himself.
BTW, check out this Mark Fiore cartoon on truthdig. Funny, sad, and true.
Biden is out campaigning and not making an ass of himself. Unlike Palin, the Silly Ass of Alaska.
Sexist. Elitist. Intolerant. Hate speech.
Goldy, your blog is a piece of shit for inspiring and encouraging this crap.
In all the criticism of Palin, substitute the name “Obama” and ask the same questions.
Obama has no legislative accomplishments and never did anything as a lawyer. He’s the textbook definition of “empty suit”. What I want to know is who is REALLY the brains behind this guy.
Some people say this election is “historic”. I agree. But it’s historic because it’s fucking pathetic. C’mon… you bruthahs out there… is this really the best you can do? And Gaffe Biden is a fucking embarassment.
McCain is no better. He is certainly no conservative. This thing he has about being bipartisan is fucking stoopid. Real progress only happens when libruls and their goofy ideas are defeated. And Palin is Dan Quayle in a skirt. This is THE WORST crop of candidates in my lifetime and maybe in the history of our country. We gotta do better.
There isn’t anything elitist about :
– questioning Palin’s qualifications based on a job interview that clearly went wrong. If I were interviewing someone for a junior marketing position and they spoke like this, I’d question their qualifications.
– questioning McCain’s motives for and judgement on making such a choice. In the same situation as above, I’d wonder if the recruiter was doing their job if they sent me a candidate with these obvious shortcomings.
Honestly I’d have had *much* more respect for her if she would have said “you know I’m not up to speed on that and I’ll have to get back to you,” instead of making up a convoluted mess of an answer that really said “I have no idea what I’m talking about, and I don’t even get that.”
You want something pro-Obama. I was very impressed with two things when he did his speaking tour after first declaring his candidacy.
– When he had an answer it was well reasoned and well informed. I may not have agreed but he had sound logic.
– When he didn’t have an answer he said so and talked about how he would come to an answer, who he would talk to, where his advice would come from, what data he might need, who the stake holders were. He had an organized and operational way of coming to a conclusion.
I never felt when I was listening to him, “that’s a huge leap,” or “where did that come from!?” Even today, it drives me nuts when he says “clean coal” because there is no such thing. But when you listen to his dive into the details, it’s a stop gap and only a rung on the ladder, not a destination. Okay, makes sense… There is depth there that I do not hear from any other candidates. Depth of thought, detail, and analysis.
I heard a lot of what felt to me like half truths from McCain last night. A lot of assertions without a lot of backing other than I was supposed to trust his experience. I heard a lot of things that were not, to my ear, internally consistent. I also watched this interview with Governor Palin and just didn’t know what to say. It was below junior, it was disingenuous and it was frightening.
So the trolls might have heard the concept that a good leader is someone who surrounds themself with people smarter than themself
John McCain picked Sarah Palin.
Country First?
Fareed Zakaria says no.
Kathleen Parker says no.
George Will says no.
MTR-P@34: Some blacks are not drinking the Obama-elixir.
Puddy brought this to HA before.
Puddybud and the Palin apologists leave out a very important fact about the fate of the “Bridge to Nowhere.” The federal government did allocate a lump sum of money to Alaska and the state could have chosen to build the infamous bridge with those funds. However, the state’s share of the construction cost would have been over $300 million, instead of $140 million. That’s why Palin decided not to build the bridge. She was all for it when the federal government was picking up most of the tab. She only killed it when her state had to pay for most of it. And of course, she kept the money and used it for something else.
@15 More denial. Mark must be yet another Republican goatfucker. I bet he’s a card-carrying commie-fascist, too.
@18 “Waaaa”
Puddylips obviously hates that I can endlessly post link after link to news stories of Republicans being busted for fucking animals, pedophilia and lewd behavior. With every insipid reply steeped in denial, Puddylips reveals just how deep he is into some very, very strange shit.
You can whine until the end of time, Pudnut, and you’ll still be nothing but a treasonous, piece of shit goatfucker.
No, but I did do some digging around on that. Obama’s NOT the most liberal member of the senate, but his voting record is more liberal than I thought it was.
And you left out an important fact:
Joe Biden and Barack Obama vote for the $286.4 billion highway bill, with the Gravina bridge and the other projects included. McCain and only three others vote against it.
I thought this “no legislative accomplishments” thing was taken care of long ago.
Really, first S of SSS?
You can’t show me doing it unless you simulate it with a release of your just made Friday night video to YouTube video where you dressed Ekim as a goat and you put on blackface.
You project your “animal husbandry” skills on your political opponents.
You love doing your “animal husbandry”. You love it so much you gave us links into your mind.
You search the web looking for new ways to implement your “animal husbandry” and are jealous when you find a “Republican” who demonstrates to you new ways to perform your “animal husbandry” because you are too stupid (remember your stupid solution)!
Steve, Purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution (SSS) and HAs expert on animal-human sex: I forgot to add you need reshoot your video because you need an afro wig cause that stringy, mostly bald, hair flap look you have just doesn’t make it real.
Wow Yellow pup, thems some mighty powerful legislation from the yelling loser boy kool-aid factory Daily Kurse.
Now go to the senate web site and demonstrate your skillz and regale to us how many became law. I already posted the link long ago.
I sure hope you dog is smart. You, are not.
@44 “Waaaa”
Projection? That’s a good one, coming from a fucked up commie-fascist troll. No, I post links to the hundreds of news stories of Republicans busted for fucking animals, pedophilia and lewd behavior. Pretty simple. You’d get it yourself if it weren’t for your deep state of denial. Do you understand what your denial infers, Pudlips? Do you understand the implications? I do. It means you fuck goats. So sad. Sigh!
Oh, stop with the whining already and face reality, you freak. It’ll do you good in the long run.
Michael@41, maybe you need to ask yelling loser boy why he thinks (hmmm did I just write that) Obama is the most liberal senator in the senate.
I’d love to see that mind in action. So far it’s MIA!
Maf problem:
In last night’s debate, The Messiah said that 95% of people will get a tax cut.
Given the fact that 40% of people pay ZERO income tax, how the fuck can 95% of people get a cut?
Can somebody splain moonbat maf?
Wow Steve of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
I better call Merriam-Webster and have them contact you for this “new” denial definition.
BTW numbnutz, it was you who gave us the animal sex web site. Who knew you knew where to find that filth. For a 50+ “man” you are a prime specimen for a “progressive”. I guess those animal husbandry lessons learned in your high school 4-H classes are paying off… oops… getting you off waaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaaa!
Butt, as we all know you’ll eventually get brazen and post your video on YouTube. I bet Ekim feels no pain cuz their is no girth or depth to your “probe”.
@50 “Waaaa”
Well, looky here, Puddylips, Republicans fuck mules as well as goats.
‘Nother qweshun bout The Messiah and Moonbat Maff.
When GWB reduced tax rates he did it across the board by replacing the then current tax rates of 15, 28, 31, 36, and 39.6 percent with a simplified rate structure of 10, 15, 25, and 33 percent.
The Messiah says he wants to let GWB’s rate cuts expire.
So if that’s the case how the fuck does ANYBODY get a cut?
Is it even possible for The Messiah to tell the fucking Truf?
@46: Well, as much as I’d like to spend the whole afternoon doing THOMAS searches to impress you, at least I can read the post I referred to, which describes 15 bills Obama sponsored or co-sponsored that became law.
I don’t know how this ranks for the same 2 year period alongside other freshman senators, but to say that Obama has done “nothing” in office is wrong.
@40 Stevie-boy:
Again with your obsession with goats….it’s not my fault the man upstairs gave you a lack of endowment, and therefore the farm is your singles bar. Your juvenille responses only serve to show your true intelligence (and lack thereof)…. so, hence, this is my last response to you and your facination with beastiality. You’re hardly worth a thought, let alone ones time. Good luck Stevie, and be careful, I think it’s a felony to engage in lewd acts with animals in this State now. Check out the RCW’s, which I’d bet you don’t even know what that is. Look it up if you’re able. I’m off….
@52 Here, study this and try posting again. Maybe then we’ll know what the fuck it is that you’re trying to say to us.
Pup – Wikipedia shows a list of 136 bills “sponsored” by the Messiah. I looked at a few dozen of them and NONE of them became law.
So “educate” me. How many bills did The Messiah initiate, sponsor, get through committee, onto the floor, passed, sent to conference, and signed by the preznit. Further, how many of his bills were actually funded and implemented, and what metrics can you show that the implementation of one of his bills solved a problem.
I’m sitting on the edge of my fucking seat waiting to hear.
If you come up with anything tell this fucking idiot:
@54 “Waaaa”
Obama has no legislative accomplishments and never did anything as a lawyer. He’s the textbook definition of “empty suit”. What I want to know is who is REALLY the brains behind this guy.
Odd that Republican Senators Lugar and Coburn disagree with you as they cosponsored bills with him.
Also odd that Obama was one of the ones supporting veterans while McCain was refusing to endorse the 21st Century GI Bill.
Your VEEP nominee herself thought that she had a brilliant idea of posting the Federal Budget online, oddly Obama-Coburn presented this very concept in ’06 and ’07. McCain opposed it.
Please tell us how (and on which Planet) Sarah Palinj is qualified for public office. Can you?
Would one of the 57 states do???? Or did Obama say 58 states???
Jack Cafferty is a freakin’ brain-dead, booze-hound. Who gives credence to anything blowing out of his piehole, anyway?
I guess if you can call teaching constitutional law at one of the top schools in the country (U. of Chicago) nothing, then Obama did nothing as a lawyer.
That answer does nothing to show that Palin is credible.
Oh, how sad! Bob Allen’s appeal was denied. You remember Bob, don’t you, Puddy? I’m sure you do. He’s the Florida Republican who was convicted of offering an undercover black cop $20 if he could blow him in a park toilet. Bye the bye, what’s up with you freaks and public toilets?
This has been another edition of “Puddy’s Heroes”.
Admittedly, Sarah was very tense while being interviewed by Katie I’m going to purse my lips until they bleed and pass a gallstone Couric.
Fortunately, Sarah Palin does not suffer from the distinction of being a gaffe a minute moron that makes Michael Dukakis actually seem competent in comparison.
The fact is that no conservative need defend Sarah Palin. She will do that herself quite capably against someone who believes that FDR gave televised speeches in 1929 when he was President.
For those inauspicious comments and others just as inept, Joe Biden is this week’s featured Goldytard.
@64 “Waaaa”
Bob Allen is this week’s featured Republican pervert.
So lying about conducting trade missions with Russia isn’t a gaffe?
Lying about having a more open and honest governership than her predecessor isn’t a gaffe?
Lying about having been to Iraq?
Lying about having a proven record against pork?
Or is it that you support her Mayorial policy of charging for rape victim kits?
Or do you support her in her running the 527 to reelect Ted Stevens?
Are you a fan of her hiring Jack Abrahamoff’s lobbying firm?
Maybe its that you think that her lie about Moneghan being fired for going on an unapproved trip to Washington is noble?
What is it about Sarah Palin that you find supportable?
Why is it that Puddylips always runs away when I start posting links to news stories of his perverted heroes? My guess is that he just can’t handle the truth.
Puddlylips knows full well that a Republican has confessed to fucking mules. He knows all about the Republican who’s wife caught him fucking the family dog. Same with the Republican who died after being fucked by a horse. Oh, and how about that poor, hapless Florida goat? Fucked to death! Damn, Puds, that’s some sick shit you guys are up to.
What my fellow Democrats don’t realize is that by arguing Palin isn’t qualified to be VP due to her lack of experience, their admitting Obama isn’t qualified to be President because of his lack of experience.
spewage @66
Ok, put on your moose suit, fly up to Wasilla, and we’ll show you first hand some key Palin skills.
If you were serious about attacking Palin, you’d bring forth some links to a relatively objective source which promotes your position. You haven’t, so we can readily surmise that you have nothing to add to the conversation.
I like the fact that Sarah Palin is not a Republican beltway insider, she has fought corruption in her own party, she has the executive experience that other candidates lack, and she is refreshingly open and forthright. While her interview with Katie “My body language says that I despise every atom in your body” Couric is not her signature moment, the debate very well could be. And we all agree that she hit an out of the park home run with her convention speech.
Perhaps Sarah Palin’s greatest accomplishment is one often overlooked. Sarah Palin took on the oil companies to bring forward a gas pipeline to help secure America’s energy independence and keep Alaska’s economy moving forward. Yes, that puts Sarah Palin right up there with T. Boone Pickens in terms of forward thinking in how to secure America’s energy independence, using stranded natural gas deposits, in a manner that is far more environmentally friendly than drilling for oil.
See how that works with the link?
Sarah Palin a good debater? We’ll see won’t we? But judging from a 5-minute interview where she likely KNEW what the questions would be and she’s still incoherent? (And Laura Bush herself said Palin’s a “quick study”. Sure.) She still can’t coherently answer the Russia question? She says, “I’ll get back to ya.” as an answer?
Apparently Palin dodged a few debates in Alaska so who knows? She may be “sick” or the baby is “ill” for this one? McCain’s campaign already tried to bump the debate off.
All Biden has to do is look older and wiser (not a stretch) and let her self-destruct on her own. And it’s great that a woman (Gwen Ifill) will be the moderator because then no one can say Palin was mistreated by a man.
In other news, hundreds of people had an anti-Palin rally in Anchorage today. From the article in the Anchorage Daily News:
“One demonstrator, Anchorage resident Vonda Roark-Martinez, carried a sign that said “Hey Sarah Can you see reality from Alaska?”
And for the last time, if Bush was qualified to be President, then so is Obama. (Forget Palin.)Even George Will says so.
Another troll lie- “my fellow Democrats”, there’s quite the joke.
Obama has both more experience and much, much more intelligence than Palin. But more to the point, Obama’s temperament and policy positions make him more qualified than McCain.
That answer does nothing to show that Palin is credible.
No, it shows how incompetent Obama is though. Why would Sarah’s credibility matter to you if your own candidate can’t figure out how many states there are?
I like a conservative, meat eatin’, gun totin’ hockey mom, hot babe as much as the next guy.
But c’mon,… her resume fits on a postcard, while The Messiah has no resume at all. No matter who “wins” this country is in for deep shit and there isn’t a gd thing any of us can do to stop it. The “legacy” of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton is gonna haunt us for a long fucking time.
Editor of Harvard Law Review makes you good nuf to be preznit? RUFKM? I guess that makes GWB’s MBA, exec experience, and Naval Aviator pretty impressive by comparison.
Seriously… if you moonbats wanted to get a Bruthah on the ticket, why ditn you pick Ron Sims?
At least Sims has some exec experience. And he subscribes to all the right hate filled, envious, naive, and dangerous ideologies as you guys do. And he’s a Bruthah.
At least he’d have a shred of credibility. Or is his white wife the problem? Is her ass big enough to pass muster?
You’re an ass. dog. A simple verbal slip, intending to refer to the fact he had been to 47 of the 48 contiguous states, does not compare to the incomprehensible nonsense from Palin. I’m still trying to understand:
“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go?”
MTR- Executive Sim’s wife is Filipino.
Not that it matters, you bigoted jerk.
Steve, you delusional fool. I have more important things to do than spending every waking moment looking at the putrid sex antics of the moronic one – Y O U on HA.
I think I’ll spend a few minutes at DL next Tuesday laughing with the regulars as we spend the requisite minute discussing you Steve. I will ask Goldy to his face why an animal sex guy such as you are allowed here. His answer should be very telling…
So to finally clear the air, where have I ever condoned the actions of anyone taking sexual favors from those who say no or those not human? It seems that in your single celled brain with a half dead mitochondrion, you think therefore you are. Well you think animal-human sex therefore you think everyone else does.
Keep up the good work Steve. I really hope whatever disease(s) you received from sex with goats, sheep, horses in Enumclaw and other locations, porcupines, skunks, squirrels, dogs, cats, wolverines, gerbils, hamsters, naked mole rats, mice, lab rats, wild rats, Pelletizer, Ekim, Rujax!, chipmunks, monkeys, gibbons, orangutans, rhesus, gorillas, squirrel monkeys, hippopotamus, moose, elk, deer, buffalo, cows, horses, etc. can be cured.
Good luck with your animal sex ailment Steve. Maybe a frontal lobotomy is in your future. I’m sure Dr SeattleJew knows someone at UW Medical Center who can help you. Maybe UW Medical Center has someone who specializes in animal-human sex hangups, since there are many Seattle weirdos around.
Maybe you can reconstitute Steve’s Stupid Solution to make it Steve’s Animal Sex Rejection Potion and ingest a gallon dose.
Puddy will no longer engage in this commentary.
Obama is an empty suit. Without a teleprompter he is lost. Who cares how he did in a debate where the topic was known months in advance. It’s no wonder why he refuses to debate in a town hall format.
McCain is an impulsive, rash fool. Debate on, off, on. A brief conversation and minimal vetting, and Palin is the pick. The fundamentals are fine and we are in an economic catastrophe.
Yeah, he’s qualified.
Oh Jane, what about last night where there was no teleprompter AND the entire thing got switched up because of the Wall Street crisis? Sorry, that dog won’t hunt.
He IS doing a town hall with McCain but he’s not doing 10 of them like McCain wants -that would be one every 4 days until the election. Please. And, McCain has carefully selected members in his town hall; let’s see him take on Sam Q. Public.
Isn’t it the troll that points out the goldy never talks about obama instead just takes shots at the opposition.
Why the double standard. Oh yeah, you’re a liberal.
The difference between biden and palin is biden has been around for decades (no “change” there) and can speak without saying anything fluently.
Palin is l;earning how to speak political. She sounds more like the average person, not someone that’s greatest claim to fame is plagiarism and verbal gaffes.
It’s strange that those that think biden could do the job if something happened to obama forget that he only got 3% of the vote for president in his own state.
What do the people of Delaware know that you don’t?
@77 Slow down there, Pudz, I don’t want you losing it just yet. Look at what happened to Marvin.
Quit playing the fool. No, I have never read a single word of yours condoning the foul and deviant acts committed by leaders of the Republican party. I don’t care about your silent approval nor your denial. I’m into problem solving and I want you to attempt to solve this problem here at HA with us.
First, you need to dispense with the denial act and admit that your Republican party has become a magnet for pedophiles. Then we can examine the problem of Republican pedophilia. We’ll discuss the problem honestly and openly. Together we’ll seek solutions that might possible change your party and our country for the better.
If you fail to discuss this issue openly you will not only fail yourself, you will have failed conservative ideology, your Republican party, and the country you purport to love.
So as you contemplate your coming moment at DL do not concern yourself with me. It’s you who will be examined. Will you arrive at DL as the kind of man who can be respected for standing up and confronting evil within his own party? For what it’s worth, I think that it’s quite possible that you are such a man. You might just need a little prodding is all.
If anything is going to be “telling”, it’s your next post here at HA. Make it be a good one.
Right wing fool @ 81
It goes without saying we have a good candidate.
The other guy would be a 72 year old, has-been, wash-out of a disaster – a Herbert Hoover, a Ulysses Grant.
Of course we dissect the opposition – we talked about our guy DURING THE PRIMARIES.
He IS doing a town hall with McCain but he’s not doing 10 of them like McCain wants
Yeah but Obama has already skipped out on dozens of them already. McCain can handle any question a moonbat can throw at him. We all know Obama couldn’t handle Sam Q public.
Steve, you ignorant fool. I have been at DL before. I ate dinner with Dr & Mrs SeattleJew. Went there looking for bybygoober. He was a no show like he was at Everett Mall. Talked about guitar amps with Darryl and others. Reminisced about Philly with Lee and Goldy.
Veterans Stadium Baby!
Regarding your other worthlessness on pedophilia and animal sex – – – – –I G N O R E D
MTR-P : Obama’s legislative accomplishment YouTube video was so funny. Thanks for reminding me how Chris Matthews used to be before he got that tingle down his leg with Obama.
I hope they ask Sarah Palin how she feels about:
Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd’s hometown)
Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University
Robert C. Byrd Highway
Robert C. Byrd Federal Correctional Institution
Robert C. Byrd High School
Robert C. Byrd Freeway
Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism
Robert C. Byrd Science Center
Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia
Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Center
Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College
Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, near Princeton
Robert C. Byrd Bridge between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio
Robert C. Byrd addition to the lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling
Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships
Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. 52 near Weirton
Robert C. Byrd Institute in Charleston
Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing
Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center
Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center
Robert C. Byrd Federal Building (there are two)
Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex
Robert C. Byrd Library and Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center
Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center
Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to the veteran’s hospital in Huntington
Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Hardy County
Robert C. Byrd Scholastic Recognition Award
Robert C. Byrd Community Center in the naval station, Sugar Grove
Robert C. Byrd Clinic at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center at Marshall University
Maybe Sarah Palin can comment on the:
Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service
Charles B. Rangel Conference Center
Charles B. Rangel Library
Maybe Palin can comment on the:
Charles B. Rangel Apartment Quad of below-market rents
Charles B. Rangel Congressional Stationery for Special Meetings for deep-pocketed New York Powerbrokers
Charles B. Rangel Dominican Republic Playhouse of NO Paid US Taxes
When confronted he said in the hallowed halls of congress: “I would have a problem if you did it, because I don’t think that you’ve been around long enough that having your name on something to inspire a building like this in a school.”
Nothing like another Donkey creating a monument to ME.
MTR at 73:
Just to throw rocks at your post:
Harvard Law
Harvard Law Review President
12 years constitutional law Professor
4 years United States Senator
Sarah Palin, well, not much, come on Hawaii Pacific College, North Idaho College? WTF and finally Idaho State. That there is an education? ROFLMAO
Here’s the deal: Mark the Puddybud Troll enjoys the fact that – for once in his/their lifetime – he’s actually less ignorant than somebody he/they vote for.
Funny how these klowns are still playing the ‘elitists’ victim card. This is their one chance to feel smart and intellectual, as compared to AADD poster girl Palin.
Up to this point, Mark the Puddybud Troll could barely count his dog in the “who’s smarter then me” column.
Palin gives inbred, lying, psychobabble-addicted village idiots hope.
Don’t try to take that away from them by writing bad things (err…posting interviews) about the prototype VPILF, Goldy.
Itz just not rite.
PS – Puddybud has a weird obsession with dark skinned people.
I can guarantee you this: if he quit his multi-decade suicide-spiral drinking habits, Puddy could be relieved of his crazy-sick racist cancer within the course of a week.
It’s amazing how a little self-respect can go a long ways.
Also amazing: how people who hate themselves almost always turn to booze/drugs (see: Limbaugh) and bigotry.
Puddy sees himself as a modern day Ray Cohn or Whittaker Chambers. Two very excellent role models for him. Seriously, look them up on wikipediA.
Sorry: Roy Cohn.
The original Karl Rove.
Who fought the “liberal homos” with his boyfriends at his side.
Chambers’ death by booze was equally as valiant.
Hopefully Puddy will give himself a chance to pen his farewell & memoires.
Unless that’s what we’re constantly reading on HA, of course.
OK, you had your chance. You don’t have what it takes to confront evil. When you eventually slink into the Montlake Ale House for a night of DL perhaps you can steer the conversation to guitar amps again (love my low-wattage tube amps, the 1/4W Songworks is killer for recording). If successful, you can avoid any discussion of what a disgusting and cowardly goatfucker you have become.
Republican state rep charged with sexually assaulting a 14 year-old girl.
This has been another edition of “Puddy’s Heroes”.
Puddy will soon arrive and he will ignore the message and attack the messenger. Yup, he’s your typical Republican.
Here’s a good one. A Republican judge busted for using a penis pump in court. Four years in slammer.
This has been another edition of “Puddy’s Heroes”.
Go ahead and attack the messenger again, Puddy. Whine some more about how I’m posting links to lewd animal sex sites.
Republican state rep pleads no contest to charge of groping an undercover officer at a public toilet.
What the hell is up with these Republicans and public toilets??
This has been another edition of “Puddy’s Heroes”.
Attack the messenger, Puddylips.
Cross-dressing Washington State Republican rep resigns – he “stiffed” male prostitute for services rendered.
This has been another edition of “Puddy’s Heroes”.
Attack the messenger, Pudz.
Breaking news! Sarah Palin claims that John McCain rode dinosaurs in his youth!
Hey, Pudz, crawl out of your fucking hole and attack the messenger.
Does this news suck for you, Puddylips?
@92 “booze/drugs”
Actually, it’s common knowledge around these parts that Puddlylips is hooked on goat’s milk.
Sad news for you, Pudz, Rassmussen has it 50 for Obama, 42 for McCain.
C’mon, Pudnuts, you goatfucking coward, crawl out of your damned hole, ignore the message and attack the messenger!
Hey Pudnutz, don’t hold back. Attack the messenger!