Hey… I can be inteligant too by Goldy — Wednesday, 5/25/05, 8:11 am From Chuck Taylor in The Seattle Weekly: BlogWash They’re watching this trial like hawks so you don’t have to Share:FacebookRedditLinkedInEmailPrint Related
1 Chuck spews: Wednesday, 5/25/05 at 9:27 am Nicole Way looks like she is going to break down on the stand.
3 Steven O'Dell spews: Wednesday, 5/25/05 at 9:59 am To quote some your most intelligent readers–“yawn”.
4 Mount Olympus Hiker spews: Wednesday, 5/25/05 at 2:47 pm And there are others as well…I do know Pacific NW Portal has the left covered. Everyone on the right is probably flocking to unsoundpolitics.
5 K spews: Wednesday, 5/25/05 at 6:24 pm Hey Chuck, you ever been grilled by a lawyer intent on showing you made mistakes? It ain’t pleasant.
6 Patrick spews: Wednesday, 5/25/05 at 7:23 pm Comment on 5 The best thing Cheesy Chuckie could do is admit he’s a screwup. That would give him credibility.
Nicole Way looks like she is going to break down on the stand.
Face it Goldy. You’ve been typecast!
To quote some your most intelligent readers–“yawn”.
And there are others as well…I do know Pacific NW Portal has the left covered. Everyone on the right is probably flocking to unsoundpolitics.
Hey Chuck, you ever been grilled by a lawyer intent on showing you made mistakes? It ain’t pleasant.
Comment on 5
The best thing Cheesy Chuckie could do is admit he’s a screwup. That would give him credibility.