Odd duck Douglas Tooley isn’t at all happy with The Stranger’s Erica C. Barnett. You see, Erica is advocating for more transit-oriented development in SE Seattle:
Hey ECB there’s a word for how you environmental folks are treating the people in SE – it’s called H A R R A S S M E N T, or if you wish, environmental racism.
Why don’t you start with your own neighborhood and make that work, rather than taking over everbody elses?
Where does Erica C. Barnett live?
SE Seattle
State Democrats now talking tax increase.
Where is Gregoire’s OUTRAGE???
What a hypocritical governor.
Campaign on no tax increase.
Duck and let the Legislature try it.
I hope the R’s stand firm.
Deep recessions are the time to cut government costs…just like the families they claim to serve must do.
VOTE NO on all tax increases.
Cynical, the operative sentence here is:
“Democrats control both the state House and Senate, and the governor’s mansion.”
Can any HA KLOWN name one tax a lirul didn’t like?
They even want to hike the tax on bentover’s day dreaming material.
Off topic, but what the hell….
Blethen, the owner/editor of the Seattle Times (which will, within a matter of weeks, become the only Seattle newspaper), is in Olympia arguing that he needs a 40% tax cut in the State B&O tax in order to survive.
Newspaper publishers seek tax cut
Of course, the article in the Times is pretty much written like a press release, so it doesn’t mention that the Times doesn’t have to pay a sales tax, and I think it gets pretty favorable B&O tax treatment already.
Yeah, she lives in a single-family house with a lawn, like a suburbanite.
TAXES and Puddy … a challenge!
Put up or shut up my furry friend. You remind me of another elegant feline, that Hilton broad, you know Paris? A vain woman with no real idea of where her wealth comes from.
I am all to willing to agree that our government should be more efficient, yet somehow when Repricans are in power we spend more and do it by borrowing.
Whenever the right goes on one of these petulant tirades, they come up with truly silly ways to save money … no one on the right ever says .. lets give up on our military (about 2/3 of what we really spend) or default on our debt (a good part of what is left).
Here is a great example. I listened to one of the Reprican no sayers discuss the stimulus bill (I think he called it porkulus). His target? COBRA. The trouble is that leaving folks uninsured MEANS a vast decrease in US productivity and a vast increase in our healthcare costs because we have a stupid healthcare system. Look at it this way. A visit to take a kid to a doc for an earache may cost $50. Leave that ear ache alone and meningitis will cost you a lot more!
Anyone who WANTS to live in AynRandland are, well .. less restrictive on the wealthy. Brazil, before its crash looked like that. If you really do not want to pay taxes, then tell us WHAT you do not want to pay for that will allow a significant decrease in MY taxes.
There is an Obamist, rational alternative. Hidden in the stimulus bill there is an impressive effort by Peter Orszag to force down the costs of health care. This is not an accident or a last minute bright idea. During campaign 08, the Obama side’s health care plan presented exactly this option. The option is to use the governments power over Medicare to force down health care costs. This makes a vast amount of sense unless you believe, as I guess some Repricans still do, that we know have a free market in healthcare that will self regulate.
Back at my point …. this Obamist idea is pragmatic, not liberal or conservative. Patriots on the right and the left ought to be able to leave labels aside instead of waving magic anti-tax wands.
Yea, I know the newspaper business is tough these days. But if the only daily newspaper in a major city can’t survive without a special dispensation to forgive most of the taxes every other business has to pay, why should we continue to subsidize it???? It’s not a publically traded corporation, so perhaps we should ask Blethen to disclose all his, and his family’s financial benefits from the Times, before we would consider giving them a tax break? In an time when public employees who had foregone raises for several years and now are being told to forget getting the raise which was just negotiated, can we justify giving a tax break to the Blethen family?
Note that if we had an income tax in this state, it wouldn’t be an issue, because a corporation which isn’t making any profit wouldn’t owe any taxes. Of course, the Blethen family opposes a state income tax because it would impact them personally, even though it would help the poor newspaper that they claim desperatly needs the tax cut in order to survive as a “public service”.
@1 So? What did your Republican governor in California just sign? A tax increase! What’s your Republican governor in Alaska gonna do about her state’s $1.5 billion budget deficit? Turn off the pipeline to push up oil prices? Everyone’s in the same boat, dummy! The economy is tanking because of your party’s mismanagement — do you think schools, prisons, and courts can run on hot air?
If people like Cynical, instead of FDR’s party, had run this country in the 30s and 40s, we’d still be mired in the Great Depression and Hitler would have won the war.
SJ @ 5: “Back at my point …. this Obamist idea is pragmatic, not liberal or conservative. Patriots on the right and the left ought to be able to leave labels aside instead of waving magic anti-tax wands.”
It seems the Republican governor of California is insisting on some tax increases, because the economic emergency requires him to do so. Of course, the Republicans in the California legislature are doing everything possible to prevent that. Yesterday they even kicked out their party chairman for being so unorthodox as to actually agree that the economic well-being of the state is more important than anti-tax ideology.
And in Kansas, the same type of Republicans in tha state’s legislature are willing to see the state government come to a complete halt before the month is out for lack of funds rather than approve a modest tax increase, along with some fierce budget-cuts.
The Republicans I knew used to be fairly reasonable people. Fiscal responsibility, to them, not only meant prudent spending but also funding of necessary services. But it seems that today the Republican Party is under the control of the rabid anti-tax lunatics who would rather see the entire U.S. economy come crashing down rather than pay their fair share of the costs of keeping it operating.
SeattleJew: Yesterday I supplied a link where the Reid/Pelosi written Obama supporting bill is cutting military medical health benefits but supplying them for illegals.
Do you support that?
@2 “Democrats control both the state House and Senate, and the governor’s mansion.”
Golly gee, putnutz, do you guys have a rejection problem? Are you pukers suffering from inferiority complexes because Washington voters hate you?
rhp6033: You seem to forget like your HA libtard buds, study after study shows illegals costing CA $9-11 Billion a year for education, health care and incarceration. Yet, these people are not US citizens. So who pays for these services? LA Hollyweird Moonbat!s? Nope. The common folk do.
Google it. And you wonder why CA has the big shortfall. Free money causes people to come on down.
@3 Beat you to it. I posted that item a couple days ago. Got a question. If Frank gets his tax cut, will that mean he gets to keep living in a $4 million Lake Washington waterfront mansion? How many school lunches will they have to cut to make Frank’s tax cut possible?
Moronic dumb bunny @11. You just don’t get it.
Your kind put this state into this tax dilemma. Now your kind have to relieve the state of it’s dilemma.
Still stupid even in retirement.
@14 “Now your kind have to relive the state of it’s dilemma.”
We just did on Nov. 4 by voting out the thieves who wrecked America’s economy.
@15, what are you babbling about November 4? Seems the tax problem is getting worse due to your kind and profligate spending habits of Democratic…
BTW rhp it seems from the Current Population Survey (CPS) from the Census Bureau, there are an estimated 33+ million illegal aliens in the US and over 10 million live in CA. So how can Arnold balance a budget on the backs of the workers who are legal to supply education, health care and incarceration to those don’t pay taxes?
Here’s your sign…
7,662,354 American children have been aborted since the start of the Iraq War. So who are the criminals again?
@9 Do you believe that? Of course you do, because you’re a gullible wingnut, so you believe every rant posted on Free Republic or any other nutwing blog.
So let’s see what’s actually going on with veterans and military health care.
First of all, Bush raised the eligibility standards for non-service connected VA health care, cutting off some low-income veterans from the VA health care system. He also starved the VA of funding so he could give more tax cuts to billionaires.
So what’s Obama’s proposal? I’m not actually sure he’s even made one, because all I see in the nutwing blogosphere is a manure truck load of speculation. Sample:
“TRICARE for Working-Age Retirees – Fees, co-payments and deductibles would be raised for retirees under 62 to restore the relative costs paid when TRICARE began in 1995. TRICARE Prime enrollment would be raised to $550 a year for individuals from $230. Retiree families would pay $1100 versus $460 today. Co-pays for doctor visits would climb to $28 from $12 and users of TRICARE Standard and TRICARE Extra would pay an annual deductible of $350 for an individual and $700 for families.”
Frankly, I think an awful lot of civilian taxpayers would kill to have access to a health care plan like that. Now consider this:
” … [T]he blogosphere has been rife with rumors and innuendoes about how President Obama is trying to cut off funds for TRICARE For Life (‘Cutting it out of the budget as a means to provide funding for those things he promised during the campaign.’)
” … [H]ysteria surrounding unfounded and premature rumors neither helps the veterans now, nor will it make … legitimate … protest … more credible or powerful.
“Fortunately, voices of reason and moderation are beginning to emerge. Two in particular come from very reputable military organizations. Here’s what they have to say:
“The Reserve Officers Association (ROA): ‘A viral e-mail campaign is unsettling military retirees over 65. Sourcing a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report, these e-mails claim that TRICARE for Life is at risk. These distress warnings are overstated. … ROA leadership has been in discussions with other military and veteran associations and the consensus is that currently there is no serious risk. At this point there are no fires needing to be put out.’
“The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) in ‘As I See It — Budget ‘Options’ Stir Concerns,’ also puts the CBO report in perspective: ‘First things first: It’s important to understand that this book of options is nothing new. CBO puts out similar lists of options at the start of every Congress, and previous option books have included these or similar proposals. [emphasis added — RR] Some of the cuts were, in fact, put in the Bush administration’s annual budgets, but they were rebuffed by Congress every year. Second, these are ‘options’ put forth by CBO, not ‘recommendations.’ In many cases, the papers acknowledge there are downsides to the proposals, such as the likelihood that higher fees will deter beneficiaries from seeking needed care. … It’s a complete unknown at this point what the new President might put in his first budget proposal to Congress …. We’ve seen no indication at this point that the new Administration will share the perspective of the last one that more costs ought to be shifted to DoD and VA beneficiaries.'” [emphasis added — RR]
In other words, what puddinghead is clanging the firebells about is a CBO tire-kicking document that’s reiterating the same options that CBO published before every Congress of the Bush years. So what has changed? Rightwing propagandists are ASSUMING Obama, Pelosi, and Reid will adopt Bush’s budget proposals!! There’s absolutely no indication at this point of what they’ll do, but it gets the “base” excited so that’s good enough for a write-up and a mass-circulation e-mail!
Oh, and did I mention that pudnutz is misrepresenting the situation, and therefore is a liar?
Yes, what do you call spawn of humans?
Just checking Steve.
@12 Illegals come to America for jobs. They work after they get here, because they have no other way of supporting themselves. They pay the same taxes the rest of us do. So why shouldn’t they get public services? Should police ask crime victims for ID cards and refuse to investigate crimes committed against illegals on budgetary grounds? Would this procedure save the taxpayers money? Should children of illegals be denied entry to public schools? Would pudnutz rather see brown-skinned 6 year olds doing stoop labor in the lettuce fields instead of sitting in classrooms learning to read and write? I suspect there’s a lot of things pudpacker would like. We all know what CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES really want. They want to line their own pockets with the profits of other people’s efforts. They want the working class to pay all the taxes so the rich don’t have to pay taxes. In short, they want a free ride in life on the backs of other people’s labor. Fuck you, puddy. We held an election on that, and you lost.
@16 November 4, 2008. Memorize that date, pudpusher, because it changed your life forever. See you again in 2010.
Erratum @18: “fetuses” not “children”
I suppose it’s useless to reiterate again that Republican concerns for the well-being of children stop at the moment of birth. Republicans want women to carry every fetus to term and deliver it into the world as a newborn needing love, nurture, and support, regardless of whether or not the mother is able to provide for it; but won’t spend a dime of other people’s tax money to provide newborns or children with any of the things they need to survive and prosper in this world.
@21 Oh, so now children are “spawn”? Last I heard, you guys consider them cannon fodder for your wars, unworthy of education or health care.
Republicans treat their dogs better than they treat other people’s children.
I see there’s been no response to my “Pudnutz Bullshittium Alert” @20. I didn’t expect one. What is there for a wingnut to say after his lies are exposed? The best thing for him to do is say nothing.
Moronic fool@21:
I said nuthin to your push in that entry. If illegals cum for jobs then they can’t get hired unless they cum here legally. What is your problems with legality? You claim to be a barrister. Well you must be a retired dumb barrister IF (you already admitted stupidity to this word) you have problems dealing with legal/illegal call Richard Pope.
I explained how cum CA has this big deficit fool.
Don’t throw up that brown skin crap at me fool.
You forget I know Democratic racism fool.
Crawl back into your “burrow” and consult a dictionary.
Erratum to Pelletizer’s erratum
Humans have children Pelletizer.
Humans kill baby children in the womb.
Nuff SAID!
The jury is still out on what to call your “spawn” Pelletizer…
Speaking of people who don’t pay taxes…
Can you say rich people in Obama’s cabinet?
Sure you can. What a fool Pelletizer is.
These KLOWNS justify rampant, government-assisted abortions because they have no soul or conscience. They are ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES after all….all knowing and Self worshipping.
About 21 years ago, we had a young woman pregnant with twins living with us. She was considering abortion out of desperation. We open our home to her and she gave the girls up for adoption to a wonderful family that she stayed in touch with all these years.
Those girls are both in college and doing fantastic. The woman who gave them up has 2 more kids and no regrets.
These Godless, Heathen KLOWNS never, ever get into the later in life consequences of young women buying their abortion is cool agenda…but it is devastating.
God sure has a lot to sort out in the End Times, doesn’t he?!!
The Godless, Atheist Heathen KLOWNS pretend they are not concerned about Judgment Day based on their own self-worship that their is no God and the Bible is a fairy-tale.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to listen to them explaining to God how the innocent life being aborted was somehow OK??
Godless, Atheist Heathen KLOWNS truly believe they have an understanding of why they are here and how they got here…and that they are only guided by their feelings and “science”.
Good luck with that.
So, the entire thread is off-topic, eh?
You guys are all babbling retards.
In the Douglas Tooley (of Tacoma) tradition.
At least Tooley can stay on-topic…most of the time.
These clowns come across as sock puppet trolls. But the sad thing is: they are not.
I see that Cynical’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder is on full display again. He really ought to do something about that.
Let’s go burn her house down.
Man, it’s fun to act like those left-wingnuts in the earth liberation front.
A radical activist who helped set a $1 million fire to protest research on genetically modified crops was sentenced Thursday to nearly 22 years in prison _ even more than the prosecution recommended
Of course, this is all about keeping blacks under control and dependent on the government. Where is her concern with stem cell and dna research. If it’s about keeping nature as is, aren’t humans part of nature?
Of course, to this left-wing terrorist, she has no concern for the blacks having their potato crops ravaged by moths.
Liberia has declared a state of emergency in agricultural areas decimated by swarms of caterpillars. The government in Monrovia is asking for international assistance to turn back the pests that are destroying crops and polluting drinking water.
Once again, living up to the proud heritage of the dixiecrats.
I wonder if the “community” that celebrated was left of center or real left of center.
@18: Care to put a link to your figures on “children” being aborted?
Scientifically, calling an unborn fetus a child is like calling a child an old man. It is just plain wrong.
I guess you don’t support Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist then, since they laundered money for Abramoff to support forced abortions.
Personally, I find the strident anti-abortion arguments tiresome after a while. Continued exaggeration and a lack of compromise may play to the base – but just because you think abortion is murder doesn’t mean that you get the right to impose your views on everyone else.
If your wife was pregnant and I kicked her hard enough in the stomach to cause a miscarriage, did I kill your child?
Do you believe that laws should apply to all equally?
@38 Try something like that and I doubt if you’d live long enough to hear the answer.
Do you believe women who abort should be tried and, if found guilty, executed for murder?
stevie, the thought of you being tough is laughable.
How does your God feel about abortion?
@40 “stevie, the thought of you being tough is laughable.”
Try me.
“How does your God feel about abortion?”
I dunno. What do the little voices in your head tell you? Do they tell you to kill the women who’ve had an abortion? Yeah, sure, you value life, alright.
I thought, and then laughed. Yup it’s true, the thought of you being tough is laughable.
Not surprising you don’t have the courage to say.
Sorry, you’re projecting again.
You’re pathetically delusional.
Dr NotRight:
Personally, I find the strident abortion arguments tiresome all the time.
Steve@41: Time for the Bible Study
In Genesis 25:21,22 And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD. – Well per the non-Bible believing Dr NotRight, it should have read… and “the foetuses struggled together within her.”
Exodus 23:7 Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty. What is an unborn child but innocent?
In Job 3:16 Or as a hidden untimely birth I had not been, As infants that never saw light. Well what is an infant that never saw light? One guess
2 Kings 19:3 And they said unto him, Thus saith Hezekiah, This day a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and blasphemy: for the children are come to the birth, and not strength to bring forth. – Well per the non-Bible believing Dr NotRight, “for the foetuses are come to the birth
Luke 1:36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. – Well per the non-Bible believing Dr NotRight, it should have read…”she hath also conceived a foetus in her old age”
Luke 1:41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost – Well per the non-Bible believing Dr NotRight, it should have read… “the foetus leaped in her womb”
That’s a good start.
Every time I think of you being tough I laugh.
Someone of your age should be careful so you don’t break a hip.