This grainy video was shot on a cell phone Wednesday night at UCLA’s Powell Library, and shows a university student being tased repeatedly by police, apparently for the high crime of talking back. John Aravosis has been following the story extensively at AmericaBlog, as has the Los Angeles Times, but the UCLA Daily Bruin provides the most authentic, first hand report:
At around 11:30 p.m., [Community Service Officers] asked a male student using a computer in the back of the room to leave when he was unable to produce a BruinCard during a random check. The student did not exit the building immediately.The CSOs left, returning minutes later, and police officers arrived to escort the student out. By this time the student had begun to walk toward the door with his backpack when an officer approached him and grabbed his arm, at which point the student told the officer to let him go. A second officer then approached the student as well.
The student began to yell “get off me,” repeating himself several times.
It was at this point that the officers shot the student with a Taser for the first time, causing him to fall to the floor and cry out in pain. The student also told the officers he had a medical condition.
UCPD officers confirmed that the man involved in the incident was a student, but did not give a name or any additional information about his identity.
Video shot from a student’s camera phone captured the student yelling, “Here’s your Patriot Act, here’s your fucking abuse of power,” while he struggled with the officers.
As the student was screaming, UCPD officers repeatedly told him to stand up and said “stop fighting us.” The student did not stand up as the officers requested and they shot him with the Taser at least once more.
Of course, after a 300kV shock, it is quite likely the tased student could not stand up…
According to the many sources, a shock of half a second duration will cause intense pain and muscle contractions startling most people greatly. Two to three seconds will often cause the subject to become dazed and drop to the ground, and over three seconds will usually completely disorient and drop an attacker for at least several minutes and possibly for up to fifteen minutes.
But that’s really beside the point. If the police didn’t need a good reason to tase the student the first time, they didn’t need a reason to tase him the second. Or the third, or the fourth time, for that matter. As Aravosis laments:
In America, even being an asshole isn’t sufficient justification for the authorities to use violence against you. At least it wasn’t until just lately. This incident isn’t just about a student at UCLA, it’s about what’s happened to our country over the past six years and what it means, anymore, to be American.
What’s happened to our country is that America has become a nation that condones torture, and so it only makes sense that some people in law enforcement and other government offices now believe that they have the authority to torture American citizens. (And make no mistake, an electric shock baton or taser is an instrument of torture.) Watch the video. The police repeatedly tase the man in front of dozens of fellow students as if, well, that’s just the way one deals with backtalking trouble-makers. In fact, when bystanders started pleading with the officers to stop, they threatened to tase them too.
As the student and the officers were struggling, bystanders repeatedly asked the police officers to stop, and at one point officers told the gathered crowd to stand back and threatened to use a Taser on anyone who got too close.
Laila Gordy, a fourth-year economics student who was present in the library during the incident, said police officers threatened to shoot her with a Taser when she asked an officer for his name and his badge number.
Now, I don’t say this lightly, and I fully understand the implications of what I am suggesting — but if the crowd of bystanders had attempted to protect their fellow student from the officers by resorting to physical force, they would have been morally justified. During the late 1960’s this was exactly the type of incident that would have sparked a campus riot. And it probably should have yesterday as well.
This was the third time in a week LA area officers were caught on video committing acts of physical abuse. In one incident an officer beat a suspect after a foot chase, and in another incident an officer doused a suspect’s face with pepper spray as he sat handcuffed in a patrol car. And now campus police not only torture an innocent student, they are so confident in their righteousness that they do so in front of a room full of witnesses.
No doubt the vast majority of law enforcement officers respect the rights of the citizens they are sworn to protect, and we should all be grateful to them for putting their lives on the line every day. But when official violence is left unchallenged, unpunished and unanswered, it can only lead to more violence.
According to an editorial in today’s UCLA Bruin Daily the student, Mostafa Tabatabainejad, was tased five times… the final four times while he was handcuffed and immobilized.
“In fact, when bystanders started pleading with the officers to stop, they threatened to tase them too.”
I have always believed the proper remedy — and one we must never surrender to the forces of “tort reform” — for incidents of this nature is the lawsuit. Thank God for trial lawyers and juries willing to award multi-million dollar verdicts; they keep us free. It was a lawsuit that broke the Aryan Nations and turned its Idaho compound into a peace park. And we must rely on lawsuits — and fair-minded juries who are not dazzled by authority for its own sake — to deter incidents of this nature. If a jury awards $1 million to this victim of police brutality, you can bet the officers will be “retrained and reassigned” and their supervisors’ heads will roll. Let us hope and pray he sues these bastards, and the jury has enough sense to focus on the excessive use of force and misuse of authority instead of being swayed by the inevitable attacks on victim’s personality and “attitude.”
Although this was a ridiculous use of force on the part of the police, why didn’t the kid just leave in the first place?!
The Taser supposedly is an alternative to lethal force. At least, that’s the justification police departments offer for its use. Certainly, no one argues that shooting a subject is better than Tasering him. But Tasers are controversial because they’re widely used in situations where lethal force is NOT justified — in part because Tasers DO kill people and therefore ARE lethal force.
Let me repeat that: Tasers are lethal force. Period. The fact many people survive Tasering should not obscure the fact that some do not. Use of Tasers is NOT justified in any situation where lethal force is not justified.
How could any reasonable person possibly argue that killing a person for verbally complaining about how police are manhandling him is ever justified, when the person is neither armed nor threatening? Police are trained to subdue unruly subjects. It’s part of their job. It’s what their paid to do. Why didn’t they just wrestle this guy down and handcuff him?
The answer is it’s easier to Taser the subject. In other words, using a Taser in a situation that wouldn’t justify shooting the subject is merely a lazy cop’s way of not doing his job. It ought to provoke the same internal review, discipline, and prosecution that an unjustified shooting would. It IS a shooting!
As citizens, we should insist that our police departments adopt Taser guidelines identical to departmental policies on shooting — i.e., if shooting is not justified, the Taser may not be used. Period. And if the police don’t like it, they should be superseded by civilian oversight. And if politicians aren’t willing to enforce this policy on police agencies they supervise, we should vote them out of office. Period.
Scott Olson says: Although this was a ridiculous use of force on the part of the police, why didn’t the kid just leave in the first place?! 11/17/2006 at 2:19 am
Because he was a bona fide enrolled student who had paid his tuition and therefore had a right to be where he was, doing what he was doing.
Since when is not having your student ID on your person a shooting offense?
You miss the whole fucking point; the police didn’t have any right or reason to use violence just because he spoke up for himself.
2 (continued)
Ironically, conservatives advocate “stand your ground” laws whereas liberals generally oppose such laws:
“The Florida law authorizes the use of defensive force by anyone ‘who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be.’ Furthermore, under the law, such a person ‘has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force ….’
“Many supporters of the legislation, including the National Rifle Association, have dubbed the Florida statute a ‘Stand Your Ground’ law, since it allows people to ‘stand their ground’ …. Critics … (like) Zach Ragbourn, a spokesperson for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, (say) laws like Florida’s … allow a person who just feels something bad is going to happen to open fire in public.”
But when cops use excessive force against citizens, conservatives “support the police” every time, instead of demanding reasonable police behavior and accountability for unreasonable police behavior. They give carte blanche to the cops to beat up, even kill, anyone they don’t like. Fucking hypocrites.
I’m not anti-police. We should support the police — when they’re right. But they work for us, and it’s not unreasonable for citizens to demand and expect an impartial review when/if their actions seem questionable, especially with respect to questions involving excessive force. And when they’re wrong, it’s reasonable to expect constructive corrective actions to be taken … whether it involves better training, or removing from the force individuals who are unsuitable for police work because of flawed attitudes, judgment, or professional competence. And, when force is wrongfully used or misused, it’s reasonable to expect police departments to compensate the victim, just like any other tortfeasor is expected to do.
This world would be a better place without those uniformed shitheads in it…they are not “officers of the law,” they’re simply thugs. Cowards. They probably all gave each other high fives and went home to jerk off to a “Faces of Death” DVD after their successful take-down of this weedy unarmed college student. Rock on, dudes!
So, you stupid mean little rethuglicans, how do you feel about your “war on terror?” Can you see that this is what it leads to, and are you proud of it? Are you going to be equally thrilled when these jackasses are anally raping your “innocent” white daughters with their nightsticks because said darlings dared speak up when their boyfriend was tazered by overzealous, 60-IQ glorified-shopping-mall-guards? And if you don’t think that’s coming if you condone this and allow it to go unpunished, you are simply not a student of history.
JCH, you racist fuck, you and your ilk have successfully ruined this country…congratulations, your self-loathing and hatred has been writ large. John Adams and Tom Jefferson would cut off their hands if the only other option was to shake yours.
Why didn’t he leave the first time?
Maybe the research he was doing for his term paper wasn’t finished. Maybe he had a couple sentences left to type on the essay due in the morning. Maybe he was THIS close to that one idea that had been eluding him on his graduate thesis.
As Roger has stated, tasers are lethal. Besides the tasing of a student who was only using the facility and resources that he has paid for (all because he forgot his ID card) who has told them he has a medical condition, you have the threatening to tase someone for asking for the police officers name and ID number.
It is no different than if the police shot the guy for being where he had every right to be and threatening to shoot witnesses and the person that asked for their name and badge number.
If it were me, I’d be suing the school as well as the police force. And if I were the City, I’d be looking at a citizen’s review panel and firing the officers involved.
Goldy, you’re connecting this event to the Patriot Act and torture in Iraq/Cuba? Like cops in California didn’t beat people silly that they didn’t like long before the Patriot Act was even a glean in Cheney’s eye? Is your memory that short? I’ll refresh it – “Can’t we all just get along”!
Saying this sad episode has anything to do with the current administration is like saying 9/11 never would had happened if we hadn’t toppled Saddam. (And yes, I heard someone make that claim. Sheesh.)
And Goldy, where are my Podcasting Liberally podcasts??? I really enjoyed those.
It’s not so much that authority figures weren’t occasionally abusive before the Patriot Act (they were, admittedly). It’s more like, the general mood of the country has legitimized such things. It’s created an atmosphere where authority figures feel justified in threatening arrest and confiscation when someone photographs a public building or Federal property — like say, the Ballard locks. It’s led to the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and the increasing belief that you, the lawful citizen, need to show “paperss pleasse” even when there’s no pressing need for you to identify yourself.
And unfortunately by and large we let them get away with it. Goldy’s right. Forty years ago the UCLA campus would be shut down right now, with students surrounding or in the administration building demanding the immediate firing of the officers involved. Granted, they’d also probably be demanding free lunches for poor kids and other irrelevant stuff (some of the student demands made during protests back then greatly amused me), but the point is, today they’ll probably just go back to class.
We have become a docile nation, and the ruling class wants it that way. In 225 years we went from “Give me liberty or give me death” and “They that trade essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety” to “Here, take my rights, I don’t need them, just keep me safe please!!!!” It’s really pretty sad when you think about it.
Roger, I’m concerned about our ability to use the legal (tort) system to remedy this situation. Rodney King got a big settlement, but remember that the central district of Los Angeles was on fire for four days after a suburban jury in the criminal case against the officers found them “not guilty”.
Also, we have to keep this in the context of a judicial system where the judges are willing to provide a fair trial, both in a criminal and tort setting.
Today, Pres. Bush announced that to fill the Federal District Court vacancy in Tacoma, he was appointing Benjamin Settle, a 59 year-old Shelton attorney. Settle admitted to having nvirtually no judicial experience:
“Settle said he served as a temporary Mason County Superior Court judge about a decade ago, but “I don’t have a lot of experience in that regard.”
A Republican, Settle said he has worked on several of former Sen. Slade Gorton’s campaigns.”
Now, being a Federal District Court judge is a big thing. It’s not like the County District Court seat for which Pope recently ran for election. Most lawyers could be qualified for a County District Court position, although some more than others. But a Federal District Court judge has to handle high-profile criminal prosecutions of federal crimes (such as terrorist cases, bombings, etc.), complicated civil lawsuits with multi-jurisdictional aspects and many parties (Enron), environmental lawsuits, and class-action cases. They know that virtually every decision they make will be reviewed on appeal. And after being confirmed by the Senate, they will be in that position for life, although they may voluntarily retire or take “senior status”.
Now, I don’t know anything about Mr. Settle. He may be a fine gentleman, and an excellent lawyer, for all I know. But a couple of things ring some alarms here. The first is his age: 59. Shouldn’t they be selecting someone in their 40’s, with lots of experience as a lead prosecutor, defense attorney on major cases, or a civil trial lawyer with experience in major (complicated) cases? Whey makes this samll-town lawyer rise above all the other similarly qualified ones in the whole of South-West Washington, other than being a loyal Republican? Was he even on the list of lawyers recommended by the bi-partison panel proceedure set up during the Clinton administration, to avoid partison politics in the judicial selection process?
So now what is going to happen? Will the Republican lame-duck Senate try to quickly confirm him? Or will the Democrats threaten to filibuster all judicial appointments made during the final days of this Congress?
Don’t lose your focus on the real enemy: corporatist money in politics in BOTH parties. Politicians respond to their constituents — and that ain’t us voters.
Keep up the pressure Goldy. As Karen Carpenter sang: “We’ve only just begun…”
Roger Rabbit says:
Thank God for trial lawyers and juries willing to award multi-million dollar verdicts; they keep us free.
Yep, and the trial lawyers bring these suits out of the goodness of their hearts. They’re such wonderful folks!
I like the idea of Tazing people at the polls who don’t have their voter ID cards. That’ll get them lock stepping with the guppy.
Shades of my ill-spent youth.
There are actually a few things here that should let us take heart.
The students here did not simply duck down behind their desks or look the other way. They stood up and confronted, politely but firmly, the officers. Someone had both the courage and presence of mind to start recording the incident.
College students tend to be mouthy and do not generally respect authority. No big surprise there. Any officer that cannot deal with that truth should not be wearing a badge, and should certainly not be let loose near a college campus. Still, any organization as large as the LAPD will have a few folks that just should not be there.
Yes, we’ll hear the beginnings of the almost automatic defense of the officers involved from the LAPD public affairs people, just as I remember some folks actually trying to defend the shootings at Kent State. This attempt should quickly die out, and the officers will get to find employment in a field more suited to their apparent aptitude and intelligence. Crash test dummy comes immediately to mind.
I am, however, very impressed with the reaction of the students. They kept calm, stood up to some apparently out-of-control police officers and simply did what they could to both control and document the situation.
There really is hope for the next generation.
Hey, wait just a second there, Libertarian. My understanding of the basic Libertarian philosophy is that if you let the marketplace and basic liberty run things, then problems tend to work themselves out. I may not always agree with that, but for the most part, it sounds like a good start.
Trial lawyers bring suits because they make money doing so. The marketplace at work defending our safety and freedom. The Libertarians I’ve talked to seem to think this is the way things should be worked out, rather than by the armies of government inspectors and regulators that we currently use.
So, while some others here might voice objections to using trial lawyers to deal with this kind of issue, I’d think that you would be all for this.
An organization screws up. They get taken to court and have to pay big bucks. They don’t do that again. Isn’t that how Libertarians think this is supposed to work?
14 Lib
For a “libertarian,” you seem to take a pretty jaundiced view of an individual making a good living WHILE protecting the rights of citizens against the State.
Seems to me that both of those things would be solidly within libertarian orthodoxy. Does an attorney have to take civil liberties cases pro bono before “libertarians” will bestow their approval?
I am late every time. *shakes fist* Damn you, Barelli!
This definitely requires an inquiry, so I wouldn’t jump on one side or the other. The Library has a standing policy that after 11:00pm everyone in the library must be a student and must have ID. That’s the rule, everyone knows it. This student, for whatever reason, decided the rule didn’t apply to him. And when it was pointed out to him, he defiantly refused to leave.
I almost wonder if this was a setup to start a confrontation. All the yelling about the Patriot Act seems a bit convenient. Except that college students tend to be on the radical side, so maybe it isn’t out of the ordinary.
The LOCAL Police screw up but it’s because of the Patriot Act?
John Barelli & Daddy Love,
I make my comments about lawyers because they’re such arrogant jerks. I think many trial lawyers simply look at the legal system as their personal cash cow.
In short, they just irritate me. They’re the Bill O’Reilly’s of the legal system.
BTW, Milton Friedman died last night in San Francisco at the age of 94. He was a significant Libertarian economist and a stalwart promoter of individual liberty and freedom.
I generally assuming that the vast number of people on this board have attended Universities/Colleges.
When I was going to school it was required that one had a proper ID card in order to use anything on Universtiy property. No ID, No entry… it’s pretty simple.
In reading this post and the comments below it, one would come to the understanding that this poor kid was just working on a paper when jack booted thugs arrived and started tasing him.
However, lets consider what would have had to have happened to have this sitation escalate to this point.
1. There would have certainly been a front door security area he would have passed in order to enter a University building at night. This should have been his first inkling that he did not have his ID. He should have gone back and gotten is ID instead, he made the decision to breach security and enter the building.
2. There would have been a student monitioring the computer room, this student (has he even been properly confirmed as a student?) would have snuck past a 2nd round of security, skirted past the moderator assigning what students could use what terminals and just sat down.
3. The random security check…. This would have been crystal clear to everyone in the room when it started happening. This student should have closed down what he was doing and left, as he would have been well aware that he did not have proper ID and would be asked to leave.
4. University Police would have been the first to arrive to escort this kid out. Essentially being rent a cops, they have no real authority and would have called the LAPD only after having been confronted with an asshole who was non-responive to sevral reasonable rquests to leave the building.
5. The police response time would have been a bare minimum of ten minutes getting to the scene – again more than enough time to have left the building.
6. You can repeatedly hear the police officers asking this kid to first stand up and leave, after the first tase, he is told no less than 15 times to stand up and leave or he will be tased again.
I’m sorry, but this kid knowing broke the rules, ignored many oppotunites to do the right thing – which would have been to go and get his pass or to have addressed his forgotten pass with security.
Then , when confronted by security, ignored requests to abide by the rules and instigated the police to come.
Seems to me this was a lesson learned for this kid.
I never could figure out why we needed a Patriot Act or the Dept. of Homeland Security. Isn’t the job of the Dept. of Defense homeland security?
All this act did was create yet another expense and added to an already bloated federal governmemt. Well, I guess it DID give some jobs to Friends of Bush. Maybe that was the real intent all along.
Everyone is missing the fact that the student WAS on his way out the door.
Also, this is clearly an issue of racial profiling – something I find people in white Seattle rarely take into consideration.
Here is John Aravosis’ take on it this morning:
Friday, November 17, 2006
Tasered UCLA student retains prominent civil rights lawyer, plans massive law suit
by John in DC – 11/17/2006 11:42:00 AM
Good for him. It’s about time we took back our country. In America we don’t taser people for not having IDs in a school library. We don’t taser people for civil disobedience – i.e., sitting on the floor when you ask them to leave. We don’t taser people for simply being a jerk. Civil rights exist for a reason – they exist to protect you especially when the authorities think you’re being a jerk. UCLA just embarrassed itself in front of the entire world. How the administration responds to this incident will affect its reputation for decades to come.
Liberal Dragon..
Agreed, people are tased when they repeatedly refuse to obey laws, which this kid clearly did.
1. There would have certainly been a front door security area he would have passed in order to enter a University building at night. This should have been his first inkling that he did not have his ID. He should have gone back and gotten is ID instead, he made the decision to breach security and enter the building.
2. There would have been a student monitioring the computer room, this student (has he even been properly confirmed as a student?) would have snuck past a 2nd round of security, skirted past the moderator assigning what students could use what terminals and just sat down.
You really should read more on this before commenting. He didn’t “breach security” to get in, nor did he “[sneak] past a 2nd round of security.” This is explained in the articles to which Goldy linked.
The rest of your points are similarly ignorant.
Agreed, people are tased when they repeatedly refuse to obey laws, which this kid clearly did.
Tasers are not cattle prods. They are intended to subdue subjects, not to gain their compliance with orders. Their use in this case was inappropriate.
Maybe I’m Missing Something @
You’re really fucking sick.
Also, these cops in the UC system are NOT “rent a cops”. I’m from LA and they only would have called LAPD or LACSD if things really got out of hand.
A kid learned his lesson for being racially profiled? Wake up, asshole. Maybe SPD should randomly taser you for not moving fast enough.
Maybe I’m missing something…… said:
I’ve been a student at several colleges and universities over the years (as far back as 1975 and as recently as 2001) and cannot remember ever being asked for my student ID at the library unless I was checking out library materials.
In fact, I’ve been known to visit friends on various campuses, and the library is a favorite meeting spot. I can sit and read while waiting.
No, having potentially lethal force (Tasers are not simply some kind of inconvenience, and they have been known to kill people) is not a “lesson learned” for the crime of forgetting a student ID card. It has been acknowledged (which you would have known, had you actually read the story, instead of just doing some sort of knee-jerk defense of those disgraces to the LAPD uniform) that the victim of this abuse was a student entitled to use the facilities of the University of California.
So, the officers involved used deadly force to deal with a non-violent person trying to use facilities that he was entitled to use and threatened to use that same deadly force against other law-abiding students who were asking for information that the officers were required to give. All because some kid that forgot his ID got mouthy.
What would they have had to do to get you outraged? Call in the SWAT team and gun down all the students?
Maybe you are missing something @ 26
“I make my comments about lawyers because they’re such arrogant jerks. I think many trial lawyers simply look at the legal system as their personal cash cow. In short, they just irritate me. They’re the Bill O’Reilly’s of the legal system.” Libertarian
How many trial lawyers do you know on a personal basis? Most of the ones I know do what they do as the product of wanting to improve the world, to make our society more fair and more just. You might assert that my statement is quaint and naive. The statement, however, is based on my knowing a helluva lot of trial lawyers. They make this country a better place to live. Do many of them want to make money while bringing tortfeasors to justice? You bet, but in a capitalistic society when you’re battling the giants of wrongdoing, you’d better have some assets at hand. Do some of them have big egos? Sure, but that hardly distinguishes them from the titans of the corporate world, or from those of other professions (ever meet an orthopedist or neurosurgeon who was not arrogant?). Without trial lawyers and the prospect of seeking remedies from a civil jury, our civil liberties would be a relic of times gone by. Attacking trial lawyers is a very strange position for a “libertarian” to take.
I almost wonder if this was a setup to start a confrontation. All the yelling about the Patriot Act seems a bit convenient. Except that college students tend to be on the radical side, so maybe it isn’t out of the ordinary.
maybe at 26:
We’re tased for refusing to obey the Law? Are you fucking nuts? In this country we don’t use torture as a form of punishment and that’s what you just advocated.
A taser is an alternative to lethal force, so you’re telling me that the next option was to shoot and kill?
I’m fucking sick of you idiots that want to blame the kid in this. He perhaps broke a campus RULE. Does that justify his torture?
When we become afraid to challenge authority we will have lost this country.
What we saw here are the actions of a police state and the police state mentality.
This could have been any one of our kids. Think about it.
Very good points John. Thank you for bringing them up.
proud leftist,
I actually DO know a couple of trial lawyers.
I guess there are quite a few that read this blog.
This is from Click & Clack, the Tappet Brothers (on NPR):
1. What do you call a failed lawyer?
2. What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 50?
Your Honor!
Pretty funny, huh?
JOHN @ 16
John – just FYI UCLA PD is a separate entity from the LAPD. So, this point to a problem which is not confined to the LAPD, but to other law enforcement organizations as well.
What’s the point of civil lawsuits? I’d like to get a good response from somebody with a J.D. on this one. My assumption was that lawsuits were used to get money from people that benefited financially from negligence or fraud. I might buy the argument that the police department should be sued for sending out officers with insufficient training in dealing with this situation. They saved money by not training officers properly, and a lawsuit would convince them that it’s cheaper to properly train officers than to be subject to further lawsuits. If this is just a case of officers being assholes or lazy, why is a civil lawsuit justified?
You don’t have to be a student to use a public university’s library. I’ve done lots of research at college libraries where I was not a student.
Janet S wrote:
Others have already taken this on, but one or two angles to this have gone unsaid.
Assuming that the intent of the students here was to “start a confrontation” then they made their point amazingly well. The authority figures were out of control. They showed a willingness to abuse their authority and use deadly force in a situation where it was an obviously inappropriate response to a non-violent situation.
Just for the sake of argument, let’s assume that the person involved was not a student, but someone illegally using the University library.
Police officers in the United States are not normally authorized to use deadly force to eject a non-violent person from a public building. They are not authorized to threaten (again, with deadly force) innocent bystanders that simply object vocally to actions of the officers and ask for badge numbers.
Essentially, if these students wanted to show that the LAPD was abusing its authority and torturing non-violent suspects, they succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest expectations.
The security is so you don’t go OUT of the building with stuff you are not authorized to have.
““Here’s your Patriot Act, here’s your fucking abuse of power,” while he struggled with the officers.”
The twit went there looking to create an incident to gain publicity for his leftwing views. This is a made up indicent for the consumption of gullable liberal assses.
This situation sounds similar to that of a Dartmouth student that fraudulently claimed he was contacted by the FBI for checking out Mao’s little red book.
You liberals will lie lie lie to try make your point. Have you no shame????
22 Lib
So you have “principles” to which hold, unless you don’t like those who are following them, in which case you will abandon your principles in order to criticize the behavior they exhibit which is in line with your principles. Yeah, I get that.
Liberal dragon wrote:
Yes, but from my understanding, the UCLA PD did not use a taser on anyone.
I’ve heard conflicting reports as to whether the student was actually leaving or had gone limp and sat on the floor. This is an area where I would normally give the benefit of the doubt to the officers. Getting some extra help from LAPD to pick up the student and deposit him outside seems like a pretty reasonable response.
I am more that a bit dismayed that the students stood up to the LAPD and the UCLA PD did not. There may well be more to this story than I know.
I’ll be interested to hear the reports from the UCLA PD. Were they told by LAPD to stay outside? I don’t know, so I’ll reserve judgement on that part of the incident until I do.
Libertarian @ 38
Good jokes–not entirely without some basis in reality. I would like you, as a libertarian supposedly, to tell me why a trial lawyer’s desire to make a good living is so condemned, but the same desire in virtually everyone else in this country is not condemned. Do you begrudge some snotnosed kid who makes millions in his twenties by doing nothing more than figuring out a new way of marketing an unnecessary product his money? That’s how a capitalist, free market system works, right? Also, do we demand pro bono work of some sort from that kid? Justice, fairness, accountability–these are important commodities, the commodities with which trial lawyers deal with everyday. It seems to me that mocking those who deal with such commodities because they might turn a profit from doing so is a strange position to try to justify.
Weewee @ 43
No, security is there to protect all people as well. And this is without tasering them and violating their civil rights.
They had an obligation to this man, much like the LAPD did with Rodney King, to subdue him if necessary without resulting to torture. Just like the Rodney King case, these officers could have cuffed him and carried him out to resolve the situation without inflicting cruel and bodily harm. Did they do that? No, instead they chose to taser him and then threaten other students with tasering simply because they were holding the officers accountable for their actions by peacefully asking for their badge numbers.
Instead, we had some arrogant and sick UCPD cops misuse their power, violate civil rights as well as depatment policies and potentially endanger a person’s life in the process.
John @ 46
LAPD was NOT involved at all.
Library security called UCLA PD – they did the tasering. Check the article link above to the Daily Bruin.
UC system have police at all campuses that operate independently of the city police.
Here’s another editorial about the incident at the Daily Bruin:
JB at 16: Personally, I would like to see Washington State law which provides as follows:
(1) The right of the public to view police activity and enforcement is an inherent protection against the abuse of police power.
(2) Any citizen has a right to view police activity, including arrests or use of force, from any area in which they would ordinarily have a right to be present. Mere observation, recording, or videotaping by a citizen of police activity is expressly not to be considered “obstruction of a police officer”, “refusal to obey a lawful instruction”, or “hinderence of prosecution”.
(3) Police officers cannot order a citizen to leave a public area, or threaten arrest or use of force against citizens who are peacefully and otherwise legally observing, photographing, and/or videotaping police activity.
(4) All statutes preventing the recording of voices without the prior approval of all of the participants shall be amended to not include recording of police activity or use of force.
(5) Any uniformed police officer, or any officer conducting an arrest or use of force, shall provide any citizen with his name and badge number upon request of the citizen, as soon as the officer is practically able to comply with the request. This shall not apply to officers participating in an undercover operation, but officers participating in an arrest or use of force are deemed to have abandoned their participation in an undercover operation upon participation in the arrest or use of force.
(7) If an officer refuses to identify himself as provided for in section (6) of this Act, then the police department shall have a positive duty to investigate, determine the identity of the officer, and provide it to the citizen.
(6) Violations of this Act by a police officer shall be a misdemeanor.
(7) In addition to any criminal penalties, any citizen may bring a civil action against any police officer who violates this Act, to recover the following: (a) actual damages, to be dermined by the judge or jury; and (b) a civil penalty of not less than $10,000, and(c) actual attorney’s fees and costs of suit.
Pravda2006 wrote:
Wow, those computer graphics are getting so realistic these days! It almost looked real, but obviously, you know better. All those evil liberal college students lying about the poor LAPD officers that were only trying to stop this evil liberal from violently using the library.
Hey, why do we have these evil libraries and colleges anyway? After all, we’re told everything we need to know by the President and Ann Coulter. We should be applauding the LAPD for torturing this evil liberal and asking why they didn’t just shoot him and all the other evil lying liberals.
Yes, we need to just burn down those evil lie-braries after barricading all those commie pinko “students” inside.
I was about to make some smart comment about “you neo-cons”, but even most neo-cons wouldn’t try to defend this atrocity. This really is a page out of Nazi Germany. Perhaps if you had ever actually entered a library, you would know that the Nazis lost, too.
JOHN @ 52
That kid is probably an acting student. He put on a good performance, that’s for sure. It was an activist setup, nothing more. And gullible asses such as yourself bought it hook line and sinker. What isn’t shown is what led up to the confrontation. All we have are third party reports. Isn’t it interesting that there is no video of the student being asked to leave and how he behaved? Of course that would not fit into the lie-ber-all dogma.
When the cops ask you to move, you move your ass. Some snot nosed twits think they are above the rules. Reality sucks huh?
Dang, too much editing, I got the paragraph numbering wrong.
Liberal dragon
I stand corrected, thank you. LAPD apparently had little to do with the incident, which was, start to finish, an action of the UCLA PD.
Which is, in one way, even more disturbing. College students are annoying and mouthy. This has been true since the days of Aristotle teaching under a tree in the public square.
A police force that is dedicated to working on a University campus should be able to deal with this sort of issue quickly, easily and efficiently, without resorting to deadly force.
I could understand that a force the size of LAPD could have a few officers that were ill-trained and incompetent to deal with a mouthy student.
But… If the University of California Police Department cannot deal with a mouthy student, then they have serious problems that need serious top-to-bottom action immediately. Before someone actually dies from their action.
It was an activist setup, nothing more.
Prove it.
Isn’t it interesting that there is no video of the student being asked to leave and how he behaved?
Only if you’re an idiot. If it were a setup, they would have been filming from the start. If it were a spontaneous event, people would have pulled out their cameras after the incident began, as they did here.
Truth2006 @ 54
Wow, do you have a fucked up sense of how police should handle a situation or what? Maybe they should shock you if they ask you to move without cause? You neo-con pricks are soooo predicatable and full of shit. You’d be the first one to file a lawsuit.
So you neo-cons think that police should NOT be kept in check? That is as fucked up as the notion that this was an “activist set up”.
What kind of meds are you neo-con fuck ups taking? Now, that’s a sad reality that sucks.
I’ve never heard of Mr. Settle, either. I don’t agree that his age should be a disqualier; after all, if Mr. Settle, age 59, can’t be appointed to a federal district court then Roger Rabbit, approximate age 110, can’t be appointed Supreme Rabbit Magistrate either. I’m against mandatory retirement ages! Hell, I’m a young 105 to 115! I’m not exactly immortal, and almost died about 1 1/2 years ago, but right now I feel good for several more centuries! As for Mr. Settle, he’ll get plenty of scrutiny, and if he’s a turkey the Democrats can block his appointment with a filibuster. I don’t think the Pukes will dare use the “nuclear option” at this point and even if they were willing to do so Mr. Settle is not the kind of appointee they’ll spend their “political capital” to save.
Libertarian says: Yep, and the trial lawyers bring these suits out of the goodness of their hearts. They’re such wonderful folks! 11/17/2006 at 8:16 am
What’s your fucking point? When was the last time you invested money in a business enterprise, hired and paid staff, took business risks, and invested time and skill in an endeavor out of the goodness of YOUR heart? You expect to be paid, don’t you? Why shouldn’t trial lawyers be paid for what THEY do? Idiot.
Another TJ says:
It was an activist setup, nothing more.
Prove it.
Prove it wasn’t. The burden of proof is on you since you are the one making the accusation.
Isn’t it interesting that there is no video of the student being asked to leave and how he behaved?
Only if you’re an idiot. If it were a setup, they would have been filming from the start. If it were a spontaneous event, people would have pulled out their cameras after the incident began, as they did here.
You are an idiot. If one wants to do a setup, they aren’t going to film the most incriminating part of the incident you moron. They are going to leave it out. It isn’t unprecedented that liberal activist students make up a lie to make a point about the Patriot Act.
Trial lawyers are scum. Hey Rabbit, aren’t you a trial lawyer?
FIGHT THE POWER!!! Just another example of the man trying to keep us down.
Why is it always some fucking idiot that doesn’t feel they have to comply with the rules and wants to make a big fucking scene and a statement. Why didn’t he just provide his ID?
This is a non-story
You claim it was a setup. If the burden of proof is on the person making the accusation, then the burden of proof is on you. Please engage your brain before typing.
I am a law-abiding citizen of the United States. When I am pursuing a lawful activity and the “cops ask me to move” they had better have a good reason, or I’m no more obligated to follow their request than I am any other person’s request.
Sometimes, that “good reason” will be obvious. Dangerous situations, gun battles, etc… Any other time, the first question is “what is the problem, officer?” and if I don’t like the answer, then I can be a stubborn old cuss.
That is one of the differences between a free country and a totalitarian state.
I have visited countries that could be considered “totalitarian”. In those countries, I would no more consider arguing with a police officer than I would consider skydiving without a parachute.
In free countries, the police do not have that sort of power, and, as a free citizen, I refuse to give them that power.
“You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him” – Robert Heinlein
Whoopie @ 63
He didn’t have it on him, he’s a kid and he was complying and on his way out the door when he was stopped and tasered.
Why don’t you read a bit more before you display your lack of knowledge.
Non story? You’ve lost marbles.
What? That some punk decides he is going to create an incident to get attention from other law breaking liberal scum is not surprising in the least.
This is the problem with liberals – they want to candyass every situation. That man had plenty of opportunities to comply. He refused and suffered the consequences.
I am not surprised by the emotional reaction here. Liberals are just as soft on crime as they are on terrorists.
You are an idiot. If one wants to do a setup, they aren’t going to film the most incriminating part of the incident you moron. They are going to leave it out.
So, video showing the entire incident is proof of a setup. Video showing only the second half of the incident is proof of a setup. It must be strange living in a world where all events confirm your paranoid visions.
You are the one claiming the cops did something wrong. The burden of proof is on you.
So if a bomb is about to explode and someone won’t move they should do nothing to remove the individual? If they did not, then you’d whine they should have.
The fact of the matter is that the cops are the authority. You move your ass and if you think you have a case you can take it up with ambulance chasers like Roger Rabbit. though in all likelyhood Rabbit will get the majoriy of the carrots should you prevail.
Truth @ 67
Soft on crime? Sure… I love rapists, murders and riots, etc.
Fuck you and your neo-con bullshit!
I am a liberal and not soft on crime. I also support a fair law enforcement. I also support a free society and the civil rights we are all entitled too, and yes even you. But, like anything else, law enforcement needs to be kept in check.
The problem with you supposedly “law abiding”, conservative fuck ups is that you are a bunch of hypocrital idiots. You want your freedom (guns) and yet if the police aren’t around to protect you, you’re the first ones to cry foul. Or if they did tell you to move without cause – you’d be the first ones to file a civil suit after bitching about trial lawyers.
Just face the “Truth” about yourself – you’re a hypocritical, judgemental, selfish neo-con jackass.
As I recommended previously, engage your brain before you type. It really will help you in the long-run.
You have a reading comprehension problem don’t you? If we had a video of the entire incident, we’d certainly have more to go on. As it is the video only starts where the man is exaggeratingly screaming. Obviously this was meant for emotional effect. How convenient he mentions the Patriot Act. I suppose I could go get myself tasered and scream David Goldstein.
You have a reading comprehension problem don’t you?
This has been another edition of simple answers to simple questions. Next.
In a free country, a citizen will always be assumed to be pursuing lawful action unless there is evidence to the contrary.
In a free country, legal authorities (police, courts, etc…) will always take the position that a citizen has the right to carry out his or her lawful actions without interferance by officers of the state.
Apparently, you have been transported to the United States from some totalitarian country where the police have ultimate authority of what is and is not lawful activity, and where people are condemned as guilty unless they are proven beyond any doubt to be innocent.
Welcome to the United States, Pravda2006. You’ll be amazed and astonished at the level of freedom we insist upon here.
As citizens here, the government and all governmental authorities actually must defer to the citizens, who have the ultimate authority.
We can even peacefully demonstrate in the streets against our government without fear of being killed. We can mouth off to a police officer without fear of being whisked off in the middle of the night to some secret prison.
Admittedly, this has gotten somewhat more problematic over the last six years, but the recent elections should go a long way to restoring our freedoms.
Again, welcome to America, Pravda2006! Here, you even have the right to be the cowardly proponent of totalitarianism that you are, and the worst thing that will happen to you is that you will be treated with the scorn that you so richly deserve.
(Un)Truth2006 says: “When the cops ask you to move, you move your ass. Some snot nosed twits think they are above the rules. Reality sucks huh?”
That statement just goes to prove my point: Right-Wingers like “Truth2006” would have been Tory suck-ups during the American Revolution. They have no more idea what we were fighting for in 1776 than a brick in a wall does. The fact that they consider themselves “patriots”, yet will quickly give arbitrary police power to the government as long as it is “their party” in power, reveals their true colors.
Look, I’ve had lots of friends who were police officers. They have a very difficult job to do, and I admire them for it 99% of the time. I even once wrote a nice letter about an officer to his supervisor because of the polite and professional way he acted when he gave me a traffic ticket. But when someone abuses that power and takes away our personal liberties, they should be held accountable, and we don’t necessarily have to obey first and complain later.
Hey idiot they already had such a case in Seattle where two men who had concealed carry permits were hauled off by police because they observed a liberal protest. I don’t recall any liberal outrage at that time.
How typical of liberal scum. Yes you are soft on crime and by extension, whether you admit it or not, you do love rapists and murderes. You only cry foul when it is you that gets raped or murdered. Anyone else and it is police brutality when they catch the crooks. Still mourning Tookie Williams?
Do you have any understanding of what the concept of “burden of proof” entails? Can you distinguish for me “standard of proof” from “burden of proof”? Tell me when “shifting” burdens of proof come into play. You have remarkably strong opinions for someone who has no clue what he is talking about. In Mexico, there is a saying that goes: “into the closed mouth, no flies enter.” There’s another that goes: “if your words are more valuable than silence, then speak.” You might ponder those wise sayings.
Truth @ 73
Yes, please do us all a favor and go get yourself tasered. Maybe you’d get a clue of how inappropriate it was for those officers to misuse their authority to serve and protect.
We don’t know all the evidence as all we have to go on is the clip. There were actions that led up to the incident for which no video is available. You want to presume, based upon a staged incident that automatically the cops are guilty. And yet when the criminals come an harm you, then you want to turn around and blame the cops too. Try being a cop and then you can give us all lectures. Of course now I fully suspect you will lie and say you are, have been or family member is/was a cop. Lie-berals lie. It is just their nature.
Mental2006 @ 77
Liberal scum are the only ones who cry foul at a muder or rape? Dumb fuck, anyone would cry foul if they were raped or if a someone waas murdered jackass.
And so, your delusion perception which you call soft on crime, justifies abuse of power by authorities? Again, you’d be the first neo-con hypocrit to retain an attorney to defend the rights you just signed away with the Patriot Act.
Have you ever heard of this novel new thing called critical thinking?
Hell I could probably splice together a few clips of Goldstein disciplining his daughter and make him look like some sort of abuser. Does that make him an abuser?
1) We will always respect you. We will never, ever, call you “unpatriotic” simply because you disagree with us. In fact, we encourage you to dissent and disagree with us.
2) We will let you marry whomever you want (even though some among us consider your Republican behavior to be “different” or “immoral”). Who you marry is none of our business. Love, and be in love — it’s a wonderful gift.
3) We will not spend your grandchildren’s money on our personal whims or to enrich our friends. It’s your checkbook too, and we will balance it for you.
staged incident
Prove it was staged.
I think you have started “dinking liberall” too early dude. You are slurring your speech.
If you were exhibiting critical thinking, you might have asked yourself what led up to the incident and what do the officer have to say in their defense of the situation. Instead, you join the mob mentality that wants to mug the cops.
I am content to wait until ALL the facts are in. I see nothing in the video that disproves the posibility that it was a political statement that motivated the incident. But as I said, there are more facts to be gathered.
Clearly the punk was resisting the officers.
Prove it wasn’t. It is my thoery and unless you can provide a counterexample, it stands. That is called logic. I would think an intellectual such as yourself would have heard of such a thing.
Please go to this link and read. Then come back and blog intelligently:
It will be a good excercise for you in reading comprehension and retention. It helps with those finely tuned critial thinking skills you’ve acquired in the BIAW/Pat Robertson School of Neo-Con Authoritarians.
To top it off you’re so big that you bring Goldy’s daughter into this? Now you’re really an asshole. Leave Goldy’s daughter out of this and stay on topic.
I am content to wait until ALL the facts are in.
That was good. Thanks for the laugh.
That is called logic.
No, that is called sophistry.
No, Pravda2006, the closest I’ve been to being a “cop” was some time temporarily assigned to the Kitsap County Shore Patrol, back when we still actually patrolled. Some similarities (we had police powers on base and in military housing areas) but not the same.
Twenty-one years active service in the Navy is not the same as being a cop, and from my dealings with the Bremerton PD while on KCSP, I know that better than most.
I also know how to deal with a mouthy 21 year old better than most. Most of the Sailors I dealt with were roughly the same age as most college students.
Oh, and before you claim that I’m lying about my military service, you can check it easily at . There’s even a picture of me there, back when I was young, skinny and clean-shaven.
First of all I read the article. Second of all I used his daughter as an example. I said nothing derogatory about his daughter. I wouldn’t do that. That is what liberals do. But since you are pulling PC here to avoid the issue, let’s change it to his dog. OK? Or are you now going to call PETA?
Leave his dog out of it too, butthole.
Yeah, they tried to say that the guy who George Macaca Allen’s goons bulldogged to the floor was “staging” the violence against him too. That’s the new Republican playbook (amazingly enough, it’s the same as the old Republican playbook): blame the victim.
Bite me.
If the incident was staged, then the officers were remarkably predictable in their excessive response, weren’t they? Such predictability would make their actions even more contemptible. If they couldn’t even control themselves during a planned provocation, then they are simply out of control. The competition is steep for the most twisted and thoughtless troll who posts here. I think, however, that you’re at the top of the heap, particularly given JCH’s recent absence. Congratulations. The prize is a half hour of gentle waterboarding and a couple of tases.
And exactly how did you deal with mouthy 21 year olds? You gave them a time out? Please tell us.
If you had told a subordinate to do something and they refused, what would be the actions if they repeatedly refused say to leave the engine room or some such? Would they ask nicely and then say “darn it”?
Republican versions of “staged events”, Nov. 2006:
1. Michael Fox, while suffering from Parkinson’s Disease.
2. Blogger who was assaulted by Allen’s staffers.
3. Calif. student tasered by police for not leaving a college library fast enough, and mouthing off to them.
Yep, DaddyLove, you are right. It’s right in the “playbook”. They figure that anything which is inconvenient and indefensable can be dismissed as “staged”, which supposedly (from their point of view) means the subject shouldn’t be discussed at all.
Its a variation on the “political stunt” charge they used to dismiss the shareholder’s derivitive lawsuit against McGavick, an attempt to avoid discussing the merits of the issue.
Why don’t we open Neo-Concentration camps, heard them all up like in Nazi Germany, and then see if they all whine that their civil rights have been violated?
What do you think Truth? How about that? We can blame your lame-ass self and others like you and then ask questions later…. Sound like a good and fair law enforcement plan?
As I told the other moron, give me a camera to follow any of you aroung for a day and I could pull a Fahrenheit 911 on you ass. Yell at the dog for peeing ont he carpet? I can cut that to look like you beat dogs for no reason at all. And I bet if I put it up on a blog I’d get at least half the psoters calling for your arrest.
Well if that video is all the evidence there is of that incident, then clearly the liberal propagandists didn’t do their jobs. It is clear the nut assaulted on of the aids protecting him and made a lunge for the candidate. For all they knew he was a crazy liberal assassin. Loerd knows the liberals make movies about assassinating the president and Randi Rhoades simulates it on Err AmeriKKKa. If you liberals want to be taken seriously, as potential assassins, you got your wish.
What all 1.5 inches? Yaaaawwwnnnn……
Truth2006 @54,
So… you’re a fascist, huh? Cops tell you to move your ass… you don’t… you get tortured… you deserve what you got? That’s the America you want to live in?
Gotta wonder what stake you and Janet S and the others have in defending these actions? The second, third, fourth and fifth time the kid was tazed, he was on the ground, handcuffed and immobile. And that’s a good thing?
For all your bluster by people such as Goldstein claiming they have been declared a terrorist and were going to lose their rights, they sure get a lot of air time and blog time. You lie-berals feign outrage and cry wolf so much, you wouldn’t know if someone actually lost any rights because you are all lying about it so much.
The only ones I worry about taking away our liberties are the liberals. After all their role models of Stalin , Hitler and Mao are very scary characters indeed.
How did I deal with a mouthy off-duty 21 year old in the library? Gee, I don’t know. I was never stupid enough to let myself get sucked into a situation like that.
Now, a mouthy 21 year old that would not obey lawful orders while on duty would be a different matter. That would call for dramatic action. Extra duty, and if the young Sailor continued to cause problems, perhaps even a report chit. Repeat offenders might have to go to Captain’s Mast (non-judicial punishment) or even go to Court-Martial for serious offences.
While tasing a few of them would have been tempting, it would have been out of the question. Completely out of proportion to the offence. That sort of action would only be acceptable if immediate danger to life was apparent.
So, how was this student doing research in the campus library threating anyone’s life?
Typical liberals, they see partial video of an event and immediately jump to conclusions. All I can say for sure is that after my viewing of the video, the thing looks staged to me. But as I said, there is the side of the cops to take into account and no one has heard from them on this.
Screwed Up 2006 @ 102
Have no idea what drugs you’re taking. I know of no liberal who uses Mao, Hitler or Stalin as a role model…
Get help, please get help.
103, sorry for the typo.
First of all, the question wasn’t about off duty. And we don’t know exactly what the student was doing. You are assuming it was research and not, for example, exposing himself or masturbating on the computer or some such thing. That is pure speculation on your part.
If your 21 yr old was in an office where the classified documents were held, had them opened and was photographing them, would you then give him a “chit” if he refused to leave? Would you expect the military police to give him a “chit”? Or drag his ass out of there?
I know plenty.
Truth the troll @ 109
Sure…. Name them….
Again, please get help.
The second, third, fourth and fifth time the kid was tazed, he was on the ground, handcuffed and immobile. And that’s a good thing?
give me a camera to follow any of you aroung for a day and I could pull a Fahrenheit 911 on you ass.
You see Goldy, it was all taken out of context. What we saw on the six minutes of video – the multiple tasings of a guy already on the ground and in custody in spite of clear pleas by students gathered around that they not continue to do that (because they knew it was excessive), or the threatening of tasing to students demanding names and badge numbers – doesn’t tell us if those cops enjoy sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows.
The important question here is obvious: Who you gonna believe, right-wingers or your lyin’ eyes?
I doubt you’d personally know them. They are acquaintances.
Pravda2006 wrote:
No, there is the video, the statements of the eyewitnesses and the statement from the UCLA PD.
Perhaps it was staged. If that is the case, then the only reason for doing that would be to highlight the abuses of the UCLA PD in a situation where it could be documented.
Wow, did they succeed!
I remember quite a few senior Sailors over the years that were “set up” by their juniors. Yes, it was tried on me as well.
The fact that they were set up was not a defense. If you were stupid enough to lose your temper or your judgement because some kid was smarter or more stubborn than you were, then you had no business in a position of leadership.
All of the Commanding Officers I served with had that opinion, and frankly, I concur.
If these cops were “set up” by the students and were stupid enough to pull the stunts they pulled, then they have no business wearing badges, and the folks that hired them should have a lot of explaining to do.
You know, I don’t think we should make too much of this. I mean, the use of a Taser as a torture device was probably legal. I’m sure the cops just made a quick call to the Dick Cheney Emergency Homeland Security Hotline and had the punk declared an enemy combatant.
“I authorize you (on behalf of the President) to shoot him down”
Where is the statement form teh UCLA PD? Link please.
In case anyone is interested, the Mission Statement for the UCLA PD is
I see…innovative, progressive law enforcment programs like torturing loudmouth, uncooperative “ferin-looking” punks.
Ideally, as members of this country’s majority party, we should seek dialogue with those in the minority, entertain their views, treat their opinions with respect. We should do this even though the Republicans wish us dead. But, when reading the imbecilic ramblings of people like Delusional2006, we see that engaging these folks in dialogue is pointless. People like him really make a strong case for imposing a literacy test upon those who would want to vote. My god, how can this guy wipe his ass and breathe at the same time?
“Where is the statement form teh UCLA PD?”
What’s the matter, you fucking Fascist? Too stupid to find it yourself? Or too busy beating up foreign-looking people?
Where is the statement form teh UCLA PD? Link please.
Don’t worry your pretty little head, sweety. It’s right here. Wow, that was so tough to find! Good thing you’re waiting for all the facts to come in.
But, one bit of advice might help: information doesn’t just always simply come your way. There will be times when there won’t be a liberal around to provide you with facts. You may want to consider searching for information on your own.
“Video shot from a student’s camera phone captured the student yelling, “Here’s your Patriot Act, here’s your fucking abuse of power,” while he struggled with the officers.”
I run around all day, just waiting for the opportunity to let those in authority that ““Here’s your Patriot Act, here’s your fucking abuse of power,” . In fact I am sure this student was only THINKING that, while dazed and in pain. I am sure he wasn’t thinking about his own ass at the time, just the Political Abuse.
If he had cursed, and begged or pleaded, I would almost beleive this, but since the only thing on his mind was the the Patriot Act, I sure have doubts.
119 TJ
Turht isn’t interested in facts anyway.
Sure, YOU’D never connect a perceived violation of your civil liberties with the Patriot Act, when police fire Taser darts into you for not leaving a library fast enough to suit them. You’d probably apologize in case they damaaged their darts the fourth time they Tasered you while handcuffed.
You folks will conflate anything to sell your world view. This guy was not standing his ground or just refusing the cops demands. He was screaming and unwilling to get up, and in general acting in a rude and physical manner towards persons charged with authority. And he continued that escalation, even after initial force was applied.
It really doesn’t matter if the cops tazed him, peppered him or man-handled him, he probably would have lawyered up either way. His “Facebook” page at UCLA says he preferred complicated solutions to simple problems.
If it takes that much for you to comply with a cop’s demands, then you open yourself up to force.
I don’t have a lot of sympathy. Act uncivil in a public place in today’s terrorist filled world, and expect to be challenged.
And if he had been a terrorist and was not challenged, and committed a successful attack, then you folks would complain it was all Bush’s fault, etc.
It’s this shrill use of pictures and emotions in place of real arguments that discredits the left.
How many times would you REFUSE to provide ID or Leave after being asked to?
At what point do we let society dictate the “rules”. As provided in the link above at 119, he was “advised, asked,notified” several times to either provide ID, or leave. He chose to do neither, and encouraged the other patrons in the library to “join in” on his little sit-in.
BOX 951364
Date: November 15, 2006
Re: Powell Library Incident
At approximately 11 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 14, a community service officer (CSO) employed by
the library was performing a nightly, routine check to insure that all patrons using the library
after 11 p.m. are authorized. This is a longstanding library policy to ensure the safety of students
during the late night hours. The CSO made an announcement that he would be checking
for university identification. When a person, who was later identified as Mostafa Tabatabainejad,
refused to provide any identification, the CSO told him that if he refused to do so, he would have
to leave the library. Since, after repeated requests, he would neither leave nor show
identification, the CSO notified UCPD officers, who responded and asked Tabatabainejad to
leave the premises multiple times. He continued to refuse. As the officers attempted to escort
him out, he went limp and continued to refuse to cooperate with officers or leave the building.
Tabatabainejab encouraged library patrons to join his resistance. A crowd gathering around the
officers and Tabatebainejad’s continued resistance made it urgent to remove Tabatabainejad from
the area. The officers deemed it necessary to use the Taser in a “drive stun” capacity.
A Taser is used to momentarily incapacitate subjects who are resistant by discharging an electronic
current into the subject in one of two methods: via two wired probes that are deployed from the Taser,
or in a “drive stun” capacity by touching the subject with the Taser. In this incident, the student was
not shot with a Taser; rather officers used the “drive stun” capability.
All use of force incidents require an administrative review, which is currently underway.
Tabatabainejad was subsequently arrested for resisting/obstructing a police officer, 148(A)(1) of
the Penal Code. He was released with a citation and issued a court date. The entire incident is
under investigation and a case will be presented to the City Attorney.
I see nothing in here that supports the liberal view of the incident. Looks like appropriate use of force to me. When they say move your ass, move your ass or suffer the consequences. The student knew of the policy requiring ID in the library after 11PM. He refused to abide by the policy and then refused to leave. He was hoping to start a riot. Now I am even more convinced this punk was tryng to make a statement. He is lucky he got officers that were so restrained.
123 SSR
Well if “his ‘Facebook’ page at UCLA says he preferred complicated solutions to simple problems,” then surely he SHOULD have been attacked by police.
Republicans don’t wish you dead. We have been doing everything in our power to keep terrorist from killing you. We wish you would allow us to stop terrorist from making you dead. You do foolish things like children and then cry when you get hurt by them. Like a child that looks at the red glowing heating element of the oven, you just have to reach out and touch it even though you have been told by adults you will get burned. And after you get burned, like a brat, you run araound blaming others for your injury.
125 Truth2006
Yes, that’s what the police do is write down in their reports that they repeatedly shocked a handcuffed and seated student. How strange that they don’t mention this. Well, since it’s not in the police report I guess it didn’t happen, right?
I certainly know that everytime I stub my toe I scream ““Here’s your Patriot Act, here’s your fucking abuse of power”.
Umm that didn’t look to me like an official police report but rather a statement by the university.
From the statement:
Tabatabainejad was subsequently arrested for resisting/obstructing a police officer, 148(A)(1) of
the Penal Code. He was released with a citation and issued a court date. The entire incident is
under investigation and a case will be presented to the City Attorney.
I think dialogue with earnest, sincere members of the opposition is a good thing. I have never felt that the Democrats — or the Republicans, or the Greens, or the Libertarians — have all the good ideas, and dialogue and consensus is what shapes a better country.
But Mr. 2006 is not interested in dialogue. He is only interested in confrontation and watching us get all lathered up about it. It’s what a friend of mine used to call “poking the monkeys with a stick.” He lives for those reactions, and will say anything, or do anything, to get them.
The alternative is extremely unpleasant to contemplate — namely, that he really believes all this shit he’s spewing. Anyone that disturbed needs to seek professional help. I’m hoping we can cure this by not rising to the bait.
Unfortunately, sometimes it’s fun. I know, I can’t help it either. But this has ceased to be fun. He’s using torture as an opportunity for some jollies at our expense, and that’s just sick.
You have never provided any.
These Rightards say this stuff til it’s their kid that gets tasered. Then it’s: ” Oh, these cops let minorities get away with murder and they taser my kid because he wants to study. I’ll bet if my kid were black this wouldn’t have happened.”
Being Conservative is a type of self-induced myopia.
Well, I hear in the vidoe three and possibly four additional Tasings in the library foyer. And also heard the police officer threaten to Tase the student asking for name and badge number.
Damn terrorist at UCLA asking for name and badge number. They should have shot that second student on sight.
130 Truth
It was from the UCPD.
Oh, and the second Tasing INSIDE the library lasted for a full three seconds.
“a shock of half a second duration will cause intense pain and muscle contractions startling most people greatly. Two to three seconds will often cause the subject to become dazed and drop to the ground, and over three seconds will usually completely disorient and drop an attacker for at least several minutes and possibly for up to fifteen minutes.“
When I get some intelligent dialogue rather than emotional rants, I will engage in dialogue. But when all liberals offer are expletive laden rants, it is kind of hard to dialogue with that. I am not as familiar with all the slang synonyms for intercourse and defecation as are liberals.
At any rate, both the cops and the man they dealt with will get their day in court. Hopefully we can agree on that, but somehow I doubt it.
That doesn’t make it an offical report anymore than a memo from Nancy Pelosi is a bill. An official report lists things in greater detail.
127 Truth
Republicans don’t wish you dead. We have been doing everything in our power to keep terrorist from killing you.”
Well, “everything” except catching bin Laden, Zawahiri, Mullah Omar or the anthrax terrorist, protecting our ports, securing Iraqi munitions, and trying to create fewer jihadists instead of more.
“You do foolish things like children and then cry when you get hurt by them.”
No, we stand up like men and women against the misused power of the State instead of cowering before it like good Republicans.
132 Truth
My providing a fact would not make you interested.
Daddy Love says:
Oh, and the second Tasing INSIDE the library lasted for a full three seconds.
“a shock of half a second duration will cause intense pain and muscle contractions startling most people greatly. Two to three seconds will often cause the subject to become dazed and drop to the ground, and over three seconds will usually completely disorient and drop an attacker for at least several minutes and possibly for up to fifteen minutes.“
11/17/2006 at 1:01 pm
First of all, you should source your quotes, otherwise it is something you jus made up. Secondly, a Potomac Institute for Policy Sutdies Report 05-04 states
And this:
I don’t think you know how to provide a fact. You have been on a steay diet of liberal talking points for so long, you wouldn’t know a fact if it jumped up and tasered your ass.
Well so far we have kept terorrists from flying any more planes into buildings on US soil. And we have gone the longest period without a terrorist attack on US soil than at anytime under Clinton.
Feb. 26, New York City: bomb exploded in basement garage of World Trade Center, killing 6 and injuring at least 1,040 others. In 1995, militant Islamist Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and 9 others were convicted of conspiracy charges, and in 1998, Ramzi Yousef, believed to have been the mastermind, was convicted of the bombing. Al-Qaeda involvement is suspected.
April 19, Oklahoma City: car bomb exploded outside federal office building, collapsing wall and floors. 168 people were killed, including 19 children and 1 person who died in rescue effort. Over 220 buildings sustained damage. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols later convicted in the antigovernment plot to avenge the Branch Davidian standoff in Waco, Tex., exactly 2 years earlier. (See Miscellaneous Disasters.)
Nov. 13, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: car bomb exploded at U.S. military headquarters, killing 5 U.S. military servicemen.
June 25, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia: truck bomb exploded outside Khobar Towers military complex, killing 19 American servicemen and injuring hundreds of others. 13 Saudis and a Lebanese, all alleged members of Islamic militant group Hezbollah, were indicted on charges relating to the attack in June 2001.
Aug. 7, Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: truck bombs exploded almost simultaneously near 2 U.S. embassies, killing 224 (213 in Kenya and 11 in Tanzania) and injuring about 4,500. 4 men connected with al-Qaeda 2 of whom had received training at al-Qaeda camps inside Afghanistan, were convicted of the killings in May 2001 and later sentenced to life in prison. A federal grand jury had indicted 22 men in connection with the attacks, including Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, who remained at large.
Oct. 12, Aden, Yemen: U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole heavily damaged when a small boat loaded with explosives blew up alongside it. 17 sailors killed. Linked to Osama bin Laden, or members of al-Qaeda terrorist network.
Sept. 11, New York City, Arlington, Va., and Shanksville, Pa.: hijackers crashed 2 commercial jets into twin towers of World Trade Center; 2 more hijacked jets were crashed into the Pentagon and a field in rural Pa. Total dead and missing numbered 2,9921: 2,749 in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in Pa., and 19 hijackers. Islamic al-Qaeda terrorist group blamed. (See September 11, 2001: Timeline of Terrorism.)
Since 2001, US soil has been free of terrorist attacks. That doesn’t happen by accident.
Yer killing me @ 131
You’re right, of course. Responding to the twerp is a waste of time. I do suspect he believes his own shit, which is pretty scary. The upside is that when folks like him get up on their soapbox and speak in the name of conservatism, that can’t help but help others see how far from reality the right is nowadays. So, we should encourage him to rant away. Still, I would like to waterboard him a little.
The source for the study is below. I messed up the link.
You Stalinist tendencies come out. Such a great representative for liberal “tolerance”.
“When I get some intelligent dialogue rather than emotional rants, I will engage in dialogue. But when all liberals offer are expletive laden rants, it is kind of hard to dialogue with that.”
Aaaawwwww…is the little Fascist unhappy with the way he is being treated???? Poor little guy.
Maybe this will help: go fuck yourself, asshole. You are not here for dialog, and you never have been here for intelligent dialog under any of your screen names.
Yes, you do illustrate my point better than any words I could ever use. ;)
“Yes, you do illustrate my point better than any words I could ever use. ;)”
Yes…indeed. Especially the Fascist part, eh?
Daddy Love says:
119 TJ
Turht isn’t interested in facts anyway.
11/17/2006 at 12:29 pm
Sadly, it appears you are correct. To this point, it’s been pretty entertaining watching her twist herself into a pretzel trying to justify her conspiracy theories and paranoid fantasies, but it’s now approaching the sad and desperate stage. What was a funny display of ignorance and delusion has turned into a pitiable scene.
It’s like watching Pam from Atlas Shrugs on one of her vlogs. At first you laugh, then you realize it’s not an act; she really is as crazy as she seems.
South Sound Reader at 123 said:
He was screaming and unwilling to get up, and in general acting in a rude and physical manner towards persons charged with authority. And he continued that escalation, even after initial force was applied.
So lets taser you with a three second burst and see how quickly you get up asswipe.
Truth2006 says all liberals are scum.
Jesus was a liberal
Trugh2006 says Jesus was scum
Truth2006 says Jesus was scum
Truth2006 is the evil hate-child of Ann Coulter and JCH
Gee, Truth 2006 is using the police report as evidence of how “reasonable” the use of a taser was.
Tell the Truth, “Truth2006”: can you give me one specific example of a police report filed by the officer using force which didn’t justify his actions? I’m sure the Rodney King reports sounded similarly reasonable.
OFF TOPIC: I listened last night to an interview on NPR with the new Republican Minority Leader. He stressed the need for bi-partison cooperation. The reporter then asked why the President had just re-submitted names for judicial opponants, even though those names had previously not been approved by the Senate. She asked if he thought the Republicans and the Democrats in the Senate could work together to agree on judicial appointments. The new minority leader’s comments? “Well, the Democrats need to understand that the President is the President, and he gets to appoint the judges in this country, not them”.
So much for the Senate’s right to “advise and consent” on judicial appointments. So much for bi-partison cooperation on the part of the Republicans.
No I am not. We don’t have the official police report. What we have is a statement, not a police report telling the precise timing and event detail.
And the Patriot Act wasn’t even around during Rodney King so you can’t blame Rodnet King on the Patriot Act.
I’m sure the Rodney King reports sounded similarly reasonable.
Indeed, they do.
Jack Burton says: The LOCAL Police screw up but it’s because of the Patriot Act? Really? 11/17/2006 at 9:05 am
At least you’re not knee-jerk defending the overreaching cops, Jack. That’s a start. Goldy argues the Patriot Act contributes to the authoritarian mentality that leads to police taking these kinds of liberties unto themselves. I supposed that’s debatable. Your argument is — ?
Maybe I’m missing something…… says:
“I generally assuming that the vast number of people on this board have attended Universities/Colleges.”
I wouldn’t make that assumption about most of our trolls.
“When I was going to school it was required that one had a proper ID card in order to use anything on Universtiy property. No ID, No entry… it’s pretty simple.”
Another assumption — or was your experience at the University of Pyongyang different from my experience at American colleges? I went to college for 8 years (undergraduate double major, graduate school, and law school) and was NEVER asked for an ID to enter a campus building. Not once.
” … However, lets consider what would have had to have happened to have this sitation escalate to this point.
“1. There would have certainly been a front door security area he would have passed in order to enter a University building at night. This should have been his first inkling that he did not have his ID. He should have gone back and gotten is ID instead, he made the decision to breach security and enter the building.
“2. There would have been a student monitioring the computer room, this student (has he even been properly confirmed as a student?) would have snuck past a 2nd round of security, skirted past the moderator assigning what students could use what terminals and just sat down.
“3. The random security check…. This would have been crystal clear to everyone in the room when it started happening. This student should have closed down what he was doing and left, as he would have been well aware that he did not have proper ID and would be asked to leave.
“4. University Police would have been the first to arrive to escort this kid out. Essentially being rent a cops, they have no real authority and would have called the LAPD only after having been confronted with an asshole who was non-responive to sevral reasonable rquests to leave the building.
“5. The police response time would have been a bare minimum of ten minutes getting to the scene – again more than enough time to have left the building.”
Every single one of these statements is your assumption, not an established fact.
“6. You can repeatedly hear the police officers asking this kid to first stand up and leave, after the first tase, he is told no less than 15 times to stand up and leave or he will be tased again.”
The issue is not whether he cooperated with police, but whether his non-cooperation justified the extent of force used.
“I’m sorry, but this kid knowing broke the rules, ignored many oppotunites to do the right thing – which would have been to go and get his pass or to have addressed his forgotten pass with security. Then , when confronted by security, ignored requests to abide by the rules and instigated the police to come.”
Only a jack-booted thug thinks “breaking [campus] rules” justifies use of lethal force.
“Seems to me this was a lesson learned for this kid.”
Seems to me a big verdict against LAPD would be a much-needed lesson learned for the cops.
Truth and Consequences @ 157
As for Rodney King it does matter… He may have been a criminal but he didn’t deserve the excessive force the LAPD used, which is the entire issue. Addtionally, the courts ruled in his favor as his civil rights were violated.
In the Rodney King issue (and I lived in LA at the time), I watched the tapes over and over and just could not understand why the police didn’t just cuff him and put him in the car. The UCPD could have done the same thing – cuff him, pick him up and take him in and no one would have issue with it. Instead, they used cruel and excessive force to try and make this man stand. As a result, these stupid cops have ultimately made the people and the taxpayer liable.
Lest we forget, in the ’60s Seattle police entered a U.W. dormitory and brutally beat up students who were not participating in any demonstrated IN THEIR OWN DORM ROOMS for no reason other than they wanted to beat up stujdents. The cops knew it was wrong because they removed their badges and name tags before they did it, so they couldn’t be identified.
Truth2006 says: Prove it wasn’t (staged). It is my thoery and unless you can provide a counterexample, it stands. That is called logic. I would think an intellectual such as yourself would have heard of such a thing. — 11/17/2006 at 11:25 am
Roger Rabbit knows how to play this game too! For example:
ProudAss’s (aka “Truth”2006’s) mommy was a pig and his daddy was a camel, which makes him the son of a pig-fucking camel! This is my theory, and unless you disprove it, it stands! I’m sure any wingnut “intellectual” will understand this “logic.”
My suggested and preferred penalty for taser abuse by police officers:
A law should be passed that any police office who carries a tazer will have their balls tazered an equal number of times for every tazer shock applied inappropriately on victims.
This should be done in full view of those who they’ve shocked.
Roger Rabbit @ 162
“Lest we forget, in the ’60s Seattle police entered a U.W. dormitory and brutally beat up students who were not participating in any demonstrated IN THEIR OWN DORM ROOMS for no reason other than they wanted to beat up stujdents. The cops knew it was wrong because they removed their badges and name tags before they did it, so they couldn’t be identified.”
Oh yeah, tough bunny? PROVE IT! I mean, the students were staging that unlawful room-sitting event so that they could entrap the police officers with their liberal thoughts and by sneering out the windows to mock their police authority. The Police are the authorities here, and the students don’t own the dorms, the State does, so it is OK for the police to protect State property from liberalism. The students should have immediately stopped thinking liberal thoughts and leave their rooms, unless they were just staging a fight. I mean, where’s your police report on that…you’re just spewing liberal rumors with no proof. The police were simply there to save the rest of us from terror. Er…I mean, the students were commie terrorists, who were getting high and singeing U.S. flags with their joints while singing the National Anthem in Spanish and thinking about how to subvert gay marriage laws. And some of them were illegal aliens or helping illegal aliens vote…
(*head explodes*)
Darryl is right. Damn liberal, Jesus-like scum!!
Pravda2006 wrote:
Yes, there was a right wing attack on a US Government building under President Clinton.
In fact, in the two major terrorist incidents that happened during President Clinton’s term of office, the perpetrators of the attacks were caputured and put on trial.
President Bush hasn’t done quite as well, but he has been distracted finding all those weapons of mass destruction. Any idea when he’ll be getting around to capturing Osama?
As to the other incidents you list that happened while President Clinton was in office, I notice that you conveniently quit listing terrorist acts overseas against US interests and personnel after President Bush came into office.
Since I’m sure that this was simply an oversight on your part, let me help you complete the record.
Oh, and your original statement isn’t actually true either. There was that little anthrax incident
It appears that Terror attacks around the world tripled in 2004, rising from 175 in 2003 to 655. Additionally, according to the US State Department, “Terrorist attacks rose sharply in 2005”
Heck of a job there, Bushie!
From this description, it certainly sounds like the police acted like thugs, and if this is the case, I hope they loose their jobs for it.
That said, this students sounds more like a pouty, self-centered asshole than a poster-boy for the cause of liberty. If I were present, I imagine I would have been concerned at the police response up until he yelled “Here’s your Patriot Act, here’s your fucking abuse of power”, whereupon I would have wanted to walk up and taser him myself.
That is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Some asshole thinks that since he is on a campus it is ok to fuck with the cops, protest, break the law, squat, stay illegally after he has been asked to leave, whatever, and not comply with a lawful order. He had a chance to stand up, on multiple occassions. He had multiple opportunities to stop being a complete dickhead. He refused. He would not leave. He would not desist. The officers followed all of their procedures until the only one left was to subdue him via their approved method and cart his ass out. The other students started closing in on them and they were threatened in order to keep them back and the officers safe. You are an effing idiot. Just becuase some jackhole thinks the law and campus rules don’t apply to him, he has the right to flout the law and then cry foul when he gets arrested, and roughly becuase he resisted.
This is just another great example of what all GOD FEARING patriotic REPUBLICAN Americans knew wopuld happen once the demoncRATs stole power! There was as time not so long ago when the Police could taser people and if anybody made a stink about it they would swiftly be imprisoned in Gitmo!
That beautiful GODLY time is no more! Now GOD’s greatest President GEORGE W. Bush has had his hands tied. Tied from doing the things that GOD demands. How will GOD protect us if we cannot taser brown people for leaving libraries in a tardy unpatriotic fashion! How will GOD protect us if people are allowed to go un-tasared after refusing to show their proper papers!
You LIE-beral scum have endangered this great GODLY nation, under the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush, by wanting an investigation into police officers doing what GOD requires! GOD will soon tasar this nation if you do not repent and keep your mouths shut and your papers ready!
Shame on you!
God Bless America!
I haven’t read the comments above but the operative sentence is: The student did not exit the building immediately.
If he followed orders (Moonbat! maybe) he would have not experience his hair raising event.
Typical of Goldie the Head Moonbat! to miss the issue here!
Let’s see UCLA, in the heart of Moonbat! blue state in a Moonbat! blue city, at a Moonbat! university and Goldie is crying fowl? Yes fowl!
Are you going to be equally thrilled when these jackasses are anally raping your “innocent” white daughters with their nightsticks because said darlings dared speak up when their boyfriend was tazered by overzealous, 60-IQ glorified-shopping-mall-guards ? And if you don’t think that’s coming if you condone this and allow it to go unpunished, you are simply not a student of history.
Hey Moonbat!, do you remember Abidu Diallo and his anal rape of a broomstick by four Moonbat! officers in NYC?
Maybe you are sooooooooooooooooooo far Moonbat! your mind can’t process information quickly. At least John Barelli makes more sense then you do any day of the week!
treasonous pickle says: This could have been any one of our kids. Think about it.
Not hardly. My brood was brought up to repsect authority and carry the right ID at all times. This guy has to be Moonbat!
As far as I can tell, he felt he was being “racially profiled”, and that is why he refused to provide the ID. That is what his High Profile Federal Lawyers is saying.
Hell every day I feel raped & profiled by the goverment, but I still pay my fair share.
“Here’s your Patriot Act, here’s your fucking abuse of power…”
Now can someone tell me what the Patriot Act had to do with campus cops tasing a student who didn’t have a ID and refused to cooperate? Cops could do that all they wanted long before the Patriot Act.
This must be like the gas price headline.
Gee, I guess Rob can’t think beyond his own bunghole.
Think Rob, think. I know you can do it.
Mike Webb Suck’s Wisely says
“Not hardly. My brood was brought up to repsect authority and carry the right ID at all times. This guy has to be Moonbat!
11/17/2006 at 5:29 pm”
God and George W. Bush wants EVERY American to RESPECT and FOLLOW every direction ANY authority tells them to!!!!
GOD expects everyone to follow the orders of authority figures!!! It is IN THE BIBLE!!!! READ IT!!!
And GOD, and His GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER, George W. Bush, wants everyone to carry the proper papers wherever they go!
Read the BIBLE!!!
Carry the proper PAPERS!!!
Present the proper papers to the AUTHORITIES!!!!
God Bless America!!!
I wish I could give you all a job where you have responsibility for the safety of peoples lives. What if this guy had pulled a gun and shot someone after being tased? Then you would have been whining the other way, that the cops had not done enough.
It is amazing how one week after the election you guys are proving true everything the Republicants say about you:
A bunch of pissy whiners who think the cops are always bad, and the perps are just misunderstood.
This video makes me furious beyond belief. The student bystanders at UCLA showed great restraint, and should be commended for the professional and mature way they responded to the situation.
They gathered evidence. They pleaded for humanity. They were ignored.
I hope those cops get fired and have to take jobs as janitors at UCLA cleaning up the toilets at the computer labs.
Wow, that’s terrible.
What’s this have to do with the Patriot Act again?
Oh, wait, I know, it’s the ‘culture of fear’ or whatever. You don’t actually need proof, just the fact that the Patriot Act exists creates this ‘culture of fear’ which is responsible for every evil you can imagine.
I just can’t help but wonder if that’s what you actually think, or if you just say it to forward your political adjenda.
I also can’t help but wonder which of those alternatives is worse.
Republican Fist!! @ 180
YAAAAWWWWNNNN….. Snooooorrreee…… Another tragic example of yet another Republican loser.
What’s happened to our country is that America has become a nation that condones torture, and so it only makes sense that some people in law enforcement and other government offices now believe that they have the authority to torture American citizens.
What’s happened to our country is that the bullies are now in charge. “Bullying” has status and prestige. The weakest of Americans have handed over the power.
Thanks Giving for a Veteran 11-21-06
Peter Macdonald 465 Packersfalls rd Lee NH 03824
The People of the United States should be thankful that you have Veterans that were willing to give their lives for your freedom. This day exists to be thankful for a good harvest, but think of those that gave their lives for your enjoyment. John Kerry’s “Botched Joke” about kids in our military was correct. We have politicians that never served sending naïve kids into combat so that they look good. We have a Bush that had presidential connections to void his enlistment when called to go. A kid becomes a veteran because he learns a hard lesson. Rich kids become politicians so that they can live of the backs of veterans. On this Thank full day look around you. The homeless on the street. The drug users walking near you. The drunks leaning against a post. Do you realize 50% of these people are veterans. These are the kids that were willing to give for your freedom. They became this way because what they saw and did they could not accept. A good reality exists today for you because veterans are willing to give.
I am a 100% disabled veteran from my tour in the Marine Corps. I was injured 2 separate times in combat support mission during the Vietnam conflict. NH declared me a terrorist to stop my free speech. I lost my freedom for 6 months before the bogus charges were dropped. Then NH had my VA medical stopped . No one believes this can happen in the United States. I volunteer to help a Madbury NH family expose abuse by the Madbury selectmen and my country dumps me. I do not want you sympathy. I want this Madbury families Constitutional rights restored. I as a veteran gave my life as a naïve kid many years ago. I am a “Botched Joke” and I am proud of it. I gave for my country. You the citizens of the United States on this day should thank all veterans for what we gave. Check
Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC “Semper Fi”
“Although this was a ridiculous use of force on the part of the police, why didn’t the kid just leave in the first place?!”
“By this time the student had begun to walk toward the door with his backpack when an officer approached him and grabbed his arm”
I get the feeling he was in the proscess of leaving.