Tom at Seattle Bike Blog is getting reports of trouble on the trail.
I’ve already received one email from a reader who said he had to swerve into the grass to avoid a truck driving on the trail. Last year there were many close calls and several crashes due to Hempfest operations. But organizers say they are working to make this year go more smoothly and better mark cables and hoses.
The Elliott Bay Trail is a vital regional transportation corridor for people biking and walking from downtown to Magnolia, Queen Anne and northwest Seattle. There is no other option available for people biking through the area. With workers blocking the route for a week and a half and people on bikes with no other way through, it’s a recipe for frustration and conflict.
That was a couple days ago, and with more setup, I’m sure there is more difficulty. I was there yesterday evening for a jog, and it was fine for me. It was drizzly and past rush hour so the traffic wasn’t bad, but there were tents and trucks and a partially built stage up. I can see how it could be annoying, but it didn’t seem like too bad.
There may also be traffic problems for cars according to a press release I got from SDOT.
The 22nd annual Seattle Hempfest expects 50,000 – 70,000 attendees everyday this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Centennial and Myrtle Edwards parks. Saturday evening the Seattle Seahawks anticipate a crowd of 55,000 at CenturyLink Field when they take on the Denver Broncos for the team’s second pre-season game. There will likely be heavy traffic associated with these and many other events taking place throughout Seattle over the weekend, so please see the attached schedule and plan ahead to avoid delays.
The Seattle Department of Transportation suggests motorists join in the effort to reduce air pollution by parking their cars and opting for one of the many alternate modes of transportation available – Metro Transit, the West Seattle Water Taxi, the Seattle Streetcar, the Sounder commuter train, Link light rail, car pool, bicycle or walk, if feasible.
A lot of those suggestions are more football related than Hempfest, given SoDo’s nearness to rail and the Water Taxi. But the warning and some of the suggestions apply to both.
And seeing the press release mentioning the football game in the same paragraph as Hempfest puts the traffic complaints people always seem to have into some perspective. Yes, it can be annoying (although the worst that’s ever happened for me personally is I had to take a different route from Downtown to Ballard one year). But sometimes those sort of things happen in a big city with big events.
Has Hempfest been raided yet?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is what a generation of cops raised on video games looks like.