Andrew has once again updated the already excellent Pacific Northwest Portal, an invaluable tool for keeping up on the region’s growing number of progressive blogs. He has announced the latest improvements in a diary on DailyKos, and I ask all of my readers who are Kos members to sign in and recommend the diary… now.
Progressive bloggers need all the help they can get to catch up with right’s established infrastructure, and frequent coddling by talk radio. Driving traffic to Pacific NW Portal drives traffic to all of us, and helps us get our message out on an equal footing.
Northworst Portapotty–
Our new LEFTIST PINHEADS Lie-brary of bullshit!
The same 12 libs constatnly clicking on a website does not constitute ‘driving up traffic’.
The “right” has established “infrastructure” because the left media was NOT MEETING THE NEEDS of the public in terms of honesty and equal reporting, not because they had no opportunity (think PBS-NBC-CBS-ABC-CNN-MSNBC-TIMES-PI-NYT-NEWSWEEK-TIME-LATIMES-BOSTONGLOBE-DENVERPOST-WASHINGTON POST-60MINUTES-USATODAY…
Right wing media convinces no one and converts no one. It just feeds the hatred of the true believers. “Believer”, not “thinker”, being the operative word. You can’t grow your base with your conservative message because your message is demonstrably false. The best you can do is try not to lose the people you have, and as the price of gas continues to grow many of the flamers you depend on will be jumping ship and switching to a point-of view that says: “If it doesn’t work for working families, it just doesn’t work!”
HUH? Can’t “grow your base”?
Golly, gosh, gee whiz, loony tell that to Bush, tell that to the MAJORITY that voted for him, tell that to the MAJORITY party in the Senate, tell that to the MAJORITY party in the House of Representatives, tell that to MSNBC (with ratings so far in the toilet Microsoft dumped them), tell that to CNN, tell that to “mainstream” newspapers with their hemorrhaging circulations, tell that to all those red counties.
And don’t forget to tell it to Tom DeLay’s and Jim West’s burgeoning mob of supporter’s. You used fear to get that slim majority and I would not be surprised if some similar 911 type event occurs before 2006.
Wow….even in blogging you have to order [as in NOW] your people to get on board. Maybe you should try NPR’s tactic and have a blog-a-thon where you bore people into submission. Oh, that’s right,the liberal blogs are already doing that.
HA is the only liberal blog that seems to have anything going for it…..and you have the amusement factor on your side.In a good way……..
I’d be very careful about throwing stones and glass houses if I were you Looney.
Hate and misinformation are the only things you neo-John Birchers have to sell. With rising gas prices the suckers you got listening to your message may be a little more open to a different message. I see these 50 year-old losers in battered mid-eighties K-cars riding around with these stupid conservative stickers all over their pathetic vehicles and I wonder what it will take to wake them up to how they are being used and abused by the Republican hate machine. I hope it wasn’t you I saw in the K-car. I want to make my point but I don’t want to kill your spirit.
like the BIG HUGE increase over at err amerika from 0.9 in 2004 to a whopping 1.5 in 2005
where KTTH stayed at 3.0
is there a records and ratings for blogs?
Invective and innuendo are your only allies. And you anally retentive fascist dogmothers are nothing but name-callers as well!
PetLibs/ProudASS, still with the rose-colored glasses, figures his views match the vast “MAJORITY” of Americans, who of course mostly live in “all those red counties.”
Oops….guess not. Of course, if you rely on misleading data, right-wing sources and feel-good anecdotes that you lift from chain letters unquestioningly, even you can convince yourself that you’re in the mainstream.
So keep listening to your comforting right-wing talk radio and complaining about how the mainstream media tells it like it is instead of how you want to hear it. And keep watching as liberals and progressives build institutions and networks to counter the right-wing propaganda machine. Have a nice day.
It’s a good thing you 12 little liberals that make up the contant clicking ‘driving up traffic’ at KOS, Portal and here at ass.orgy don’t live over in the UK
DAMN! I guess someone forgot to mention that tax to chrissy and her little legislative lackeys!
“The average horse produces nine tonnes of manure a year.”
Who would have thought all that diarrhea of the mouth would produce so little?!
Poor looney though, STILL constipated.
Invective and innuendo are your only allies. And you anally retentive fascist dogmothers are nothing but name-callers as well! -Comment by headless lucy— 5/10/05 @ 11:34 am
Get back to class and perhaps you can figure out why your comment is so incredibly LAUGHABLE.
dear david – ever hear of that oh so right wing newspaper USA Today?
The USA Today graphic with the counties colored red and blue is what you’d call “misleading data.” Counties don’t vote. Follow the link @ 12, read the text, look at the pretty pictures, learn something.
I know exactly what I’m saying and what the implications of it are. Can you say 40% approval rating for your luridly ignorant pres. ? I knew you could!(Now you’ll correct me and say it’s 44%, not 40%, thereby hammering home the message that the ratings are low—REAL low.) That’s why I predict another “intelligence failure” and another 911 type occurance. Let’s be grown up about this. Everyone knows FDR allowed Japan to attack us so we would be drawn into WWII. The parrallels with 911 are too close for comfort. You can’t deal with the present unless you own up to the reality of it. Even if the reality is unimaginably evil.
headless lucy—….makes my point for me….heh heh heh.
isn’t it funny that HL throws her stones over at SP in oh so effervescent way yet she seems so angry at those that post an opposing opinion or challenge here.
Lucy, I get a kick outta you.
Guess what lying looney – his approval ratings don’t matter one whit!
Everyone knows FDR allowed Japan to attack us so we would be drawn into WWII.
Someone’s been reading too many conspiracy theory novels. Ease off the kool-aid, Lucille, or start citing sources.
The parallels with 911 are too close for comfort.
Again, WTF? 1 point to christmasghost.
If shrubs approval ratings dont matter, then why should the slim margin he got elected by matter.
A coin toss, would give a more decisive mandate.
And what,c-ghost, is your point? Do you think it would ever occur to that Eyman clown to have an initiative on auditing whether we are getting our money’s worth on the tax breaks we give big business? Not likely. Because you fellows can’t think your way out of a paper bag.
You need to get business to commit to their promises in writing, and if they break those promises, they have to give the tax-break money back. Some state governments and municipalities are successfully doing just that. A Republican way of dealing with a burglar might be to give the burglar some financial incentive to stay in your house. The thief might say to the Republican: “If you don’t give me what I want, I’m going to leave here and rob someone else.” Then thy’d be crying:” See! Now the thief is leaving. You Dems. just don’t understand business!”
If conservative US historian Thomas Bailey is a lunatic kool-aid drinker left wing nut, then he hid those proclivities extremely well throughout his career as a textbook writer for American educators. See, that’s how I know that you guys don’t know what you’re talking about– because I do.
If shrubs approval ratings dont matter, then why should the slim margin he got elected by matter.
A coin toss, would give a more decisive mandate. Comment by AllHatAndNoHorse— 5/10/05 @ 12:49 pm
If chrissy’s approval ratings don’t matter, then why should the slim margin chrissy got elected by matter.
A coin toss, would give a more decisive mandate.
Attention students and staff: would headless lucy please return to the janitorial closet, Mr TidyBowl is waiting.
OHHHHH NOW we know why she calls herself headless!
So we should contest shrubs appointment?
I believe lucy is referring to this:
All those twists and contortions to make yourself appear relevant, are they painful?
You mean my high school history textbook, The American Pageant, by Thomas Bailey and my college history professor David Kennedy? Nothing in there about FDR allowing Japan to attack the United States.
Roosevelt was sympathetic to the British and was willing to get involved in WWII (in contrast to his isolationist pronouncements on the campaign trail), but saying he allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to occur (i.e., that he knew about it in advance and decided not to prevent it) is irresponsible and unsupported—pure conspiracy theory stuff.
If you meant only that we missed warning signs and weren’t sufficiently prepared, then there is a parallel with 9/11, but that’s not at all what you said @ 16.
irresponsible and unsupported—pure conspiracy theory stuff.
-Comment by David— 5/10/05 @ 1:21 pm
Damn Davy, how can it be possible we acually agree?
I don’t see the sun diminishing and the world falling into darkness.
Regarding Stinnett’s book, Day of Deceit, the page for the book has some valuable commentary. The most telling is the review from R.W. Russell near the bottom of the page. Large excerpts:
“Taking Stinnett’s book as a prime source of information on Pearl Harbor makes as much sense as asking your local Ford dealer for his recommendation on which brand of car to buy. If you really want to know the full story on the cryptologic aspects of the Pearl Harbor story, read “And I Was There,” by Edwin Layton. Layton WAS there, and he has the facts that Stinnett doesn’t want to believe.”
“There’s no argument that FDR expected, perhaps even wanted war with Japan. The question is, did he KNOW that an attack was coming upon Hawaii? The answer is no . . . . To be sure, hindsight provides evidence that the U.S. should have been able to predict a specific threat to Pearl Harbor, but (as Layton effectively explains), our leadership was unable to see the forest with all those trees in the way. Ineffective intelligence handling and analysis? Certainly. [and reminiscent of 9/11 –D.] But a deliberate conspiracy? A resounding no.”
“In October 2004, the History Channel did a one-hour special on this book, allotting about half the time to Stinnett and an associate, and the rest to a number of distinguished historians and scholars who thoroughly picked Stinnett’s theories to pieces. As one of them eloquently stated at the end of the program, “it’s clear that Mr. Stinnett actually believes his theories; he’s just simply wrong.””
This has been interesting, if not particularly on-topic.
Sorry david, the jury is still out.
Same with kennedy assasination.
I’ve been told many times, about the lone gunman.
I dont believe that anymore now, than I did in 1963.
Yes, and were Rock Hudson and Liberace really gay? Well, maybe. But people of real substance and knowledge say: “I guess we’ll just never really know!” You guys crack me up.
headless lucy…….we crack YOU up? now that is funny.
” And what,c-ghost, is your point? Do you think it would ever occur to that Eyman clown to have an initiative on auditing whether we are getting our money’s worth on the tax breaks we give big business? Not likely. Because you fellows can’t think your way out of a paper bag.”
this is my point……
tim eyeman didn’t give the billions to BOEING you twit…you stupid liberals did. take a buck and buy a CLUE.
it cuts both ways…….
but there is always a bogeyman in the liberal/progressive closet huh?
Headless Lucy…says…….
“Hate and misinformation are the only things you neo-John Birchers have to sell. With rising gas prices the suckers you got listening to your message may be a little more open to a different message. I see these 50 year-old losers in battered mid-eighties K-cars riding around with these stupid conservative stickers all over their pathetic vehicles and I wonder what it will take to wake them up to how they are being used and abused by the Republican hate machine. I hope it wasn’t you I saw in the K-car. I want to make my point but I don’t want to kill your spirit.”
Lucy…. wow….WOW….. the compassion you have for others…..the champagne socialist strikes again. So if someone isn’t driving an expensive or new car they are a loser?
And FDR allowed the japanese to attack pearl harbor?
Behold the true progressive….and I think we all know what progressive is code for……..LOL.
Lucy…step away from the kool aid and the bon bons……
Headless lucy–
Are the school kiddees toilets clean yet??
Go back to school, cynical, and stop wasting your time trolling these comment threads. Sorry you don’t like the portal – alas, cynical, YOU, stop their cartwheeling, christmasghost and all the other wingnuts are not the audience this time – oh dear. The portal was designed for forward-thinking people, Cynical. Yes, FORWARD-THINKING. Not backward thinking people like you.
OWWWWWWWWWW! Why do you have to be so mean???
So MOH claims to be a forward thinking person.
Hard to imagine with his head in his ass….but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt!
Forward Thinking–isn’t that the mantra of the Seattle Progressive Arrogant ELITIST PINHEADED AssHoles Club??
If you are so forward thinking, why are my tax dollars going backwards out of my wallet to a bunch of idiot planners who study, study, study and by the time they are done studying….all the damn money is gone so they can’t produce anything of value.
Maybe MOH, if you are so fu**ing forward thinking, you can figure out a way to replace that Viaduct with all the paper from those damn useless transportation studies and planning the past 20 years.
Forward thinking???
Turn around a second and look at this—-
F*** YOU!
“THE PORTAL”…was designed for forward thinking people only?
And doesn’t that sound like something out of the movie Stargate? It sounds so impressive as if it really existed……HEH HEH HEH.
Who is it that keeps whining about everything with no answers to anything because they are so busy living in the past, hmmmmm?
I’ll give you a isn’t the conservatives.
But sheesh…you guys are sure funny. LOL.
MOH @ 37
My my, MOH, you’ve really got Mr. C. in a froth.
Good work!
liberal “forward thinking”
Funny dude.
Lucy @ to be fair to our redent trolls GWB’s 40+% rating is rather high, seeming that only about 30% of the registered voting population supported him in the past elections< ?B>.
Mr. sinikal is a blabbering idiot. He’s so idiotic. I just know he’s drooling and twitching and barely able to keep enough gas in his tank to buy some Bud-Light at the convenience mart.
If you numbnuts had READ the links instead of letting loose with the bowels of your brains you would have seen that as of TODAY his rating was 50% – which is not great, but ok for a guy that doesn’t give a rip because he has already WON the only damned elections that matter.
Then again, your chrissy is in trouble and pretty uniformly pulls disapproval from every category.
Of course numbnuts and Koolaid drinkers weren’t part of the population sample.
yep crissy has ratings in the toilet. out of 50 governors crissy crissy ranks in the bottom 3.
Like shrub as pres.
or is he in the bottom 2?
Truman, 1949: 57%.
Eisenhower, 1957: 65%.
Johnson, 1965: 69%.
Nixon, 1973: 57%.
Reagan, 1985: 56%.
Clinton, 1997: 59% .
Bush, 2005: 45% .
All the way back to where he was before 9/11.
So sad these libs that can’t/won’t read and/or acknowledge the facts:
Tuesday May 10, 2005–Fifty percent (50%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.
Today’s update is the first based entirely upon interviews conducted after last Friday’s report on job creation. Rasmussen Reports has recently released data showing that 43% of Americans believe that Senator Hillary Clinton is politically liberal.
ChistmasAss @ 35 quoting Lucy and then responding in laughable ignorance
“I see these 50 year-old losers in battered mid-eighties K-cars riding around with these stupid conservative stickers all over their pathetic vehicles and I wonder what it will take to wake them up to how they are being used and abused by the Republican hate machine. I hope it wasn�t you I saw in the K-car. I want to make my point but I don�t want to kill your spirit.â€
Lucy…. wow….WOW….. the compassion you have for others…..the champagne socialist strikes again. So if someone isn’t driving an expensive or new car they are a loser?”
You illiterate moron. Lucy is describing a sad sight seen to often, republicans getting economically raped by the greedy bastards they put in office. XmasAss someday you will wake up, realise your ass has been gored by Tom DeLay, Frist, Bush et. al. And you a really gonna be kicking yourself.
You mean how mr and mrs gregoire are BOTH on the state payroll enjoying a full time chef and pastry chef. How they spent a fortune upgrading the mansion while she raised your taxes? Is that the champaign social*st that represents you?
Donnageddon—@ 51…….I’m an illiterate moron? Now that’s truly laughable coming from you of all people.You say….”Lucy is describing a sad sight seen to often”
Now you are talking for Lucy? Well if you are, perhaps you should learn how to spell before calling someone else illiterate….that would be “TOO often.”
Digger is that you again?
Your chldish vitriol gives you away every time.
AH, Thank you XmasAss for the spelling correction. I will work on my spelling, while you work on comprehension.
Digger? Hmmm, methinks the conservative Ass grows more paranoid with each diminishing return for Rossi.
No, I do not “talk” for Lucy, I just point out Neo-con idiocy wherever I see it. Keeps me rather busy, and amused.
And I am beginning to love the new rightwing catch phrase “champaign Socialist” certanly beats Mr. C’s “leftest pinhead” chant for imagination!
Bravo! And please pass the bubbly!
That’s “champagne” not “champaign”. I know that you really didn’t “forget” your glove. The Continental knows and understands these things!
Chardonnay @ 10, as an ivestor, I would rather go with a station that has increased its viewers 70% in one year than on another that is deffinitely Stagnant.
re: comment#31 by David: This is what Prof. Thomas A. Bailey says in his book, The Man in the Street:
“FDR repeatedly deceived the American people during the period before Pearl Harbor…He was like the physician who must tell the patient liesfor the patient’s own good…
A president who cannot entrust the people with the truth betrays a certain lack of faith in the basic tenets of democracy. But because the masses are notoriously shortsighted and generally cannot see the danger until it is at their throats, our staesmen are forced to deceive them into an awareness of their own long-run interests.This is clearly what Roosevelt had to do, and who shall say posterity shall not thank him for it?”
To the list of prominent historians who believe that FDR had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor, I would add Charles Beard and John Toland. Posterity will not thank FDR because even knowing the truth of the matter is considered too “controversial” in our era. I don’t drink Kool-Aid, but I do know a thing or two—some times even more than the guy on PBS!
I remain , as ever,
I remain , as ever,
Comment by headless lucy— 5/11/05 @ 9:12 am
The ONLY marginally true thing you ever said.
Stop: You don’t know your ass from your elbow. You just like feeling self-righteous and put-upon. You’d be a liberal, but you’re not smart enough to understand the message. Think for a minute ,Bozo! I’ve just GIVEN you some definitive quotes from a prominent and respected American historian that says FDR was a liar. Furthermore, I’ve given you the names of two others who feel the same way. And the best you can do with the information is to try to make a joke out of my Sign-off? You are truly a pathetic idiot with male pattern baldness and an incurable case of ED.
Get a grip loony – (you’re losing it, babe) THAT WAS A COMPLIMENT I GAVE YOU FOR FINALLY ATTEMPTING HONESTY.
ps, sorry babe, but no clue as to what “an incurable case of ED.” might be – is that the current liberal disease/crisis of the month?
Eternally Dumb?
Eccentric Democrats?
Evil Dipshits?
Egomaniacal Demogogues?
Erratic Dopes?
Eternally Deranged?
but you’re not smart enough to understand the message.
-Comment by headless lucy— 5/11/05 @ 10:10 am
LMAO! We got the message babe!
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
donna @ 55
are you slow? champaign socialist is an old term used to describe liberals. limosine liberals etc. try wikipedia.
jpgee @ 57
Wouldn’t a fast increase in ratings be considered ‘risky?’ investing? when stocks skyrocket in a short period of time isn’t it inevitable they will fall just as fast?
it seems a more sound investment would be to look for long term returns. wouldn’t it be one that the ratings have remained steady over the long term. be careful my friend.
STC: ED is Erectile Dysfunction. Surely you’ve heard about it on your conservative radio blatherers.
Cheap Whine @ 63, Like all your neo-con compatriots, you can not comprehend the written word! jpgee was referring to listenership, not stock value. Lord, repugs are such ignorant fucks.
Cheap Whine @ 63, Like all your neo-con compatriots, you can not comprehend the written word! jpgee was referring to listenership, not stock value. Lord, repugs are such ignorant fucks. -Comment by Donnageddon— 5/11/05 @ 12:46 pm
Chardonnay @ 10, as an ivestor, I would rather go with a station -Comment by jpgee— 5/11/05 @ 7:11 am
“ignorant fuck’ Donnageddon, the key words, despite pigees pitiful spelling, are “ AS AN INVESTOR “… you can not comprehend the written word!
Good grief, the liberal plan to “dumb down” America has clearly worked.
oh Cat, you are hilarious. thanks. donnaG proves the rampant mental disorder.
STOP @ 67 you complete waste of air, read and weep you ignorant fool
“I would rather go with a station that has increased its viewers 70% in one year than on another that is deffinitely Stagnant.”
Now where do you and that syphalitic whore Chard find anything regarding “Stock Price”
JHC! You people think you are listening to right wing radio and no one will call you out on your stupidity! Wrong! this is, and when you pathetically make an ignorant comment, you will have your foolish ass paddled!
Don’t you get tired of being wrong all the time?
Government school grad Donna?? It shows, babe.
Good grief, the liberal plan to “dumb down” America has clearly worked.