Former FEMA director Michael Brown has been in the news recently for his bizarre insistence that President Obama purposely created the largest oil spill in history… but then, as the video above shows, Brown has a long history of bizarrely blaming others for man-made disasters.
Still, if Brown wants to blame me for exposing his lack of emergency management experience, I’m happy to take the credit, but… well… you can’t eat congressional testimony — not even Brownie’s — so it’s gonna take an awful lot more than accolades like that to keep me blogging. You know… I need money. Cold hard cash.
I haven’t blogged recently on my ongoing $25,000 fundraiser, if only to make a point that when I don’t nag folks to contribute, I don’t get many contributions. In the three weeks since I launched the fundraiser I’ve now received 109 individual contributions totaling $5427.37, or roughly $50 per contribution. Thank you for your generosity.
But that’s still below the total number of contributors and contributions over the one week fund drive I held two years ago, so I know the HA community as a whole can do better.
In addition to the individual contributions, I’ve also now received institutional donations and pledges totaling an additional $5,200, thanks to $2,500 sponsorships from UFCW 21 and SEIU 775, and a $200 donation from the King County Democrats. I hope to announce more sponsorships shortly.
I know $25,000 seems like a lot of money, but it’s really just the bare minimum I need to keep me blogging full time through the end of the year, and living pretty frugally at that. So if you value the work I do and the contributions I’ve made, please give generously today.
Chronic Stoner Lee needs a “fund drive” too; his pals need bail. (see below)
Did you get that shiny new nickel I sent you BTW Goldy? I suggest you charge Roger “O.C.D.” Rodent by the post; that way you’ll far exceed your original goal of $25K and be able to avoid another year of “real” & gainful employment. Good luck!
Good weekend all.
Buzzflash has a good funds drive program.
Your use of fear of loss as a selling point is very professional.
HA is known over the internet as an influential political blog. Important people consult this blog to keep their finger on the pulse of the smart, educated Americans.
Wouldn’t you want Hillary Clinton pondering your comment late at night?
“I wonder what Capt. Binghamton might think of this knotty international problem? I think I’ll check HA and find out!”
You should contribute to Goldy’s drive if only to preserve your own prominence in the minds of the high and mighty.
goldy; you need a marketing course. having 8 posts by roger, 1 or 2 from us conservs…doesn’t exactly grow your business.
maybe you need to be part of a stimulus package….or go work for D’Arcy D’imwit
The irony, clearly is that Heck-of-a-job Brownie’s such a total horse’s ass.
@1, 4: So … I’m getting to you unpatriotic America-hating traitors, huh? Good!
traitor; i believe in all of the consitution and amendments; i esp love the 10th.
how about you commie boy?
OT, but a good post on how they’re capping the blown out well in the gulf.
@7 “i believe in all of the consitution and amendments”
No you don’t. You believe what you want to believe, like all the rest of the wingers. News flash: You guys don’t get to create your own interpretations of the Constitution and laws; that’s the Supreme Court’s job.
Which part of our body of laws allows for forced purchase of a product…that is, if the constitution says feds only have power expressley authorized, how do they suddenly get right to force me to buy something.
oh yeah, you’ll trot out (in misleading way) the “provide for the general welfare” provision….thereby justifying all sorts of nonsense the feds now intrude in
righton @10,
I assume you’re talking about HCR, and nobody is forcing you to purchase anything. If you don’t have health insurance, and you don’t qualify for an exemption, you simply don’t get the same tax benefit that the rest of us get. That’s your option.
I’d like to donate . . . but I won’t use paypal. Snail mail possible?
At least the Gov’ment isn’t. His boss might, once those tax credits kick in.
re 11: He knows that. He has a talking point that has traction with the boobs, so he uses it and waves it in your face like a cheap bordertown bullfighter.
@12 and Goldy: Me too.
@12 & 15, Goldy accepts chickens, too. If that helps.
My contribution Goldy is some advice.
Wake up & smell the coffee!
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Our dumbass Kommie-in-chief continues to mock & ridicule those who challenge his policies.
Sure formula for one-term….and taking a bunch of fellow Kommies down with him.
Arrogant a$$hole===ObaMao
Certainly not leadership to be in power…and resort to mocking & ridicule.
Cynny @ 17
Nobody is more deserving of mocking and ridicule than you. Apparently, you believe your unintelligible, juvenile drivel constitutes political discourse. Perhaps it does in your Teabagging world, but it does not in the adult world.
What irony! You’re lecturing about juvenile drivel while mentioning ‘teabagging’. Gotta be satire, right?