Daily Kos just put up its third Hell to Pay poll, and I need all of you to immediately click through and VOTE FOR DARCY!
The winner of tonight’s poll will have an online fundraiser held on Saturday, and last week’s winner, Al Franken, ended up raising over $25,000. That’s money Darcy desperately needs not only to keep pace with Dave Reichert and the NRCC, but also gobs of “independent” expenditures from the likes of the US Chamber of Commerce.
In a race that’s expected to be excruciatingly close, a couple minutes of your time right now could mean the difference between winning and losing. So please, vote for Darcy right now!
It looks like we kicked ass and Darcy won! Thanks to all of you who cast your vote.
Although it’s just started, Darcy has more than twice the votes of the second place pol.
McCain showed up today so he could bust the deal. Anything goes with that bastard, as long as he wins.
Poverty Is Hereditary Dep’t
A Republican state legisator in Louisiana, John LaBruzzo, this week proposed sterilizing poor women and giving tax breaks to rich women to encourage the latter to have more children.
Yep, Just voted, and she’s up 2.4::1 over the next candidate.
I don’t know the others, but I just voted for Charlie Brown….he’s smarter than Darcy…
Oops…it’s not the Peanuts guy….ah shucks…still smarter than Darcy :-)
@5 A peanut is smarter than you.
Darcy hugs rabbits. Sarah hangs witches.
George Stephanopolis said on CBS News that McCain wants to “blow apart” the bailout deal so he can “put it back together” and take personal credit for saving the economy.
“Country First”
It was a lie, of course.
Screwing America’s Veterans
Why do Republicans favor nationalizing Wall Street’s bad debt, but not health care?
On my travels this week I met the widow of a World War II veteran. She and her husband worked hard all their lives, raised a family, paid their bills and taxes, and owned a nice home.
As a disabled veteran, her husband was entitled to free medical care from the V.A. But when he suffered a heart attack, and the ambulance took him to the V.A. hospital, he was turned away because the V.A. hospital was full and couldn’t accept any more patients due to funding cutbacks by the Republican administration and Republicans in Congress.
So the ambulance took him to a private hospital and delivered him into the clutches of our rapacious private health care system. After his death, the medical creditors took their home to pay his medical bills.
His widow’s small Social Security check is barely enough for food and medicine. She lives in a tiny trailer and is an itinerant campground worker who works in exchange for free campsites.
That’s just wrong, folks. If our government can afford to bail out greedy financiers, why does it lack funds to provide our war veterans with the medical care they were promised? If we can bail out Wall Street, why can’t we bail out a veteran’s widow?
It’s time to change the management in Washington D.C.!
Conservatives have run our government since 1981, and this is what they’ve done to ordinary people. Having seen for 27 years what their priorities are, it’s a fucking mystery why anyone still votes for them.
We need to change the health care system in this country so that no one, and especially not our war veterans, has to live in fear of being reduced to degradation and poverty by a hospital stay.
Marcy who? Never heard of her.
Was she some sort of community organizer or something?
Like this is not a really fair vote: Click on the link and you vote for Darcy. Goldy – Please provide the link to the voting page so folks can make their own choices!!! Oops! This is a typical Democratic problem…Stack the deck, legally or illegally!. Luckily, this is not a formal voting situation or Goldy would be in trouble!!
Marcy who? Never heard of her.
Was she some sort of community organizer or something?
Better. President of the…hahhahahaha.. Ames hahahah…Lake Home Owners…hhhahahaha.. snicker snicker….Association. baaahhhaahhahahahahaa
I did my best not to laugh.
Roger @ 8, he should take credit for the Keating 5 Scandal, the deregulations of our financial markets and for being a prime candidate for ‘Alzheimers studies’. (regretfully, my mother has Alzheimers and she is more like McCain every week … or is it he is more like here….Toot Toot, the train left the station.)
Again, Couric just demanded, and did not get, answers from Palin. She answers with: Terrorists, maverick, danger, Russia across the bay, next door neighbors are foreign countries (Canada is certainly a threat), John McCain, country first, spread democracy, Israel security efforts, second holocaust, Iran, good guys, bad guys,
I can’t take anymore. My wife is more qualified to be the vice president. Palin is not qualified to run a PTA meeting.
She has gotten by on her looks and ruthlessness. That sound you hear is the McCain campaign crashing.
Hmm.. Some people have been very upset that others have been questioning the level of experience some candidates are bringing to the table..
Also, don’t forget she was a lead PM at Microsoft. That’s a pretty tough job that probably quite a few sitting Congressmen couldn’t do.
Darcy’s currently in the lead by a 3 to 1 margin over the next runner up. Good voting everyone!
Rachel Maddow just reported on the use of GOP Party next to Rossi’s name and the lawsuit coming up. Nice piece.
McCain went to Washington today to save us taxpayers from bailing out the crooks who go us into this mess like Fannie and Freddie and Frank,dodd ,Raines,Obama and Reed. Even President Clinton today said the Democrats caused this to happen and McCain and the Republican where out voted by the crooks.
So stupid you can’t even stay on topic, huh.
Topic can’t you read the others?
Yeah, I read the others. But, you’re new here and a rightie so I picked on you.
This whole ‘economic meltdown’ is a stunt.
It’s BS.
It’s just another scheme to rob the public. They’d all be well advised to stay in their bubble.
Old news Buddie the Democrats are holding the bag on no money,cause the Republicans are not going to do it. As it was proposed!
Too many of us have called and told them to hang the Democrats who caused this meltdown.
Frank,Dodd,Pepsi,obama and Reid left crying.
re 26: “Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all.”
John Maynard Keynes
Communism went down in the 90’s. Capitalism is going down now. Nothing personal. It’s just history.
“Please, get out of the new boat if you can’t lend a hand.” Robert Zimmerman
Keynes was an asshole. It’s too bad so many dumbshit economists still cling to his ideas.
Once again, Goldy’s interest in the Darcy doesn’t create enough excitement to sustain a measly little HA blog thread. Face it, she’s a loser who has done zippo since ’06 to gain any meaningful experience. WA-08 voters rejected her during a democrat sweep year and they’ll reject her again this year. Reichert by 5%.
Shiney! Dizty, I mean Darcy, is mesmerized! She asks: ‘What’s the number for 9-1-1 again? I’d like to use my burning house as a political ploy….’
Goldy’s interest in Ditzy, I mean Darcy, is his erection, not being able to get laid, and him pulling his pud over a dumb blonde once again. That must get old at some point.
If Darcy is so great, why can’t she campaign in the district she’s running to be the Representative of?
Is my vote not good enough for her?
Did Ditzy Darcy take a wrong turn at Albaquerque?
We Republicans may not take much comfort in the elections nation-wide but we’ll have Rossi and Reichert elected, for sure.