Well, you gotta give Mike Brown credit for being consistent:
Here’s what I really think is going on. I think they want to raise this level because that gives them more attention, it gives them more, you know, more legitimacy, and allows them to get out there and say ‘oh look at us, we’re in control we’ve got this thing taken care of.’
Of course, in providing his “expert” analysis to FOX News, it’s no surprise that Brownie focuses on appearances rather than on the public health response or, you know, the flu virus itself, for if there’s anything he learned from his years at the helm of FEMA, it’s that the most important part of mounting an effective emergency management effort is presenting the appearance of mounting an effective emergency management effort. Or at least that’s the way he ran his agency, always assuring an ample supply of FEMA emblazoned tee-shirts and windbreakers at the scene of any major disaster, even if potable water and adequate shelter were lacking.
Indeed, even in his post-Katrina congressional testimony, Brownie made clear that the real disaster in New Orleans didn’t take place until after his press office was overwhelmed with inquiries about his thin resume:
While FEMA was trying to respond to probably the largest natural disaster in the history of this country, a catastrophic disaster that the president has described covering an area the size of Great Britain – I have heard 90,000 square miles – unless you have been there and seen it, you don’t realize exactly how bad and how big it was – but in the middle of trying to respond to that, FEMA’s press office became bombarded with requests to respond immediately to false statements about my resume and my background.
Ironically, it started with an organization called horsesass.org, that on some blog published a false, and, frankly, in my opinion, defamatory statement that the media just continued to repeat over and over. Next, one national magazine not only defamed me, but my alma mater, the Oklahoma City University School of Law, in one sentence alone leveling six false charges.
But I guess it’s the media’s job. But I don’t like it. I think it’s false. It came at the wrong time. And I think it led potentially to me being pulled out of Louisiana because it made me somewhat ineffective.
The unnecessary deaths and suffering in Katrina’s wake? My fault. Because my reporting ultimately made it impossible for Brownie’s press office to do its job.
Small wonder then that a man who views PR flacks as first responders would choose to criticize US and WHO health officials for their public posturing, while failing to engage in even a cursory discussion of the public health crisis itself. But by accusing officials of “crying the sky is falling,” FOX’s “expert” shows he has even less expertise about pandemic flu than he did about Atlantic hurricanes; indeed, contrary to Brown’s assertions, it’s not the fatality rate per se that has triggered heightened alert levels as much as it is the apparent contagiousness of this novel virus. For even if the severity of the symptoms prove no worse than those of the typical seasonal flu, a pandemic outbreak will kill many, many more people, if only through the sheer number of those afflicted:
Because there is no natural immunity to this virus, even though clinically it appears to be like garden variety flu to the individual, with respect to the population it has the potential to spread faster and many more people sick than seasonal flu. And remember, seasonal flu is not a walk in the park. It kills an estimated 30,000 people a year.
A bad flu season can fill hospital emergency rooms and in patient beds to the bursting point. We currently have fewer staffed hospital beds per capita than we did in the last pandemic, 1968 (the “Hong Kong flu”). There is no reserve capacity. We can’t just add physical beds. Beds don’t take care of patients. Nurses and doctors do.
Now take a bad flu season and double it. To each individual it’s the same disease but now everybody is getting it at once, in every community and all over the world. In terms of virulence, it’s a mild pandemic. It’s not a lethal virus like 1918. But in terms of social disruption it could be very bad. If twice as many people get sick, the number of deaths could be 80,000 in the US instead of 40,000.
And if three or four times as many people fall ill, well, do the math. The 1918 pandemic is estimated to have infected one third of the world population; even at a mortality rate of less than one tenth of one percent, a mild yet similarly widespread pandemic would kill over two million people worldwide.
So are public health officials playing the role of Chicken Little? Hardly. No, unlike FEMA during Brownie’s tenure, they’re focusing on adequately preparing for the worst, ahead of the crisis, rather than just spinning the response afterwards.
Neil Cavuto is a really good guy. I like his style a lot.
Cavuto is just another right wing Faux Noise freak. He was disgusting then (Katrina time) and he’s disgusting now.
Heckuva job Brownie? An “expert”?
Indeed. An expert at right wing mendacity and failure.
There have been several emergency-planning meetings in this area about dealing with something like this, and they’ve been rebroadcast occasionally on one of the UW’s cable channels that also carries “grand rounds” lectures from the medical school. I’ve been watching those on and off–hell, often that’s the most interesting thing by far out of 200 channels. One thing discussed at length (and this was a meeting of care providers, public-health officials, emergency responders and their ilk) was the expectation that even if a pandemic doesn’t kill people, there’s the prospect of significant social and economic disruption simply from a very large percentage of the population becoming too sick to to to work for a week or two, all at the same time. Mind you, many of us can telecommute if we’re strong enough to crawl in front of a computer, but think about the prospect of perhaps two-thirds of all police and firefighters out sick, or a skeleton crew struggling to maintain the nation’s power grid. Could get interesting.
If Mike Brown were running FEMA under such circumstances, he could be AWOL for days trying to find a Nordstrom store that was still open so he could buy a new shirt.
Do you catch Cavuto’s stuff on the FBN? He has a show that comes on at 3 PM our time. He’s a pretty good, down-to-earth-type of guy. His take on business makes a lot of sense.
According to a couple of the sites that track Faux News – the network has given up trying to convince ANYONE that they are anything but an organ for the GOP. I hear there might be some move to get them moved off broadcast given the fact that they obviously don’t represent the public interest and therefore have no right to use the public airwaves.
ByeBye @6,
Well, FOX News is a cable network, so it doesn’t use the public airwaves… so not much chance of kicking them off something they’re not on.
I love it when the know-nothing science denier types start ranting about how this is all hype.
I want to see their big, red embarassed faces in three weeks. This flu is spreading.
I am betting that Washington state will have over 100 cases confirmed in the next few days,. I already know of some schools in Bellevue where a number of kids are out with flu like symptoms. This strain is out and people are going to get infected soon.
We still don’t know what the mortality rate is – but the Mexicans reported it at 6.5%.
That is probably way too high (the Spanish flu was 2.5% and the average flu is 0.1%) but if this new strain of H1N1 (for which there is very little population immunity) spreads widely it could cause over a million deaths in this country alone.
If is anywhere near as virulant as the 1918 Spanish swine flu – it could cause over 1.5 million deaths in the US.
Those stats alone are enough to be very cautious with this flu. If this strain of H1N1 infects and kills healthy young adults….then the toll could be even worse.
I saw a piece on Fox where some guy was saying that the “ideal” world population would be about 4.1 billion. He’d like to see us work down from our current 6-plus billion to something in the range of 4.1 to 5.1 billion.
Maybe this H1N1 virus will help us move towards that direction.
How much does it piss you off that fox news is killing in the ratings?
Fox News beat CNN and MSNBC combined in every hour from 6amET to MidnightET in both Total Viewers and the A25-54 demo for April 2009.
FNC had the top 11 cable news programs in Total Viewers and 12 of the top 15 in the demo. FNC is the #2 network in Total Viewers on all of cable.
Fox has total the viewers of cnn & msnbc. Ouch. Talk about a mandate.
Ratings for rush are up to, thanks to obama and his civilian attack team.
Thanks to you, steve and the rabbit, hits on this blog are only half of what sound politics gets.
just because FNC is popular says nothing about it’s accuracy or bias.
Keep your hands washed. Minimize exposure to crowds where sneeze and cough droplets are in the air.
My wife was just advised to start getting tamiflu today after she was exposed to a doctor who started showing symptoms.
All we need right now.
Like those know-nothing science denier types that laughed at the scientists predictions of global cooling in the 70’s?
How did the global cooling era work out for you?
Marvin Stamm,
Fox does a good job of reporting the news. Their ideology is NOT left wing, that’s for sure. Fox is NOT perfect, either: on the talk shows, they should have more liberal voices to balance-out guys like Hannity. A little more Ellis Hennican and a little less newt Gingrich is in order. Also, guys like O’Reilly should have guest hosts that have a liberlal perspective from time-to-time, rather than having Laura Ingram or John Kasich fill in for Bill when Bill’s off on a vaction or whatever. Of course, Keith Olbermann might be guilty of the same thing, but that’s the topic of another thread.
Fox gets the ratings because the country is basically a right-of-center nation, socially and culturally. People who work hard at jobs they hate get a little pissy about the elitist attitude that permeates the left. That’s why they turn to Fox.
If the left were really interested in making progress, they’d stop denigrating anyone who didn’t agree with them 100% of the time. The personal attacks aren’t getting them anywhere with middle Americans.
It is a reflection of the bias in the liberal media. People want to hear the other side of the story, the one the liberal media is intentionally leaving out.
Imagine, newscasters actually talking about getting thrills up his legs being labeled non-partisan. No bias there I’m sure. (wink wink)
The CDC is saying that this new flu won’t be as deadly as the Spanish Flu of 1918. I think we’re gonna be OK here: just take the precautions that have previously been mentioned, and we’ll be OK.
@14 “The personal attacks aren’t getting them anywhere with middle Americans.”
Maybe not with Arbitron. It’s a different story at the voting booth.
re 13: Global warming isn’t a prediction. It’s an observable trend.
Fox News is also the only station that’s on in many chain fast food restaurants and other public places. It’s also omnipresent in military chow halls and such.
@10 “How much does it piss you off that fox news is killing in the ratings?”
Ratings? Pissed? Not at all. How much does it piss you off that Republicans get killed in elections?
Scientists know more now than they did then. Science is not a static thing.
Unlike what passes for the minds of wingnuts.
1,5 Repeating yourself….a case of early Alzheimer’s, perhaps?
14 Fox does an exceptionally good job of pandering to its target audience.
More people went to see the Terminator movies than watch Schwartzenegger’s press conferences. That could be taken as an indication they’d rather watch him stuff Kristianna Loken head first into a toilet than govern the state of California. Or it could be meaningless.
22 – Exactly. That’s what Murdoch is – a panderer. He has no high-minded standards. He gives people what they want. If millions prefer to live in a right wing bubble, he supplies that.
People who aren’t right wing just want the news. They want to know what’s going on. Murdoch has too much competition there so he doesn’t pursue that market. He of course is right wing so he’s not interested.
Right wingers just want their twisted worldview confirmed for them.
How many times do the conservatives need to be hit over the head with a hammer before they realize it HURTS?????
Prior to becoming head of FEMA Mike Brown’s experience was being the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the, . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . the International ARABIAN Horse Association!!
ARABIAN horses. I guess American horses just aren’t good enough for the American Taliban. That’s why Republicans don’t support our troops and fuck nuts like Sheik Mohamed al Marvin prefers the militias of the American Taliban Mujahideen.
The entire WORLD recognizes that the Bush admin and Mike Brown let New Orleans drown and then left them to die.
But, hey, you ass holes “STAY THE COURSE with your cheap, lying talking points and propaganda. It’s working real good for getting Liberals elected. Now, we get to pick a real young, ultra liberal SC Justice.
“UP OR DOWN VOTE” or we’ll pull the Nuclear Option on your asses
24 Someone who’s already jumped off a cliff probably doesn’t want to hear someone tell him he can’t fly.
What the hell does a lawyer know about epidemiology? If I get sick, I go to a veterinarian, not a fucking lawyer. The only time I talk to my lawyer is when I want to sue someone.
This is just one more example of why a growing majority of Americans considers the Lunatic Right irrelevant and tunes them out.
@7 Hmmm, that also blows holes in Mr. Cynical’s accusation yesterday that Dems are trying to silence Fox, doesn’t it?
@10 Goebbels had a following too, but that didn’t make him right.
@14 “People who work hard at jobs they hate get a little pissy about the elitist attitude that permeates the left.”
Not me. I take advantage of tax breaks intended for Republicans by not working. As this is a free country, and slavery was abolished in 1863, anyone else can do the same. So, if you’re working hard at a job you hate (and paying wage-earner tax rates), that’s by your voluntary choice.
I made $1,200 in the stock market today. I did absolutely nothing to earn it. In fact, so far today I’ve done absolutely nothing at all except eat, sleep, and shit. Yet, the money I made today is taxed only 1/3rd as much as the money you made today. Can you believe that? Unbelievable.
News Alert!
You KLOWNS are living proof that cowboys are still porkin’ goats!
When Republican fascists can no longer win elections they resort to bragging about Faux News ratings and traffic at (un)SP. We’ll settle for winning elections, thank you.
HAHA! Where does Goldy find these mindless trolls?
As the site guru himself pointed out, Fox doesn’t use the public airwaves.
But thanks for confirming that thinskinned liberals like yourself are fascists at heart if not solid in mind. Wow, just WOW!
I would like to see Bill Moyers either lose public funding or start putting on an alternative view to counter his radical looney left/socialist programming, as HE is on the public airwaves and serves absolutely no interest to the general public. Hence, their dismal ratings.
Elections go in cycles. Considering the steps obama is taking it’s not going to be pretty in 2010 and 2012 for the democrats.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
For just the second time in more than five years of daily or weekly tracking, Republicans now lead Democrats in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.
@34 In your dreams, goat-boy.
@30 “I made $1,200 in the stock market today.”
Good for you! I actually follwed your lead and bought Venoco (oil and gas operations) back in December after the CEO bought 750,000 shares – always a good sign. It’s been the least performing stock in my portfolio but it’s still up quite a bit.
Speaking of stocks, it looks like Mr. Klynical has run away from the Great Trade Confirmation confrontation. Goldy’s had my trade confirmations for a week now but Mr. Klynical has none to show. No big deal, we always knew he was lying about his big-time Wells Fargo trades. His no-show this week is proof we didn’t really need. Heh, all that bragging about risk and investments and it turns out that he was paralyzed with fear and dread when the big moment came.
Smoking was popular once too.
Don’t look now, but I think we found a picture of Steve at the yacht club.
“We’ll settle for winning elections, thank you.”
Not me, pardner. I won’t be satisfied until we fix a major portion of the damage caused by decades of Reagano-fascism and turn our country back into something like what its founders had in mind.
Republicans are a bunch of whiny little bitches.
34 MS
Yeah? Find someone NOT named Rasmussen who comes up with this result.
Democrats will pick up 1-2 Senate seats and a few more House seats as well. Republicans will continue to whine and mewl.
@38 Damn, that’s me alright! However, for the Commodore’s Ball, though, I’ll be wearing my Admiral Nelson uniform with the really cool hat.
It’s May Day today. Please take a moment to thank the men and women who took beatings or were killed fighting to provide you and I with the eight-hour day, workplace safety rules, paid vacaion and sick leave, and other humane workplace regulations.
@39 “Not me, pardner”
Indeed, I know what you mean and agree, but I was just saying that I’ll go with winning elections versus winning Arbitron ratings.
Hey, HA’ers, on this spectacular PNW Friday afternoon, I am bursting at the seams with pleasure; the pleasure springs from my getting to announce this week’s HA Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). Due to some internal turmoil and untimely bouts with drunkenness, we were unable to obtain a quorum of voting members of the Goat Award Academy over the last couple weeks. The unfortunate result was that some deserving trolls went Goatless during that time. I apologize to those who were out there scratching tooth and nail for the Goat, only to find out that the Goat had vanished into ephemera.
Well, we’re back, and back in a big way. There was bruising, every-man-for-himself competition this week. As a casual observer, I was often in stunned disbelief this week at the viciousness of the roundhouse rights, uppercuts, and jabs our trolls threw at each other as they scrapped for glory. We had some events that caused hyperventilation among our trolls—Specter’s defection to the Enlightened, incredible poll numbers for Obama, and now a Supreme Court vacancy. I suppose we could excuse the insanity such events cause our trolls, but I do not care to do so. I prefer to reward the numbing nonsense about which they natter.
This week, on the national scale, we saw such creative spinning from GOP leaders that the Academy thought about opening up the competition to them, even if they don’t post here. I mean how can we not acknowledge performances like those of Mitch McConnell (Specter’s defection is a “local Pennsylvania matter”) and James Inhofe (Specter’s defection “provides the first visible evidence of a Republican resurgence”)? Damn, it’s tough to let such performances go without public salute. Ultimately, however, the Academy decided that broadening the pool of competitors to include those who do not post here was simply unfair to our own trolls. They work so hard to produce their bewildering witch’s brew of vitriol, non sequiturs, and inanity. They deserve attention. So, we’ll continue to serve the community that serves us.
This week’s winner, despite the spirited competition we witnessed, whacked the others. This fellow spewed like there would be no tomorrow, woodshedded facts like the inconvenient parasites they are, and built an altar to hubris. Endearingly, he believes that a reasoned argument simply involves repeating rightwing talking points until the other guy finally just walks away in exasperation. One of the characteristics we who visit here often love most about this week’s winner is his complete lack of humor. Statues smile more than this guy. How can we not respect someone who has been able to rid his personality of that drag on productivity–humor? Our winner also takes projection to new levels. All of us to his left, which includes pretty much everyone other than Dick Cheney, James Inhofe, and Sarah Palin, are haters, losers, and suckers of the public teat. He, however, presumably, well, I don’t want to presume about him. We know him by his words, and that is all we need to know about him to love him.
And, the Goat goes to—
Rick D., or as those of who love him affectionately address him, Little Ricky Dumbass. Finally, your hard work has produced your reward. So, Ricky, strut and groove out there for all to see. The limelight never lasts long, so twirl around on center stage while you’ve got the camera’s eye. Puff out that chest, cock your head, you got game, man. Way to go, Ricky. You have won the Goat. Damn, that must feel good. Best to you, my friend.
Superb PL. I think Little Rickie Dumbass is suffering from a bad case of the inanity of Hannity. When LRD said waterboarding is not torture that nailed it. What else could waterboarding be?
Oh yeah, it’s not torture, it’s enhanced interrogation!
No one more deserving of the Goat for this week at least.
Yep, there’s got to be a picture of Duke Cunningham somewhere naked in his hot tub filled with filthy Potomac water leaving rings on the tub with his middle-aged stewardess paramour aboard his yacht paid for with earmark shakedown money.
What a “conservative”…
From Redstate’s Erik Erickson:
Hmm, lesson learned: I should have trademarked “goatfucking”.
Marvin is a goatfucking(TM)loon.
Marvin gave it his best shot, but when RickyD is at the top of his game, Marvin will never do better than second place. Mr. Klynical gave it a shot with his slinking away from the Great Trade Confirmation showdown but, without the late Puddybud (R.I.P.)around to inspire him to ever greater wingnuttery, in the end it was RickyD’s for the taking.
Congratulations to Little Ricky Dumbass, this week’s winner of the coveted Golden Goat.
No, RickyD, it’s not inflatable, it’s a statue, you perv! Sheesh, you wingnuts!
In other news, a former WA state wingnut and lousy right wing radio talker, Brian Maloney aka Brainless Baloney is featured in this very funny video:
I nearly cracked a rib laughing.
Steve @ 36:
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
God Damn you just made my weekend. That pussy Mr. Cynical shyed away from my exact challenge earlier.
First that liar used to say he was a long term investor – would hold any stock for 1 year to avoid the capital gains tax.
Here’s what a liar he is. I showed him NO smart investor is going to hang on to a losing position and lose more on the value of the stock than any short term capital gains tax. He sould put the proceeds into another position that actually makes returns.
Then, during the coal sector run up last year I gave him I gave him a couple of stocks that were moving up ICO and JRCC.
Suddenly Mr. C. becomes a swing trader moving in and out of trades at the exact bottoms and peaks.
Investors are either long term traders, swing traders, or day traders and don’t radically shift trading strategies. Conservative long term investors who use a broker don’t suddenly become swing traders.
I’ve been writing covered calls on WFC lately.
Not everyone is comfortable with trading options, but, anyone can write a covered call. Here’s the strategy now that’s working.
I’ll use today’s closing numbers.
Buy 100 shares of WFC @ $19.61. Cost is $1,961.00 plus trade cost. I use Scottrade so it’s $7 bucks. for a total cost of $1,968.
Sell 1 contrarct of June Calls for $2.75. This will deposit $275 per contract in your account immediately.
This lowers your breakeven cost per share to $16.86 if the trade goes against you.
If the stock rises above $20 per share then you get called out at the strike price of $20 per share.
You gained $.39 per share + the $2.75 per share for the selling the call option for a total profit of $3.14 per share.
That’s a return of rougly 16% over two months or 8% per month. That annualizes out to 96% ROI.
Not bad.
@52 Glad you liked it!
I’ve said before that you display more knowledge about investing in a single paragraph than Mr. Klynical has in a lifetime of posts.
Did you catch what he said a couple months ago about phoning in his day trades to his broker?
I doubt that Mr. Klynical will be having lunch with you anytime soon. He’ll never apologize to our troops. Never.
@51 Holy shit! Hilarious! There’s a series of those Hitler rants – all funny as hell!!
That sore loser Norm Coleman has raised over 60 grand for progressives.
Keep up the great work sore loser!
To the betterment of the progressive cause and at the expense of the people of your state.
@36 Be patient, there’s no substitute for oil and won’t be for many years, and the world is using the stuff at an unprecedented rate and oil companies will buy more and more of the equipment needed to get it out of the ground.
The Golden Goat Award is great, but we need one for our side, like a Golden Carrot or something.
Given that liberal posters here are all brilliant, handsome, and gifts to the world, plainly we could not compete amongst ourselves for the Golden Carrot. We would have to open up an award like that to the world at large. What criteria would you suggest?
Just when you thought the nut-jobs couldn’t get any nuttier…
And the righties complain about our level of discourse?
C’mon. Single man in his 60’s, but not gay? Just like Roger, Chester the molester all the way.
He once fucked a woman – but he had help from four other justices when he did Susan Kelo.
ByeByeGOP @6:
You know, I wonder if Fox News was ever really trying to convince anyone that they are actually “fair and balanced.” That slogan on FN is really grating to the left, but isn’t that the point?
The right (still deep down believing in Santa Claus and objectivity in journalism–and yet, interestingly, they accuse us of being ruled by feeling and passion only) uses the supposed liberal bias in media as a cudgel all the time against news that just doesn’t fit with the delusional way they view the world. That’s where Colbert’s famous line about reality having “a well-known liberal bias” comes from.
So wouldn’t “fair and balanced” naturally be just code to fellow travelers that they are among friends on Fox? Maybe those of us who get angry that Fox is “lying” about it’s fairness and balancedness just don’t get the conceit of cable news.
I always wonder what the fools who work in the Fsux News division say when someone asked them if they want to be called “journalists.” They’re nothing but hacks who are probably sorry they took their jobs. Fox revenues are down 56% this year – no wonder. Only 1 in 5 are claiming to be republicans so Faux is playing to a shrinking audience.
re 61: Who cares? Only gay Republicans are bad people. That’s my way of being fair an balanced.
‘Log Cabin’ — You guys have a weird way with words.
re 49: If you write the word you want to™ in word and cut and paste it to HA, you can get the comic effect you are looking for.
Por ejemplo: Cynical is a product of fellatio™.