There is a healthcare reform rally scheduled for 6PM tonight at Westlake Park in downtown Seattle, and I urge everybody to take the time to visibly show your support. In addition to a list of speakers including Rep. Jim McDermott, I’m told there will also be a live band.
Word is that teabaggers are organizing an effort to disrupt the event, and plan to start showing up between 4PM and 4:30PM. It’s time to show them and the media that there are many more of us than there are of them, and that we refuse to give in to their tactics of intimidation. I plan to be there, camera in hand, just in case.
Perhaps those more knowledgeable on the subject can correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe since Washington is an open carry state, and Mayor Nickels proposed gun ban has never gone into effect, it would be perfectly legal to proudly carry and display one’s firearms at today’s rally. And since this is the West, where gun ownership transcends the political spectrum, it would be awfully interesting (and even amusing) to see how the teabaggers might react when confronted with gun-toting liberals.
Just thinkin’ out loud….
I don’t have a gun but I do have a very bad head cold. Maybe I’ll go and kiss the teabaggers. Then they’ll wish they had health care!!
“Astroturf Alert.”
Can you say busloads of union members?
“Busloads of Union Members Alert”
“Brownshirt Alert”
“Tenthers Alert”
“Brooks Brothers Alert”
I’ll be waiting for the accompanying news article of how some liberal followed suit and bit somebody else’s finger off.
I’m retired now and not a union member anymore, but I am going to take the ol ‘358 down there.
No gun for the event? Before you head to the rally sharpen your teeth.
From the article posted @ #7
State and federal law trump local laws, so chances are what ever “gun ban” mayor Nickels would have put in place would either have been struck down or never enforced.
Kinda funny when you think about it. It’s the righties that are always screaming about “states rights”, but stronger states rights in a lefty state could tighten up gun laws quite a bit.
Goldy you’re a fucking idiot for suggesting open carry at an event that emotional.
…my reaction would be gut wrenching laughter knowing a gun-totin’ liberal is visually afraid of the weapon in his/her hand and probably has no idea where the safety switch , nor any inclination how to disengage the trigger lock.
Picture a Liberal Barney Fife on your hands…wait, Barney was a liberal..
Well, that’s not your strong suit so don’t make a habit of it…
@13 “my reaction would be gut wrenching laughter”
And then what, beg for your life? Die laughing? You’re a fool, RickyD, a complete and utter fool.
WARNING “Busloads of lazy industry ruining union workers”! Oh, and “gun toting liberals”! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I’m scared of Steve. Help me. Help me.
Obamacare is a bust! If it passes it will go down as THE biggest failure of the history of mankind. Obama already is a failure. IMPEACH OBAMA. What a LOSER. Congress approval single digits! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa
I got rid of my guns a few years back, but I bet that even without practice I’m a better shot than you.
Re Update: State law preempts municipalities in regulating firearms, so Seattle has no authority to ban firearms. It can, however — and did — ban knives. So, we have a very strange situation in Seattle, to wit, it’s legal to carry a gun but illegal to carry a knife. So make sure you bring a gun to the gunfight! Which is always wise from a tactical point of view anyway.
4, 5, 6 — Garbled, cannot read you, repeat, garbled, cannot read you, take your sanity pills and retransmit message, over …
@7 This may come as a shock to you, but the rightwinger who lost the finger started the fracas by sucker-punching the health care supporter in the nose.
Anyone who thinks about this for more than 3 seconds also will realize that the only way the guy could have gotten his finger bitten is if he stuck in the other guy’s mouth. That may have been accidental — he likely was going for his eyes.
And we’re supposed to have sympathy for this asswipe? Not very much.
So … a rightwinger punches a health care reformer in the nose, then claws his face, and gets his finger between the victim’s teeth, and we’re supposed to feel sorry for him?
Mrs. Rabbit says, “I hope the guy who lost the finger has good health insurance!”
I’m not sure what the going rate is for sewing fingers back on. The news report I read said a bystander retrieved the finger and it was reunited with the guy who started the fight at the hospital, so presumably the doctors will try to reattach it. How much does that go for these days, 100 grand? 200?
Anyway, I know some of our wingnut friends think we should just do away with employer-provided health insurance and make everyone pay out of pocket. It would be interesting to ask this guy whether he’s willing to pony up a hundred grand to get his finger back. I suspect if you even suggested it, he’d punch you in the nose.
@10 That figures. As always, when rightwingers start fights, the taxpayers get the bill.
@10 (continued) Mrs. Rabbit just reminded me that Medicare is socialized medicine. So, if this guy gets his finger back, he’ll have the socialists to thank for it.
@12 “Goldy you’re a fucking idiot for suggesting open carry at an event that emotional.”
Why don’t you be consistent, Delbert, and admit that Chris Broughton is also a fucking idiot?
@13 “…my reaction would be gut wrenching laughter knowing a gun-totin’ liberal is visually afraid of the weapon in his/her hand and probably has no idea where the safety switch , nor any inclination how to disengage the trigger lock.”
Uh-huh. …
[Editor’s Note: Mr. Rabbit served with a combat unit in Vietnam and was an infantry weapons instructor in the Army Reserve. He is proficient with the .38 and .357 Magnum revolver, .45-cal. 19ll-model Colt semiautomatic, M-14 and M-16 rifles, M-60 and .50-cal. machineguns, and has also been trained on — and fired — artillery guns. Fortunately, Mr. Rabbit is even-tempered and unemotional, to the point of being cold as stone, when drawing a bead on an armed aggressor. He has been trained in, and is a proponent of, “double-tap” handgun tactics, with a slight variation of his own invention: He employs grazing fire about two to three inches above the ground so the first round hits the opponent in the ankle and, after the opponent goes down, the second round hits him in the head. Legal Disclaimer: This blog is not responsible for any injuries incurred by anyone foolish enough to fuck with Mr. Rabbit.]
geeeeezzzz, ther really ain’t a dimes worth of difference between you democracy hating uber-environmentalist nazis and the
wingnutso birthers & deathers & nra types
you look in a mirror sometime, you must see a John Bircher trying to get out
Libs are too puss to use the gun, you would look like Dukakis in the tank.
hahahahahah, lmao, liberals with guns. Yep this teabagger is intimidated and quaking in his boots now.
Sun Tsu sez:
“There is no greater disaster
than underestimating your enemy.”
Laugh away, fools.