If the Sawant-haters think their anybody-but-Sawant standard bearer can sweep the socialist from office by substantially outspending her, they have another think coming. Just weeks before the primary, Sawant has already raised nearly $200,000; across all the council races, only biz-favorite Tim Burgess has raised more. Sawant is also blowing the rest of the pack away with her sheer number of donations, 1,590, over 600 more than the next closest candidate.
But Sawant and her supporters shouldn’t get over-confidant about their convention-defying performance in the money game. Because our airwaves, Internet, and mailboxes could soon be crowded out by big league professionals from the unregulated sport of independent expenditures.
Take for example the race for Council District 5, where a crowded field of qualified candidates including Sandy Brown, Debora Juarez, and Halei Watkins have closely competed for cash and endorsements. Then, out of nowhere, the National Association of Realtors suddenly dumps $48,000 into an independent expenditure on behalf of little-known also-ran Kris Lethin.
Um… Kris who?
Lethin said he has basically no campaign staff or apparatus. “Even my brochure was made by a buddy and me over a weekend,” he said. He described his website as “rookie.” I’m almost embarrassed,” he said. “The other guys have got such fancy stuff going.”
Lethin said he believes his opposition to rent control and linkage fees may have helped win the realtors’ support.
Yah think?
So if the Realtors are willing to flush $48,000 down the drain of a hopeless no-name, just because he’s the most vocal opponent of rent control and linkage fees, how much money do you think they’re ready to put into defeating these policies’ most vocal proponent, Kshama Sawant?
District elections were supposed to help take money out of politics by enabling candidates to focus on doorbelling and community organizing and other forms of direct grassroots voter outreach. But when you count the IEs, District 3 could very well end up being the most expensive race in city council history.
Sawant has proven herself an incorruptible champion of working-class Seattleites, earning her near unanimous support from union locals. No doubt these unions will come to her defense. But Big Business simply has a shit-ton more money than Big Labor. All the more reason why Kshama needs your relentless support.
Well I just donated another 50 dollars, not just to support Sawant, but mostly because Steve’s a dick.
Are Sawant workers still 1099 or is she finally hiring them and paying their FICA?
That’s the major question! Are those whom given $200 Large to Sawant LIVs if she still hires them as 1099?
I’d like to see a breakdown of contributors (and amounts) from inside Seattle vs. out of Seattle. And how much from within their district vs. elsewhere in Seattle.
@2 If you were interested in an answer instead of restating a baseless accusation, you would have looked at her PDC filings and seen all the payroll taxes she’s paid to the IRS.
@3 the data are published by Publicola., Only abut 16% of her supporters live in D3. For Banks the number is twice that. Here is a link where I summarized it, http://handbill.us/?p=56737
Puddy didn’t raise the “baseless accusation”. As Puddy remembers it was a libtard site that you loved to use that raised the “baseless accusation”. So you better check your brain because it seems your “baseless accusation” accusation is against this site not Puddy! R U getting senile like the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? http://www.thestranger.com/blo.....ontractors
All Puddy did was to ask if she changed her tune from April till now in July. Apparently to the namesake ASS of HorsesASS that hits a little too close to home for his heroine!
FACTS suck to a libtard!
Sawant’s grandstanding and dishonest demagoguery is already getting old with the voters.
@5 Sawant has more contributors from within D3 than Banks. That’s the metric to look at for district support. Sawant simply has many more contributors total than Banks or any other council candidate.
@7 You should ask yourself, what else did that poll reveal that wasn’t released by the pollster?
You are so full of Sawant’s kishke.
No she does not have more contributions form D3 than Pam (much less Pam plus Rod) Currently Pam is at 221 and Kshama has 204. ( I downloaded yesterday).
I am also disturbed that you are so ready to support her despite her support for BDS as opposed to the peace movement. I doubt you feel that way and maybe this is the same sort of rhetoric that leads her to invoke Trotsky, Why does she act like that?
Why not comment on the specifics of her proposals. I doubt you would support the huge tax she wants to place on newbies or (re) creation of housing projects.
@9 Sawant’s act is already getting old, she has already alienated many of her coworkers on the council. Soon enough she will alienate the rest by demonizing them personally because they’re on the other side of an issue or disagree with Sawants’s ideological positions. This will leave her isolated and an ineffective representative for her district. So even though her district is very progressive and likely to re-elect her this year, eventually it will want a more effective representative concerned about the micro issues of the district. And every year businesses conservative and progressive will donate to her opponents.
Meanwhile I just noted another oddity n Sawant’s funding .. 1/3 of her contributors gave no address! Are these well off homelss folks who want her elected? http://handbill.us/?p=56807
@11 There is a vast difference between being progressive and being a sixties radical. Sawants needs to win in the primary or she is done for. She has support mainly outside the District as shown by her fundraising .. only 16% of her contributors are in district and high unpopularity numbers. If the affluent neighborhoods east and west of Broadway turn out she is cooked. The $15/hr workers no longer live in this District. The other population she might get are the yuppees and younguns who hang out on PP. Do these folks vote? Maybe she should hold a rock concert?
From the link @7:
Her district numbers in that same 2014 EMC poll were 61 percent favorable to 21 percent unfavorable; EMC, explaining that the new poll was actually a citywide poll about an unrelated issue, did not poll Sawant at the district level this time.
So, the most recent data we have shows her with a comfortable lead.
From the original data, referenced @5:
With Sawant’s astounding 1,524 contributors (to Banks’s 642 contributors) and Sawant’s average $116 donation (to Banks’ $270), it is undeniable that Sawant’s recent contributor list—filled out by small donations at her town hall event—is true to her little-guy rhetoric.
16% of 1,524 is 244; 33% of 642 is 214. Therefore, Sawant has more contributors in D3 than does Banks.
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