So while it’s a little strange that people might eat less pork because the words “swine flu” have been in the news lately, it’s kind of pathetic to see Food Network host and Smithfield pork spokesperson Paula Deen putting out a news release like this:
“You know y’all, the Secretary of Agriculture has said it’s safe to eat pork,” said Deen, restaurateur, best-selling author and the host of “Paula’s Home Cooking” and “Paula’s Party” on the Food Network. “You can eat all the pork you want. You are not going to catch the flu from eating pork.”
After witnessing what she calls myths and misinformation surrounding the safety of pork, Deen was moved to speak out on the subject. She decided to make her views public when she considered the hardship many were experiencing due to a misunderstanding regarding pork safety.
“There’s a lot of people that’s been affected by this,” Deen said. “It also affects our pork farmers, our truck drivers, our grocery stores. It affects the whole economy.”
Oh, for crying out loud. The pork industry has been the biggest WATB’s about the swine flu thing, and in the best traditions of American corporate culture have set the PR hacks to busily spinning away, going so far as to insist traditional media outlets not use the term “swine flu.” Which is flat out ridiculous.
Say, what about the workers, citizens and consumers affected in other ways by Smithfield? From a 2006 Rolling Stone article:
A lot of pig shit is one thing; a lot of highly toxic pig shit is another. The excrement of Smithfield hogs is hardly even pig shit: On a continuum of pollutants, it is probably closer to radioactive waste than to organic manure. The reason it is so toxic is Smithfield’s efficiency. The company produces 6 billion pounds of packaged pork each year. That’s a remarkable achievement, a prolificacy unimagined only two decades ago, and the only way to do it is to raise pigs in astonishing, unprecedented concentrations.
A lot of consumer disgust isn’t being caused by flu fears, it’s being caused by disgust at how food is produced and handled. To be fair, Smithfield is just one corporation, albeit a giant corporation with operations in the United States, Mexico and Europe.
Whether you eat meat or not, everyone is impacted in some way by the flaws in our food production and safety system. The Peanut Corporation of American salmonella cases showed that. You’d think giant corporations concerned about profits would realize that until proper safeguards are put in place, and safe, humane production techniques become the norm, any part of the food sector is vulnerable to being rejected by consumers. Ask the tomato growers in Florida or the beef producers hammered by mad cow and e-coli scares.
Making dinner shouldn’t be an exercise in bio-hazard management. At some point consumers will rebel to the point that changes in the entire system happen, it’s just a matter of time.
Putting out celebrity news releases instead of dealing with underlying consumer concerns is laughable.
After decades of misinforming the public in the intersests of covering their asses, it is refreshing to see this naivete of the public coming back to bite them in the ass.
If the corporate pig factories had to pay for the environmental damages they do, they could not remain in business.
Lakes of pigshit just are not good for the drinking water.
The breadth of topics you have enough knowledge to be dangerous on is STAGGERING!
Oink! Oink! Oink!
The most dangerous hogsh*t is not from pigs, it’s from the thousands of excess, useless guv’mint workers the Democrats have fed slop to. Worse than real hogsh*t is the whining about how undercompensated and how kids will starve & old people will die without the Guv’mint hawgs.
Oink! Oink! Oink!
The income tax Goldy drones on about endlessly…the one that is a massive tax increase & not tax revenue neutral….that is just more slop for the Guv’mint Hogs!
@3 Post your anti-tax bullshit in the preceding thread. That’s what it’s for. This thread is about pigshit.
The bad news is that Republican deregulation has made American food unsafe. The good news is that 90% of processed foods in your local grocery store contain foreign ingredients.
Those of you who believe that government should not get involved in such matters as ensuring a safe food supply (that is, after all, socialistic) will surely enjoy this little vignette:
re 2: If a relative of yours dies from the swine flu, you can thank an unrestrained corporate hand.
Should pig raising corporations take personal responsibility for the damage they do to the environment not to mention the people they kill — or is that a case where you believe in socialism — that the ‘masses’ should be forced to pay for errant corporations.
The only thing you seem to care about is a Supreme court that reconizes corporations as persons and tramples on the rights of real persons.
I hope you get the swine flu.You can thank the ‘free market’ for it.
That why I prefer Niman Ranch pork.
They provide the pork for my favorite fast-food item in the world, Chipotle’s carnitas burrito (fajita-style). Heaven in a tortilla, I tell ya.
Let’s hope the swine flu does its job when it gets to the deep south. A little genetic cleansing would be good for the country.
Crusader is for cutting state employees’ wages. Lower wages lead to more debt defaults, less consumer spending, and deflation, which in turn leads to depression. Therefore, Crusader hates America.
Swine, the san fran version…
The report, submitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee and other Capitol Hill officials Wednesday, appears to contradict Pelosi’s statement last month that she was never told about the use of waterboarding or other special interrogation tactics. Instead, she has said, she was told only that the Bush administration had legal opinions that would have supported the use of such techniques.
The report details a Sept. 4, 2002 meeting between intelligence officials and Pelosi, then-House intelligence committee chairman Porter Goss, and two aides. At the time, Pelosi was the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee.
Pelosi, D-Calif., sharply disputed suggestions last month that she had been told about waterboarding having taken place.
Brendan Daly, a Pelosi spokesman, said Pelosi’s recollection of the meeting is different than the way it is described in the report from the DNI’s office.
This is why bush will never be charged with any crimes, too much democrat involvement.
Is the democrat party really ready to “clear the swamp” if it results on the demise of the democrat party?
If anyone on the left really does hate the fact that america tortures they can prove it by dumping pelosi from the party.
Or just ignore the fact pelosi played you for fools.
Since some pork companies have questionable waste management issues, they should not tell their customers the FACT that pork is still safe to eat despite the “swine flu”?
Is that what this post is about?
The boring hypocrit hunting on this blog has reached a new level. Fonzie just jumped the shark while on fire and the sharks were singing “Up Up with People”.
Let’s hope the swine flu does its job when it gets to the deep south. A little genetic cleansing would be good for the country.
How progressive of you.
“you meet them where ever you go”
Damn, that brings back some bad memories. The fucks still owe me money.
@12 What a surprise! Liberals are almost as swinish as conservatives! I wonder what prompted that?!
Marvie @ 13
I got contracted to play singalongs one summer at Thousand Trails campgrounds around 1981 or so. Too many requests for “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” and “By the Time I Get to Phoenix” drove me pretty crazy. And, I wasn’t getting the tips I was assured I’d get. I quit. I don’t think I got my last paycheck.
As far as Pelosi and any other Demcrat or Republican is concerned, let the chips fall where they may.
But pointing out that Pelosi knew about the crimes your side was intentionally doing is another case of blaming the victim for the problem.
They were telling them that so they could pull the old ‘bipartisan’ switcheroo.
And the swine flu is the fault of corporatist lackeys of whatever party.
Republicans need to take responsibility for their errors and deliberate misdeeds.
In Sum, Jon thinks Big corporations that provide a quality service, employs workers whose income is dependent on providing good customer service and generates overall economic stability to the community and nation is BAD.
While big Gubermint that provides the tax payer ineffective services for the money spent; employs overstaffed and underworked/uncaring gubermint workers; and generates exactly nil overall economic help in relation to its cost( See National debt) to the nation is GOOD.
Welcome to Jon’s bizzarro world of the non-thinking.
15. proud leftist spews:
Was one of the campgrounds up by Birch Bay??
Rick D–
It is the defining issue between Conservatives and Neo-Progressive’s.
Neo-Prog’s love it when people are doing poorly so they can spring yet another Big Government solution.
Conservatives want everyone to do well and increase the economic pie.
Neo-Prog’s is negative based.
Conservativism is positive based.
Only in the mind of a democrat is pelosi a victim.
She’s not.
She’s one of those that supported torture.
Strange how before the truth came out, left wing-nuts were against torture.
Of course. The business class I took in college talked about how to increase your business by killing off your customers.
Trying to understand the massive hypocrisy of the GOP mind is not easy. If I follow – the inbred, cum-drunk, chickenhawk, cowardly, right wing assbags like CYNCYN and Marvin the pervert allege that Nancy KNEW about the torture. So in their tiny minds – that equates to DOING the TORTURE, DRAFTING LEGAL MEMOS THAT AUTHORIZED the TORTURE, HIRING-TRAINING & SUPPORTING the CONTRACTORS WHO DID the TORTURE???????
I could go on but as usual, the right wing turds resort to high school freshmen level debate tactics as they always do when they’re wrong.
The torture thing is hurting what’s left of the stain that used to be the GOP brand. They have no choice but to deflect, lie and obscure the facts. How’s that been working for you dickheads lately? LOL!
By the way THIS is how really fucking bad it is for the Publican party…
Joe the Plumber – who isn’t named Joe nor is he a licensed plumber – is LEAVING THE GOP!
When you can’t even hold on to a gasbag like fake Joe – you KNOW you are in trouble. God this is fucking funny!
I agree Mr. Cynical. My experience with progressives is their philosophy is anything but “progressive”. Hell, cancer can be “progressive” and the last time I checked, that wasn’t a good thing…
I see the default setting for liberals as:
“I’m a victim and so are you; We need to work to empower ourselves and this can only be done with the governments help. It is their duty to help us because we can’t do it on our own.”
While the conservative default setting is the polar opposite:
“I’m empowered; I will not become a victim because I believe in the principles that this country were founded upon and the wisdom of our forefathers who left tyranny for freedom. “
The “conservative” philosophy—
Conservatives are empowered by sending minorities to fight wars on behalf of the companies that make money building weapons and gain power buying off the GOP.
Conservatives are empowered by using age old techniques pioneered by tyrants and dictators, hijacking religion and trying to create the same sort of theocracy that our founders fled.
Conservatives are empowered by saying that they are for states’ rights and individual freedom while they simultaneously try to interject their ideology into our daily lives surrounding such personal and private decisions as sex, abortion and marriage.
Conservatives are empowered by claiming they are against government spending – yet history shows that when they have the power – spending is what they are best at.
The liberals are now the overwhelming majority in this country. We believe in TRUE freedom. If you’re a woman, you should be free to decide what happens to your body. Not the government. If you’re a consenting adult, you should be free to decide who to have sex with and who to marry. Not the government.
Leave it a third-rate intellect like Ricky D. to misinterpret and misunderstand the term progressive.
Progressive in cancer means progression towards death. Progressive in politics refers to progression towards a better and more enlightened form of government for the people.
Only a moron or a someone who is deliberately trying to deceive would mix up the two.
The default setting for the idiot right wing minority is this:
Less government is always better – so no government is the best (unless it is government interfering in the bedroom – then it is good).
Less regulation is better (even it it leads to rampant greed and destroys the banking system).
The deliberately naive right thinks that corporations, left to their devices, would self regulate and act ethically.
All of the evidence in US history from the banking crisis to the pollution to the Enron fiasco shows that corporations (some) will do anything they can to get away with any behavior (including bribing the government) to maximize immediate profit and promote their own greedy money sucking executive pay scales.
Rick D–
Well said.
A recession is perfect for Neo-Progs.
People are down and easily swayed to believe they are owed a living…rather than an “opportunity” to make a living.
Santa Klaus Obama to the rescue!
Obama is rising in the polls in conjuntion with the Stock Market rising.
Is the market rise sustainable? No.
Is there money to make in the market? Yup.
Will the masses make money in the market the next year? No.
Will the Obama strategy result in massive deficits that lead to higher inflation?
Just look at Gold.
I’ve been playing Newmont Mining options.
Haven’t played options in years.
It’s just legalized gambling with a strong short-term perspective that folks view all this government spending as eventually leading to inflation and are escalating gold prices in the short-run.
Buy Newmont on dips.
cnr spews:
Gee, sounds like you believe you have the right answers…until you get into the details of:
1) What specifically does “better” mean in terms of specific policies? Better is a value judgment.
2) What does more enlightened mean in terms of policies? Is massive government spending increases “enlightened”??
The “neo-Progs” are like New Agers and other cults who believe they are much superior intellectually….but will eventually find out their flaws. It is a cult-like existence where being “Progressive” is kool. Yet when you really get down to it…Progressivism starts to look more & more like Marxism…where the folks who confess “progressive faith” can selectively act progressive. It’s a sham. And it’s a shame.
Hey Rog–
Your pals at DSHS are at it again!
Did you see the latest $2 million lawsuit?
Check out today’s Seattle Times.
We continue to pay because YOU defended these losers for years!
From today’s Times:
Here is the link Rog-
Way to go Rog!
Great career.
No wonder you are soooooo bitter.
How many families & kids lives were you involved in ruining by defending DSHS?
Oh that’s right, Rog has zero conscience and is able to disconnect from the results of HIS actions as an Attorney defending DSHS for 30 years.
Just doin’ your job, right Rog?
Speaking of fat swine, take a look at the KLOWN who botched the Seattle snow removal!
This dude is fat…and dumb. And incompetent.
How did he get that $108,000/yr. job??
The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +9 today, an 800% increase over last week. Our president’s approval has risen in the polls each day this week!
ByeByeGOP said:
How enlightened of you.
@17 “Big corporations that provide a quality service, employs workers whose income is dependent on providing good customer service and generates overall economic stability to the community and nation”
You’re into ’50s nostalgia?
@19 “Conservatives want everyone to do well”
Bwaaaa-haaaa-haaa!!! Klown, of all the funnies you’ve spewed on this blog, this one deserves a prize!!
@20 Is the wingnut party line now that Democrats were the torturers, or is that just Marvin Stupid talking?
@22 “Joe the Plumber – who isn’t named Joe nor is he a licensed plumber – is LEAVING THE GOP!”
Who’s he joining? The Arizona Corrections Curling Team? We don’t want him.
@22 Here’s the money shot from that link:
“It’s no coincidence that many Republicans who voted against the stimulus have claimed credit for stimulus projects in their district”
@23 You have “experience” at something?
@28 What are you prattling about? I don’t know anyone at DSHS. Furthermore, DSHS is defended by the REPUBLICAN attorney general, idiot! By law, only the attorney general’s office can represent state agencies. Bet you didn’t know that, dummy! Well, you know it now. DSHS is a clusterfuck, everyone knows that, what’s your point? That we should cut their funding even more so they can be even more badly understaffed and unable to perform even minimal supervision of foster care placements, so the 3-percenters can get more tax breaks and corporate welfare? You and your ilk are the last people I would trust to solve this problem.
Speaking of spending taxpayer money on legal judgments, I know of someone who got $225,000 and wasn’t even raped, abused, starved, or neglected …
A “conservative” is someone who thinks a system that taxes the poor 17% of their income and taxes the rich 3% of their income is just fine and shouldn’t be changed.
@29 “How many families & kids lives were you involved in ruining by defending DSHS?”
Since I never defended DSHS, the answer to that is zero, but don’t let facts get in the way of a crotch-warming diatribe, Klown! Btw, has the Montana Animal Welfare Board caught up with you yet, for what you’re doing to your goats?
All of KlyniKal Klown’s goats will end up in foster care because of what he’s doing to his poor goats! What will that cost Montana taxpayers?
The next epidemic is gonna be goat flu. It will start in Montana and ravage the wingnut inbreeders. Wait and see.
How do you feel about pelosi knowing from the very start and not saying anything.
How do you feel about pelosi lying to you about knowing the truth.
Why do you always give democrats a pass.
Keep defending the actions of ron sims. No one expects better of you.
I’m a conservative, and if the state tax system was based on percentage of income, I would not think the above is just fine. IMO, what’s fair is a flat tax.
But, the current state tax system is not based percentage of income though, so I’m not sure why people keep debating the percentages people pay. You could debate the current system from the actual dollar amounts that rich vs poor pay, and the rich pay over 10x poor. So what’s “fair”?
If you advocate percentages, then the most fair implemenation would be a flat tax. Anything else spurs unagreeable debate, IMO.
OMG! Goat flu! LMFAO!!
Did I mention that The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +9 today, an 800% increase over last week? Our president’s approval rating has risen in the polls each day this week! Approval is soaring! No, skyrocketing! Into the stratosphere!
25. [in]correct_not_[b]right spews:
From what I’ve seen of your posts, I’m a step up in the intellect department there, sunshine.
As does progressive in politics. You just don’t realize it until it’s too late to do something about it.
Actually,dimwit, the best government is a local government that is closer to and accountable to the people. The left wants not only MORE government in our lives, but also MORE government control that is the furthest away from the people and thus largely unaccountable. See how easy this is incorrectnotright?
Tell it to Barney Frank and the Democrats that stopped hearings on Fannie and Freddie before the banking crisis hit. They wanted less regulation because it was their pet project that was under scrutiny (CRA) and their little bed buddies in charge of the GSE (in Fwanks case).
Why do
pro—regressives have such a problem with telling the truth?It’s in their best interest to do so, but since you’re pissing and moaning about oversight, it would appear that the government put in charge of overseeing the few corporations that do do such practices are failing in their jobs. Once again, big government proves its ineptness.
The keyword there you said was “some”. Which last time I checked was not ALL, nor even a MAJORITY.You simply hate corporations because the puppet master at the DNC pulled your strings and you jumped. As for the executive pay scales, it’s none of your damn business what a private company and it’s shareholders and board pay their executives.
Also, much of the banking crisis was caused by Democrat ignoramuses like Jimmy Carter (CRA), aided by Bill Clinton (CRA V.2.0) and further muddled by Democrats Bawney Fwank, Chuck Dodd, Maxine Waters, et al who stymied congressional hearings on the matter well before the crisis took place. Want someone to blame for the current mess? Blame the party you associate yourself with.
I wish I was a fly on the wall at those chicago parties when obama and terrorist william ayers were discussing how ayers thought the police should be treated…
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Obama administration wants to cut almost in half a benefits program for the families of slain police and safety officers.
The president’s proposed budget calls for cutting the Public Safety Officers’ Death Benefits Program from $110 million to $60 million
On the bright side, Obama is keeping his word about finding unneeded programs and cutting their budgets.
Yes you did, just a little over an hour ago in message #31.
Short term memory problems are a symptom of alzheimers.
Did I mention yet in this thread…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Calling me a “faggot” didn’t belittle me as you had hoped. Unlike you, I don’t have any issues with gays.
It’s already happening. The right-wingers warned that if obama was president the military would give up the fight and run away from the terrorists.
I don’t think that anyone had an idea that the obama plan would be instituted so soon.
MANAMA (Reuters) – Pirates have fired small arms weapons at a U.S. Navy supply ship off the coast of Eastern Somalia, the first attack of this kind since last year’s surge in pirate attacks, the U.S. Navy said on Thursday.
The USNS Lewis and Clark was chased for about an hour on Wednesday morning by two pirates skiffs, but neither came closer than about one nautical mile to the U.S. vessel, the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet said in a statement.
“Why do you always give democrats a pass.”
Because this is a liberal blog that’s run by liberals to promote a “progressive” agenda. The rodent has admitted this many times as he is the chief propagandist for a Neo-socialist state.
The Democrats will always get a pass until they depart from the Neo-socialist path; then they will be savaged by the propagandists here.
So don’t ask why the Democrats always get a pass. Just continue to attack the usual suspects and call attention to their hypocrisy.
The democrats will never allow a flat tax.
It would hurt the planks of their party.
1. If everyone paid tax, no matter how small, the democrats couldn’t play the class warfare game like saul alinsky preaches.
2. If everyone was paying taxes, it wouldn’t be as easy for democrats to talk the poor into voting for more taxes for the pet projects of the democrats, like acorn.
3. “Fair,” what a scary word for democrats. Their idea of “fair” is confined to the fairness doctrine to limit opposing views. That’s what democrats consider “fair.”
And lets not forget how lee explained it…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
The democrats should change their logo from a jackass to an ostrich.
Looks like that settlement was due to a certain Democrat and his incompetent king county elections staff withholding documents from a private citizen that(as his right to do so by law) was requesting information from the county.
Leave it to a liberal to blame the person within his legal rights to receive said information and then whine about having to pay the penalty for those who withheld the information illegally based solely on their different political views and sheer incompetence. A theme that is ominously consistent within the Democrat party.
Kind of got your reality backwards don’t you, Rog?
I had some reservations whether or not I should have called My Favorite Marvin a “worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit” so I conducted a few polls. I asked 43 gay friends about the “faggot” part and 42 responded that not only was it OK given Marvin’s pathological state of self-loathing, seven of them offered a few more slurs. However, one thought it in poor taste and suggested “queer” as it has a broader definition and it would be left to Marvin to interpret the way I used it. I asked 52 women whether or not the “cunt” word was objectionable. No objections from any of them, though most concluded that, from my description of Marvin, that he is a “pussy” rather than a “cunt”. As to the rest, anybody who’s ever seen a pile of dog shit knows that Marvin’s a piece of shit. And it’s common knowledge about Marvin and goats.
So out of respect to the gay friend who took exception, and with a hat tip to women everywhere, I now say that Marvin is a worthless goatfucking and queer piece of shit pussy.
And did I mention the Rasmussen poll? Our president’s approval is skyrocketing, up and up, into the stratosphere! Alas, 27% still strongly disapprove. But we know who they are, don’t we? One of them is a self-loathing, worthless, goatfucking queer piece of shit pussy!
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin. Now if I could only get you to stop fucking goats. Try imagining the devastaion of a goat flu pandemic. Maybe that’ll help.
In the US, ‘American Idol’ and ‘Dancing with the Stars’ are the top 2 most-watched TV shows.
You’re welcome.
Now I have to cure you of your lying problem.
Let’s start by asking you to provide any proof of your allegations that I am fucking your goats.
41. Roger Rabbit spews:
Gee Rog…you told us DSHS was “one of my clients”. Guess you forgot, huh?
Time for a little levity–
These classified were really put in the paper – a smile for your day
Despite their order in the dictionary, the liberal media does not want to put party before profits.
The blowback is beginning.
From the liberal Hollywood Reporter…
By and large, they personally forked out for his campaign, they voted for him, and they know he is capable of boosting TV ratings just by making an appearance.
But executives at the Big Four broadcast networks are seething behind the scenes that President Obama has cost them about $30 million in cumulative ad revenue this year with his three primetime news conference pre-emptions.
Seething? Not looking good for the obama.
Now top network execs quietly are hoping that Fox’s well-publicized rejection of the president’s April 29 presser will serve as precedent for denying future White House requests for prime airtime.
What?? The liberal media wants to copy the fox plan? That explains why the liberal media hates fox, they’re jealous.
“We will continue to make our decisions on White House requests on a case-by-case basis, but the Fox decision gives us cover to reject a request if we feel that there is no urgent breaking news that is going to be discussed,” said one network exec, who, like all, would not speak for attribution fearing repercussions from the administration.
“Gives them cover” = codespeak for “we are going to hide behind fox”
What the liberal media doesn’t get is that fox is not afraid of the obama and doesn’t fear repercussions. That’s called standing on principles.
“If the president wants to make it tough for your network, he can,” the exec added.
Another network executive confided, “Nobody wants to take on the White House, so we’ll have to tiptoe through this.”
That’s one of the problems for the liberal media. Fox news isn’t broadcast, it’s a cable network (#2 overall, just behind usa network).
Although Obama’s post-election visits to NBC’s “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno” and CBS’ “60 Minutes” served as major ratings boosts, the love affair between the networks and the Democrat darling actually might be cooling: There are too many demands, and too much money is at stake.
Yup. Networks are in the business to make money. Go figure.
Even more irksome, the White House is bailing out bankers, insurers and carmakers, but nary a nickel has gone to the struggling media industry.
Oops. Forget everything I just wrote. They are just pissed that all the other supporters of the obama are getting federal tax dollars, and the liberal media wants their FAIR share for getting the obama elected.
The White House might be noticing who’s doing what: Fox was one of the major news organizations not called to ask a question by the president at his April 29 news conference.
This is the repercussion for not blindly following the obama. This is what the liberal media fears about obama.
@62 Thanks Cyn, I enjoyed that.
Blue John–
Happy to give you a grin!
This Blog desperately needs levity.
There were some good one’s in there, Cynical.
With all this levity and good will in mind, I dedicate the next joke to my good friend Roger Rabbit:
-the end
You gotta love it… unless you’re a left wing-nut.
“The Bush rules would have allowed agencies with little or no wildlife expertise to make decisions that could mean life or death for animals like the polar bear,” said Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club, said in a statement.
“Our wildlife are clearly in much better hands now. President Obama is bringing science back into decision-making.”
The Obama administration on Friday let stand a Bush-era regulation that limits protection of the polar bear from global warming, saying that a law protecting endangered species shouldn’t be used to take on the much broader issue of climate change.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said that he will not rescind the Bush rule, although Congress gave him authority to do so. The bear was declared threatened under the Endangered Species Act a little over a year ago, because global warming is harming its habitat.
Salazar said rescinding the Bush rule “would provide no more protection for the polar bear and result in uncertainty and confusion about the management of the species.”
Science must have proved bush right.
The way obama is keeping the bush doctrine alive, another couple months and obama might be considered bush III by the left wing-nuts.
From an AP article…
Whaling education spared budget harpoon
In his budget proposal for 2010, Obama seeks several education cuts but spares a $9 million program to promote the history of whaling and trade in Massachusetts, which Captain Ahab departed from in search of the great white whale in Herman Melville’s acclaimed novel.
Former President George W. Bush tried to kill the whaling spending, but like many other such programs, it was protected by congressional patrons.
Obama would eliminate $300 million in state grants for drug prevention. He would eliminate the Even Start family literacy program, which costs nearly $70 million and is not working well, according to the administration.
It’s good that obama decided to stop wasting money on drug prevention programs. After all, those programs are as illogical as those sex abstinence programs.
Back OT…
Was watching European Journal the other night and they were interviewing a German dairy farmer who said that he could make more from the manure than he could from selling the milk. He was in the process of installing a biodigester and generator to produce electricity from the methane.
Why the hell can’t Smithfield do the same?
Sheik al Marvin:
Do you even fucking read the articles you post???
What a fucking dumb ass you are.
Here’s what the rest of the article said.
“The iconic polar bear was declared a threatened species because global warming is causing a severe decline in Arctic sea ice. But the Bush administration rules limit that protection, saying no action outside the Arctic region could be considered a threat to the bear under the law.
Environmentalists have strongly opposed the rule as have many members of Congress. They argued the limits violate the Endangered Species Act because the release of greenhouse gases from power plants, factories and cars indirectly threaten the bear’s survival.
But Salazar said the answer to dealing with global warming rests in a broader, comprehensive approach that limits greenhouse gases.”
Get it now, dumb ass???
Fuck, you are either stupid, or purposely taking sides on issues that hurt America.
Which is it, Sheik, you’re stupid or the American Taliban.
Support OUR Troops. All of them.
Marvin the Pervert is too busy jacking off to child porn to actually take time to read his own links.
al Marvin is part of the American Taliban movement and should be deported back to his country of origin, which is Saudi Arabia.
That’s where 19 of his “brothers” came from that attacked America on 9/11.
al Marvin, is one of them.
Speaking of unpatriotic pricks, where is Mark the Redneck these days???
Another class A loser.
I’m thinking of having rabbit stew for dinner tonight…
Still bitter? I don’t blame you, after I called your bluff you did look like a chickenshit.
When the time comes your testicles drop and you reach manhood come on down to los angeles.
Say, what about that gay guy that was fired from the military. Gotta give obama credit, he shares the same anti-gay beliefs you do.
Were you in the part of the military that john kerry talked about? The baby killing woman raping ear cutting off military?
Or were you part of the savage killing in cold blood part that john murtha talked about?
Shouldn’t you start apologizing for the actions of your brothers and sisters?
Sheik al Marvin:
Your comments demonstrate yet again your betrayal to our soldiers.
I’m not going to tell you about my military experience because you’re the enemy and you’re not worthy.
What I will say on the subject of taking a human life on behalf of America is that it is the most distasteful task I have ever undertaken.
You obviously do not understand the American military’s objective, and that is to project extreme, sustained violence in the territory of our enemies and without compunction.
To that end, war, which is killing, is not civil, it is very much savage, cold blooded and very, very calculating. In fact, the American military is the most calculating organization I know of when it comes to the subject of killing.
Women, children, infants and the elderly die in armed conflicts. The sanitary description is “collateral damage.” Doesn’t sound as bad does it? That’s one of the reasons why war really is Hell.
I do not need to apologize for good soldiers following lawful orders in combat. As you so imply. Nor do I need to apologize for these men and women who have the birthright of free speech, but, in my opinion, have earned an additional privilege through the spilling of their blood and service in combat to express their opinions of their experience in any manner they so chose.
Rape? Yep, rape happens. American soldiers have committed rape in previous wars. Iraq included. That is an unlawful act unbecoming of an American Warrior.
For that, I will apologize to the victims and families who suffered the brutality of rape by an American who wore our nations cloth. For those Americans acted unfaithfully to the traditions of honor and courage that are the hallmark of the American Warrior renowned, revered, and respected in every corner of the world.
BUT, and most importantly, I will never have to APOLOGIZE to American soldiers as you should.
For I have never betrayed those who believe that “Living Free is Worth Dying for.”
That shame lies at your feet, where it most certainly belongs. You suffer that indignity, not I. You have already died a thousand deaths. I will die but one. You will never, ever understand the honor and privilege of living a life that affords you only one honorable death.
blah blah blah blah
That’s a lot of words and you still couldn’t explain why you challenged me to a fight you never had any intention of backing up.
Or to make it easy for you…
Cluck cluck cluck, cluck cluck cluck cluck!!!!
Marvin is NOT ONLY a child rapist, he’s a cunt and a coward who hides behind the address of the LA PD because his mouth is always writing checks his well-fucked ass can’t cash.
Marvin you’re 10 feet tall as long as you’re in your mom’s basement aren’t you?
Marvin hates our troops, freedom and true patriots.
Sheik al Marvin:
Don’t worry BOY, like I said if I go to LA I will let you know and if you EVER get out of your mommy’s basement and come to Seattle let me know.
I’ve lived through firefights facing better adversaries than you. You think being some punk BOY on a blog makes you a man. What a fool.
You are a coward, a BOY. You are now my official BLOG BOY.
Your social stature is nothing more than a BOY. You will never be nothing more than a BOY.
The key word being *IF*.
You know who else is going to kick my ass *IF* they ever go to LA, byebyegoober. You’re in some fine company there chickenshit.
And tell us all again why you challenged me to a fight you never intended to show up at?
And you think hiding behind a computer threatening to kick ass while NEVER showing up makes you a man. You’ve got a funny way of defining your manhood.
When I challenge someone to a fight, they accept and then I refuse to show up, then I will share the rank of coward with you. UNtil then, you’re the ranking coward on this blog.
The truth is… you know nothing about my social status. The truth is, all you know is hate for someone that doesn’t march lockstep with your bigoted opinion.
And how was it I insulted the troops? Because your petty little mind wanted me to denounce bush. Listen babykiller, I didn’t vote for bush, nor have I ever voted for a republican/democrat. But since your IQ is only 2 points higher than that of a slug, and 3 points higher than byebyegoober, you couldn’t have remembered me writing it.
cluck cluck!!!
$2000 Goldy – that’s my offer if you can provide details leading to the real name and whereabouts of Marvin the child molester. Come on Goldy – $2k in a down economy. How can you refuse.