One of the most hotly contested U.S. House races this November will be for the seat in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District that Democrat Brian Baird is vacating. And I truly believe that the Dems’ best shot at holding this seat — and in fact improving on it — is State Sen. Craig Pridemore, a progressive yes, but also a genuine populist with the ability to connect with voters during these troubled economic times.
But don’t take my word for it. Stop by Seattle’s Spitfire Restaurant tonight between 6 and 8 PM and meet Pridemore for yourself. And if you like what you see, don’t just share a pint with him, share a little campaign contribution too.
I like Pridemore, and I’ll probably vote for him, but I gotta say that it’s a stupid mistake to hold this event in Seattle when he hasn’t done anything like it yet in Olympia (where I live) or, as far as I know, anywhere else in the 3rd District.
I donated to Pridemore’s campaign today. He will make a better representative than Baird. I’m sure he’ll get to Olympia. The way I see it, there’s more money in Seattle.
Me too, thanks to some gentle prodding from Darcy Burner.
For the record, Craig has had similar “meet and greets” in Olympia, Longview, Vancouver and I believe La Center in the last week or so. (Not positive about La Center, but there was an event hosted by someone who lives in La Center, I know that. It could have been held in a larger city in Clark County, I don’t know.)
In any case, all of these events were held in the 3rd District. I went to the one in Vancouver and there were 60 people crammed into a small space on 48 hours notice. (Craig has been in the special Legislative session, that’s why the short notice.)
All candidates from down here wind up having events in Seattle, I know our chief competitor did already. The Republicans do the same. That’s the world we live in. When I start my consulting empire you will all come to me. ;-)