I’m not a big fan of censorship. The trolls here know this, and so they gleefully abuse my tolerance in a relentless effort to drive real debate off my threads, filling them with offensive, dumb-ass and downright racist comments. My philosophy has always been that rather than delete or edit a particularly offensive comment, I leave it untouched for all to see, so that the author can hang himself on his own public display of hate and stupidity.
Yes, HA can be an odd place, and one gets numb to it after a while… but it is always a bit shocking to see how comfortable some people are in posting comparable bile in other, more solemn forums. For example, an anonymous author posted the following to the Seattle P-I’s comment thread on their editorial board endorsement of King County Executive Ron Sims:
Yes lets stay the course and keep the incompetent OREO in office…
(The P-I does censor their comment threads, so catch it while you can.)
That somebody would feel it appropriate to post such a racist comment in such a very public forum raises a number of issues, the most obvious being the inherent racism that still infects society. I am certainly not implying that a substantial number of David Irons’ supporters oppose Sims due to the color of his skin, but certainly, some do. Racism is still a very real electoral factor facing all minority candidates, and when the state and local GOP publicly embrace somebody like (un)Sound Politics’ Stefan Sharkansky — who repeatedly referred to Sims as “the Robert Mugabe of WA politics” — they send a very strong message to voters that this kind of behavior is not only acceptable, it is welcome.
The second issue this raises is what this lack of civility means to the prospect of a broader public debate. It is one thing to post on a no-holds-barred blog like HA, where such vile crap is grudgingly tolerated. (For the moment.) It is another thing to post it on the website of a major newspaper. I have argued with people at the Seattle Times that they are missing the boat by not transforming their own website into a more interactive experience… and this is exactly the type of incident that they insist prevents them from doing so. When public debate is squashed by a few unruly bullies, we all lose.
And finally, I am disturbed that anybody feels comfortable posting such a statement in any public forum, under any circumstances, and view it as just part of the growing mainstreaming of violent hate speech most visibly embodied in public figures like Ann Coulter, and more dangerously, by the swarm of anonymous cowards on sewers like Free Republic. Of course, the “oreo” comment is mild compared to the eliminationist rhetoric that is now routinely aimed at me in the comment threads on my own blog, where apparently some feel it an act of patriotism to call for my death in response to a display of informed dissent.
Those who long for “The Cleansing” or whatever they choose to call their giddily imagined modern day Kristallnacht, remind us daily that even in this, the world’s oldest functioning democracy, we must remain vigilant against the ever-present and creeping danger of fascism.
I detest Sims because of the grossly mismanaged & crooked Election Dept., his position on CAO in stealing rural residents property, of his underhanded efforts to move forward the SWA @ Boeing Field fiasco and then run & hide immediately when the heat came.
I also feel Sims has provided ZERO leadership on the KingCo transportation gridlock, Sims is quick to blame others and Sims supports every tax & fee increase that passes his desk.
Sims has created a bureaucratic nightmare in his department that needs to be unplugged.
Goldy loves to deflect from these important issues to focus on some idiot writing a stupid racist remark….or Sims opponents crazed Battle-Ax mothers allegations about something she alleges happened 11 years ago….but never reported to authorities. Goldy conveniently launches the day absentees go out.
Goldy preaching civility is like Bill Clinton preaching about fidelity in a marriage!!!
The modern day conservative movement was born our of racism. What do you think the Republican Southern Strategy was all about?
Libby lied to protect the source of the person who illegally outed a CIA NOC. Next level up means Rove or Cheney which brings in the White House.
Merry Fitzmas everybody!!
The most objectionable comments on this site come from the left. I’m tired of being called a racist because I am a Republican, and happen to disagree with the ideas espoused here.
What is frustrating is that the left doesn’t police itself. No one on the left condemns those contributors who spew the worst of the insults directed at the right.
GBS: Dream on on Libby. You all wanted Rove and since he is not being delivered, one down and DeLay to go! So far my prediction is 50% correct!
Wow – that was quick. As I was posting my objections about being called a racist, I’m called a racist by GBS.
I guess it is easier to call racist and fascist than to actually have ideas. It is pathetic.
Goldy loves to “feign” being offended. Is that some effort to rally the mindless, bleeding heart LEFTIST PINHEADS!!!!
There are crazed extremists in virtually every movement.
How about the BLACK Professor from the Carolina’s who gave the crazed speech about how the only real problem Blacks have in America is Whites…..and he called for the extermination of Whites.
Did you hear the speech Goldy????
How do you LEFTIST PINHEADS feel about that one?
Goldy has avoided and avoided discussions about Sims miserable track record on issues I’ve outlined and others have. Instead, we must now suffer through yet another mind-numbing thread about what one whack-job ANONYMOUSLY posts on the pillar of the truth Blogsite, The Seattle P-I!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big fucking deal Goldy.
Since it was anonymous Goldy, how can you assure us it wasn’t posted by a LEFTIST PINHEAD to play the “race card”??????
You can’t, can you Goldy.
Perhaps the P-I can identify the IP Address this “ANONYMOUS” post came from.
No one I know talks like that. Race is not the issue in this KingCo election contest. Sims INCOMPETENCE and a culture of CORRUPTION is!
So “romeomoon” believes Ron Sims is an “OREO”. How wonderful anonymous posting is. As I’ve said before, one should give little or no credibility to people who are unwilling to post using their real name. Foe blogs to work people should have the opportunity to post what they believe but do so publicly. Only cowards call people names, use profanity, and racism in this case, and then hide behind phony names. Some wish to destroy any sense of respect for others and community. Democracy is not served by racism and hatemongering and profanity.
That ANONYMOUS post on the pillar of the truth, the Seattle P-I Blog, could have easily been posted by a LEFTIST PINHEAD desperately wanting to play the race card.
The P-I can get the IP Address for that post.
So who did it????
BTW – Shouldn’t the PDC get right on disclosing the dollar value of the P-I’s endorsement of Sims?
The lefties on this site win for the most-facist statements category. Why is Goldy blind to calls for exterminating repub, neocons, etc., as well as the individual “I hope you die” blessing directed at righties who disagree.
Goldy – I recommend you move out of that glass house before throwing rocks.
Janet S. @ 5
Do you want to stand by that statement as fact, or would you prefer me to catch you in a spot of perjury?
What about the Irons challenge I posed on the Iron’s mom passes polygraph thread. Around 89 I think.
Scooter Libby has resigned.
Janet S. would you like to retract your false statement?
Isn’t it fascinating that Cynical is so easily offended by Ron Sims’ policy positions, but nary a peep do we ever hear from Cyn about …
1) a president who spilled the blood of 2,000 Americans and 30,000+ Iraqis for a lie,
2) the systematic looting of the middle class by a party and administration that caters to corporations and the super-rich,
3) voting irregularities in Florida and Ohio that make King County look like a Boy Scout camp,
4) the utterly selfish and cynical disregard for public safety exhibited by gas tax opponents,
5) environmental outrages by the Republican White House and Congress, including disregard of global warming and contempt for the Endangered Species Act, that cross the line from irresponsible to odious.
Ms Chickenhawk @ 7
Pillar of truth, hahahahahahahaha
Look at the news buddy, Republicans are LIARS!! At all levels,
from David Irons, to Tom DeLay, to Bill Frist, to Scooter Libby, To, the president himself!
Top to bottom, a culture of corruption lying machine.
2, 10
I don’t see where GBS called Janet anything — could you enlighten me, Janet? Are you having a bad coffee day?
Being racist is wrong. Making stupid comments is wrong and enough can derail a perfectly good debate or discussion. However, why must everyone treat race or sexual orientation as a third rail?
Note that I didn’t say religion. The Lefty Leadership has now decided that it is open season on Christians, so only SOME criticism and stereotyping of religion is unacceptable.
Where are all the radical right wind republican trolls now?
@ 17
The Christian Right is neither: That’s why.
RR @ 16
I think Janet S. has left the blog knowing she just perjured herself.
Roger @ 14
Just wondering… Is your talking-point spewing brain software triggered by particular keywords or is it set to a particular time & day like a v1rus?
Also, are you able to multi-task while this is happening or are all of your mental faculties taken over by MorOn.org?
The Southern Strategy, yes, and the influx of racists into the GOP; but also the willful pandering to religious zealots, ignorance, and intolerance, and the peddling of anti-science and junk science; not to mention that Republicans fall all over themselves fawning over Ann Coulter, whose public remarks put her in the same class as Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, and Saddam Hussein. How is it possible NOT to see the GOP as a clique of haters?
by Goldy, 10/28/2005, 9:39 AM
“Those who long for “The Cleansing” or whatever they choose to call their giddily imagined modern day Kristallnacht, remind us daily that even in this, the world’s oldest functioning democracy, we must remain vigilant against the ever-present and creeping danger of fascism.”
So one anonymous person posts a racist comment on the P-I blog, and you ride straight down the slippery slope to Nazi Germany, blaming the right the whole way.
Seems like Dr. Kamau Kambon if far closer to a Nazi than Ann Coulter.
“RALEIGH — A Raleigh activist and bookstore owner told a panel at Howard University Law School on Oct. 14 that the solution to many of the problems faced by black people is the extermination of “white people off the face of the planet.” Dr. Kamau Kambon, who taught Africana Studies 241 in the Spring 2005 semester at North Carolina State University, also said this needs to be done “because white people want to kill us.””
Looks like Marc Rich got illegal kickbacks from the UN Volker Report. Ain’t he the good friend of Bill and Hillary. Man I wish I could trace the money. Hmmm…, how much of that money went to the Clinton Arkansas Library?
Great Post. Needed saying.
Definitely, the open use of racist and sexist expression has increased over the last several yearss. Initially, it was under the cover of whining about having to be politically correct; Then, those who felt burdened and tongue tied by the expectation of politicaly correctness – I mean really, they just didn’t have the language for political correctness – felt isolated at the loss of social forums wherein they felt the acceptance to express themselves; then finally, being politically incorrect came to be defined as political courage – as in “I hope I’m not being politically incorect (whimper, snivel, whine) prior to making racist/sexist statements. Now, we have the constant complaining by the new “victims” of discrimination and affirmative action (white males. This finally morphed into the all out open, new political correctness wherein it is a duty, in the interest of free speech, patriotism and religion, to speak out against political correctness by making sexist, racist comments. This now passes for political courage. The final manifestation of this is that we now have a social element that actually it is unpatriotic and unChristian to burn a flag, but it’s ok to burn a cross in somebody’s yard…as free speech.
“The Lefty Leadership has now decided that it is open season on Christians, so only SOME criticism and stereotyping of religion is unacceptable”
Wrong, the left is only going after fake Christians whose actions are the dead opposite of what Christ actually taught. To jog your memory, the war on hypocrisy was not initiated by the left, but by Christ himself two thousand years ago when He went into the temple to confront the hypocrites …
GBS @ 19
Let me understand what you’re saying… Race and sex are verboten in the politically-correct Lefty world because you disagree with the Christian Right? WTF is that?
Your comment reminds me of a comedian I heard last night responding to a heckler:
“It is like I’m saying, ‘A, B, C, D…’ and you shout out ’45!'”
Janet S. has a point. Oftentimes those on the left say some pretty hateful things and get a pass from the media. Jesse Jackson didn’t lose anything by calling New Yorkers a bunch og “hymie-towners.” Why not?
The Irons challenge?
12, 20
“Scooter Libby has resigned”
“Janet S. has left the blog knowing she just perjured herself”
Good riddance to bad garbage.
Roger @ 26
So now the Lefty Hive thinks THEY are the equivalent of Christ? Not only aren’t you in the ballpark, but you’re playing a totally different game.
@25: last sentence should read “…actually believes it is unpatriotic and unChristian to burn a flag, but it’s ok to burn a cross in somebody’s yard is free speech.
Reply to 21
Roger Rabbit has impressive multi-tasking skills! I can eat and mete out verbal justice to you proto-fascist, brain-dead, right-wing zombies at the same time. (Munch) (Munch) If you really pressed me, I probably could hump a cute fluffy female bunny while chewing and typing, too. And if you pick me up by my ears, I’ll also rip you a new belly button with my powerful hind legs equipped with razor-sharp claws …
Goldy nails it. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter. I’ve said some nasty stuff before, and I apologize, for the record.
@ 23 I love how conservatives pull out some crazy cracker-hating nutcase, and then demand that we distance ourselves from him. I didn’t even know this guy existed, he isn’t elected to anything, and has almost no power (faculty member at NC State: like I said, no power).
Try this: speak to the post, or keep it to yourself.
I do not approve of that “OREO” remark.
I do think though Ron Sims could be compared to some Arab and African dictators, though.
Reply to 23
So who’s defending that guy? Do you see any lefties here defending that guy or his comments? What’s your point?
@ 27
I know this may be difficult for you to understand, but people like Dobson, Pat Robertson, Jim & Tammy Faye Baker, Bush, et al
Are not good Christians and they are incorrect about what is best for America. They support lying liars like Scooter Libby and will go to any length, even blowing the cover of an undercover CIA agent that forced a CIA front company to roll in it’s operations. Which by the way was tracking illegal sales of components that are necessary to build a nuclear bomb from the Russian mafia to terrorists. That 20 year old operation went bust because Joe Wilson stood up to this president who lied about the reasons for going to war.
That is not following the teachings of Jesus Christ, and, regardless of your religious beliefs, it’s morally wrong.
Get it now?
Goldy, you are slow on the trigger, where’s your thread on the Libby indictment?
“Let me understand what you’re saying… Race and sex are verboten in the politically-correct Lefty world because you disagree with the Christian Right? WTF is that?”
No, I don’t think GBS is saying that. Racism and sexism are wrong because they are motivated by hate and target individuals because of skin color or gender instead of, as MLK put it, the “content of their character.” And lefties don’t merely disagree with the Christian Taliban; we have a problem with, you guessed it, the “content of their character.”
Whine, whine, whine! Wingnuts have been calling liberals “commies,” “anti-American,” “unpatriotic,” “traitors,” etc. & ad naus. for decades; we dish back a little name-calling and it brings you sorry fucks to your knees. No surprise there. We always knew wingers are made of jelly. Like bullies everyone, they run like hell the instant someone stands up to them.
GBS – not sure why you have a problem with facts, but let me say again:
Indicting Libby is not the same as 22 indictments that include treason and spitting on your mother. Almost two years of investigating the outing of a CIA agent, and what is charge? Not a single allegation of outing a CIA agent. Isn’t that what I have been saying all along?
I have no idea what you and roger are talking about. By the way, in case you have forgotten the American way, indictment is not conviction. Innocent until proven guilty.
Where did I say that? Did I ever say we’re perfect Christians? But I have noticed a pronounced tendency among those most prone to wear their Christianity on their sleeves to behave in a most un-Christ-like manner.
Roger @ 22
As I pointed out to Donna in another thread, the GOP does not move in
lockgoosestep with party leadership. I realize it is a totally foreign concept for a Lefty. The GOP gives national stage time to Schwarzenegger, Giuliani, McCain, etc. Where is your internal debate over policy? The DNC can’t even muster that level of political diversity.Comment on 35
I’ll never apologize to these neo-nazi fucks.
Janet Liar S. @ 42
Here’s your quote:
“Wow – that was quick. As I was posting my objections about being called a racist, I’m called a racist by GBS.
I guess it is easier to call racist and fascist than to actually have ideas. It is pathetic.
Comment by Janet S— 10/28/05 @ 10:00 am”
Now can you find my post calling you a racists or are you and Scooter cut from the same cloth?
Nice attempt at veiled racism, Josef, but we see right through you.
5, 42
“I’m called a racist by GBS.”
“I have no idea what you and roger are talking about”
If you had bothered to read your own post, you would know what we’re talking about, unless you’re senile or brain-dead.
“As I pointed out to Donna in another thread, the GOP does not move in lockgoosestep with party leadership”
Ah, but they do, and therein lies the problem.
So Janet, if Libby isn’t indicted for outing the CIA agent, perjury and obstruction of justice don’t matter? Who writes your scripts for you, Kay Bailey Hutchinson?
Intellectually dishonest Jane Liar S. @ 42
What was Libby lying about?
Who was he protecting?
Why did he feel compelled to lie to the Grand Jury?
Why did the Fitzgerald tell Rove he’s still under investigation?
It’s not some perjury trap or failure of recollection that lying bastard Hannity gets you to believe. This is way more serious than Clinton perjuring himself so he didn’t have to admit he had an extramarital affair.
This is about going to WAR! And no American politician can contemplate war without getting the truth from the Commander in Chief and knowing you will have American deaths.
You moron.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 10/28/05 @ 10:38 am
Well, there’s:
*Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe the vote-fraud expert and land thief.
*Saddam Hussein el-Tikriti, also an expert on vote fraud & land thief!
*Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, well known for vote fraud…
*Leonid Kuchma & Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine, experts on vote fraud and destroying the free market…
Janet Liar S.
Are you going to retract your statements now?
You were either:
A) Wrong, or
B) Lying.
Which is it?
Seems like you’re the typical Republican: wrong, lying, or both.
Long live David Goldstein!
Oh and BTW, what “code words” has David Irons, Jr. been saying to, “to send reassuring signals to his conservative base beneath a moderate’s veneer”?!?!?
RR @ 48
If she’s brain dead, like Terri Schiavo, could somebody please pull her feeding tube?
Thank you.
GBS, you said:
“The modern day conservative movement was born our of racism. What do you think the Republican Southern Strategy was all about?”
The implication is that modern day conservatives are therefore racist. Otherwise you never would have worded it as such. I’m not sure what the point of such drivel is, it certainly doesn’t enhance the discussion.
I stand by my statement. You are accusing conservatives of being racist.
Oreo, isn’t that the word that Democrats use for Condy Rice and Colin Powell?
@ 44 The Real Mark – who is lockstepped Right and rarely correct.
“the GOP does not move in lockgoosestep with party leadership.”
You’ve got to be kidding me. You conservative, which translates to; YOU LIAR.
No one has to fabricate racist diatribes coming from the intolerant right – they provide enough on their own. And when in the position to stand up to the fools doing it – many shift blame and decide there are more important issues at hand – like property rights!
When the right starts to address and hold accountable the vile and racist behavior within their ranks, I MIGHT start to discuss some of their finer points.
@ 56
It’s not an accustaion, it’s a fact of history. Beginnig around 1948 and taking real shape in mid ’60’s.
Do your homework.
Libertarian @ 28 imagines, “Jesse Jackson didn’t lose anything by calling New Yorkers a bunch og “hymie-towners.” Why not?”
Wrong-o. The Washington Post reported his anti-Semitic comments in February 1984, and it badly damaged both his Presidential bid that year—and his reputation long, long afterward. It didn’t help him that he initially denied saying anything of the sort, before admitting it and apologizing.
Racism isn’t a partisan thing, and those of us who actually care about the issue don’t let Democrats off the hook any more than Republicans.
Speaking of which, the Daily Show did a nice job last night catching Trent Lott saying President Bush now had the opportunity to choose a qualified “man, woman . . . or minority” for the Supreme Court. Nice to know he considers minorities to be just like men and women.
GoodGravy – tell me what you are talking about, and I’ll hold accountable vile statements made from the right. Until then, we won’t miss you if you choose not to participate.
Janet, et al.
To rip off John Stuart Mill…
Nobody is saying that most conservatives are racist. We are simply saying that most racists are conservative. That should be so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any person will deny it.
You idiot…..the post on the Pillar of Truth P-I Blog was ANONYMOUS. That means they don’t know….or won’t say who posted it. IT COULD HAVE BEEN ANYONE….which I would not be the least bit surprised was a LEFTIST PINHEAD using the “race card outrage” to jumpstart Sims floundering campaign.
The P-I has the I.P. Address of the poster…….let’s see it!!!
I’ll bet it came from KingCo…..probably Sims himself.
Janet S.@ 61
Start with:
Strom Thurmond
Trent Lott
Ronald Reagan
David Duke
Barbara Bush’s Houston Astrodome statement, “They’re underprivileged anyway, so this is working out quite well for them, heh, heh, heh. “
11 am
St. Fitz is going to be speaking. See you lying liars later.
Sorry, GBS, I wasn’t a part of the discussion at that point, because I was still in grade school. But if it makes you feel better to argue this, rather than engage in real debate about ideas, then go for it. Keep dwelling on total irrelevancies.
Remember – Senator Byrd was a leader of the Klan. That means the Democrats are all Klansmen. Same logic, same stupidity.
No it’s liberal cartoonists in hoods, Ted Rall and Jeff Danziger, etc. who create racist cartoons that people like GBS, and Rupert Wabbet let pass!
Here you go you racist liberal fucks. Here is the compendium of racist cartoons on http://www.democracy-project.c.....00763.html.
Go back to the November 2004 timeframe and look at white liberal racism. You can kiss my ass GBS. Your type of racism is visible in the MSM every fucking day. Yes, EVERY FUCKING DAY! How about the USA Today modification of the Condi Rice picture giving her devil eyes. You are so fucking blind at times, but I still like debating you GBS!
Hey David. If you are the buddy of the Israeli judge, you castigate us on racism, when people like Dan W. on September 6th, 2005 proved the liberals on the left hate Israel and where was your voice? If this is not that David then never mind!
I see that this discussion has degenerated exactly the way it always does. The right tries to engage in discussion, the left yells racist. And Goldy writes clueless posts that wonders where all the hatred comes from.
Why is it so important for the left to see racism in everything that the right does? I’m not a racist, and it is stupid that I even have to say so. But, the accusation lingers out there from a variety of these posts. You have nothing to base it on, except to say that racists are conservatives, or that the basis for the philosphy is based in racism, or whatever. It is disengenous, but I see no one on the left intellectually honest enough to break out of the mold.
I guess it is easier to slime me with false accusations than to address ideas.
Also GBS: You excuse Jesse Jackson, Jr., Harold Ford, Jr., Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Major Owens, and Barack Obama when they infer that Condi Rice and Colin Powell are Uncle Tom’s? It is laughable when Democrats claim that blacks like Condi and Colin and not representative of blacks as a whole. Where is your voice on this shit?
To my friends who are always RIGHT (and almost always correct):
This is the best LEFTIST PINHEADS can do to shift the focus from Ron Sims horrible track record at KingCo….in Elections, CAO (stealing property), SWA and TRAFFIC GRIDLOCK!!!
Sims votes for every single tax and fee increase.
Sims blames others for problems.
The LEFTIST PINHEADS desperately want David Irons and undecided voters to look at the last minute smut campaigns and NOT at Sims horrible record in KingCo.
Will it work????
Ask you neighbors!
And LEFTIEST PINHEADS: Wasn’t James “Bull” Conner a Democrat. He never changed. What did he do to my people? He used German Shepherds and water cannon on us. So to me the spirit of Bull Conner, rises agains on the Democratic side to bring out the police dogs and water hoses to kept Dr. Rice in her place.
Oh, BTW here is Charles Rangel is action: http://www.michnews.com/artman.....9675.shtml
David @ 61:
Jesse also has a kid by another woman other than his wife.
Such a fine example for every one! What a spendid example to set!
Janet S. You are uninformed and I just finished taking Puddybud and PacMan to the woodshed on this issue and I just don’t have the time or energy do to the same to you.
Your ignorance on the issues is laughable when you say “the right wants to engage in debate but the left cries racism.” We can’t have a meaningful debate with people who don’t know the facts, and you Janet Liar S. are ignorant.
Thanks for playing, here’s your parting gift. Pfffffft.
Puddybud, the self-proclaimed black man:
The David Irons challenge on the polygraph thread # 78 & 80.
You man enough? Bro”
GBS: The history buff who likes to look at the past but is blinded by the present. Of course I am man enough. What about my charges above?
Here are bumper stickers we need to have:
The Democratic Party Supported Slavery and Segregation!
Why are you still enslaved by them?
The Party of Lincoln = the Party of Abolition = the Party of Freedom
Democrats = Socialists= Slaveholders
Roger @ drooling all over this thread…
Care to point out any diversity of opinion within the Left???
Oh yes GBS I was taken to the woodshed about history. Ha ha ha. A prodigy in his own mind. But I have a plethora of today’s data. You can’t handle today’s truth. I won’t throw a deep list of links for you to read. I am sure you can remember the cartoons. Need another visit to the “woodshed”?
No, the implication is that Richard Nixon made a deliberate decision to try to boost the GOP to majority-party status by pitching to southern racists.
These racists formerly were part of the Democratic Party’s majority coalition — to the lasting shame of the Democratic Party. But the Democratic Party ultimately had the good sense and the class to repudiate these people and tell them, “you’re not welcome in our party.”
The GOP, to its infernal shame, welcomed them with open arms. We see the result today in veiled and openly racist remarks and attitudes both from prominent GOP office holders and ordinary GOP loyalists. The GOP, as an organization, is complicit in this because it has failed to repudiate these people or run them out of their party. Even worse, race-based discrimination against minority voters is THE primary method by which the GOP, as a party, seeks to steal elections.
“Oreo, isn’t that the word that Democrats use for Condy Rice and Colin Powell?”
No! Any Democrat who publicly used that word to describe either of those individuals would be run out of the party on a rail!
And … posting this remark marks you as both a racist and a liar.
28, 61
Anyone, including Jesse Jackson, can call himself a “Democrat” or run for the Democratic Party’s nomination. The Democratic Party did not nominate Jesse Jackson for president or anything else. Admiration for J.Jackson is hardly universal within the ranks of Democratic activists, and he never got more than a tiny number of votes from people who consider themselves Democrats.
In short, we Democrats didn’t nominate Jesse Jackson for anything, or elect him to anything. You Republicans, on the other hand, have nominated and elected a number of your Jesse Jacksons. That’s the difference between you and us.
“Nobody is saying that most conservatives are racist. We are simply saying that most racists are conservative. That should be so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any person will deny it.”
The really important thing is that Democrats don’t tolerate racism — whether it’s from a Democrat or a Republican — whereas many Republicans wink at the racism in their party or deny its existence.
“You idiot…..the post on the Pillar of Truth P-I Blog was ANONYMOUS. That means they don’t know….or won’t say who posted it. IT COULD HAVE BEEN ANYONE….which I would not be the least bit surprised was a LEFTIST PINHEAD using the ‘race card outrage’ to jumpstart Sims floundering campaign.”
What a crock! Cynical, you are full of shit.
“Sorry, GBS, I wasn’t a part of the discussion at that point, because I was still in grade school”
You still are. I know fourth-graders who are more mature than you.
You were taken to the woodshed and beaten, just like St. Fitz beating Scoter Libby, a lying conservative. And that is to the point of Scooter’s resignation.
Beaten up, down, left, right and all around. You were conservative slapped. Bee-otch. Now, don’t make me take after you with a ‘switch’ again.
@82 “Oreo, isn’t that the word that Democrats use for Condy Rice and Colin Powell?”
No! Any Democrat who publicly used that word to describe either of those individuals would be run out of the party on a rail!
Oh, did they use the much more culturally sensitive term, “Uncle Tom”?
Washington Times:
During the 2002 gubernatorial race, supporters of Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D) threw Oreo cookies at Steele. The cookies — black on the outside, white on the inside — are sometimes invoked to denigrate blacks who align themselves with Republicans.
Oops, Washington Post I mean.
goldy….YOU are offended at the lack of civility in discussion these days? are you kidding? are you not the poster child for rude?
and if you are so worried about racism…why did you back christine gregoire? she was the head of a whites only sorority in college in washington state at a time when EVERYONE knew that it was wrong to have whites only anything.and isn’t it interesting that she cheated her way into the governor’s mansion with the help of a guy that she wouldn’t have allowed his sister to join her sorority ….and she bumped the real winner, dino rossi, out, and he just happens to be half native american.
goldy….your slip is showing again. you can only be this hypocritcal for a short time without everyone forgetting to take you seriously.
i’d forget about that radio show if i were you……….
I hate George Bush! – but not because of his skin color. It’s his character by which I judge him. Some famous guy, dead now, once hoped everyone might one day be judged by their character. Through every national event, George Bush displays a character unbecoming any public servant entrusted with guarding our Constitution. The man and the men that surround him are malicious frauds promoting an agenda that will dismantle our democracy and replace it with a theocratic plutocracy.
Down with the Idiot King George Bush!!
and GBS…get a clue…it was all democrats that were against the civil rights movement. modern conservatives born from racism my ass……..
but you have your little talking points down well….”just keep saying it enough and they will think it’s real”
A Kennedy supporter throwing cookies at a black man? Say it ain’t so. I forgot that one Michael. Naah, even the Kennedy’s are racist in their real attire!
GBS: Wrong oh big guy. You made hay on the history lesson but you WILL NOT ADDRESS TODAY! I will give you kudos by describing the Nixon strategy. You forced me to investigate. But as to today’s donkcratic racism against any minority who leaves the reservation is appalling. Shall I implement the Puddybud link burying method? Seems to me you are ignoring the cartoons and the Black Caucus comments.
I have to commend you GBS. At least you communicate without vitriol unlike other animal hind parts people. I can accept your challenges while I brush aside stuckonstupiddon, justdumbbozo, windbag, dj, torridjoe. You have a brain. I am glad they don’t have your skills for a non-college educated guy.
Regarding Scooter Libby, come on GBS, Shall I replay your Rove commentary about it being Merry Fitzmas recently just as you wanted to castigate Janet S?
Wells, some dead guy? You mean you can’t come to grips and say Martin Luther King, Jr?
Puddybud @ 77
Glad to see you were MAN enough to accept the challenge regarding David Irons.
So, to be clear, our challenge is that if David Irons takes the polygraph test and it turns out he’s not trying to be deceptive about hitting his mother, I’ll apologize formally on this blog and, because you know John Carlson personally and can schedule the time, I’ll call Carlson’s show and make a genuine on-air apology to David Irons at a scheduled time that will be posted on this blog prior to the event so that everyone can hear me.
And, if David Irons does NOT take the polygraph within 48 hours of the election, you’ll go on-air with Carlson and say “David Irons should not be elected because of his history of domestic violence.” And, you’ll post the time on this blog prior to the event so that everyone can hear you.
Let’s say the scheduled time should be posted on this blog at least 1 hour prior to the start of Carlson’s show on Monday, Nov 7th 2005 since that is the only practical date before the elections. So you might as well contact him now and use your personal influence to set up the programming note now.
Hey, this is going to be great for one of us and really shitty for the other. Well, it’s put up or shut the fuck up permanently time.
XmasGhost: who brought to our attention the all white sorority issue. Don Ron Sims King did!! Who identified Willie Horton to all of us? Albert R. Gore Jr. Talk about racists donkocrats!!! They use race when it fits their agenda but when a Repub uses race to make a point, the GBS’ and Rupert Wabbets’ call racism, racism!!!
David, I suppose you have no comment on Dan W. – the liberal Israel hating asshole, huh? Typical, typical.
GBS, I take on your challenge. I will not use those words but I’ll concoct a suitable pithy statement. I have called for David Irons Jr. to take the challenge. Since it’s the only way for the donkocrats to shut up once and for all. I will call John Carlson and say I feel he should not be elected. But either way we’ll both continue to badger each other, right!!!
I can’t hash this again and explain all the details, history and demography of southern politics and its ramifications on modern day conservatism. Suffice to ask you this one question: Why did Ken Mehlman, Chairman of the RNC, apologize to the NAACP for their efforts known as the Republican Southern Strategy?
Why ChristmasGhost? Why would he apologize for Democrats? Why?
Now, when you FULLY understand that question, it’s history, the demography and politics of the south beginning in 1948 to present day, you will have the CLUE. Then, we can have a meaningful exchange of ideas. But as I told Janet S., your lack of knowledge of the facts precludes us from engaging in dialogue.
Thank you for the invitation to intellectual debate, but at the present time you are not a qualified candidate for participation in such matters.
@ 98
We’ll continue to badger each other on different topics, but not the issue of David Irons. If I’m wrong, I’m going to apologize to David Irons on air and remain silent on the issue.
Arent’ you?
Puddybud at 94
You’re being disingenuous and you KNOW it. You know I’m not a big fan of JKF or Teddy, or LBJ. Stop trying to grandstand in front of everybody.
We’ve had discussions about them on older threads that your reasonably certain most people did not read. OK? Quit it, you’re sullying any self respect you still have.
GBS: Your bastard reporting for duty again. I ‘ll admit I was given a stern lesson on Republican history that I hadn’t known. Thank you for that. But that being history, what about the new charges that Puddybud has put forth? I listened to that sickening speech by Charles Rangel that September Saturday. Puddybud has the Internet skills so I’ll defer to his search methods.
@ 98
Changing the challenge already, huh?
Nope. You accepted the challenge as stated. Now be a man and stick to your word, or prove your word to be worthless.
Balls in your court.
Now we’ll see how a true conservative acts. Are you a man of your written word, or something else?
I love this kind of stuff.
Oh no the Great GBS is now calling me DISINGENUOUS? What? I’m shamed. The pot calling the kettle black maybe? Gee GBS, I don’t remember you saying anything negative about Teddy Chappaquiddick Killer Kennedy on this blog. If you have please deliver the required link!! He is the hero of the Goldy animal hind parts membership! Since you are one of those members in good standing, you are as guilty as the rest of them.
My my, it is interesting the standard lefty liberal donk wingnuts are silent here GBS. I suppose they don’t want to step on their dragging knuckles!!!!
Yes, I will shut up on David Irons Jr., just as you will promise to do the same.
PacMan, YOU BASTARD!! (You know like when Kenny gets killed on South Park)
This is going to sound like a cop out but I have to leave right now. You know what? You can call me every dirty name in the book — even white boy.
Sorry I’m going to have to miss you today.
Puddybud, I owe you an apology. I slammed you at 101 wrongfully. Sorry about that I think you were directing your Kennedy comment to someone else. You know how wrapped up I get about myself.
Whoa GBS, you put the words out there. Where did I agree to your words. On this thread you place the words there. Dems your words. I didn’t agree to your words. I will use my words. The other parts of the agreement stand! If David takes and passes the LDT, I made no claims to the words you choose to say.
GBS: Words mean something to liberals? Wow, please clue me into this!
GBS: you are leaving? Oh no. I hope Dr E. steps into the void or Rick Schaut. Those guys can bring it! Now if stuckonstupiddon, windbag, and dj appear, the lefty commentary will go downhill starting after this entry. Amazing head-in-his-ass lucite is in school so no attacks today!
GBS: Have a great weekend!
I started taking interest in this issue when the fine folks over at Sound Politics started comparing Ron Sims to an African Dictator. I also noticed comments calling for Sims to be “strung up” and “tarred and feathered” – which can be expected on most right wing boards; but what outraged me was the fact not a single comment could be found condemning this outright racism. One guy, who was an ER Nurse (scary) and played in a Christian rock band threatened me with a baseball bat for even raising the issue. Another Republican tried to explain the history of tarring and feathering – that it actually wasn’t racist at all.
And trolls like Puddybud are trying to claim white liberal racism is the problem? Too funny.
Speaking of trolls, Goldy – I don’t think you should ban them outright – I just think you should weed out some of their posts when their diffusing gets totally out of control. Most of the trolls don’t even believe half the stuff they post (“Rosa Parks was just pulling a cheap stunt”) – so why should their non-arguments with themselves have to take up space when there are real issues to discuss?
Roger @ 84: “The really important thing is that Democrats don’t tolerate racism”
Bull! Not only do you tolerate it, but you PERPETUATE it through your patronizing view of the “underprivileged.” Every Dem policy seeks to keep minorities compliant and dependent by keeping them in a perpetual state of victimhood.
The difference between the (deplorable) Right Wing hick racists and the tweed-jacket, we-know-what-is-good-for-you Left Wing racists is that everyone can see the hick coming right at ’em. It should be no surprise that the Party of Tamany Hall preys on the poor.
BTW, is your failure to come up with an answer to my question @ 79 making your widdle wabbit bwain hurrrt??
Also, while you answered the multi-tasking part of my question @ 22, you didn’t say whether your talking points spewing mental software is keyword or day/time driven.
MTR: That’s why MLK Jr. Said he feared the white progressive! They smile in your face all the time wanting to take your place the back stabbers – demo back stabbers.
-Bull! Not only do you tolerate it, but you PERPETUATE it through your patronizing view of the “underprivileged.” Every Dem policy seeks to keep minorities compliant and dependent by keeping them in a perpetual state of victimhood.-
This seems to be a common theme among just about every right wing troll out there. Gotta love it when the neoracist crowd gives up trying to defend their party’s ongoing “Southern Strategy” policy, and simply resorts to “I’m not the racist – YOU’RE the racist.” Very effective, The Really Dumb Mark.
I think the original post had more to do with ominous, hate filled rhetoric being posted in public, as opposed to various perceptions of social welfare programs. I recall reading at least one such post on another thread on this site recently, and the poster has not come forward to defend the statement.
What a classic post for HA. Patronizing. Assuming, yet with the tired disclaimer. “I’m not suggesting that (insert what he darn well is suggesting here) but blah, blah, blah.” And completely lacking in introspection.
One only need look casually at the comments from almost every single post here to see that they are completely filled with hate, invective, profanity, etc. It’s amazing the gall it takes for Goldstein to pontificate about racism and hate, while providing an open bathroom wall and Sharpies to anyone who feels like writing anything hateful. Even the name of this blog relaxes any standard of decorum as soon as the home page pops into the browser, so that by the time most commenters here get to the “Your Comment” text box, they’ve already got the attack and hate spigot on full blast.
Frankly with the content that Goldstein has tolerated here, I find any claim of offense to hatred completely lacking in credibility.
If you really want civil discourse Goldstein, take action and can the obvious hatred and completely off topic geyser of sewage from the likes of DJ, Donnageddon, Mark, Cynical, etc. It clearly comes from both sides.
Oh wait, but then there wouldn’t be but a few comments. I’m sure you will just leave everything as-is and continue to occassionally feign shock when it allows you to deal a convenient political blow.
Roger and General Bull Shit-
Posterchildren for the angry irrelevant left. Your no-idea whine and hate are the reasons you will remain irrelevant and conservatives everywhere will continue to win elections at your expense.
You will remain irrelevant.
Oh and Roger, you are a liar. There I said it, although we all know it already.
The comment was posted from King County government IP address
Hey Wabbit here is that IP address you want to check it out?
What has Headless Lucy been doing today? Wabbit it was your turn to keep an eye on Her.
I am sorry I don’t now how to look at every post from september 6 to see what I said. please post my one month and a half old liberal anti Israel statement that you attribute to me. My mother would be very dissapointed to hear that I was anti- Israel. She would be more dissapointed, if I didn’t use my brain to determine that there are issues on both sides of that quagmire. 50 plus years of strife over there, wonder how Americas gonna due in the region 50 years from now? Iraq, Syria, Iran.
No one ever heard of the Dixie-Crats? Democrats use to have a solid block in the South. When Johnson signed off on the 1964 Equal rights bill, he said something to the effect of ” There goes the south, we’ll never win it again” He was right, because all the racists crakers became republicans. So when you quote of old time democrats to likes of Zell Miller, they are just slow in learning. that is not what the post 64′ democrats stand for.
Goldy – You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve lecturing about civil discourse. You and your ilk speak of conservatives in the most vile terms possible, and have no regard for truth or reason. Your side INVENTED intolerance and hate, and are its greatest practicioners through the tactic of political correctness. You yourself became “famous” by trying to silence the will of The People, take away our right of initiative, and sought to crucify the only leader we have to stop the pillaging of our wallets.
Your views are too closely aligned with those of our enemies past and current. Your drive to destroy the American culture and replace it with those ideologies which have been proven failures are inexcusable. Your ideological identity with islamo-terrorists as shown on the “2000” post is frankly shocking, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
There seems to be no acknowledgement that there is a difference between judging people based on their words and ideas or based in the color of their skin.
And I have commented before on the juvenile nature of the namecalling on both sides, but there is a difference.
here’s the chronological order of events of our challenge, since I know your’re really into that kind of thing.
Original challenge from the “Irons polygraph thread.” I referenced it on this thread and you specifically asked where you agreed on this thread so I’m doing the due diligence that is required to show you. Like my new hero Patrick Fitzgerald.
Irons polygraph thread:
If you have to call your buddy Carlson, you have to mention that David Irons’ domestic violence is the reason he shouldn’t be elected since I have to apologize for accusing him of the same.
Now, that’s pretty fair.
Game On! ”
Here’s me challenging you on this thread:
@ 76
“Puddybud, the self-proclaimed black man:
The David Irons challenge on the polygraph thread # 78 & 80.
You man enough? Bro”
Comment by GBS— 10/28/05 @ 11:29 am”
Here’s you accepting said challenge on this thread:
@ 77
“GBS: The history buff who likes to look at the past but is blinded by the present. Of course I am man enough. What about my charges above?
Comment by Puddybud— 10/28/05 @ 11:33 am”
See where you say, and I quote, “Of course I am man enough.”
Here’s me clarifying the wording with quotation marks, because one thing I’ve learned about dealing with conservatives you have to be very specific or they will try to slip out of their agreements.
“Glad to see you were MAN enough to accept the challenge regarding David Irons.
So, to be clear, our challenge is that if David Irons takes the polygraph test and it turns out he’s not trying to be deceptive about hitting his mother, I’ll apologize formally on this blog and, because you know John Carlson personally and can schedule the time, I’ll call Carlson’s show and make a genuine on-air apology to David Irons at a scheduled time that will be posted on this blog prior to the event so that everyone can hear me.
And, if David Irons does NOT take the polygraph within 48 hours of the election, you’ll go on-air with Carlson and say “David Irons should not be elected because of his history of domestic violence.” And, you’ll post the time on this blog prior to the event so that everyone can hear you.
Let’s say the scheduled time should be posted on this blog at least 1 hour prior to the start of Carlson’s show on Monday, Nov 7th 2005 since that is the only practical date before the elections. So you might as well contact him now and use your personal influence to set up the programming note now.
Hey, this is going to be great for one of us and really shitty for the other. Well, it’s put up or shut the fuck up permanently time.
Comment by GBS— 10/28/05 @ 1:14 pm”
Here’s PacMan’s comments:
@ 107
“GBS: Words mean something to liberals? Wow, please clue me into this!
Comment by PacMan— 10/28/05 @ 1:49 pm”
Here’s you, albeit on post out of order, um, how shall I say this? Attempting to weasel? Does that work?
@ 106
“Whoa GBS, you put the words out there. Where did I agree to your words. On this thread you place the words there. Dems your words. I didn’t agree to your words. I will use my words. The other parts of the agreement stand! If David takes and passes the LDT, I made no claims to the words you choose to say.
Comment by Puddybud— 10/28/05 @ 1:47 pm”
Now do you see where at post 77 you accepted the challenge?
Do you see PacMan’s questioning the veracity of words meaning something to a Liberal?
To answer PacMan’s question, I am a Liberal and my word is my bond. I am honor bound to live up to them. And, I will honor my word and my promises.
In order for men to be honorable, Puddybud, they have to hold to true to their words. I sincerely trust without reservation or qualification that you are an honorable man.
Am I correct, or is there something you’d like to confess?
Looks like one of us has a date on Carlson’s show on Nov. 7th. I’m so glad you personlly know him and can arrange such an event as you stated previously.
Goldy, If I have to go on Carlson’s show, would you give me a few pointers since you have the experience?
Thanks in advance.
the problem with racists’ is they lack the balls to identify themselves and stand up for their beliefs. i certainly do not agree with their belief but this is america, they can believe or feel however they want but then want their cake and eat it too. most publicly would they never ID themselves – fear of being harassed themselves, or fired from their job but find an anonomous board and their fear and own low self-esteem is there for all to see.
Mark, when oh when is this Cleansing you speak of going to start? As soon as you take care of the black helicopters? Sounds like some kind of Turner Diary shit… Who is intolerant?
GBS…the day that a mere sock puppet of goldy’s decides that i am not qualified to enter a political discussion is the day that hell freezes over.but thanks for the incredible laugh!
and sock puppet at 110……you don’t seem to understand the whole meaning of the word troll when used on a computer.
it does not mean “someone that disagrees with you.”
as far as racists go….it’s the looney left that holds all the anti israel demonstrations here in california.if you want to see real racism and anti semitism you have to see these fools.
and goldy…i double dog dare you to actually take them on. you know…stop kissing moveon.moron’s ass for awhile and actually call them on it.
“it’s the looney left that holds all the anti israel demonstrations here in california.if you want to see real racism and anti semitism you have to see these fools.
I don’t agree. I think the mistake that is often made here is in attributing such protests to anti-Semitism, rather than identifying the protests as anti-Zionist and/or protests of Israeli governmental policy. That’s normally what progressive protests of that type would be about: settlements, Palestinian issues, etc. I don’t personally know any progressives that hate Jews, although were they to exist there is no way they could be considered actualy progressives (or liberals).
you’re accusing GBS of being a sockpuppet?
You realize thats totally crazy right?
Theres no reason to believe that… ‘cept the righties don’t like being whipped like is happening here…
And seriously, I didn’t read the whole thing, but if you don’t think Puddy, Mr. Irrelevant, JCH, et al aren’t trolls, you’re an idiot.
They’re here to make trouble, and to try to get people mad. Its 100% obvious.
All in all, as far as racist comments go, “oreo” has to be about the mildest there is.
The real interesting thing is, usually that remark is uttered by people of color.
I thought according to liberals, people of color couldn’t actually be racist. That’s what the glorious leader Farrakhan (sp?) says.
I wonder if you would all share the same outrage if you learned that the unknown blogger was black (I doubt it).
Fascism will arise as a response to the multiculturalism bent of the left. It’s a coin with two sides. It can easily be stated that the left is hate. And we pick what offends us and ignore the rest.
Janet S @ 3: “What is frustrating is that the left doesn’t police itself. No one on the left condemns those contributors who spew the worst of the insults directed at the right.”
A lie. You are not frustrated. You are reveling in a masturbatory vision of your own making. I have yet to see your posts castigating the fascist thugs at places like Free Republic. Your hypocricy in this regard is nauseating.
Windbag: People can have their own opinions, or unless, you are now the high priest of thought and opinions. Hmmm…? To XmasGhost, he may think GBS is a sock puppet. Good for him. I classify you on a much lower rung than GBS and he’s not college educated. You are on the same level as JustDumbBozo and stuckonstupiddon; idiotic and built to stay that way! I debate to get a rise out of donks. You probably look Tara Leigh Patrick all day and not get a rise. Oh BTW, Tara Leigh Patrick is Carmen Electra. You were too stupid to know that tidbit also.
Sick Viscious: You want someone to masturbate over Free Republic, oops… oh I was wondering where that thought was going. Why should we castigate anyone on anything? Only three people castigated head-up-his-ass loony on his racist rants posted during school hours on this site; Dr. E, Mr. X, and GBS. You are sick and you are definitely viscious! Google back to early September on animal hind parts on headless lucy.
re 120: How’s the profit margin in the oil and gas industry these days? Who’s in my wallet picking it clean?
Sick Viscious: You want someone to masturbate over Free Republic, oops… oh I was wondering where that thought was going.
The fact that you wondered is hardly suprising.
-Your side INVENTED intolerance and hate, and are its greatest practicioners through the tactic of political correctness.-
Mark The Redneck: I keep forgetting that Hitler killed millions in the name of liberalism and political correctness, and I almost forgot that the racist far right (along with white pride country club counterparts and funders) was also a liberal phenom.
Isn’t Bob Jones University also a product of liberal political correctness, too?
How is it that Mark and all his political dominatrix friends seem to STILL have this overwhelming victimization and inferiority complex? I mean, the inferiority part is justified…but to pretend all the liberals have the right under their boot? When they control all levels of government, and get most of all their neo-fascist policies implemented? Maybe they won’t ever give up on feeling sorry for themselves until they get their Theocracy and Right Wing Dictoatorship totally in place. I think somebody needs to put “always victimized” in under the definition of “redneck.”
I took a look at akaIguana’s site yesterday, too – MAN is that guy afraid of women!
Your endless drivel is typical of LEFTIST PINHEADS.
You are offended by hate…..but a HATER yourself. That’s cool…and again typical of LEFTIST PINHEADS.
Allow me to calmly and civilly request that you eat shit and die!
Sick: You’re right, your too worthless to figure out.
Sick: You’re right…
’nuff said. Thanks, pudd.
puddy: I’m not surprised you think less of me…
I’ve become like Rujax in a way, I’m tired of trying to fight the lies. You guys lie, you totally ignore the truth, you’re immune to discussion… When real debate is impossible, then we go to phase 2, where we at least strip away the lies… so even if you dont’ see it, anyone with even a smigin of thought can see your arguments for the pathetic pile they are when stripped of the untruths and stupid tricks.
GBS still argues the facts sometimes… I’ve mostly given up on beating that dead horse, and am more interested in revealing your true self. (not that you need much help on that)
windie@128……”i didn’t read the whole thing….”
oh my god…that is just too funny. thank you so much for that laugh out loud enlightening and classic “this is what all libs are about” moment.
isn’t that what is stamped on every little liberals forehead?
“i didn’t read the whole thing but if that leftie [insert any name here] is for it then so am i!”
no thought required.
and dr.e@127….shame on you! i really mean that.
you sounded exactly like hitler’s henchmen in that little word parsing diatribe.”it’s not the jews we don’t like [split hairs here right and left]….it’s the zionists.
i’ll bet you think kristalnacht is a champagne don’t you?
xmasghost @ 140
Sorry, I speak German, and do know what Kristallnacht means.
I’m not splitting hairs, either: there is a big difference between being anti-Semitic and opposing the domestic policies of the state of Israel. Opposing a governmental policy does is not synonomous to opposing a religion.
I do, however, think that a lot of members of the American Christian right have not fully considered the situation of the Palestinians, to the extent that they have considered them at all.
i’ll bet you think kristalnacht is a champagne don’t you?
A lot of Republicans thought the same thing in 1938, and popped corks in mutual celebration with the Nazis. It wasn’t ’till the 70’s that jews could crack the barrier at GOP country club houses of worship.
dr.e…….. i’m glad that you do know what it means. so many on here do not…..as is constantly made obvious by the fact that they throw the nazi word around right and …errrr, right. i was going to say left….but we all know that isn’t true.a washington lefty never called another lefty on anything [see robert byrd here].
frankly i don’t think anyone should throw the ‘nazi’ word around unless they have done their homework which includes going to a place like dachau…..after doing that they would never use the ‘nazi’ word so casually. or perhaps they would aim it in the right direction I.E. islamo facists.hitler’s favorite people after all. and that’s why i have such a problem with the “we hate israel but not the jews [really…we swear]” group. it’s dishonest bullshit. period.
GOP country clubs huh? don’t you really mean “rich white guy country clubs?” democrats weren’t exactly at the front of the line to open the doors to anyone of color or other religion, now were they? right in the same vein as the all white church jimmy carter attended until busted by the press?
but hardly the same, is it? not being able to join a country club is hardly torture of any kind. not being able to worship in a church might be considered by most to be more problematic.
Formulaic; goldy and libs tossing the nazi alusions around…
Is there a grown up version of you libs for us to go to? This stuff is punk level.
xmasghost @ 143
I’m gonna split hairs a tiny bit again, since this is a nuanced position, and I’m trying to be precise: it’s not “hate Israel, but not Jews,” but rather a dislike Israeli policy. This variance with Israeli policy does not necessarily disagree with the existence of Israel as a state — it’s a subset of the actions of that state that some find problematic. An individual can find fault with those actions without advocating the demise of that nation.
dr. e @145……….oh come on. get real.
“hate israel but not jews?” you are one of those guys that “hate the war but support [snicker snicker] the troops” aren’t you?
i might be with you just a wee bit if…and this is a huge if…..the palestinians whole culture[that word used very very loosely] didn’t center around wiping all jews off the face of the earth. stop being so naive. you know better….but alot of these nimrods on here do not.
and you really are sounding more and more like one of hitler’s cronies all the time.
so you speak german….that’s great…now go to dachau and then get back to me, okay?
i’ll bet your tune will have changed.
yes the palestinians have some valid gripes. but which came first here? chicken or egg? gripes do not make it okay to be violent swine that use mentally handicapped children to blow up other children. right now they are swine………they could change that at any time by stopping the HOMICIDE bombers and other terrorist attacks. but they aren’t going to do that because that’s what their “culture is all about. without that they wouldn’t have an identity.
can anyone here tell me[without googling you bunch of cheaters…:)] what the palestinian “culture” is all about?
i’ll bet you can’t………
I’m afraid that it’s your comment (that the Palestinian culture centers around wiping Jews of the face of the Earth) that displays a certain naïveté. I have known a number of Palestinians over the years and believe me, their culture is not based upon some notion of wiping out the Jews. Certainly there are some radical, fundamentalist elements who would advocate such, but their positions do not constitute a culture for an entire nation.
I really don’t understand your comment about Hitler’s cronies, by the way. I lived in Berlin and Weimar; from my apartment window in Weimar, I could see Buchenwald just across the valley, it was a sight that confronted me every day — and I have been there, as well as having gone to Sachsenhausen. I don’t know how anyone’s perspective could not have been changed by such an experience.
I have been very careful in my comments heretofore to make it absolutely clear that I do not conscience any such intolerance — an intolerance which, by the way seems to me to be indicated by your assertion that Palestinians are “swine.” (That is if, in fact, you are directing this remark toward all Palestinians — if you are directing that to Hamas or Islamic Jihad, that’s a somewhat different matter.) We don’t have a “chicken or egg” scenario, by the way: the situation is far more complex than that.
I’m not sure about what is so hard to understand about my argument. Opposing a nation’s policies is simply not the same as opposing the people that live in that nation. There are certainly Israelis who do not support all of their nation’s policies (including those concerning the Palestinian question); does that make them anti-Israeli?
What a pile of horse pucky! I would quess that something like 25 percent of my posts have been blocked.
The King County Republicans, engaged in a tight reelection race with Democrat Ron Sims and falling fast in the latest polls, called Katherine Harris and the Florida Republican Party this week for some advice and how to squeak out a tight election.
Their s
I just discovered this blog today, thanks to the American Progress Report, and was intrigued by this take on Seattle politics. Nice blog Goldy.
I’ve read most of November and most of October, but had not delved into any of the comments.
In this case I made the exception, and expected to see comments about what a strong piece the 2000 website was, or how emotional it was, or grief for the poor soldiers that have fallen, despite the temerity of this “war” on terror. Instead I found name calling and foolish argument that really did nothing to further either sides causes or opinions.
To all of you that fall into that category, I say, what a bunch of dickheads.
oops, meant to post that to the comments section for 2000.
I haven’t read the comments for this post, but I’m sure most of my comments above will still be pertinent