Wal-Mart Sues Brain-Damaged Woman for Half a Million Dollars
by JDalton
Tue Nov 20, 2007 at 01:37:22 PM PST
“This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:”
Fall, the harvest season of nuts.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
I am also thankful that all you enviro-moonbats are conscience of your global footprint. You keeps yours small to compensate for my Shaq-Daddy size carbon footprint. I am all for the fight on global warming as long as it is on a volunteer basis. The soldiers in Iraq are all volunteer. We also did not raise taxes for the Iraq war so we shouldn’t raise them for the war on global warming. You libs can do all the fighting while we repubs sit back a laugh while patting each other on the back on how patriotic we are.
Peace and Happy Holidays to all you Libs…. roof roof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I recognize two of the turkeys in the picture; who are the other two turkeys?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 I think we should start a new holiday tradition of eating dogs instead of turkeys.
zebra washingtonspews:
@5 — We’re POONBATS! as opposed to Republicans.
Zebra that was a real tearjerker wasn’t it. Do you know why Wal-Mart was able to collect the money in the first place? Have you ever heard of Ambulance Chasers who are nothing but blood sucking lawyers? Why? The Supreme Court decided that when a bunch of lawyers took Wal-Mart case to court. Now when you get old like Roger Rabbit you have to totally bankrupt before SSI steps in to help. The woman was not completely thrown under the bus, and therefore the government came to rescue. Every time government gets involved in a problem, you will see this type of results. Look when the government started running how hospitals were ran the cost increase to where only the illegals get free medical care. Yep just support socialism and you will receive medical care like those get in Cuba and housing like Bangladesh. You would do better to reference the Wall Street Journal rather than the dailykros the less than truthful source of information.
zebra washington says:
“This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:”
The reason is a clause in Wal-Mart’s health plan that Mrs. Shank didn’t notice when she started stocking shelves at a nearby store eight years ago. Like most company health plans, Wal-Mart’s reserves the right to recoup the medical expenses it paid for someone’s treatment if the person also collects damages in an injury suit.
Until recently, many employers didn’t vigilantly enforce the provision, and some states and federal courts didn’t think the claim held water. But as the cost of covering workers continues to escalate, employers and health plans are getting more aggressive about going after the money. A Supreme Court ruling last year also has given them a clearer legal map to suing employees and winning. http://online.wsj.com/article/.....us_pageone
Wal-Mart Sues Brain-Damaged Woman for Half a Million Dollars
by JDalton
Tue Nov 20, 2007 at 01:37:22 PM PST
This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/11/20/162419/85
Zebra that was a real tearjerker wasn’t it. Do you know why Wal-Mart was able to collect the money in the first place? Have you ever heard of Ambulance Chasers who are nothing but blood sucking lawyers? Why? The Supreme Court decided that when a bunch of lawyers took Wal-Mart case to court. Now when you get old like Roger Rabbit you have to totally bankrupt before SSI steps in to help. The woman was not completely thrown under the bus, and therefore the government came to rescue. Every time government gets involved in a problem, you will see this type of results. Look when the government started running how hospitals were ran the cost increase to where only the illegals get free medical care. Yep just support socialism and you will receive medical care like those get in Cuba and housing like Bangladesh. You would do better to reference the Wall Street Journal rather than the dailykros the less than truthful source of information
zebra washington says: “This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:”
The reason is a clause in Wal-Mart’s health plan that Mrs. Shank didn’t notice when she started stocking shelves at a nearby store eight years ago. Like most company health plans, Wal-Mart’s reserves the right to recoup the medical expenses it paid for someone’s treatment if the person also collects damages in an injury suit.
Until recently, many employers didn’t vigilantly enforce the provision, and some states and federal courts didn’t think the claim held water. But as the cost of covering workers continues to escalate, employers and health plans are getting more aggressive about going after the money. A Supreme Court ruling last year also has given them a clearer legal map to suing employees and winning.
Wal-Mart Sues Brain-Damaged Woman for Half a Million Dollars
by JDalton
Tue Nov 20, 2007 at 01:37:22 PM PST
This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:
From the Ol’ Piper, a genuine wish for each of you – even you Rabbit! – that this is a Thanksgiving to be remembered.
That we have the freedome to bite off each others’ heads is something not to be taken lightly or for granted.
The Piper
correctnot rightspews:
Guaranteed – that turkey found nothing in those chicken-hawk pants. Not even enough for Montana-fried donut holes.
Have a great thanksgiving all you trolls – just remember that since GWB has been in office:
We went from a budget surplus to a deficit.
Gas prices have more than doubled.
The dollar is at a historic low – less than the loony (canadian dollar).
Bin Laden is still living happily after GWB didn’t finish the job.
We pay more for health care than any other country and are worse off (health-wise) than 2/3 of other countries.
The bush administration has had more people resign, admit or be convicted of corruption than any previous administration.
The war in Iraq has gone on longer than WWII and this year set a record for military deaths.
The surge can’t be maintained by our weakened military and there has been no political progress in Iraq.
oh yeah, GWB is the most unpopular president ever – lower than Nixon.
so – I hope you few reamining bush supporters (the die-hard 25%) are ready for republicans to be swept out of office in 08. Americans are tired of dividers, bush enablers, corruption and an endless war that was started for no good (real) reason.
The death toll is still rising in Bangladesh by a storm cause by whom according to the Democrats. The US Military death toll is only a few personnel more than a storm. Today Roger Rabbit still thinks one Bangladesh person is worth less than one American. It took one storm but we have been in Iraq and others nations fighting a war for six years on terrorism and the Liberal Democrats believe in supporting protesters blocking unloading ships in Tacoma. The say they support the US Military but actually support Osama bin Laden and their war effort. Folks who still come to other nations aid during a crisis, but by the liberal left today they are perceived as villains when they come home. May this Thanksgiving we all thank our Solders, Sailors, and Airmen for our Freedoms and supporting those who cannot defend themselves. For all those who support the terrorist enjoy your silk prayer rugs.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dhaka – Relief workers and the Bangladesh military on Tuesday reached the last remaining pockets of the country devastated by a cyclone that killed nearly 3 500 people along the Bay of Bengal.
It has taken some five days to gain access to the hardest hit areas in an operation involving helicopters, planes and boats, as well as thousands of ground troops and aid workers.
Two US C-130 transport aircraft and two American naval vessels were poised to join the effort. http://tinyurl.com/2abnj4
zebra washingtonspews:
@12 — So, the reason a multi-billion dollar a year business was forced to screw the woman over was because the woman’s lawyers forced them to?
Did you ever see the South Park episode where Cartman gets the courts to enforce a contract that Kyle jokingly signed to “suck Cartman’s balls” if he could prove Leprechaun’s were real?
You and WalMart™ remind me of Cartman. Like Kyle, I’m not gonna suck your balls, even if you have a signed contract. The Supreme Court is just another Kangaroo court, now.
correctnot rightspews:
Hey Klake – guess you can’t distinguish between a natural disaster and an unjustified war – say, have you found those wmd’s yet?
by the way – calling people who disagree with an unjust war by a unpopular president (75% disagree with the job he is doing) unpatriotic is in itself un-american. Our country was founded on the belief that no person or King can decide for us, that dissent and a free press are inalienable rights and that we are free to practice any religion (so much for you slander of all muslims).
No a real american would not say the filth that you are spouting – but it is informative to realize the juvenile and simplistic thinking of the stubborn 25% that still believe in wmd’s and support bush.
Oh, and thank bush for letting bin Laden escape, not finishing the job, ruining our military in Iraq (and leaving us unprepared to defend ourselves) and then telling us bin laden isn’t important anyway.
Not to mention ruining our economy and bancrupting our country. Yeah – you have a lot to give thanks for…
zebra washingtonspews:
@12 — The spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law. This is a clear case of defending property rights over human rights.
When you buy homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, get a half million dollars of liability insurance. It’s cheap, and you then have the insurance company’s lawyers to fight for you.
zebra washingtonspews:
I hope klake falls victim to the corporate abuses he defends with such Mongoloid fervor.
The bush administration has had more people resign, admit or be convicted of corruption than any previous administration.
What kinda crap? Sorry. The #’s don’t begin to compare to Clinton. Or Nixon for that matter.
Another stat pulled out of a liberal’s @ss.
As far as WWII: It technically stared when The Soviet Union and Germany invaded Poland on 09/01/1939. Russia did not pull out of Poland until their collapse. Thank God for Ronald Reagan who made THAT happen!
Technically, WWII ran from 09/01/1939 to 09/08/1951 when Japan FINALLY signed the Peace Treaty (effective 9 months later). The USA also spent billion$ paying for the countries we defeated (golly, much like Iraq).
As far as Bush letting Bin Laden escape: UBL is a helluva lot more pinned down in his movements now then before GWB was elected. And, most of UBL’s lieutenants are dead or in prison.
Y’know, I sure am THANKFUL we ALL live here and not there. You lefty’s would be castrated (physically), tortured, and then murdered. BTW, that’s THANKFUL to GOD, because that is what TODAY is all about: A veritable religious state holiday to pray to the one and only GOD there is: The Christian GOD of the BIBLE!
This year we decided to stay home. It was kind of nice going out to Thanksgiving these past 4 years but something was always a bit lacking even at nice places like McCormick and Schmick’s on Lake Union.
We’ve worked all day and it’s going to taste sweeter.
Last a night a hate-filled wingnut did one of his classic one-size-fits-all spews. I cannot wish that person a happy day but I don’t wish him ill. I can never do that to anyone except the very few – nobody who comes here fits that bill.
Enjoy the holiday. Be thankful.
The dollar is at a historic low – less than the loony (canadian dollar).
Be sure to add Canada to your e-bay auctions. Those folks will snap up your stuff like it’s going out of style. Declare the final amount on the customs form, the buyer will pay the tax and still come out way ahead.
Bill Clinton was rumored to have lead a scandal-plagued White House. (But),”…the only Clinton official indicted or convicted, after all of those multi-year, Republican-led investigations, was Asst. Attorney-General Webster Hubbell, who was convicted of embezzlement — a crime he committed before joining the Clinton Administration.
Something to keep in mind.”
“…at last count…
* nine Bush administration officials fall under the “indicted/convicted/pled guilty” category;
* 13 Bush administration officials fall under the ‘resigned due to investigation’ category;
* and three Bush administration nominees “failed due to scandal.”
Restoring honor and dignity? I don’t think so.”
“* Number of Reagan administration era convictions in the Iran-contra scandal: 14 (two overturned on appeal).
* Number of Reagan officials convicted for illegal lobbying: 2 (Michael Deaver; Lyn Nofziger, overturned on appeal).
* Number of Reagan officials convicted in Housing and Urban Development scandal: 16.
* Total number Reagan era convictions: 32”
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m thankful we only have to survive ONE more Thanksgiving with Chimpface! The Rethugs are lying to you about the economy. They claim inflation is “low” and only about 2.5%. What utter bullshit!!
I was shopping this morning and noticed a frozen entree that sells for $1.59 now weighs only 8 oz. Last week, it weighed 9 oz., and a year ago, it weighed 10 oz. The sneaky manufacturer made the portions smaller and hopes you won’t notice the 20% price increase in ONE YEAR.
The media tells you that housing prices have “fallen” 4% (national average) since last year. They want you to forget that housing prices doubled in the last 5 years. That represents inflation of more than 15% per year, compounded.
The media also tells you oil prices have “gone up” to almost $100 a barrel. In fact, oil prices haven’t gone up at all this year. The dollar we buy it with has gone down. Nobody else paid a 50% jump in oil prices this year, only Americans (and foreigners who spend dollars).
I don’t know what the true inflation rate is, but I know it’s in double digits.
Now let’s look at employment. The unemployment rate is rising even though the media reports X number of jobs being created. That’s because the economy has to create 156,000 jobs a month just to stay even, because of population growth. That target has hardly ever been met under Bush, only a few months out of his entire 7 years in office to date. The media tells us unemployment is “low” at 4.7%. I remember when 4.7% was considered “high” unemployment. What has changed is that our politicians have learned how to manipulate statistics and language to change perceptions.
The media tells us there’s a “risk” of recession but it’s “low.” If you get away from the American median, which shamelessly shills for the lying Busheviks, and read the foreign business press, where the journalists are more objective, they’ll tell you the recession is either inevitable or already here. What foreign journalists talk about is whether the rest of the global economy will hold up despite the “weak” American economy. They also talk about how America isn’t the economic power it used to be, and sometimes they come right out and say America is an economic has-been country. We now account for only 14% of world trade.
The biggest joke of all, of course, is how wingnuts whine about the “liberal” press — the same press that kowtows to the Republican propaganda machine like they were the White House press release office. The same press that licks Bush’s boots and reproduces every lie he spews. And nowhere is this more pronounced than in the American media’s regurgiation of the White House press office’s bullshit about the American economy.
And the American public that swallows all this bullshit, and sometimes believes it, can’t figure out how they can be so poor when, according to the press releases, they’re doing so well.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
The bush administration has had more people resign, admit or be convicted of corruption than any previous administration.
Nope not even close to Bubba…here are some highlights:
1. Clinton scandals:
Admited Perjury
White Water
Travel Gate
China Gate
Rose Law firm billing record
Trooper Gate
Monica Lewinski
Vince Foster
Juanita Brodrick-RAPE
Paula Jones
Lincoln Bedroom Gate
FBI file gate
Pardons for donations
Vandal Gate-Trashing of White house when leaving
And this is one guy and I can name more.
Commentby RUFUS— 4/17/06@ 9:40 pm
More Clinton Scandals
Cattle gate- Remember Hillary’s $1,00 investment that turned into a fortune.
PBS Gate- selling donor lists to PBS for direct solicitation- This is against the law
IRS gate- Auditing Oliver North come on.
Budist temple gate- Mainly Al Gore, but directed by Clinton
“…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress said that they didn’t remember, didn’t know, or something similar.
Bill Kennedy 116
Harold Ickes 148
Ricki Seidman 160
Bruce Lindsey 161
Bill Burton 191
Mark Gearan 221
Mack McLarty 233
Neil Egglseston 250
Hillary Clinton 250
John Podesta 264
Jennifer O’Connor 343
Dwight Holton 348
Patsy Thomasson 420
Jeff Eller 697
– Guilty pleas and convictions obtained by Donald Smaltz in cases involving charges of bribery and fraud against former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy and associated individuals and businesses: 15
– Acquitted or overturned cases (including Espy): 6
– Fines and penalties assessed: $11.5 million
– Amount Tyson Food paid in fines and court costs: $6 million
Drug trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice.
– Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
– Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
– Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
– Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122
Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14
– Number of Clinton Cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5
– Number of Reagan cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 4
– Number of top officials jailed in the Teapot Dome Scandal: 3
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
– Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
– Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
– Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
– First president sued for sexual harassment.
– First president accused of rape.
– First first lady to come under criminal investigation
– Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
– First president to establish a legal defense fund.
– First president to be held in contempt of court
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
– First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
Bank and mail fraud, violations of campaign finance laws, illegal foreign campaign funding, improper exports of sensitive technology, physical violence and threats of violence, solicitation of perjury, intimidation of witnesses, bribery of witnesses, attempted intimidation of prosecutors, perjury before congressional committees, lying in statements to federal investigators and regulatory officials, flight of witnesses, obstruction of justice, bribery of cabinet members, real estate fraud, tax fraud, drug trafficking, failure to investigate drug trafficking, bribery of state officials, use of state police for personal purposes, exchange of promotions or benefits for sexual favors, using state police to provide false court testimony, laundering of drug money through a state agency, false reports by medical examiners and others investigating suspicious deaths, the firing of the RTC and FBI director when these agencies were investigating Clinton and his associates, failure to conduct autopsies in suspicious deaths, providing jobs in return for silence by witnesses, drug abuse, improper acquisition and use of 900 FBI files, improper futures trading, murder, sexual abuse of employees, false testimony before a federal judge, shredding of documents, withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents, fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House employees, inviting drug traffickers, foreign agents and participants in organized crime to the White House.
correctnot rightspews:
Don’t make me list all the criminals and resigners in disgrace – it isn’t even close to clinton or Nixon.
Just looking at the top people who have resigned or been convicted:
Scooter Libby (convicted, OVP), David Safavian (GSA (convicted), Brian Doyle (convicted, Homeland security), dusty Foggo (Executive director CIA, indicted), Claude allen (convicted), Rumsfeld, Powell, Rove, the entire Justice dept and Alberto Gonzalez, Sara Taylor, Lester Crawford (convicted, FDA), Alphonso Jackson (indicted, HUD), Lorita Soames and on and on –
not even counting the other republicans in the Abramoff scandal and many others resigning under a cloud.
(see Ted Stevens, Don Young, Tom Delay, Rick Renzi, bob Ney, Larry Craig, Duke cunningham, James tobin and on and on…)
No – republicans have proven themselves to be the party of corruption and we are just beginning to uncover all of their crimes (gonzalez was stopping all the prosecutions).
No – this is not a liberal dream – this is a republican reality. The most crooked unamerican group ever – republicans in the last 7 years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 And the funny thing about it is all these Republican convictions are stacking up even with the GOP in firm control of the prosecutorial machinery and the judges. These are their own prosecutors and judges who are sending them up the river! Republicans are so corrupt even their own appointees can’t stomach their corruption.
correctnot rightspews:
whitewater: number of convictions = 0
money spent and amount of republican whining, priceless
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Nice list of debunked allegations.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, you can’t expect a stupid dog to understand that what the Republicans actually accomplished by spending hundreds of millions of dollars of your taxpayer money on investigating the Clintons is that the Clintons were
exonerated in Whitewater
exonerated in the Rose Law Firm billing records case
exonaterated in the SEC probe of Hillary’s futures trading
Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Larry Patterson, and Roger Perry were paid to lie about Clinton
and so on.
Republicans accused Clinton of everything from murdering his own commerce secretary to smuggling drugs from Central America via an airport in Arkansas. The only thing he was actually guilty of was having oral sex with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, which is plenty seedy enough, but the rest of it is all fabrications that demonstrate how vicious the rightwing is, and proves the radical right will stop at nothing to impose its selfish and dishonest agenda on the American people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And they never tire of reproducing the same tired old lies, as if they believe repeating a lie 1,000,000 times will make it come true. (Not!)
And this is one guy and I can name more.
Commentby RUFUS— 4/17/06@ 9:40 pm
DOOFUS the cur has come out of the closet and he’s brought his own pile of cat shit to feast on.
Happy Thanksgiving cur!
Roger Rabbitspews:
America is awash in a sea of slander fomented by the radical right. They’ve poisoned our entire culture with their hatemongering.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And then they complain when we’re not polite to them … I say kick them in the nuts every chance you get. They’ve got it coming.
And they never tire of reproducing the same tired old lies
That’s DOOFUS for you RR. Same old lies, different day.
zebra washingtonspews:
Yer full of shit. You’ve been rebutted on every point numerous times.
Eat shit and die.
zebra washingtonspews:
re 38, re 27 ; You should eat shit and die.
correctnot right says; now there is a funny little person who is afraid of his own shadow and was name by a drug out old hippie. Peace and love generation off spring that is hateful of anyone who is successful in life. Bad news COWARD we are winning in Iraq and in places you have never been, Life is great but not too little fools like you. Maybe you might start your morning off by helping some little old lady across the street in down town Seattle. You might feel good about yourself and appreciate other who is willing to risk their life to save others they don’t even know. Maybe you and Roger should play chess together and come up with some ideas on how to help others. Now his drives to sell bumper stickers to Free Tibet really work, right? Lots of Luck funny little people. Roger how is that silk prayer working with Goldy conducting prayers five times a day? Osama bin Laden thanks you all for your support on the war on terror.
Military analysts said a number of factors explained the drop. They say, for example, that Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a predominantly Iraqi insurgent group with foreign leadership, has been greatly weakened by American military attacks.
Thousands of new Sunni volunteers have made common cause with the Americans. About 72,000 such civilians have joined the effort, American officials said, and 45,000 each receive a $300 a month stipend from the Americans to help with the effort.
Moktada al-Sadr, the anti-American cleric, has ordered his militiamen to stand down. American military officials also say that Iran appears to be abiding by a commitment to reduce the flow of roadside bombs and other weapons into Iraq. Beyond that, many Iraqis appear to be exhausted by the sectarian violence and eager for a modicum of stability. http://tinyurl.com/3aon72
correctnot right says:
Guaranteed – that turkey found nothing in those chicken-hawk pants. Not even enough for Montana-fried donut holes.
Have a great thanksgiving all you trolls – just remember that since GWB has been in office:.
The war in Iraq has gone on longer than WWII and this year set a record for military deaths.
The surge can’t be maintained by our weakened military and there has been no political progress in Iraq.
oh yeah, GWB is the most unpopular president ever – lower than Nixon.
zebra washingtonspews:
re 40: They fell to Feb. 2006 levels. Wasn’t that BEFORE the ‘Surge’?
So, as the ‘Surge’ weakens, violence decreases. Maybe violence begets violence.
zebra washington says:
re 40: They fell to Feb. 2006 levels. Wasn’t that BEFORE the ‘Surge’?
So, as the ‘Surge’ weakens, violence decreases. Maybe violence begets violence. Not if you are the one dead and no one left to defend your point of view. If you agree with that statement you are supporting the enemy that might be a good one in your play book. They know that visiting 72 virgins in heaven is looking quite bleak when all that’s left lives in Berkley. Your fiends are in r eal big trouble in Iraq but are living high on the hog in Seattle.
The Purpose:
“This is a collective blog where folks can examine, comment and contribute to an archive of emailed right-wing’ed forwards that are quietly passed from in-box to in-box.
The goal is to shine some daylight on forwards and contemplate what influence, if any, they communicate to the reader.
To the many sons and daughters of right-wing zealots, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!”
“33 Senators Voted Against English as America ‘s Official Language June 6, 2007
On Wed, 6 Jun 2007 23:35:23 -0500, “Colonel Harry Riley USA ret” wrote:
Your vote against an amendment to the Immigration Bill 1348, to make English America’s offical language is astounding. On D-Day no less when we honor those that sacrificed in order to secure the bedrock character and principles of America . I can only surmise your vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens.”
zebra washingtonspews:
re 42: Still, the fact remains that I cited real events to support my views, and you just blathered like a prattling 9 year old.
zebra washingtonspews:
re 42: Do you have a little cowlick?
Hey YLB – The Clueless One (TM)
Funny I didn’t see anyone leave a one-size fits all hate filled spew. I saw many whom think right question premises of those on the left. I saw lefties who can’t accept people who question their hypotheses. I saw lefties who hate it when people post facts.
Why is that YLB – The Clueless One (TM)?
OH BTW Happy Thanksgiving.
46 – I saw a hate-filled wingnut imply that just because one or a few say something stupid that means all are like that or believe similarly.
Hmmmm. I seem to remember a similar a treatment of people of a certain skin color by the ignorant.
I hope you had a good holiday as well.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
exonerated in Whitewater
exonerated in the Rose Law Firm billing records case
exonaterated in the SEC probe of Hillary’s futures trading
Yep, nothing exonerates better than finding doctored law firm records in your closet. hehehehehehehhehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Her responsibility to reimburse Wal-Mart would not exceed the amount actually awarded to her for the medical bills paid by Wal-Mart’s health plan. For example, if the jury awarded her $250,000 for medical expenses, $500,000 for future medical bills, and $500,000 for pain and suffering, the most Wal-Mart could get would be the $250,000 and only if their health plan had paid those bills.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What seems fair and logical to me is that if employers start going after a portion of employees’ injury settlements to reimburse themselves for health plan payouts, they should pay a proportionate share of the lawyer’s contingency fee. In the example above, if the lawyer’s fee was 33%, then Wal-Mart should get $167,500, not $250,000. There’s no reason why the employee should pay Wal-Mart’s legal expenses of recovering its share of the medical payments.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Give it up. There’s no “there” there.
YLB – The Clueless One (TM) How is stating the truth saying something stupid unless those on your side of the aisle can’t stand the truth?
I saw everything posted yesterday was direct quotes from those on your side.
Bill Clintonspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
@48 Give it up. There’s no “there” there.
Yeah but have you donks figured out what the meaning of “is” is. hehehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
A little-noticed news item is that Australia is holding an election on Saturday, and polls strongly indicate the rightwing Aussie prime minister, John Howard, who has obediently marched in lockstep with Bush on Iraq, is not only going to lose to the Labor Party candidate but also will lose the parliament seat he’s held since 1974.
Australians are tired of Howard’s dishonesty, but they’re also tired of their country’s participation in the Iraq debacle, and more than anything, they’re mad about Howard’s employer-friendly labor policy.
The Labor Party candidate, in addition to promising a phased pullout of Australia’s 1,400 troops in Iraq, is promising voters to dump Howard’s labor policy, ratify the Kyoto treaty, and improve education. But the core of Howard’s vulnerability is that Australian voters just plain don’t like their rightwing prime minister.
We started out with “Let The Eagle Soar”, and it’s come down to this…
Bill Clintonspews:
How did the last French election go for ya. hehehehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Democratic nomination is a 2-person race, and lately, the more I’ve read about Obama, the more I’m impressed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still undecided, but I can’t help but enjoy reading things like this:
“The new message driving Barack Obama’s resurgent campaign these days is … calling for a ‘party that doesn’t just focus on how to win but why we should’ … not just getting elected but getting elected for the right reasons. It is a rebuttal of the argument that Hillary Clinton should win the Democratic nomination simply because of her perceived advantage against G.O.P. rivals.”
I have reservations about Obama, of course. But I temper my disagreement with him on some issues (for example, his health care plan represents less than comprehensive reform) with the knowledge that campaign promises mean little. Bush, for example, campaigned as a “compassionate conservative” but his government is neither.
It isn’t just Clinton’s high negatives, or the dynasty thing, or the likeability factor that gives me pause about her. She’s locked into her generation’s cultural warfare, and she’s afraid of Republicans. The real question here is whether we should jump over all of this, and pick a candidate who isn’t rooted in the ’60s and seems to have a capability the older candidate seems to lack to “move on,” you might say — to move the country beyond the political battles of the Clinton-Bush era and deal with today’s issues. That’s basically the argument for picking Obama over Clinton, as it is shaping up today.
The early indications are this is resonating with voters. The latest polls show Obama is now ahead in Iowa. It remains to be seen whether he will actually win there, and whether he will go on to win critical contests in other early states, but if he does the Hillary Train could come to a screeching halt.
As for who I will support in my local caucus, I’m still pondering that. In 2004, I went to the caucus as an Edwards supporter and left as a Kerry delegate. I like Edwards, and his populism resonates with me, but the polls indicate he’s not in contention for the nomination let alone a strong November candidate. He’s not wordly enough, doesn’t fight hard enough, isn’t tough enough, to go all the way. If his campaign catches fire in the next few weeks … well, we’ll see. In the meantime, while I’m not sold on Obama, I have little enthusiasm for Clinton.
But let’s not lose sight of this: There’s NO CHANCE IN HELL that I will vote for ANY Republican candidate for ANY office in 2008. The one possible exception is that if a Republican runs for dogcatcher in Federal Way and promises to exterminate that fucking Balogh mutt forthwith, I’ll be mighty tempted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 Let’s talk about Australia some more on Sunday. (snicker)
I’m late to this party, but I can’t believe someone hasn’t sai this yet:
Gobble, gobble!
if a Republican runs for dogcatcher in Federal Way and promises to exterminate that fucking Balogh mutt forthwith, I’ll be mighty tempted.
Hear, hear! It would be an act of compassion and mercy. Coprophagia is a severe affliction resulting in the slow rotting of the brain.
You could stop a truck with the breath of that mutt.
“Gobble, gobble?” That was so yesterday! As of 12:01 a.m., the password is now, “Ho, ho, ho!!!”
The Piper
@35 Rodent:
Oh please! Same goes for whiney liberals. Your audacity is entertaining I must say. Have fun today giving thanks for your gov’t cheese, food stamps, and med. coupons. I’m sure the settlers would frown upon that.
I agree with your analysis of the democratic candidates. I don’t have a favorite still – but I am shying away from Hillary because I don’t really trust her. I also have a problem with Bush clinton bush clinton – it makes it easier for the schoolkids to memorize but it kind of defeats the idea of no kings – we can all get elected president.
Of course, I will vote for any democrat over the corrupt and inept republicans.
Obama has taken a harder edge and I like it- he is not afraid to critisize policies he disagrees with. I also like Edwards but I can’t help recalling how he didn’t massacre Cheney in the VP debate like he should have – he was way too poilite trying not to lose. Of course he had much better ideas, but he didn’t bust Cheney on the Al quaida in Iraq lies (Zaquari in bed with Saddam was such crap and Cheney knew it and lied anyways) and other complete lies.
Happy Thanksgiving to you also, Goldy.
Happy Thanksgiving to friend and troll alike.
Happy Thanksgiving to all leftists looking for their “special” genes! For those who found them Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
And to you all!
But I do have one concern. /2007/11/horsesassorg-about-ha.html
Goldy calims he is in Philly, bt another version of the Turkey Picture, suggests …..
Happy thanksgiving moonbats. I see Monica the turkey was spared. hehehehe
Wal-Mart Sues Brain-Damaged Woman for Half a Million Dollars
by JDalton
Tue Nov 20, 2007 at 01:37:22 PM PST
“This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:”
Fall, the harvest season of nuts.
I am also thankful that all you enviro-moonbats are conscience of your global footprint. You keeps yours small to compensate for my Shaq-Daddy size carbon footprint. I am all for the fight on global warming as long as it is on a volunteer basis. The soldiers in Iraq are all volunteer. We also did not raise taxes for the Iraq war so we shouldn’t raise them for the war on global warming. You libs can do all the fighting while we repubs sit back a laugh while patting each other on the back on how patriotic we are.
Peace and Happy Holidays to all you Libs…. roof roof.
I recognize two of the turkeys in the picture; who are the other two turkeys?
@8 I think we should start a new holiday tradition of eating dogs instead of turkeys.
@5 — We’re POONBATS! as opposed to Republicans.
Zebra that was a real tearjerker wasn’t it. Do you know why Wal-Mart was able to collect the money in the first place? Have you ever heard of Ambulance Chasers who are nothing but blood sucking lawyers? Why? The Supreme Court decided that when a bunch of lawyers took Wal-Mart case to court. Now when you get old like Roger Rabbit you have to totally bankrupt before SSI steps in to help. The woman was not completely thrown under the bus, and therefore the government came to rescue. Every time government gets involved in a problem, you will see this type of results. Look when the government started running how hospitals were ran the cost increase to where only the illegals get free medical care. Yep just support socialism and you will receive medical care like those get in Cuba and housing like Bangladesh. You would do better to reference the Wall Street Journal rather than the dailykros the less than truthful source of information.
zebra washington says:
“This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:”
The reason is a clause in Wal-Mart’s health plan that Mrs. Shank didn’t notice when she started stocking shelves at a nearby store eight years ago. Like most company health plans, Wal-Mart’s reserves the right to recoup the medical expenses it paid for someone’s treatment if the person also collects damages in an injury suit.
Until recently, many employers didn’t vigilantly enforce the provision, and some states and federal courts didn’t think the claim held water. But as the cost of covering workers continues to escalate, employers and health plans are getting more aggressive about going after the money. A Supreme Court ruling last year also has given them a clearer legal map to suing employees and winning.
Wal-Mart Sues Brain-Damaged Woman for Half a Million Dollars
by JDalton
Tue Nov 20, 2007 at 01:37:22 PM PST
This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:
Zebra that was a real tearjerker wasn’t it. Do you know why Wal-Mart was able to collect the money in the first place? Have you ever heard of Ambulance Chasers who are nothing but blood sucking lawyers? Why? The Supreme Court decided that when a bunch of lawyers took Wal-Mart case to court. Now when you get old like Roger Rabbit you have to totally bankrupt before SSI steps in to help. The woman was not completely thrown under the bus, and therefore the government came to rescue. Every time government gets involved in a problem, you will see this type of results. Look when the government started running how hospitals were ran the cost increase to where only the illegals get free medical care. Yep just support socialism and you will receive medical care like those get in Cuba and housing like Bangladesh. You would do better to reference the Wall Street Journal rather than the dailykros the less than truthful source of information
zebra washington says:
“This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:”
The reason is a clause in Wal-Mart’s health plan that Mrs. Shank didn’t notice when she started stocking shelves at a nearby store eight years ago. Like most company health plans, Wal-Mart’s reserves the right to recoup the medical expenses it paid for someone’s treatment if the person also collects damages in an injury suit.
Until recently, many employers didn’t vigilantly enforce the provision, and some states and federal courts didn’t think the claim held water. But as the cost of covering workers continues to escalate, employers and health plans are getting more aggressive about going after the money. A Supreme Court ruling last year also has given them a clearer legal map to suing employees and winning.
Wal-Mart Sues Brain-Damaged Woman for Half a Million Dollars
by JDalton
Tue Nov 20, 2007 at 01:37:22 PM PST
This is a horrible story from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal. A woman who was working at Wal-Mart was hit by a truck and severely brain damaged. Now Wal-Mart has sued her for half a million dollars. Why? Here’s the full story:
From the Ol’ Piper, a genuine wish for each of you – even you Rabbit! – that this is a Thanksgiving to be remembered.
That we have the freedome to bite off each others’ heads is something not to be taken lightly or for granted.
The Piper
Guaranteed – that turkey found nothing in those chicken-hawk pants. Not even enough for Montana-fried donut holes.
Have a great thanksgiving all you trolls – just remember that since GWB has been in office:
We went from a budget surplus to a deficit.
Gas prices have more than doubled.
The dollar is at a historic low – less than the loony (canadian dollar).
Bin Laden is still living happily after GWB didn’t finish the job.
We pay more for health care than any other country and are worse off (health-wise) than 2/3 of other countries.
The bush administration has had more people resign, admit or be convicted of corruption than any previous administration.
The war in Iraq has gone on longer than WWII and this year set a record for military deaths.
The surge can’t be maintained by our weakened military and there has been no political progress in Iraq.
oh yeah, GWB is the most unpopular president ever – lower than Nixon.
so – I hope you few reamining bush supporters (the die-hard 25%) are ready for republicans to be swept out of office in 08. Americans are tired of dividers, bush enablers, corruption and an endless war that was started for no good (real) reason.
The death toll is still rising in Bangladesh by a storm cause by whom according to the Democrats. The US Military death toll is only a few personnel more than a storm. Today Roger Rabbit still thinks one Bangladesh person is worth less than one American. It took one storm but we have been in Iraq and others nations fighting a war for six years on terrorism and the Liberal Democrats believe in supporting protesters blocking unloading ships in Tacoma. The say they support the US Military but actually support Osama bin Laden and their war effort. Folks who still come to other nations aid during a crisis, but by the liberal left today they are perceived as villains when they come home. May this Thanksgiving we all thank our Solders, Sailors, and Airmen for our Freedoms and supporting those who cannot defend themselves. For all those who support the terrorist enjoy your silk prayer rugs.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dhaka – Relief workers and the Bangladesh military on Tuesday reached the last remaining pockets of the country devastated by a cyclone that killed nearly 3 500 people along the Bay of Bengal.
It has taken some five days to gain access to the hardest hit areas in an operation involving helicopters, planes and boats, as well as thousands of ground troops and aid workers.
Two US C-130 transport aircraft and two American naval vessels were poised to join the effort.
@12 — So, the reason a multi-billion dollar a year business was forced to screw the woman over was because the woman’s lawyers forced them to?
Did you ever see the South Park episode where Cartman gets the courts to enforce a contract that Kyle jokingly signed to “suck Cartman’s balls” if he could prove Leprechaun’s were real?
You and WalMart™ remind me of Cartman. Like Kyle, I’m not gonna suck your balls, even if you have a signed contract. The Supreme Court is just another Kangaroo court, now.
Hey Klake – guess you can’t distinguish between a natural disaster and an unjustified war – say, have you found those wmd’s yet?
by the way – calling people who disagree with an unjust war by a unpopular president (75% disagree with the job he is doing) unpatriotic is in itself un-american. Our country was founded on the belief that no person or King can decide for us, that dissent and a free press are inalienable rights and that we are free to practice any religion (so much for you slander of all muslims).
No a real american would not say the filth that you are spouting – but it is informative to realize the juvenile and simplistic thinking of the stubborn 25% that still believe in wmd’s and support bush.
Oh, and thank bush for letting bin Laden escape, not finishing the job, ruining our military in Iraq (and leaving us unprepared to defend ourselves) and then telling us bin laden isn’t important anyway.
Not to mention ruining our economy and bancrupting our country. Yeah – you have a lot to give thanks for…
@12 — The spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law. This is a clear case of defending property rights over human rights.
When you buy homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, get a half million dollars of liability insurance. It’s cheap, and you then have the insurance company’s lawyers to fight for you.
I hope klake falls victim to the corporate abuses he defends with such Mongoloid fervor.
The bush administration has had more people resign, admit or be convicted of corruption than any previous administration.
What kinda crap? Sorry. The #’s don’t begin to compare to Clinton. Or Nixon for that matter.
Another stat pulled out of a liberal’s @ss.
As far as WWII: It technically stared when The Soviet Union and Germany invaded Poland on 09/01/1939. Russia did not pull out of Poland until their collapse. Thank God for Ronald Reagan who made THAT happen!
Technically, WWII ran from 09/01/1939 to 09/08/1951 when Japan FINALLY signed the Peace Treaty (effective 9 months later). The USA also spent billion$ paying for the countries we defeated (golly, much like Iraq).
As far as Bush letting Bin Laden escape: UBL is a helluva lot more pinned down in his movements now then before GWB was elected. And, most of UBL’s lieutenants are dead or in prison.
Y’know, I sure am THANKFUL we ALL live here and not there. You lefty’s would be castrated (physically), tortured, and then murdered. BTW, that’s THANKFUL to GOD, because that is what TODAY is all about: A veritable religious state holiday to pray to the one and only GOD there is: The Christian GOD of the BIBLE!
This year we decided to stay home. It was kind of nice going out to Thanksgiving these past 4 years but something was always a bit lacking even at nice places like McCormick and Schmick’s on Lake Union.
We’ve worked all day and it’s going to taste sweeter.
Last a night a hate-filled wingnut did one of his classic one-size-fits-all spews. I cannot wish that person a happy day but I don’t wish him ill. I can never do that to anyone except the very few – nobody who comes here fits that bill.
Enjoy the holiday. Be thankful.
The dollar is at a historic low – less than the loony (canadian dollar).
Be sure to add Canada to your e-bay auctions. Those folks will snap up your stuff like it’s going out of style. Declare the final amount on the customs form, the buyer will pay the tax and still come out way ahead.
Bill Clinton was rumored to have lead a scandal-plagued White House. (But),”…the only Clinton official indicted or convicted, after all of those multi-year, Republican-led investigations, was Asst. Attorney-General Webster Hubbell, who was convicted of embezzlement — a crime he committed before joining the Clinton Administration.
Something to keep in mind.”
“…at last count…
* nine Bush administration officials fall under the “indicted/convicted/pled guilty” category;
* 13 Bush administration officials fall under the ‘resigned due to investigation’ category;
* and three Bush administration nominees “failed due to scandal.”
Restoring honor and dignity? I don’t think so.”
“* Number of Reagan administration era convictions in the Iran-contra scandal: 14 (two overturned on appeal).
* Number of Reagan officials convicted for illegal lobbying: 2 (Michael Deaver; Lyn Nofziger, overturned on appeal).
* Number of Reagan officials convicted in Housing and Urban Development scandal: 16.
* Total number Reagan era convictions: 32”
I’m thankful we only have to survive ONE more Thanksgiving with Chimpface! The Rethugs are lying to you about the economy. They claim inflation is “low” and only about 2.5%. What utter bullshit!!
I was shopping this morning and noticed a frozen entree that sells for $1.59 now weighs only 8 oz. Last week, it weighed 9 oz., and a year ago, it weighed 10 oz. The sneaky manufacturer made the portions smaller and hopes you won’t notice the 20% price increase in ONE YEAR.
The media tells you that housing prices have “fallen” 4% (national average) since last year. They want you to forget that housing prices doubled in the last 5 years. That represents inflation of more than 15% per year, compounded.
The media also tells you oil prices have “gone up” to almost $100 a barrel. In fact, oil prices haven’t gone up at all this year. The dollar we buy it with has gone down. Nobody else paid a 50% jump in oil prices this year, only Americans (and foreigners who spend dollars).
I don’t know what the true inflation rate is, but I know it’s in double digits.
Now let’s look at employment. The unemployment rate is rising even though the media reports X number of jobs being created. That’s because the economy has to create 156,000 jobs a month just to stay even, because of population growth. That target has hardly ever been met under Bush, only a few months out of his entire 7 years in office to date. The media tells us unemployment is “low” at 4.7%. I remember when 4.7% was considered “high” unemployment. What has changed is that our politicians have learned how to manipulate statistics and language to change perceptions.
The media tells us there’s a “risk” of recession but it’s “low.” If you get away from the American median, which shamelessly shills for the lying Busheviks, and read the foreign business press, where the journalists are more objective, they’ll tell you the recession is either inevitable or already here. What foreign journalists talk about is whether the rest of the global economy will hold up despite the “weak” American economy. They also talk about how America isn’t the economic power it used to be, and sometimes they come right out and say America is an economic has-been country. We now account for only 14% of world trade.
The biggest joke of all, of course, is how wingnuts whine about the “liberal” press — the same press that kowtows to the Republican propaganda machine like they were the White House press release office. The same press that licks Bush’s boots and reproduces every lie he spews. And nowhere is this more pronounced than in the American media’s regurgiation of the White House press office’s bullshit about the American economy.
And the American public that swallows all this bullshit, and sometimes believes it, can’t figure out how they can be so poor when, according to the press releases, they’re doing so well.
The bush administration has had more people resign, admit or be convicted of corruption than any previous administration.
Nope not even close to Bubba…here are some highlights:
1. Clinton scandals:
Admited Perjury
White Water
Travel Gate
China Gate
Rose Law firm billing record
Trooper Gate
Monica Lewinski
Vince Foster
Juanita Brodrick-RAPE
Paula Jones
Lincoln Bedroom Gate
FBI file gate
Pardons for donations
Vandal Gate-Trashing of White house when leaving
And this is one guy and I can name more.
Commentby RUFUS— 4/17/06@ 9:40 pm
More Clinton Scandals
Cattle gate- Remember Hillary’s $1,00 investment that turned into a fortune.
PBS Gate- selling donor lists to PBS for direct solicitation- This is against the law
IRS gate- Auditing Oliver North come on.
Budist temple gate- Mainly Al Gore, but directed by Clinton
“…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress said that they didn’t remember, didn’t know, or something similar.
Bill Kennedy 116
Harold Ickes 148
Ricki Seidman 160
Bruce Lindsey 161
Bill Burton 191
Mark Gearan 221
Mack McLarty 233
Neil Egglseston 250
Hillary Clinton 250
John Podesta 264
Jennifer O’Connor 343
Dwight Holton 348
Patsy Thomasson 420
Jeff Eller 697
– Guilty pleas and convictions obtained by Donald Smaltz in cases involving charges of bribery and fraud against former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy and associated individuals and businesses: 15
– Acquitted or overturned cases (including Espy): 6
– Fines and penalties assessed: $11.5 million
– Amount Tyson Food paid in fines and court costs: $6 million
Drug trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice.
– Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
– Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
– Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
– Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122
Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14
– Number of Clinton Cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5
– Number of Reagan cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 4
– Number of top officials jailed in the Teapot Dome Scandal: 3
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
– Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
– Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
– Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
– First president sued for sexual harassment.
– First president accused of rape.
– First first lady to come under criminal investigation
– Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
– First president to establish a legal defense fund.
– First president to be held in contempt of court
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
– First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
Bank and mail fraud, violations of campaign finance laws, illegal foreign campaign funding, improper exports of sensitive technology, physical violence and threats of violence, solicitation of perjury, intimidation of witnesses, bribery of witnesses, attempted intimidation of prosecutors, perjury before congressional committees, lying in statements to federal investigators and regulatory officials, flight of witnesses, obstruction of justice, bribery of cabinet members, real estate fraud, tax fraud, drug trafficking, failure to investigate drug trafficking, bribery of state officials, use of state police for personal purposes, exchange of promotions or benefits for sexual favors, using state police to provide false court testimony, laundering of drug money through a state agency, false reports by medical examiners and others investigating suspicious deaths, the firing of the RTC and FBI director when these agencies were investigating Clinton and his associates, failure to conduct autopsies in suspicious deaths, providing jobs in return for silence by witnesses, drug abuse, improper acquisition and use of 900 FBI files, improper futures trading, murder, sexual abuse of employees, false testimony before a federal judge, shredding of documents, withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents, fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House employees, inviting drug traffickers, foreign agents and participants in organized crime to the White House.
Don’t make me list all the criminals and resigners in disgrace – it isn’t even close to clinton or Nixon.
Just looking at the top people who have resigned or been convicted:
Scooter Libby (convicted, OVP), David Safavian (GSA (convicted), Brian Doyle (convicted, Homeland security), dusty Foggo (Executive director CIA, indicted), Claude allen (convicted), Rumsfeld, Powell, Rove, the entire Justice dept and Alberto Gonzalez, Sara Taylor, Lester Crawford (convicted, FDA), Alphonso Jackson (indicted, HUD), Lorita Soames and on and on –
not even counting the other republicans in the Abramoff scandal and many others resigning under a cloud.
(see Ted Stevens, Don Young, Tom Delay, Rick Renzi, bob Ney, Larry Craig, Duke cunningham, James tobin and on and on…)
No – republicans have proven themselves to be the party of corruption and we are just beginning to uncover all of their crimes (gonzalez was stopping all the prosecutions).
No – this is not a liberal dream – this is a republican reality. The most crooked unamerican group ever – republicans in the last 7 years.
@24 And the funny thing about it is all these Republican convictions are stacking up even with the GOP in firm control of the prosecutorial machinery and the judges. These are their own prosecutors and judges who are sending them up the river! Republicans are so corrupt even their own appointees can’t stomach their corruption.
whitewater: number of convictions = 0
money spent and amount of republican whining, priceless
@26 Nice list of debunked allegations.
Of course, you can’t expect a stupid dog to understand that what the Republicans actually accomplished by spending hundreds of millions of dollars of your taxpayer money on investigating the Clintons is that the Clintons were
exonerated in Whitewater
exonerated in the Rose Law Firm billing records case
exonaterated in the SEC probe of Hillary’s futures trading
Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Larry Patterson, and Roger Perry were paid to lie about Clinton
and so on.
Republicans accused Clinton of everything from murdering his own commerce secretary to smuggling drugs from Central America via an airport in Arkansas. The only thing he was actually guilty of was having oral sex with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, which is plenty seedy enough, but the rest of it is all fabrications that demonstrate how vicious the rightwing is, and proves the radical right will stop at nothing to impose its selfish and dishonest agenda on the American people.
And they never tire of reproducing the same tired old lies, as if they believe repeating a lie 1,000,000 times will make it come true. (Not!)
And this is one guy and I can name more.
Commentby RUFUS— 4/17/06@ 9:40 pm
DOOFUS the cur has come out of the closet and he’s brought his own pile of cat shit to feast on.
Happy Thanksgiving cur!
America is awash in a sea of slander fomented by the radical right. They’ve poisoned our entire culture with their hatemongering.
And then they complain when we’re not polite to them … I say kick them in the nuts every chance you get. They’ve got it coming.
And they never tire of reproducing the same tired old lies
That’s DOOFUS for you RR. Same old lies, different day.
Yer full of shit. You’ve been rebutted on every point numerous times.
Eat shit and die.
re 38, re 27 ; You should eat shit and die.
correctnot right says; now there is a funny little person who is afraid of his own shadow and was name by a drug out old hippie. Peace and love generation off spring that is hateful of anyone who is successful in life. Bad news COWARD we are winning in Iraq and in places you have never been, Life is great but not too little fools like you. Maybe you might start your morning off by helping some little old lady across the street in down town Seattle. You might feel good about yourself and appreciate other who is willing to risk their life to save others they don’t even know. Maybe you and Roger should play chess together and come up with some ideas on how to help others. Now his drives to sell bumper stickers to Free Tibet really work, right? Lots of Luck funny little people. Roger how is that silk prayer working with Goldy conducting prayers five times a day? Osama bin Laden thanks you all for your support on the war on terror.
Military analysts said a number of factors explained the drop. They say, for example, that Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a predominantly Iraqi insurgent group with foreign leadership, has been greatly weakened by American military attacks.
Thousands of new Sunni volunteers have made common cause with the Americans. About 72,000 such civilians have joined the effort, American officials said, and 45,000 each receive a $300 a month stipend from the Americans to help with the effort.
Moktada al-Sadr, the anti-American cleric, has ordered his militiamen to stand down. American military officials also say that Iran appears to be abiding by a commitment to reduce the flow of roadside bombs and other weapons into Iraq. Beyond that, many Iraqis appear to be exhausted by the sectarian violence and eager for a modicum of stability.
correctnot right says:
Guaranteed – that turkey found nothing in those chicken-hawk pants. Not even enough for Montana-fried donut holes.
Have a great thanksgiving all you trolls – just remember that since GWB has been in office:.
The war in Iraq has gone on longer than WWII and this year set a record for military deaths.
The surge can’t be maintained by our weakened military and there has been no political progress in Iraq.
oh yeah, GWB is the most unpopular president ever – lower than Nixon.
re 40: They fell to Feb. 2006 levels. Wasn’t that BEFORE the ‘Surge’?
So, as the ‘Surge’ weakens, violence decreases. Maybe violence begets violence.
zebra washington says:
re 40: They fell to Feb. 2006 levels. Wasn’t that BEFORE the ‘Surge’?
So, as the ‘Surge’ weakens, violence decreases. Maybe violence begets violence.
Not if you are the one dead and no one left to defend your point of view. If you agree with that statement you are supporting the enemy that might be a good one in your play book. They know that visiting 72 virgins in heaven is looking quite bleak when all that’s left lives in Berkley. Your fiends are in r eal big trouble in Iraq but are living high on the hog in Seattle.
The Purpose:
“This is a collective blog where folks can examine, comment and contribute to an archive of emailed right-wing’ed forwards that are quietly passed from in-box to in-box.
The goal is to shine some daylight on forwards and contemplate what influence, if any, they communicate to the reader.
To the many sons and daughters of right-wing zealots, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!”
“33 Senators Voted Against English as America ‘s Official Language June 6, 2007
On Wed, 6 Jun 2007 23:35:23 -0500, “Colonel Harry Riley USA ret” wrote:
Your vote against an amendment to the Immigration Bill 1348, to make English America’s offical language is astounding. On D-Day no less when we honor those that sacrificed in order to secure the bedrock character and principles of America . I can only surmise your vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens.”
re 42: Still, the fact remains that I cited real events to support my views, and you just blathered like a prattling 9 year old.
re 42: Do you have a little cowlick?
Hey YLB – The Clueless One (TM)
Funny I didn’t see anyone leave a one-size fits all hate filled spew. I saw many whom think right question premises of those on the left. I saw lefties who can’t accept people who question their hypotheses. I saw lefties who hate it when people post facts.
Why is that YLB – The Clueless One (TM)?
OH BTW Happy Thanksgiving.
46 – I saw a hate-filled wingnut imply that just because one or a few say something stupid that means all are like that or believe similarly.
Hmmmm. I seem to remember a similar a treatment of people of a certain skin color by the ignorant.
I hope you had a good holiday as well.
exonerated in Whitewater
exonerated in the Rose Law Firm billing records case
exonaterated in the SEC probe of Hillary’s futures trading
Yep, nothing exonerates better than finding doctored law firm records in your closet. hehehehehehehhehehe
@12 Her responsibility to reimburse Wal-Mart would not exceed the amount actually awarded to her for the medical bills paid by Wal-Mart’s health plan. For example, if the jury awarded her $250,000 for medical expenses, $500,000 for future medical bills, and $500,000 for pain and suffering, the most Wal-Mart could get would be the $250,000 and only if their health plan had paid those bills.
What seems fair and logical to me is that if employers start going after a portion of employees’ injury settlements to reimburse themselves for health plan payouts, they should pay a proportionate share of the lawyer’s contingency fee. In the example above, if the lawyer’s fee was 33%, then Wal-Mart should get $167,500, not $250,000. There’s no reason why the employee should pay Wal-Mart’s legal expenses of recovering its share of the medical payments.
@48 Give it up. There’s no “there” there.
YLB – The Clueless One (TM) How is stating the truth saying something stupid unless those on your side of the aisle can’t stand the truth?
I saw everything posted yesterday was direct quotes from those on your side.
Roger Rabbit says:
@48 Give it up. There’s no “there” there.
Yeah but have you donks figured out what the meaning of “is” is. hehehehe
A little-noticed news item is that Australia is holding an election on Saturday, and polls strongly indicate the rightwing Aussie prime minister, John Howard, who has obediently marched in lockstep with Bush on Iraq, is not only going to lose to the Labor Party candidate but also will lose the parliament seat he’s held since 1974.
Australians are tired of Howard’s dishonesty, but they’re also tired of their country’s participation in the Iraq debacle, and more than anything, they’re mad about Howard’s employer-friendly labor policy.
The Labor Party candidate, in addition to promising a phased pullout of Australia’s 1,400 troops in Iraq, is promising voters to dump Howard’s labor policy, ratify the Kyoto treaty, and improve education. But the core of Howard’s vulnerability is that Australian voters just plain don’t like their rightwing prime minister.
We started out with “Let The Eagle Soar”, and it’s come down to this…
How did the last French election go for ya. hehehehehe
The Democratic nomination is a 2-person race, and lately, the more I’ve read about Obama, the more I’m impressed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still undecided, but I can’t help but enjoy reading things like this:
“The new message driving Barack Obama’s resurgent campaign these days is … calling for a ‘party that doesn’t just focus on how to win but why we should’ … not just getting elected but getting elected for the right reasons. It is a rebuttal of the argument that Hillary Clinton should win the Democratic nomination simply because of her perceived advantage against G.O.P. rivals.”
And in case you missed it, here’s a link to the Atlantic Monthly article making a strong case for an Obama presidency: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200712/obama
I have reservations about Obama, of course. But I temper my disagreement with him on some issues (for example, his health care plan represents less than comprehensive reform) with the knowledge that campaign promises mean little. Bush, for example, campaigned as a “compassionate conservative” but his government is neither.
It isn’t just Clinton’s high negatives, or the dynasty thing, or the likeability factor that gives me pause about her. She’s locked into her generation’s cultural warfare, and she’s afraid of Republicans. The real question here is whether we should jump over all of this, and pick a candidate who isn’t rooted in the ’60s and seems to have a capability the older candidate seems to lack to “move on,” you might say — to move the country beyond the political battles of the Clinton-Bush era and deal with today’s issues. That’s basically the argument for picking Obama over Clinton, as it is shaping up today.
The early indications are this is resonating with voters. The latest polls show Obama is now ahead in Iowa. It remains to be seen whether he will actually win there, and whether he will go on to win critical contests in other early states, but if he does the Hillary Train could come to a screeching halt.
As for who I will support in my local caucus, I’m still pondering that. In 2004, I went to the caucus as an Edwards supporter and left as a Kerry delegate. I like Edwards, and his populism resonates with me, but the polls indicate he’s not in contention for the nomination let alone a strong November candidate. He’s not wordly enough, doesn’t fight hard enough, isn’t tough enough, to go all the way. If his campaign catches fire in the next few weeks … well, we’ll see. In the meantime, while I’m not sold on Obama, I have little enthusiasm for Clinton.
But let’s not lose sight of this: There’s NO CHANCE IN HELL that I will vote for ANY Republican candidate for ANY office in 2008. The one possible exception is that if a Republican runs for dogcatcher in Federal Way and promises to exterminate that fucking Balogh mutt forthwith, I’ll be mighty tempted.
@56 Let’s talk about Australia some more on Sunday. (snicker)
I’m late to this party, but I can’t believe someone hasn’t sai this yet:
Gobble, gobble!
if a Republican runs for dogcatcher in Federal Way and promises to exterminate that fucking Balogh mutt forthwith, I’ll be mighty tempted.
Hear, hear! It would be an act of compassion and mercy. Coprophagia is a severe affliction resulting in the slow rotting of the brain.
You could stop a truck with the breath of that mutt.
“Gobble, gobble?” That was so yesterday! As of 12:01 a.m., the password is now, “Ho, ho, ho!!!”
The Piper
@35 Rodent:
Oh please! Same goes for whiney liberals. Your audacity is entertaining I must say. Have fun today giving thanks for your gov’t cheese, food stamps, and med. coupons. I’m sure the settlers would frown upon that.
I agree with your analysis of the democratic candidates. I don’t have a favorite still – but I am shying away from Hillary because I don’t really trust her. I also have a problem with Bush clinton bush clinton – it makes it easier for the schoolkids to memorize but it kind of defeats the idea of no kings – we can all get elected president.
Of course, I will vote for any democrat over the corrupt and inept republicans.
Obama has taken a harder edge and I like it- he is not afraid to critisize policies he disagrees with. I also like Edwards but I can’t help recalling how he didn’t massacre Cheney in the VP debate like he should have – he was way too poilite trying not to lose. Of course he had much better ideas, but he didn’t bust Cheney on the Al quaida in Iraq lies (Zaquari in bed with Saddam was such crap and Cheney knew it and lied anyways) and other complete lies.