I turn 45-years-old today, and yeah, I know some of you righties might find it ironic that this “tax and spend” Democrat was born on the dreaded date of April 15th. (Trust me, I don’t much enjoy cutting the IRS a check either, but well, we all have to do our patriotic duty to help assure a military victory in Iraq, right?) And so to celebrate my birthday on a day most Americans associate with money, I’ve decided to use this opportunity to kickoff my Second Annual HA Pledge Week.
Last year, 106 readers blew past my $3,500 target, contributing $4,043.91 over a week in January, an amazing and gratifying show of support. But this year, with a huge hole in my income left from the loss of my 710-KIRO show, and big plans to build out and expand HA, I’m setting a more ambitious fundraising goal: $6,000 from 150 loyal readers.
That amounts to only a $40 average donation from about 5-percent of my current daily readership, and while I hope those of you who can afford to give more, do, I know some of you can afford less, so any amount is appreciated.
Of course, I can’t afford to live on only $6,000 a year, but there’s a method to my madness, and that’s why I need your support now. Over the coming months I plan to appeal to “big donors” to fund me and my HA expansion plans, and I need you to show them that you have my back, that you value the contribution I make to the public debate, and that you desperately want to see progressive media grow and flourish in Washington state. If you, my readers, collectively cut that first big check, more money will follow. But first, I need you to help me meet or exceed our 150 donor/$6,000 target.
So if HA has become a regular part of your daily routine, and you want to see it continue, let alone continue to grow and expand, please help me build Washington’s progressive media infrastructure by contributing today. And thank you all for your steadfast support.
Even though I almost always disagree with you Goldy, have a happy birthday nonetheless.
Ha! I got you beat by 10 weeks! Oh wait…I guess that means I’m an old broad….
Happy Birthday, I’ll buy you a Manny’s if I come watch the PA results next week, ‘kay?
Cutting a check to the IRS? Not me!!! I get a favorable tax rate because I don’t work. I’m getting a refund of over $25!
Take that Stupes! I suppose showing up at a DL and barking orders is “generous” enough.
@3 Rodent:
Maybe you can use that refund for cab-fare to Drinking Liberally. Oh wait, let me guess; you’re a decrepid old shut-in and you can’t tote your blood pressure monitor and oxygen tank there, and also can’t attend for other “health reasons”. Good luck with that.
Are you a 401(c)(3)?
and happy birthday!
Gee, does your fund-raising drive have to come right after the NPR fundraising drive? I’m a little burned out by the “…with your generous support…” every fifteen minutes.
But now that I’ve complained a little, I’ll look around for whatever I’ve got left, and see if I can throw it in your direction sometime this week.
@5 Son, come back after you learn how to spell “decrepit”.
Why You Should Never Use A Store Credit Card
Because if there’s a problem with a purchase you’ll beat your head against a stone wall, that’s why.
Pay YOU?!
Any liberal fool who contributes to Goldstein’s shake-down, which is shamelessly imitative of shameful KUOW’s shake-down, needs to know up front that all donated dollars and dimes go directly to an excrow account for defraying costs of the impending HA Superfund clean-up.
“Are you a 401(c)(3)?”
He’s a 527(fuck)(u). Thanks, McCain/Feingold.
“I guess that means I’m an old broad….”
Heavy emphasis on old. Heavy emphasis on broad. As in wide.
As for the harmonic convergence of Goldy Day and Tax Day, President Reagan said that Republicans see every day as July 4. Democrats see every day as April 15.
Check out the Free Email offer, on Goldy’s main page, from Roger-Rabbit impersonator Ann Coulter. Both the rodent and the rodent impersonator are Hillary supporters, so join them at the next Drunk Liberally to kick back a few shots (with beer chasers) in remembrance of the former next president of the United States of Duck Hunting.
Four More Years for Jimmy, who never met a left-wing tyrant he didn’t like:
Did a quick skim of the recent book Blog Wars by what’s-his-name. A tasteful reference to a penurious blogger named Goldstein who promised to die in the last ditch for the second coming of John Edwards.
Send $ in lieu of flowers. Visa, Mastercard, & EBT accepted.
Whoa! Now we get the whole tasty enchilada!
Over to the right on Goldy’s main page is an offer you can’t refuse: ANN COULTER – FREE!
Cancel my subscription to the resurrection and sign me up for the RR impersonator – FREE!
Such a deal … with the money saved from getting Roger Ann free, I’ll have coins to spare for aging Goldstein.
Hateful name-morphing troll,
A few duckets thrown Goldy’s way is too small compensation for the service he’s provided the community.
Goldy has loyal readers. What have you got? Bitterness, hate and old grudges going back 40 years.
Sure must suck to be you!
Excrow = escrow. 15 minutes for typo patrol aren’t enough. Better give us a few hours or days.
Waiting patiently & spewing liberally while pining for my YLB, my prince, to … come. So to speak. Must be his afternoon for ECT.
Hey Goldy, if I throw some money at you, will that speed up the timeline for user registration and those other improvements?
It would be especially helpful if we could not-see commenters based on IP address. That way, I’d have to killfile the slobbering-wingnut-of-many-aliases only once.
Hot damn Ann! There it is! YLB, back from getting buzzed. Worked for Eagleton, will maybe work for you if you supplement the volts with intercessory prayer.
The hateful N in Seattle troll trolls again.
The Missing Hours of YLB revealed: He was not wired to the buzz box, as alleged. He was, in fact, performing unnatural acts with his life-sized and anatomically correct Ann Coulter blow-up doll.
Not realizing that he can get his very own real Ann Coulter – FREE. Although some restrictions apply to those allergic to rabbits.
Registration? With background checks & waiting periods? Only when you pry the 40-year grudges from my cold dead fingers.
(KUOW/NPR did one good thing in the last week, and Goldy wasn’t it. It was mentioning the excellent film ‘Will Penny’ that featured the excellent actor Chuck Heston. 40 years ago.)
A day w/o NRA is a day w/o sunshine.
Mike @6,
I’m a sole proprietorship. I just paid taxes on last year’s fund drive.
I may create a 501(c)4 at some point, but I don’t really think it necessary.
Heavy emphasis on old. Heavy emphasis on broad. As in wide.
Have you actually seen me, hot shot?
N @19,
If it means you’ll give money, I’ll say yes.
I assume that your icon is stolen or borrowed. Whoever it is, she’s way too cool (hot) to be hanging out at a skank venue like this. So back off, man.
Happy Birthday, David! You’re only three months older (and wiser ;)) than I am.
@27 In other words, no you haven’t. And I do hope you aren’t calling me a skank. Back off yourself, you lying POS.
Since when are you a venue? Parse, darling, parse. And please translate ‘POS’ … is it ‘Piece Of Subliminaty’ or ‘Peace Out Serenely’? Inquiring minds want to know.
(Subliminaty probably isn’t a word, but it probably should be. And you should return the stolen icon to its rightful owner. No lie.)
YLB is a skank, sight unseen. Tlaz, I suppose, is a gorgeous hunk of man, micropenis and all, who ‘backs off’ with tweezers and a thimble.
Goldy @24, just curious if I could deduct on my taxes.
I’m all for doing my patriotic duty to help the war in Iraq, but the larger I can make my refund, the better.
Talk is cheap, Goldy.
You can say all you want, but will you do yes? And soon?
I have an itchy PayPal finger, but I need more reassurance that my bucks will have a tangible effect.
“I need more reassurance that my bucks will have a tangible effect.”
Ah, the heavy PayPal finger of lib-tard capitalist coercion.
Seems this “skank venue” holds a certain fascination for you as a place to vent your pseudo-sophisticated right-wing blather – not to mention harass women who wouldn’t look twice at you even way back in the day.
You so boring little man!
“not to mention harass women”
Said nothing about your ass, YLB. Didn’t know you’re a woman, didn’t know which of three or four genders you represent, but knew from Day One that you’re a skank.
My man Tlaz wants me to have a nom de guerre of my own, so there it is: itchy PayPal finger. Priceless.
So if you call a place a ‘skank venue’ then what do you presume about the people who hang out there? Don’t fucking tell me to parse, you idiot! Can’t you even parse what you posted yourself?
Smarter trolls, please.
Get a PO Box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Democrats don’t give to charity, only to the government. To meet your goal you will need us trolls to help. Get a po box so we can send a money order.
Look how poorly you did last week getting the HA 16%ers to pony up a little cash to help out. Get the po box.
I presume that YLB & pudless lucy are skanks. At this skank venue. End of story.
Smarter Tlazolteotls, please.
Au contraire, Mr. Stamn. ‘Crats are way charitable. With money they extort from us.
Cool cash cow for sole proprietor David Goldstein: Charge Eliot Spitzer big bucks for each soggy rubber that Spitzer hocks on Goldstein’s lawn.
@10 You mean something similar to Stefan’s “legal action fund?” BTW, I wonder how his “investors” are doing with their investment in Stefan’s lawsuit to extract money from King County taxpayers because the elections department gave him only 600,000 of the documents he requested.
goldy, be careful of being beholden to big donors. “hey, why’d you write that BS about my good friend so and so after all that $$$$ i gave you…” and so on.
What happened Goldy, Employment Security
turn you down again? Maybe that dirtball
lawyer Sokolove could help you in your time
of greed.
Wow. Just, wow.
The signal-to-noise doesn’t seem to have improved, nor has the intelligence of the trolls. Too bad.
Happy birthday, Goldy.
Just hit up Marcy Burner after she loses. She should have some money left over.